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Top 5 Selling Documentaries

By Samantha Tenwick

Page 2: Task 1B 5 Top Selling Documentaries

Fahrenheit 9/11• Directors Names:

• Domestic Box Office Gross: $220,07 million

• Release Date: June 23th, 2004

• Budget:$6 million

• Distributor: Lions Gate Films

• Genres: Documentary, History and War

• Country: USA

• Language: English and Arabic

• Technical specification:

-Camera: Sony HDC-F950 -Laboratory: Technicolor -Film negative format (mm/video inches): Video (HDTV) Video (NTSC) (archive footage)

-Cinematographic process: HDTV (1080p/24) -Printed film format: 35 mm -Aspect ratio:1.85 : 1

Description: Michael Moore's investigates about the tragic event that happened in United States on the 11th September. This documentary founds out what made it the event take place and how America are coping and how this resulted to the Bush Administration alegedly used the event to push forward a war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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Fahrenheit 9/11- Reviews• Mitchell young 08/11/2011

• As contrived as Michael Moore's "documentary" style is, he does raise many clear and concise questions in this film. While I don't buy his more extreme conspiracy theories, the film is well-made and a good talking piece for sparking further political discussion.

• Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) politically motivated bomb, 6 June 2004 Review by- thebacke5 from cannes

FranceIt's sad to see a talented person make such a politically motivated flick. If he would have shown both sides of the story, the movie might have some merit. I found the editing to be disruptive and it was difficult to tell what was real and what was done with a splicer and glue. Now, I understand why Disney wanted to distance themselves from it. There was just to much left wing rhetoric to enjoy the movie. The "A-ha!" factor was lame. If Moore would apply himself in a non partisan manner, he would be taken more seriously. This is not a documentary. It is one persons twisted idea of why something happened. I am sure the movie will do well financially due to the hype, but I believe it will fade with word of mouth letting prospective viewers know that it's a political tool.

• One-sided opinion that does not go into detail for the other side's faults, 11 September 2006 Author: stdroopy49-1 from United States

I am all about freedom of speech and their god given rights accorded to the U.S. citizens from the Constitution. This movie will either make you hate President Bush for Michael Moore's adaptation of what he considers the truth. He fails, however, to mention that the events Sept 11, 2001 could possibly have been prevented if the previous President, as proved by the 9-11 Commission Report. There were many failures that led to the events; however, to blame one President (Republican) for all actions, is being a poor sport. As a person who supports left wing issues you can only expect it. The movie was a wonderful example of how America is so great. Had this movie come out in the former Soviet Union, Mr. Moore would have been dealt with quickly. For that reason only I gave it a "3". I would have given it a higher rating "7-8" if he would have shown more than a one-sided opinion. God Bless America!

• Not a documentary- Moore like an erroneous movie., 22 January 2006 Author: redeagle717 from United States

Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine was great. What is this? Moore, who explains that he likes facts and hates "living in fictitious times where fictitious results elect a fictitious president." Take a look in the mirror, pal. Michael Moore's entire documentary is false. And what kills me is that liberals are dumb enough to believe it. At least Bush was elected for a second term. If you want my reasoning, read all the articles at, including War, Lies, and Videotape or read all the books that are out that have clear sources to the evidence. In short, Moore lies, deceives, edits out, and avoids things in order to trick you. At the beginning, you see Gore during the 2000 election with a sign behind him saying Florida VICTORY. Moore than dares to say that the election had been stolen from the dems. Excuse me, Bush won the electorate fair and square and secondly, the footage shown takes place before election night- Moore is already deceiving us. He shows us images of fake newspapers that were clearly made up if you carefully examine and he shows clips and interprets them negatively without showing the whole footage which would twist his very words if he did. I could go on and on about his deception- jees, no wonder he never has the balls to debate with conservative republicans who can tear down his documentary in nothing flat. If you wish to see it, be skeptical- maybe all of the "documentary" is false. Miserable 1/10.

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March of the Penguins• Directors Names: Luc Jacquet

• Domestic Box Office Gross: $77,41 million

• Release Date: June 24th, 2005

• Budget:$8 million

• Distributor: Warner Independent

• Genres: Documentary and Family

• Country: France

• Language: French

• Technical specification:

-Camera: Aaton XTR Prod

-Film negative format (mm/video inches):16 mm (Kodak Vision2 500T 7218, Eastman EXR 50D 7245) Video (some scenes)

-Cinematographic process: Digital Intermediate (2K) (master format) Super 16 (source format) -Printed film format: 35 mm (blow-up)

-Aspect ratio:1.85 : 1

Description: A look at the annual journey of Emperor penguins as they march single file to their traditional breeding ground.

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March of the Penguins- Reviews

• I Just Loved It, 2 July 2005 Author: BBrin from LA, CA

There's really nothing not to like about this movie. It is interesting being shown how the penguins behave and simultaneously told what they are thinking. Obviously the imagery is rather objective but the subjective "story" told makes this a movie rather than an Animal Planet TV show. The Story is amazing. Fact is truly stranger than fiction. The characters are well developed; the hero more beautifully photogenic than Brad Pitt and A. Jolie combined; the plot is compelling; and though the ending can never be in doubt its story is both riveting and the resolution impactful. I took my date and my 7 year old and we all loved it.

• What a delightful film, 26 August 2005 Author: iohefy-2 from Charlotte, NC

I was going to let this movie pass me by, but friends told me how nice this little film was. So I decided to go see it and I am certainly glad that I did. This is a delightful movie that tracks a year in the life of a flock of penguins. I never realized the harsh conditions that these brave birds have to go through to breed and exist. The cinematography is wonderful making you part of this brave march for existence. In this day of so much junk being called movies, it is refreshing to see a well made documentary that will inform you. My hat is off to the crew that made this outstanding movie. Go see it, you certainly will enjoy it.

• U.S. narration NOT the same as what was shown elsewhere!, 30 July 2005 Author: Faye-9 from Arizona

This review may contain spoilers .. Morgan Freeman's U.S. script was wonderfully written. There were no voice overs for the babies. He did not talk too much or too little. This was a different kind of documentary. It wasn't meant to give us a science lesson on "The Life of Penguins". It was meant to show us what they endure to follow their instincts, travel across the SOUTH POLE, not the North Pole, to the place where they were born, mate, survive the harsh winter, how they share parenting duties and how cute the young are before they go off on their own. There were things in this film that I didn't know about penguins. I was thoroughly entertained, moved and pleased. If you are an animal lover you will enjoy it. If you saw Duma and enjoyed it, you will enjoy this one. Don't let the negative comments influence you. Hey, one movie ticket is worth two Grand Latte's. Splurge!

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Everest• Directors Names:

• Domestic Box Office Gross: $76,44 million

• Release Date: March 6th, 1998

• Budget: N/A

• Distributor: MacGillivray Freeman Films

• Genres: Documentary and Short

• Country: USA

• Language: English

• Technical specification:

-Laboratory: Consolidated Film Industries (CFI), Hollywood (CA), USA -Film negative format (mm/video inches): 65 mm (horizontal)

-Cinematographic process: IMAX -Printed film format: 70 mm (horizontal) -Aspect ratio: 1.44 : 1

Description: An international team of climbers ascends Mt. Everest in the spring of 1996. You watch the climber prepare for the climb and see them faces many challenges and how they survived and returned safely to Base Camp.

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Everest- Review• Kent Lundblad September 13, 2006

A really well done IMAX film with a story that's incredible. The fact that the film makers were there during the events of Into Thin Air.

• Kakueke, 4 December 2001

This superb documentary contains beautiful shots of Mt. Everest and its surroundings, as well as discerning cinematography to make us aware of the challenges involved in scaling it. Great on IMAX, without a doubt! "Everest" insists on making us know how much oxygen is an issue as well as weather and temperature. There are, of course, other challenges. As to the tragic parties: "Everest" does a good job in presenting the logistical problems they faced as their fates were being sealed. Up and down the mountain, at different stations and spots. Though the climbers are obviously brave, their recklessness limits the sympathy we feel for them. But perhaps the most noteworthy thing to take from this film is that it is simply crazy to want to climb Mt. Everest, at least for me. What a great risk of death or permanent bodily harm! More than just a high climb straining your legs!

• ([email protected]) from United StatesI 2 March 2005have to disagree, I found this amazing to watch, I mean come on! All you have to do is See Mount Everest and I get all googly-eyed. I thought the photography was incredible, and the information on how they get there and why they are helping the geologist is fascinating to a "civilian" like me, which is who the movie is for. If you are a true climber then sure I can imagine it might disappoint, but I'm not sure why.This isn't supposed to be the final word on what Everest is like, it's a picture of the ascent of one team, and what it takes to get there.After seeing this gorgeous film I want to try for Everest myself in a few years. Rarely do movies inspire me, but this one did.Go Imax!

• Big O-7 from Binghamton, NY , 22 June 2000i had the opportunity to see this historic achievement in film while it was playing at a near-by IMAX screen. This film is as close as I EVER care to get to that mountain of death. The filmmakers have captured images that are unlike anything ever imagined before. And while most of the story is already well known (through best sellers THE CLIMB and INTO THIN AIR) the film still manages to keep you on the edge of your seat (and on the edge of a crevice). What else could one want? An IMAX movie on how this camera crew shot this film. Prepared to be astounded and blown away!

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Jackass Number Two• Directors Names:

• Domestic Box Office Gross: $72,75 million

• Release Date: September 22nd, 2006

• Budget:$11.5 million

• Distributor: Paramount Pictures

• Genres: Documentary and Comedy

• Country: USA

• Language: English

• Technical specification:

-Camera: Panasonic AG-HVX200

-Laboratory: FotoKem Film & Video (digital intermediate) -Film negative format (mm/video inches): 35 mm (Fuji Super F-125 8532, Eterna 250T 8553, Eterna 250D 8563) Video

-Cinematographic process: Digital Betacam HDTV -Printed film format: 35 mm -Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1

Description: Chris Pontius, Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Bam Margera, and the whole crew return to the screen to raise the stakes higher than ever before. They are seen pranking each other and doing many dangerous challenges.

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Jackass Number Two- Review

• Lordzardoz from Canada 22 September 2006

The sequel is exactly what you will expect it to be. And it is good enough that everyone who would have wanted to watch this should leave it happy. This is not a movie that will win an Academy award. But it does take what made the Jackass TV show and original movie a success, and it turns it up a notch. It is funnier, more brutal, and more disgusting than the original. And I loved every minute of it. The original had a few notorious stunts, and there is at least one stunt that this movie will be remembered for. You will wince, cringe, look away, and laugh very, very hard. In any event, you probably do not need to read this review, or any others, to know if you will like this movie, unless you have never heard of Jackass.

• IamtheRegalTreatment from United States, 21 September 2006Where do I begin? I sat down ready to laugh a bit and I was blown away! This movie is just perfect, it's indescribable. Jackass Number Two in all honesty was grosser, more obscene, funnier and more entertaining than the first. This was just what I needed tonight.There are so many scenes in this movie that will make you say "Oh My! No Way!" or "Ouch!". Perfectly mastered and set up, each event and scene were coordinated way before and therefore made it even more perfect. I loved every minute of it! I'm just going to say that there was even a scene where it was necessary to censor particular footage in order to prevent an NC-17 rating! It was so hilarious that they had to put it in anyway! Amazingly good.9/10. Incredibly funny, Do Not Miss Out!

• tomq5p from United States, 25 September 2006It's what you expect. It induces laughter, cringing, and dry-heaving, not necessarily in that order. It's over-the-top. You will see things that you may never be able to erase from your mind's eye. " Jackass Number Two" is better than the first; the actors definitely took more risks while filming this movie. There are many stunts which could have killed the actors, especially Johnny Knoxville. The treatment of animals was suspect, but other than that, the movie achieved what is was made to achieve. If you like the preview, see the movie. If you don't, steer clear!

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Space Station 3D• Directors Names:

• Domestic Box Office Gross:$66,62 million

• Release Date: April 17th, 2002

• Budget: N/A

• Distributor: IMAX

• Genres: Documentary

• Country: Canada and USA

• Language: English

• Technical specification:

-Laboratory: Consolidated Film Industries (CFI), Hollywood (CA), USA (prints) -Film negative format (mm/video inches): 65 mm (horizontal) (single-strip 3-D) (30-perf)

-Cinematographic process: 3D30 (single-strip 3-D)-Printed film format: 70 mm (horizontal) (dual-strip 3-D) (15-perf)

-Aspect ratio: 1.44 : 1

Description: Gives you an in site of the world of space and the journey the people had to get there.

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Space Station 3D- Review

• Chschera from Providence, RI, 22 April 2002The first 3D space adventure from IMAX was worth the wait. This film chronicling the first stages of construction of Space Station Alpha from the launch of Zarya to the Expedition Two crew was incredible. The 3D effects during launch and while on orbit were spectacular. I highly recommend this IMAX experience for any true space lover.

• Opie-7 from Charleston, SC*** , 30 May 2002The only thing that I didn't like about this movie was threading it through the projector. IMAX 3D movies require two prints, one for the left eye, and one for the right eye. So it takes us projectionists twice as long to get it ready.But enough of that, the movie was very good for an IMAX 3D movie. The best parts are when the astronauts have a little fun while filming. For example (MAYBE A SPOILER!) : the astronauts are eating and some of the food is flying around and one of the astronauts takes an orange and pushes it towards the camera. Everytime I run that movie I watch the audience and I see them covering their eyes and trying to grab some of the objects floating around.The movie was made by the same people who made "The Dream Is Alive" over 15 years ago. It is truly an amazing experience!

• Shital from NJ, USA, 31 May 2002Absolutely stunning. You might have already seen other space movies but this one is awesome. Shoot by real astronauts in IMAX and in 3D - it next best thing to be there. Also contains little bit of history but with really cool videos. The things that I found missing is primarily it failed to show the purpose behind IIS, how many other countries are there in this, how long more it will take, what are the operating parts as of now... it just gets itself satisfied in showing zero-g life and visuals of Earth - may be for not to bore audience?