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India L. Stiles


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EPN (Education Podcast Network)

Continued…. Personal Reflection Podcasting Legal

Guide Continued…. Personal Reflection

Learning in Hand Continued…. Personal Reflection Conclusion

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The Education Podcast Network is an effort to bring together into one place, the wide range of podcast programming that may be helpful to teachers looking for content to teach with and about, and to explore issues of teaching and learning in the 21st century.

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Most of the producers of these programs are educators, who have found an avenue through which they can share their knowledge, insights, and passions for teaching and learning and for the stories that they relish and teach. The directory will grow as more people come forward with their stories and ideas, and we hope that you will start to share your ideas with the larger education community by producing your own program

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When I first learned about podcasting I did not know that it was so easy. At first I thought that it would be very complicated because it was advanced but when I started my own podcast it was very fun and easy. I learned a lot from it. Teachers could really learn and organize a lot using this method.

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The purpose of this Guide is to provide you with a general roadmap of some of the legal issues specific to podcasting. EFF has produced a very practical and helpful guide for issues related to blogging generally (

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When creating your own podcast, it is important to make sure all necessary rights and permissions are secured for the material included in your podcasts. This is relatively easy if you create all of the material that is included in your podcast but can become progressively more complex the more you include material created by other people. If you do not obtain the necessary rights and permissions, you may get into legal trouble for incorporating third party material into your podcast and for also authorizing others to use that material as part of your podcast.

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I personally didn’t know that podcasting was a great deal with the law which is a pretty good thing. Now that I know that podcasting is taken seriously I think that I would pay more attention to it.

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Students and teachers from all over the world are learning from audio and video programs on desktop computers, laptops, iPods, Pocket PCs, Palm handhelds, and other devices. Hundreds of free educational programs are available online.

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There are three kinds of podcasts. Audio podcasts are usually an MP3 file and are the most common types of podcasts. Enhanced podcasts can have images to go along with the audio. They can also have chapter markers, making it easier to skip to different portions of an episode. Enhanced podcasts are an AAC file and are not supported by all devices. Video podcasts are movies, complete with sound. Video podcasts can be in a variety of formats, but MPEG-4 is the most popular. In most classrooms the teacher will find podcast episodes for students to listen to or watch. Sets of laptops, iPods, Palm handhelds, Pocket PCs, or other devices can be loaded with podcast episodes so students can use them at their desks, on field trips, in the library, or at home.

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When a person stops to think of if podcasting is used in everyday life they might come up to a funny conclusion. There are a lot of young people, as well as adults, listen to MP3 players every day. No matter if it is working out to music or listening to music in the work place, every one podcast.

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All and all, podcasting is very important in the working field whether it is marketing or just play. It is very important in the education field also because podcasting make it easier to organize things and teach children in a way they could understand. The three articles that I have researched all emphasize how podcasting is used and how much it is important to the society.