Download - Task 4

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Task 4Savannah Hardwick

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Mind Map 1- Discovery (general)

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Mind Map 2- Religion (more specific)

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Mind Map 3- Animals (more specific)

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Mood Board 1- Animals

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Mood Board 1- Animals My first mood board is based around animals, the images I have chosen are all very vibrant and interesting to look at. I

chose to only have colourful images because I want my images to be very bright and to stand out. I also based my

mood board around more exotic or not as spoken about animals, such as parrots, wolfs, owls and bearded dragons. I

think that having more unique and interesting looking animals that aren’t as commonly used in day to day images will help to make my photos stand out against others. I also tried to only chose images which were close up, I think that

this makes them look more direct and intimate. For my photographs I would want to have a very close up images of

colourful and unusual animals, I would then apply a technique that could be relevant to it, for example I could

multimedia or the Harris shutter effect to help enhance the images.

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Mood Board 2- Religion

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Mood Board 2- ReligionMy second mood board is based around religion, I found it

quite difficult to find images that were very biased, so I collected images that were symbols of the different

religions, such as crosses, a Buddha statue and a Menorah. I also collected images of people praying and places where people would go to pray. I found that a lot of these images

were related to nature, featuring blue skies and grassy lands, which I think is symbolic to every religion. I think that if I were to chose religion as my theme for my discovery I would have to go out and really research different places and things to photograph. I would also want to take the

colour out of the images, having them in black and white. I think that having them in monochrome would be different to

how they would usually be photographed. I would apply techniques like scanography and out of focus, to make the

images look more unique.

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Mood Board 3- Locations

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Mood Board 3- LocationsThe third mood board I created was based around locations, I

think that the images I have chosen are all relatively colourful, and show many different places. I like these images because they show how there are so many different places that people can discover, which relates directly to the theme we have ben

given. I like the idea of doing locations for my photos because I think it’s a very broad idea, and I could do pretty much what ever I wanted with it. I like the images I have chosen because they are a good mix of either large scenery images or smaller

more intimate scenes, such as the African lady in the dessert. I like the colours used in the images as well, ranging from both very bright and bold to muted and darker colours. I think if I

were to use this theme for my photos I would use multi media, out of focus or photomontage. I think photomontage would look

great, because separating the images and then laying them back on each other would cause them to be disjointed, which

would look good for a location image.

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Mood board 4- Food

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Mood Board 4- FoodThe next mood board I worked on was based around food, I

though this was a good idea to do because people are constantly discovering new foods and new recipes, so it relates directly to the theme we have been given for our

final images. The images I have chosen are all very colourful and draw the audience in, it features a range of foods, including fast food burgers, vegetables and fruits. I like

these images because they are all vibrant and bright, and I think that a range of techniques would work well with this

type of image. I like them because they are all different but they also all have a very common look to them, they look professional. The type of techniques I would use would be

high speed photography, Harris shutter and 3D. I think that high speed photography would probably be the best

technique to use because you could really experiment with the images, the image layout and then the editing
