Download - TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Page 1: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Datetup l(tl Officer's Name /totm t:"t ID IJJJ)

Unit Checked ~~fore use, functioning -B'""'after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~CIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~aryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

D Other ----------------------------Deployment locations (beat/response area): ______ fl_l_] ________________________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: -----

Number of confirmed license plate matches: _ ____,('---->-__

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. _ _3 _ _ __ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

# of Arrests Made: U # of Citations Issued:_}_l_ # of Stolen Vehicles ldentified:_Q

Other Significant Actions as a Result: ____________________________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes 0"No

Comments/Observations: ----------- ------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 ( 4/201 0)

- 27937 -

Page 2: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date/U~ (tl · . Officer's Name___,/foF-1=-=G_.!_/h--=---t--r ________ ID J< JJ J Unit Checked ~fore use, functioning -8'1ifter use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~CIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~aryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other _____________ _

Deployment locations (beat/response area):. ____ IT_I_]::_ ____________ _

"'10 Number of alerts to potential license plate matches:_ r-___ _

Number of confirmed license plate matches: _ _ (=---">-_ _

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. _ _3 ___ _ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

#of Arrests Made: D #of Citations Issued:_/_1_ #of Stolen Vehicles Identified:~

Other Significant Actions as a Result:. _____ _____ _ ___ ___ ___ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes 0"'No

Comments/Observations: ------- --- ---------------

TPPD Fonn #700-020 ( 4/20 I 0)

- 27938 -

Page 3: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log

Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit Checked ~e use, functioning ~e, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~~ stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~and MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

~Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ----------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area) :.~C..:=:::..ji.-·~:J-_j· ~y-1-vv~--'/!.....:£=-·...:.....:::=-------------

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: J. S: Number of confirmed license plate matches: '1 s-Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. ___ /_{) ____ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

Arrests Made: {) Citations Issued:J..k

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: ~ o No

Stolen Vehicles Identified:_Q

Comments/Observations: ---------------------------- - -----------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27939 -

Page 4: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log

Date l6 r ·~3/ I ( Officer's Name J3 {tt_dt_ ID 6:3 7 f


Unit Checked ~e use, functioning ~se, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~Maryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

~er Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ----------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area):-=C=---...!;_-+~y~ . ...~<v.--~~~Je::!::l. ~--------------------

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches:. __ ·3 __ _ Number of confirmed license plate matches: 3

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. __ ....::0:::....._ ____ __

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

Arrests Made:12._ Citations Issued:__Q_ Stolen Vehicles Identified:_Q_

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes o No

Comments/Observations: -t:/t:J_l_/_.!..·I __ A..LI.:::..c.:.._(' -f.:..___~\'JglL~a.~· LL/ J..::.v..L.k.=.....J.S__JILC:ced"b.:Jc:::.!_~-f1f-I<W'~~W~---

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27940 -

Page 5: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date !0 /1 ~/!( Officer'sName-+/3..,t-fu.<..:.a->.o::.o_/.~...-________ ID a376 Unit Checked ~e use, functioning ..o-after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

ffNCIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~aryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

~ber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other -----------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area):_(]_,.___.ri)--+y __ lr-__ l_,:k_=v-'--"'-----------------

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: I J Number of confirmed license plate matches: 1 ~ Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. __________ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use: 1 a s -t-0\-rt ·

# of Arrests Made:__ # of Citations Issued:____L_ # of Stolen Vehicles Identified: __

Other Significant Actions as a Result:_q_:__~="'~a"""(_.,.n.w''-"~"'"~,.,.,~ ...... S..__ ____________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: ~ DNo

Comments/Observations: ------------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27941 -

Page 6: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Unit Checked ~ore use, functioning ~er use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~CIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~aryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

oOther __________________________ __

Deployment locations (beat/response area): _____ --==g'~f---""'3 _________________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: __ {_i __ Number of confirmed license plate matches: ____ &j_·_.___

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. ---1'1!------Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

#of Arrests Made:_Q_ # of Citations Issued:~ # of Stolen Vehicles Identified: 0 Other Significant Actions as a Result: _________________________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes ~o

Comments/Observations: ------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27942 -

Page 7: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log

Date 09 (,~d"

Officer'sName ?>bl- fn.\<Sb'uj ID ~)--'J

Unit Checked I before use, functioning o after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~ NCIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files I Maryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

~Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ----------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area): Th-rov't\n....\

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: (_p 5

Number of confirmed license plate matches: ([; J

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. jl<.{p\ .

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

Arrests Made: Citations Issued: Stolen Vehicles Identified: l.

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes p No

Comments/0 bservations: _'-'a .... e.,...c4<.L-1L" _,_tl -'--rJ'-----=:...o -'--'h&=--=:S_.±o--=..:...1 e_f1 __ ct_v-_~_0 ___ ---'w:=....:.Jil\=S----'-1 "--'------~"f'"""D=~=--.... {<"""-'-' ,_.,_,_'h..__

rd tefu®l /-, De,_, fj) wf..<~ -/}e

- 27943 -

Page 8: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Officer's Name _ __._ft_.__O_U'rl--=-..::--" f _________ ID i!.J..Jtf Unit Checked r;vtS'efore use, functioning zafter use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~NCIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

ja"'Maryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehi~les

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other--------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area): ___ Y(.JL_~3'-----------------

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: { 7 Number of confirmed license plate matches: 6 Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. ~

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

# of Arrests Made: 0 #of Citations Issued:_3_ #of Stolen Vehicles Identified: ()

Other Significant Actions as a Result: ___________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: ~ Yes ~o

Comments/Observations: --------~----------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27944 -

Page 9: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Datevq(;t.f/J, Officer'sName_.._tb_,___,·0"'---'1

L""--m_· _f:'_1 _______ __ciD 7'3.39

Unit Checked ~ore use, functioning ~er use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~CIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

5Y'Maryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other -----------------------------Deployment locations (beat/response area): _____ ___,g'::....,_f!.......,<J::....,_ _______________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: __ {_i ___ Number of confirmed license plate matches: ___ 6]_,' ,____

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. ---jtf~---Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

#of Arrests Made:_Q_ # of Citations Issued:!!t..- # of Stolen Vehicles Identified: 0 Other Significant Actions as a Result: ___________________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes ~o

Comments/Observations: ---------------------------------- ---

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27945 -

Page 10: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Officer's Name_...L./{...L:LJ:......;(/rt~v--; f _________ .ID l!JJCf Unit Checked ~fore use, functioning H" after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~NCIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~Maryland MVA records of suspended drivers or vehicles

D Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other -----------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area): _____ _..?('----'-;~3L__ _______________________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: { 7 Number of confirmed license plate matches: 5 Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. ~

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

# of Arrests Made: 0 # of Citations Issu~d:_3_ # of Stolen Vehicles Identified: ()

Other Significant Actions as a Result: _______________________________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes ~o

Comments/Observations: --------------~---------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/20 10)

- 27946 -

Page 11: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit


+ () tPt:5 - of\. l ct. l L ' ~ -Lo. l l " t- ~0 I --. -1- '"2... '4. ..:/IJ 'T .,. "T '- ( o/0 'J. 4 7 + ).'l:f + l5


Q 4.+- L( { -+ 4' 'Z-- -+- 14 4- Lf5 -f- cOG;, + 3.5 4- 2.. y -4- 4 s

Cn~oC'C.6 •"'-"'· Ac...L.,...J i. +- H +- '2- + t; t

7 + 5 ~ l.f + ~ 1- -z... 4;, -l ~-+ -z_+ ( -/­

+ Leo +- L 4-- 15 -1- I 5 -I- l f 4 +-C~?

C \ o ..v·$ ) ~ + \ 0 I 'L + 7 +- II +- ( + es, · - i + fG -\- 2

+-~~ 5 ")-,

~--f i-

~ ff'a;3 d- L Chit ll s- v...p(->¢ .-J- (-~-Le~ t - l

( [Cotl(

- 27947 -

Page 12: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

I -· n t 1- 1-4+ 'tftt +f+f, .f-fl-1- 1-JH +Ht * 1 r ' Htt- i#{-

~t~\--=-====~--~- =-==-- -

A- ·l <S r--t-_s ·5 zr- q..s ·+- 52...-+ LL-t .-\-- Lf(, )- L~ e;, +-· )z_~·2t +- 3.5

~ t +- t:5l+- 4 5 .,_ 2-5 + 2_5 +-' Lis + 2.-\ + 15 + Lf7--~- Yc -r-- ~2_

LV*" 3 J- Yl + ::,5 t-- 7 ~ ·I- 44 -1 5tS -+ 52..+=- GG + Ltl r- /z_ , IY d-._7)-+- 'L--'2--- .+- '2-'l ~ (o +- t ~ 4 31 + Ltb t(

J ~ I G +- 4 q +- '75 -+- "Z'5 6 +- ~ ( ,..__ ( /__ t- ( ( +- G ·+- 4 j +- D 4 ?%

H-th i 6l f- ;2Lf t- 3 r ·t- I 'i +- 'LL{ r Z.t{ +- z_ 1 ·~ I(_ + "2..3-

_ :?a+-~\ ·-t- ~ {)....C6 f- (0 +- lD 4-- 2.. ~ + ( L +- l+_3 +- l{(_ t---Lf l.+ g­'1 ·+- §.-+- · '2-( +- 4 5 ~ 'L~ r-· -rz_ ·+ 3 ( + z '6 · ~- 44 ·t-G~

C\+ ~o + -t 'JI +- <6 ·+- ~o ·+ 4' ·+ l" +- y; ·+-7 +-I ( _ lco +-75 ~ --\--- I~ t- tD ·+ \ 3l .J- 5 -+- g__'6.+-3 i f- ~f- IO+(

Aohot4 .t- j'L._ r L _,_~ ~ t-~ 1-- 2_ r.l ~ + Lf __ , 3 ·+ ( 1 ·f- '1·+ \. 1z- +- 7 r- 7 2_, ~---s

·l #. 1--- 5 .f- ~ ·t- 5 + +- t P .+- .I ( +- +- 2-. 1-3 \Q_ +i -+ l -1-- + 2_.;:t-~ t- ·+- s ~ +--5 t- ~ f- £_ + 5 r j +-3:+- @ ~

'<: c~· 1~-ho .J ·~ +- d +- 3 + 0 + 1/ I ( -1- 5 +-- 3 +- -::::r ·-r 9:

·+- 2- + . ·+ g- +- ~ "6 ·-f- if +- .

~ ~ .-J-- ·t-<Z +- g-.+- t. i- L~ +- ~ L@ +-- -::7 ·t-~ I +-! +I + -t-7 +(~ ~'2- +-t'-1 +-~ ce ·t- l~ 'L- + -t ·-+- :::;

0 £(e6 l

I I - 27948 -

Page 13: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date a'fbt/4 Officer's Name tfo&n.t:> lD J'].J 5 Unit Checked ~fore use, functioning ~fter use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~IC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~aryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ----------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area): ________ _,.,lf=----(_}""--------------------------

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: / 0 ~

Number of confirmed license plate matches: ___ ;;.. __ Y _ _

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. -----------

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

# of Arrests Made:~. # of Citations Issued: {2,. # of Stolen Vehicles Identified:~

Other Significant Actions as a Result: ______________________________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes _ zNo

Comments/Observations: -------------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27949 -

Page 14: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date~tj;;.-8{H Officer'sName __ -~~-~~'--"~..::z.........JI!..::/!::::....._ _ _ ____ ____;ID ¥'335

Unit Checked 8'hefore use, functioning ff'after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

d"' NCIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

Ji( Maryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ----------------------------Deployment locations (beat/response area): ____ -----'?'-----7_.....:3 __________________________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: V { Number of confirmed license plate matches: ;;;..t.j

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. --=3==--------Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

#of Arrests Made:___t2__ #of Citations Issued:__}_Q # of Stolen Vehicles Identified: ___a_

Other Significant Actions as a Result: _ ____________________________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes ...ld"'No

Comments/Observations: -------------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27950 -

Page 15: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date iJ '/ bti, Officer's Name /frl&YL t:'$ ID ]' 3 J 5 Unit Checked defore use, functioning 6after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~IC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~aryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ----------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area): ________ ..... K~r_}oL.._ ______________________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: / 0 (e,

Number of confirmed license plate matches: __ ;2.-__ Y __ _ ~

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. __ ..1 ____ __

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

# of Arrests Made:~ # of Citations Issued: /2- # of Stolen Vehicles Identified:~

Other Significant Actions as a Result: --------------------------------

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes_ Ja1Cro

Comments/0 bservations: -------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27951 -

Page 16: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log

Date O'th ~ \"\) /~\~h

Officer' s Name S l.]" . -p'Q \7:1¥--oil~ ID %~\}

Unit Checked ,JZ{before use, functioning )l'after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

;1 NCIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~Maryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

!Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other -----------------------------I

Deployment locations (beat/response area): N t,w \jC\M~~~,t\ A~ f Vi\\~~) V ~L-vD Chot~-'Dolt

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: ~~ '1\\J A\.\.

Number of confirmed license plate matches: ~ +

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. _ (_! ___ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

Arrests Made: I Citations Issued: Stolen Vehicles Identified: --

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: ,6 Yes o No

Comments/Observations: /N ~flfl~,.i'\ A ILfLb~l fDTL FTII. C~llD .fvf(pt\

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27952 -

Page 17: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log

Date o~~~\~\ ''

Officer's Name SV\ ''"~\<:.'h't.-J Unit Checked rj before use, functioning /o after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

fNCIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

yl Maryland MVA records of suspended drivers or vehicles

__9}Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

~er -------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area): N c..,..J \--.\o-.""'~S"' \~ ~Iff /vY't; J 8'-v D

S\12 s\-~~-r QLN o\J tow~

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: lf7 o f<.~,}s

Number of confirmed license plate matches: '-[ A\... ~{I..,""'.S,

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. -....!!.~----

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

Arrests Made: Citations Issued: & Stolen Vehicles Identified: __;

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes o No

Comments/Observations: ---------------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27953 -

Page 18: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log

Date 0 Lo tsoh1 ~ I lot~ t1

Officer' s Name $6-r, fa\~~ \CA"'-~ Unit Checked f before use, functioning /after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~ NCIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

j Maryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

YAmber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other -----------------------------

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: NO"t 'f\Vf\\ L "

Number of confirmed license plate matches: r'\o\ ~N~Il- \ s\Lr-J i\v1-.::. re.w«C"""\'

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. __,?-,__ ______ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

Arrests Made: 1 Citations Issued: Stolen Vehicles Identified:_/_

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: y(Yes o No

Comments/Observations: Sh le" <> 5~fped .:71 ~ .M C rD SSoJ ' ~-6 1)(. f.rJ""'

OLD nwrJ Tf. 'be 1.""-Jk.J tM~ -I ol:+01~~ WO\rr .... l\i ~ r s+ouf) ~"di) fvc

TPPD Fonn #700-020 (4/2010)

n ..... ,..- -1 -1

- 27954 -

Page 19: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date 3) r}:t:? L, I

Officer's Name _ _ _.._~---'--"""-'l--fVk¢"""'-.z...::..;;'Y _______ _____;ID ?3 3 5

Unit Checked .a"'before use, functioning la"'after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~ NCIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

¢"Maryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other -----------------------------Deployment locations (beat/response area):. _____ ?.::...._T__-=3 _____________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: __ V_· ·_{;__ __ _

Number of confirmed license plate matches: ~c,j

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. - --"'3=----Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

#of Arrests Made:_t2__ # of Citations Issued:~ # of Stolen Vehicles Identified:____Q_

Other Significant Actions as a Result: __________________________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes ~o

Comments/Observations: ------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27955 -

Page 20: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date07 /rt Itt Officer's Name /fO (/}J c:J ID~-:JL..:.i:-_:::..._,:9::::....._.L-£ _ ----+, ~--------------------------

Unit Checked ~fore use, functioning .a-after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~;C stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~~land MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ----------------------------Deployment locations (beat/response area):, _______ 8)_!....T __ 3 ________________________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches:

Y( Number of confirmed license plate matches: _______ _

"2--Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. __________ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

#of Arrests Made:__Q_ # of Citations Issued: f # of Stolen Vehicles Identified:__Q

Other Significant Actions as a Result: _____________________________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: DYes~

Comments/Observations: ---------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27956 -

Page 21: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date 07/~/ll Officer's Name /1o Lrnc1 ID X33$

Unit Checked [Yf(e'fore use, functioning ~er use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~CIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~aryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ----------------------------Deployment locations (beat/response area): _______ ~-=-[.L-~J:__ ___________________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: 3 0

Number of confirmed license plate matches: ( 7 Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. _ 7--________ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

# of Arrests Made: 0 # of Citations Issued: 7 # of Stolen Vehicles Identified: U

Other Significant Actions as a Result: ______________________ ___________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: ~s oNo

Comments/Observations: - - ------ -------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27957 -

Page 22: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date LM pt//; Officer's Name_+-1/fo-'-'---C"'-'--/hL~"}'=--------------'ID ?3.? 1 Unit Checked 11hefore use, functioning ~er use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~CIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~aryland MV A record~ of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

D Other _____________ _

Deployment locations (beat/response area):. _ __ gj=---JzL. __ ';f.,£.._ ___________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches:. __ /_'-(..!__ __

Number of confirmed license plate matches: _ _ _;_/_0 __

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches.---'-----

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

#of Arrests Made:_ (_ #of Citations Issued:__3__ #of Stolen Vehicles Identified:__Q_

Other Significant Actions as a Result: ___________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes ~

Comments/Observations:------ -------- ----- - ----

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27958 -

Page 23: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log

Date 7 /_2 (/tL Officer's Name J3~r7~ IDff$76

Unit Checked ~e use, functioning ~r use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

17"NciC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~aryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

if Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other

----~-,(----:-~-f,./1 I !lr- t l-7 Deployment locations (beat/response area): L= -~ \JL/ ~

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: ) (}j Number of confirmed license plate matches: ---"/__._b _ _ _ Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. __ t{---=-- --Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

Arrests Made: Citations Issued: L1 Stolen Vehicles Identified:

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: 6'es DNo

Comments/Observations: --- ------- -----'------ --- - - --

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27959 -

Page 24: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log

Date7/7_rJ/tl ~ ?/~/;r Officer's Name J3 f~rok:- ID 837G Unit Checked ~use, functioning · ~se, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~ d MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

Amber Alert databases· other than from NCIC

o Other ----------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area) :. __ -I-N...Jf.....e=....!Ov~--+-~~+=Vt~~~J1~,S.LLC-j__..;.,_.~_._"'--:_d-l--'fte.~..---/

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: J., 7 Number of confirmed license plate matches: __ _____,2...,__-=7,.-~-

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. ___ 4--'------Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

Arrests Made:Q_ Citations Issued:_:j_ Stolen Vehicles ldentilledb)._

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes o No

Comments/Observations: -------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27960 -

Page 25: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date 07b..>--//l Officer's Name /1o Lmc1 ID Y33$'

Unit Checked D15'clore use, functioning ~er use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~CIC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~aryland MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ------------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area): _____ ___:~:::...~ ..... f~J""----------------------

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: 3 0

Number of confirmed license plate matches: ( 7 Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. _7-_ ___ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

# of Arrests Made: 0 # of Citations Issued: 7 # of Stolen Vehicles Identified: D

Other Significant Actions as a Result: _ _________________________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: ~-s o No

Comments/Observations: --------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27961 -

Page 26: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log

Date 7[7/ 1/ Officer'sName~fj~(C~tC::._t_~ _________ ID ~S~ Unit Checked ~e use, functioning ~use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~IC stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~land MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

6 Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

D Other _____________ _

Deployment locations{beat/response area): C r' / ( l;v• cfe-

Number of alerts to potential license plat~ matches:_lr\~1---~.... __

Number of confirmed license plate matches: ___ )..,k-_·S..~--

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. _ J.....I.,...\_,, __ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

Arrests Made: Citations Issued: ( \ __.. Stolen Vehicles Identified: _ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: ~ No

Comments/Observations:---- ------ ------ ---- ----

TPPD Fonn #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27962 -

Page 27: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date07 /, U I Officer's Name _ __,,,_/fO.L__C;h _ _ c_) _- ______ ID_.):"'---.:f-._.:::.._9 ........ £'-Unit Checked ~fore use, functioning .a-after use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~C stolen vehicle to len tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~ryland MY A record of suspended drivers or vehicles

o Amber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other -----------------------------v:l--- 3 Deployment locations (beat/response area): _______ o___,_ ! ____________________________ _

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: 37 Number of confirmed license plate matches: __ Y __ ( __

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. ___ '2---___ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

# of Arrests Made:_Q_ # of Citations Issued: # of Stolen Vehicles Identified:

Other Significant Actions as a Result: -------------------------------------------

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes ~

Comments/Observations: ---------------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27963 -

Page 28: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit

Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log

Date 7//j// I

Officer's Name 7J ~C L ID zy·3 ?b -=---------------------------------

Unit Checked ~ use, functioning ~se, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~and MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

~Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ----------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area) :-l-./\-41}t--e-=--...:0=-----...~-A..Lfc-=...lct"'"4:::..__q.O...L-!J.S'-!...~_,__/ ce:"-="'--,£/ ___ l1e-=~-

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: __ / __ b __ _ Number of confirmed license plate matches: ____ {_0 _ _

Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. _4

0<-..L_ ____ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

Arrests Made: Citations Issued: {:_, Stolen Vehicles Identified:

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: o Yes o No

Comments/Observations: -----------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27964 -

Page 29: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



~ I f I 0--z7/ Date (/:!a;! ( . Officer's Name--..:f...L.~...l.-fct:...::...C..:...._fL-________ nLJ. -J '0

Unit Checked EI"'1Jefure use, functioning ~use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~C stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary wanted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

4and MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

~ber Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other (

Deployment locations (beat/response area): C 1 '4 \J,; 1 c. .j e____

Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: Z=j l"L Number of confirmed license plate matches: ____ _

Number of enforcement actions taken on confmned license plate matches. _4 ___ _ Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

# of Arrests Made: 1 # of Citations Issued:~ # of Stolen Vehicles Identified: __

Other Significant Actions as a Result: ___ ___________ _____ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner: ~DNo Comments/Observations: ---- ----- ------------ - -----

TPPD Fonn #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27965 -

Page 30: TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION … · 2019-12-21 · Automatic License Plate Recognition Scanner Log Datelo/2/// ( Officer's Name J3 ~ c..k Unit



Date (,/J <IlL Officer's Name---"/3~/a~ct=------------ID ~37&> Unit Checked El15clbre use, functioning ~use, functioning

Extract Downloads Used to Develop Hot Lists:

~ stolen vehicle, stolen tag, temporary w~ted felony vehicles, wanted persons files

~land MV A records of suspended drivers or vehicles

~er Alert databases other than from NCIC

o Other ---------------------------

Deployment locations (beat/response area): (! ,. ':; y u..-- r de ~~~~~----~~--------------------

LJ\_~ Number of alerts to potential license plate matches: ____ +--1--+----

Number of confirmed license plate matches: lj d-Number of enforcement actions taken on confirmed license plate matches. ____.:./~b:....__ _ _

Types of Actions as a Result of the ALPR Use:

# of Arrests MadeQ...:__ #of Citations Issued:~ #of Stolen Vehicies Identified: 0 Other Significant Actions as a Result: ______________________________________ _

Scan File deleted from ALPR Scanner:


lves oNo

Comments/Observations: ----------------------------------------------

TPPD Form #700-020 (4/2010)

- 27966 -