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Task 3

Brandon Parker

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Analyse• Have the date on the paper isn’t as regular as it used to be was mainly used

when printing wasn’t as easy as emailing so the date had to be written onto know when the story was written, but now it is just to inform of the date and that’s why its vary rarely used. Using a grid layout gives this paper a good clear layout making it look clear and well layed out making it attractive. Clear margin’s between each of the columns of text, making it clear and well layed out. Graphics and images are used to demonstrate or exemplify the point they are putting across. They are also to entice readers as they’re attractive. This newspaper also contains the page number which is included in most papers bought, making it easier to refer back to a page that you liked reading or were interested in. The use of drop capitals on the ‘O’ and ‘F’ is useful in this sort of text as it marks the end of one paragraph and marks the start of a new one, occasionally might have a sub heading above it and so might just want to read about that part instead meaning its good to have as it divides up the text neatly. Within this double page spread the most amount of white space is between each of the columns of text and from this you understand that the readers of this would be intellectual and are interested in what they read and hence that’s why they include a lot of text within the spread of work, but they do include images they have relevance to the topic of convosation often statistics that compensate towards the text included.

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• This double page spread has been taken from a magazine instead of a tabloid or paper and so there is a lot of difference as to what they include, but they do also contain a lot with the same sort of layout as they both use columns for text as it makes it look a lot more of a higher standard than just having all the text in one lump some. Having each new paragraph also indented adds to the high standard finish of this page layout. On each page they have a three column layout which gives good division of the page making it easier to split when using pictures and so include an upside down step with the use of smaller images. They have also used two pictures which are picture cut out images with a custom text wrapping around each image in order to have the picture flowing around the picture which is also another way of making the layout look more appealing and attractive to the reader. Using a drop capital for the first letter for the first paragraph shows the starting point and works well within the page. Having the text spilt up and spread apart it makes it readable or more manageable and so would be more likely to be attracted to be read and so would have more readers. The use of the date and the page number contained at the bottom adds to the layout of the magazine layout.