Download - TEACHING AND LEARNING AT DEAKIN Global … [email protected] Phone: Phone: 924 68233 DR JULIA SAVAGE rer

Page 1: TEACHING AND LEARNING AT DEAKIN Global … Phone: Phone: 924 68233 DR JULIA SAVAGE rer


Global Citizenship Series

Global Citizenship approaches Global Citizenship Curriculum ideas

Using the world as a comparison sites

Quantitative/qualitative data study, professional

workplaces analysis, historical perspectives,

cultural/international trending

Researching international perspectives on an

aspect of your discipline

Discipline luminaries and practitioners from around the


Seeing the interdependency of global


Australia’s involvement/response/participation/

dependence on an aspect of your discipline

Applying discipline knowledge to changing/new


Applying discipline knowledge to unfamiliar scenarios

(as offered by unfamiliar cultural contexts)

Viewing critical thinking and analysis from

another cultural perspective

Research whether cultural background influences how

analysis and reflection (and new learning) occurs

(research and development field, workplace learning).

Learning strategies for ethical inclusivity in class

(and the diverse workplace)

Explicit Intercultural focus by rewarding tutorial work

teams or groups that utilise international team

members’ knowledge

Embarking on civic-focused activities Work placement in volunteer organisations

Identifying own discipline-related cultural

knowledge and assumptions (in order to

understand others)

Critical thinking about Western (and other) cultural

‘knowing’ – is all discipline knowledge universal?


DLF ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP TEAM DR VIKKI POLLAR D Lecturer Ema il [email protected] Phone: 924 68233

DR JU LIA SAVAGE Lecturer Ema il [email protected] Phone: 925 17032




S What Now? S am d ecide s to r e-de sign one asse ssm ent ta sk to i nclud e a mo re glo ba l out look . H e ap p roa che s the task b y thi nk ing a bou t cri teri a th a t m ight b e on a n a ssessm ent rub ric . T op ic f our o f th is ser ies is a b out a sses sme nt ru bri cs fo r Glo ba l Ci t izens hip .


Global c itizenship quick checklist:


  Sam considers if any of the ideas below could work for his unit


TOPIC 3: Ideas for incorporating Global Citizenship approaches