Download - Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends

Page 1: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends

May 2006 | Iyar-Sivan 5766

May Shabbatot & Other Services

Shabbat Achare Mot – Kedoshim May 5 & 6Leviticus 16:1 – 20:27Friday, May 56:30 pm Bo’i Shabbat Service

8:15 pm Learners Shabbat Service

Saturday, May 69:00 am Torah Study

9:00 am Tot Activity

10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service

B’not Mitzvah of Yael Urbach & Thalia Aoki

5:00 pm Afternoon B'nai Mitzvah Service of Andy Gross &

Elias Chajet

Shabbat Emor – May 12 & 13Leviticus 21:1 – 24:23 Friday, May 126:30 pm Teacher Recognition Shabbat Service

8:15 pm Israel Shabbat Service

Saturday, May 139:00 am Torah Study

10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service

B’nai Mitzvah of Ryan Swirsky & Daniel Heins

Thursday, May 18 6:45 pm Service of Strength, Comfort & Healing

Shabbat Bahar-Bechukotai – May 19 & 20Leviticus 25:1 – 27:34Friday, May 196:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service for Younger Families

8:15 pm Volunteer Shabbat Service; we also welcome

Cantor Emil Toth

Saturday, May 209:00 am Torah Study

9:00 am Tot Shabbat Service

10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service

B’nai Mitzvah of Nina Zegler & Jake Saunders

10:30 am Parallel Shabbat Morning Minyan

Shabbat Bemidbar – May 26 & 27Numbers 1:1 – 4:20 Friday, May 266:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service for Older Families

8:15 pm Erev Shabbat, Koleinu sings

Aufruf of Rabbi Marcus Burstein and Eric Larson

Saturday, May 279:00 am Torah Study

10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service

B’nai Mitzvah of Eric Villani & Theodore Aronson

Temple Rodef Shalom Bulletin

The Clergy, Staff, & Board of Directorsof Temple Rodef Shalom

Invite you to celebrate withRabbi Marcus Burstein and Mr. Eric Larson

At their Auf RufWhen they will be

called to the Bima for a special blessing

Prior to their wedding

Friday, May 26, 2006 at the 8:15 pm Erev Shabbat Service

Temple Rodef

Shalom and

Rabbi Laszlo


invite you to

attend an

outstanding concert of Jewish

music by world renowned

cantor Emil Toth of Budapest,


Participating with Cantor

Toth will be Rabbi Laszlo

Berkowits and our

distinguished TRS Professional Quartet

Accompanied by TRS Choir Director, Frank


Don’t miss this once in a lifetime musically

spiritual experience!

Cantor Toth has performed in the major cities of Europe

including London, Berlin, Helsinki, Stockholm and also in


Cantor Toth will also participate in the Erev Shabbat Worship Service

With Rabbi Laszlo Berkowits

May 19 at 8:15 pm

Saturday, May 20, 8:00pm

Page 2: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


FIRST SHABBAT OF THE MONTH• Friday 6:30 pm – Bo’i Shabbat• Friday 8:15 pm – Shabbat Evening Worship• Saturday 9:00 am – Tot Shabbat Activity• Saturday 10:30 am – Shabbat Morning Worship• Saturday 5:00 pm – Shabbat Afternoon Mincha


SECOND SHABBAT OF THE MONTH• Friday 6:30 pm – Younger Family Shabbat

Worship (K-3) • Friday 8:15 pm – Shabbat Evening Worship• Saturday 10:30 am – Shabbat Morning Worship

THIRD SHABBAT OF THE MONTH• Friday 6:30 pm – Early Erev Shabbat Service• Friday 8:15 pm – Shabbat Evening Worship• Saturday 9:00 am – Tot Shabbat Service• Saturday 10:30 am – Shabbat Morning Worship• Saturday 10:30 am – Parallel Shabbat Morning


FOURTH SHABBAT OF THE MONTH• Friday 6:30 pm – Older Family Shabbat Worship(Grade 3- and up) • Friday 8:15 pm – Shabbat Evening Worship• Saturday 10:30am – Shabbat Morning Worship

Our Onegs for early services will precede the service.

There will be Israeli Dancing immediately following

the young family and older family services.

Table of Contents16 �� ARZA-Bridge to Israel

08 �� B’nai Mitzvah26 �� Calendar

18 �� Caring

03 �� Clergy

19 �� Donations

17 �� Library

05 �� Membership

13 �� Men’s Club

09 �� Outreach

06 �� Religious School

15 �� Scrapbook

12 �� Sisterhood

14 �� Social Action

10 �� TRSTY & Jr. TRSTY


Please join us on Friday, June 2 at 7:30pm for ourShavuot/Confirmation Service. This will be our only service

for the evening. Please note the special time.

Beginning June 9 through August 25, there will be oneErev Shabbat Service each Friday, beginning at 6:30pm. A Wine and Cheese Welcome will be hosted byour Membership Committee on second Friday of eachmonth beginning at 6:00pm during summer months.

For information on Summer Shabbat Dinners, please seefuture postings on our TRS Weekly E-letter. If you are notalready subscribed to receive this weekly e-mail and wouldlike to be included, please e-mail [email protected] and include your membership number in thebody of the e-mail. Your membership number can be foundon the back of your monthly bulletin, and on your quarterlystatement. This important weekly e-mail will keep you up todate on weekly programs and services, messages from theclergy, program additions and changes, deadline reminders,membership mazel tovs and condolences and much more!

For descriptions, please view our Templewebsite at


Page 3: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


From the Clergy

For hundreds of years Spain hosted wonderful and varied communities of Jews. The Jewish peopleenriched the country in many ways – philosophy, med-

icine, the arts, culturally, financially, and in other ways too.Our traditions and contributions left a powerful mark on theSpanish people. Unfortunately, our official presence in Spaincame to an end with the expulsion of the Jews in 1492 underKing Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Yet our influence still survives–Spain is rich with many remnants of Jewish existence that have endured hundreds of years. More recently,smaller Jewish communities throughout the country continueto thrive.

Many of you know that I studied in Madrid for part of myjunior year of college in 1992 – the perfect year to be in Spain.That year Madrid was the Cultural Capital of Europe, Sevillehad the World’s Fair and the Olympic Games took place inBarcelona. The 500th anniversary of the expulsion of the Jewswas commemorated by many events as well. One of my mostspecial experiences was singing for the King and Queen ofSpain as they attended services in Madrid’s synagogue – it wasthe first time that both reigning monarchs had ever been in a

synagogue. Throughout my six months in Spain I had theopportunity to travel to many places and in future trips toSpain I continued to learn about the country and the Jewishcommunities there.

I would love to share my love and knowledge of Spainwith you on a trip this December 2006. Although plans arenot finalized, I would like to see if there is enough interest tolead a tour of Jewish Spain from December 21-January 1,2007. Even though it may be too ambitious for 10 days myhope is that the trip will include visits to Madrid, Toledo,Seville, Cordoba, Granada, Barcelona and Girona. My guess isthat it would cost $3000-3500 per person. Details are stillbeing worked out.

If you are interested in joining other members of ourcommunity to experience Jewish Spain, please be in touchwith my assistant Stacy Twersky at: [email protected]. As we figure out more of the details we will be intouch with you.

Gracias,Rabbi Marcus Burstein

Reflecting on WorshipDear Friends,

Just after the High Holidays this past year we instituted a new

worship schedule. The primary change was the option of two

services each Friday night. It was our goal to offer more diverse

worship as well as new times that might accommodate different

schedules. This experiment in worship, which we created in response to the congrega-

tion’s feedback over the past few years, has gone well in many regards. We have learned

more about what you are and are not looking for in your worship experience. We have

seen which groups want to worship early and which prefer to come to Temple later.

The past seven months have given us helpful information which we will use to plan for

next year. However, before we do that, we want to hear more from you about your

thoughts on our worship options. Please take advantage of this invitation to attend an

open forum on worship on Sunday evening, May 21 at 7:30 pm. There we can discuss

not only the times of worship, but also the style of our service and other questions you

may have or issues you may want to raise. Please join me.

Rabbi Amy Schwartzman


Sunday, May 21 • 7:30 pm

There we can discuss not only the

times of worship, but also the style of

our service and other questions you

may have or issues you may want to


A TRS Trip to Jewish Spain

Camp Rodef Shalom is seeking a CampArt Counselor for Summer 2006. We arelooking for an art counselor who willcreate art projects for the campers thatinclude Judaic content. Hours are 8:30am–4 pm Monday-Friday from MondayJune 19–Friday August 4. Contact CampDirector Jay Rapoport at [email protected] or 703/532-2241x251.

Page 4: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


Chloe Berk

Julia Berkson

Jacqueline Birnbaum

Jamie Breitner

Michael Brill

Jody Davis

Alana Dreiman

Samantha Duberstein

Evan Felser

Michael Fink

Alex Geralnick

Mark Goldberg

David Gorsky

Bradley Himelfarb

Scott Hoffman

Joseph Huennekens

Benjamin Jardot

Michael Kalish

Katie Klein

Ariel Lepon

Drew Levin

Laura Miller

David Milstein

Sarah Moser

Maggie Nice

Samantha Penenburgh

Daniel Pollack

Jennifer Polo-Sherk

Alexander Ray

Cory Rich

Halle Ritter

Benjamin Roberts

Effe Rosenzweig

Emily Schwartz

Alyssa Shames

Stephen Silverstein

Alexander Sirlin

Natalie Stearman

Samuel Strongin

Charles Wexell

Dana Whitman

Margaret Winters

Rachel Wolman

Samantha Zito

Parents, relatives and friends of each confirmand are encouraged to send Mazel Tovgreetings in the form of Uniongram Certificates that are available from TRS Sisterhood.These certificates benefit the Women of Reform Judaism's YES Fund (Youth, Educationand Special Projects) For further information, please contact Joan Neiman at 703/241-2729 or [email protected]

The Clergy, Staff & Board of Directors of

Temple Rodef Shalom invite you to a Service of Confirmation

Friday, June 2 • 7:30 pm

6 Sivan 5766


Friday, May 198:15 pm

Join us for this special

opportunity to recog-

nize all of our

wonderful volunteer

activities and projects that our

temple members have partici-

pated in over the past year. A

flower will be added to our

bema vase for each volunteer

project that has been worked on

over the past year. By the time

we finish acknowledging proj-

ects, the vase will be overflowing

with beautiful flowers and our

bema will be filled with repre-

sentatives of each project who

will receive a blessing from our

clergy. Please contact the chair

of your committee to make sure

your project is on our list to be

honored. If a Temple volunteer

project you were involved in was

done independent of a TRS

committee, please contact Anita

Thornton, Program Director, at

703/532-2217 ext 301 or e-mail

a t h o r n t o n @ t e m p l e r o d e f - to have your volun-

teer project added to the list.

We will also be welcoming guest

Cantor Emil Toth, to the bema

on this evening. Cantor Toth

will be presenting a concert on

Saturday, May 20.

Blood Drive

On June 5th from 1:00 to 7:00 the TRS semi-annual blood drive will take place. As usual, it will be held inthe Social Hall. Giving the gift of life is safe and simple. It takes only an hour of your time. As summer approaches, there is even more need to replenish our blood supply. The Temple has been a loyalfriend in these drives and INOVA relies on us.Giving blood is healthy and it makes you feel good about yourself. Harriet Beckman 703/356-3586 [email protected] and Karen Hecker 703/759-5618 [email protected] are the Sisterhood contacts for the Temple. We hope to hear from you.

Give Blood, the Gift of Life.

Page 5: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


Membership Chairs:Tamar Abrams • 703/526-0090 • [email protected]

Mike Rankin • 703/536-5698 • [email protected]


TRS Renaissance –Upcoming Events�� Sunday, May 7, Jewish Film Festival held at theCinema Arts Theatre. We will view the film,Ushpizin,following dinner at a local restaurant for Renaissance members.

�� Sunday, May 21, all day trip to Jewish Brooklyn co-sponsored with JCCNV. Contact Carla Rosenfeld at [email protected] or call 703-323-0880X37.

�� June 23, Round Robin Shabbat Dinner.

�� Sunday, June 25, Renaissance Book Club.

�� Ongoing Activities• Dining Out Together

Renaissance provides social activities for TRS members and

their spouses who are in their 50’s and 60’s. To learn more

details about TRS Renaissance events, please check the

Renaissance email letter. To add your name to the email list or

to volunteer to help to coordinate an event, please contact Tibor

or Barbara Schonfeld at [email protected] or call 703-242-7564.

Wine and Cheese WelcomeMay 12th • 7:45 PM

Our Wine and Cheese Welcome is held the secondShabbat of every month in the library from 7:45

P.M. to 8:10 P.M. Come schmooze with members,both new and those who have been around for awhile. Go into services with the group at 8:15. It’s more fun thansitting alone. Please join us!

Chaverim- Single Parent Families

Chaverim means friends! Please make new friends with our wonderful group!

Come to our fun, meaningful events! For more information, please contact

Laurie Solomon at 703/532-3847.

Keshet-Keshet is Temple Rodef Shalom’s gayand lesbian affinity group. Please contact our new coordinator Bruce Laird E-mail [email protected] 703/732-7376 for more information.

Vatikim-(A social group for our senior members ages 70+) Stimulating

activities including lunch gatherings, guest speakers, holiday meals, trips to the

theatre and museums provide wonderful day time opportunities for our

seniors. Transportation is provided for all of our Vatikim offsite events.

“What a Difference Five Years Makes”Upcoming Congregational Survey

Five years is not a very long time in the history of the Jews. But in the history of TRS a sea change has occurred in the last 5 years, includ-ing the renovation of, and addition to, our building. It was in June, 2000 that the Long Range Planning Committee surveyed theCongregation to determine how congregants felt about the Temple. We received a huge response -- 45% of the Congregation returnedour survey, more than double the usual number of respondents to such surveys. And those survey results helped us formulate a StrategicPlan for TRS in 2002.

Today it is hard to recall the old building. (Remember that one small staircase clogged with up and down traffic and the old socialhall that did not encourage socializing?) So the Strategic Plan is due for an update. The Long Range Planning Committee is gatheringinformation for the next strategic plan and has prepared a new survey for the Congregation.

Five years has also made a world of difference in administering the survey. No need to find paper and pencil. We encourage you totake this survey on-line. This will streamline the data gathering and minimize the time to analyze the results. If you don’t have accessto the Internet, or don’t want to take the survey on-line, please call TRS at 703-527-2217 or pick up a survey from the receptionist.

To take the survey on-line, go to the TRS website at (or access from the e-newsletter.) Click on theSurvey link and take 15 minutes to help us assess where we are today so that we may build a better future for our congregation.

Please note that each and every adult in your household is a member of the Congregation and we want to hear from all the adultmembers in your family, not just one.

Any questions?: email [email protected] need your responses and look forward to hearing from you.

Long Range Planning CommitteeCory Amron, Chair

Page 6: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


Religious SchoolFrom the Educator

It’s hard to believe that the end of our year is right around the cor-ner. In just a few weeks, we will wrap up on of our most successful

years of learning! It has been a fantastic year with lots of incredibleprograms and events that will be memorable for a long time… PACTdays, class plays, new Hebrew words, holiday celebrations, the mockWedding, T’filah each week for grades 3-5 with the Clergy, Grade 6leading their own T’filah, Grades K-2 having T’filah once a monthwith Cantor Robbins, Music and Dance with our talented specialistsMichael Smolen, Joe Cohen, Joanne Stefanick and Jody Wager…. Thelist could go on and on and I hope you will take a moment as a fami-ly to remember your own special favorites!

Our teachers are the foundation of our wonderful program. Eachweek, they think and plan for the wonderful creativity that happens inour rooms. They truly care about their students and work hard forthem each week to ensure the best of experiences. I know that you alljoin me in my gratitude to each of our staff who give tirelessly to ourkids! I hope you will all join us at the Family Shabbat service on May12 at 6:30 as we celebrate Teacher Recognition Shabbat. This is achance to show our teachers just how much they mean to us!

Our teachers receive much support from our Religious Schooloffice. Our Assistant Principals, Barbara Brot Bailey, Janis Wexler, andJudy Cincinnati are incredible at providing all that teachers need tomake their classes successful. I am so appreciative of their dedicationto the program and to the teachers and the students. Each week theycarefully plan, accounting for every needed detail from space to sup-plies to background material to teacher guidance in planning. Themultitasking accomplished by them is surpassed only perhaps by ourReligious School secretary Jen Schall. Working with unprecedentedefficiency, Jen manages our office and keeps us all looking great! It isher talent that gets all of the administrative work done and done well.Every bus, every flier, every mailing, every traffic reminder, every signin sheet, all the Xeroxing , all the Tzedakah monies, all the every-thing!!!! We are all so thankful to have her as part of the team!

The Religious School doesn’t operate in a vacuum and we arepleased to celebrate our many partnerships: first, with AdministratorBeth Silver, Program Director Anita Thornton and the entire“upstairs” support staff , Laura Jacobs, Robin Mathews, BarbColeman, Simin Shahard, Anne Duncan, Danielle Parmenter, StaceyTwersky and Martha Hill. Secondly, with youth directors MichelleSandler and Shelli Hutchinson and with Karen Simpson and theNursery School staff. Oh what we all know about shared space! Weare also thankful to Jose Morales and his staff for keeping the buildingrunning for all of our very busy days! Cheers to Chris Gardner forkeeping our computers up and running. And, we are blessed to haveClergy who are not only supportive but participatory in so many ofour events and programs. Rabbi Schwartzman, Cantor Shochet,Rabbi Burstein, Rabbi Berkowitz, Student Cantor Robbins and RabbiWeiner (of PEP class fame!) are all important parts of our learningduring the year. Thank you all!

Last but certainly not least, we are grateful to you, the parents andfamilies for giving us the opportunity and the honor to work withyour kids and to help shape the future of Judaism. So many of youtake active roles in the school from room parenting to seder volun-teers to book fair and candy sorter. A special thank you and muchgratitude goes to our Religious School committee ably chaired by LeeBerner and Ellice Halpern Barnes with help from Vice President incharge of Education, Hannah Moore.

As one year closes, we are already preparing for next year whichpromises to be the best yet! Hold this year’s memories in your heartbut get ready for what is yet to come!

Kudos and thank you once again to everyone for a fantastic year!Yashar Koach!

L’shalom,Dina Backer, RJE



Tuesday, May 2 Aliyah, Haskalah closing Night of classes:FAMILY NIGHT FOR ALL 6:30-8:15

Friday, May 12 Teacher Recognition Shabbat Younger Family Shabbat Worship 6:30Faculty Shabbat Dinner (by reservation) 7:30pm

Sunday, May 14 Aliyah (grade 7) closing Jewish Studies Program 9:30-11:30

Tuesday, May 16,Wednesday, May 17 Closing days of Madregot Hebrew classes

Sunday, May 21 Closing day of Yisodot and Madregot Sunday Classes watch for information about an exciting day!

LOOKING AHEADFriday, June 2 Shavout and Confirmation 7:30pm

Congregational Meeting Tuesday, June 6 • 7:00 pm Weather permitting, we will meet in our beautiful garden--come meet and socialize with other congregantsand have an input!

Important Agenda Items: • FY 2007 Budget and new 5 year Financial Planning

• New slate of officers

• Religious School update

• Youth Group update

• Nursery School update

Page 7: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends




This summer will mark a change in

the Religious School office as we bid

farewell to 2 very special people.

After 16 years combined as a teacher

and an administrator, Judy Cincinnati

is leaving her position as Assistant

Principal of Aliyah and Haskalah,

and, after 3 years, Janis Wexler will

be leaving her position as Assistant

Principal of Madregot. We offer

heart felt thanks to both of them for

a tremendous job done well and we

wish them both the best of luck as

they move onto new endeavors!

Mazel tov to Janis and fiancé, Matt

Lehrer, who will be married in June!


FAMILY FUN DAYSunday, May 21

9:30-12 noon

Come one come all!

Attendance will be taken for K-6 students

9:30-10:40 amgrade wide programming (coffee for parents!)

10:45 am closing program for parents andstudents followed by an IceCream social! (Parents are invit-ed to join us for the closing ceremonies and are needed to beto be present for students in theice cream social. )



Robyn Abzug Elliot Bell KrasnerJennifer Berenholz Katie BlalockFred Blumenthal Melissa BlyeSuzi Burnside Rabbi M. Burstein Maya Chertok Anna Aslin CohenJoe Cohen Babette Cohn Jen Cowen Sylvia CsongosJulie Featherman Judy Fine Lisa Fried Mackem Amy Friedman Nurit Glaser Heather GlickJessy Gross Jordan HeiberCarole Heller Danielle Heyman-Feist Shelli Hutchinson Shaina Korman Houston Adam Kwasman Carly Lindauer Michael Lindner Erica LipperRobin Madison Karen MajercsekLisa Ortmayer Josh Renne Student Cantor Rebecca Robbins Elise RubinNitsa Rosensweig Suzanne SaudersNancy Siegel Rabbi Amy SchwartzmanMichael Smolen Cantor Michael ShochetJoanne Stefanick Phyllis SmelkinsonSarah Stone Rachael SmolenDana Stroul Laurie Steiger Jesse Thornton Brian Strongin Jody Wager Gay Sullivan,Rebecca Weiner Jen UngerJudy Weiss Nathan Weiner

Religious School

Alexis AbbeyMichael Abrahams*Jodi AbramsEmily Bass*Chloe BerkJamie BreitnerMichael BrillErin Briskin*Jenny Chalmer*Daniel Cincinnati*Elise CohenLeah CorrJody DavisAlana DreimanJamie FacendaDave Fink*Mike FinkLaura Fletcher*Larissa Flores*Liz Freeman Rachel FriedJonathan GayerAlex Geralnick Mark Goldberg

David GorskyDana GreenleeBrad HimelfarbScott HoffmanJoey HuennekensRachel JacobsonBen Jardot Matt Jones* Michael Kalish Jesse KatzmanSam KlausnerCaroline Kleger Wendy Leitner*Ariel LeponJoe Levy*Lori Marshall*Eli MellenDavid MilsteinEvan Monat-Edelstein Sarah MoserSammy Penenburgh Adina PollackDanny PollackJennifer Polo-Sherk

Alex RayEric Reif*Cory RichJessie RichardsonHalle RitterKarina Rosenbaum Etay RosenzweigMalka RothMeredith RubinSuzanne Schlossberg Emily SchwartzAlyssa ShamesStephen SilversteinAlex SirlinAvra Stackpole*Natalie StearmanSam StronginAndrew Sullivan Charlie Wexell Dana WhitmanMaggie WintersRachel Wolman Samantha Zito


* designates graduating seniors who have assisted in classrooms for 3 years

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B’nai MitzvahMay 6 • Yael Urbach

Yael is the daughter of Jeff Urbach and Janet Kahn.She is in the seventh grade at Mary Ellen HendersonMiddle School. Yael likes taking part in school plays,The Science Fair and Math Olympiad. She playssoccer with the Rascals, enjoys the Girl Scouts and

reading. Yael organized her scout troop to collect kid-friendlyband-aids for INOVA Fairfax Hospital for Children. Yael wants acareer in which she can apply her interest in science.

May 6 • Thalia AokiThalia is the daughter of Ann and Steven Aoki. She isin the seventh grade at Longfellow Middle School onthe Yagottawanas team. She enjoys reading fantasyand historical fiction and recently started jazz dance.Thalia also loves history and science and plans to be

an archeologist or a biologist. For her mitzvah project Thalia iscollecting money to pay for bednets in malaria-stricken countries.

May 6 • Andrew GrossAndy is the son of Gary and Beth Gross. He is in theseventh grade at Thoreau Middle School. Andy listsbaseball under team sports; he also likes spendingtime with friends and family, listening to music andmaking people laugh! He tutored elementary school

students and participated in TRS Mitzvah Day projects. Andy’scareer aspirations at this time are to become a professional base-ball player.

May 6 • Elias ChajetElias is the son of Henry and Nancy Chajet. He is aseventh grade student at Cooper Middle School.Elias enjoys playing drums and is in the PercussionEnsemble at school. He also plays tennis, racquetballand squash but his favorite sport is baseball. Elias

likes snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing and snowboarding. He lovesto go to the beach with his family, hang out with his neighborhoodand temple friends and participate in Jr. TRSTY activities, includingthe Leadership Group. Elias worked with Noah’s Ark Foundationfor the past several months, helping to find homes for abandoneddogs and cats.

May 13 • Ryan SwirskyRyan is the son of Keith and Marjorie Swirsky. He isa seventh grade student at Cooper Middle School.Ryan has a sister who is also a student at TRS. Ryanloves reading and reads an enormous amount of fic-tion. He enjoys playing games on the computer and

playing with his pet guinea pigs. Ryan also likes playing tennis andbasketball. Ryan combined his love of reading with his MitzvahProject. Ryan organized collecting money so that he could buynew storybooks to give to sick children in area hospitals. He raisedenough money so that each book could be given along with astuffed animal.

May 13 • Daniel HeinsDaniel is the son of Leslie and John Heins. He is an8th grader at the Sidwell Friends School inWashington, D.C., where he competes on the mathand tennis teams. Daniel loves music: he plays pianoand sings in three school choruses. In his spare time

he also enjoys reading Japanese manga, playing video games anddoing a wide variety of crafts from knitting to origami. As part ofhis community service, Daniel organized a bake sale at his schoolto raise money for Cows for Kids, an organization that donatescows to poor nomadic families in Kenya.

May 20 • Nina ZeglerNina is the daughter of Ella Berkowitz and ThomasZegler. She is in the 7th grade at Longfellow MiddleSchool where she plays the clarinet in the WindEnsemble Band. She has played soccer with McLeanYouth Soccer since kindergarten and has also been

on the McLean Marlins Swim Team since the summer of 1999.She swims in the winter for York Swim Club as well. She enjoysreading, down hill skiing, going on bike rides and shopping at themall with her friends. She volunteered to babysit during the HighHoly Days at the Temple.

May 20 • Jake SaundersJake is the son of David and Cindy Saunders. He is inthe seventh grade at Cooper Middle School. Jake’steam sports include baseball, basketball and flagfootball. He is a volunteer for the Fairfax CountyAdapted Aquatics Program working with special

needs children in the water. Jake spends his summers at CampNock-A-Mixon in Pennsylvania.

May 27 • Eric VillaniEric Villani is the son of Gary and Phyllis Villani. Heis a seventh grader at Lanier Middle School. Eric isan avid baseball fan and his favorite team is theBaltimore Orioles. He likes both playing and watch-ing baseball, skiing, cycling and playing video games.

He really enjoys hanging out with his friends and family. One ofEric’s goals is to attend a baseball game at all 30 major league sta-diums with his family. For his Mitzvah project Eric helped plan abicycling event to raise money for cancer survivors.

May 20 • Theodore AronsonTeddy is the son of Jesse and Valerie Aronson and astudent at Swanson Middle School where he playspercussion in the school and marching bands.Teddy has participated in various academic compe-titions. An active Boy Scout, Teddy eagerly looks for

opportunities to help others: he worked on Scouting for Food andtaught origami to developmentally disabled youth. His communityservice includes restoring nature trails at Long Branch NatureCenter. Teddy enjoys computer games and web development.Above all, Teddy loves penguins! He is an avid collector ofpenguin paraphernalia and longs to visit Antarctica.

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Friday, May 5 • 8:15 pm

The Learner’s Shabbat will help guide you through the Shabbat

evening service. We especially invite those who are new to Judaism

or less familiar with our service to join us. However the service is

designed for all to attend. There is always something new to learn!

Babysitting by reservation only. Please call Mindy Facenda by

Wednesday, May 3rd.

OutreachOutreach Chair:Mindy Facenda


[email protected]

Thank You to Parallel Shabbat Morning

Minyan Participants(September 2005 -March 2006)

Leader: Ellen Blalock, Carol Cohen, Jonathan Kosarin,Devora Lynn, Mike Rankin, Rebecca Robins,

Anita Thornton

Torah Reader: Ellen Blalock, Carol Breitner,Danielle Heyman-Feist, Cyrelle Gerson, Stephen Gross,Catharina Jacknow, Cecilia Kalish, Jonathan Kosarin,

Devorah Lynn, Muriel MacDonald, Danielle Parmenter,Claire Reiss, Effe Rosenzweig, Ronnie Schulman,

Judy Sue, Richard Swerdlow, Chuck Thornton

D’var Torah: Ellen Blalock, Jerry Greenwald, StephenGross, Julie Krachman, Mike Rankin, Michelle Sandler

Ethical Portion: Jackie Birnbaum, Catharina Jacknow,Devora Lynn, Mike Rankin

Yasher Koach!!

Please extend a warm welcome to Stacy Twersky, our newClergy Secretary. Stacy has taken over from DanielleParmenter who is moving to Philadelphia with her hus-band to pursue her dream of going to rabbinical school.

Stacy grew up in Philadelphia , but has been in Washington sinceshe moved here to attend George Washington University. Since hergraduation from GW, Stacy has worked at the Investor ResponsibilityResearch Center , and the American Resort DevelopmentAssociation. Her duties include supporting Cantor Shochet, RabbiBurstein, and Student Cantor Rebecca Robins, along with providingadministrative support for our Bar and Bat Mitzvah program.

An Arlington resident, Stacy has become a Temple member, andenjoys attending our different services and programs. Please be sureto introduce yourself and say hello when you see her.

Jewish Traditions Helpline: A joint venture of the temple's Outreach Committee and

Sisterhood, this is a very easy way to anwser your questions

about Jewish traditions. When you have a question simply go to

the temple's website, click on the Sisterhood site and then onto

the Helpline. To give you an idea of how we might help you,

here are some sample questions. The answers can be found on

the Sisterhood page in this bulletin.

1. What do you take to a Shiva call?

2. Should young children be brought to pay a Shiva call?

3. Why is the mourning period called “Shiva”?

Page 10: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends

YOUTH PAGEjr. trsty

Contact JR TRSTY Youth Director Michelle Sandler at 703/448-3532 or [email protected] with questions. Visit

to register for events or to download a calendar for the year.

TRSTY 56Contact TRSTY 56 Advisor Shelli Hutchinson

[email protected] at 703/862-7220 with any questions.

The year has ended for the 7th Graders but there are still

activities for the 8th graders. 8th Graders, - see the TRSTY

page if you’re interested in any of the following events:

You’re invited to run for TRSTY Board on May 7. Even if you don’t want to run, you’re invited to joinus for the elections picnic!

Plus, don’t miss the last 2 TRSTY events of the year – the BBQ on May 13 and Kings Dominion on June 4! These are great end-of-the-year events so don’t miss the fun!





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For information call Ernie Lederer


80 % of the success of your tour in

Israeldepends on the guide you choose.

We found a guidethat moves the 80% to 100%!

Page 11: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends

Teen Shabbat is at

WashingtonHebrew this

month! Don’t miss this teen led

service on Friday, May 12.

RSVP to Laura Miller at

[email protected].

TRSTY is the Youth Group for Grades 9-12 .Contact Michelle Sandler with any questionsat 703/448-3532 or [email protected]

Interested in running for TRSTYBoard? Elections will be held Sunday, May 7 at our annual

Elections & Inductions Picnic from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. Anyone inter-

ested in running must read the TRSTY Constitution which is available at The constitution details the

positions available and descriptions of what the position entails. It also

outlines what needs to be done in order to run in the elections. Everyone is

invited to the elections – even if you’re not running! RSVP to http://boardelec- The Board Retreat will be on Saturday, May 20

– please plan to attend should you be elected to the Board.


Mark your calendars now

for the LAST

event of the

year –

Kings Dominion!

Join us Sunday, June 4from

8 am – 6 pm Look for a flyer with more

details soon or visit our website at

BBQ Blowout Saturday, May 13 6:30 – 10:00 pm

It's our annual BBQ! Like casual,

hang-out events? This is the one for

you! You will have lots of time to chill

out with your friends - plus, meet new

friends! And, of course, there's always

great food. RSVP to

Attention 11th & 12th


Don’t miss the last Post

Confirmation meeting of

the year on Sunday, May

7 from 1:30 – 3:00 pm.

We will be discussing a

movie called “The Tribe”.

RSVP to http://postcon-

Page 12: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends



Sisterhood TreasuresRegular Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 11:00 am until 12:30pm and 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm. Sundays 8:30 am until 1:30 pm

Appointments: Toni Sandler 703/734-9533, Susan Lerner703/241-1055, Eleanor Linde 703/821-3767

Come to Treasures to choose a Confirmation gift.

Sisterhood Co-Presidents:Joan Ossakow • [email protected] • 703/690-2789

Joan Neiman • [email protected] • 703/241-2729

Sisterhood Presidents’ CornerThanks to Judith Yavner who has, for some time, been planningmonthly museum visits. This year, with her co-chair Susan Saffran,all of the major exhibits in the DC area have been visited bySisterhood members.

Flo Kittiver and Janine Bland worked on the beautifulSisterhood Shabbat and we are grateful for their efforts in bring-ing us a speaker with first-hand experience of the loss many of ourfriends have suffered.

Our friends at Touro Synagogue in New Orleans received 100Seder plates and expressed their appreciation for a gift that enabledmany to celebrate the holiday.

Those who have worked with Sisterhood will be honored at theDonor Luncheon this month. Through the year more than onehundred women volunteer for Sisterhood activities. They workalone, in pairs and in groups. Whatever time you have to give, thereis a place and a need for you. Please call.

B’Shalom, Joan Neiman and Joan Ossakow

Donor Luncheon: Wednesday, May 10It’s not too late to RSVP! Please make your entrée selection and

join us for a delightful luncheon at the very pretty Bistro 123 atTysons Corner Center on Wednesday, May 10. We are pleased tohave Vincent Lash, a certified jewelry appraiser and author sharehis stories about jewelry appraisal. Please contact Nancy Bleeker at703/847-5735 or Marjorie George at 703/404-0136 if you have notreceived an invitation and would like to attend.

Jewish Traditions Helpline:The Jewish Traditions Helpline is available to answer some of yourquestions. To ask a question, go to the Temple’s website; go to theSisterhood link and from there to the helpline. Below are theanswers to the three questions posed on the Outreach page:1. Usually people bring food. If you know the family well, this is agood choice. If you don’t know the mourners well or if it is akosher household you need to make sure the food is kosher. If thatisn’t an option, a safe choice would be a fruit basket. Traditionallyone brings sweet things to remember the sweet memories of thedeceased.2. It depends on how young the child is and what the relationshipis to the family in mourning. If you are related or close familyfriends, a young child could bring comfort. If the child is likely tobe disruptive, then it is best not to bring him/her along. You couldalso call either the family or a person close to the family in advanceof the visit.3. It comes from the Hebrew “sheva” which means seven and is theweek of mourning.

Blood Drive: June 5 1:00-7:00 pmThe next semi-annual blood drive at TRS will take place on

June 5. Giving the gift of life is simple. Most healthy individuals

can be blood donors. Please eat a meal and drink extra fluids with-

in 6 hours before donating. You will feel good about yourself.

Contact Harriet Beckman at 703/356-3586 or [email protected]

or Karen Hecker at 703/759-5618 or [email protected] to

volunteer to give blood.

Regularly Scheduled Events:

�� BOOK GROUP: May 19th at 10:00 am. The book is Night by

Elie Weisel. The hostess will be Lisa Katzman, 13610 Bare Island

Drive, Chantilly, Virginia. Call Harriet Beckman at 703/356-3586 if

you are interested in coming as we will carpool.

�� MUSEUM TRIP: : Friday May 12 No subway this time; we are

going to the Woodlawn Plantation Historical Site which includes the

Frank Lloyd Wright Pope-Leighy house. The address is 9000

Richmond Highway, Alexandria, Virginia. Car pools will originate

from Julie Krachman’s house at 9:30 am. Please contact Judy Yavner at

[email protected] or 703/527-0947 if you want to come or

would like additional information.

�� BRIDGE CLUB: May 24

Page 13: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends

Men’s Club


Men’s Club Chairs:Ric Cooper • [email protected] Krachman • [email protected]

Purim Festival (well, next year) The Purim Carnival is YOUR event, a chance for YOU to have fun

at the temple. Please let us know what we did well and what you

would change. Now is the time to start planning for next year. Let’s

start a planning committee now to make sure that next year is the

best Purim Festival ever! (contact [email protected]).

Hoop Dreams We were too late to organize a March Madness party (who knew

GMU would go so far?), but we’re still eager to get the hoops going

at TRS. How about a series of summer pickup games? Any leagues

out there? E-mail [email protected] to schedule a game or find out


Donations to Hillel We’re big fans of Hillel. We are privileged to have a direct connec-

tion to the GMU Hillel through Barbara Brot-Bailey and Scott

Bailey (Director of GMU Hillel). Please join the Men’s Club in

supporting the GMU Hillel by sending donations to support their


Donations to Darfur The ongoing tragedy in Darfur is a crime against humanity. Please

join the Mens’ Club in supporting efforts to bring humanitarian

aid to those in desperate need in Darfur. All of the “shekels for

charity” from the Purim Festival will be donated to this effort.

Planning meeting in early May The Mens’ Club would like to treat YOU to a nice dinner! We will

hold a planning dinner in early May to discuss options and ideas

for next year. Please e-mail [email protected] to get involved in

YOUR Mens’ Club.

SYNAPTIC SOURCEConnecting Small Business with Government



PART-TIME or FULL-TIME and advisors

We are a Federal business development agency for

small innovative companies with neat ideas for

technology products and services. We support

US companies, and soon, Israeli companies.

We need both hourly part-time and full-time

consultants who are conversant in the mission

and workings of at least one Federal Civilian or

Defense agency and have a strong understanding

of procurement policy.

We're also developing an Advisory Board of

government, industry, and legislative experts.

Please contact Mike Fox,TRS member, for more

information. All inquires are welcome.

(703) 749-1290 or [email protected]

Page 14: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


Social Action On Social Action Shabbat April 28th, the Social Action Committee presented the

Richard Sternberger Award to Joseph’s House, a hospice in Adams Morgan that

serves the medical needs of both men and women in the last stages of terminal

illnesses. This was a special presentation for many long-time members of the congrega-

tion who remember Henry Burrows, a talented baritone in our Professional Choir, who

spent his last days at Joseph’s House.

Joseph’s House was founded in 1990 as the AIDS epidemic spread into the poorest

communities of the District. It provides a home and nursing services to care for and

comfort the poorest, the sickest, and the most vulnerable individuals in our nation’s

capital during the end stages of their illnesses. Although the primary mission of Joseph’s

House is to those with AIDS, when space is available men and women with other termi-

nal illnesses are also welcomed. While Joseph’s House provides a continuum of medical

care and support to each resident as he or she progresses through the final stages of life,

perhaps its most important function is to offer a caring human presence to men and

women who would otherwise face a lonely and isolated death on the street.

Those who know and love Rabbi Richard Sternberger and his commitment to social

justice will agree that Joseph’s House is a worthy recipient of the award created in his

honor. Congregants wishing to send a donation to this very worthy organization can

mail it directly to Joseph’s House, 2482 Ontario Road, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009.

Many people are involved in making theFood Caravan the success that it is.Volunteers include Temple members, teen-agers, nursery school staff, kindergartnersat the Religious School, and even nurseryschool children. Thank you to all of youand also to Panera's on Route 7 in FallsChurch for their kind donations of breadand pastry. Summer will be upon us soonand that means volunteers take vacations,however the homeless still need to eat. Ifyou can work for 1-2 hours once or twiceduring the summer to be a replacement inone of the Caravans, please contactBarbara Schonfeld at 703-242-7560 [email protected].

Coffee is the second most valuable commod-ity in the world market after oil. The UnitedStates is the world’s largest consumer of cof-fee and Americans today drink one-fifth ofthe world’s beans.

But few Americans realize that coffeefarmers, who live largely in Latin America,Asia and Africa often toil in "sweatshops inthe fields.” More than 25 million farmers andcoffee workers in over 50 countries rely oncoffee sales for their livelihood. In July of2002, the Wall Street Journal reported that,“In lush coffee-growing regions from CentralAmerica to Africa, the collapse of world coffee prices is contributing to societal melt-downs affecting an estimated 125 millionpeople, [resulting in] a combustible brew ofunemployment, hunger and migration.”

One response to the devastation caused bytraditional coffee farming practices has beena growing demand for “Fair Trade” coffeemade without exploitative labor. Fair TradeCoffee is a real solution for some of thesefarmers. Fair Trade certification ensures cof-fee farmers are paid a decent, living wage fortheir harvest; encourages democraticallyorganized farming cooperatives; providesaccess to affordable credit, which helps farm-ers stay out of debt; and promotes sustainablepractices, such as organic farming, whichhelps protect the environment.

In the United States, TransFair USA is thecertifying organization for Fair Trade products.In addition to directly improving the lives ofcoffee farmers and their families, Fair Tradecoffee is often grown using more environ-mentally friendly methods than regular coffee.

In an age of increasing economic disparitybetween rich and poor, both locally and globally, it is easy to feel powerless to make adifference. By choosing to spend a few centsmore on Fair Trade certified coffee, we support a living wage for farmers, increasededucational opportunities for rural children,and improved environmental standards. FairTrade coffee, which can be caffeinated,de-caffeinated and flavored, is growing inpopularity in the United States.

FAIR TRADE MEANS: FAIR WAGES >Fair trade guarantees smallfarmers and artisans prices that exceed theirproduction costs. This increased incomeallows them to feed their families, stay out ofdebt and keep their land.CHILDREN'S RIGHTS >Many children'srights are violated when families are forced tochoose between sending a child to work or toschool. Fair trade increases family income,helping families better afford education andhealth care for their children.WOMEN'S RIGHTS >Fair trade cooperativesmust demonstrate that women have equalrights and responsibilities. They are requiredto document how many women are membersof the cooperative, how many hold leadershiproles, and how many own or co-own land.ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS >Fair tradepromotes organic farming which is better forthe environment and encourages chemical-free farming, composting, crop rotation andother beneficial practices. Nearly 85 percentof Fair Trade Coffee sold in the U.S. is certifiedorganic.

ADVOCACY Consumer advocacy isslowly making an impact.On October 4, 2000,Starbucks -the world’slargest specialty coffeechain – introduced whole bean Fair Tradecertified coffee at over 2,300 stores, bringingthe number of Fair Trade outlets to morethan 10,000 nationwide. Fair Trade activistsare now urging Starbucks to not merely stockfairly traded coffees but to actually promotethem. In August 2001, the Seattle Coffee Co.joined the Fair Trade movement, agreeing tosell Certified Organic and Fair Trade Certifiedcoffee in about 1,400 Safeway stores through-out the United States. In November 2004,Starbucks agreed to ensure that coffee sold inits stores comes from environmentally friendlyfarms paying workers a fair wage. By 2007,Starbucks expects that 60 percent of its coffeewill come from farmers following strict ruleson everything from reforestation to pesticidesto labor practices and will work with Oxfamto make this happen.

To locate a store near you that sells FairTrade Coffee go to:

These national brands also sell Fair TradeCoffee:• Green Mountain Coffee (all) • Newman's Own Organics Fair Trade Coffee • Starbucks (only their Fair Trade Blend) • Dunkin' Donuts (their new line of espressodrinks are made exclusively with Fair TradeCoffee)

Your Next Cup of Coffee Can Help to Alleviate Poverty –Buy Fair Trade Coffee!

Social Action Shabbat

Page 15: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends



TRS members and clergy welcomed Ambassador Petr Kolar, of the Czech Republic as our guest speaker on the bema on April 23. He was accompanied by his wife, as well as several associates from the Embassy.

Author Aviva Kempner was present at the screening and discussion of her film Partisins of Vilna. Following the program, members of TRS Renaissance hosted a dinner in her honor.

Rabbi Henry Weiner(left) with Temple member Gabor Katona, following the Rabbi's workshop on

Prayer Without Words

Over 150 of our TRS members came out for FamilyGame Night and Ice Cream Social in April! A great

time was had by all!

We welcomed over 150 of our most recently joined members at an April 2 dinner

Putting up the exhibit "Disappeared Neighbors" was a groupeffort! Members of the Disappeared Neighbors Exhibit

Committee pose following the April 23 Panel Discussion:l to r: Geri Maskell, Henry Hahn, Eva Kuzelova

(Docent from Czech Republic), Katja Gibson, Terri Rea andAnita Thornton, Program Director

A Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner was held prior to theSisterhood Shabbat Service on April 21. Janine Bland

made the blessing over the Challah.

Page 16: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


ARZA-Bridge to IsraelARZA Co-Chairs:

Russ Bikoff • 703/790-0671 • [email protected] S. Tucker • 301/897-5124 • [email protected]


Our guest speaker for this 2006 Israel Shabbat isAbraham (Avi) Sagi-Schwartz, professor of psy-chology and social work at the University ofHaifa in Israel. He is presently a Senior Fellow,Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program at theprestigious United States Institute for Peace(USIP) here in Washington. In this position heserves as a resource on topics and issues of the Middle East,Human Development Across Cultures, Child Development UnderSocial Adversities, and Civil Society. The subject of Dr. Sagi-Schwartz’s remarks will be “The Life of Children in Israeli SocietyToday: Between Myth and Reality.”

Join us for this special Shabbat Service to be followed by a festiveIsraeli Oneg Shabbat to celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut with music byHook, Line and Simcha, special Israeli foods, and Israeli dancing.

ELECTION RESULTS, World ZionistOrganization (WZO) Thank you to all TRS members who participated in the 2006United States (US) elections to the 35th WZO Congress--theCongress of the Jewish People. Over 85,000 valid voters registeredand 88.27% of those voters cast their ballot. ARZA received thehighest number of delegates from the US.Here are the results of the US Zionist elections:

Slate Delegates ARZA 55 Baltimore Zionist District 1 Dor Zion 2 Green Zionist Alliance 2 Hatikva 5 Herut, NA 2 Jewish Reconstructionist Federation 2 Likud 3 Mercaz USA 32 Religious Zionist Slate 35 Russian American Jews for Israel 1 Zionist Organization of America 5 Total 145For more information about the 2006 elections, the slates, previouselections, and the upcoming Congress:


ARZA-Bridge to Israel Committeesupported Guy Immerman in hisride ACROSS Israel for ReformJudaism March 26-30.

The purpose of Riding4Reformis to raise funds to promoteProgressive Jewish communities inIsrael. This includes a wide rangeof community programs run bythe different institutions, congre-gations and departments of theIsrael Movement for ProgressiveJudaism.

The following examples show thediversity of the programs:• 45 kindergarten classes aroundIsrael provide a unique egalitari-an Jewish experience for 1,250young Israelis.• The new Mechina program in Jaffa offers a year of study, workand community service for high-school graduates before they jointhe Israel army • Hundreds of new immigrants attend Jewish study programs inRussian, Spanish, English and Hebrew.• The School Involvement Program trains teachers from secularpublic schools around the country to teach Jewish studies in ameaningful and pluralistic way.

Guy was born and raised at Kibbutz Yahel, the first Reformkibutz in Israel. He believes “that the youth have the power tomake a difference.”


18% Israel Reform Movement Projects

$5 to Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC)

$2 supports Israel Programming within congregations

Balance supports ARZA’s mission in the United States

and within the international Jewish community.

Page 17: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


LibraryREFERENCE• Ethelyn Simon, Irene Resnikoff and Linda Motzkin. The FirstHebrew Primer: The Adult Beginner’s Path To Biblical Hebrew. 3rd. ed.Library Use Only, shelved on book cart to left of desk as you enter

RELIGIOUS • Marc Zvi Brettler. How To Read the Bible…understanding theHebrew Bible within the cultural context that producedit…“accessible…shrewd interpretation”• Elliot N. Dorff. The Way Into Tikkun Olam (Repairing theWorld)…a comprehensive introduction• Neil Gillman. Traces of God: Seeing God in Torah, History andEveryday Life…Winner of the Jewish Book Award…a thoughtful,spiritual guide• James Kugel. On Being a Jew…“A compelling introduction tobeing a religious Jew”-Moment…Includes a thoughtful dialoguechapter on “Marrying a Protestant”

CONVERSION• Michael A. Meyer. Response To Modernity: a History of the ReformMovement…one copy in regular shelving, one on ConversionShelf…recommended by Rabbi Amy Schwartzman

HOLOCAUST• Samuel Moyn. A Holocaust Controversy: the Treblinka Affair InPostwar France. …the story of the 1943 revolt at Treblinka involv-ing controversy, scandal and polemics

HISTORY• Jane S. Gerber. The Jews of Spain: a History of the SephardicExperience• Andrea Greenbaum, ed. Jews of South Florida.…an unusual mixof Jews…Atlantic seaboard retirees… Spanish speaking….thelargest community of Holocaust survivors…Jews from Arabnations, the Soviet Union and Israel…covers the end of the 19thcentury to the beginning of the 21st• Susan Neiman. Slow Fire: Jewish Notes From Berlin…“a bookabout the way Germans confront their past and the Nazis”• Robert B. Goldmann. Wayward Threads….A refugee story…fromGermany to a career in the U.S. with the Voice of America, a brushwith McCarthyism and later experiences with Germany• Herman J. Obermayer. Soldiering For Freedom: a GI’s Account ofWorld War II…written by TRS member…a commentary on thesupport side of World War II, patrolling a pipeline in France…Seealso: bound reviews and commentary

FICTION• Andrew Meisels. Son of a Star…the story of Simon Bar Kochba’srebellion against Rome in A.D. 132

JUVENILE• Lawrence Kushner and Gary Schmidt. In God’s Hands….a finenew interpretation of a traditional folktale

YOUNG ADULT• Sondra Henry & Emily Taitz. Written Out of History: Our JewishForemothers….good for a school report on interesting, forgotten women

• Esther Nisenthal Krinitz and Bernice Steinhardt. Memories ofSurvival…a moving, unforgettable book…the story of livingthrough the Holocaust in Poland told through hand-stitchedembroidery panels

DVDS AND VIDEOS• Our movie maven Laura Jacobs, has taken another trip to eBay!We will be showcasing her choices on the New Book truck as fastas I can catalog them. Here are a few from the first shipment:VID “ Ben-Hur” with Charlton Heston…a search for revenge, aviolent sea battle and THE famous chariot raceVID “ Come Blow Your Horn”…a Neil Simon comedy with FrankSinatra and Molly PiconDVD replacement of “ Exodus”with Paul Newman and Eva Marie SaintDVD “Paper Clips”…a Tennessee middle school paper clip proj-ect turns into a Holocaust memorial…award winning documen-tary…we also have the bookDVD “When Harry Met Sally”…an adult, romantic comedy star-ring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan

I am generally in the library Monday, Wednesday and Thursdaymornings but can be reached at x402, at home at 202-363-6172 or ate-mail: [email protected] Hill, Library

ARCHIVES—HERITAGE MOMENT1964 Our congegation took part in a joint service of Reform congregationsto hear the president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis speak onthe "plight of Soviet Jewry and the challange to American Jewry." Religious free-dom had been taken away, they were discriminated against in their profession-al life and rights to emigrate were denied.

1971 Protests were staged by our members every day at noon opposite theSoviet Embassy. Brief religious services were held. A series of rallies were heldduring the next years.

1972 Demonstrations were held at Lafayette Park. Soviet policy wasdenounced and President Nixon petitioned to intercede. The congregation"adopted" Jewish prisoners of conscience in Russia.

1976 TRS once again "adopted" a prisoner of conscience. A chair was'reserved' for the prisoner and was kept on the bema. Letters of support, peti-tions and protests to American and Russian authorities were maintainedthrough the Social Action Committee. Finally, many prisoners of consciencewere freed.

1977 Restriction on emigration gradually eased. Soviet policy began tochange, well into the 80's.

1981 A Soviet Jewish couple renewed their vows at TRS.

1985 Rodef Shalom raised funds to assist Ethiopian Jews

1986 Our congregation sponsored vigils at the Soviet Embassy once again onbehalf of Jews wanting to emigrate. A sign was displayed in front of the temple-----"Freedom for Soviet Jews." Our temple , along with the Falls ChurchPresbyterian Church, supported a third prisoner of conscience.

2005 The Darfur region of the Sudan----Once again , Rodef Shalom is speakingout against genocide and ethnic cleansing. A banner has been displayed at thetemple.making people aware of the crisis in Darfur.

2006 The banner now says ' a call to your conscience '--Save

Compiled by Marge Kestenbaummember of Archives Committee

Page 18: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends

Caring Committee Caring Committee Chair:Lisa Kaplan Gordon • 703/241-7807 • [email protected]


BereavementIt’s hard to know what to do when someone dies. Our Bereavement

Committee helps Temple members sort through the process of burying a

family member by providing funeral and cemetery resources and support.

If you need bereavement support, call Anne Duncan, clergy secretary:

703/532-2217. If you want to be a bereavement volunteer, call coordinator

Stu Weiss: 703/522-2524, or e-mail [email protected].

Visiting the Sick (Bikkur Cholim)Torah commands us to visit the sick. When a Temple member returns from

the hospital, it is our tradition to pay a visit, deliver a challah and determine

if other help is needed.

If you have returned from the hospital, call Anne Duncan, clergy

secretary: 703/532-2217. If you want to volunteer to pay a visit, call coor-

dinator Michael Raizen: 703/841-5421, or e-mail [email protected].

Meals When a Temple member faces a crisis, cooking is often the last thing on

their mind. The Meals Committee helps by cooking and delivering meals

as often and for as long as needed.

If you need a meal, call Anne Duncan, clergy secretary: 703/532-2217.

If you want to volunteer to cook a meal, call coordinator Ronnie O’Connor:

703/642-0289, or e-mail [email protected].

JSSA IS HERE TO HELP Thanks to the continuing partnership between Temple Rodef Shalom and

the Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA), we have available to us a licensed

professional counselor. The counselor is available as a consultant and can

provide support and referrals to congregants in need as a result of emo-

tional, social, or physical challenges. Fees for the inital service through TRS

are covered by TRS. JSSA supports individuals, couples, and families

through mental health counseling, services for children and adolescents,

older adult services, career programs and adoption assistance. Please contact

Larry Uman, LCSW at can be found at 703/204-9100 X15.

TRS Shalom BabyTRS Shalom Baby provides support for Temple

members celebrating the arrival of a new baby.At this

joyous, but sometimes stressful time, volunteers lend a

hand. They offer experience, a set of arms to hold the baby

while Mom takes a shower, meal assistance, referrals for other Jewish resources

and an introduction to the many family services and programs that TRS offers.

If you’ve recently had a baby or would like to volunteer, call coordinator

Nancy Chajet: 703/761-1234, or e-mail [email protected].

Support for Widows andWidowers — Next StepNext Step supports Temple members who have recently lost a spouse by

providing resources and a group that can help a widow or widower work

through their grief and move on. If you need support, call coordinator

Debbie Massey: 703/264-0297, or e-mail [email protected].

Breast Cancer NetworkThe network provides support and resources for breast cancer patients

and survivors. We meet monthly for a casual dinner and conversation.

If you need support, please call Anita Thornton, Program Director:

703/532-2217 ext. 301 or e-mail [email protected].

ince Jews are commanded to perform g’milut chasadim —

deeds of loving kindness — every Temple member auto-

matically is a member of the Caring Committee which

helps members deal with the difficult transitions and crises

that life presents. Caring Committee services are described

below. If you want to volunteer — and we hope all Temple members

will participate — call the subcommittee coordinator. If you know of

someone in need — and we all need help from time to time — call the

contact number. The Temple must assign some services; others can be

arranged through the coordinator.

SView the latest Caring Committee information

on our Temple Website,

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Page 19: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends



• A friend at Temple Micah in honor of the bar mitzvah ofEthan Gaba

• Alma Rosenbaum in loving memory of Leo Rosenbaum• Richard & Valli Swerdlow in loving memory of Sylvia

Swerdlow• Elaine Zuppe in loving memory of my mother, Minnie

Steinberg• Joanne & Tom Stefanick in memory of Gunther Erlebacher• Janet & Russ Roseman in honor of the life and work of Dick

Friedman in our Temple community • Beth Silver & Adam Gruen in memory of Leonard Suslowitz,

brother of Bob Suslowitz• Lore Seligson in memory of Kurt Seligson• Cheryl, Steve, Evan & Lindsay Sloane in memory of Dick



Senior Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

• Ken, Julie & Jon Ende and Laura Sheppeard in loving memoryof Ken’s parents, Asher & Jeanne Ende

• Bill & Cherie Artz in appreciation for the moving Shiva servicefor Bill’s father, Milton Artz

• Grazia Sher in memory of my mother, Amelia Riva• Marilyn Renfield in loving memory of my mother, Irene

Lewis• Howard Weiss in honor of Mattie Shepard’s bat mitzvah• The Kintisch family in appreciation of the beautiful service

for Mae Kintisch• Sandra Berger in loving memory of my mother, Bertha

Miller, and father, Ben Miller• Bob & Iris Shamaskin with best wishes for a return to good

health for Anne Mazor Cohen• Jeff Holden in memory of my mother, Shirley Holden• Jules Cohen in loving memory of my father, Harry Cohen• The Green-Zevin family in appreciation of Rabbi

Schwartzman’s warm & thoughtful support before and dur-ing Jeremy’s bar mitzvah

• Rhoda & Dan Gaba in honor of Ethan Gaba’s bar mitzvah• Jules Cohen in memory of my sister, Gladys Shulman• Isidore Greenberg in memory of my mother, Esther


Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

• Bill & Cherie Artz in appreciation for the moving Shiva serv-ice for Bill’s father, Milton Artz

• Jason & Carin Lomax• Jason Hutchinson in appreciation for helping me on my

journey• Rhoda & Dan Gaba in honor of Ethan Gaba’s bar mitzvah• Barbara & Tibor Schonfeld in honor of our granddaughter,

Alexis Gina Agin

Associate Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

• Wendy & Herb Bloom in honor of the engagement of RabbiBurstein & Eric Larson

• Sylvia Datner in memory of my mother, Vera Edelman• Rhoda & Dan Gaba in honor of Ethan Gaba’s bar mitzvah• Mark & Kim Savit in loving memory of Mark’s father, Carl

Savit• Jacqui & Mike Falkenheim in appreciation of the beautiful

naming ceremony for our daughters


Religious School Fund

• Susan & Robert Hale in memory of Dick Friedman• Michelle & Rob Cohen in loving memory of Michelle’s

father, Sumner Weisberg• Jen & Kayleigh Schall in honor of the bar mitzvah of Eric

Backer, son of Dina & Stuart Backer

Adult Education Fund

• Louis & Toby Freeman with many thanks for the wonderfulcultural and educational programs

Library Fund

• Henry & Harriet Epstein in memory of Mae Kintisch• Janice & Lester Mehlman in memory of our dear friend, Mae

Kintisch• Pearl Rapoport Shuman with get well wishes for Marilyn

Brand • Deana Shulman in memory of Leonard Suslowitz, brother of

Bob Suslowitz• Wendy Fox in memory of Richard Friedman• Jane L. Winer in loving memory of my mother, Elizabeth J.

Winer, and my father, Harold Winer


Caring Committee

• Trudy & Ed Lefrak and family in appreciation for the manykindnesses shown to us during this difficult time

Temple Tzedakah Fund

• Stephen & Sandra Bogorad in memory of Melvin Bogorad• Donna Schwartz & Gregg Maisel in honor of the 50th wed-

ding anniversary of Phyllis & Milton Meisner• Geri Maskell in loving memory of my mother, Nora K.

Hoober• Lucy Bernstein Radcliffe in loving memory of my brother,

Arnold Ira Bernstein, a casualty of World War II

Social Action Fund

• Clarine & Sid Schmukler in memory of Mae Kintisch• Jan & Soop Saferstein in loving memory of Don Saferstein,

Soop’s brother

Page 20: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


DonationsPassover for New Orleans Families

• Lynn & Robert Fletcher• Flo & Alan Frey• Wendy Fox• Mark & Patricia Roth• Susan & Richard Gorsky• Marion Jacknow• Louis Olom• Ellen & Allen Rosenblum• Barbara Sarshik & Andy Pike• Laurie Rowe• Ellen & David Sher• Beth Silver & Adam Gruen• Michael & Rachael Smolen• Linda Hoffman & Marc Cohen• Marilyn Renfield & Marc Rosenblum• Zeev & Nitsa Rosenzweig

Ohel Ya’acov Fund

• Michael & Mary Canes in memory of Herman Canes• Burton & Elaine Litman in loving memory of Bertha Litman• Laszlo Berkowits

ARZA Ride4Reform

• Anne & Alan Gorenstein• Jules Cohen• Anonymous

TRS Fund for the Community

• Ilene & John Pachter in memory of Richard Friedman• Shelley & Andy Prince in memory of Dick Friedman and

Leonard Suslowitz, brother of Bob Suslowitz• Ruth & Izzy Zeitz in loving memory of our mothers, Anna

Zietz and Lillian Eisenberg, and with wishes for a speedyrecovery to Ruth and her niece, Amy Morris

• Ellen & Dan Blalock in memory of TRS past president, N.Richard Friedman

• Gayle & Jonathan Kosarin in honor of Rabbi MarcusBurstein and Eric Larson

• Geri Maskell in loving memory of my aunt, Rose K. Williams


Music and Volunteer Choir Fund

• Victor & Miriam (Louick) De La Cruz and family in honorof the 40th wedding anniversary of our parents, Sidney &Bettye Anna Louick


Prayer Book Fund

• Sue & Carl Kalish in memory of William Ross, brother ofPhil Ross

• Carl & Sue Kalish in memory of Dick Friedman


Jacknow Meditation and Tribute Garden

• Bea Finkel in loving memory of my father, Ben Finkel• Debbie Massey in memory of Richard Friedman, husband of

Joan & father of Andrew• Jonathan & Gayle Kosarin in memory of Dick Friedman• Michael & Denise Shochet in memory of Susan Sirlin’s

grandfather, Joseph MorettiArtz/Fish Fund

• Alan & Jane Kent• Bill & Cherie Artz in loving memory of Bill’s father, Milton

Artz, and Cherie’s brother, Rabbi Judah L. Fish • Debbie Massey in memory of Milton Artz, father of Bill Artz• Catherine Benigno in memory of Milton Artz, father of Bill

Artz• Sheryl & Arthur Silverman in memory of Milton Artz, father

of Bill Artz

Judy Seiff Special Projects Fund

• Stanley Wilson in memory of Rose Gleicher Appelbaum


TRS Endowment General Fund

• Margery & Gerson Sher in fond memory of Dick Friedman• Leon & Marysue Wechsler in memory of Marysue’s mother,

Leah Jaffe• Ronald & Nancy Bleeker in memory of Dick Friedman• Jean Wise in loving memory of my parents, Dezo & Hedy

Levendula• Sheryl Silverman in memory of Dick Friedman

Jennifer Blalock Memorial Fund

• Gail Dezube in honor of Dottie Bennett’s “Guardian of theBridge” from her friends in the TRS Breast Cancer SupportGroup

• Ellen, Katie & Dan Blalock in loving memory of JamesSchwab and Max Monarch


• Craig & Katya Bennett—703/442-02221239 Pine Hill RoadMcLean, VA 22101Samuel Bennett 7/16/1997Tatiana Bennett 11/16/1998

• Bonnie & Howard Horowitz—703/716-73372690 Mattox Creek DriveOakton, VA 22124Julia Horowitz 3/1/1994Jeffrey Horowitz 1/22/1996Nina Horowitz 11/16/2001

Page 21: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


New Members• S. Lillian & Eugene Kremer—703/243-6520

3800 Fairfax Drive, #310Arlington, VA 22203

• Steven & Elisa Pilloff—703/207-94448152 Streamside CourtVienna, VA 22182Max Pilloff 1/04/2001Alex Pilloff 1/04/2001

• Therese & Donald Rea—703/237-7683118 Gresham PlaceFalls Church, VA 22046

• Bruce Snyder—703/237-75491001 N. Harrison StreetArlington, VA 22205


• Carin, Jason & Justin Lomax on the birth of Bennett Owen.Bennett is also the grandson of Temple members Elaine &David Lomax and Marla & Mel Wolf

• Sally Margolis on the marriage of her daughter, Pam to SethHaber

• Bonnie Breslar on the birth of her granddaughter, JaffeWynne Smith, daughter of Zoe & Zerik Smith

• John & Roberta Birken on the engagement of their daughter,Diane, to Mark Strasser

• Andy Pike, a law professor at American University’sWashington College of Law, has been named by AmericanUniversity as the university’s outstanding teacher of the2005-2006 academic year.


• Sandra Berger on the death of her father, Ben Miller• Jo-Anne Goldman on the death of her grandmother, Lilian

Goldman• Virgil Frizzell on the death of his father, Virgil A. Frizzell• Phil Ross on the death of his brother, William Mark Ross• Denise Dreiman on the death of her father, Leonard Carmel• Jack Maskell on the death of his father, Seymour (Sonny)


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Page 22: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends


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Rodef Shalom. A portion of your contribution to the endowment may be tax-deductible. For further information, please contact Sheryl Garton at [email protected].


Page 23: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends
Page 24: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends

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Page 26: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends






9:00 am Beginning BiblicalHebrew Class

11:00 am TRSTY Board Meeting& Elections

11:45 am Rodef Chochma1:30 pm Post Confirmation

Discussion Group

810:00 am Play Group

97:30 pm Executive Committee

Meeting7:30 pm Beginners Hebrew

14Mother’s Day9:00 am Rodef Chochma

1510:00 am Play Group

16Lag B’Omer


9:30 am Religious School FamilyFun Day

7:30 pm Worship ScheduleDiscussion


10:00 am Play Group

237:30 pm Beginners Hebrew Class7:30 pm Board Meeting7:30 pm Koleinu Rehearsal

28No Religious School

29Memorial Day –Office Closed & No Play Group

307:30 pm Beginners Hebrew Class

110:00 am Play Group

26:30 pm Final Haskalah Family

Night Program7:30 pm Membership Committee

Meeting7:30 pm Beginners Hebrew

Page 27: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends



69:00 am Torah Study9:00 am Tot Shabbat Activity10:30 am Shabbat Morning

Service5:00 pm Mincha Service

1011:30 am Sisterhood Luncheon

(OOB)7:00 pm Advanced Biblical

Hebrew7:30 pm Advanced Hebrew

Class7:30 pm Intermediate Biblical


11 1210:00 am Sisterhood Museum

Trip6:30 pm Teacher Recognition

Shabbat Service7:30 pm Teacher Recognition

Shabbat Dinner7:45 pm Wine & Cheese

Welcome8:15 pm ARZA Israel Shabbat


139:00 am Torah Study10:30 am Shabbat Morning

Service6:30 pm TRSTY BBQ –out of

bldg.7:30 pm Bellagio Ball

1710:00 am Sisterhood Book Group

-out of bldg.7:30 pm Advanced Hebrew

Class7:30 pm Koleinu Rehearsal

186:45 pm Service of Strength,

Comfort & Healing7-7:30 pm Committee Night

1910:00 am Sisterhood Book Group

(OOB)6:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service8:15 pm Volunteer Shabbat

209:00 am Torah Study 9:00 am Tot Shabbat Service10:30 am Shabbat Morning

Service10:30 am Parallel Shabbat

Morning Minyan8:00 pm Concert with Cantor

Emil Toth

2410:00 am Sisterhood Bridge –out

of bldg.7:00 pm Next Step7:30 pm Advanced Hebrew


257:30 pm Rosh Chodesh

266:30 pm Early Shabbat Service

for Older Families8:15 pm Erev Shabbat, Koleinu

sing at 8:15 pm ServiceCall time: 7:30 pmAufruf of RabbiBurstein & Eric Larson

279:00 am Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morning


317:30 pm Advanced Hebrew Class

3Yom Ha’atzmaut9:30 am Sisterhood Board

Meeting7:30 pm Advanced Hebrew Class

46:00 pm JSSA Adoption Program

& Dinner

56:30 pm Bo’i Shabbat Service8:15 pm Learner’s Shabbat


Page 28: Temple Rodef Shalom BulletinAlexander Sirlin Natalie Stearman Samuel Strongin Charles Wexell Dana Whitman Margaret Winters Rachel Wolman Samantha Zito Parents, relatives and friends

Pre-sortedFirst Class

US PostagePAID

Falls Church, VAPermit No. 214

Temple Rodef Shalom2100 Westmoreland Street

Falls Church, VA 22043


Temple Rodef Shalom

Senior Rabbi Amy M. SchwartzmanCantor Michael A. ShochetAssociate Rabbi Marcus L. Burstein, D. MinFounding Rabbi Laszlo BerkowitsStudent Cantor Rebecca Robins

OFFICERSPresident Robin StronginVice President Marc CohenVice President David LawrenceVice President Joan LevinVice President Hannah MooreTreasurer Marla SchnallAssistant Treasurer David FishFinancial Secretary Elliot GruberRecording Secretary Ronnie SchulmanCorresponding Secretary Beth Stroul

TRUSTEESMarshall Berman, Jerry Greenwald, Susan Simon

STAFFAdministrator, Beth Silver — 703/532-2217 ext. 300Program Director, Anita Thornton — 703/532-2217 ext. 301Religious School Principal, Dina Backer, RJE — 703/532-2207Nursery School Principal, Karen Simpson — 703/532-2227Camp Director, Jay Rapoport — 703/532-2241 ext. 251Youth Group Director, Michelle Sandler — 703/532-2217

Temple Office 703/532-2217www.TempleRodefShalom.orgEmail: [email protected]

The TRS Bulletin is published 12 times a year on the 1st of each month.

Volunteer ShabbatFriday, May 19

8:15 pmJoin us for this special opportunity to recognize all of our

wonderful volunteer activities and projects that our temple

members have participated in over the past year. A flower will

be added to our bema vase for each volunteer project that has

been worked on over the past year. By the time we finish

acknowledging projects, the vase will be overflowing with

beautiful flowers, and our bema will be filled with representa-

tives of each project, who will receive a blessing from our cler-

gy. Please contact the chair of your committee to make sure

your project is on our list to be honored. If a temple volunteer

project you were involved in was done independent of a TRS

committee, please contact Anita Thornton, Program Director,

at 703/532-2217 ext 301 or e-mail athornton@templerodef- to have your volunteer project added to the list.

We will also be welcoming guest Cantor, Emil Toth to the

bema on this evening. Cantor Toth will be presenting a con-

cert on Saturday, May 20.