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8/7/2019 Team Building Transp GB 1/19

Team Building Topics List

Objectives: .....................................................................................................................................................2

The Differences Between a Group

and a Team.....................................................................................................................................................3Attitudes that support Team Building............................................................................................................5

Attitudes that support Team Building: (cont.)...............................................................................................6

FUN ACTIVITY............................................................................................................................................7Steps In Effective Team Building..................................................................................................................8

Four Models of Team Formation.................................................................................................................16

THE “BASEBALL ANALOGY”................................................................................................................18FUN ACTIVITY..........................................................................................................................................19

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Objectives:Upon completion of this module, you should

be able to:

• Explain the difference between a group and a


• Identify policies and attitudes that support

team building.

1. Participate in developing a group into a team

2. List the 7 Steps of effective team building

• Understand the Four Models of Group

Formation.3. Understand the “Baseball Analogy” applies

to the sound principles of team building.

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The Differences Between a Group

and a TeamGROUPS TEAMS  

GROUP members think they are

together for administrative

purposes only. Individuals work 

independently; sometimes at

cross purposes with others.

TEAM members recognize their 

interdependence and understand

team goals are best accomplished

with mutual support. Time is not

wasted pursuing personal gain at

the expense of others.

GROUP members tend to focus

on themselves because they are

not sufficiently involved in

planning the unit’s objectives.

They see themselves as a hired


TEAM members feel a sense of 

ownership because they are

committed to team goals they

helped establish.

GROUP members are told whatto do rather than being asked for 

input. Suggestions are not


TEAM members contributewillingly by applying their unique

talent and knowledge to team


GROUP members distrust the

motives of colleagues.

Expressions of opinion or disagreement are considered

divisive or non-supportive.

TEAM members work in a

climate of trust and are

encouraged to openly expressideas, opinions, disagreements,

and feelings. Questions are


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GROUP members are so cautious

about what they say that real

understanding is not possible.Communication traps may be set

to catch the unwary.

TEAM members practice open

and honest communication. They

make an effort to understand eachother’s point of view.

GROUP members may receive

good training but are limited in

applying it to the job by the

supervisor or other groupmembers.

TEAM members are encouraged

to develop skills and apply what

they learn on the jobs. They

receive the support of the team.

GROUP members find

themselves in conflict situations

which they do not know how to

resolve. Their supervisor may

ignore the situation.

TEAM members recognize

conflict as a normal, but they

view such situations as an

opportunity and work to resolve

conflict quickly andconstructively.

GROUP members may or may

not participate in decision

making that affects the team.

Conformity often appears more

important than positive results.

TEAM members participate in

decisions affecting the team to the

degree that it is practicle. Positive

result, not conformity are the


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Attitudes that

support Team


Team members…

• Meet job requirements, but also work well with


• Have a sense of ownership because they are

involved in goal setting, problem solving, and

productivity improvement activities.

• Promote team spirit by encouraging

cooperation and supporting one another on

activities that are related.

• Talk with each other openly and honestly.

• Keep their promises.

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Attitudes that support Team

Building: (cont.)

Team Members…

• Get to know each other to help build trust,

respect, and appreciation for each other’s

talents and abilities.

• Pursue the required training to your job well.

• Understand that the conflict within groups is

normal, but work to resolve it quickly and

fairly before it becomes destructive.

• Seek clarity and know what is expected.

• Are willing to confront team members who are

not acting in a professional manor.

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Please pass the problems


A brainstorming activity to help with problem-solving skills.


1. Form groups of eight to ten people. Have the groups sit together in a circle or around a


2. Each person should think of a current job-related problem they are experiencing. Have

them write the problem on a sheet of paper or a notepad. Give them a few minutes to

think, if necessary. Here are some example problems: “Air cooling is not effective” or “Not getting sufficient time to complete a task.”

3. Have participants pass their problem to the person next to them. Now, everyone should

have somebody else’s problem in front of them. Give them one minute to jot down a

potential solution to the problem listed. After one minute, pass the paper down again.

Keep going until all participants in the small group have seen all the problems and

jotted down possible solutions.


1. Did anyone receive novel suggestions that they have never considered before?

2. Is anyone going to try and use some of the suggested solutions? What do you think might happen?

3. What is the benefit of getting input from outside resources? How can we use what we

just learned when new problems come up in the future?




30 minutes

VARIATIONAs people enter the session, have easels at the door with headings “Leave your Problems at the Door.”

Have them write their concerns and the group will attempt to solve them during the day as “ProblemBreaks.”

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MT1 Training: Team Building7

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Steps In Effective Team BuildingStep #1 BECOME AN EFFECTIVE


• Teams need to know the reason for their


They need to know the direction that they need to follow. Lack 

of direction or not knowing the cause may lead to frustration.

To overcome this, effective planning is required. Planning is

the thinking that precedes the work. Effective planningincludes the following steps:

4. Proper and correct interpretation of goals

passed down as a result of planning at higher 


5. Articulating organizational needs (including

those of the team) into team goals and objectives.6. Formulating implementation plans by

examining alternatives and selecting activities

which lead to successful results.

7. Identifying resources needed to achieve goals

(people, time, money, materials, and facilities) and

insuring they are available.

8. Establishing Time lines and completion

target dates.

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9. Determining standards of performance and

how results will be measured.

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MT1 Training: Team Building9

Employees can make important

contributions to planning once we are

become committed to the process. If youhave clear goals and include quality

employees when you plan, your team will

be much more effective.


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• Organizing resources (people, capital, raw

materials, and technology) must be coordinatedeffectively to achieve team goals.

10. Divide work into logical tasks and groupings.

11. Secure the resources required to achieve


12. Assign tasks, resources, and responsibility toteam members on the basis of functions and skills.

13. Establish guidelines in order to coordinate

activities between team members and other groups

involved with the outcome.

14. Design information systems which assureappropriate feedback as the work progresses.

15. Establish communication networks to insure

there is a free-flow of information up, down, and

across organizational lines.

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MT1 Training: Team Building10

We can make important contributions to theplanning process because of our knowledge

and experience enhancing teamwork and


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• Everyone has different needs.

Some people work for basic survival needs, while others areseeking security. or because they enjoy the challenge and

satisfaction of a job well done. To motivate a team of people

with different motives the following factors should be kept in


16. Insure each employee knows what isexpected and how performance will be measured.

17. Get to know employees as individuals to

learn their needs.

18. Provide the training and supervisory

assistance necessary for each employee to achieve

mutually established objectives.

19. Provide the resources required to perform the


20. Guide and encourage personal growth for 

individual employees.

21. Recognize and reward good performance andcorrect, or eliminate poor performance when it


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• Controlling the production system byresponding to feedback.

This is vital to ensure if the task is progressing according to

plan and if the ultimate objective will be achieved. Controls

simply compare what is actually happening with what was

expected. Some important aspects of process control are:

22. Establish control elements in the project plan.

23. Set up schedules/check points to show


24. Encourage feedback from the team members.

25. Evaluate problems or deviations from plans,

and then adapt to them quickly.

26. Adjust objectives, plans, resources and

motivational factors to meet team goals.

27. Communicate progress and plan changes to

those who need to know.

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MT1 Training: Team Building12

In a team situation, employees should, by virtue

of their involvement, do much of the


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• Human resources are the most critical part of 

any organization’s success.

Good people help insure profitability, growth, and long termsurvival. Some critical elements in employee selection and

placement are:

28. Analyzing job requirements thoroughly

before beginning the selection process.

29. Probe for the objective evidence of an

applicant’s skills. Knowledge, past experience and

failures, dependability, and attitude towards work,

co-workers, supervision and customers.

30. Describe the idea of teamwork to applicants

and ask them to access how they would work 

under team conditions.31. Make sure each applicant understands the job

requirements and expected standards of 


32. Evaluate facts carefully and avoid making

premature conclusions or stereotyping while

making a selection decision.

33. People are placed in positions where there is

potential for success.

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• Well-trained employees have confidence in their

ability to contribute to the team effort.

34. Review performance against expectations witheach employee periodically, and jointly identify

training that will strengthen results.

35. Listen to an employee’s growth objectives, and

support them when it is appropriate to do so.

36. Talk in advance to employees selected for 

training and reinforce the importance of the training to

their job.

37. Have an employee’s work covered by others

while they are in training so they can concentrate on

what is being taught.

38. Help employees develop an action plan to apply

their training to job.

39. Ask the employee for an evaluation of the training

program and whether it would be suitable for other 

members of the team.

40. Assign work to employees that allows them to

apply new techniques and methods learned duringtraining.

41. Compliment employees when they apply their 

newly acquired skills.

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• Problem solving should be taught at every level

of an organization.The process should be as simple as is required to get the job done.

The steps to be taken are:

Step 1 – State what appears to be the problem.

Step 2 – Gather facts, feelings, and opinions.

Step 3 – Restate the problem.

Step 4 – Identify alternative solutions.

Step 5 – Evaluate alternatives.

Step 6 – Implement the decision.

Step 7 – Evaluate the results.

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MT1 Training: Team Building15

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Four Models of Team Formation

Team Development Theories:



2. BASS &



Forming Developing


acceptance andmembership

Membership Birth

Storming Communication

and decision


Subgrouping Childhood

Norming Motivation and


Conflict Adolescence

Performing Control and







Out of these, Tuckman’s is the most well known.

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• The four main stages which Tuckman identified

groups as going through are:

1. Forming (birth)

Initial formation of the group

People tend to be polite and careful.


Testing the waters.

2. Storming (childhood)

Group starts to work 

Views put forward as comfort level increases

There can be disagreements about the task 

3. Norming (adolescence)Members start to resolve style and character differences

Members start finding ways of working together 

Unofficial hierarchy can ariseUnwritten codes of behavior gradually forms.

4. Performing (maturity)

Group is now a cohesive group

Individual members know and accept their roles

Members associate with group’s agenda rather than

personal agendaPeople usefully make progress with the task they were

formed to address.

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FIRST BASE : You reach the first base when you demonstrateyour skill in planning, organizing, motivating, and monitoring.

SECOND BASE : You reach second base when you have a well

qualified, trained staff that is focused on organizational goals

and involved in their achievement.

THIRD BASE : You get to third base when communication is

open, conflict is resolved properly, and mutual support andtrust have been achieved.

HOME PLATE : You score when team goals are achieved and

both team and individual performers are appropriately

rewarded.Heartland Information Services

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An activity that demonstrates the benefits of collaboration. It encourages

people to feel free to use small groups as a means of finding answers to certainquestions.


1. Ask your audience if they know which letter begins the most words in the

dictionary. (The answer is “S” and they are not supposed to consult the

dictionary.) Then tell them to jot down the following letters:


2. Next ask them to rank those letters according to the abundance of wordswhich begin with those letters. For example, “S” goes first, since there are

more “S” words in the dictionary than any other letter. Give them a few

minutes to consider the task and have them jot down their answers.

3. Now, have the participants break up into groups of eight to ten. Have them

talk about their answers. Then, instruct the groups that they must come up

with one collective list of rankings. Give them some time to agree on an


4. When the answers are in, give out the correct order of the letters:

S,P,T,M,W,O,J,Q,Z,X. then score the quizzes.


1. How many people had a better group score than their individual score?

2. What specific behaviors or actions within the group helped it to perform


3. What are some other tasks where groups perform better then individuals?

MATERIALSPaper, pens.


30-40 minutes.

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