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an official publication of USA Gymnastics


Beating the



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Page 3: Technique Magazine - February 2000

an official publication of USA Gymnastics


Robert V. Colarossi


Luan Peszek



CHAIR: Sandy Knopp; PRESIDENT: Bob Colorolli; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Joan Moore Gnol; VICE CHAIR MEN: Tim Dogge"; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Wendy Hilliard; VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Paul Porillo; SECRETARY: Mork Graham; FIG EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE: Joy Ashmore, Ron Froehlich. FIG WOMEN'S TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: Jackie Fie; FIG MEN'S TECHNICAL COMMITIEE: George Becklleod; FIG RHYTHMIC TECHNICAL COMMITIEE: Andrea Schmid; AT LARGE MEMBERS: Peler Vidmar, SUlon True; ATHLETE DIRECTORS: Chari Knighl-Hunler, Chril Woller, Voneslo Vander Pluym, Karl Heger; USOC ATH­LETE DIRECTOR: Michelle DUlserre·Forreli.



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Twist Direction ... ................ ... ... ....... ... ... .. .. ..... ... .. .... ..... ....... ... .............. .. , ..... .. .. ....... ...... 5

Beating the Fear Beast .......... .. ...................... .... ...................... .. ............... .. .. .... ............. 8

New Health Care Choices .. .... , .. .......... .. .... .. ...... .. ........ .. , .. .. .. .... , ...................... ....... .... 12

Why Buy Insu rance? .. ............... ....... .... ......... . , .. ..... ... ... ..... .... ... ........... .... ....... ... ........ . 14

16 Still Rings Handstand Development ...... .. .............. .. .... .. .. ..................... ........ ...... ........ .. .

FEBRUARY 2 0 0 0 • VOLUME 20 • #2

5 8

12 16


President's Message ... .............. ..... .......... 4 Hall of Fame .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ..... ....... 28 Member Services Update .............. ... ..... 20 Invitational Listing ............ ... ... ...... ........ 29 USA Gymnastics National Congress 2000 and U.S. Olympic Team Trials ...... 24 What's New .. .. ................ .. .. ......... ....... 36 KAT Workshop Schedule and 1999 KAT Certified Teachers ............ 42

Health Care Referral Network .............. 32

Women's Nominations for National Committee Chair Positions ...................... 35

Women's High Performance Seminar ...... 37

Classifieds ........................................ .. 46 Women's Level 7-10 Judges'

Event Schedule .. .... ... ........ ... ... .. .. .. .... ... 47 Training Video Scripts ..... ..................... 38

Safety Certification Schedule .......... ... ... 48 Men's Program Update .................. .... .. 45


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-o z

I f 1999 was a year of program assessment, strategic planning, and policy changes, 2000 is going to be a year in which Member Clubs come to fully realize the value of their rela­tionship with USA Gymnastics.

In each of my annual Congress addresses I have focused specifically on the Member Clubs and how we can work together to support each other's objectives. This is not an accident. I know exactly how important all of our clubs are to the ongoing success of our sport. We need you to continue the tremendous gains we are making at the grassroots level, feed­ing more and more talented athletes into the competitive ranks which not only makes gymnastics so compelling on television and in the Olympics, but also serves to further strengthen the enrollment at the club level. And, while you may not think you need us, we are working even harder to ensure that you all see exactly how much value can be derived from the building of a strong partnership.


90r:li~ 2000 - 2001 MEMBER CLUB

When I was a club owner, I kept heari ng from the Federation about how important my club, and others like it, were to the sport. Now this is something that my fellow owners and I intuitively believed, but we were always left waiting to see exactly how that impor­tance was going to be manifested. That time has passed. Welcome to the results phase of this new relationship between USA Gymnastics and its membership.

We have already delivered on our first promise, to offer access to comprehensive health care to our clubs and their employees. By now you should have received a full information package describing the program outlined last summer at Congress. And, we are poised to deliver on our other promises: Member Club only website and the ready-to-use website for your club. The Member Club only website is an exclusive site that gives business-related information to Member Clubs prior to being released to our gymnastics community. In addition, Member Clubs will receive a ready-to-use website which will help you reach and service your customers better. There can be no more efficient vehicle than the Internet to deliver information and serv­ice, and we are very excited about the promise of this new technology and what it will mean for our Member Clubs.

And this is not all. Further evidence of how we can all work together is being experienced during this year's initial Visa American Cup Series in Las Vegas, St. Petersburg, and Orlando. Our Properties division has worked with our Membership division to construct and implement a ticket sales promotion which provides value both to the clubs which are participating and to USA Gymnastics. Clubs receive tangible value from their efforts with new equipment and revenue, while USA Gymnastics benefits from the higher volume of ticket sales and stronger audience presence in its NBC broadcasts.

This is the model for partnership that we are continuing to replicate throughout our organization. We look to you, our base of support, to help us determine what your needs are and how we can best service them. Together we can shape our sport, and help our athletes at all levels achieve their dreams, and at the same time, allow us to better position and market gymnastics to achieve growth on all levels.

Thank you for your support.

Robert V. Colarossi USA Gymnastics President

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Wm A. Sands, Ph.D. Director of Research and Development USA Gymnastics-Women's Program

--.-- wisting and somersaulting make up the majority of flight skills in gymnastics. The gym­nastics coach often faces the brunt of the problems related to twist direction due to poor initial learning and resulting

bad habits. Gymnasts often learn rudimen­tary twisting, cartwheel, round off direc­tions, and so forth long before they come to a serious coach. Moreover, given the typical backyard tumbling experiences of young gymnasts, a round off is often discovered from a very early age.

Recent discussions on the USA Gymnastics Web site, personal communication with coaches, and abundant unsupported claims led me to explore the issue of twist direction and how a coach might predict the optimum twist direction for a gym­nast. In order to investigate the relative distributions of twist and turn directions, I began by observing twist and turn direc­tions at the 1999 Classic Competition held in Rochester, NY. Following the observations, I sent a brief survey questionnaire to coaches for whom I had their email addresses. The observa­tions were recorded by hand at the competition, while the sur­veys were returned by a number of coaches. In all, 244 athletes' information was provided. The observations at the Classic competition sometimes missed one or more categories of infor­mation simply because the gymnast did not perform that cate­gory of skills during her competitive routine. When data from a category are lacking, the results are listed in the following tables as "Missing."

The competitive levels surveyed are shown in Table l. Table 1 shows that the majority of athletes were Level 10 and above (70.l %). The athlete's competitive levels are probably biased

, , , , ,


CT ON , ,

somewhat due to the observations being of elite athletes, and the email list coming largely from the U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Women's Gymnastics. However, since Level lOs and above are more likely to be performing a wider variety of twisting elements, it is probably fortuitous that the sample includes these athletes.




26 26 61 36 40 34


PERCENT 1.2 7.4

10.7 10.7 25.0 14.8 16.4 13.9


(continued 011 page 6)

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TWIST DIRECTION (continued from page 5)

The descriptive iniormation showing the number of responses for each variable from all the athletes regarding twist and turn direction is shown in Table 2. The variables are self-explanato­ry, with the exception of the "pirouette." A pirouette in this context refers to a forward or inward turn on one foot.



BACKWARD TWIST 241 98.8 3 1.2

FORWARD TWIST 180 73.8 64 26.2

JUMP TURN 230 94.3 14 5.7

PIROUETIE 223 91.4 21 8.6

ROUND OFF FIRST HAND 244 100.0 0 0.0

Table 3 shows the number of responses for all athletes regard­ing forward and backward twist direction. Note that more ath­letes twist to the left in both forward and backward somer­saults. However, the distributions of twist directions were not statistically different (Backward Twist X2(1) = .104, P = .747: Forward Twist X2(l) = 2.222, P = .136). The lack of statistical dif­ference means that the distribution of twist directions in both forward and backward twisting is approximately equal between left and right.













123 50.4

118 48.4

241 98.8

3 1.2

100 41.0

80 32.8

180 73 .8

64 26.2

Table 4 shows the frequency of responses involved in jump turns and pirouettes. Note that the majority of athletes prefer left turns in a jump turn, while they prefer right turns when performing a pirouette. The "Both" category indicates that the gymnast performs these turns in either direction. The jump turn directions (excluding "Both") were not statistically differ­ent X2 = 1.818, P = .178). The pirouette directions (excluding "Both") were not statistically different X2 = .558, P = .455).




LEFT 120 49.2

RIGHT 100 41.0

BOTH 10 4.1

TOTAL 230 94.3

MISSING 14 5.7


LEFT 103 42.2

RIGHT 114 46.7

BOTH 6 2.5

TOTAL 223 91.4

MISSING 21 8.6

Round offs are among the first skills that a young gymnast learns, usually teaching herself through imitation. Round offs are usually developed from a cartwheel and are used for many other skills and drills. Because the gymnast must place one hand down before the other in a cartwheel and round oft the selection of the appropriate hand is an important considera­tion. Round offs are also somewhat enigmatic with regard to twist direction. Without going into detait if the gymnast places her left hand down first-she is twisting to the right and vice­versa. Cartwheels and round offs are among the first opportu­nities for a young gymnast to perform turns while inverted. Table 5 shows the frequencies of which hand is placed first in a round off. Note that the majority of the athletes place their right hand down first. The choice of which hand to place first in the round off was also not statistically different (c2 = 2.770, P = .096).














Table 6 shows the relative frequencies of directions based on the first hand placement in the round off. Clearly, the choice of forward and backward twist direction, once the round off direction is determined, shows significant trends as indicated by the statistically significant c2 values.

Note that the trends appear different depending on which hand is placed first in the round off. With regard to backward twisting, if the gymnast places her left hand down first, she will twist left approximately 80% of the time. However, if the gymnast places her right hand down first, she will twist right only approximately 70% of the time. This difference is statisti­cally significant indicating that the difference in twist choice based on round off direction is not likely to have occurred by chance (Cramer 's V = .523, P < .001) .

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LEFT 87 79.8

RIGHT 22 20.2


TOTAL 109 100.0

X2 = 38.761 , P < .001


LEFT 64 58.7

RIGHT 17 15.6

MISSING 28 25.7

TOTAL 81 74.3

X2 = 27.272, P < .001


LEFT 80 73 .4

RIGHT 20 18.3

BOTH 3 2.8


TOTAL 103 94.5

X2 = 95.32, P < .001


LEFT 89 81.7

RIGHT 9 8.3

BOTH 4 3.7


TOTAL 109 100.0

X2 = 133.824, P < .001

Although this small effort at deciphering twisting direction will probably not eliminate controversies among coaches, it is clear that trends on twist direction are evident. The magnitude of these trends indicates that although evident, these trends are not applicable to all gymnasts. Moreover, the fact that much of the data used for this study was obtained during a competition including some of our nation's best female gymnasts, it is clear that a variety of twist direction approaches may be incorporat­ed even among the best gymnasts. The information included here may help coaches make initial decisions with regard to twist and turn direction based on preferences. One study was found in the literature that investigated the relationship between preferred twist direction and hand and eye domi­nance (Brown, et al. 1983). This study surveyed 171 gymnasts (n = 51) and non-athletes (n = 115). No significant correlations




LEFT 36 26.7

RIGHT 96 71.1


TOTAL 132 97.8

X2 = 27.273, P < .001


LEFT 36 26.7

RIGHT 63 46.7

MISSING 36 26.7

TOTAL 99 73.3

X2 = 7.364, P = .007


LEFT 40 29.6

RIGHT 80 59.3

BOTH 7 5.2


TOTAL 127 94.1

X2 = 63.134, P < .001


LEFT 14 10.4

RIGHT 105 77.8

BOTH 2 1.5

MISSING 14 10.4

TOTAL 121 89.6

X2 = 157.306, P < .001

were found between twist direction and hand or eye domi­nance. As the gymnast progresses, it may be wise to experi­ment with both directions of turn and twist to ensure that the gymnast has adequate opportunity to demonstrate a prefer­ence. Short of this, it appears that the majority of gymnasts who do a round off with a particular first-hand will twist in the same direction as that hand. However, the relationship is not strong enough to allow rule-like assessment and the direction of the round off interacts with the backward twist direction .•

References Brown,J; Tolsma,B; Kamen,G (1983): Relationships between hand and eye dominance and direction of experienced gymnasts and nOI1-athletes. Perc. Mot. Skills 57, 470.

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Beating the

By Alison Arnold, Ph.D. Head Games Sport PsychologtJ and member of the USA Gymnastics National Health Care and Sport Science Referral Network

n the last segment of this series, I wrote about

how Mental Choreography can help your gym­

nasts deal with fear and balking. This article will

help you teach them how to work with negative

thoughts that lead to negative outcomes in the gym.

I ,_-

Think about teaching a new skill. What happens when you learn and train a loose body position? The skill is inconsistent, right? It is performed poorly and extremely hard to learn. It is the same with the mind. When the mind is "loose," negative thoughts "sneak" in causing fear and balking. Mental Choreography is one way to tighten up the mind, keeping it focused on what needs to happen instead of what the gymnast is afraid MAY happen. Remember, out of control thinking leads to out of control performance. This article explains a technique designed to help gymnasts become more mentally focused and tough. It is another exercise in addition to Mental Choreography that will help your athletes overcome fear. It's called, The "Two-Minute Turn-Around."

What you think is what you do We know that thoughts create feelings and actions. Positive thinking creates positive actions, and nega-

tive thinking creates negative actions. The Two-Minute Turn-Around helps the gymnasts practice changing negative thinking as if they were changing a channel on TV. This takes some practice, so it is very important they are patient with themselves and committed to practice. Being able to change negative thinking to positive is like a muscle. It needs to be worked and conditioned to gain strength. Doing a push-up one time does not make an athlete strong. It is the same with men­tal exercises; they need to be practiced so "mental muscles" are strengthened and conditioned too.

(continued on page 10)

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Page 10: Technique Magazine - February 2000

BEATING THE FEAR BEAST (continued from page 8)

Identifying the Beast and Beast thoughts The Beast is the voice inside an athlete's head that beats them up. It is their out-of-control, negative thinking that in turn leads to frustration in the gym. The Beast is merciless and most of the time leaves an athlete discouraged and depressed. It is not a helpful evaluator or motivator. This is the main difference between the Beast and other parts of the athlete's mind that help with motivation and evaluating performance. The Beast is critical of the athlete and beats them up while other types of self-talk assists with motivation. A thought like, "I know I can do better" is motivating, while "Everyone was watching and you blew it like usual" is self-defeating. That is the Beast and Beast thoughts. As I mentioned above, the Beast is fueled by unrealistic expectations, self-doubt, and fear. It can also echo things they are afraid someone might say, making their greatest fears come true! Some negative messages are impossible to attain for example, "I need to be perfect all the time." Most negative thinking occurs when the athlete is focused on events that happened

has been called "the zone," or "in the flow" by athletes and sport psychologists. It's feeling totally confident, aggressive, graceful, relaxed, and fearless. This is their Vision. When any person is firmly grounded in their Vision, nothing can throw him / her off, not even negative thoughts. Helping an athlete identify a strong vision can interrupt the negative thought cycle, while filling the mind with success-oriented thinking and leaving no space for negative thought processes.

The Two-Minute Turn-Around to Beat the Beast Here is an exercise that will help your athletes tighten up their thinking and change negative thoughts to positive ones. It is important to have them practice this exercise in and out of the gym. Good times to visualize the Two-Minute Turn around are when they're frustrated, during the car ride to the gym and before bed. The next section of this article will give you instructions on how to teach this skill to your athlete. To start, have each athlete get a piece of paper.

Have them fold the paper in half with two columns. Label one column, "Beast

thoughts" and the other column "Vision thoughts." Under the

Beast thought column, instruct in the past or may happen in the future. That is why help­ing them be in the present is so important. Teaching SBY

them to write every negative thought that comes into

their head when they are feeling afraid and nega-them about breathing

and mental choreogra-phy is one way to keep their minds in the present. The past (what happened) and the future (what may happen) are the perfect havens for Beast-like thinking. It's important to be aware of messages your athletes are telling themselves that stem from the negative self-talk. It's important to teach your athletes that negative thinking is normal and something every

S stands for STOP! Tell your athletes that the minute they notice any Beast thought, the first thing they should do is say to themselves STOP!!

B stands for BREATHE. Remember, breathing gets them into the present, not stuck in past or future fear thoughts. After they say "Stop!" inside their head, the next thing they do is take a deep breath .

V stands for Vision. After they Breathe, ask them to change their Beast thoughts to either Vision thoughts or neutral , motivating thoughts.

Go!!! Will help them energize and get motivated so they can Beat the Beast!

tive. Tell them not to leave anything out. These thoughts might be negative statements they tell themselves ("you' ll never get this, you might as well give up," or "I can't do

it"), or feelings ("I feel a brick wall and

just can't break through it."). After they write

down all their Beast state­ments, instruct them to

write their comebacks to the Beast under the Vision column.

person deals with. Learning how to beat Beast thoughts and think positive is a life long process.

Be sure they have more Vision state­ments than Beast statements. Their

Vision needs to be strong and powerful. Some examples of strong Vision statements are, "I can do it,

don't listen to him," "I can turn this bad day around," "Breathe, visualize my routine," and "I know I can do it...I've heard this Beast 1,000 times .. .I'm going to ignore it."

Who can beat up my Beast and Beast thoughts? The part of your athlete that can change negative thinking is something I call the "Vision." The Vision is the ideal picture of the gymnast your athletes want to be. The Vision has all the positive qualities that he or she admires in other gymnasts and people they respect in their life. The Vision is every positive thought your athletes can think of. When they are in their Vision, they are in their ideal performance state. This ideal state

After they have written their Beast and Vision thoughts, walk them through practicing the Two-Minute Turn-Around. To practice the Two-Minute Turn-Around, use the code S, B, V, Go!!, S, B, V, Go!! is a very powerful tool. Here's what it stands for:

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S stands for STOP! Tell your athletes that the minute they notice any Beast thoughts, the first thing they should do is say to themselves STOP!!

B stands for BREATHE. Remember, breathing gets them into the present, not stuck in past or future fear thoughts. After they say "Stop!" inside their head, the next thing they do is take a deep breath.

V stands for Vision. After they Breathe, ask them to change their Beast thoughts to either Vision thoughts or neutral, moti­vating thoughts.

Go!!! Will help them energize and get motivated so they can Beat the Beast!

Have them close their eyes and think of their Beast thoughts ... tell them to let the Beast beat them up. Let them be here for a few minutes. Instruct them to imagine themselves having a bad day. Be sure they imagine themselves balking, feeling frustrated, crying, or whatever typically happens on their worst day. Tell them to let their Beast thoughts get the best of them. After a few minutes, ask them to imagine themselves getting off of the event, going to get a drink (or stepping to the side of the event) and saying "Stop!" to themselves, following

with a deep breath. On the exhale, instruct them to flood them­selves with Vision thoughts, changing their thinking from neg­ative to strong, powerful, positive thoughts, all the thoughts of their Vision. Have them flood their mind with Vision thoughts. As they do this, instruct them to visualize seeing their day turn around, using frustration as a fuel to motivate them to do bet­ter. Be sure to have them flood with positive thoughts two times, taking a deep breath each time.

After they have practiced the two-minute turn-around twice, ask your athletes how many of them were able to turn-around their negative thinking to positive thinking. You will find that most of them were able to turn-around their bad day and that it became easier every time they practiced it. It's important to reinforce that this is a skill that takes practice!

Practicing the Two-Minute Turn-Around will help your ath­letes block out negative thinking in both the gym and life. Continue to reinforce this exercise by noticing when negative thinking comes up in the gym ("1 think I see some Beast thoughts"), having them get a drink and do the Two-minute turn-around, or using group pressure and enthusiasm to "Beat the Beast!" Remember, taking some time to teach your athletes mental discipline will save you from dealing with hours of fear and frustration later . •

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--1-::-1--=2------------- ---i( TECH N I QUE • FEB R U A RY 2000 )f--------- --------


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Page 14: Technique Magazine - February 2000

u nsurance1

By Patrick J. O'Connor Executive Vice President, Cill) Securities Corporation, USA Gymnastics insurance agent/broker since 1984.

hen people within

USA Gymnastics were

recently surprised

to learn that certain

gymnastics clubs across

the United States do not have • Insurance of any kind, especially

liability insurance, I was asked to write this

article to discuss why people should buy

insurance. --1-:-14-=------------------i( TECH N' 0 U E • FE B R U A RY 2000 )f---------------

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When you elect NOT to purchase insurance, you' re gambling that no accident or unforeseen circumstance will occur in your facility or on your property. You're making the assump­tion that your coaches will never make a mistake while giving instruction, spotting, supervision, and so forth; that no one will fall or be injured in your facility; that a natural disaster such as a tornado, flood, fire, or hurri­cane will not occur. Unfortunately, these things do happen-so why not be prepared!

As with all businesses, there are many types of insurance to consider for the owners themselves (if not instructors and employees) with medical, disabil­ity and life insurance, for the employ­ees and instructors with worker com­pensation and employer liability (at the very least, if! as required by law) and for buildings, contents and equip­ment with various forms of property and allied lines insurance.

All of the above protect the enormous investments owners make in them­selves with their time, talent and trea-

, ' When you elect NOT to purchase insurance, you're gambling that no accident or unfore-seen circumstance will occur in your facility or on your property. You're making the assumption that your coaches will never make a mistake ••• , ,

disruption of activities, operations, incomes and profits, possibly result­ing in bankruptcy and / or closure.

Most families purchase insurance to protect themselves and their family, homes, contents and so forth. Just as families need to protect themselves, gym club owners need to protect themselves, too.

Just the other day, while having this same discussion with one of my chil­dren' s grade school class during "Job Talk," one of the students asked what happens if somebody does not buy insurance. I referred to my opening comment that insurance is nothing more than everybody pay­ing some money to protect a lot (money usually). As an example, someone pays $500 annual home­owner insurance premium to protect a $100,000 home ($75,000 contents and $1,000,000 liability). If that same person owns a gymnastics club, why would he / she not pay $1,000 annual minimum premium to protect themselves ($25,000 equipment and $1,000,000 liability),

sures. Financing (mortgages, loans, leases), payroll, utilities, maintenance, advertising, accounting, legal counsel and so forth can be enormous expenses. The death, disability or injury of the owners or instructors, allegations of negligence and / or lawsuits could be catastrophic losses to the business and individuals, possibly causing severe disruption of activi­ties, operations, incomes and profits, possibly causing severe

besides protecting themselves by protecting their gymnasts for $10,000 accidental death and dismemberment, $50,000 excess medical expenses and $10,000,000 lifetime catastrophic medical expenses?

It doesn' t make sense not to protect yourself! That's why you should buy insurance; you can' t afford not to! •

Jeff Lulla is a member of the USAG Preschool Advisory Board and co-author of the Kinder Accreditation for Teachers (KAT) course. He is also a USAG National Safety Instructor, an industry consultant, and is a seminar presenter for the USAIGC, and USA Gymnastics. He owns two successful gyms in Southern California.

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Page 16: Technique Magazine - February 2000

STILL RINGS By Kelly Crumley

The handstand on rings is a bit more complicated than a handstand on

floor or parallel bars simply because the rings move and the other pieces

of equipment do not!

There are literally hundreds of drills and exercises that can be done to

develop the handstand. The handstand is a never ending area of refine­

ment. The beHer the handstand is, the beHer the gymnast will be. There

are two main obiectives in which to focus when developing the hand­

stand: Strength and Balance. Both of these are addressed below.

The Handstand Position The handstand must first be developed on floor and then later applied to rings. The desired position as it applies to floor is as follows:

The hands should be placed on the floor shoulder width apart with the middle finger perpendicular with an imaginary line drawn between them. The fingers should be spread in order to help produce a wide base of support. Weight should be dispersed to the finger tips. The body should not be entirely supported on the palms of the hand. Balance is controlled at the finger tips. The elbows are locked and turned so that the inside of the elbow faces straight forward. The head is positioned neutral with ears between the arms. There should be equal parts of the head on both sides of the arm so that the line of the arms, bisect the head equally when viewing from the side. The eyes are focused on the floor between the hands. The back is straight and chest is slightly convexed, as if a string were connecting

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Page 17: Technique Magazine - February 2000

the shoulders together. The back is straight and the seat is tight with the hips turned under so that the lower back is straight. The legs, beginning at the hips, are in turn out with the heels and toes touching.

This can best be developed with the use of a wall. A wall will help to, not only balance the gymnast as corrections are made, but also help to align the gymnasts in a straight and vertical position. The gym­nast should place his stomach against the wall. His hands should be placed on the floor so that the wrists are 2-3 inches away from the wall. (The 2-3 inches is an estimation depending on the size of the gymnast's chest.) The alignment should be completely vertical with no segmented body parts. The gymnast is working to extend up the wall without leaning against it. This position is very demanding and will take a lot of time to refine. The duration of holding this position against the wall will vary depending on the ability of the gymnast. It is important to hold the most correct position for as long as possible without poor technique. Once the body position declines, the gymnast should rest and begin a second attempt. Increments of 5 seconds up to 30 seconds, is a good progression of development when using this drill.

Working In and Out of the Handstand Position The handstand can be further developed by teaching the control of balance. While in the handstand away from the wall, the gymnast should learn to control the balance position from the shoulders to varying degrees in an arch to a hollow and vise-versa. This can be done on the floor, parallel bars, floor horizontal bar or parallettes. Parallettes can be angled slightly out to stimulate the correct position of the rings.

Taping a set of rings to the end of a low set of parallel bars will help to maintain the rings in a turned out position while corrections can be made with regard to body position. Extra sets of rings are not always available, however, if you have them, this is a very good drill to refine the body alignment.

(continued on page 18)

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Page 18: Technique Magazine - February 2000


Developing the Handstand on Rings In addition to some of the drills already mentioned, strength development unique to rings will also be required. The movement of the rings, already discussed, makes holding a handstand on rings a bit more difficult than on some of the other events.

Holding a proper handstand must first be developed by stabilizing the gymnasts' ability to simply hold a support with the rings turned out. Again, increments of 5 seconds up to 30 seconds is a good pro­gression of development when using this drill.

This drill is also used with the introduction of the L position, tuck planche, and back to a straight body support. This activity is introducing fundamental strength development that will later be used to learn a press handstand.

In the early stages of learning a handstand on the rings there is a period of "grunt" work by both the coach and gymnast. The gymnast orientates himself by bending the arms and climbing up the straps with his legs. The form is not a concern from the support to the inverted handstand position. However, once inverted, the proper body alignment must be worked and developed. The gymnast should place his legs so that the cable passes along his shins and only his ankles are lightly used to secure balance. He should not warp the cables around his legs.

Once in this position, the coach should assist, in the beginning, with the turning of the rings to parallel or slightly more open than parallel. However, this should not exceed 45 degrees beyond parallel. Once stability is adequate, the coach may begin to help the gymnast balance the handstand position off the straps. This drill is important to develop. It gives the gymnast confidence that a handstand is possible with effort. Assistance from the coach for balance will help the gymnast to experience the correct turned out position for a longer period of time than he could experience on his own. This assistance will accelerate the learning of the handstand and correct body alignment.

The next step is to introduce pressing to a handstand from the L position. This is, again, done with assis­tance by the coach. The coach assists by holding the rings stable in a turned out position while in an L. From the L position the gymnast presses to the handstand with the rings turned out and arms locked. The coach assists in two ways-he is reducing the movement of the rings while at the same time keep­ing the rings turned out. Once the gymnast gets to the handstand position the coach can continue to assist by balancing the gymnast. This is an acquired spotting ability and takes a few attempts to master. Helping the gymnast balance the handstand is much the same as balancing a stick in your hand.

A strap can also be placed across the ring cables so that the legs may be used to rest against it in the handstand. The following are a set of drills and sequences that can be used to further develop the con­cepts mentioned above.

SEQUENCES AND DRILLS 1. Lock ann support hold (rings turned out)

2. Lock arm support hold (rings turned ouO, L hold (rings turned out), lock arm press to handstand (rings turned out)-Gymnast uses legs on straps to balance.

3. Lock arm support hold (rings turned out), L hold (rings turned ouO, lock arm press hand-stand (rings turned out)-Gymnast uses straps for balance.

Once the above drills are manageable, introducing the following skills to the sequence will enhance the gymnast's ability to gain further control of the handstand on rings.

4. From the handstand, straight arm lower (rings turned out) to straight body support (rings turned out).

5. From the handstand, straight arm lower (rings turned out) to straddle L hold .•

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Page 19: Technique Magazine - February 2000

4 New Exciting Products for Gymnastics!

CARTWHEEL MAT Make learning a cartwheel fun and easy for your little gymnast with these hands and feet screened mats. Made with 1-1 /8" 100 ILD polyurethane foam and 14 oz. durable vinyl fabric. Colors available - Red, Blue or Green.

VAULTING TOTE Transport and pro­tect your vaulting board in this top quali­ty carrying case. Made of rugged vinyl , double stitched for long life. Handles on both sides for easy carrying. Heavy duty zipper opening for easy use.

BEAM STINGER Take the sting out of beam mounts, dismounts and saltos with TIFFIN's new Beam Stinger. 30" x 34" x 5/8". Great for practice, warm-ups and 3D-second touch. Rolls up for easy storage and transportation . 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

MINI BEAM Great for hand­stands, presses, scales, turns, jumps and hundreds of other uses. 32" long, 4" wide and 7" tall with padding and suede covering just like your competitive beams.

Choice of blue or red. Screened "Team / School Name" available.

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Contact Tiffin for all of your mat needs -whether you need a single mat for home use,

or enough mats to set up an entire gym. Quality mats at affordable prices!

Visit us on the web -

Page 20: Technique Magazine - February 2000

Safety Certification-Sanctions PDP & KAT Certification

Meet Director Certification Skill Evaluator Certification

General Gymnastics 1-800-345-4719 --=========U P=====D ====A T====-=:E ~) www_usa-gyrnnastics_org


Change of Address-Please write or fax Member Services with your new change of address as soon as possible. Please make sure you have your social security number or mem­bership number on the change form.

® You will not receive a professional member number from USA Gymnastics until you are safety certified. You must attend the course and pass the exam. Please plan ahead. Member Services can not begin the safety course processing until we receive the exams from the Safety Instructor. We usually receive the course materials two to five days after the course was given. Normal processing time for all courses and memberships is three weeks after the forms are received in our Member Services offices. Please note that the first step in any processing is the cashing of checks or the charging of credit cards. This process is done often by the bank handling our lockbox. Therefore, eligibility of member­ship is determined after that step. The cash­ing of your check or charging your card does not automatically imply approval of member­ship. If you do not meet the requirements of membership, a refund will be issued. We will contact you to let you know that your request is being held up.


Safety Audits are no longer in effect. Everyone who participates in the safety course and passes the exam will receive the safety course certificate and card. This certificate will be valid for four years. All other safety issues will remain the same i.e. fees, pre-registration, late fees etc. The minimum age for safety is 16 years old.

Effective August 1, 1999, a 16 or 17 year old may be on the floor at a sanctioned event as a Judge or an Assistant coach. They must be a USA Gymnastics Instructor Member and must have attended and passed the safety course. Their safety expiration date will be on their instructor member card. They will also receive the safety course certificate and card. All appropriate fees will apply.

To participate in a sanctioned competition, the young coach Must be accompanied by a USA Gymnastics Professional Member coach from the same club. This is tied into respon­sibility, age of majority and liability. The age for a Professional Member remains 18 years of age and they must be safety certified.

This change will allow the young coach/ judge the ability to receive a Professional Membership, if they apply, when they turn 18. They will then have the professional member benefit of free re-certification of safety as a professional member.

Clarification: Anyone 18 years or older who wishes to be on the floor as a coach or judge at a sanctioned event Must be a Professional Member and safety certified .•

rl":;;:2-:;;O:------------------1( TEC H N IOU E - FEB RUARY 2000 )f---------- ---------

Page 21: Technique Magazine - February 2000

For Professional, Instructor & Associate Members

Social Security Number (REQUIRED) Birthdate (MO./DAY/yR.) __ 1 __ 1__ 0 Male 0 Female

First Name ________ _______ MI _____ Last Name ________________ _

Mailing Address _______________________________________ _

City ______________ State ____ _ _ __ Zip ________ +4 _________ _

Club Name (IF APPLICABLE) ______________________________ Club # _____ _

Daytime Phone _________________ Evening Phone


(Check all that apply) o Women's OMen's o Rhythmic o General Gymnastics o Trampoline & Tumbling

Safety Expiration Date ____ I 1 ___ _

Attending Safety Course On 1 ___ 1 ___ _

Include payment with your application as follows: (Additional disciplines are $25 each)

One discipline (program) ............ ...... $ 75 Two disciplines (program) ......... .... ... .... $100 Three disciplines (program) .............. .... .. $125 Four disciplines (program) .. ... ....... ........ $150 Five disciplines (program) .......... ... .. ..... $175


Which of the following gymnastics professional categories apply to you? (Check all that apply)

o Team Coach 0 Club Administrator o Class Instructor 0 Preschool o Judge 0 GG Team Leader o Other ______ _

nstructor M~lIl1ltl~.·S"lIp 16

• )·,',,'/1 ~:, I!: !t·] iJ,'/' ·, it.]:_ Please make checks or money orders payable to USA Gymnastics. If paying by credit card, please fill out the following :

Card Type: 0 VISA ~ PREFERS VISA· 0 Master Card

o Am Express 0 Disc

Exp. Date _________ Amount ______ _

Card Number __ _

Cardholder's Name ______________ _

Cardholder's Signature _____________ _

(3 ~: !.,itl'l.Xil il·, Q Q! t{,; t.]:_ MAIL: USA Gymnastics Member Services PO. Box 5365 Indianapolis, IN 46255 OVERNIGHT DELIVERY: USA Gymnastics Member Services 201 South Capitol Avenue, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225

FAX: If paying by credit card, you can fax your application to us at (317) 692-5212.


OM Os Check one T-shirt size only

ADULT: 0 XL 0 L CHILD: 0 YL (14-16) o YM (10-12) 0 YS (8)

Payment Verification Please check all that apply: I understand that the following fees will be charged: o Membership fee o Rush fee $25.00

o Additional discipline(s) o Safety Certification course o Late course registration fee $25.00

You can apply for a new Pro /Instructor membership or renew your current membership online: wwwousa-gymnasticsoorg








_ NOTE: Normal processing time is 3-4 weekso There is an additional $ 25 RUSH fee per application requiring processing in less than 3 weeks from receipt in our office.


PLEASE NOTE: USA Gymnastics Memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable, and are the property of the named individual. For more information, call USA Gymnastics Member Services at 1-800-345-4719.

---------------"""'c TEC H N' a U E • FEB R UA RY 2000 ))----------------=2:-::1~1

~ = =

Page 22: Technique Magazine - February 2000

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Page 23: Technique Magazine - February 2000




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After Fred Astaire's first screen test, a 1933 memo from the MGM testing director said:

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Louisa the Alcott ,

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or sea",

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Richard Bach's 1O,000-word story about a soar­ing seagull before Macmillan finally published it in 1970. By 1975, Jonathan Livingston Seagull had sold more than seven million copies in the U.S. alone.

Source: Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Heat and Rekindle the Spirit, written and compiled by Jack Canfield and Mark V Hansen, Health Communications Inc., 3201 S. W. 15th S t ., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442.

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Page 24: Technique Magazine - February 2000


HOST CITY Boston, Massachusetts "The Walking Ci ty " Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau (671) 536-4100

CONGRESS DATES • Congress Sessions at Hynes Convention Center

Friday, August 18-Sunday August 20 Lectures 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p .m. (tentative times)

• Registration at Hynes Convention Center Begins Thursday, August 17, 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p .m. Continues through Sunday starting at 8:00 a.m.

• Pre-Congress Add-Ons at Hynes Convention Center Thursday August 17 Safety Certification - 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p .m., or

1:00-5:00 pm. KAT Certification - 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p .m. PDP Levell Video Clinic - 1:30-5:00 p.m. National Safety Instructor Course (By Invitation)

1:00-5:00 p.m. National KAT Instructor Course (By Invitation)

1:00-10:00 p.m. Athlete Wellness TBD AACCA (Cheer) Certification TBD General Gymnastics Course TBD

Please Note: Congress sessions begin early Friday and end late Sunday. The Women's Finals for Olympic Trials are on Sunday night. Suggested travel days for Congress are: In Wednesday (for add-ons) or Thursday and Out Monday.

• U.S. Olympic Team Trials-Gymnastics at the Fleet Center August 17-August 20 Men-Thursday August 17 6:30 p.m. Women-Friday August 18 6:30 p .m. Men-Saturday, August 19 4:00 p.m. Women-Sunday, August 20 6:30 p.m. For Trials Ticket Information Call (617) 624-9496 (2GYM) TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS, TIME SUBJECT TO CHANGE


RATES AND REGISTRATION DATES Individual USA Gymnastics Professional & Instructor Members

• $200 Pre-registration (postmarked by July 21, 2000) • $225 For on-site registration Non-Member Congress Registration

• $300 for Pre-registration (postmarked by July 21, 2000) $325 on-site registration

NOTE: Use the Individual Congress Registration Form.

No Individual pre-registration forms will be accepted after July 2t 2000. After this date, you must register on site.

Congress Attendees with special needs must notifij USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 21 pre­registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with their Congress Pre-registration Form.


For USA Gymnastics Member Clubs that pre-register their staff as a group (who are USA Gymnastics professional or instructor members) by June I, 2000, the following group discount will apply:

• $200 for the first listed person on the Member Club Congress Registration Form.

• $175 each for the next listed staff members (up to five additional names) on the Member Club Congress Registration Form.

NOTE: Member Clubs will receive this special Member Club Congress Registration Form on the Member Club website. It must be returned postmarked no later than June 1, 2000 to receive this special group rate.

CONGRESS DANCE PARTY Included in Congress registration Hynes Convention Center Ballrooms Saturday, August 19 • 9:30 p.m.

CONGRESS EXHIBITION HALL Hynes Convention Center, Hall B One of the highlights of the annual USA Gymnastics National Congress is the Exhibition Hall. This is where gymnastics industry suppliers and consultants display and sell their products and services. You will find the lat­est and greatest in gymnastics equipment apparel and services! The Exhibit Hall will be open to all Congress participants Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Day passes to the exhibit hall for the general public will be available at the Congress Registration desk for $5.

NOTE: Children under the age of 12 will be admitted free when accompanied by their parent or guardian.


Westin Hotel • Saturday, August 19 • 7:30 p.m. USA Gymnastics is planning a formal USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame Awards Banquet and Ceremony of Honors sit down dinner for Saturday night beginning at 7:30 p.m. The banquet will honor outstanding coaches, athletes and con­tributors and conclude with the induction of new members to the prestigious USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame, which is the greatest achievement that USA Gymnastics can bestow. If you'd like to join us in this very special celebration, please check the appropriate box on the Registration fo rm and add $75 to your Congress Registration fee.

You're welcome to join the dance party when the Hall of Fame Awards Banquet and Ceremony of Honors dinner has concluded.

Page 25: Technique Magazine - February 2000


No Pre-Registration after July 21 After July 21 you must register on-site

(omplete one Form per person-Photocopy for additional Registrations. Your Pro Address (listed in the USA Gymnastics member database) will be used lor all correspondence.










= ~ ; =-~ ~ iii

$ 200 Pre-registration (postmarked by July 21)

$ 225 for on-site registration $300 Pre-registration (postmarked by July 21)

$ 325 for on-site registration

Name ................................ Social Security No.

Birth date .............................. / .. USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. No . .

Mailing Address .... ...................................................................................... 0 This is a new address

State ... Zip

Day phone ( Night phone (

Club name .... ..... ................................................................. club number ...

Must check club owner box for admittance to Exhibition Hall Preview Check all that apply: 0 Member club Owner 0 Club Owner o Coach o Judge

o SC 0 RC 0 NC o Men's Artistic Gymnastics 0 Women's Artistic Gymnastics 0 RG 0 GG 0 TT



Total Amount Enclosed I $ I Make check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics


Charge: 0 Visa 0 Discover 0 Mastercard 0 AMEX

Card # ................................................................................... ......................................................................................... Exp . .................................................................................. Signature ...................................................................................... .

please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American Plaza, Suite 300, 201 S. Capitol, Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-237-5069 ATTENTION: CATHY ALLEN

THE INDIVIDUAL CONGRESS FEE INCLUDES: • Credential for entrance to Congress sessions and clinics

August 18·20, 2000. • Entrance to the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finest

products and services. • One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturday

evening, August 19. (Additional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/ guests are $35 each-available at on·site registration).

• Opportunity to purchase a ticket for the special Congress Banquet and Ceremony on Saturday evening, August 19 if desired. NOTE: Seating is limited at this function. Tickets will be distributed on first come, first serve basis upon receipt of Congress Registration Form. Additional tickets are $75 each and may be pre·ordered with Congress registration.

Language: The Official Language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages .


All cancellations must be in writing

Before July 21st - registration fee less $30 service charge per person canceling

After July 21st - 50% of registration fee per person canceling

Submit request in writing to USA Gymnastics Attention: Cathy Allen

Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that his/ her/ their session may not be videotaped .

Congress Attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July 21 pre· registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the Congress Pre-registration Form.

AlTENTION MEMBER CLUBS Please fill out the special Member Club Congress Registration Form to take advan­tage of the group discount. The forms will be available on the Member Club website in February, or call Loree Galimore at 1-800-345-4719, ext. 340

Page 26: Technique Magazine - February 2000

@o N G R E s T he Copley Connection is a joint venture of world

class hotels and an outstanding shopping facility. The Westin Hotel Copley Place, the Boston Marriott Copley, the Sheraton Boston Hotel, and The Copley Place Shopping Galleries are all under one roof. For the USA Gymnastics National Congress 2000, these hotels will be joined by the adjacent Copley Plaza to house Congress attendees. The Congress sessions will be con­ducted at the Hynes Convention Center that is con­nected directly to the Copley Place Shopping Galleries.

Room rates are a special rate for Congress and based on a Wednesday or Thursday to Monday stay. Please inform them you are with USA Gymnastics National Congress 2000 and U.S. Olympic Team Trials­Gymnastics. Special rates available August 15-22. Make your hotel rlans very soon. Hotels will go fast! Don't delay. Hote parking $23-28 per day.

o BOSTON MARRIOTT COPLEY PLACE 1 1 0 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02116

RESERVATIONS: (617) 236-5800 CUT-OFF DATE: July I RATES: $169 for single/double; $20 for each additional person

At Copley Place, in the heart of Boston's Back Bay area, the Boston Marriott is linked to the Hyne's Convention Center. There is convenient subway station located at Copley Place, connecting to AMTRAK and Logan International Airport. The Marriott features 1,147 gue­stroom and suites, indoor pool, health club with exer­cise room, whirlpool, saunas, and game room. Hotel restaurants include Gourmeli's, an upscale family restaurant and Bello Mondo, featuring the finest in Northern Italian cuisine. For a great place to watch sports and enjoy the best burgers in Boston, try Champions, The American Sports Bar.

SHERATON BOSTON HOTEL 39 Dalton Street Boston, MA 02199

RESERVATIONS: (617) 236-2000 CUT-OFF DATE: July 17 RATES: $174 for single/double; $20 for each additional person

Set in Boston's charming and historic Back Bay, the hotel is adjacent to the 300,000-square-foot Hynes Convention Center and just three miles from Logan International Airport. In addition, the hotel is just steps away from more than 200 shops and restaurants, all conveniently connected by climate-controlled walk­way. Boston's finest meeting and convention facility offers you:

• Spacious room offering panoramic views of the city

• The all-new Apropos Restaurant, an upscale bistro featuring eclectic American cuisine

s @o T E L s • Punch Bal~ a lounge for cigar COIIDoisseurs, and the

Turning Point Lounge, for a retreat from the day's business

• 24-hour room service • Fitness centel~ sauna, whirlpool and outdoor patio • Boston's largest indoor / outdoor pool with reh'actable

glass ceiling

o THE WESTIN HOTEL COPLEY PLACE 10 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02116·5798

RESERVATION: (617) 262-9600 CUT-OFF DATE: July 17 RATES: $174 for single/double; $20 for each additional person

The contemporary Westin Hotel, Copley Place Boston is located in the city's charming and fashionable back bay, considered to be Boston's finest location. The hotel is linked via skybridge to the upscale Copley Place Shopping Galleries, the new Prudential Center Fashion Court, and the Hynes Convention Center. Eight hun­dred newly renovated guestrooms and suites offer breath-taking views of Boston . Sample some of Boston's favorite restaurants within the Westin Hotel. Enjoy Turner Fisheries Bar & Restaurant, known for its outstanding fresh seafood and New England's number one, award winning clam chowder.

THE COPLEY PLAZA A WYNDHAM HOTEL 138th St. James Avenue Boston, MA 02116·5071

RESERVATION: (617) 267-5300 CUT·OFF DATE: July 17 RATES: $169 for single/double; $20 for each additional person

The Copley Plaza, affectionately known as the "Grande Dame" of Boston is also located in the historic Back Bay. Recent restoration has returned this majextic hotel to its original grandeur. Featuring 373 beautifully appointed guest rooms and suites furnished with peri­od antiques, Concierge, Cristaldi's Beauty Salon, and an on-site fitness center. Enjoy gourmet New England fare at its finest in the sophisticated Plaza Dining Room or Copley's Restaurant for the best steak in town.

TRANSPORTATION AIRPORT: Boston Logan International TRAIN: Amtrack (617) 482-3660 BUS: Greyhound and Peter Pan Bus Lines CAR RENTAL: NO! NOT RECOMMENDED. Congress registrants

will get a pass for the "T" (Train)

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please check our web page at or contact Congress Coordinator Jerry Nelson at [email protected] (317) 237-5050 ext. 247


Page 27: Technique Magazine - February 2000
Page 28: Technique Magazine - February 2000


A new National Award has been proposed to and accepted by the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors. It will be known as the USA Gymnosticslifetime Achievement Aword. The Holl of Fome Committee wished to rec­ognize individuals who have dedicated a lifetime of service to the sport of gymnastics in a meoningful man­ner. The intention is to seek out as well as request from the gymnastics community, information about indi­viduals who have made a considerable impact upon our sport.

This recognition will be presented either during the Ceremony of Honors or with the Hall of Fame Awards at the USA Gymnastics National Congress, whenever possible. Since the individuals selected for this award will be responsible for their own transportation and expenses to the National Congress to receive the award, the award may be presented at an appropriate function of regional or national prominence which is located clos­er to the home of the selected individual.

There will be no minimum or maximum number of recipients and the award may not be given every year. Privileges for the recipients will be: • lifetime complimentary membership in USA Gymnastics • recognition in appropriate publications and ceremonies as a recipient of the USA Gymnastics lifetime

Achievement Award • presentation of the award • complimentary admission to the John Hancock U.S. Gymnastics Championships, the World Team and

Olympic Team Trials competitions, and the USA Gymnastics National Congress

In order to be eligible for this award, the following minimum criteria must be met: 1. Minimum of 25 years dedicated to gymnastics 2. His/her service must stand out above the normal person who loves gymnastics and has a lifetime of

appreciation or ordinary participation 3. This person(slshould have accomplished an involvement at the regional, national, and/or international

levels in one or a combination of the following: coaching, judging, volunteering, and promotion of the sport of gymnastics. It is not necessary to have been a competitor in gymnastics. He/she may have been a competitor and have continued to enhance the sport in multiple ways.

The Hall of Fame Committee has assumed the philosophy that the Hall of Fame will have an emphasis on the accomplished athlete. Coaches and contributors who are inducted will be limited to the few individuals with outstanding and special accomplishments at the very highest level of contribution or coaching. As we have received nominations and credentials for persons who have given a lifetime of meaningful dedication which hos greatly influenced the sport of gymnastics through coaching, judging, volunteering, and promotion of the sport, it was felt that prominent national recognition should be possible through the introduction of the lifetime Achievement Award. Many have contributed to the growth and development which has helped gym­nastics in its progress to where we stand today.

The Hall of Fame Committee encourages members of the gymnastics community to give careful considera­tion for nominations and to communicate with nominees in order to provide the most complete credentials and information possible. Only completed nominations will be considered. The nominations which are sub­mitted will be thoughtfully considered and possibly maintained in a credential notebook for future consider­ation. Additional information may be requested. Please use the Request for Nomination as your guideline for


N~E __________________________________________ ___

ADDRESS _____________________ _

CITY _________________ STATE _______ ZIP __________ _

PHONE ___________ FAX __________ __

NAME _________________________________________ _

ADDRESS _____________________ _

ClTY ________ STATE ________ ZIP ____ _

PHONE ___________ FAX __________ __

needed information. Please submit this information in typed form along with all name ond address infor­mation as requested.

You should include os much information as possible using the Following criteria. COACH-list locations and dates of where coached, level of athletes cooched, names of outstonding ath­letes and major titles won. list coaching contributions through the establishment of regional or national work­shops and clinics; as staff members of national level workshops, through presentations at national meetings; and by writing publications. list membership on major committees, describing the work involved. JUDGE-list the total number of years of judging. Include dotes and the number of years at each judg· ing rating held. list dates and major judging assignments. Include contributions made at state, regional, nationol and international levels in teaching, writing and publications, training camps for evoluation of ath­letes or education, and major committees served, including dates. VOLUNTEER & PROMOTER-list major volunteer efforts, giving dotes and number of years of participation. list state, regional, and national offices held, number of years held, including the type of work accomplished. list any other promotional efforts or invented devises that advanced the technicol performance of gymnastics, contributed to research, advanced the development of apparatus, or promoted a safe gym­nastics environment. list research, articles or books published.

You may, as the nominotor, also provide a brief personal account of why you feel thot the person who you are nominoting is deserving of national recognition. If the nominee is a past competitor, list mojor occom· plishments of the competitive career giving dates and specific levels of competition, including ony titles won.

Please send a copy of this nomination to each of the individuals below NO LATER THAN JUNE 1, 2000. Nominations received after that date will not be considered.

Carolyn Bowers, Chairmon of the Hall of Fame Committee 1315 Bourgogne Ave.,

Kim Clayton, USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 Bowling Green, OH 43402





Members of the USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame

Selection Committee are appointed to four-year terms with possible renewal for only two consecutive terms. Mr. John Brinkworth, Chair­man of the Awards and Recognition Committee on the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors, announces two immediate openings on the Hall of Fame Selection Committee.

The Hall of Fame Selection Committee is responsible for annually reviewing nominations and choosing eligible inductees into the USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame. Any Lifetime Achievement honor is also selected and the induction ceremony is planned by the committee. Current members of the Selection Committee include: Carolyn Bowers, Abie Grossfeld, Jay Ashmore and Barbara Tonry.

If you would be interested in serving on this committee, please send a letter of interest, including a copy of your resume with your gymnastics background/career, by MAY 15,2000, to:

Kim Clayton, USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 317-237-5069 fax

..... -2-8----------------(( TECH N IOU E • FEB RUARY 2000 )f---------- -------


Page 29: Technique Magazine - February 2000

INVITATIONAL LISTING ALABAMA Club Name · Byers Gymnastics Center 23Bll Via Fabriccnte Phone · (770)528·8477 Event Name· Walker's Bay State Classic Event Name· Rocket City Blast·Off 29 Massie Court Mission Viejo, California 92691 Fax· (770)528·8479 Event Site· Greater lawell voke Event Site· Rocket City Sacramento, California 95823 Phone · 1949)76B·5950 Women levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Event Start Date · 3/ 4/ 00

Gymnastics Center Phone· (916)423·3040 Fax · (949)768·3128 Club Name· Walker's Gymnastics Event Start Date · 2/ 25/ 00 Fax· (916)689·8729 Women levels· 4 5 6 PO Event Name· Cobb Men's Challenge & Dance, Inc. Club Name · Rocket City Women levels· 7 8 9 10 Event Site · Cobb Challengers 312 Plain Street

Gymnastics Center Event Nome· Stars & Stripes Invite Event Start Date· 3/ 17/ 00 lowell, Massachusells 01852 1405·A Weatherly Plazo Event Name · Beach Bum Invitotional Event Site· West Coast Stars & Stripes Club Name· Cobb Challengers Phone· (978)459-4954 Huntsville, Alabama 35803 Event Site · Vaccville Gymnastics Gymnastics 542 Fairground Street Fax· (978)392·1347 Phone· (256)881·3011 Event Start Date· 4/ 9/ 00 Event Start Date · 5/ 21/00 Mariella, Georgia 30060 Women levels · 5 6 7 8 910 Fax· (256)881·3011 Club Name · Vaccville Gymnastics Club Name · West Coast Stars & Stripes Phone · (770)528·8477 Women levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO 331 Main Street #8 Gymnastics Fax· (770)528·8479 Event Name · Boston Classics

Vaccville, California 95688 220 N Bingham #104 Event Site · Charles River Gymnastics Event Name· Pyramid Challenge Phone· (707)449·6073 San Marcos, California 92069 HAWAII Accdemy Event Site· Pyramid Gymnastics USA Fax · (707)449·6188 Phone· (760)744·8390 Event Name ·luka Nakoa Invit Event Start Date · 3/11/00 Event Start Date· 3/4/ 00 Women levels ·4 5 6 Fax· (760)744·0612 Event Site· Kokokahi Gymnastics Team Club Name· Charles River Gymnastics Club Name· Pyramid Gymnastics USA Women levels·5 6 PO Event Start Date· 2/27/00 Academy 3501 Oak Grove Road Event Name · Fallbrook Spring Classic Club Name· Kokokahi Gymnastics 231 Rivermoor Street Gadsden, Alabama 35905 Event Site· Fallbrook Gymnastic Club COLORADO Team West Roxbury, Massachuselts 02132 Phone · (256)492·0024 Event Start Date · 4/16/00 Event Name· Pike's Peak Cup 45·558 C·21 Kam Hwy Phone· (617)469·4911 Women levels· 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Club Name · Fallbrook Gymnastic Club Event Site· USAFA Field House Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 Fax· (617)469·9180

342 Industrial Way, Ste 103 Event Start Date · 3/ 3/ 00 Phone· (808)235·6866 Women levels· 5 6 7 8 910 PO

ARKANSAS Fallbrook, California 92028 Club Name· Aerials Gymnastics Center, Fax · (808)235·6866 Event Name· Special Olympic Phone · (760)728·8582 Inc. MARYLAND

Benefit Meet 3536 Hartsel Drive IDAHO Event Name · Greotest Show on Earth Event Site· Flame Gymnastics Accdemy Event Name· Hawaiian Invitational Colorodo Springs, Colorado 80920 Event Name · Nighthawk Open Event Site· Elite Gymnastics Event Start Date· 3/ 3/ 00 Event Site· Precision Gymnastics Phone · (719)260·1893 Event Site · Wings Center Event Start Date· 3/4/00 Club Name · Flame Gymnastics Event Start Date · 4/ 22/ 00 Fax· (719)260·6994 Event Start Date· 2/26/ 00 Club Name· Elite Gymnastics

Accdemy Club Name · Precision Gymnastics Women levels · 7 8 9 10 Club Name · Wings Center 2745 Old Washington Road 9518 9th 51. B Waldorf, Maryland 20601 5912 South 28th Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 187 SCentury Way

Fort Smith, Arkansas 72903 CONNECTICUT Boise, Idaho 83709 Phone· (301)870·7938 Phone· (501)646·1616 Phone · (909)483-8161

Event Name· St Patricks Invitational Phone· (208)376·3641 Fax· (301)870·6810 Fax · (501)646·7723 Fax· (909)466·7547

Event Site· University of Fax· (208)376·3646 Women levels ·7 8 PO Women levels· 5 6 PO Women levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BridgeportlWheeler Women levels· 2 3 4 5 6 7 EO PO Event Name · Think Spring Invitational Event Name · Dreams of You Event Start Date· 3/16/00

ARIZONA Club Name· New Ero Gymnastics INDIANA Event Site· Columbia Gymnastics Event Site· Gymnastics Olympica USA Event Start Date · 3/ 18/00 Event Name· Xtreme Xtravaganzo Event Start Date · 4/ 29/00 1180 Sherman Ave. Event Name· 8th Indy Classic Men's Club Name· Columbia Gymnastics Event Site · Xtreme Gymnastics Club Name · Gymnastics Olympicc USA Hamden, Connecticut 06514 Invitational 4725 Dorsey Hall Dr, Ste. A·l 07 Event Start Date· 3/3/00 7735 Haskell Avenue Phone · (203)281 ·1826 Event Site · Indy School of Gymnastics Ell icolt City, Meryland 21042 Club Name · Xtreme Gymnastics Van Nuys, California 91406 Fax· (203)407·1533 Event Start Date· 3/3/00 Phone· (410)964·2053 15821 N. 79th Street Suite 3 Phone· (818)785·1537 Women levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Club Name· Indy School of Gymnastics Women levels· 4 5 6 Scoltsdale, Arizona 85260 Fax· (818)785·1160 8108 Woodland Drive

Phone · (602)596·3543 Women levels· 5 6 PO GEORGIA Indianopolis, Indiana 46278 MICHIGAN Fax · (602)596·1310 Event Name · Spring Fling 2000 Phone· (317)872·5948 Event Name· Totally Rad 7 Women levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 EO PO Event Name · Olympic Dream Classic Event Site· Cartersville Rec. Twisters Fax· (317)872·8834 Event Site· Radisson Plaza Hotel Event Site· Broadway Gymnastics Event Start Date · 2/ 25/00 Kalamazoa Cntr CALIFORNIA School Club Name· Cartersville Rec. Twisters KENTUCKY Event Start Date· 2/ 25/00

Event Name· Peter Vidmer Mens Event Start Date· 5/ 6/ 00 P.O. Box 1390 Event Name · Champion's Derby Classic Club Name · Greater Kalamazoo World Gymn. Invitational Club Name · Broadway Gymnastics Cartersville, Georgia 30120 Event Site· Commonwealth Convention of Gymnastics

Event Site· UClA School, Inc. Phone · (770)387-5629 Ctr 2723 Kersten Court Event Start Date· 2/ 24/00 1657 . 12th Street Fax · (770)387·7415 Event Start Date· 3/10/00 Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001 Club Name· Broadway Gymnastics Santa Monica, California 90404 Women levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EC EO Club Name· Champion Gymnastics Phone· (616)381·5749

School, Inc. Phone· (310)450·0012 PO 3310 Ruckriegel Pkwy Fax· (616)381·4776 1657·12th Street Fax· (310)450·6412 louisville, Kentucky 40299 Women levels· 5 6 7 8 910 Santa Monicc, California 90404 Women levels· 5 6 Event Name· 2000 February Freeze Phone· (502)267·5560 Phone · (310)450·0012 Inv Fax · (502)267·9305 MINNESOTA Fax· (310)450·6412 Event Name · May Madness Invitational Event Site· Carrollton Parks & Women levels · 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Event Name· Winterfest Mens Class · 1 2 3 4 6 Event Site· Menlo Perk Gymnastics Recreotion Department

Event Site · Perpetual Motion Event Start Date· 5/7/00 Event Start Date · 2/ 26/00 LOUISIANA Gymnostics Ce nter Event Name· Reach Far The Stars Club Name· Menlo Park Gymnastics Club Name· Carrollton Parks &

Event Name · Invitational Event Start Date· 3/3/00 Invitational 2000 501 laurel Street Recreation Department Event Site · Shreveport Olympiad/ Club Name · Perpetual Motion Event Site · GymStars Gymnastics, Inc. Menlo Park, California 94025 P.O. Box 532

Event Start Date· 2/ 26/ 00 Phone· (650)858·3480 Carrollton, Georgia 30117 Aero Sports Gymnastics Center

Club Name· GymStars Gymnastics, Inc. Fax· (650)324·1721 Phone· (770)832·1161 Event Start Date · 2/25/ 00 900 Third Street

1740 W. Hammer lane Women levels ·2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PO Fax · (770)834·3652 Club Name · Shreveport Olympiad/ 51. Paul Park, Minnesota 55071

Stockton, California 95209 Women levels · 4 5 6 7 8 9 PO Aero Sports Phone· (651)459·5837

Phone · (209)957·1919 Event Name · Glider level 5/ 6 718 Professional Drive North Fax· (651)731·0839

Fax · (209)951·2785 Invitational Event Name· Winter Invitational Shreveport, louisiana 71105 Women levels· 5 6 7 8 910

Women levels· 7 8 9 PO Event Site · Charter Oak Gymnastics Event Site· Georgia Gymnastics Phone · (318)798·3547

Gliders Accdemy, Inc. Fax· (3 18)798·3549 MISSOURI Event Name· Spring into Spring Event Start Date· 5/7/ 00 Event Start Date · 2/ 26/ 00 Women levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Event Name· Pony Express Gymnastic

Invitational Club Name · Charter Oak Gymnostics· Club Name · Georgia Gymnastics Challenge Event Site · Sunnyvale Community "Gliders" Accdemy, Inc. MASSACHUSETTS Event Site · St Joseph Civic Arena

Center 841 North Dodsworth 98 Palterson Road Event Name · Tim Daggell National Event Start Date· 2/25/00 Event Start Date · 3/4/00 Covina, California 91724 lawrenceville, Georgia 30244 Invitational Club Name · Arising Stars Gymnastic Club Name· Sunnyvale Gymnastics Phone· (626)966·8775 Phone· (770)962·5867 Event Site · Tim Daggell Gold Medal Center

Club Fax· (626)967-8838 Fax· (770)963·3443 Gymnastics 12061 Victory Drive

1507 Kennewick Drive Women levels · 5 6 Women levels · 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Event Start Date· 3/4/ 00 51. Joseph, Missouri 64506

Sunnyvale, California 94087 Club Name · Tim Daggelt Gold Medal Phone · (816)232·7502

Phone · (408)737·9735 Event Name · Spring into Summer Event Name· Merch Madness Gymnastics Women levels · 5 6 7 8 91 0 PO

Event Site · Accdemy of Olympic Event Site· Cobb Challengers 103 Gold Street Event Name· Byers Gymnastics Gymnastics Event Start Dote· 3/ 10/ 00 Agawam, Massachuselts 01001

Invitational Event Start Date· 5/ 20/ 00 Club Name· Cobb Challengers Phone· (413)786·4686 Event Site· CSUS Gymnasium Club Name · Accdemy of Olympic 542 Fairground Street Fax· (413)786·0451 Event Start Date · 3/5/00 Gymnastics Mariella, Georgia 30060 Mens Class · 1 2 3 4 6 (continued on page 30)


Page 30: Technique Magazine - February 2000


INVITATIONAL NEW YORK 810 Slocum Rd Event Start Dote· 3/ 3/ 00 Event Nome· Summer Time Invitational

LISTING Event Nome· Boys 8uffolo Challenge Lancaster, Ohio 43130 Club Nome· Knoxville Gymnastics Event Site· Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics 2000 Phone· (740)653·3547 Training Center Event Start Dote· 6/3/ 00

(con tinued from page 29) Event Site · Greater Buffalo Gymnastics Mens Closs· 1 2 3 4 6 7 5331 Western Avenue Club Nome· Ocean Tumblers II

Center Knoxville, Tennessee 37921 Gymnastics NORTH CAROLINA Event Start Dote· 2/ 27/ 00 Event Nome · Queen City Trompoline & Phone· (423)588·2105 912 A Professional Place Event Nome· Sondstar Classic Club Nome · Greater Buffalo Tumbling Fox · (423)588·0861 Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 Event Site· Gym Gymnastics Center Event Site · Kids First Sports Clr Women Levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Phone · (757)547·0169 Event Start Dote· 2/ 26/ 00 1641 N French Rood Event Start Dote · 4/ 9/ 00 Fax· (757)436·2724 Club Nome· Sondhills Acodemy of Getzville, New York 14068 Club Nome· Queen City Gymnostics/ Event Name· Dogwood Invitotionol Women Levels · 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO

Gymnastic Phone · (716)639·0020 Kids First Event Site· Civic Coliseum POBox 3789 Fox · (716)639·0022 7900 E. Kemper Rd. Event Start Dote · 3/ 3/ 00 Pinehurst, North Carolina 28387 Mens Closs · 1 2 3 4 6 Cincinnati, Ohio 45249 Club Nome· Knoxville Gymnastics WASHINGTON Phone· (910)295·0724 Phone · (513)489·7575 Troining Center Event Nome· Northshore Invitational Fox· (910)295·0074 Event Nome· LI Classic Fox· (513)489·9761 5331 Western Avenue Event Site · Sammamish High School Women Levels· 4 5 6 78910 PO Event Site· Longwood Sports Complex Knoxville, Tennessee 37921 Event Start Dote· 2/ 25/ 00

Event Start Dote· 3/ 3/ 00 OREGON Phone· (423)588·2105 Club Nome· Northshore Gymnastics Event Nome· Winter Invite Club Nome· Long Island Gym Nest Event Nome· Emerald Team Challenge Fox· (423)588·0861 Center Event Site· Clemmer School of 27 A Industrial Blvd. Event Site · Lone Community College 19460 144th Ave. NE Gymnastics and Dance Medlord, New York 11763 Event Start Dote · 3/ 10/00 Event Nome · Dogwood Invitational Woodinville, Washington 98072 Event Start Dote · 3/ 11 / 00 Phone · (516)924·9422 Club Nome· Notional Academy 01 Event Site· Civic Coliseum Phone · (425)402·6602 Club Nome· Clemmer School 01 Fox · (516)924·7812 Artistic Gymnastics Event Start Dote · 3/ 3/ 00 Fox · (425)483·9621 Gymnastics and Dance Women Levels · 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO 869 Shelly Club Nome · Knoxville Gymnastics Women Levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO 10420 Southern Loop Blvd. Springfield, Oregon 97477 Troining Center Pineville, North Carolina 28134 Event Nome· Spring Dreams Phone · (541)744·2002 5331 Western Avenue Event Nome· CEG Invitational Phone · (704)583·9998 Event Site· American Dreams Fox· (541)485·2322 Knoxville, Tennessee 37921 Event Site· Cascade Elite Gymnastics Fox · (704)553·7026 Gymnastics Academy Women Levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Phone· (423)588·2105

Event Start Dote · 3/ 25/ 00 Fox· (423)588·0861 Event Start Dote · 3/ 11/00

NEW JERSEY Club Nome · American Dreams Event Nome · Shamrock Inv. Mens Closs · 4 6 7 Club Nome· Cascade Elite Gymnastics Event Nome· Scarlett Cup Gymnastics Academy Event Site · Gym·Nest Ltd. 23101 56th Avenue Wesl Event Site· Rutgers Univ 585 Rand Dr Event Start Dote · 3/ 11/00 VIRGINIA Mountlake Terrace, Washington 98043 Event Start Dote· 2/ 26/ 00 Watertown, New York 13601 Club Nome · Gym·Nest Ltd. Event Nome· Judges Cup/ Sectional Phone · (425)672-6887 Club Nome· Wilton Academy of Phone· (315)785·5592 1414 SE 18Th Ave #100 Event Site· Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Fox · (425)672·7288

Gymnoslics Women Levels -4 5 6 7 8 9 Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 Event Start Dote · 2/ 26/ 00 Mens Closs· 1 2 3 4 6 7 2248 Route 9 South Phone · (503)640·6378 Club Nome · Ocean Tumblers Howell, New Jersey 07731 Event Nome · Rising Stars Spring Fox · (503)640·1029 Gymnastics Event Nome· Teddy Bear Classic Phone · (732)462·2079 Invitational Women Levels · 5 6 7 8 910 912 A Prolessionol Place Event Site · Puget Sound Gymnastics Fax · (732)462·3877 Event Site· Rising Stars Gymnastics Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 Event Start Dote· 4/ 1/00 Women Levels· 5 6 8 910 PO Event Start Dote· 4/1/00 PENNSYLVANIA Phone· (757)547·0169 Club Nome· Puget Sound Gymnastics

Club Nome · Rising Stars Gymnastics Event Name· March Madness Inv Fox· (757)436·2724 1217 13th Street SE Event Nome· SI. Potty's Meet 881 Route 28 Event Site · Highlanders Women Levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Puyallup, Woshington 98374 Event Site· Flyers Gymnastics Academy, Kingston, New York 12401 Event Start Dote · 3/ 11/00 Phone· (253)845·0910

Inc. Phone · (914)339·2387 Club Nome · Highlanders Event Nome · Shamrock Invitational Fox· (253)845·3021 Event Start Oote . 3/ 18/ 00 Fox · (914)687·4367 73 Huff Avenue Ext Event Site· Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Club Nome· Flyers Gymnastics Women Levels · 5 6 7 8 910 PO Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601 Event Start Dote · 3/ 18/ 00 Event Nome· Ursula 's Invitalionol Academy, Inc. Phone · (724)832·6744 Club Nome · Ocean Tumblers Event Site· Auburn HS 40 North White Horse Pike Event Nome· Lilac In vitational Women Levels · 5 6 7 PO Gymnastics Event Start Dote· 4/ 22/ 00 Hammonton, New Jersey 08037 Event Site · ESL Sports Centre 912 A Prolessionol Place Club Nome· Auburn Gymnastics Center, Phone· (609)561·7761 Event Start Dote · 5/ 13/ 00 Event Nome· Friendship Classic Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 Inc. Fox· (609)561·7844 Club Nome · Penev's Eastside Event Site · Pottsville Gymnastics Phone· (757)547-0169 4208 Auburn Way North Women Levels · 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gymnastics Troining Center Fox· (757)436·2724 Auburn, Washington 98002

177 6 East Avenue Rochester Event Start Dote · 3/ 24/ 00 Women Levels · 5 6 7 8 910 PO Phone · (253)854·2838 NEVADA Rochester, New York 14610 Club Nome · Pottsville Gymnastic Fox · (253)856·0370 Event Nome · Springiest 2000 Phone· (716)271·3517 Training Center Event Nome· Spring Fling Women Levels· 5 6 PO Event Site· High Sierra Gymnastics Fax· (716)271 ·7485 P.O. Box 631 Event Site· Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Event Start Dote · 3/ 4/ 00 Women Levels· 5 6 7 8 910 PO Pottsville, Pennsylvania 17901 Event Start Dote · 4/ 15/ 00 Event Nome· April Showers Club Nome· High Sierro Gymnastics Phone· (570)628·4966 Club Nome· Ocean Tumblers Event Site · Northshore Gymnastics 120 Woodland Ave.,Ste. 8 OHIO Fox· (570)544·4773 Gymnastics Center Reno, Nevada 89523 Event Nome · Winteriest Women Levels · 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 912 A Prolessionol Place Event Start Dote· 4/ 23/ 00 Phone · (775)747-7748 Event Site· Queen City Gymnastics/ Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 Club Nome· Northshore Gymnostics Fox· (775)747·1396 Kids First RHODE ISLAND Phone· (757)547-0169 Center Women Levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Event Start Dote· 2/26/00 Event Nome· Ocean State Classic Fox · (757)436·2724 19460 144th Ave. NE

Club Nome · Queen City Gymnostics/ Event Site · Rhode Island College Women Levels · 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Woodinville, Washington 98072 Kids First Event Start Dote · 3/ 4/ 00 Phone · (425)402·6602

Technique magazine will 7900 E. Kemper Rd. Club Nome · Ocean State School· Event Nome· Level 4 State Fox · (425)483·9621 regularly list Member Cincinnati, Ohio 45249 Lincoln Bronch Event Site· Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Women Levels· 5 6 PO Club invitationals by Phone· (513)489·7575 3 Curron Rood Event Start Dote · 5/ 13/ 00

Fox· (513)489·9761 Cumberland, Rhode Island 02864 Club Nome· Ocean Tumblers state in order to help Mens Closs· 1 2 3 4 6 7 Phone· (401)231·6636 Gymnastics WYOMING caaches schedule their Fox· (401 )724·2914 912 A Prolessionol Place Event Nome· March Madness teams in competitions. Event Nome · Blue Chip Invitational Women Levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Chesapeake, Virginia 23320

Event Site · High Uinta Gymnastics Event Site· Cincinnati Gymnastics Phone· (757)547-0169 When you apply and Event Start Dote · 3/ 4/ 00 SOUTH DAKOTA Fox· (757)436·2724 Event Start Dote · 3/ 25/ 00 pay for a sandion with Club Nome · Cincinnati Gymnoslics Event Nome · Rushmore Invitational Women Levels· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Club Nome · High Uinta Gymnastics

USA Gymnastics, your 3635 Woodridge Blvd Event Site· Stevens High School 275 Saddle Ridge Avenue

invitational will auta- Foirlield, Ohio 45014 Event Start Dote · 3/ 3/ 00 Event Nome · May Doy Invitational Evanston, Wyoming 82930

Phone· (513)860·3082 Club Nome· Just Jymnoslics, Inc. Event Site · Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone · (307)789·1770 matically be included in Fox · (513)870·3831 2830 West Omaha Street Event Start Dote· 5/ 20/ 00

Event Name· April Showers Meet the listing. Remember, Rapid City, South Dakota 57702 Club Nome · Ocean Tumblers only USA Gymnastics Event Nome · Spring Fling Phone· (605)341 ·5914 Gymnastics Event Site· High Uinta Gymnastics

Event Site · Hocking Valley Gymnastics Women Levels · 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO 912 A Prolessionol Place Event Start Dote · 4/ 15/ 00 Member Clubs are eligi-

Center Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 Club Nome· High Uinta Gymnastics ble for the invitational Event Start Dote· 3/ 11/00 TENNESSEE Phone · (757)547·0169 275 Saddle Ridge Avenue listing. Club Nome · Hocking Volley Gymnastics Event Nome · Dogwood Invitational Fox· (757)436·2724 Evanston, Wyoming 82930

Center Event Site · Civic Coliseum Women Levels · 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PO Phone · (307)787·3158


Page 31: Technique Magazine - February 2000



USA Gymnastics invites you to submit a presentation proposal for the National Congress 2000 in Boston, August 18-21. Congress programming is based primarily on this annual Call for Presenters, bringing practical and relevant information to USA Gymnastics professionals. By featuring you and your peers as presenters, USA Gymnastics provides Congress attendees with the strongest forum for information exchange, problem solving and networking on a national level.

SELECTION CRITERIA Proposals received by the deadline will be forwarded to the appropriate national program planning committee. Your proposal will be evaluated on the following:

• Overall quality and innovation • National significance • Relevance to the program • Well-defined focus • Sound research/theoretical basis • Practical applications of materials~ :.-

Send 1esume, topic outline and lecture description/proposan5y~arch 1, 2000 to Loree Galimore or Luan Peszek at USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.

~ tf'

Loree Galirnore Phone: (317)237-5050 ext. 246 Fax: (317)237-5069 Email: [email protected]

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Page 32: Technique Magazine - February 2000

National ~ealth (are and Sport Science Referral Networ~ USA Gymnastics National Health Care Referral Network is comprised of health care practitioners with proven experience working with athletes. These professionals have met the criteria in their fi eld set by the National Sport Science and Health Care Board of Consultants and expressed an interest in partnering with local gymnastics pro­grams to provide health care services for athletes.'

The following list is the Winter 99/00 update with individuals from the fields of Nutrition, Sport Psychology Consultant, Clinical Psychology, Primary Care Sparts Medicine, Athletic Training, Sport Science, Psychiatry, and Orthopaedic Surgery. There is also a separate category of former gymnasts in various health care professions.

Anyone interested in knowing more about the National Health Care Referral Network or the Athlete Well ness Program can contact Nancy Marshall, Athlete Well ness Program Manager at (503)585-4641 (Oregon) or [email protected]

REGISTERED DIETITIANS (706) 542-5059 (fax) los Angeles, CA 90024 (517) 336-4520 (phone) 214 E. Denver Ave. [email protected] (310) 794-0795 (phone) (517)332-4576 (fax) Gunnison, CD 81230

Dan 8enardot, Ph.D., R.D., LD. (310) 794-6097 (fax) (800) 351-1994 (phone) Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Melinda Manore, Ph.D., R.D"· [email protected] Aurelia NaHiv, M.D"· (970) 64 I -0377 (fax) laboratory for Elite Athlete Performame Prafessor of Nutrition UCLA Division of Family Medicine Georgia State University 80x 872502 / Cowden Bldg Steven A. Giles, M.D. 924 Westwood Blvd. College of Health Sciemes Arizona State University Moreland Family Medicine Assoc., S.C Suite 650 / Box 957087 Walton W. Curl, M.D. University Plaza Depl. of Family Resources and 717 W. Moreland Blvd. los Angeles, CA Wake Forest University School Atlanta, GA 30303-3083 Human Deve lopment Waukesha, WI 53188 90095-7087 of Medicine (404) 651 -1560 (phone) Tempe, A185287-2502 (414) 542-9100 (phone) (310) 794-0794 (phone) Medical Center Boulevard

(480) 965-6935 (phone) (310) 794-6097 (fax) Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1070 Jackie Berning, Ph.D., R.D. (480) 965-6779 (fax) Brian Halpern, M.D., FMFP (910) 716-4207 (phone) University of Colorado at [email protected] Sports Medicine New Jersey Margot Petukian, M.D., FACSM (910) 716-6286 (fax)

Colorado Springs Baron Plaza, I 0 Pennsylvania State University Department of Biology Mildred Mcinnis Cody Ph.D., R.D., LD. Route 520 East Center for Sports Medicine Hamilton Easler, M.D., Ph.D. 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Marlboro, NJ 07746 1850 E. Park Ave., Suite 112 Tooze & Easter Colorado Springs, CO 80933 Georgia State University (908) 946-2100 (phone) University Park, PA 16803 720 South Queen St. (303) 593-3078 (phone) Atlanta, GA 30303-3083 (81 4) 863-7803 (phone) Dover, DE 19904 [email protected] (404) 651-1 105 (phone) Suzanne S. Hecht, M.D .. •• (814) 865-3566 (fax)

(404) 651 -1 235 (fax) UCLA Depl. of Family Medicine mxp I [email protected] (302) 735-8700 (phone) Ruth Carey, R.D., LD. 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 650

[email protected] 4121 SW43rdAve. Karen Reznik Dolins, M.S., R.D., CD.-N. Box 957087 Sami Rifat, M.D. Portland, OR 97221 250 E. Hartsdale los Angeles, CA 90095-7087 Sports Medicine Associates David Fischer, M.D"· (503) 203-8991 (phone) Hartsdale, NY 10530 (310) 794-0794 (phone) 44 199 Dequindre, Ste. 314 Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center (503) 203-8988 (fax) (914) 725-5703 (phone) (310) 794-6087 (fax) Troy, MI 48098 701 25th Ave. South [email protected] (914) 723-6620 (fax) (current elite judge) (248) 828-5454 (phone) Minneapolis, MN 55454

[email protected] (248) 828-5410 (fax) (6 12) 672-4800 (phone) Nancy Clark M.s., R.D. David Herzog, M.D. [email protected] (612) 672-4560 (fax) SportsMedicine Brookline Paffi Tveit Mill igan, M.S., R.D"·· Director, Eating Disorders Unit 830 Boylston Street, Corporate Wellness Dietitian Massachuseffs General Hospital Alan R. Stockard, D.O. Robert Frederick, M.D. Route 9 Henry's Marketplace 15 Parkman SI., ACC 725 Division Chief of Primary Care Sports Rothman Institute at Jefferson Brookl ine, MA 02167 9320 Fuerke Dr., Suite 105 Boston, MA 021 14 Medicine, Sports Medicine & 925 Chestnut SI. (617) 739-2003 (phone) la Mesa, CA 91941 (617) 726-2724 (phone) Rehabilitation of Texas Philadelphia, PA 19107

(6 19) 460-3032 exl. 727 (phone) 3600 W. 7th St. (215) 955-3458 (phone) Christine Dooliffle, M.s., R.D., CD.E.

Mimi Johnson M.D. Fort Worth, TX 761 07 (215) 955-4952 (phone) 101 Buckhill Rd. Claudia Wilson M.s., R.D. Team Physician, Univ. of Wash. (817) 377-3422 (dinic phone) (215) 503-0580 (fax) Piffsburgh, PA 15237 Sports Nutritionist/ Cl inical Dietitian 12707 -120th Ave. N.E. Ste.202 (817) 735-9034 (dinic fax) (412) 366-5277 (phone) University of Utah Kirkland, WA 98034 Carlos Guamhe, M.D. (412)367-4529 (fax) Nutrition Clinic (425) 899-4200 (phone) Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center [email protected] Division of Foods and Nutrition MEDICAL DOCTORS/

(425) 899-4202 (fax) ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS 701 25th Ave. South HPR-N-239 Suite 400

Michelle Dusserre-Farrell, M.B.S., R.D"·· Salt lake City, UT 84 112 Steven Karageanes, D.O. Minneapolis, MN 55454 15215 Magnolia Blvd. #1 I 0 (BOI) 581 -5417 (phone) James R. Andrews, M.D. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 (801) 585-3874 (fax)

8907 Kanis Road, Suite 330 Alabama Sports Medicine and (6 12) 339-7734 (phone)

(818)986-744 I (phone) Uffle Rock, AR 72205 Orthopaedic Center (612) 339-7434 (fax)

[email protected] (501) 227 -9994 (phone) 1201 I Ith Ave. South, Suite 200 [email protected]

MEDICAL DOCTORS/ (501) 221 -0710 (fax) Birmingham, Al35205 Phyllis Kennel Krozos, M.s., R.R., LD.N. PRIMARY CARE [email protected] (205) 939-3000 (phone) Jeffrey l Halbrecht, M.D. 48 Par la Ville Rd., Suite 295 (205) 918-0848 (fax) Private Practice Hamilton, HM I I Cindy Chang, M.D. Daniel Krah M.D. [email protected] 2100 Webster St., Suite 331 8ermuda University of California Methodist Sports Medicine Center San Francisca, CA 94115 (441) 236-5717 (phone and fax) University Health Service 1815 N. Capitol Ave. A. Jay Binder, M.D., M.P.H. (415) 923-0944 (phone)

Tang Center, 2222 Bamroh Way Suite 600 Director/lhe Sports Medicine Center (415) 923-5896 (fax) Johnna Kudlac MS, RD. lD Berkeley, CA 94720 Indianapolis, IN 46202 47201 -10 Service Rd., Suite 301 RR 4 Box 554M. (510) 643-3627 (phone) (317) 921 -3729 (phone) Metairie, LA 70001 William Hayes, M.D. Sanger, TX 76266 (510) 643-9790 (fax) (317)921 -0215 (fax) (504) 885-8225 (phone) Houston Northwest Orthopaedic & Sports (940) 482-6652 (phone) [email protected] (504) 885-7642 (fax) Medicine Center [email protected] Teri Metcalf McCambridge, M.D .. •• 13635 Michael Rd.

Katherine Dec, M.D. Ruxton Professional Center Quinter Burne" II, M.D. Tomball, TX 77375 Kim laPiona, M.s., R.D"·· Sheltering Arms Physical 8322 Bellona Ave ., Suite 100 K. Valley Orthopedics, P.C and (281) 351-7261 (phone) 609 1/2 Acacia Ave. Rehabilitation Center Towson, MD 21204 The Southwestern Michigan (281) 351-2515 (fax) Corona del Mar, CA 92625 206 Twinridge Rehabilitation (410) 337-7900 (Phone) Sportsmedicine Clinic [email protected] (949) 723-I 784 (phone) Richmond, VA 23235 (410)337-5321 (Fax) 315 Turwililane

(804) 323-1421 (phone) [email protected] Kalamazoo, MI 49006 Mark Hutchinson, M.D"· Rick lewis, Ph.D., R.D. (804) 320-771 1 (phone) (616) 343-8170 (phone) University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Foods and Nutrition larry Nassar, D.O., AIC" (616) 382-8490 (fax) Department of Orthopedics (Ml844) The University of Georgia John DiFiori, M.D. Michigan State University [email protected] 209 Medical Science S., 901 Woleo" Dawson Hall UCLA Division of Family Medicine, Sports Medicine Chicago, Il60612 Athens, GA 30602 Ste.220 2900 Hannah Blvd., Suite 104 Patricia C Chamberland, M.D. (312) 996-71 6 I (phone) (706) 542-4901 (phone) 200 UCLA Medical Plaza East lansing, MI 48823 The Hughston of Colorado, P.C (312) 996-9025 (fax)



Page 33: Technique Magazine - February 2000

Mory Lloyd Irelond, M.D. Yvonne E. SoHervmite, M.D. (305) 669-3320 (phone) Dovid Burchuk, P.T., Ale. Douglos Jockson, M.D. Kentucky Sports Medicine Clinic Kentucky Sports Medicine (305) 669-3324 (fox) lighthouse Physicol Therapy Southern Californio Center for 601 Perimeter Dr. 601 Perimeter Dr. 150 Gosling Rd.

Sports Medicine lexington, KY 40517 lexington, KY 40517 Dovid L Wolden, M.D. Portsmouth, NH 03BOI 2760 Atlantic Avenue (606) 268-0268 (phone) (606) 268-0268 (phone) Southern Colorodo Orthopedic Clinic (603) 431 ·0277 (phone) long Beoch, CA 90806 (606) 268-4519 (fox) (606) 268-4519 (fox) 2233 Acodemy Ploce, Suite 101 (562) 424-3441 (phone) [email protected] Colorado Springs, CO 80909 J. Rigo Corboiol, Ale. (562) 427-1235 (fox) Robert A. Stanton, M.D. (719) 570-7272 (phone) 11 829 44th Dr.

Mork A. lundeen, M.D., P.e. 325 Reef Rood (719) 570-9030 (fox) Glendale, A7. 85304 Dovid M. Joyner, M.D., F.A.e.S. Orthopaedic Associotes Forgo Foirfield, cr 06430 (602) 548·9882 (phone) 4750 lindle Rood 2301 25th Street South (203) 255-2839 (phone) George J. ZambeHi, Jr., M.D. (602) 548·0228 (fox) Suite 365 Suite A (203) 254 3685 (fox) 343-345 West 58th Street Horrisburg, PA 17111 Forgo, NO 58103 New York, NY 10019 John Christionsen, P.T., Ale. (717) 561-5265 (phone) (701) 237-9712 (phone) John Steubs, M.D. (212) 765-2260 (phone) Health South Rehobilitotion (717) 561 -5264 (fox) (701) 237-0922 (fox) Minneopolis Sports Medicine Center 297 W. 63rd St.

701 25th Avenue South #400 ATHLETIC TRAINERS Wiliowbrook, ll60514

Thomos P. Knopp M.D. Bert Mondelboum, M.D." Minneo polis, MN 55454 (630) 789-9506 (phone)

Sonto Monico Orthopedic Sports Sonto Monico Orthopedic Sports Medicine (612) 339-7734 (phone) Dwight Adsit, Ale.

Medicine Group 1301 20th St., Suite 150 (612) 892-1800 (phone) 4010 Donolboin Rondy Cro~, P.T., Ale.

1301 Twentieth St reet Sonto Monico, CA 90404 (612) 672-4560 (fox) Spring, TX 77373 PROREHA8

Suite 150 (310) 829-2663 (phone) (281) 351 -6300 (phone) 12660 lomplighter Square, Suite E

Sonto Monico, CA 90404 (310) 315-0326 (fox) Kevin M. Supple, M.D.'" St. louis, MO 63128

Greensboro Orthopoedic Center, P.A. Jomes Beitzel, Ale. (314) 842·2990 (phone) (310) 829-2663 (phone) Robert J. Meislin, M.D. 1401 8eniomin Porkwoy Heolth South Rehobilitotion (310) 315-0326 (fox) Phoenix Orthopedic Group Greensboro, NC 27408 297 VI. 63rd St. Kotherine I. Dieringer, Ale., LAIC.

Peter Kurzweil, M.D. 2620 North 3rd St., Suite 100 (910) 545-5000 (phone) Willowbrook, Il60514 Texos Womon 's University Phoenix, A7. 85004 (910) 545-5020 (fox) (630) 789-9506 (phone) Intercollegiote Athletics

Southern Colifornio Center for (602) 277-1558 (phone) PO 80x 425349 Sports Medicine Morino 8iogini IIlLATC, CSCS Denton, TX 76204-5349

2760 Atlontic Avenue 8ill Mitchell, M.D." / '-- Douglos P. Tewes, M.D. 30 Goskill Ave. (817) 898·2378 (phone) long 8eoch, CA 90806 Sports Medicine 8rookline lincoln Orthopoedic Center, P.e. W. Springfield, MA 01089 (562) 424-6666 (phone) 830 Boylston St., Suite 112 6900 A Street (413) 739-3145 (phone) Albert J. Ducker, Ale. (562) 427-1235 (fox) Brookline, MA 02167 P.O. Box 6939 [email protected] HeolthSouth Sports Medicine

(617) 731-6300 (phone) lincoln, NE 68506 12115 Sheraton Thomas N. lindenfeld, M.D. (617) 731 -9640 (fox) (402) 436-2000 (phone) Mornie lynn 8rown, Ale., P.T. Cincinnoti, OH 452116 Cincinnoti Sportsmedicine (402) 436-2099 (fox) Sinoi Somoriton Medicol Center (513) 346·3110 (phone)

ond Orthopaedic Center Terry F. Reordon, M.D. Sports Medicine Institute (513) 346-7290 x3501 (voice moil) 12115 Sheroton lone Orthopedic Associates of Middletown 19601 W. Blue Mound Rd. (513) 346·3113 (fox) Cincinnoti, OH 45246 51 South Moin St. John W. Uribe, M.D. Brookfield, WI 53045 (513) 671-0311 (phone) Middletown, cr 06457 5000 University Drive, Suite 3320 (414) 821-4460 (phone) [email protected] (860) 347-7636 (phone) Corol Gobles, Fl33146 (414) 821-4464 (fox) (continued 011 page 34)




J -24-..$J3.95 25-49 .... $J2.95 50 & UP ... $ J J.95

Page 34: Technique Magazine - February 2000

NATIONAL HEALTH CARE AND William A, Sands Ph,D," / '" (90B) 932-6537 (phone) 2150 Pennsylvania Ave, NW

SPORT SCIENCE REFERRAL NETWORK 500 Parkview Dr. (90B) 932-953B (phone) Washington D,C 20037

(con tinued from page 33) Pork City, UT B409B (90B) 932-9525 (fax) (202) 994-290B (office) (435) 649-3759 (202) 994-6377 (fax) wmosands@hotmail,com Wayne Hurr, Ph,D, [email protected]

Kathleen Hickey Kane, P.l, Ale. linda Tremain, P.l, Ale. Georgetown University

Mel Siff, Ph,D, (Biomechanics/ Counseling & Psychiatric Services Ronald Kamm, M,D," Valley Physical Theropy & Sports Medicine Health South Rehabilitation Training Theory) One Darnall Hall 257 Monmouth Rd, 6 Progress Dr, 297 W, 63rd St. 7434 S, Cherry Court 37th & "0" Streets NW Building A, Suite 5 Cromwell, CT 06416 Willowbrook, ll60514 li"leton, CO B0122 Washington, DC 20057 Oakhurst, NJ 07755 (B60) 635-9622 (phone) (630) 7B9-9506 (phone) (303) 221-3336 (phone) (202) 6B7-69B5 (phone) (732) 517-0595 (office phone) (B60) B2B-6303 (fox) mcsiff@aol,com (732) 531-6493 (fax) (B60) 635-9620 (fax) (w) Debbie A, Van Horn, MS" Ale. lene larsen Ph,D, rlkamm@monmouth,com

P.O, Box 576 Children's Memorial Hospital Kathleen M, laquole, Ph,D" LAle., Crested Bu"e, CO B1224 SPORT PSYCHOLOGY Child and Adolescent Psychiatry David Herzog, M.D, 1290 Wampanoag Trail (970) 349-5371 (phone) CONSULTANTS 2300 Children's Plaza #1 0 Director Eating Disorders Unit East Providence, RI 02915 Chicago, Il60614 Massachuse"s Generol Hospital (410) 437-1977 (phone) James Zachazewski, P.l, AlC Gloria Balague, Ph,D," (773) BBO-3421 (phone) 15 Parkman St., ACC 725

Newton-Wellesley Hospital UIC Psychology Department (773) BBO-Bll0 (fax) Boston, MA 02114 Ron linfonte, Ale. 2014 Washington St. 1007 W, Harrison St. (617) 726-2724 (office phone) Director of Sports Medicine Newton, MA 02162 Chicago, Il60607 Joseph Mossimo, Ph,D, St. John's University Alumni Hall (617) 243-6000 (phone) (312) 996-B6Bl (phone) 45 Pond St. Apt. 19 Jamaica, NY 11439 (312) 413-4122 (fax) Waltham, MA 02451-4569 FORMER GYMNASTS (71 B) 990-6055 (phone) Gloriab@uicedu (7Bl) B91-6769 (home) IN HEALTH CARE (71 B) 990-219B (fax) SPORT SCIENCE (7Bl) B93-2009 (gym) PROFESSIONS linfontr@stjohns,edu CONSULTANTS Karen 0, Cogan, Ph_D_'"

Counseling and Testing Center lindo Petlichkoff, Ph,D_ Alison Arnold, Ph,D" UC Janice loudon, Ph,D, P.l, Ale., S,e.S, Dennis Caine Ph,D, (Epidemeiology University of North TexIII Professor, Department of HPER Head Games Professional The University of Kansas Medical Center and Anthropometry) PO Box 31 096B Boise State University Sport Psychology Assistant Professor Dept. of Physical Education, Health Denton, TX 76203 1910 University Drive B12 N, 2nd Ave, 3901 Rainbow Boulevard and Recreation (940) 565-479B (phone)

Boise, 10 B3725 Phoenix, AZ B5003 Kansas City, KS 66160-7601 Western Washington University (940) 565-4376

(20B) 426-1231 (office phone) (602) 462-1607 (phone) (913) 5BB-6914 (phone) Bellinghom, WA 9B225 cogan@dsa, (20B) 426-1B94 (fax) (602) 462-160B (fax) (913) 5BB-456B (fax) (360) 650-3529 (phone) Ipetlic@boisestate,edu docalison@aaLcom jloudon@kumcedu (360) 650-7447 (fax) lewis Curry, Ph,D,

dencaine@ccwwu_edu Associote Professor, Department of Health James P. Reardon, Ph,D, Jennifer Fasonella, MS" R,N" BS,N,

Timothy Mclone, AlC./L M,B,A, and Human Performance Consulting Psychologist 4411 SW 34th St., #902

Watson Clinic, llP Robert M, Malina, Ph_D" Director, GRIZ Sport Counseling and Worthington Woods Office Condominiums Gainsville, Fl3260B

1600 lakeland Hills Blvd, Performance Enhancement Resource (352) 336-0B19 (phone) lakeland, Fl33B05 Professor and Director Center 7550 Pingue Drive

(B63) 6BO-72B4 Institute for the Study of Youth Sports 220A & B McGill/HHP Dept, Worthington, OH 430B5 Darcy Heath, M,t, MFCCI tmdane@Wotsondinic(om Deportment of Kinesiology The University of Montano (614) 436-99B5 (phone) Marriage and Family Counselor Michigan State University Missoula, MT 59B12 (614) 436-0256 (fox) 2530 Silveruest Ct. Dennis Miller, P.l, Ale." 213 1M Sports Cirde (406) 243-5242 (office phone) Pinole, CA 94564 Purdue University East lansing, MI 4BB24-1049 (406) 72B-6252 (fax) Mark Thompson, Ph,D_ (510) 223-1B55or Mackey Arena 517-355-7620 (phone) curry5B@selway_umt_edu Inner Edge (BOO) 596-B945 (phone) 517-353-5363 (fox) 3514 Clinton Parkway Wes1lofaye"e, IN 47906 RMAlINA@pilot,msu_edu Box A-2B5

PSYCHMEUP@AOLCOM (317) 494-0102 (phone) Joan Dudo, Ph,D,

Professor of Sport Psychology lawrence, KS 66047 Desiree Jansen, R,D" LD_ larry Nassar, 0,0" Ale." Jessica Smith, MS'" The University of Birminghom (7B5) 749-2BBB (phone) Hillcrest Medical Center Michigan State University (Bioengineering) School of Sport and Ex, Sciences Hillcrest Exercise and Sports Medicine 636 E, 1300 S, Edgebaston CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST lifestyle Programs 2900 Hannoh Blvd_, Suite 104 Salt lake City, UT B41 05 Birmingham B 15 2TT 1265 S, Utica Ave" Suite, 200 East lansing, MI 4BB23 (B01) 4B7-9349 (home phone) United Kingdom Polly Rost, Ph,D, (Private Proctice) Tulsa, OK 74101-4964 (517) 336-4520 (phone) (B01) 314-403B(office phone) 0121-414-4115 (phone) B07 South George St. (91 B) 579-4959 (phone) (517) 332-4576 (fox) tOjsmith@ihccom 0121-414-4121 (fax) York, PA 17403 lowrence,nossar@ht,msu,edu Joon,Duda@bhom,acuk (717) B43-6561 (phone) Kyro Miller, M,S., R,D.

Jeni McNeal, M,e., CS.CS, '" (Exercise (717) B45-6941 (fox) 13BB Glenover Way Don Rockey, Al e. phYSiology/strength and conditioning) Richard 0, Gordin, Ed,D, Marie"a, GA 30062 7331 E. Osborn Rd. #190 Department of Exercise and Sport Science Department of HPER Michael Strober Ph,D, (770) 321·0041 (phone/ fax) Sca"sdale, AZ B5251 University of Utah Utah State University Director, UCLA Eating Disorders Progrom (602) B92·2121 (phone) Salt lake City, UT B4112 logon, UT B4322 760 Westwood Plozo Mary Sowa, R,D, CNSD

(B01) 272-974B (home phone) (435) 797·1506 (phone) los Angeles, CA 90024-1759 Sports Nutritionist Melanie 1 Seamon, P.T, Ale. (B01) 5Bl·5430 (office phone) (435) 797-3759 (fax) (310) B25-5730 (phone) lB Wadsworth Healthsouth (B01) 5B5·3992 (fax) gordin@ccusu,edu (310) B25-29B2 (fox) Irvine, CA 92620 6767-B South Yale jenimmeal@hotmoil,com MStrober@mednet, (949) B57-B364 (phone) Tulsa, OK 74136 David A, Feigley, Ph,D, (949) 857·8324 (fox) (918) 492·3639 (phone) Jennifer Kilgore, M.5. Rutgers [email protected]

(Applied Sport Psychology)'" Deportment of Exercise Science PSYCHIATRY Kevin Shanahan, P.l, Ale. 1920 S. Foothill Dr, and Sport Studies CONSULTANTS Jennifer Whinery, M,A, Health South Rehabilitation Salt lake, City, UT 841 OB Faculty of Arts and Sciences Theropeutic Recreation 297 W, 63rd St. (801 )581·5430 (w. phone) loree Gymnasium, Room 107 Antonia Baum, M,D," /'" Dynamite Academy of Gymnastics Wiliowbrook,ll60514 (801)585-3992 (fax) PO Box 270 George Washington University 327 Fronklin Ave, (630) 789·9506 (phone) jm.kilgore@m,cc,utah,edu New Brunswick, NJ 08903·0270 Oept. of Psychiatry, 8th Floor Rockaway, NJ 07B66

The United States Olympic CommiHee has estabhshed a Notional Rehabmtotion Network (USOC -NRNJ and the Notional Dentol Referral Network. listed on these Networks are clinics and smools with Sports Medicine programs who have agreed to provide health core to active elite athletes under the USOC elite athlete program. For questions oboutthis network call 1-800-638-1604. • Fees for services provided determined by health core practitioner. .. Indicates member of the USA Gymnastics Notional Sport Science and Health Core Boord of Consultants. - Indicates quahfying health core praditioners who are also former gymnasts. The Athlete Wellness Program has been partially funded by gifts from the Notional Gymnastics Foundation.

--1-:-3-:4:---- ------ ------( r EC H N I QUE • FEB R U A RY 2000 )}------------ - ----


Page 35: Technique Magazine - February 2000

Women's Nominations for National

Committee Chair Positions

Women's Program Senior Director USA Gymnastics Pan American Plaza 20 I S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 Fax: 317-237-5069

All nominations for positions must be USA Gymnastics Women's Program Professional Members in good standing for a minimum of two consecutive years immediately prior to the nomination, be at least 21 years old, and meet the prerequisites in Article VI of the Operating Code Sections H and I found in the Women's Rules and Policies. The positions are four (4) year terms 2000-2004.

Nominations are to be sent to the Women's Program Director, USA Gymnastics office by March 15,2000.



National Administrative Board Chairman (the National Administrative Board Chairman is elected by the National Administrative Board.)

I nominate _______________ _

National Elite Program Chair (the National Elite Program Chair is elected by the National Elite Program Committee).

I nominate _______________ _

Page 36: Technique Magazine - February 2000

......... .....

. ' .. '


L GYMN srI s!!t!~ AWARDS II ~ \\ It is time for all ~C/~ ~ qualified gymnasts ~ / V \ "'-...1, ~ to apply for the ((~::. './Y~:J) 2000 Men's Junior ~y 't::::7 ~ Olympic Program ~ ~ u ~

W I !~l' : 4' .• .\. ) '.

USA Gymnastics is proud to host the first National Championship for competition in General Gymnastics - TeamGymn. This Championship will be contested in conjunction with the 2000 National Gym Fest.

DATES: June 23-25, 2000

LOCATION: Emory University' Atlanta, GA

LEVELS OF COMPETITION: All TeamGymn levels are eligible to participate. Level I squads will receive achievement recognition as per the TeamGymn regulations. Level 2 and 3 squads will compete fo r the national title in men 's, women's and mixed groups, as well as by age division .

QUALIFYING PROCEDURES: All squads will compete under the USA Gymnastics TeamGymn Regulations as published on USA Gymnastics Online. TeamGymn squads qualify to the National Championships in the following manner:

I. Squads must compete in two (2) sanctioned TeamGymn competitions between January I and March 3 1,2000. Event results must be forwarded to USA Gymnastics.

2. Squads must submit qualifying entry forms no later than March 3 1, 2000, to USA Gymnastics.

NOTIFICATION AND APPLICATION: I. USA Gymnastics will post qualifying squad lists on

April 3, 2000 on USA Gymnastics online. 2. Qualified TeamGymn squads must submit nominative

entry forms no later than April 28,2000. 3. USA Gymnastics will post competition squad lists

and preliminary competition order May 8, 2000.

For more information, registration information, etc. contact: Address: GG at USA Gymnastics

Phone: Email: URL:

Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 20 I S. Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (3 17) 237-5050 [email protected]

Academic All American Recognition Award. All male compet­itive athletes, who are enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 and have a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.5 or higher (on a 4.0 scalel, are eligible. Applicants must submit a complet­ed application form, along with two letters of recommenda­tion, a biographical sketch and a $5.00 application fee to USA Gymnastics by April 15th. A complete program description can be found in the USA Gymnastics Men's Rules and Policies or on-line at w w W • usa - gym n a s tic s . a r 9

Dear USA Gymnastics,

• ;,lDEAS

that WORK!n the


My husband, Ed and I, were married earlier this year under interesting circumstances and we thought you might be interested. We are both optional coaches in Eden Prairie, Min nesota, at Classic Gymnastics. We had a hard time deciding where to have our

wedding because most of our family lives in California, but all of our friends are in Minnesota. By the time we finally decided to have the wedding in Minnesota, all of the reception halls were booked. We ended up getting married in the gym under a set of uneven bars. The idea was

actually a sugges­tion from a bunch of the Minnesota judges. We all had a great time, and we couldn't have done it without the sport of gym­nastics.

Yours Truly, Jennifer Savoy

...-13-=--=6-------- --------{( TECH N IOU E • fEB R UA RY 2000 )f------ -------- ---

Page 37: Technique Magazine - February 2000







June 1-4, 2000

"Limited Enrollment, Don't Be Left Out"

WHERE: Just 18 Miles West of Chicago

Aerial Gymnastics Club 15 16 Brook Drive

Downers Grove, IL Less than I mile from Hotel to Gym. Very limited transportation provided by Hotel.

WHA'r: A Seminar for High Level Coaches

of Women's Junior Olympic Levels 9, 10 and above, including collegiate.

Professional Membership reqUired.

HO'rEL IIiFORtlA'rIOIl: Double Tree Guest Suites

21 I I Butterfield Road, Downers Grove, IL 60515

Phone: (630) 971-2000 Fax: (630) 97 1-1 168

Only 16 miles from Chicago O'Hare International Airport & 25 miles from

Midway Airport (No airport shuttle transportation prOVided)

$109 Single/Double Includes breakfast. Rates guaranteed

until May I. Reserve early.

Note: This is a special rate for USA Gymnastics High

Performance Seminar

REGIS'rRA'rIOIl-Must go to Double Tree Guest Suites to Register Wed., May 3 I, 4:00 p.m.-I 0:00 p.m. (with Social 7-1 I) Thurs., June I, 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

WHEIl-Seminar:Thursday,June I at 8:30 a.m to Sunday, June 4, at 3:00 p.m. Complete schedule will be mailed in follow-up packet

COS'rS-UEARLY BIRD" Postmarked Before March

I st registered coach .... ............ ............ $395 2nd coach from same club .................. $350

Postmarked After March I I st registered coach ................ .. .......... $450 2nd coach from same club .................. $395

'rRAIiSPOR'rA'rIOIl-NO transportation is provided by USA Gymnastics. There is a limited shuttle prOVided by the hotel to and from Aerial Gymnastics.Airport/Hotel: Call Naperville Chauffeuring for reservations and prices (630) 357-5755

ADDI'rIOIiAL-Check our web page: or contact Jerry Nelson, Director of Grass Root Programs & Events, USA Gymnastics, (317) 237-5050 ext. 247, [email protected], or contact Women's Program.

2000 Women's High Performance Coaching Seminar Registration Form June 1-4,2000 Downers Grove, Illinois PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE· ONE NAME PER FORM

Nome ______________ Social Security # _________ _

USA Gymnasti[s Professional # _____ Exp. Dote _____ Sofety Exp. Dote _____ _

Moiling Address _________________________ _

City ___________ S.tote ________ Zip ______ _

Day Phone ___________ Evening phone ____________ _

Email _____________ ,Fax number

Highest level of competition in the lost four years _______________ _

PAYMENT INFORMATION: All forms and fees are due by May 1,2000

Regular registration fee $450.00· ]" coa[h and $395.00 eo[h additional coa[h from some dub

__ $450.00 __ 2nd coo[h some dub $395 3rd coa[h some dub $395

"Early Bird" Postmarked by MARCH 1, 2000 • All forms sent together with one check or one credit card payment in order to receive this special discount

__ $395.00 __ 2nd coa[h some dub $350 3rd [oa[h some dub $350

PAYMENT Make Check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics

Amount Endosed Credit Cord information: 0 Visa ~ PREFERS VISA' o Other

Cord No. _________________ Exp. Dote _______ _

Nome ________________ Signoture

Office Use Only: Re[eived ____________ ,Postmarked ________ _

Form of poyment ______________ .Amount Re[eived ______ _

Mail: USA Gymnastics Member Services, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 Phone: (317) 237·5050· Women's Program 1·800·345·4719 • Member Services Fax form with credit card information to: (317) 692·5212

- - ------ ----- -----1( r EC H N I QUE • FEB R U A RY 2000 )}-- ------- -------:3=-=7=--1

Page 38: Technique Magazine - February 2000


If you have purchased any of the Optional Judges' Training videos, please update your scripts with the following corrections made by the Women's Technical Committee at their November 1999 meeting.


7 Beam 6 Change 2nd wolf jump symbol to indicate two-foot take-off

7 Floor 2 Top line-add "A" over forward roll symbol ~ 7 Floor 4 1 st line-add" A" over backward roll symbol + Last symbol - add" A" over forward roll symbol ~ 8 Vault 3 Change "Open" deductions to: .25 - .35

Change total Deductions to: 1.15 - 1.35 Change Score Range to: 8.15 - 8.35

8 Vault 4 Change Open deductions to: .25 - .35 Change total deductions to: 1.3 - 1.7 Change Score range to: 7.70 - 8.10

8 Floor 1 Last skill: Add" A" over forward roll symbol ~ 9 Vault 1 Change Open deductions to: .25 - .30

Change Total deductions to: 1.10 - 1.30 Change Score range to: 8.10 - 8.30

9 Vault 3 Change Open deductions to: .35 - .40 Change Total deductions to: 1.60 - 1.95 Change Score range to: 7.45 - 7.80

9 Vault 4 Change Open deductions to: .30 - .40 Change Total deductions to: 1.50 - 1.80 Change Score range to: 7.70 - 8.00

9 Vault 5 Change value to: 9.20 Change Score range to: 7.35 - 7.50

9 Vault 7 Change Open deductions to: .40 - .45 Change Total deductions to: 1.10 - 1.40 Change Score range to: 8.10 - 8.40

9 Beam 2 Last symbol on top line: Wolf Jump 1/2 turn: Add "C"

10 Vault 2 Change Open deductions to: .20 - .25 Change Total deductions to: 1.00 - 1.30 Change Score range to 8.20 - 8.50

10 Vault 12 Change Open deductions to: .15 - .20 Change Total deductions to: .65 - .80 Change Score range to 9.10 - 9.25

10 Vault 13 Change Open deductions to: .25 - .35 Change Total deductions to: .90 - 1.10 Change Score range to: 8.70 - 8.90

10 Vault 17 Change Open deductions to: .20 - .30 Change Total deductions to: .85 - 1.05 Change Score range to: 8.45 - 8.65



Page 39: Technique Magazine - February 2000

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~ooo Elae Testing Video Illustrates Elite Testing routines. #2470 ................................ $10

National Elite Testing Program Manual Under the direction of the Notional Coaching Stoff and the Elite Program Committee, USA Gymnastics has produced this developmental program to assist our elite coaches in the training and preparation of our athletes. THIS IS A PRE-REQUISITE FOR ALL FIRST· TIME ELITE ATHLETES. 1997; USAG; 23pp #3646 ...................................... $10

T esting Vide o The video covers all of the "Skills Testing" items that are

required for Notional TOP Testing. This video DOES NOT include the "Physical Abilities Test" items.

Running time of the video is 40 minutes. #1121 ...................................................... $15

National TOP Manual The 1999 Notional TOP Manual will toke you through the Talent Opportunity Program from beginning to end explaining in detail the Regional Physical Abilities Testing items and the Notional Gymnastics Skills Test items. The new Manual now contains all of the text thus eliminating the need to cross reference to the Notional Elite Testing Text . #1120 .................................................... $10

0-' ~ ............. . ..




USA Gymnaslies-Women

Ho_to Open a ~mnasli«:s Business ... or maL:e your Business BeHer! USA Gymnastics developed this booklet with two goals in mind - to help you determine if starting a club is the right decision for you, and to imprave your chances of success with your new business. Since so many of the steps involved in opening a gymnastics school are intertwined, we suggest you read through this entire booklet first before you get started. 1998; Loree Galimore; 82pp #3607 .............................. $15.00

Order an page 40 DR CALL 1-800-14S-4119

Page 40: Technique Magazine - February 2000


# 1 0004 Level 4 Pin. ............... $S.oo

# 10005 Level 5 Pin .. . ........... $S.oo

#10ooS LevelS Pin ................................ $S.oo

#10007 Level 7 Pin ... ........... ....... ....... .... $S.oo

#10008 Level 8 Pin ........ ............ ............ $S.OO

#10009 Level 9 Pin ...... ...................... .... $S.OO

#10010 Level 10 Pin .............. .............. $S.oo

# 1 00 11 9.0 Club Pin ............... ..... ........ $S.oo

NAME ................................................ .. ............................................. ... ........ .. .......................... .. PHONE ... ... ............ ..... ............ .......................................... .

ADDRESS ................... ....... .......... ... ... ..................................................... ... ...... .. ...................... ...................................... .......... .. .. ... .. .... ................ ... ...... .. .. .... ... .. .... ... .... .. ..... ... . .

Use this fann to Drder merchandise

on pages 39, 41, and


CiTY ............................. .. ..................................................................... ... ...................... .. ..................................................................... STATE ........... .. ... ...... ZIP ................. . .•..........•.....

GYMNASTICS MEMBERS HIP # .............. ....... ......... ............... ... ... .. ........ .. ........ ........................... ..... .. ........................... .... ... ... .. ...... .. ........ ... .. .... ..... ......... ....... .. .. .......... .... .. ........ .. ........ .. .. ............. ..... .... .. . .

CHARGE: 0 VISA ~ PREFERS VISA' 0 OTHER Exp. DATE .............. ... ... ......... ........ .. ... ....... .. .... ........ ..... .. ..... ............ .. ......... ...... ............... .. .

CARD # ........................... .. ....................................... .... .......................................... .... ........ .. SIGNATURE ............................ .. ............... .......... .. ......................... .. ............... .......... .. .. ... .. ........ ......... .






-- INTERNATIONAL -- MEMBERSHIP # I 1-800-:J4S-4719 1100 PLEASE CA LL FOR EXAa SHIPPING RA TE I ,MembmhlP dls(ount (an only be applied 10 purchases of apporel and novelty Items. 110 discount on Videos. - I .... _------------------------------_ ....

Page 41: Technique Magazine - February 2000


VIDEOS Order an page 40

DR CALL 1-800-345-4719


#2608 What is General Gymnastics? .. .. .. .. .. ...... ...... ........ .... $10.00 This video helps answer the question, What is General Gymnastics?

#2609 1997 Swedish TeamGym .. ...................................... $15.00 This video shows examples of TeamGym competition.

#2610 1999 World Gymnaestrada-The USA Experience ........ .. $15.00 This video is the USA routines from the World Gymnaestrada in Gdteborg, Sweden.


1999 Competition Videos

#2131 1999 American Classic Jr. International Competition .. $15.00

#2132 1999 American Classic Sr. International Competition .. $15.00

#2133 1999 American Cup Prelims. & Finals .. .. .. .. .. ............ $15.00

#2134 1999 Li Ning Cup-US routines from China ............ .. .. $10.00

#2135 1999 International Team Championships Juniors .... .. $15.00

#2136 1999 International Team Championships Seniors ...... $15.00

#2137 1999 US Classic Juniors (2 Tapes) .......................... $20.00

#2138 1999 US Classic Seniors (2 Tapes) .... .. ................ .. .. .. $20.00

#2139 1999 National Gym Festival (2 Tapes) .. .... .... .. ...... .. .. $20.00

*#2140 1999 John Hancock National Championships Juniors (2 Tapes) .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... ........ .......... .. .. .. ...... $25.00

*#2141 1999 John Hancock National Championships Sr. AA Finals ........................................................ $20.00

*#2142 1999 John Hancock National Championships Sr. Event Finals .. .... ...... .. .... .... .......... $10.00

*#2143 1999 World Team Trials (2 Tapes) .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .... ...... $25.00


All of these videos include a written scn'pt.

#2191 Level 5&6 Judges Training Video (2 Tapes) .......... .... $29 .95

#2195 Level 7 Judges Training Video .............. .. ................ $19.95

#2192 Level 8 Judges Training Video ........ ........ ...... .. .. ...... $19.95

#2193 Level 9 Judges Training Video .. .. .. .... .. ............ ...... .. $19.95

#2194 Level 10 Judges Training Video .................... .. .. .. .. .. $19.95


#2105 J.D. Program Compulsory Video Level 1-6 ...... ........ .. $35.00

#2127 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's Incorporating Leg Swings into Your Workouts .......... $20.00

#2498 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Train a Front Handspring Safely .... .. .. .... .... .... $20.00

#2499 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Master a Perfect Handstand .................... .. .. $20.00

#2961 Gheza Pozsar's Ballet Bar Training for Gymnasts ........ $10.00

#2962 Bela Karolyi's Running Training Video ........ .... .......... $10.00


1999 Competition Videos

*#2274 1999 John Hancock National Championships .. .......... $20.00

*#2275 1999 World Team Trials .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. ........ .. .......... $20.00


#2221 Men's Compulsory Program Video, Class V-VII .... .. ...... $19.95

# 61 Men's Future Stars Video, 10-11 Compo Routines ...... $19.95


1999 Competition Videos

#2369 1999 Rhythmic Challenge (2 Tapes) .. .. .................... $19.95

#2370 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Junior Event Finals (2 Tapes) ............................ .. .. .. ........ .. $15.00

#2371 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Senior Event Finals (2 Tapes) ........................................ .. .......... $15.00

#2372 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Group Competition .... .. .. .... $15.00


#2321 Rhythmic Compulsory Levels 5&6 Video .................... $29.95

#2322 Rhythmic Compulsory Levels 7&8 Video .. .... .............. $29.95

#2323 Rhythmic Levels 1&2 Video .. .. ........ .................... .... $10.00

#2324 Rhythmic Levels 3&4 Video .................... .. .... .. .. .. .... $10.00

#2325 Rhythmic Group Compulsory Video & Text ................ $29.95

#2320 Rhythmic Ball Group Compulsory Video, Text & CD .... $25.00


1999 Competition Videos #2400 1999 National Championships Double Mini

Syncrojrumbling .. .. ............. ..... .. ... ... .................... $15.00

#2401 1999 National Championships Trampoline ................ $15.00


' All USA Gymnastics videos are designed to be used for educational purposes by gymnastics coaches and judges. All videos were produced with commercial equipment by amateur video­graphers unless otherwise stated. Our OlympiC technical videos are presented from one cam­era angle and show the entire exercise without cuts. close-ups or other effects and enhance­ments. Except for women's floor exercise, the videos do not have sound.The Adanta Technical videos are available for purchase to USA Gymnastics members only.

--------------------j( TECH N IOU E • FEB R U A RY 2000 )}----------------c4,,-,'=--1

Page 42: Technique Magazine - February 2000

USA GYMNASTICS 1000 KAT WORKSHOP SCHEDULE (Pre-registration guarantees a KAT workbook and place at the workshop)

USA Gymnastics has recently published a new KAT Workbook! The new 1999 KAT workbook has updates relative to bridges, headstands, st ret ch ing, At lantoaxial instabi lity, new lesson plans and much more! This workbook will be util ized in the upcom­ing KAT workshops. The new KAT workbook is ava ilable for $16.00 (includes shipping and handling) to everyone who has rece ived their KAT certification .




Please call Pat Warren at 317-237-5050 ext. 337 or email [email protected] if you are interest ed in attending a KAT workshop, hosting a KAT workshop or orderi ng t he NEW KAT Workbook.


February 19 Woodstock, GA World of Gymnastics 770-516-6898 February 20 Grass Valley, CA Rising Starz Gymnastics Academy 530-478-5961 February 20 Corvallis, OR Oregon State University 541-737-8413 March 4 Marlton, NY Will-Moor Gymnastics 256-234-5292 March 5 San Luis Obispo, CA Central Coast Gymnastics Training Center 805-549 -8 408 March 11 Port Hadlock, WA Valley Gymnastics, Corp. 360-385-1207 March 12 Silver Spring, MD Silver Stars Gymnastics 301-589-0938 March 18 Oxford, AL World of Performing Arts 256-831-1229 March 26 North Miami, FL North Miami Parks & Recreation Dept. 305-893-6511 March 26 White Bear, MN Flips Gymnastics & Fitness Center, Inc. 651-777-4776 April 8 Poplar Bluff, MO Xtreme Gymnastics 573-785-3780 April 30 Coralville, IA Iowa Gym-Nest 319-354-5781 May 7 New Haven, CT In-Flight Gymnastics Center 203-777-2628 July 9 Rancho Cucamonga, CA Precision Gymnastics 909-483-8 161 July 27-28 St. Louis, MO Region IV Regional Congress/Champ. USA 636-537-0022

CONGRATULATIONS!!! 1999 KAT CERTIFIED TEACHERS ALABAMA Simon Chaban Diane Hendricks Barbara Peterson Nancy Vasquez Darla Brown Jamie Charshafian Kathryn Henshaw Li liana Petronelli Pearce Wagner Lauren Dowd Christel Chavez Jaime Hoffman Kimberly Ann Pruett Nicole Warren Allison Harris Doug Clinkenbeard Shelly Holliday Regina Quirk Apryl Weimer Andrea Jennings Deshawn Cobbs Orla Hopkins Shamra Ray Sharon Wenger Holly Long Jerry Coughlin Diana Hudtloff Jodilyn Reneaud Sarah Wh ite Victoria Long Heather Crowell Julie Hunt Tammy Riotto Shirey Deborah Whiting Debra Simmons Shelly Cruddas Emily Johanson Mary Rogers Carolan Whitney Donovan Vestal Katie Cuff Jimise Johnson-Wright Stacy Rose Pam Wilder Janelle Vesta l Valerie Darnell Holly Kemmerle Sherri Rothenberger Jamie Winklepleck

Hinda Darner Carla Knudsen Catherine Sabados Patricia Zevallos ARIZONA Michelle Davey Kea Kratzer J udi Sabo Geoffrey Bleakman Gilberto De Souza Sarah Kron Kristy San Sabastian COLORADO Eric Brown Sheila Di Santo Janette Lathon Jill Sawada-Shebert Rachel Barr Jennifer Handy Laura Downing Sonya Lee Jennifer Schembri Jeff Cottle Angaileca Patton Kelley Dutton Ronald Leschinski Elizabeth Schutz Donyella Dardano

Lori Elliott Diane Lippstock Kathy Scott Gina Dardano CALIFORNIA Ilea Erickson Jenny MacCrae Cherylnn Sebastian Joanne Davis Barry Adamson Mike Eschenbrenner Mary McKulie Manjit Singh Heidi Gardner Annamaria Agocs-Santoyo Dawn Ferriera Tammie Millard Anissa Skjegstad Angela Kraske Rosie Arnell Jennifer Fish Melanie Mil ler Rebecca Starr Katie La Violette Katie Bartok Aimee German Shannon Moreno Yona Stockwell Julie Lindsay Tammy Bechtel Marcie Germani Jennifer Mori Shawnetter Suorsa Joni Rummell Cheryl Berg Reynae Gonzalez Suzanne Morris Al ixandria Sutton Lisa Shaw Lisa Beyn Jaclyn Gose Luis Nava Harry Tate Heidi Bridges Christin Hair Katrina Ng Lisa Taylor CONNECTICUT Erin Brown Cricket Hamar Lynda Nicol Andrea Terrazas Michelle Atwood Kimberly Bruns Allison Hamilton Kathryn Noble Darryl Thompson Manvel Bonilla Justin Burrill Erika Hansen Anne Ososkie Brenda Tierney Lori Brin Annie Carmichael Hillary Harding Barbara Parent Cara Tome Rhonda Buitrago Francesca Carulli Pam Hendricks Tania Pashkova Kristy Turner Marianne Burke




Page 43: Technique Magazine - February 2000

Kelly Byrne Kathleen Semok IOWA MASSACHUSETTS Stephanie Box Russell Connelly Jr Wendy Settles Tamara Brant Mandy Ackley Christy Butlin Frank Du Plessis Keri Shahen Ryan Ellison Deborah Allaire Tina Cate Jennifer Evan Mary Springer Christine Estabrook Ann Marie Allara Lori Comiskey Patricia Foote Jessica Spurgeon David Hohmann Tamara Bowlby Cathy Garrett Marissa Ford John Stephenson Kevin McMahon Amy Briggs Bernadette Glovak Sharon Gostkowski Erik Vie ira Tamara Moeller Lisa Burns Michelle Guthrie Debra Harnal Eileen Von Fischer Maria Ohlson-Fein Jennifer Casey Nancy Hanes Lisa Hicks Jill Walker Kristen Perreault Marion Cherubini Valarie Mail loux Amanda Le Roux Kandi Wedge Ginny Sams Susan Christofi Shane Uson Carol Olsen-Rogers William West Liwen Zhuang Jennifer Copeland Anne Marie Walko Christina Pothier Corinne White Emmanuel Crespo Jill Walko John Schwartz Christina White IDAHO Karen Dabritz Erica Wilson Pat Semon Ellen Woodley Chad Babcock Sharon Dixon Rosemary Seto Gayle Beard Joyce do Couto MINNESOTA

GEORGIA Scott Bensouv Melissa Doyle Tricia Adkins

DISTRICT OF Kristi Abercrombie Michelle Carnes Cynthia Eastman Rachel Bruner

COLUMBIA Annie Artalejo Mae Crider Michelle Femino Barbara Dilbert

Gregory Brodie J ulie Bishop Katherine Kolp Barbara Getchell Cherri Dunfee

Linda Maluso Justin Boehm Jamie Moore Christina Huber Corinne Gachne

Wayne Boyd Donna Penza Catherine Lantych Cindee Haider

FLORIDA David Bryan Leigh Wilson Teresa Levesque Brooke Johnson

Cassandraane Adams Cathy Carter Beth Litzen Jolie Kephart ILLINOIS Jill Kraemer

Adele Al bahae Lara Chartier Sandra MacMullin

Johnnetta Fielder-Pitts Debbie Bessette Marlyce Mancini Beth Langley Jody Anderson

Jeanette Flint Theresa Goth Marcia McKeever James Leshovsky Michele Beaugrand

Jamie Ginter Peggy Jamnik Joseph Mellen Deborah Longley Mindy Becker

Adriana Godown David Jerger Kathleen Needham Janelle Monette Angela Brandel

Lauren Green Lynn Lenz Kerstin Olson Heather Nelson Jill Byrd

Maureen Gunsolus Teresa Maloney Neysa Packard Brenda Robrock Tara Calafiore

Michelle Harden Rebecca Masucci Rachel Parent Jessica Smithson Sherrie Caldwell Leah McGhee Jennifer Paul Sarah Wilker Carrol Callahan Kimberly Heffington

Karin Morley Heather Campbell Sarah Huttu Christine Paul-Sudbey

MISSOURI Heather Kay Susan Saffran Jennifer Peck

Ellen Caplan Kimberley Keough Jennifer Stempien Deborah Schultz Lauren Churchman

Susie Chisholm Brandy Swager Christine Forbes Lori Conte Elyse Krakow Colleen Small

Robyn LaRocca Diane Swanson Kim Stiefel Julie Maynard Betty Cox

Tabatha Lipham Michelle Thrall Dorothy Vietze Dorrise Crespo Monique Vodicka Kara Vose

MISSISSIPPI Gail Cullen Jennifer Lleras Gypsee Bolden Sally Cuningham Megan McCue Amy Wiseley Jane Waldman

Kerri Broy Andrea Cunningham Heidi Mignell

INDIANA MARYLAND Jeffrey Johnson Lori Fantauzzo Tobi Moncus

Geri Berry Sherrie Palmer Deena Moore Karen Emmett

Elvia Ferrer Vicky Perry Patricia Murphy Jayne Boudia Marisa Giannella

Gloria Gil Lynn Fernandez Misty Hevey Tina Smith Aimee Goodman William New, Jr. Pat ricia Taylor Kelli Gresham Robert Oster Caris Gephart Joanne Kelsey

Rita Grube Phnonia Kess Brandy Griffin Tami Parker

Sharon Jessup Moore MONTANA Steven Gunnerson Michelle Parks Wendy MacNaught

Becky Rammell Elizabeth Koehne Terry Martin Leslie Guy Rebekah Reyher

Virginia Reyher Brian Lawson Kyann Moeller NORTH CAROLINA Hortensia Herrera Lori Manion Aud rey Novak Susan Jeter Leslie Riley Kim Alton

Tricia Middleton Carol Schnyder Carolyn Jurgrau Jessica Rockwell Roberto Aponte

Synne Kennedy Christi Ruff Lyndsay Pilcher Kimberly Walizer Bill Balderson Cathy Schliesmann Angela Prewitt Benjamin Walsh Lynn Balderson Terje Kulu Cheryl Smal lwood Heather Rau Farzaneh Wlotzka Laura Black Liliana Lopez Dale Russell

Suellen Machold Rebecca Sorohan Margaret Schessele MAINE Susan Cochran

Jennifer Macomber Angie Spector Carol Dickinson

Kary Crouch

Daisy Marcos Sean Taylor KENTUCKY Shellie Doody-Corriveau Cyrstal Durham

Paula Martorana Ellie Thompson Richard Adams Karen Forbes-Dudziak

Dawn Forte

Tanaya Mazur Kelly Turner Deborah Baker Robyn Foss

Wendy Guidi

Kelly Melendi Pamela Webb Helen Barnes Julie Freeman

Jason Lee

Debra Mitchell Brandy Wilbourn Kimberly Cain Denise Green

Niki Middleton

Maria Moller-Hernandez Kristen Wilhelm Jill Drain Bethany Harrington

Richard Moore

Quentin Mondello Lisa Woodard Shawn Janusz Deb Johnson

Carey Moore

Sylvia Pasnak Jennifer Layne Donna Landry Beth Morphis

Shelly Paull HAWAII Jeanine Schill ing Sherrye Macleod Mickey Plowden

Kathie Perez Lori Dillon Patsy Stone Kirstan Mercier Monica Roberts

Kim Pound Byron Fonseca Vicki Swick Brenda Plante James Vaughan

Tonia Randle Patricia Gardner Anna Wood-Cox Gilbert Young

Carri Roberts Walter Hitchcock LOUISIANA NE Jill Rojas Jessica Kriskowski- Lynn Brightman MICHIGAN

Ulises Rubio Zeroogian Lainie Hardy Bushra Aloush Linda Dyczek

Sivlina Russo Patrick Pa Tammy Miller Melinda Andrews Michelle Schenck

Mary Sammarco Leneh Trowbridge . Rivich Trudy . Adrienne Auten (cont inued 0 11 page 44)


Page 44: Technique Magazine - February 2000

OREGON Norman McKenzie Lauri Allen Deborah Neilson Catherine Gray Debbie Peterson

1999 KAT Peg Harper Angela Risto

CERTIFIED Jacque Lansden Darla Rundell Tara Donohue

TEACHERS Heather Tolford Sarah Strang

(continued from page 43) Roxanne Taylor Barry Keiser, Jr.

PENNSYLVANIA Angela Taylor Tracey Link

Katherine Alexander Karen Tidwell Diane McCulloch

Carole Allers Chad Mussmon

Heather Biggs TEXAS J .J . Tolhur5t

Megan Bronstein Misty Ashby NEW HAMPSHIRE NEVADA Renee Brown Lindsay Barron VERMONT Lori Gardner Sheila Leech Patti Christof Jody Basel Alberta Deutsch Eliza Ghazarian Darlene Trotsky Sue Dalton John Black III Jill Felix Ca rrie Jones Daniel Desiderio Nicole Brambila Elizabeth Kane Kelly Judge NEWYORK Davies Desiderio John Carlson Iia Sewall Kathleen Kelley Stephanie Amell Diane Ferrigno Robyn Casey • Steven Michaud Nancy Brophy Louise Florio Anne Cassler Jenifer Ogilvy Diane Carder Dorothy Goodell Nicole Catrett Laura Brieske Heather Rankin Lisa Copeland Kelly Gould Coleta Clearman Bonnie Brusselback

Deanna Shenk Colleen Cuozzo Amybeth Green Melissa DeForde Samantha Carpenter Vicki Di Roma Rae Greiner Brittany Eagan Claudia Cecil

NEW JERSEY Aaron Diffee Nancy Horne Chuy Eaton

Brandi Baylor Susan Edwards Bertina Hsu Dianna Eccleston

Sandra Bills Eric Fossum Amy Jonson Joli Finch Melissa Garrison

Amanda Boyum Leanne Gionta Susan Knudsen Paloma Garner Tami Hesselgesser

Dannette Conroy Joyce Goetz Matthew Mc Cann Gwen Gray Dana Hunt

Laurie Downs Barbara Hover Kelly McPeak Kelly Groft Guinevere Joyce

Barbara Etting Jennifer Hutchinson Stephanie O'Brien Kerri Hamilton Angela Kaufenberg

Andrea Garcia Jennifer Kiedrowski Richard Palumbo Dwana Hayes Melissa Kennedy

Carol Hickie Maria Laurentino Devon Pittman Nancy Heidenreich Kristin Kuhlmann

Christine Hunt Erwin Lizette Le Blanc Melissa Potter Barry Heinley Edie Metz

Catherine Jankowitz Michele Licause Terri Prezuiso Evelin Hernandez Tammarra Mohler

Tammy Jeffries Marti Lukralle Jacqueli ne Redding Julie Hutchens Adrien Plummer Thomas Manganiello Patty Ihrig Lynn Rennie

... Robert Jordan Colleen Ryan

Christine Kimmins Michael Mordenga Mary Ryan Prudence Keenan Jeff Ronberg

Nicole Labar Tammy Morey Jeanne Sch leicher Lisa Kelley Tracy Taft

Dana Lachnicht Josie Orsini Tammy Scovronski Laura Kennemore Tricia Wagner

Karen Lewis Valentina Oush Shelley Toilette Dana Kuehl Cynthia West

Kathleen Lowenstein Carolyn Ruback Danielle Tracey Merri Jo Leonard

Linda Mailhot Daniel Sabol Timothy Tracey Diane Linares

Nicole Morgan Holly Sanders Dawn Turano Tracy Linn Lea Ann Bohn

Cheryl O'Connor Joshua Schiering Barbara Waite Marla Mantle Lisa Brick

Doreen Ohlott Tracy Tubiolo Kathy Miller Cindy Clark

Denise Oliver Tracy Uhl Marette Miller Lori Cohen

Adon is Va lvis RHODE ISLAND Linda Dorsey

Lisa Parker Melissa Carrington Betty Murphy Michael Ververs Melia Nix Yvonne Green

Kim Parleman Chyril Wallace

Lindsay Corsi Kathy Halla Heather Pistell Jeanine Milinazzo Andrea Orr

Jennifer Rodrigues Kourtney Wolf

Kelley Mooney Chris Perez Katy Hetebrueg

Andrea Skwirut Anne Schultz Jennifer Perez Gloria Koenig

Colleen Solovey OHIO Manuel Perez Jr Deborah Madden

Sherry Bauman Dru Siader Jill Mamayek Kim Solovikos Deidra West Robert Reissmann

Rebecca Bird Laura Marran Bonnie Terry Rachael White Blanca Schwing

Sally Tyson Barbara Bowman Tammy Sherman Elizabeth Roenspies-Malec

Jill Campbell-Claus Briana Stanciulas Kelly Schiessl

Melissa Carlson SOUTH CAROLINA Deanna Stinebaugh Angela Schmitt

NEW MEXICO Lori Drenten Penny Crocker Cheryl Taylor Bethany Thiede Wray

Mary Baker Amy Drummer Deborah Evans Nancy Toland Tammie Wanta

Timothy Byrnes Joanne Ferreroff Rhonda Whitley Brenda Walters

Elizabeth Byrnes Thomas Kasper Rose Rhead Toby Whitman Rebecca Conley Kell i Kopp Sarita Wood Amy Eggleston Rebecca Kronk TENNESSEE Krissy Wright Kristi Franze-Bryant Susie Long Joyce Akehurst J. C. Young ARMED Veena Garcia Lonna Meadows Meredith Brotherton

Kristine Granger Victoria Moore Kim Buckles UTAH FORCES

Ken Hoeg Jamie Parsley Bruce Burdine Rennly Alston PACIFIC

Julie King Stacy Stephens Gabriela Geiculescu Collette Bowthorpe Annette Bryan

Cheryl Lucero Stephen Swisher Liza Griffin Nichole Campos BRITISH Rebecca Lu ja n Marika White Skye Harris Max Collier COLUMBIA Kimberly Nosker Laurie White Wren Heckman Margaret Kent Myriam Benn Deena Owen Chrissy Hood Jonathan Sunderland Stella Nethery • Bonnie Richardson OKLAHOMA Holly Hughes-Barnes

Robin Schreckengost Alison Ford Teena Leonard VIRGINIA Janice Welsh Rebeka h Price . Angela Malone Monica Barravecchia


Page 45: Technique Magazine - February 2000


I. ROLL CALL Meeting called to order at 10:40 a.m. CST by Chair Marc Yancey

Members Present: Marc Yancey George Beckstead Greg Corsiglia Tim Daggett Mark Williams Barry Weiner Chris Waller Ron Galimore Dennis McIntyre Peter Kormann

Chair MPC & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Vice-Chair for Men Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Athlete's Rep. Men's Program Director (voice, no vote) Men's Program Manager (voice, no vote) National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote)

II. 2000 OLYMPIC COACH SELECTION Candidates up for the position were asked to leave the call. The sub­committee discussed the coaching selection among themselves. The subcommittee of Ron Galimore, Abie Grossfeld and Chris Waller brought forward the recommendation of Peter Kormann being the 2000 Olympic Coach. The committee expressed the view that there was some outstanding candidates to choose from but that the com­mittee would like to see Peter finish this four-year cycle as coach.

III. 2000 OLYMPIC TEAM SELECTION The discussion began with the selection of the team through rank order 1-5 and picking the 6th athlete. Two alternates would also be picked after the competition. There was interest and discussion of 4-2 as well.

Time to select the athletes after the competition should not be a factor in the selection decision.

Motion-Greg Corsiglia Choose team 1-4 from rank order and select the 5th and 6th athlete and the 2 alternates.

Second-Barry Weiner PASSED 7-0

IV. FIG REPRESENTATIVE There was lengthy discussion concerning the upcoming FIG Technical Committee member elections. Meeting was re-called to order at 10:10 a.m. CST, November 9, 1999

V. FIG REPRESENTATIVE There was continued discussions concerning the upcoming FIG Technical Committee member elections.

VI. 2000 OLYMPIC JUDGE SELECTION There were discussions about the Technical Assistants positions at the upcoming Olympic Games and the judges who would represent the United States. Discussions were postponed until first of the year.

VII. MEET ASSIGNMENTS Peter Kormann discussed the upcoming meet assignments. Jay Thornton and Scott Vetere were invited to the Chunkhi Cup with

Kurt Golder as the coach. The USA vs. France meet would be a top priority. Pacific Alliance is around the same time. There is a meet in Montreal that we have also received an invitation for.

VIII. 2000 USA BONUS SYSTEM Peter Kormann spoke to the issue of an additional bonus system for the 2000 competition season. He will write up a proposal for the com­mittee to consider at our next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.ln. CST.

Submitted by Mark Williams, Secretary, USA Gymnastics Men's Progralll Committee.


I. ROLL CALL Meeting called to order at 11:15 a.m. CST by Chair Marc Yancey

Members Present: Marc Yancey George Beckstead Greg Corsiglia Tim Daggett Mark Williams Barry Weiner Chris Waller Ron Galimore Dennis McIntyre Peter Kormann

Chair MPC & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Vice-Chair for Men Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Athlete's Rep. Men's Program Director (voice, no vote) Men's Program Manager (voice, no vote) National Team Coordinator, 2000 Olympic Coach

II. 2000 USA BONUS POINTS There was discussion by the committee about the proposed bonus points document created by Peter Kormarrn. Kormann felt that we needed this document for our best preparation and team selection for the 2000 Olympic Games. The document would have changes made to the vault bonus

Motion-Chris Waller Accept the 2000 USA Bonus Points document

Second-Greg Corsiglia PASSED 7-0

III. TIE·BREAK FOR THE MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE With the addition of Peter Kormann as a voting member of the Men's Program Committee, the committee now has 8 voting members. Discussion was about how to break a 4-4 tie in the committee's voting.

Motion-Tim Daggett Bob Colarossi, President of USA Gymnastics, would break voting tie.

Second- Marc Yancey

IV. FIG REPRESENTATIVE Discussion took place concerning the upcoming FIG Men's Technical Committee Member elections.

V. FLOOR MAT FOR U.S. CHAMPIONSHIPS Ron Galimore reported that American Athletic has notified USA Gymnastics that they prefer to use the Palmer Spring floor at all com­petitions leading up to the 2000 Olympic Games.

Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. CST.

Submitted by Mark Williams, Secretary, USA Gymnastics Men 's Program Committee.

Approved: Ron Galimore, Men's Program Director

Approved: Bob Colarossi, USA Gymnastics President

------------------« TECH N IOU E • FEB R UA RY 2000 )1----- ----- -------:4


Page 46: Technique Magazine - February 2000

POSITION AVAILABLE GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR(S): Career minded, dedicoted coaches for our expanding recreational and team programs. We currently have two fully equipped locations and a friendly staff. We provide a comprehensive program in need of coaches who work well with boys, girls, tumbling, and preschool classes. Salary and benefits commen­surate with experience. Full and part-time positions available. Send references and resume to: Spectrum Gymnastics Academy, 26 BuNrick Road, londonderry, NH 03053 or e-mail [email protected]

COACHES NEEDED. Eastern National Academy is looking for coaches Pompton Plains and Paramus NJ. We are looking for directors for Preschool and General program, Team coaches qual­ified in choreography and dance at a high level and knowledgeable in the compulsory division and instructors for all programs. ENA is in a perfectloca­tion for any lifestyle, we are locoted centrally between the Metropolitan New York area and the Pennsylvania Poconno Mountains. First Aid/Safety certification a plus or must be obtained within 6 months of hiring. Salary commensurate upon quali­fications and experience. Contact Rich at 973-835-1665 or fax resume to 973-835-6225 or e-mail us at [email protected]. Eastern National Academy, 210 West Parkway, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444. Hllp:! /

CAMP WAYNE: Children's sleep-away camp in Northeast Pennsylvania (2 1h hrs from New York City) with a strong gymnastics program needs a Director, Assistant Director and female instructors to live at the comp and teach children (6-16 years). We also need an experienced Aerobic instructor and Cheerleading staff. We offer a caring, fun ­loving environment, rm/bd and salary. Dates are 6/ 22-8/18/2000. Call 1-800-279-3019 for more information.

COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE SUMMER: Gymnastics & Cheerleading instruc­tors/ cabin counselors (19+) for outstanding girls' sports compo Excellent large gymnastics facility with top-quality equipment. Camp Robindel (one mile from two boys' comps) is loco ted on the LARGEST NEW ENGLAND LAKE (22 miles long) near NH's White Mountains, Boston and Maine coast. Must have warmth and love children. Most transportation paid. June 18-August17. Call us at 888-860-1186; Apply at

Are you energetic, enthusiastic, organized, love kids, growth oriented, work well with others? The opportunities at DAGGETT GYMNASTICS are limitless. Other opportunities are male and female coach for level 4-Elite Girls program, chore­ography, dance, computer, swimming a plus. Proven excellence greatly rewarded. Ask for Joe, 413-786-4686. Fax 786-0451.


SCORE MASTER, the most Widely used Competition Management software, just got beNer! Announcing the WINDOWS version. This score keeping system is very easy-to-use and has an extensive on­line help. Supports: womens/ mens, individual/team, artistic/rhythmic, camp/ optional competitions. The most comprehensive reporting available. Comes with a 90 day unconditional money back guarantee. For more info contael: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421, CharioNe, NC, 28231 -1421, (704) 523-1812 or web site: info guide and user listing on web site).

CLASS CONTROL for windows 95/ 98. Class Management and Accounts Receivable software. Packed with features, easy to use, and networkable. Includes easy class assignments, automatic tuition colculation, family and special discounts, rosters, additional charges, sales tax support, late payment charges, early payment discounts, invoices, pay­ment due reports, financial summaries, instructor schedules, mailing labels, waiting lists, makeup lists, context sensitive help, and much more. Also includes support for direct debit payments. Only 5500 (5250 per additional workstation) and includes free train­ing and unlimited technical support at no charge. Call Vaughn Software Services at 800-821-8516, PO Box 1086, Apex, NC 27502. [email protected] AMEX/MC/VISA

GymNerd2000 - GYMNASTIC SCHOOL MAN­AGEMENT SOFTWARE. Maintains database of student accounts, classes, tuition, and payments. Features sophisticoted tuition engine, automatic multiclass discounts, automatic reenrollment with memorized invoices. Keeps track of payments, automatic late fees, waitlists, tuition prorating, class switching and dropping, trial classes, makeups, Pro-Shop and events scheduling. At your fingertips are closs ros­ters and oNendonce sheets, class openings, instruc­tor schedules/ollendonce, invoices/ statements, moiling labels. Password protected managerial rev­enues reports sorted by revenue types. Easy to learn, intuitive, user friendly. Contact: MassDato Database Systems. Phone: (617)923-9977. URl: Email: [email protected]

GYM BUS FOR SALE. 510,000 1978 International (gas) in great shope, very easy to drive, completely carpeted and foamed inside, 2 trampolines (great for circuits), big tromp "The Pit" is covered with a 2" mat, the long tromp folds into

the wall, 20' long Trolley (like a Zip line), walilad­der & ceiling hooks, beam, incline & small mats & tots equipment, lesson plans & teaching materials 110v gas Generator, 2 large Roof Air-conditioning Units. Call Allansdon at 775-355-9195, al@kidsi­, 845 Pinewood Ct., Sparks, NV 89434.

Owners of successful gym located in eastern Iowa need to relocate. Gym includes 8,400 sq. h. building with two bedroom apt., all equipment, and a steady program ready to grow with the Olympic cycle. Current program ranges from pre-school to compet­itive team. A very supportive booster club and excellent part time staff also exist. land, building, and equipment priced at 168K. Serious inquiries only to Allen at (319)659-1432.

Balance 2000 by Akodo Software. Managing studios since 1994. Windows-based program. Tracks stu­dents, occounts and classes. Account and student moil codes, family discount tuition option, accounts receiv­able, one touch posting. Supports 10 locotions/ ses­sions, multi coaches. Includes 150 different reports, print ollendonce lists, student lists, mailing labels and more. No extra charge for multi user/network version. Y2K Compliant. Call for FREE full working demo BOO-286-3471.


GET CONTROL OF YOUR BUSINESS: Find out why, since 1991, 10%+ (and growing) of USA GymClub owners have made the decision to invest 4-1/2 days of their career at the GymClub Owners' BOOT CAMP. A basic premise of BOOT CAMP is that there are replic­able and documentable reasons why some GymClubs perpetually grow while others perpetually flounder. Following BOOT CAMP strategies, my club, Queen City Gymnastics, has grown for 25 years straight (Olympic cycle be darned!), starting with zero enrollment in 1975 and growing to 4,000 (52.5M) this year. Understand, this unparalleled growth record is not on occident: it is because we have fallowed the exael strategies we present at every BOOT CAMP. BOOT CAMP aNacks mediocrity because it focuses on cures not symptoms. Anybody can put on a great seminar with great ideas. Only BOOT CAMP immerses you in an integrated collection of strategies praven to alter mindsets, grow businesses and change lives. I GUAR­ANTEE it will be worth your effort to coli me for a FREE PORTFOLIO complete with testimonials and agenda. JEFF MffiGER: (513)489-7575. Next camp: March 16-20 and June 15-19, 2000.


101-200 words = $200 Your ad in Technique Wl11 automatically be ~oced online for 30 days at no additional charge. The addresl k: Your 30 days will begin an the next regular posting date. DEADLINES ISSUE DEADLINE FOR AD AND PAYMENT January ........ . .. .... Dec. 10 February ........................ Jan. 10 March .. .. ........................ Feb. 10 April .... .......... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. Mar. 10 May ................................ Apr. 10 June ....... Mar. 10 July ...................... .... .... .. June 10 August .......... .. .............. July 10 Sept/Oct . ............ .... .... .. .. Aug. 10 Nov./Dec ......................... Oct. 10 NOTE: 11th. rOth 'ails an a weekend or honday, 'he preceding work day is considered the deod/ine.

SUBMIT Mail your ad anJ payment to:

USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza 201 5. Capital Ave., 5te. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fax to 317-237-5069.

tF YOU FAX, PlIASE tNCLUDE YOUR CREDtT CARD NUMBER, ExptRAnON DATE AND StGNATURE. Plea .. designale if your od Ihould appear in r"hnique magazine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS SUBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT Wtll NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA GymnoltiC5 relerves the right to vary formal.

Technique is received by more than 13,000 USA Gymnastics prol .. sional members plus thousands 01 viewers will be exposed to your ad online. Advertise your employment opportunity, product, service, or competition here lor great results. Questions? can Luan Paszek at 311-231-5050 ext. 246.

--1-=4-=6:--- ---------- - -----i( TECH N IOU E • FEB R U A RY 2000 )1----- --- ---------


Page 47: Technique Magazine - February 2000

W = Women M = Men

R = Rhythmic GG = General Gymnastics

TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling

NOTE: Dates and events subiect to change or cancellation.

2 o o

FEBRUARY 18-20 20 23 24-27 26 MARCH 31 -Aprill 6-8

American Classic & Challenge (W) World Cup (TR) Olympic Test Event (TR) Olympic Test Event (M/W) Visa American Cup (M/W)

NCAA National Champianships (M) USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (M/W)


8 USA Gymnastics National Invitational Tournament (W)

8-9 8-9 13-15 20-25 28-30

28-30 MAY 4-7 5-7 11 -15 12-14 19-21 May-Sept. JUNE 1-4 3-4 16-20 23-25 23-25


June 24-25 June TBD June TBD JULY 27-July2 7-9 8-9 26-29


Level 9/ 10 Regionals (W) Level 10 Regionals (W) NCAA National Championships (W) Sr. Pacific Alliance Championships (M/W/ R) Level 9 Eastern Championships (W)

Level 9 Western Championships (W)

J.O. Natianal Championships (M) J.O. National Championships (W) USOC Olympic Media Summit (M/W/ R) J.O. National Championships, Individual & Group (R) USA Gymnostics Executive Commit1ee/ 80ard Meetings Mall Tour (M/W/ R)

Women's High Perfarmance Coaches Seminar (W) Level 9 Championships (R) J.O. National Team Training Camp (W) tentative U.s. Challenge (W) TeamGymn Judges Symposium (GG)

USA Gymnastics National Gym Fest & National TeamGymn Champianships (GG)

Rhythmic West Champianships (R) GYM-2000 GymFest (GG) World Cup Competition - 2 sites (TU)

J.O. National Championships (TR/TU) U.S. Classic/ National Gymnastics Festival (W) Rhythmic East Championships (R) John Hancock U.S. Gymnastics Championships

(M/W/ R/TR/TU) Youth and Instructor Camp (GG) J.O. National Championships (TR/TU)

12 National Gymnastics Day 15-20 U.S. Olympic Trials (M/W/ R) 18-21 USA Gymnastics National Congress SEPTEMBER 16-0ctober 1 Olympic Games (M/W/ R/TR) OCTOBER 13-15 Notional TOPs Testing - East (W) 20-22 National TOPs Testing - West (W) 20 Reese's Gymnastics Cup (M/W) TBD-TBD 2001 Post-Olympic Tour (M/W/ R/TR/TU) NOVEMBER 10-11 Pontiac International Team Championships (M/W Srs.)

Reno, NV Sydney, AUS Sydney, AUS Sydney, AUS Orlando, FL

Iowa City, IA Tempe, Al (ASU) Mt. Pleasant, MI Central Mich. Univ. Various sites Various sites 80ise, ID Christchurch, NIL 8roadview Heights (Cleveland). OH 8artlesville, OK

Austin, TX Lansing, MI Houston, Texas Seattle, WA Indianapolis, IN TBD

Chicago, IL Houston, TX Calo. Springs, CO Tulsa, OK Emory University Atlanta, GA

Emory University Atlanta, GA W. Bloomfield, MI Kristiansand, NOR Canada & U.S.

Cincinnati, OH Tulsa, OK TBD

St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO TBD

Boston, MA Boston, MA

Sydney, AUS

TBD TBD New Orleans, LA TBD

Richmond, VA

SCHEDULE 13-15 FIG Congress 17-19 USA Gymnastics Executive Commit1ee/ Board Meetings TBD Future Stars National Championships (M) TBD Coaches Workshop (M) TBD Fall TeamGymn Classic (GG) TBD PAGU Children's Interclub Championships TBD Jr. Pan American Championships DECEMBER 6-10 National TOPs Training Camp (W) 14-20 FIG Men's Intercontinental Judges Course (M) 16 Trampoline World Cup Finals (TR)

2 o o

JANUARY 15 Visa Gymnastics Series Qualifier I (M/W) FEBRUARY 3 TBD TBD TBD 24 MARCH

Visa Gymnastics Series Qualifier II (M/W) USA Gymnastics Winter Cup Challenge (M) RhythmiC Challenge (R) American Classic & American Challenge (W) Visa American Cup Championships (M/W)


Marrakech, MAR Indianapolis, IN TBD TBD T8D Mexico Buenos Aires, ARG

TBD Prague, CZE Dessau, GER




Pontiac International Team Championships (M/W Srs/Jrs) TBD Level 10 State Meets (W) Various Sites


NCAA Regionals (W) NCAA Regionals (M) USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (M/W) USA Gymnastics Nationallnvitatianal Tournament (W) NCAA National Championships (W) NCAA National Championships (M) Level 10 Regional Championships (W) J.O. National Championships, Individual & Group (R) Level 9 East/West Championships ( R)

J.O. National Championships (M) J.O. National Championships (W) Level 9 East/West Championships (W)

Elite Regionals (W) Natonal Gym Fest (GG) tentative American Sokol National Slet (GG)

U.S. Challenge (W) U.S. Classic/ National Gymnastics Festival (W) Elite Regionals (International Only) (W) Rhythmic Eastern Open ( R) Rhythmic Western Open ( R) World Championships & Age Group Games (TR/TU)

8-11 John Hancock u.s. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/ R/TR/TU)

9-11 USA Gymnastics National Congress 16-26 World Games (TR/TU) 22-Sept. 1 Warld University Games TBo CongressFest (GG) SEPTEMBER TBo World Team Trials (M/W) OCTOBER 28-Nov. 4 Artistic World Championships (M/W) TBo TOPs National Testing - West (W) TBo TOPs National Testing - East (W) Oct. or Nov. T80 Rhythmic World Championships (R) TBo Reese's Gymnastics Cup (M/W)


Minneapolis, MN TBD TBD

TBo Nashville, TN Detroit, MI

TBo TBo TBo TBo TBo Odense, DEN

TBo TBo Akita, JPN Beijing, CHN TBo



- ---------------.,( TECH N IOU E • FEB R U A RY 2000 )>-----------------,4::-:7::-J11

Page 48: Technique Magazine - February 2000

The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website

2000 Safety Certification Schedule 25 N. Myrtle Beach, SC; 5:30-9:30 p.m.;


Local contact: Tammy LiqUOri B43-249-5B67 Monday, (by S:OO p.m. Eastern Standard Time) is the last day registrations will be accepted for courses being conducted the following weekend.

Registrations received after that time or on site will be charged an additional $2S.

Minimum age lor Salety Certilication is J6 years. 18 is minimum age lor Prolessional Membership.

FEBRUARY 19 Nevado City, CA; 9 a.m.-l p.m.; course mt021900ca

Sierra Rising Stars; Local contact: Kim Pruett 530-478-5961 Instructor: Michael Taylor 707 -202-4006

19 Son Antonio, TX; 5-9 p.m.; course [[021900 tx Gymnastics of Son Antonio Instructor: Carol Robuck 210-696-9699, 210-899-4897

20 Edina, MN; 9 a.m. -1 :30 p.m.; course sg022000mn Togs-Edina; Instructor: Scott Goy 612-953-1911

Instructor: Kim Boyd B03-561-91 00

27 Louisville, KY; 1-6 p.m.; course ss022700ky St Xavier High School, Room 119 Instructor: Steve Schoenbaechler 502-495-2501

27 Saginaw, MI; 2-6 p.m.; course hf022700mi 2709 Pine St; Instructor: Helen Fry 517-754-7401

MARCH Mukilteo, WA; 7:30-11:30 a.m.; course kd030500wa Gymagine Gymnastics; Instructor: Kelly Donyes 425-513-8700

10 West Babylon, NY; 9:15 a.m.- l:30 p.m.; course ek031000ny; BK Gymnastics Center Instructor: Ed Konopa 516-422-0116

11 Gainesville, FL; 2-6 p.m.; course nb0311 0011 Best Western; Instructor: Nelena Beck 352-493-7512

26 littleton, CO; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; course rw032600co Champion Gym; B237 So Holly St; Local contact: Richord Villarreal 303-843-0711 Instructor: Raleigh Wilson 307-745-8302

APRIL 22 Columbus, OH; 4-8 p.m.; course bf0422000h

Universal Gymnasts, Inc.; 4555 Knightsbridge Blvd Instructor: 80bbi Fohrnbach 614-457-1279, 614-876-2930

MAY Louisville, KY, 1-6 p.m.; course ss050799ky St Xavier High School, Room 119 Instructor: Steve Schoenbaechler 502-495-2501

JUNE Tampa, Fl; 8 a.m.-12 p.m.; course nb06080011 lightning City Gymnastics; Region VIII Mini Congress Local contact: lightning City Gym 813-558-0035 Instructor: Nelena Beck 352-493-7512

11 Tampa, FL; 9 a.m.-l p.m.; course ml0611 0011 lightning City Gymnastics; Region VIII Mini Congress Local contact: lightning City Gym 813-558-0035 Instructor: Marci Levine 305-861 -8753

r------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- ------------------------------~ I I



Soc. Sec. # Birth Date


City: State: Zip:

Telephone: (H) (W)

Course Director:

I Course City/ State: Date:

Organization represented:

Professional or Instructor #:

Current Safety Exp. Dote:

Form of Payment: 0 VISA 0 MasterCard 0 Discover 0 American Express

Payment Amount: ______________________ _

Nome on Card: ______________________ _

Number: ____ _

Exp. Dote: ___ / __ Signature: _____________ _

COST: Pro-Member wilh Current Safety Certification

wishing to recertify ........................ .. _ ... _ ............. _ .......... _ .. no charge Pro-Member with Expired or New Safety Certification .. _ ......... S 50.00 Instructor Member .. _ .... _ .... _ ................... _ .. _ .. ...... _ .... _ .... _ .... _ .... S 50.00 Non-Member or Associate Member ...................... .. _ ............... S 100.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for

on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount.


Monday, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) is the last day registrations will be accepted for courses being conducted the fol/owing weekend. Registrations received after that time or on site will be charged an additional $25.

• All materials (including the Safety Handbook) for 4th Cycle courses are provided at the course and are part of the course fee.

• Certification is valid for four years. • To achieve Safety Certification, the participant must be at least 16

yeors of oge at the time of the course_ Please make checks payable, in full, to USA Gymnastics Safety Certification Mail registration form and payment to: USA Gymnastics Member Services USA Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 South Capitol Avenue GYMNASTICS Indianapolis, IN 46225 PREFERS VISA' or Fax to 317-692-5212