Download - Temas 3 - 5 Complete PET Student's Book

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@ Read the text more carefully and think of answersto these questions. Which paragraph gives youthe answer to each?

I What did Michael ay when he arrived n Jamaica?2 Why did Michael decide o sail across he Atlantic

Ocean?3 How did Michael eel during he voyage?

@ wow look at the multiple-choice optionsfor questions l-3 above. For each question,decide which of A, B, C or D is closest o yourunderstanding of the text.

I A He preferred eing at seaB He enjoyed leeping n his boatC He wanted o have a good mealD He iked opening ins of food

2 A He had a conversation ith SebastianB His father suggested he dea o hrm

C He wanted o do the same as SebastianD He was alreadv n exnert sailor

3 ABcD

@ fook again at the parts of the text that gave youthe correct answers to questions 1-3. Are they inthe same order as the questions?

Exam aduicer

. Quickly ead he text o get he general dea of :,what t is about.

. Foreach question, ecide what he text says fabout t before ou ook at optionsA-D. i

. Choose he option closest o your understandingof the text.

n:!rtr4*4isF.f$i#r&n*+ii5!&s*lw*e+.OUels;,'+iq,e+r*e+g.+*-li#,'"*,+ utet#-+s

@ Discuss these questions with a partner. Givereasons for your answers. Begin your answerswith the words given.r What kind of record would you like to break?

r'd li(e . . .

r What difficultieswould there be ?Ahere waa!-d e .. .

. How much ime would you need or training?a'd ry,eed ""

. How would you feel f you succeeded?I'd hee!. ..

GrammarVerl .rs niinr,vt ' ( ily l{)o{ tJt(J"qt

Q*' page r21Gtammar eference: erbs r:.ll*weri0yri l 0r- ing

We can use -lng or the infinitive after verbssuch as begin, start, like, loue, nte, prefer andcontinue with little difference n meaning, e.g.It began o snow. It began snowing, but withother verbs only one orm is possible.

Q fook at the underlined verbs from the text.'Whichare followed by a verb ending in -ing, and

which are followed by an infinitive? Complete the

table.I I ' l len iov a t ins nv lh ins2 Mr Perham greed o teach him3 he'd never elt like giving up4 the trip seemed o go on forever5 I 'd practised andling emergencies

e4^101tv u effYe"e

Adapted from the Daily Mail

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Now add these verbs to the correct column in thetable.

admit afford avoid decide expect fancyrfinish hope learn manage mind miss l

iPforl:" :usse:l wSnt wouldike

Can you add more verbs to each column?

O O Some of these sentences contain mistakesmade by PET candidates. Tick (/) the sentencesthat are correct. Rewrite the incorrect sentences.

I would like to learn dancing he 'Samba'.

A wou!-d i(e lo !-enr+r o dn+ce tl,"e 'Sawba'.

We decided catch he train.I really enjoy o be here.I'll never orget o visit the Statue of Liberty lastyear.We hope o go to the same sland again next year.Do you fancy to come with us?I must remember o phone Carlos omorrow.

When we finished o eat went to my house.I forgot asking you about your family.Do you remember sailing nto Cape Town?

@ Wfrictr two verbs in sentences 1-10 can befollowed by verb + -ing and the infinitive, butwith a change of meaning?

@ Complete questions 1=6 with either the -ing or theinfinitive form of the verb. Then ask your partnerthe questions.

I Where do you want . fa Aa (go) on

holiday next summer?2 What kind of music do you enjoy ..(listen o) at home?

3 What are you planningweekend?

4 Where do you ancy. . . . . . . . .evening?

5 Do you ever orget ... ......anything to the lesson?

6 What would you likethe esson?

@ feU your partner about somethipg hat you:

I can't afford o buyt cnn'l n{lord lo buy F'new cowputer.are earning o do v

decided o do ast weekare planning to do on Saturdaywant to start doing

must remember o do tomorrowwill finish doing soonshouldn't orget o do next weekendalways hate doingreally ove doing.

VocabularyPhrasal erbs

& pug* 121Grammar eference; hrasalverbs

noan lUl a phrase which consists of a verb in

combination with a preposition or advefb or both, the meaning

of which is different from the meaning of its separate parts: 'Look

after'. 'uork out' and 'make up for' arc all phrasal verbs.

Q nead the entry from the Cambriilge Leorner'sDictionary and complete hese example sentenceswith the three phrasal verbs given.








I I 'm t ry ing o . . .2 I hope his money will

inconvenience.3 Could ou


... he total cost.

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .h e

the childrenwhile 'm


3' 4


@ In pairs, find phrasal verbs n the text aboutMichael Perham with these meanings, henanswer the questions below.

I leave a train, bus, ship, etc.) [Paragnph 2] Votn A

04-+feeling happy about something hat is going ohappen Paragraph 2]make (something) become Paragraph 3]start a journey [Paragraph 3]stopping doing something before you havecompleted t [Paragraph 4]continue [Paragraph 4]take action (e.g. o solve a problem) Paragraph 4]continue doing (a ob) [Paragraph 5]

Which tltree of the phrasal verbs consist of threewords?Which one s separated y other words?



. . . . . . . . . .doJ t he

. . . . . go) his

. [bring)

... . . . doJ after

@ unit

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@ Complete he table about people's hobbies with these words.



camera campef collectroncyclist helmet instrument

painter photographer tent



Work in pairs. Which other words go with the hobbies above? Makea list (e.g. chess: indoor gome, black and white sqlu,ares, ueen,move).

Choose one of the hobbies from the table and describe it to yourpartner, but without saying what it is called. Your partner has toguess what it is. Then change roles.

Yoa^'re utdoors, o1^ /1"^veo li+td sow"ewltere nle n+tddry, you puluptol^r t"u'r,yYu iVtnt,a ve lo c00K10oariood r u"t X ftl!-" ',nsc11\er)T1u sleeP wLF sLeePt+rana .' .

Speaking Part 2

O {1?}Two teenagers, Olivia and Daniel, are talking about what theycould do in their free time. Look at this list of hobbies, listen to therecording and answer questions 1-3.

l"*o.irg" iitr,ing"*uiti-iiiiing''''*ouniuin-oiroingo;r<-Ciimuing

I Which hobby/hobbies oes Daniel suggest?2 Which does Olivia suggest?3 Which do they decide o take uP?

O {[Listen again, and fill in themissing words n sentences -8.

I OK hen, . . . . . . . . . ., t9u1. . . . . .. . bougoing ishing?

2 Well, I rhink I'd. t o d o

something a bit more exciting.3 Perhaps e. . . . . . . . t ry

a water sport?4 I th ink we . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o

something cheaper.5 A11r igh t ,. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . on

we go rock-climbing?

6 I think it 'd beto do something es sdangerous.

7 So. . . . . . we do hat ,then?

8 Yes, .. . . . go or thaone.

O |Gt Listen again to sentences1, 3, 5 and 8 and answer thesequestions.


words have hestrongest tress?

o What kind of information dothese words give?

Now practise asking thequestions, stressing thesewords.

@ {C}Listen again to sentences 2,4 and 6. Practise saying these,using the same polite tone toreply to suggestions.

@ unnt

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@ Work in pairs. Continue Olivia's and Daniel'sdiscussion, suggesting more hobbies. Use some ofexpressions l-8 and give reasons why you wouldor wouldn't like to do them. Remember to bepolite!

@ no this Speaking Part 2 task with a partner. Talkfor at least two minutes.

You ond o friend hove holidoys oter this yeorbut you still don't hove ony firm plons for twoweeks of them. Tolk together obout the differentkinds of holidoy you could hove ond obout thethings you could do. Here ore some pictureswith some deos o help you.

@Stuay the first sentences in each Writing Part Iquestion l-6 below. Which word(s) do you have tochange? Underline them.

I I'm always happy when I go on holiday with myfamily.I always nioy ....6.av\f r !Iamlly.

holiday with my


Writing Fax'&Stuay this example of sentence ransformationand answer he questions.

I don't have enough money or a new camera.

I can' t . . . . . . . . .new camera.

I Which word(s) n the first sentence o you have ochange?

2 Why would the answer afford buying be wrong?3 What is the correct answer?

Correct the mistakes in the answers to l-5, andsay what is wrong in each case. Underline thewords you have to change from the first sentenceto the second.

I I want to have piano p!-nl

Answer: I want to learn PW,"t" .Ihe piano.

All the water n the lake s frozen now.Answer: All the water n the ake ...bn5..furuedice.Let's eave he house ery early n the morning.Answer: suggest .. . . . . . .5?t..q14t.. ..very early nthe morning.It 'd be a good dea o go horse iding.Answer: Why ......we.q.*\t. . . go horse iding?I can ' t wait o go sights^eeing,n,Rome.Answer: 'm looking fArwnrl'.tP ffq sightseeingin Rome.

2 Everybody ikes staying n bed ate n the morning.Nobody wantsmorning.

up early n the

3 Usually, my sister uggests oing o the beach.My sister sually ays, How.. . . . . . to the

beach?'4 This summer 'm going o start playing beachvolleyball.I 'm going o takesummer.

beach volleyball his

5 I also want to have sailing essons.I w a n t . . . s a i l . t o o .

5 Summer holidays always seem oo short!Summer oliday s ever eem o 90. . . . . . . . . . .enough!

@ for each question above, complete the secondsentence so that it means the same as the first, usingno more than three words.

@ Write a paragraph about what you do in your freetime. Try to use each of the following:o three verbs ollowed by -lng and/or the infinitiver three adjectives with negative prefixqs. three phrasal verbs rom this unit.

@ In small groups, compare what you have written.Ask other students to check for mistakes,particularly with the points suggested n Exercise 5.

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Our world

lUufssuvenms go camping go sightseeinggo snorkelling go snowboarding

rgo rekking sunbathe take Photos1try,newports visltmu:eums

g O Abi went to Zanzibar, an island nearTanzania, Africa. Listen to Toby asking Abi about

her trip. Write down Abi's answers., r { { { f i l f i ! f , u f l r o l ^* I , i ' * & , i ' i & ' 4 ' 4 ' * , i , i , & ' $ ,

2 Are,tlcre a. g abttdies gouT stillftKe uA{ -

@ Work in small groups. Talk to each other about

your holiday activities.

Reading Xlax"&

Exam advice. Underlinehe mportantnformationn he

questions ndthe ext.. Write he question umber ext o the nformation

you have nderlinedn he ext.","-".. G

([) work in small groups. Look at the photos withthe text about an unusual holiday in Borneo anddiscuss which of the activities from Starting offyou think you can do there.

@ Read+hese en sentences bout he holiday nBorneo.

I Borneo s larger han anv other slandin the world. L-l V-

2 Temperatures arelv fall below 20o Con Borneo.

3 For he first part of this trip you willsleep n the citYcentre.

4 You'll be able o try water sports nthe South China Sea.

5 There s an airport n Sukau.

6 The animals n the SePilok nimalcentre are all sick or injured.

7 It's mpossible o get near an orang-utan.

8 Orang-utans nlYeat m\q!.

9 This Borneo holiday ncludes a freetrip to Mount Kinabalu.

l0 You will have an opportunity to buygifts after he sightseeing our.





O Work in pairs. Choose ome of the holidayactivities in the box to label the photos.

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@ Work in pairs. The mportant words have beenunderlined n the first two sentences f Exercise2. Decide ogether which words you wouldunderline n sentences -10, hen underline hem.

@ nead he text to find out whether sentences -10are correct or incorrect. f the sentence s correct,tick (/) box A. If it is not correct, ick (/) box B.Underline where you find the answer in the text.

@ Check your answers with your partner. If youhave a different answer, look at the text againtogether.

@ Work in small groups. Answer these questions.. Would you like to go on this holiday o Borneo?

Why (not)?o Take

urns to tell each other about a specialholiday you have had. Decide which of you hashad the best holiday.


-:': " l' n-r" : *1F++s+f,G



Borneo s one of lhe greot is lqnds

of the world. Not quite qs bio os i ls

!d@i,Borneo s s t i l l on omozing is lqnd. l ' s

fomous or i ts iungles ond wildl i fe ,

in port iculor the orong-ufon. Thereore two seosons expect heovy roin

befween October ond Mqrch qnd o

drier period for fhe resi of the yeor.

Temperofures re generolly between

24" C ond 30' C ol l yeor round.

Koto KinoboluFly to Koto Kinobolu, Borneo's mosf

importont city. We'll pick you up from

your comfortoble qccommodqtion n

the heort of th is city ond tok e you onseverql exciting doy trips over lhe next

few doys. See your first roinforest,go trekking n fhe nofionol pork ond

spend o doy on the shores of the South

Chino Seo where you cqn go swimming

or snorkel l ing n i ts cleor blue wqler.

SukouLeoving the city behind, we fly to the

oirport in the north of the i slond. From

there. he only woy to conlinue ou r

iourney to Sukou, where you'll spend

fhe nexf few doys, is by bus. During

this port of your trip, you will visitthe S epilok Centre, which looks ofteryoung orong-utqns whose porenfs hove

died. Some of these onimols orr ive in

very bod condition. The cenlre helps

them to recover buf fhis con toke lime.

Visitor proiectsThere s no oge l imil here . All vis i tors

ore expected to toke pbrt

in reseorch octivifies to

understqnd ond observelhe orong-ufons. Don'f

miss his extroordinory

opportunity to gef closelo these creotures. Onceyou hove spenf the

morning wotching wild

orong-utons, why not help

col lect he plonts hot oreport of.-their diel?---


Return fo Koto Kinobolu

Once bock in Kolo Kinobolu, enioy

some ree time. For o smoll ee, book

our doy trip lo Mounl Kinobolu. At

over 4,000 melres, it is the highest

mounlqin n Soufh-Eost s io . l f you

prefer to look oround the ciiy, comeon our morning our which ncludes o

visit to the Sqboh Stote Museum ond

the Tun Musiopho Tower. And when

the tour is over, it's o short ride fo

the modern shopping cenires, locol

siores or mqrkets for some lost-minule


our world @

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Vocabulary&are{ J's#ff ey a ld r,?p

O O PET candidates often make' mistakes with travel, ourneyand trip. Look at this extractfrom the Combridge earner'sDictionary.

Air travel as become uch healer.

ftre,v"ll uerb to make a journey

I spent a year traaelling around Asia.

He ellasleep uing he rain ouney

Didyouhave goodoumey?


a business ipa 3-day rip o Spain

O O Circle the correct option in

italics in sentences 1-5 writtenby PET candidates.

I My father went to Paris on abu$iness ourney AD

2 I've'won atrip /joffieyIoAmerica or two people stayingin a five-star hotel.

3 We tripped / travelled aroundmy country and bought somesouvenirs.I 've ust got back rom Greece.It was a wonderful ravel trip.I was really afraid of flying soI was very nervous about mytravel / journey.

GrammarCcrxparat iv*nd$uperlat ivcr i jcct ives:nat};?s . . . s " . .

*s ptg* 121Grammar eference." ontparative nrl supeilattve tllectives

O Work in pairs. Look at these sentences about the island of Borneoand say if they are true or false.

I Borneo s bigger han its neighbour New Guinea.

2 Sukau s the most important city in Borneo.3 Mount Kinabalu s the highest mountain n South-East sia.4 Rain s more common between October and March than the rest of

the year.

@ Sentences -4 above show ways of comparing things. Look at thesentences again and complete the rules with the correct sentence

*gl ant.l."ti"t - e'g' entences I and ) '

-! ;';";:;,v,* *p"l+o"uo"ntt'?:,'::::^:::,:: yir:i;f' We eenerally se suPEIrdr L "qJv-' -- -tiingfrn" he nosf of a qualtt!

*!l e.g. entences ) 1- and +)


I Hules-S

, *" *^"'ntuse g4mParative dectiyes e'g' igger han)ro ay har

,-s "or"rh,n., "iJ.iG*r'""-*"1 t': iii k ^qualttvsize'eieht'tc)

..G+.-t""",tn*+t=.+---.t'!##Yzft *{r€4?!+€&{'4w

@ O Work in small groups. PET candidates ften make mistakes withthe form and spelling of comparative and superlative adjectives.Complete his table correctly.

@ O Correct one mistake made by PET candidates with the form orspelling of the comparative or superlative adjective in sentences -6.

DvuesrI In the centre s the ftest market n Europe.2 This own is more quiet han the town I used o live n.3 That is the worse oke I have ever heard n all my life.4 I was so hungry hat I decided o go to the nearst estaurant.5 Big cities are much more better han the countryside.6 Tunisia s the hotest olace 've ever been o.

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@ Work in pairs. Talk about acts -12 below and complete ach usinga comparative or superlative adjective made rom one of the wordsin brackets. Make a guess f you don't know the answer.)


I Asia s o6er . . . . . . .han Africa. [big / small)2 Russia s . t.l"e.Irrfre.sJ. country in the world. (large)3 The mosquito s .I .. creature n the world. (dangerous)4 Orang-utans re .. than dogs. intelligent stupid)

5 An African elephant s .. . . . . . than a blue whale.(heavy / Iight)6 The howler monkey s ...... land animal. noisy)7 The sea horse s . ... . . fish n the world. (slow)8 The Great Dane s.... . . . . dog n the world. (talll9 Nagoya rain station n Japan s .. . . . . . station n the world.

tbis)Nemo 33 n Belgium s .. . . . pool n the world. (deeplAntarctica s .... ... .. . than the Arctic. (cold warm)The Amazon rainforest sBorneo. large / small)

O (G} Listen to Alyssa and Fergus discussing the facts and find outhow many of your answers are the same as theirs.

$$* ptg* 122Grammar eference brt.a lrttie,much, ar,a ot

@ How different are these places and animals? Use a bit, a little, much,far or a lot and, he word in brackets as a comparative adjective towrite one complete sentence or l-5.

I George s 2 metres all. Fred s 1.98metres all. (tallJ..................Qeqree.s.4..b.ittilIa:r tlo*r .fted.. .

2 Mount Everesl, n the Himalayas, s around 8,850metres igh. K2, also.- in the Himalayas, s around 8,611metres igh. [high)

Arica, Chile, gets 0.76 mm of rain per year. Death Valley n Arizona,

flSA, Bets ess han 50 mm per year. (dry)


84 million people ravel hrough Atlanta nternational irport, USAeach year. 67 million travel hrough London's Heathrow Airport.(busy)

5 The sperm whale's brain weighs about 78 kg. A human adult 's brainweighs about 13 kg. (heavy)

@ nead these sentences about Borneo andorang-utans and say if you think they are true or false.

I Borneo s not quite as big as ts neighbour New Guinea.2 Orang-utans an move more quickly n the trees, ut on the ground,

humans are as fast as orang-utans.3 A female orang-utan an grow to be as arge as a male orang-utan.

l0l lt2 than the rainforest n

@ fook at the sentences nExercise 8 again and answerthese questions.

I What expression o we use osay hings are he same?

2 What word do we add o saythings are different?

3 Does he form of the adjectivefor adverb) change?

ffi pug* 122Grammar eference;[Na t ] s . . a s . .

@ for each sentence aboutanimals l-5, use (not) as ...cs ... to complete the secondsentence so that it means thesame as the first. Use no morethan three word.s.

I Orang-utans re moreintelligent han dogs.Dogs are not as

ifie. Xift ut.. 4s. orang-utans.

African elephants ave argerears han Asian elephants.Asian elephants' ars are not4 s . . . . . . .African elephants' ars.

Goats elong o the samefamily as sheep ut their hair

is straighter.Sheep elong o the samefamily as goats ut their hair isn o t . . . . . . . .goats 'hair.

The mosquito s the mostdangerous reature n theworld.There s no other creature nthe worldthe mosquito.

I 'd expected ogs o be moreintelligent.Dogs aren'tI 'd expected.

our world @

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($ work in small groups. Use some of the wordsbelow to label the Pictures.

, ri girr;iv -niio# o"pi,tm.ntioie tttioivrfountain Internet af6 market monumenl l:policestation port river shopeffig-€entre I,staCium tourist lfice town hall Vouth lub

I take turns to ask and answer questions about

some of the Places n Exercise 1'

A: Is there a department store n your town?B: Yes, here's one n the shopping centre'A: How often do You go there?

B: I often go there on Saturday afternoons'

@ these adjectives can be used to describe places'

Write the opposite of each adjective' (Sometimes

more than one answer is Possible')8 interesting9 safe

l0 expensivel1 noisy12 deep13 far14 hilly

Grammar8,rg nclenoff?CIus gradable and non*gradable


# p.g" 122Grammar eference'" igandenormous

very/really big

s Bqlce-S , ^uraadectiv€ - u/g can say sometntng- g B i g i s a g r a d a D l . . . o r- = 5 i s ( l ) : 1 " @ ) ' ' ' - ' '

,-^r (3) :- il;;*I::"",:""!titis'wecan"* alsosaY ot"tf ine " ""?;mely bigwhichmeans hat f's

': rnu"h igger han usual'

--.1] Enornousis grn:eradallg 4iecttve ndmeans cry !c

-S *o "^n say 4) , or- - !

t ' L vq ' I

= (s). - * \ o ) . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . , , ( 7 ) . ' . . :

Q Complete he rules about gradable andnon-gradable adjectives using qaite*, very'absolutelY r reallY.

*qr,rifehere means frile

*ffi pug* 126 orquitewithnan-gradable djectiveso meanc0mPletelY

@ Write the gradable adiectives for these non-

gradable adjectives. (More than one answer is

sometimes Possible.)

I enormou biq 5 terrible2 t iny

' 6 f i l t hY3 boiling 7 fascinating4 freezing 8 fantastic

\@OPET candidates often make mistakes with-

ftuauntu and non-gradable adiectives' Circle the

correct option in italics in sentences 1-5'

1 It 's auery 1(re?llfwonderful lace n my country'j t, *u, a'qu.F/ftally great movie' You should se e

it .3 I've got a dog which is very absolutely normous

4 The weather s absotutely quite hot here' but at

night it Sets cold.5 I ieally l]ke thls chicken dish - it's very obsolute


I crowded ewPty2 narrow3 high4 modern5 dirtY6 beautiful7 lively


@ u n t +

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(G} Listen to Selma talking about where she lives.Note down her replies to these questions.

I Where do you come rom?2 What do you ike about iving there?3 What would you change bout where you ive?

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in

Exercise 4, trying to use very, quite, absolutelyand really with gradable and non-gradableadjectives.

istening Xlar&N O R T H O L E

Work in small groups. Look at the pictures andanswer these questions about Oymyakon (alsoknowilas the Norfhern PoIe of Cotd).I Where s Oymyakon?2 Which wo records as his place held, do yo u

think?3 What do you think is the connection etween

Hollywood actor Ewan McGregor and Oymyakon?4 What do you think life is like there or young


@ nead hese notes about Oymyakon. Decide whatinformation you think is missing rom each space(number, date, noun, verb, adjective, etc.).

; $ d

Temperatures ropped o -7L2" C in he year(1 )

Winters an be 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .In ast 100 years, itt le hangedarrival f (3 )

Fiodor rnosow (4) ...OymyakonYoung eople ould ike:

. (5 )

. . months ongin Oymyakon xcept or

,;i',4 " ' i d'du ',f ,d.n d

. . person o live n

o Internet af6 o meet riendsr disco ithmusicEwanMcGregorravelledhere by (6 )

Examaduice ,. Before ou isten,ead he notes arefullynd ,

think about what kindof word s missing n :each space.

. The notes ollow he order of the recording.

. Don'tworry f you don't hear he answer he jfirst ime - you will listen o the recording ;twice. )

' .i4ii$*#&${d:ffi€h6idtsn#t$'iffird*trsSidf+rfl*+aB{kldtsF*nis**$ddffiHidi+i+L$f

O {6| You are now going to listen to a radioprogramme about Oymyakon. For each question,fill in the missing information in the numberedspace n the notes above.

@ Work in pairs. Before you listen again, compareyour answers and see f you can help each otherwith the missing words.

O {@ Listen to the recording again and then checkyour answers with your teacher.

@ Work in small groups. Imagine you live inOymyakon and discuss these questions.o Do you ike living in Oymyakon?Why (notJ?r What would you change bout your town?. How could you attract more ourists o your town?

; ,' s !P f


0ymyakon, astRussia

The Northern Pole of Cold is a place nthe northern hemisphere where he owestair temperature

as been ecorded

our world 6g)

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Writing Part 3O Read his Writing Part 3 task and answer he

questions hat follow.

. This s part of a letter ou eceive roman English-speakingriend.

As part of a school roject have o writeabout n mportant ity nyour ountry.Which ityshould choose? an ou el lme about his city?

Now write a letter o your riend.Write your etter n about 100 words.

I What do you need o write?2 How many words do you need o write?3 What information should vou include?

@ Work in small groups. Choose an important cityin your country and decide which of the thingsin the box you could write about. Then think ofsome adiectives to describe each one.

buildings museums shops streetsItranspoil views weather

@ Xirsty lives n Durban, South Africa. Read heranswer o the Writing Part 3 task.

Dear Oscar,

As rlouknow, 've ived nDurban ll mtllife, owh,1don't 1ou writeaboutmt1cittq?t'sone of the argestcitiesn South Africa.ln factover hree millionpeople ive here. urbanis famous or itsport.

People a1 hat it's he busiest ort n Africa.Durban s ontheeast oast f South frica and, as he'Colden Mile'a group f beaches hich re never oocrowded nd hetlare fantastic or surfing. here re absolutehqfascinatingmt$eums, mod"ern hopping entres nd traditional markets,

too. The weather sgreat because he sun even hines nwinter. hope his s enough nformation.

Lotsof love,


@ Work in pairs. Look at the writing checklist. Canyou answer yes to all the questions? Why (not)?

Writing checklistI Does Kirsty answer all the parts of the question?2 Is her answer well organised?3 Does she open and close he letter n a suitable

way?4 Does she connect her ideas with words \1keand-

because and which?Does she use a variety of structures fenses,comp r ative adj ectiv s, etc. and vo cabulary?Does she write about 100 words?

@ Underline he expressions n Kirsty's writing thatyou could use n your own letter. Then checkif you have underlined the same expressions asyour partner.

Exam aduice. Read he question arefully nd underlinehe key

words.Answer ll he parts f he question.Make ure ou can say es o the questions n hewriting hecklistn Exercise .

@ Write a rough copy of your letter, using Kirsty'sletter as a model.

@ Work in small groups. Read each other's letters tofind out if you can answer yes to all the questionsin the writing checklist.

@ Write the final copy of your own letter.

In preparation or the PET exam, t is useful owrite rough copies of your Writing Parts 2 and 3answers. Your eacher and other students can thenhelp you to improve your work before you writeyour final copy. However, n the real exam youwon't have ime to write a rough copy - just write

quick notes before you write your final copy.

our world (+i

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Unit3 Voco"bulory nd grnmmnr reuiew


(f riU in the gaps by adding im-, in- or un- to theword in brackets.I It was .....j.,*pOssib{a possible) o see anything

in the og.2 You can't un 20 kilornetres n one dav f vou're

(fio.3 It 's .. . . . . . . .fair) o charge hildren he

same price as adults.4 Petrol s very expensive ow so big cars are

becoming (popular).5 It's (healthy) o eat oo

much and do no exercise.

6 You shou ldn ' t s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f o rma l )expressions hen you write a job application.

7 People ecame .. . . . . . pat ient)when they had to wait outside he stadium.

8 That old bicycle s (safe) andnobody should ide it.

9 Heavy snow s forecast, o drivers should avoidany ..... necessary) ourneys.

f0 In colder countries, many animals are(active) during the winter.

@ vtatctr the beginnings of sentences l-8 with their

correctendings a-h.


@ Complete he text with the-ing

orthe infinitive

form of the verb in brackets.

I'm planning 1) ta Ua (go)away onholiday extweek, but there are still so many hingsI deed (2) [do) before we leave!want (3) (get) some new clothesand I feel ike (a) (go) shopPingright now, though I can't afford (5)(buy) everything 'd like (6) ... . . . . .have).So 've decided nly (7) . .. . (look or )the things really must ake with me. 'm alsohoping (8) (see) my friends beforeI go, so I've suggested 9) ... . . . . (spend)

Sunday afternoon ogether. And I must remember(10) . (buy) some more ctedit for mymobile his afternoon. forgot 11) ... . . . . . .(do) that yesterday, nd I can't magine

{12) (be) away rom home or amonth and not sending single ext message!

@ Circle the correct option, a, b or c.

1 While I'm away, a neighbnur s b my cat.a looking for b@ c looi<ingat

2 My brother has a wonderful .. . . . of old coins.a collection b collecting c collector

3 I love going out to sea and deep under thewater.a surfing b sailing c diving

I I 'mgoing o put my naml a

2 We're ll really ooking I OI

3 Peoplewho like art often L ctake

4 You must work hard to dcatch

5 I'm sure hat you can deal e

In the next game, you canjoin

It's a long walk, so I need ose t

Getting second prize didn'tmake

up painting as ahobby.

with any problemslike that.

down forswimminglessons.

out very early nthe morning.

forward to surfingtomorrow.up for notwinning the race.

in and play in ourteam.

up with the rest ofthe class.

My brother s a very gocd.lovelymeals.a cook b cooker

He makes some

c cooking

5 I want to learn to play the piano, or anothermusicala object b equipment e instrument

The castle harges lower admission ..... . . . .orchildren.a fare b fee c value

I t ' smore un to take. . . . . . . .. . .n a game han ustwatch t.a team

@ rnnt

b part c practice

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Unit4 Voco"bulorynd grcrmmnT evi-ew

Vocabulary 5 The cyclist, Mark Beaumont, ook just under 195days o .. . . . . . . . round he world by bike.(travel

/ Irip /journey)

Q neva has written this letter about her home town,Helsinki. However, she has made eight mistakeswith adjectives she has uspd the opposites!Correct he letter by changing the underlinedadjectives o their opposites. More than oneanswer s sometimes ossible.)

HiJohn' bivvestlliveinHelsinkiwhich ethe capital and (! g#+eet

city inFinland. Helginki e (2) terrible - llove tllt'slocal e d near ah e b altic 5 ea s o th e w ealh er is not very

cold o such a n orth ern c o unary. Febr uary is by arth e (3) holL eet, mo nth. La et Feb u ary wae (4) b oiling.tem? eratur e s t ell o -1 5o C. As f or t he city it s elfH'ef inki s extremely lean.llove hopping ndthereare many placee o go n he city centre Tourist s lovethe (5) calm market square but I prefer Stockmanns,it 'e a (6)tiny deparlmenl slore.lourist s also visit iheMuseum of Finnish Art,butIthinki1"'s alittle( ' /) interestinq. Helsinki as 3OO elands, ome of themare completely (8) arowded.lnthe eummer,we oflent ake our b oat t o an sland an d sp end h e d ay h e e.

Whydon'tyou come

Hope o hear rom you eoon.

Lots oflove,


@ Choose the correct option in brackets to completethese sentences about record breakers.

I At around 3,600 metres above he sea, La Paz,Bolivia, s the world's .. hiVhesl.......... apitalcity.t@@Z lowest widest)u

2 The EiffelTower s older .. . . . . . .heEmpire State Building but the Empire StateBuilding is taller. (then as / than)

3 One of Copenhagen's ost popular ouristattractions s the ... . . . . . . . . . small LittleMermaid statue. absolutely very / far)

4 Mauna Loa, Hawaii , s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . larger han

One of the world's argest . . . .. . . sin Dubai, United Arab Emirates. t has over 1,200shops. shopping entres department storesmarkets)

Grammar@ O PET candidates often make mistakes with

comparisons. Correct one mistake in each of thesesentences.

tn!.!-er1 He was taler than me and more handsome oo.2 This cinema s more better han the cinema n

Enfield.3 I don't ike the countryside even f it is more safe

than cities.4 I like living in the city much more hat the

countryside.5 The restaurant had bigger windows as my school

sports hall.6 The food here s much more expensive hen in my


@ nead these sentences about a holiday. Completethe second sentence so that it means the same asthe first, using no more than three uord.s.

I I thought the journey was going o be reallyterrible.The ourney wasn' t as . . . . . . . . .bnd.4s. . . . . . . . . .'dexpected.

2 This year's hotel was nearer o the beach han last' year's.Last year's hotel was .. . . . . . . .rom the

beach han thisyear's.

3 The restaurant n our hotel was more popular thanany other restaurant n town.The restaurant n our hotel was the ..

. . . . .. . estaurant n town.4 Of all the activities, liked going snorkelling best.

I liked going snorkelling...any of the other activities.

5 I have never visited a olace as hot as his.olace I have ever visited.his s

unita @

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Q wtrictr picture shows each of these emotions?

. ; n 9 e r i e ' a i t . ' p p ] n 9 ' . ' r y u + T * " 1 a d n e s s

€) Uo the quiz and match an emotion from the boxwith questions 1-5.

@ fook at the key on page 173. Do you agree withwhat it says about you? Why (not)?

Listening Xlart4

@ Vou are going to hear a teenager, Ben, talking tohis sister, Erica, about his best friend, Liam. Lookat the first part of their conversation, then answerthe questions below.

Erica: I've got a feeling you're upset aboutsomething. What is it?

Ben: Well, Liam moved away with his familylast year and don't hink things are as

good now.Erica: Oh, 'm a bit surprised. t seems o meyou spend half your time on the phone ohim, or writing him emails and texts andthings.

Ben: Yes, do. And we chat online, oo. But forme it's not the same as seeing each other.

I Which words do they use o give heir opinions?T've Vol 6leeli*V ...

2 Which other word5 do you know for givingooinions?

| . ... .The ilm you rewatching as very ad nding.Whatdo youdo?a crya lot b younever ry c cry a litt le

2You re n a cafewhen omebody pills our rinl(,

and doesn't aysorry/.

What oyoudo?a say oth ingo hem b te l l hem t ' s0 l(c shout t hem

3Youhave roken tooth, oyouhave o 9o o thedentist. hat o youdo?a look bit nervous b say ow f aid ouarec say ou ike eeinghe dent i s t

qYour xam esults re much etter han ouexpected. hatdo youdo?a scream nd ump round h smi le l i t t lec cont inue orking

5Someone oudon't il<euddenly ins lotof money.What o youdo?a take no notice f hem b say hey're ery ucky

c say hey on't eserve t@ un,.

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O €rl Listen to the rest of the conversation. Decide f each sentence scorrect or incorrect. f it is correct, put a tick (/) in the box under Afor YES. f it is not correct, put a tick (/) in the box under B for NO.





@ n4atch the underlined expressions from the conversation l-6 withtheir meanings a-f.

I you're Uplgt about something 1 a wants very much2 Liam moved away ( b have a good relationship3 you and Liam actually t" unhappy or worried

eet osether4 I dontt hink he's keen on doing d make (someone) emember

that (something)

gO These sentences containmistakes with modals madeby PET candidates. Say whatthe errors are (e.g. wrong word.order, wrong tense, etc.) andcorrect them.

I We can to go to the cinemanext weekend. Modn!-s relo!.lowed b* lt'e id;lltil;vewifb^.out'ld.

2 I know it may seems trange.3 Sorry but tomorrow I'm not

can go.4 What we could do?5 Here we can doing a lot of

sports.6 You will might see hem in

December.7 It's could be quite boring for

you.8 We could met at 8 o'clock near

the cinema.

@ Read this email and completethe rules below with theunderlined words.

I'm orry ut don't hinkcan oout nThursday.may ebusy lleveningnFriday,oo, oSaturday ight ebetter.That ew ilmsonat he inema nd tcould e eally ood youravouritector'in t. could eet ou here tabout .30.Letme now hat ou hink.

Bye ornow,Lauren

We use

We use' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r. . . . . . . or possibility,

with no real difference nmeaning.

I Erica hinks Ben should see Liam more often.

2 Ben enjoys ravelling by road o see Liam.

3 According o Ben, he train costs oo much.

4 He says hat Liam wants to visit him at weekends.

5 Ben says hat Liam and he are still good riends.

6 Erica s sure hat Liam knows how Ben eels.

5 we get on really well6 you need o remind him

e went to a different place o livef meet o spend ime with


@ Oo you think you can still be good friends with somebody whenyou live a long way from each other? Talk to a partner about it. Useopinion expressions and some of the expressions above.

GrammarCan,er:wfd, iEht and r,?ay abilityand possitrilityJ

# pug* 122Granmar eference. an, ould, might,may(a i rtyand possib ty)

Q Underline the verbs for ability and possibility (modal verbs) in theseextracts from the conversation between Erica and Ben, then answerthe questions below.

Whenever can, Erico-.

And Liam could get one, too.He might not realise hat

o Which of these modal verbs s negative?o Where does nof go?r What is the short orm?r What are the negatives f the other two modal verbs?


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@ Choose he correct modal (can' might, etc.) inKylie's reply.


Thanks or gourmessage. [1Jmag f . i i )s"e Uou' re erU

busg t he moment , o perhaps t (2J an mightbe bet terto meet another eekend. l so , [3]couldn ' t mightn ' t oout

unt i l a ter ecause g i t t lebrother i l lbe here withme and

[4]cant mag not eave imalone t home.

I t ' sa pi tgwe 5J an ' t mag not see each thermore f ten '

You ' re g best r iend nd know [6]might can alwags alk

to Uou bout nuthing. 7J Could Mag ouphone me n he

next ew dags? 've o tsome nteres t ing ews nd

[8)mightn ' t can ' twai t o te l lgou about t !


Kgl ie

@ Work in pairs. Tell your partner about things you

normally can and can't do during the week. Then

say what yo:umight do next weekend.

I-+ tl*e-weeK T cL4 lVet up !'nte, bdr T an'n see

nry lrietds nl sch"oo!-."Attne weeKe+rd wiVl*l


{:riell.ds u low+q or X wiVlnt VoswiwwiuV'

Should, hau{t{n't,u{;ht o,m{;sr, nustn'tr,ave a

and don'fhave o @hligation nd prohitlltionJ***************************************************************************************************.}aqe 122Grammar ef"rercu-lshould shouldn ought-

io."mrst,mustn't, ave o, don'thave o [abfiEatianndprohibiLion)

O W" use should or oaght to to advise someone'In the negative, shouldn't is more common than

oughtn't. Match pictures A and B with these


I 'You shouldn't go out tonight.'2 'You ought to get a new T-shirt.'

@ Cive more advice o the people n the pictures'llse oaght to, should and' shouldn't.'You sl^o\Ldcowb our hnir''

@ Vtatctrpictures C-F with


I 'You musf be home bY 11 Pm.' F2 'You have o be 18 o ride this.'3 'You mustn't make a noise, children"4 'It's Sunday you don't have o get up"

@ Uow match the modals in italics in sentences 1-4

above with their meanings a-d below'

a it's not necessary o do it

b you're not allowed o do t

c it's necessary o do it (because t's

a rule or law)d it 's necessary o do t (because he

speaker ays so)

@ Complete he sentences sing must, mastn't, houeto ot don't have to.

I ''It's still early. Ne..dp.t't.heve...f.a..Uaome et.'

2 'Yourhands re dirty.You.. . .. washthem.'

3 ' I t ' sa secre t . ou . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .said. '

4 'The club's ree. Youin. '

5 'You can't get married. You...

6 'No, I can't wait. You

@ Quictty read the text on page 47 and choose the

correct ending for this sentence' A, B or C'

The purPose f the text s to:A advertise an Internet site or young people'B advise young people on Internet safety'C tell young people not to use he Internet'


tell her what I

.. . ay o get

be 18. . . . .decide ow

sentences 1-4.

@ un*

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O @ Circle the correct option in italics for l-7below. Then listen to the recording to check youranswers.

-d't 4qrq{-fl+-

Internet ites ike MySpace, ebo and Facebook rea great way or young people o keegJ ttch withfriends, ut here are hings you (1)@lorJg / oughtdo to stay safe. On some sites you (2) don't have oI mustn't use your real name f you don't want to, soinvent name or yourself. n most sites t 's a rulethat you (3) ought to I have o give an email address,but this (4) doesn't have o / mustn't be your nprmalone - you can use any address. ou can write lots ofinteresting hings on your onlinepage, but somethingyou (5) must have o never do is put your houseaddress r phone number. n act, you (6) shouldn'tI dodt have o give any nformation hat could etstrangers now your dentity, ecause n the Internetyou never now who s ooking. Remember, oo ,that you (7\ don't have o / mustn't put your riends'personal etails n your page, r you could put hemin danger. o he message s: have un, but ake care.

@ rtrint about your everyday life. Tell your partnerabout something:

I you have o do at school or work.T I'r.aveo arrive o+t fiwe,

2 you mustn't do at school or work.3 you don't have o do at weekends.4 you must do this week.5 you shouldn't do but sometimes o.

6 you ought to do but probably won't do.

VocabularyAdjectives nd prepositionsO O In these orrect entences ritten by PET

candidates, gg!g[i11C the preposition whichcomes after the adiective.

I My father was very angry with me.2 I never get ired of watching his film.3 He was very sorry about what happened.

I Work in groups. Complete he table with theprepositions about, of and, with.

afraid, ashamed, ealous, proud, fond

bored, disappointed, mpatient, satisfied

sad, netvous, razy, sure, depressed

il l

(2 )

(3 )

@ Catt you think of any other adjectives that gowith these prepositions? Add them to the table.Remember that some adjectives can be followedby different prepositions (e.g. sure of, sure about).

@ Write the correct prepositions in l-6, then answerthe questions about yourself. Say why.

I Is there anything you feel sad .. rbo-ut ..... ?2 Is there anyone you sometimes et angry

. . . . . . . . . . . ?When you were a child, what were youafraid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .What do you sometimes etbored . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .Is there anything you sometimes eelnervous . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .What, n your life, are you mostproud . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .

Adjectives ith -ed and -ing

*s pug* 123 Granmar eference. diectlvds lth-ed


(f quictty read the story Love in the air on page 48and answer these questions.. Why did the man ask he airline to help?r What happened n the end?

9look at this extract from the text. What -ingadjective does t useS How does the spellingchange from the word in brackets?

' a

For many people he flight to Australia s-long and boring ...$.

adjective does t use?

Many people eel bored on the long flight to Australia.

@ Answer these questions about both extracts.

I What is the flight to Australia often ike?2 How do people lying to Australia often feel?

@ fitt in gaps 1-12 in the text with the correct formof the adiective. Use -ing if it describes something,


if it tells us how someone eels about it .FeelinSs@

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@ fett a partner about the last time you. annoyed . surprised. tired . disappointed

Then ask your partner to describe situations that were:r exciting r frightening. embarrassing . amusing

Reading Part 5Q Read this paragraph. How

would you answer the questionat the end of the text? With apartner, think of some possiblereasons.

In countries around he world, thenumber of people who say heyenjoy ife is going down. Fromthe United States o China, moreand more adults, eenagers ndchildren say hey are depressed,with ten times more people n theUSA now experiencing epressionthan fifty years ago. At the sametime.people n most ountrieshave ar more money hantheir parents' or grandparents'generations ad. We're icherthan ever before, so why aren't wehappier?

@ Work with a partner. Look atthe pictures then answer thequestions below.

Which of these hings would makyou feel very happy?whv?What other things make you happDo you think we can earn how to

feel happier?

@ Write three pairs of sentences using adjectives from the text.

Il's relnxiu% o Lisleu to wusic.L nlwnys te!- re!,aXedwl*e+tX prry

ryhavoarile so'vls.

O @ You will hear four people alking. Listen and match speakers1-4 with emotions a-d.Speaker 1 a boredSpeaker 2 b amazed

Speaker 3Speaker 4

c annoyedd disappointed


@ rnnu

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@ Quictty read the text.Elorz to be happier, without filling in any gaps,and answer these questions, according to the text.

1 When do we usually hink about our happiness?2 When should we think about he things hat make us happy?3 What may happen f we often do this?

@ fook at a-d and the four possible answers (A, B, C and D) to each of

l-10 below the text. Which questions test:a modal erbs . . . . .L ,b adjectives nd prepositionsc words with similar meaningsd adjectives with -ing ?

Examoduice jFor each gap, decide what kind of word (e.g. adjective,modal, adverb, Jetc.)you need by ooking at the four options. , B, C and D are always ithe same ind of word. j

@ Read he text and choose he correct word, A, B, C or D, for eachspace. There is an example at the beginning (0).

How to be happierOur appiness oes otdepend nly 0)whatwe have, ay cientists. hat e 1) .. . . . . . .we have s ust as mportant. his s why he ichoften eem miserable utpeople ith ery ittleQ) . . . . . . e much appier ith heir ives.

It is(3)

how ari:lywe hinkabout owluckywe are. Most f us have ood ealth,homes nd riends. e don't otice ow ood

lifenormallys untilwe're eeling ad 4) something. utwe don't(5) . . . . o wait or something egativeo happen.Instead, e 6) be grateful ll he ime or he good hings n ourlives.Wecan do hisbywriting own iveof hem 7) .. . . . . . . ight. orexample, omethinghatwe own, r he people e are ond 8)By epeatinghisevery ay ora month t willbecome (9)People hodo hisare healthier, ore uccessful ndmore atisfied(10) their wn ives.

@ wtrictr good things in your lifeare you grateful for? Think ofas many as you can, and writedown the five most important.

VocabularyAdjeclives nd hei'- ppcslte$

$ Vtatctr adjectives 1-5 with theirmeanings a-e.

I miserable

2 nervous

3 negative

4 delighted

5 generous

a bad or elneertu!harmful

b gives a lot toother people

c very pleased

d worried or

afraide very


@ Now match 1-5 with theiropposites rom the box.

eheerfu.l- deoressedmean positive relaxed

@ these adjectives describeexperiences. Put them into

pairs with opposite meanings.awft+ furntastie funnyordinary sellous stfange


@ Now match the adjectives fromthe box with situations l-6.

Somebody ells you th ebest oke you've ever heard.fU'vl'vLX

You h#ve a problem. You cansolve t, but you must hinkcarefully.You ose your wallet or pursewith all your money n it.Like every day, you're standingat the bus stop.You hear a noise n the dark,but you can't.see nyone.By chante, you meet yourfavourite ilm star.

-^0 A [on)1 A remind2 A c a n3 A amusing4 A about5 A must6 A ought7 A most8 A f o r9 A habit

10 A into

B i nB realiseB shallB annoyingB aroundB haveB mayB everyB o fB wayB over

C a tC wonderC d oC surprisingC alongC wouldC shouldC allC fromC useC under

D b vD doubtD needD embarrassingD amongD couldD mightD someD t oD formD with


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@ Work in pairs. Tell your partner about awful,funny, fantastic and strange hings thatsometimes appen.

@ work with a partner.You could choose upevents below.

Exam advice

Do the exam task five of the suggested ife

ffs renlly nwfu! wlne+tpeoele lalr aboul youl t | ' U

belni+d yo\tr bnctr.

Speaking Parts 3 anel 4Q Work with a partner. Choose a

B, and say what you can see nhow the person elt while they

picture each, A orit. Think aboutwere here.

Your photogrophs showed people n situotionsthot coused strong feelings. Now I'd like you totolk together obout importont events in your iIife, ond how you felt ot the time.

. moving ouse r changing chool

. making new riend

. taking n mportant xam

. receiving special resent. being rightened ysomething

. doing omething or he irst ime

. being ery urprised ysomething

. doing omething erywell

. being ery angry bout omething

. hearing r seeing omething unny

Writing Fant 3() nead this sentence from a letter that a friend sent


So ell ,,.e,what! yonr avo,rritc ,ayJ rclaxing,

and whydo you ike t? \


__ j

A €il To see f you were right about heir feelings,listen to the people n the pictures.

O {AfListen again and complete he questions.

Which of these points should you put in yourreply, do you think? What else should youinclude?

I Where you go to relax2 How your best riend relaxes3 What might be a good way to relax4 When you usually relax5 How you relax6 How you relaxed when you were a child

I How2 What3 How ong . . . . . .

to wait?4 What

to that?

Make he discussiononger y asking he othercandidate ow hey elt,what happened ext, tc.

@ ' n " u

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@ Read his reply from Olivia. Which of the points from Exercisedoes she nclude?

7i latlarc,

Tlta-nks.for our letter - /t. vas Sreat t0 /tear fron you,

Jlov lo 1 Lke to re/ar? Ve//, vlat I nost ltke to do rc go tnto ny

room and read aft tnteresilnq boo(, partt'cu/a-r/q t veden/s. Ireally tKe belng /tere becaase 's s0 vArm and cosy, and I canlrsten o ny favourde mus/'c, Vut a siSn outs/de le door sayircg'bo not llsturb', so nobo/y comes n. l don't even ansver ploneca/{s./

So tlat's vlat 7 /o to feel re/a-re/. lov a-bout ou? Vrrte soonan/ /et me ktlov.

A// ile best,


@ Wtrictr of these expressions would you use in a letter to a friend?Where would you put them? Tick (/) the suitable expressions andwrite 'B' for beginning or 'E' for end.

,/ELotsof ove, I have eceived our etterdated une 15. I look orward o hearingfrom ou. DearSir/Madam, Well, hat 's llfor now. HiLisaAll hebest, This s ust a quick etter o say .. Yours incerely,Itwas great o hear rom ou. DearSir/Madam, Givemy ove o everyone.Don't orget o write soon. Sorry 've aken o ong o write back. Dear George

@ fook at Olivia's letter. Which of these, or similar, expressions doesshe use?

@ When she gives reasons, Olivia uses the linking word, because.Which other word linking cause and effect can you find in herletter?

@ loin sentences 1-5 using the linking words in brackets. Start withthe words given.

I I can go to the sports centre quite often. t's near my house. as]I can

Vo to ltne sports cettre6ulre

otleu ns it's wenr wL1i-tol,tse.

There are so many good ilms. I never get ired of going o the cinema.(becauselI n e v e r. . .I often go out in the evenings. don't have much homework o do.(since)S ince . . .Water-skiing s really exciting. enjoy t a lot. (because)I enjoywater-skiing . .I'm on my PlayStation@ very day. 've got some eally good games.Iso)I ' v e . .

@ nead he instructions or theexam ask, and follow the stepsbelow.

This s part of a letter oureceive roman English-speaking riend.

Inyournext etter, leasetellme about omethingexciting ou ike o do.Why s t such ood un?

. Nowwritea lettetanswering our riend'squestions.

. Write our etter n aboutI00words.

Exam odvtceMake ourwritingmoreinteresting yusing djectives,especially trong nes ikeamazing r crazy about).1 Choose n exciting ctivity.2 Make notes bout where. hen

and what.3 Plan he order or yourpoints.

Add reasons.4 Write our etter, sing

expressionsike hose nExercise and cause-and-effectlinks rom Exercise .

5 Check ourwork or mistakes.