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Page 1: Teaching with dramatized experiences

Teaching with Dramatized Experiences

Page 2: Teaching with dramatized experiences

What comes to your mind when you hear the word Dramatized?

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Dramatized experience:

We can participate in a reconstructed experience.

Acting the role of characters in drama.

Something that is stirring or affecting or moving.

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Dramatized Experiences can range from the:

• Formal plays• Pageants• Tableau• Pantomime• Puppets• Role playing

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Types of Puppets:

Shadow puppetsRod puppetsHand puppetsGlove-finger puppetsMarionettes

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Images in different types of puppet

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Sample of Puppet stages

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Principles in choosing a puppet:

Puppet must be more action than words.

Keep the plays short.

It is according to the ages, background and taste of the student’s.

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Importance of using Dramatized Experience in the class:

Hold the attention of the student’s.

Catch the interest.

Gives entertainment.

Present the story clearly.

Less bored.

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Dramatized Experiences is important in the class?

If yes. So why can’t be dramatic all the time?

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Dramatized Experiences is applicable to all subject?

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The End...Prepared by: Jeremiah Guzman.2-beed-1a