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Page 1: Term 4 Week 8 December 2, Three Wise Men seem to have had the true understanding of the ... Cricket.

Term 4 Week 8 December 2, 2019

From the Principal’s desk…. Welcome to Week 8. The year is certainly moving along very fast. We have another active week at SJP with the P&F Christmas Carols tomorrow evening, Swim school for Kinder and Year 1, Kinder visiting the Masonic Village on Friday, Meeting 4 Mass with Year 2 this Sunday and of course the normal teaching and learning in our classrooms. Next Tuesday evening (10th of December) the P&F AGM will be taking place at 7:00pm in the staffroom. Everyone is very welcome to the meeting and positions for the P&F executive will be open.

P&F Christmas Carols Just a reminder that the P&F Christmas night is being held tomorrow, Tuesday, 3rd of December from 5:30 - 7:00pm. Each grade will be performing a Christmas Carol. There will be a Chocolate Wheel for Christmas hams operating, and a drink and ice block stall. - so come along with your picnic tea and enjoy the fun.

The season of ADVENT Christmas is just around the corner. The Three Wise Men seem to have had the true understanding of the Christmas event. They spent many weeks in anticipation as they travelled from their homeland to Bethlehem. When they arrived, their purpose was to honour the newborn child and out of courtesy they brought one gift each. We, too, have the opportunity for a period of anticipation in the Season of Advent. Of course, Advent is a constant season for, within our own lives, we are continuously waiting to become, to discover, to complete, to fulfil. Hope, struggle, fear, expectations, are all part of our Advent experience. God does not come to us from the sky, he comes to us in the daily story of our lives in people, places and events. Advent invites us to prepare for the commemoration of God’s coming by taking time to have a closer look inside ourselves away from the busy outside. The word 'advent' is Latin for 'a coming or arrival'. It is Jesus we are waiting for. But Advent is more than just waiting, we need to prepare ourselves. We don’t ‘wait’ for visitors to arrive, we clean and cook and get the junk out of the spare room, we make up beds for them. Advent is a time to prepare our hearts in the same way. Our Church and our prayer tables will change to the Lenten colour purple! You might have even noticed nature putting on its Advent colours with jacarandas and agapanthus on display. What will be “different” in your home this Advent? How will you show you are preparing for the special “arrival"? Father in heaven, soon the glory of your son, Jesus will make the night bright with light. Prepare our hearts and minds.



To change the world through our faith in Jesus who is our light and hope.


P&F MEETINGS: 2nd & 7th Tuesday each Term

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Gospel and Reflection: Matthew 24:37-44

As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days

before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;

and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood

came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two

men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with

a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

Matthew 24:44 – “You must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.”

Today’s Gospel is perfect for the commencement of Advent, as it so completely suits this time of waiting that may yet end at any time. Am I ready for God to return and claim the Earth and all its people?

If Jesus returned tomorrow, are we genuinely ready to face him? Or would we be thoroughly relying on an all-forgiving Lord to allow us more time to prepare ourselves? Jesus has already made it abundantly clear that we need to be awake and aware that he may return at any moment.

The parable of the maidens and the lamps is apt here – no matter if someone else has sufficient oil to light their lamp and yours, if you have none, you will need to go and buy oil for yourself before you can progress. You may very well miss the banquet if you are not fully ready.

It is very easy to go about our lives and forget that Jesus will be returning at an hour that we cannot predict. Let’s keep it in mind, however, and live our lives as if he is returning at any moment. This way, we will not be caught out and can have confidence in the outcome of our meeting with the Lord.

SCHOOL LEADERS 2020: Today and tomorrow Year 5 students who have put themselves forward for Captain 2020 will be presenting speeches to the school about what they will bring to the role as 2020 school leaders. The teachers have been impressed by the level of maturity and the depth of thought about leadership qualities during the preparation of the speeches. Well done Year 5, 2020 is going to be a fantastic year with you leading us!

Reports: The teachers are in the process of finalising reports for your child that will let you know about your child’s learning during the second half of this year. For all grades except Kindergarten, the children receive a grade for effort and a grade for achievement. Although we tend to, we shouldn’t compare children, especially not siblings, and if the children are putting in a big effort, we should be happy with the grades they achieve. The reports will be com-ing home on Thursday, 12th of December.

Principal’s Thankyou Morning Tea: It is a privilege to be Principal of St John’s Prima-

ry School. Our school is very fortunate to have so many people contribute to the life

of our school. From our P&F, classroom helpers, Parish, canteen helpers etc.

To say a special thankyou, I would like to invite all people who have given their time to

assist the school to a special morning tea after the Christmas Nativity Liturgy led by

Year 2 on Tuesday 17th of December at 11:00am. Coffee and cake will be available in

the staffroom. This will be a wonderful, wonderful opportunity to mingle with the

staff and celebrate a great 2019 working in partnership.

God Bless and have a wonderful week Anthony O’Leary

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Week 8 Term 4 December 2 - 5 Kindy and Year 1 Learn to swim Program

December 2 - Girl’s Captain Speeches 11.30 am School Hall

December 3 - Boy’s Captains Speeches 11.30am School Hall

December 3 - P & F Christmas Celebrations 5.30pm - 7.00pm All Welcome

December 5 - Kindy Blue and Gold Visit to Masonic Village

December 5 - Reconciliation with FR Greg Year 5 & 6, 12.30 – 1.00 Year 3 & 4, 2.00 - 3.00


Week 9 Term 4 December 12 - End of year Mass and Presentations 10.00am St Brigid’s Church

December 12 - Year 6 Graduation Dinner 6.00 - 9.00 Week 10 Term 4 December 16 - Year 7 2020 Orientation Day at St John’s College December 17 - Year 2 Nativity Liturgy 10.15am December 17 - 2020 up class visits 11.30—12.00 December 18 - Last Day of Term

Week 1 Term 1 2020 January 29th - Kindergarten and Year 6 commence for 2020 January 30th - Year 1,2,3,4,and 5 commence for 2020

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St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal

Dear Parents,

For many years now, St John’s Primary School has contributed in a large way

to the wellbeing of local Dubbo families who are in need of support at

Christmas time, through the donation of food hampers.

This has been greatly appreciated by St Vincent de Paul and the families who

have been the recipients of the hampers.

In 2019 we will continue this tradition of generous giving. All students of SJP

have been asked to purchase one or two items to make a class hamper. If

everyone contributes, St John’s will be able to donate 30 hampers to the


The hampers will be collected by St Vincent de Paul in week 9 of this term.

A sincere thankyou for your support.

Paula Clifford

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Hi Everyone,

With only 13 days of school left for 2019 the canteen will begin destocking for summer holidays.

If you child has ordered something that is no longer available we will speak to them regarding their order.

This weeks helper is Michelle Brown

Cathy and Brooke


Our next rostered banking will be Wednesday December 4th

Our banking parent for this week is Tracy Letfallah.

Please ensure that child’s banking is sent in to school before Wednesday .

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Library News Week 8 Term 4 2019

All library books are now due. Please remind children to return all library

books to the library. Any books that have been lost or damaged need to be re-

placed or paid for. If you have any concerns over missing library books please

contact me in the library.

Summer Sport Trials

On Thursday the 14th of November there were a hand full of students from

St John’s Primary who went to Summer Sports Trials. The sports options

were touch football, cricket, softball, tennis and basketball.

Phoebe Fitzgerald and Chloe Bleechmore were successful in being selected to

become apart of the Diocesan Summer Sports teams for Touch Football and

Cricket. Phoebe will represent St John’s in May at Port Macquarie and Chloe

will represent St John’s in August at Lismore. Both girls should be proud of

their effort and be happy to represent St John’s for 2020. Congratulations

Phoebe and Chloe on your sportsmanship and determination shown.


Thank you to all parents who have joined Seesaw and linked to their child’s account. Teachers and stu-dents are very excited to share work, photos and videos with their parents to show what we have been doing in our class and in our school. It is an online student learning portfolio and teachers have enjoyed using Seesaw as a tool to open up our classrooms and share the fun and learning that happens every-day here at St John’s Primary.

All students have received login details to take home to parents. If you haven't seen the note please contact your child’s teacher to ask for another. Students may have up to 10 people linked to their journal, so feel free to share with grandparents and other family members.

Mrs Emery

IT Support

P & F Christmas Evening

Battery operated candles for the

Christmas evening will be on

sale for $2.00 each.