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2009 A N N U A L U P D A T E FREE

Katherine “SHREW” Minola Getting Married?


News has spread that Katherine Minola, the most despicable shrew that any man has ever laid their eyes on, is going to be wed this Sunday, April 17th. Katherine Minola is widely known her sharp tongue. It is well known that her father, Baptista Minola began to worry for her older daughter that no man wanted. He declared that the fair younger daughter, Bianca would not be wed until Katherine the shrew was. The two suitors for Bianca, who were outrageous of this fact decided not to be melancholy but to put their effort into finding tutors for

Bianca. They also decided to search for a person who would wed the shrew. One of the suitors named Gremio Greco said, “… Would I had given him the best horse in Padua to begin his wooing that would thoroughly woo her, wed her, and bed her, and rid the house of her,” expressing the desperateness of the two. Fortunately, the suitors came across a brave gentleman from Verona, named Petruchio De Luca who agrees to woo the shrew in exchange for money. The news that the woman who is often called the devil is getting

married has shocked the citizens The people’s curiosity about how Katherine Minola has agreed to marriage is growing. There is also a rumor saying that this agreement to marry was done forcefully however whether Petruchio and Katherine have actually fallen in love or Katherine was forced to marry, nobody knows for sure. This issue is drawing a lot of attention among the people of Padua and people are questioning how long this marriage between a shrew and an unknown man from Verona will last.

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At the wedding of Katherine Minola and Petruchio De Luca, which was held this Sunday, the 17th, the guests attending were confounded by Petruchio’s ruffian behavior. He showed up late to his own wedding and when he finally arrived, he showed up in bizarre habiliments that were inappropriate for a wedding. His language shocked the priest causing him to drop the bible and even more shockingly, Petruchio knocks out the preist who had stooping to retrieve the bible.Gremio

Greco, a witness of Petruchio’s aggressive acts said, “Why, he’s a devil, a devil, a very fiend.” A person has claimed to have seen him, a few days before their marriage, threatening his current wife, Katherine Minola to smack her. Also, Petruchio has been seen after his wedding, throwing tantrums at the dinner table and not allowing her to sleep or eat. As rumors about Petruchio are spreading, people are considering the fact that he could actually be worse than the shrew.

Priest Goes Down With Bible!

With the recent events revolving around Luciento and Petruchio, we decided to interview their loyal servants, the men that are always there, standing by their masters. But how do they really feel, we interviewed Grumio and Tranio to find out.

Q: What are one thing you like and one thing you dislike about your masters?

G: Well There are a lot more things I don’t like about Petruchio than there are things I don’t. Well first of all he is the most stubborn person I know, if he doesn’t get his way he’ll have a huge fit, he’s just a big hairy toddler. But as long as he gets his way he is really a reliable friend.

T: Luciento is less of a master and more of a best friend to me. In general we get along great, he helps me out in rough times, and I help him too. Of course we get in a lot disagreements, and he can get so serious sometimes, but that’s why I’m there, to help him find the joy in life!

Q: So with all these marriages going on with your masters, do they have time to spend with you guys? How do you guys feel about this?

G: Well honestly he’s keeping me busier than ever before, commanding me to do this and that, saying it’s all for Katherine’s sake, but it’s all part of his scheme. I just wish he could imagine himself in someone else’s shoes for once.

T: Luciento is simply love struck right now; he doesn’t have as much man-to-man time with me, but he’s getting the girl, and he’s happy, plus after all this is over I’m sure it will go back to the way it used to be!

Servants and Masters, the true relationship

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Taurus – April 21 – May 21: (Katherine)The Taurus is a !xed sign, making them stubborn and bull-headed. They are usually attracted to beauty and luxury; they like to take their time on making decisions.In the future, the “bull” would be more than tamed; the bull would be in love instead of bull-headed.

Leo – July 23 – August 21: (Lucentio)They are the kings of the jungle, the ones full of strength, generosity, and leadership skills. They have a bright sunny attitude, cheerfulness and con!dence. They are good-hearted and true romantics. This character is blinded by love, and might even lose his power to his wife in the near future.

Libra – September 24 – October 23: (Vicentio)Libra is the sign of the Scales, creating balance and harmony all around them. Libran needs the balance of a partnership in their life. They are inclined to be indecisive, weighing over the pros and cons of each choice they have to make in life. I have a feeling were Vicentio is going to have another oblivious moment with Lucentio and Bianca, so he might a good balance of partnership with the Minola family.

Scorpio – October 24 – November 22: (Petruchio)The Scorpios are magnetic, forceful, sexual, and Spiritual. They are incredibly passionate, persistent, and forceful. This character seem to !t the description perfectly, Petruchio has been using Kate, being forceful and such. In the future, this character would most probably making a fortune out of his “Shrew Taming” academy

Sagittarius – November 23 – December 22: (Tranio)Half human and half horse, Sagittarians are all about optimism and bringing cheer. They need lots of open space, freedom, and a lot of outdoor activities. Sagittarius people have a great sense of humor. Not only do they like to laugh, but they love to make others laugh as well. Tranio was the best wingman, but he might as well need a few good jokes for the future.

Pisces – February 20 – March 20: (Bianca)This !sh represents hidden depth, reincarnation and continuous emotional currents. They are well known for compassion, romance, imagination, and intuition. The Pisces are loyal, sensitive, and devoted. This has Bianca written all over it. When I think of Bianca, I think of loyal, romantic, and imaginative, despite her being all quiet and listening to orders. In the near future, Bianca will no longer be quiet around Lucentio, on the contrary, she will show him her true romantic, loyal, devoted side and they will fall in love with each other to a whole new level.

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Page 4: Taming of Shrew Newspaper

Lately there have been many

marriages in Padua, two being of

Baptista’s daughters the much

sought after Bianca Minola, and

surprisingly Katherine Minola

who has been labeled a “shrew”

all her life. However what does a

marriages with one of these two

daughters have to offer for the

husbands? Of course when seeing

the Minola’s luxurious lifestyle,

there is an obvious large sum of

money offered to anyone who is

fortunate enough to marry into the

family. Also having relation such

a famous and rich man will help

one get far in this world. However

there have been many rumors as

to whether the daughters are being

married out of love or perhaps out

of greed. The husband of Bianca,

L u c i e n t o , u s e d l e s s t h a n

customary methods to get close to

Bianca when he disguised himself

as tutor. However according to his

servant and friend, Tranio, his

love is sincere.

“Luciento fell head over

heels for Bianca on first sight, he

had no idea she was from a rich

family or of the dowry, he

is definitely marrying Bianca out

of pure love,” -Tranio.

O n t h e o t h e r h a n d

Petruchio seems to be marrying

Katherine out of a lust for wealth.

According to an old time friend of

his Hortensio, Petruchio could

care less if she were human.

“The moment I to ld

Petruchio that she was rich he was

convinced, whether she was a

shrew or not didn’t matter.” –


Of course there is a

spreading rumor that Bianca’s

suitors introduced Petruchio to

Katherine in order to marry

Bianca! According to Gremio, an

old suitor to Bianca, When

Baptista announced that Kate

must be married before Bianca all

seemed hopeless. That is until

Hotensio’s friend came along

looking for a rich wife. This man

is none other than Petruchio.

What a cruel way to be wed!

Gossip: Baptista’s Dowry

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A while ago, the new person in town, Lucentio Vinchi, got his heart stolen by the amazing looks and personality of Bianca Minola. “… I saw her coral lips move, and with her breath she did perfume the air. Sacred and sweet was all I s a w i n her.”(Shakeshpeare.act1.scene1.lines176-178). This was directly quoted from Mr. Vinchi himself. This is surely interesting news, since he fell in love the moment he saw Bianca. Leaving the townsfolk wondering if Mr. Vinchi is even being realistic or not! Lucentio wasn’t even supposed to find love in Padua; he only came here at the instruction of his father, Vincentio Vinchi, to study what he likes. Bianca Minola must have got something in her to do that, because her shrewd s is ter, Katherine Minola, was also at the scene, and Lucentio didn’t seem to notice her at all. Hortensio Esposito and Gremio Greco, who were also talking to Baptista Minola, Bianca and Katherine’s father, about marrying Bianca, didn’t seem comfortable being around Katherine. After everyone, except Lucentio and Tranio Romano who was Lucnetio’s servant, left the place, Lucentio was still thinking about Bianca, about her beautiful face, and her amiable personality. Tranio had to,

literally, wake Lucentio up, and tell him that to get to Bianca, he has to deal with Katherine first. Lucentio was very determined to win Bianca’a love, so he came up with an ingenious plan to disguise himself as a tutor for Bianca, while Tranio takes Lucentio’s place and also pretends to love Bianca. When asked about what Bianca does to make Lucentio do such things, she said she doesn’t know what’s in her, but whatever it is, she loves it. With Bianca’s words, Mr. Lucentio Vinchi was also questioned on why he loves Bianca so much, “O yes, I saw sweet beauty in her face, such as t h e d a u g h t e r o f A g e n o r has…”(Shakeshpeare.act1.scene1.lines169-170). However, it’s not only Lucentio who fell in love with Bianca, most men around town had similar feelings toward Bianca. Hortensio and Gremio both confessed to have affection for Bianca, and will try anything for her. Hortensio is disguised as a tutor like Lucentio, while Gremio is offering some nice dowries, from gold-plated houses to m a g n i f i c e n t a r g o s i e s . S o undoubtedly, Bianca had got some hot stuff with her. Making Lucentio, Hortensio, and Gremio to all fall in deep affection with her. Even Baptista’s “marry for first daughter first” rule wasn’t a

d e t e r r e n t , a n d o n l y m a d e competition a lot more fun. In the end, Lucentio marries Bianca, Gremio goes away, and Hortensio marries a widow. A comment from Bianca’s older sister, Katherine, wasn’t available.

Bianca turns from student to suitor

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Across2. A rich man in Padua, and the father of two daughters, Bianca and Katherine.3. The one who disguises to woo Bianca but ends up marrying a widow.6. Worse than the ‘Shrew’7. The fair daughter of Baptista that everyone wants to marry9. The person who succeeds in wooing Bianca.10.An old pal and a servant of Petruchio’s.

Down1. The one known as the ’Shrew’2. Lucentio’s other servant4. An old suitor of Bianca that fails in wooing Bianca.5. A rich amn from Pisa and father of lucentio. 8. The best wingman you could ask for.




She is such a shrew! Oh my gosh!

I've got you!

I will tame you. You

will be mine.

What are you doing!? Let

go of me!!!!!!!!!!!


Almost everyone

PetruchioNow, Kahterine is tamed.

Kahterine gave up too quick. This play is so


Page 7: Taming of Shrew Newspaper

Not so long ago, Hortensio Esposito was all over Bianca trying to get her to marry him, but after seeing

fierce competition from Tranio Romanio, who was disguised as Lucentio, he left the race and decided to

go for something easier. “I will be married to a wealthy widow”(Shakespeare.act4.scene2.line37), this

was quoted from Mr. Esposito. However, he needed advice and knowledge to control her wife. Deciding

to marry a widow, so to get her obeying him, he decided to go somewhere in particular.

Eager and hopeful, he went in to see what he could learn from the professional ‘Shrew Tamer’ to

see what needs to be done to control a woman, and make her submissive. While he was at Petruchio De

Luca’s home, he learned of what Petruchio’s tactics are. First, you must manipulate her, starving her and

keeping her from sleeping. Then just make her do things, be like a ruffian and just fight what she is

doing. In a while, you should be able to get her to say thanks, which was what Hortensio heard Katherine

say, make her obey you, and do other things that pleases you. Petruchio had great results, so Hortensio

should too, right? Not really, since the widow wasn’t really listening to Hortensio, but after a few tries,

Hortensio should get the hang of it.


Couple’s Corner “Ask Juliette”Want your question about romance answered? Send your question to

<[email protected]> to have our opinion (if needed) “Hey Couple’s Corner, I have a little question here. I am now on my honeymoon, but I am not allowed to eat nor sleep, because my husband has gone ‘wild.’ Please help.” -Honeymoon24Hello there Honeymoon24, I can see that this is not the honeymoon you hoped for is it?Well, in my opinion, that guy seems like a tamer to me. Has he been to The Taming of The Shrew Academy yet? Because that place is quite dangerous for us women, keep him away at all costs! There are some possibilities you might want to consider for this kind of situation or if it will ever happen again: 1. Don’t talk back to your husband as much as you wish to. 2. Get him an appointment at a therapy doctor (this kind of temper might just be the beginning). And finally, number 3. Make sure you have hidden food supplies all around the house and in your purse at all costs!“Hi Couples Corner, I am in the middle of a crisis and I need help. I have a guy that I have started dating, but I have a gut feeling that he lying about him being just a tutor.” -BiaMinolaHey BiaMinola, that crisis seems to be pretty though on you. Here’s a little piece of advice, how about you just ask for the truth? If you pay close attention to his facial features when he is talking to you, or giving you an excuse, you would eventually be able to tell when someone or more preferably, when he is lying. After you have figured out his lying techniques, try to corner him into talking about his past and about his hobbies etc, and if you catch that little lie, pin it on him. Good luck.

With love, Juliette

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Early morning September 21st comes a group of travelers heading south all the way to the famous Minola household. To our surprise, the group of

travelers consisted of; Katherine “SHREW” Minola (19); Petruchio De Luca (28); Grumio Greco (30); and finally the famous Vincentio Vinchi (54). According to Petruchio De

Luca, they [Katherine, Petruchio, and Grumio] have left early morning on a journey to make it to Padua on time to his sister-in-law,

Bianca Minola (16), wedding to Lucentio Vinchi (29), son of

Vincentio Vinchi. On their way there, Lucentio

claimed to have crossed path with the legendary Vincentio Vinchi. Apparently, Vinchi tagged along

with the group of travelers since they were headed to the same destination; Padua.

The confusion in Padua

Towards the afternoon, the travelers have finally arrived in Padua. Once in front of the house, the big “bang” came in. The conflict happened so fast, that everybody was frozen on

the spot, shocked out of the revelations of not one, but two Vincentio Vinchi. As said by the Vincentio on the window during the conflict, “lay hands on the villain. I believe he means to consen somebody in this city under my

countenance.” After that plain order, everything went wrong. The “fake” Vincentio dragged in a poor innocent servant of Vincentio’s son; Biondello, and started beating him up with no

reason in mind. Shortly after that delicate piece of news, an eye witness there has already called 911 and the police arrested the man for an attempt of murder on an innocent

servant of barely thirty years old. We have a feedback from

one the cops during the scene: “I tell you people, he was going wild, claiming he was Vincentio, and once his son Lucentio hears of this, he will not stand for this, and all that

blabber mouth talk when prisoners are being taken into jail. He’s just another nutcase.”

Lucentio Vinchi attacked by his own father!

“Right before they were about to take that crazy man away, out came an elegant man, and he kept on shaking his head saying he had a headache because of all the racket outside,

but once he saw that madman claiming to be Vincentio, he froze stiff and went completely pale.” Said an eye witness of

this shocking scene to our La Stella journalists. That man’s

name was confirmed to be Lucentio, the famous son of the famous Vincentio. The lunatic was stunned. There was nothing more than stiff silence. The silence was broken once Vincentio

let out a cry of true agony and screamed to his own son: “Why are you wearing Lucentio’s clothing?” To his astonishment, Vincentio [non-lunatic] went and stood near his son Lucentio. Again, the lunatic screamed with agony: “

Why is Lucentio’s servant, Tranio, wearing his clothing? Could it actually be! Oh, the treachery! You have killed my son, you master! You must be punished you no good little brat!” With

that, he escaped from the police and went straight for the neck of his own son.

Two Vincentios, Two Lucentios, One Marriage.

Before the Lunatic could kill his own son, Bianca Minola showed up with a man on her arm, and a smile on her face. The man who showed up kneeled to the lunatic, and called

him “father.” After that one word, the so called Lucentio, and Vincentio tried to tip toes out of here, but got caught. The real Lucentio has switched places with Tranio, to woo Bianca

Minola. Once wooed, they planed to be married, but needed his father, so he tricked a merchant into playing him.Vincentio got fined for attempted murder, and eventually accepted the marriage.

Which Vincentio is Which?


Merchant disguised as Vincentio on the left, and the real vincentio on the right.(From left to right) Merchant as Vincentio and the real Vincentio.