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Jumping Around

The title isn¶t making sense >_>

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Side Note!

It¶s SciFi so most of the Physics

misconceptions and miscalculations maybe intentional.

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The Story

 After almost drowning on an icy lake, David Rice

realizes he can teleport. Without so much as

saying goodbye, he jumps to New York City and

soon after teleports himself into a bank vault,steals a fortune, and starts a new life of easy

thrills. One day, he became the target of an

organization called the ³Paladins´ which vowed

to kill all of the ³Jumpers´ in the world. They thenbegin chasing him around the world.

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It involves capturing the essential

information about something ² its

"quantum state" ² to recreate it exa

ctlysomeplace else.

Hence, it is also called Quantum


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That is not the case in the movie.

The movie defines teleportation or jumpingas moving matter and oneself from one

place to another instantaneously

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In reality«

The process of teleporting goes like this:

Teleporting, say, an electron would firstinvolve "entangling" a pair of electrons.

 After the particles are made to interact a

certain manner, whatever one does

influences the other, regardless of the

distance between them.

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In reality«

Next, one electron ² the one you wantteleported ² would stay wherever you like whileyou would physically bring the other electron to

whatever destination you wish.

Then you have to measure the quantum state of the electron you want teleported and send that

in a signal to your destination, where it can beused on the other electron to recreate the firstone.

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The question is«

If the process is that complex in just transferring

one electron, how will you transfer an average

person which is made of more than 10^27 atoms

(More so if David and Griffin can do it in just ablink of an eye)?

Take note that ea

ch atom is made up of subatomic particles (proton, neutron, electron,


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It is highly illogical because measuring thequantum states of all of a person's particleswould likely take a long, long time.

It's not clear how you would entangle all of aperson's atoms with the mass of particles youwant to bring to a destination. Also, teleporting

an object composed of many parts that allinteract with each other, such as a person,would be far more complex than teleporting anisolated photon.

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 And to top it all off,

Measuring the quantum state of an object

essentially destroys it.


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But wait..

By what means do people teleport in the movie?

 A person teleports by essentially opening a rift in

the fabric of reality. Which is also called awormhole.

In reality, passages across space and time could

theoretically exist, and going into one mouth of awormhole could spit you out another instantaneously.

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Wormholes seem to be unstable. If you try totravel through one, it would collapse into a blackhole

It might be possible, however, to stabilizewormholes with dark energy, the enigmatic for cedriving the accelerating expansion of the

universe. Of course, since dark energy is amystery, it remains unknown whether there isany way to actually use it.

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The entrance to a wormhole looks a little bit like a blackhole

In other words, there are gravitational for ces at hand thatcan easily tear anything near it apart. That means if youwished to survive crossing into a wormhole, you wouldneed a very large wormhole, so any for ces acting on youwould even out across your body. If not, your toes mightget tugged on more strongly than your head, for instance, stretching you into a noodle ² a process thatscientists call "spaghettification.´ (double ouch!)

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Even if the wormhole had the mass of the sun, itwould only be about two miles wide ² and thatwould still kill you. You would still need

something with 2.6 million times the mass of thesun in order to survive.

 And if you succeed in creating a wormhole? You

still need to drag each of its "mouths" or openings to where you want to start and stop.Only after you do that can you rapidly go backand forth.

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More Questions

So how can the Jumpers instantly create

wormholes out of thin air?

What is the relation of high voltage to the

ability of the Jumpers to teleport other than

messing up their nervous system?

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Possible Answers

 A possible answer to both questions isbecause those wormholes are openedthrough memory. The high voltage, which

disrupts how our mind works, mayinterfere with teleporting.

But we¶ll leave the explanations and thecorrect answers to the movie writersthemselves.

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We conclude that Jumper is indeed purely

science fiction with only little truth about


The concept of teleportation in the movie

is unclear and we hope to get a better 

picture/explanation in the sequel. (Yes!

May Jumper 2!!!)

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Sour ces