Download - Tasting 97 2003



Sight and smell are two important senses that we use in a wine

tasting, but now it is the time to the most important sense,the


The Mouthfeel

A number of elements in a wine, are detected in the mouth. Diferent aspects of the wine are detected by diferents parts of the mouth and tongue. Here, when we try a wine, we can detect more flavours than in the nose

Now, let’s focus on the flavours


Sweetness is one of the five basic tastes and is universally regarded as a pleasurable experience, except in excess When the wine is placed in the mouth, the tip of the tongue will react if it is sweet; this explains why sweetness is often the first thing to become apparent because the tongue is the first of the mouth.


When you try a acid wine, you can detect the acidity in the sides of the tongue, towards the back. This feelling continue in the mouth for a long period. A strong acidity wine makes the mouth water, and the wines whith lack acidity will be flabby.This term taste in wines as tart or sour and have a sharp mouthfeel.


Not common in wines. It is percived towards the back



Bitterness is felt in the middle of the tongue, towars the back


Now, it is your turn to recognize the differents taste impressions:

1 2 3 4

The answers are:1- Salty (Salty Water)2- Sweet (Sugar Water)3- Bitter (Bitter Kas)4- Acid (Lemon Juice)

UMAMIThe fifth taste. There is no direct translation. Discovered by Chinese. This flavour is distributed to all the tongue.The mushroom, some meats and wasabi are examples of food that contain umami.


We say that a wine is balance when none of the fundamental tastes overshadows another one.

Body is the impression of a wine’s weight in the mouth