Download - Task 7 Screenplay Annotation Fix


Screenplay - VST Effects Demo Annotations

For the character of “Fred” I tried 2 different VST Plug-ins, settling on the latter of the 2: Wow and Flutter, as it created a more amusing effect. I tweaked with all of the options before settling on changing the “Wow” to 4.12, and the 1st level coarse to 1.63. After that Fred’s voice was distorting and warping inconsistently, creating a very interesting sound.

For the character of Charles I also tried 2 VST Plug-ins, before settling on the latter. The first one made little difference to the character’s over-all dialogue, but the second made it sound as if he was speaking through an old-fashioned radio to the other character so I stuck with that one. I used all of the outlined variants at random parameters to create the effect of an old radio.

And for the character of the Plague-Doctor, I decided quickly that the Ambience VST Plug-in would work best for what I wanted, as the Plague Doctor wears a mask that would cause his voice to slightly echo. I used all of the outlined parameters, but mainly focused on the release and time variants to make the echo authentic to a mask of a Plague Doctor.