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Tango and milonga

Or how to construct an Argentinian national identiy

trough popular music

Music by Cuarteto De Los Santos “Entre Cuerdas” ©

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National identity and pop culture

Buenos Aires: the center of modernization and the political capital of the country

Migrants: from Europe and the countryside

A new, modern, urban way of life

Pop culture: tango

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The politics of Perón (1946-1955)

The New Argentina:

• Hispanic and Catholic values

• Social mission: “justicialismo”

• Nationalist and anti-foreign sentiment

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RADIO use and control was a key element in

spreading the new ideas

• early 1943 (prior to Perón’s rise to power)

• the Perón Era

Example of the kind of tango censored in the early 40s: Yira, Yira , Mano a mano (social critique and “lunfardo”)

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Representatives from SADAIC meet with Perón:

-Homero Manzi

-Enrique Santos Discépolo: “Mordisquito”

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Perhaps the most transcendental factor in support of thetango as a generic pan of porteño (and by extension Argentina) culture were the leaders of Peronism themselves, Juan and Evita Perón. They were tango. The theme of their government and political mission was tango.

Perón's image as the comrade to the workers, coatless among the multitude, while at the same time champion of the industrialist, dressed in a smokingjacket, conjures up the image of Carlos Gardel.

(Castro: 203)

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SUR (1948)By Aníbal Troilo and Homero Manzi

Tango Dance

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The styles of tango

Milonga campera

Milonga (ciudadana)


Vals cruzado

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Astor Piazolla & bandoneón

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Jacinto Chiclana • I remember, it was in Balvanera,

in a distant night, that someone dropped the name of someone named Jacinto Chiclana.

Something was also said about a street corner and a knife. The passing years don't let us see the brawl and the sheen.

Who knows for what reason that name is looking for me! I would like to know how must have been that man.

I picture him tall and consummate, with his obliging soul; capable of not raising his voice and ready to risk his life.


No one with a firmer footing must have stepped this earth. No one must have lived like him in love and war.

On the orchard and the courtyard the towers of Balvanera and that fortuitous death on any street corner.

I do not see the characteristics. I see, under the yellow light, the clash of men or shadows and that viper, the knife.

Perhaps at that moment when the wound entered his body, he thought that to a man it suits not to delay the departure.

Only God can know the faithful kind of that man Gentlemen, I am singing what's centered in the name.

Among all things there is one of which there are no regrets from nobody on Earth. That thing is to have been brave.

The courage is always better. The hope is never vain. So, then, this milonga is for Jacinto Chiclana.

• Me acuerdo, fue en Balvanera, en una noche lejana, que alguien dejó caer el nombre de un tal Jacinto Chiclana.

Algo se dijo también de una esquina y un cuchillo. Los años no dejan ver el entrevero y el brillo.

¡Quién sabe por qué razón me anda buscando ese nombre! Me gustaría saber cómo habrá sido aquel hombre.

Alto lo veo y cabal, con el alma comedida; capaz de no alzar la voz y de jugarse la vida.


Nadie con paso más firme habrá pisado la tierra. Nadie habrá habido como él en el amor y en la guerra.

Sobre la huerta y el patio las torres de Balvanera y aquella muerte casual en una esquina cualquiera.

No veo los rasgos. Veo, Bajo el farol amarillo, El choque de hombres o sombras Y esa víbora, el cuchillo.

Acaso en aquel momento En que le entraba la herida, Pensó que a un varón le cuadra No demorar la partida.

Sólo Dios puede saber la laya fiel de aquel hombre. Señores, yo estoy cantando lo que se cifra en el nombre.

Entre las cosas hay una De la que no se arrepiente Nadie en la tierra. Esa cosa Es haber sido valiente.

Siempre el coraje es mejor. La esperanza nunca es vana. Vaya, pues, esta milonga para Jacinto Chiclana.

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The new forms of tango

Electronic Tango:

Bajofondo Tango Club

Gotan Project

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Cow Parade 2006 Buenos Aires. Artist: Sebastián Masegosa