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Term 3 Reflection This term has been a great term for me. It has been so good because we got to do a heap of

fun things like see Morris Gleitzman, play a round of dogeball every Friday for four weeks,

we even got to go to Hooptime and the future stars and the All stars team made it through

to the next round of Hooptime which we have not played yet.

In about the sixth week of this term we had house cross country. Although it is almost

impossible to happen two of the houses tied for first place. The two houses that tied for first

were Battye and Richards.

In the second last week of term we had to present a speech on an animal from the Great

Barrier Reef. We had to make our speech go for longer than one minute but shorter the

three minutes. I did my speech on the Manta Ray.

Because at the end of term 4 we are going to create an exhibition most of the year sixers

went to the Melbourne exhibition centre to see the exhibitions set up by a lot of big

companies but unfortunately I was unwell on the day so I couldn’t go.

Another fun thing that we did this term was our french dream house. What we had to do in

this was build a house on a program like Google sketch. Then what we had to do was make

the house economical by putting things such as solar panels on the house. On my house I

put solar panels, a washing line, sea grape as a fence, a compost bin and a vegetable patch.

On Wednesday the 21st of September the junior school of St Margrets and Berwick

Grammar School had a concert. At the concert I performed a trio with Pavan and Damien.

The piece we played was called Country Garden.

This has been a great term for me.

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Individual Learning Plan

Student Name: Yianni Makroliolios Year Level: Year 6LM

“Virtute et Labore” “Strength through Effort”

Teacher Student


French: In french I need to remember how to say and spell words properly. I will know that I have reached this goal when I can have a conversation with Miss Turner. ( term 3 & 4)

English: I need to learn how to pronounce and spell words without thinking about it. I will know that I have done this when I can do it easily. (term 3 & 4)

Art: In art I need to speak up more in class conversations. I will know that I have done this when I do it without thinking. (term 3)


I need to put my ideas out there in group conversations more. I will know that I have done this when I put out my ideas without thinking. (term 3 & 4)

I will try to get my homework done earlier in the week. This will be done by writing it in my diary and then checking my diary after school. (term 3 & 4)

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In English this term we have learnt a lot of things. Some of these things were learning how to

summarise a report, writing a text response and editing and proofreading. I think that I have

improved my skills in all of these areas and more. I think that I still need to improve my skills in

writing a text response.

The thing that I have improved on the most is writing a text response but I can still improve my skills.

I feel that I am now able to edit and proofread my own work without a teacher helping me. I also

find it a lot easier to summarise a report.

Another thing that we have learnt quite recently is how to add a suffix or prefix. I now also find it

easy to add suffixes and prefixes.

This term has been great for me and I couldn’t have done it without Miss McMurtrie.

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Maths This term in maths we have learnt how to do algebra, square and cubed numbers, angles, angles of

triangles and a lot of other things. I think that easiest thing to learn this term was squared and cubed

numbers. The hardest thing to learn was the angles of triangles because in the sheet that we did you

had to try and guess what the angles of some of the triangles were. I think that square and cubed

numbers were the easiest to learn because I already knew how to work out squared numbers so all I

had to do was learn how to work out how cubed numbers.

I think that I could improve my skills in dividing decimals. I could do this by taking my time and

writing down the sum on paper.

This has been a great term for me and I have learnt a lot of things that will help me in the future.

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UOI This term in UOI, we have had two transdisciplinary themes. They were sharing the Planet and How

We Express Ourselves. During Sharing the Planet we did a project on an economical power source

and presented a poster/ PowerPoint on it. I choose wind power as my power source and I called my

company Wind Valley .co. During this we had to write a proposal o the appropriate minister to ask

them if they will fund your proposal for change.

During the How We Express Ourselves transdisciplinary theme we had to take five photos of

ourselves. In each photo we had to have a different facial expression, and to go with the facial

expression we had to choose a song that fits into the facial expression. We also had to write a

sentence to say why we choose the song to go with the facial expression.

This has been a great term for me and I hope the next term is even better.

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PYP Attitudes/Learner Profiles This term I think that I have shown confidence. I have shown confidence when I performed at the

Junior School Concert. I performed in a trio with Damien and Pavan. We performed a piece called

Country Garden. I showed confidence during this by overcoming my fear of performing in front of a

large crowd.

Another time that I showed confidence was when I tried out for the HoopTime. I showed confidence

in this by having confidence in my abilities. Because I had confidence in my abilities I made it into

the all-star team which is the highest team you can get into.

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Sport During sport this term we learnt how to play rugby union, rugby league, soccer and AFL. When we

were learning Rugby we were going to learn the haka but because we didn’t have time we didn’t get

to learn it.

The best sport that we learnt was rugby union because it was really fun. It was fun because you had

to try and get the ball and then once you had it you had to try and get past the defenders on the

other team. In our final match of rugby it was Miss McMurtrie class against Mr Kemperman class.

During the match one of the players from the other team tried to pass it to another player but when

it was about halfway there Sahil stole the ball and ran straight past all of the defenders. When Sahil

got the ball he took off with it. When he was running down the field all of the players from the other

were chasing him but because he is a fast runner he out ran them all and scored a touch down for

our team.

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Art Art has been one of my favourite subjects this year. This term it has gotten even better though. My

favourite thing to do this term was the oil pastel sketch of a cartoon character or a game/ game

character. The character I chose was Sonic the hedgehog. I choose him because his skin is mostly

blue so I didn’t have to mix colours. I found that drawing sonic was actually quite hard because you

have to pay attention to where the outline of his eyes and mouth are because if you don’t then

there will be nothing but a patch of blue where his face should be. Other things that people did were

Gran Turismo 5, Call of Duty black Ops and many more.

In art we have started to make a colour-matic which is a trick were you have a coloured picture of

something and then you have the outline of the same character which you tape to the top of the

coloured in picture then you slide it in and out of a frame with a piece of paper in the middle of it so

it looks like the picture gets coloured in and then the colour gets erased.

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Science This term in science we have learnt all about the Great Barrier Reef. In this time we had to make two

posters. One was about the coral in the GBR and one was about the manta ray. I learned about

different types of fish and the adaptations they have made to survive in their environment. I also

learned about things that people do which can harm ecosystems like the Barrier Reef and what we

can do to make this stop happening.

The Great Barrier Reef is a home for many different species of fish and animals. It is almost 200

kilometres long, and is a National Park. The government has made laws to protect the Reef from

fishing and tourists, because they can damage the reef without even knowing it, by polluting the

water and damaging the coral.

I learned that Manta Rays are basically defenceless; they don’t have a stinger in their tails like

stingrays. If they are attacked by a predator, they use their size and speed to try to get away from


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This term in library, we had Book Week. We had lots of different activities to do, like games

and quizzes.

I made a model of a book using a box which told the story the Exodus of the Animals. I used

a cereal box and decorated it with a Greek flag because it was an ancient Greek fable. I had

to write the story and put it on the back of the box. Everyone else made one based on

stories from different countries and we put them on display in the library.

We also learned how to use Cite Ace, which is a bibliographic reference program. It helps

you to keep track of the sources of information you use in your assignments and projects.

The books I have borrowed this term have mostly been the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I

think that they are really good. I will try and read some other books in term 4 and I will try

to read more often.

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This term in French, we had to design and label an environmentally friendly house. We also had to

label the landscape features around it, like deserts, forests and mountains.

I did mine using Google Sketchup, and I included water tanks and solar panels in my house. We also

learned some new vocabulary so that we could name the eco-friendly features on our houses in

French. I put in a vegetable garden, a compost bin, a clothes line and solar panels.

We also learned about the French Revolution. We learnt that the people that started the french

revolution broke the people out of the jail but at the time there were only five or six people in the

jail. They also completely destroyed the jail. The jail was called Bastille. Today the people of france

realise this day as Bastille Day.

We also learnt that one of the kings at the time got killed by his own invention. This invention was

called the guillotine. It is a tall wooden structure which has a hole in the bottom of it, then they

would put your head in the hole and then let go of a rope that held a blade in the air which would

cut your head off.

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This term in Music we learned to play the keyboard. We learned about the different notes on a

keyboard. Thanks to Mrs Hambly we now know were all of the keys are and what their called. We

also learnt what the notes are called. They are A B C D E F G.

We studied some music by Gustav Holst called The Planets. It was written between 1914 and 1916

and has all of the planets as parts of it. Some are really loud and fast, and others are softer and

gentler. They are interesting pieces of music.

This term I also had band practice every Thursday. I practiced the clarinet with Pavan and Damian

and we performed as a trio at the Junior Concert. We played Country Garden. I played the third

role. We made some mistakes, but we all made sure that we kept playing. I was very nervous

before the performance, but it was over with very quickly and I really enjoyed it.