Download - Tap Walking FREE ANXIETY BUSTER - … !!! ! FREE ANXIETY-BUSTER “Tap-Walking” is a mystical Mudra technique developed by a retired Tap Dancer! Rudy Hunter is a well-known Teacher

Page 1: Tap Walking FREE ANXIETY BUSTER - … !!! ! FREE ANXIETY-BUSTER “Tap-Walking” is a mystical Mudra technique developed by a retired Tap Dancer! Rudy Hunter is a well-known Teacher  


FREE ANXIETY-BUSTER “Tap-Walking” is a mystical Mudra technique

developed by a retired Tap Dancer!

Rudy Hunter is a well-known Teacher & Energy Healer. And also a retired tap dancer!

He was also wracked with anxiety for years. Thankfully those terrible days are over!

They can be over for you too.

“Tap-Walking” a super-easy technique he developed to help himself. It will help you too!

“Tap-Walking” is a FREE & EASY technique to help dramatically reduce your anxiety & stress. It’s also very effective for grief,

anger, rage, despair, melancholy, home sickness, fatigue, creative blocks, panic attacks, overwhelm, procrastination…

…and a thousand other difficult emotions that want to keep us stuck.


Page 2: Tap Walking FREE ANXIETY BUSTER - … !!! ! FREE ANXIETY-BUSTER “Tap-Walking” is a mystical Mudra technique developed by a retired Tap Dancer! Rudy Hunter is a well-known Teacher  


This FREE ANXIETY-BUSTER uses a powerful mystical Mudra [hand position] used in action that Rudy Hunter has tweaked

for this technique.

You’ll enjoy “Tap-Walking” the very first time you try it. The results can be remarkable!

This report is copyrighted by Rudy Hunter and Healing Horizons Inc.

All rights reserved. ~

Let’s get to the Anxiety-Busting, shall we?

You’re going to go for a walk.

Keep it simple & comfortable.

Ignore the non-medical “experts” about you taking a walk—trust your own body, mind, brain & common sense…but be sure to trust your doctor or medical professional. If your doctor has told you to be

careful while walking—or not to walk, of course you’re going to listen to and respect that professional, competent advice.

How long? How often? It’s ALWAYS up to you.


It’s ALWAYS up to you.

How slow or fast? It’s ALWAYS up to you.

Deal? Good.

Walking, all by itself, will help your stuck state.

Walking is a physical motion that activates the brain, the spinal column and about 1,000 other important mechanisms in you. Walking has a powerful neurologically harmonizing effect…and it’s good for you

for a host of reasons. It’s also pleasant. Yay. If you are sure to walk with nothing in your hands you’ll get great relief from just the act of walking. Walking is hard-wired into us to

help relieve “stuck states” we find ourselves in.

Page 3: Tap Walking FREE ANXIETY BUSTER - … !!! ! FREE ANXIETY-BUSTER “Tap-Walking” is a mystical Mudra technique developed by a retired Tap Dancer! Rudy Hunter is a well-known Teacher  


But much more possible…

We’re just going to ADD a simple thing to your walk.

This is our Mudra [hand position & motion] that Rudy has tweaked to help you with the stuck emotional state that breeds your anxiety.

During your walk you’ll just do the following simple thing:

When you take a step forward with your LEFT FOOT you’ll tap your

RIGHT THUMB fingerprint against your RIGHT second and third fingerprints. Then let go. The tap lasts just a split-second.

Then, as you take a step forward with your RIGHT FOOT you’ll tap your LEFT THUMB fingerprint against your LEFT second and third

fingerprints. Then let go. The tap lasts just a split-second.

Keep the tap simple, light, brief, uncomplicated and easy. Don’t turn it into a chore or a part-time job!

Page 4: Tap Walking FREE ANXIETY BUSTER - … !!! ! FREE ANXIETY-BUSTER “Tap-Walking” is a mystical Mudra technique developed by a retired Tap Dancer! Rudy Hunter is a well-known Teacher  


If you miss some steps, that’s not a problem.

If you stop and start during your walk, that’s not a problem either. If you’re not in the mood to do this during part of your walk,

that’s not a problem either. No problems at all.

This is a very flexible and forgiving technique!

It even works with gloves on. Neat, right?

In fact, when I personally use Tap-Walking, I often just walk normally during the first and last parts of my walk. I usually use Tap-Walking in

the middle part of my walk. Think of it like a sandwich with the technique used in the middle of your walking time.

Do it how it works for you.

This way of walking was a substantial help in reducing & eliminating my brain-locking OCD [obsessive-compulsive disorder] and anxiety

from years ago. Thankfully those days are long since over. However, I still Tap-Walk very often because it naturally produces feelings of

harmony, integration, balance, stability, evenness and all around good feelings in mind, body & spirit.

One AMAZING part of this technique [aside from the fact the Mudra

used in motion dramatically amplifies the positive effects!] is that you don’t have to concentrate on your stuckness/misery at all while you

take your walk to get dramatic effects. Thank Heavens!!!

In fact, you don’t have to focus on the “negative crap” you’re feeling

at all. Yay! Just go for a walk and Tap-Walk during it. That’s all that is required.

I used to be a bodywork teacher, as well as a dancer, and I taught for

years how the meridian system in the body can be activated by specific touches. Tap-Walking is a nifty example of this. Just by

matching steps while walking with light taps to the middle two fingers, a whole host of neurological, energetic & meridian-flow pathways light up and get going inside you. More important than the explanation is

the fact this works, works reliably & is easy to do!

Do yourself an important favor and be sure to NOTICE how much better/lighter/more open you feel after you’ve Tap-Walked.

Page 5: Tap Walking FREE ANXIETY BUSTER - … !!! ! FREE ANXIETY-BUSTER “Tap-Walking” is a mystical Mudra technique developed by a retired Tap Dancer! Rudy Hunter is a well-known Teacher  


Noticing is important. The simple act of paying attention to the benefits you’re received actually helps re-teach your nervous system

new levels of physical, mental & emotional stability. Just take a second or two, when the walk is over, to NOTICE the

improvements that show up for you all on their own. You’ll very likely fall in love with this simple tool. I trust it will serve you as well as it

has served me. Much love,


For more FREE TOOLS & lots of other goodies visit Rudy Hunter on both his websites:


When you’re there, be sure to sign up to receive a delicious

assortment of mystical, magical, gentle & useful energetic tools for you & your animals.

P.S. Please SHARE this PDF with friends & loved ones who could use some FREE HELP. Email it, Facebook it & Tweet it.

It’ll be your good deed for the day!