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    Protecting America'sFinancial SystemsSfe HomelandSecurityS&MKft

  • 8/14/2019 T4 B1 ICE Issues Fdr- Entire Contents- Reference Materials- 1st Pgs Only- For Reference 135


    OPERATIONSOperation CornerstoneA New Financial Investigations ProgramIn July of 2003, Secretary Ridge announced Operation Cornerstone, a new financialinvestigations initiative that will not on ly prosecute m oney laundering crimes but will initiate anew approach of working with the private sector to shore up potential weaknesses in financialsystems.Launched by U.S. Im migration and C ustoms Enforcem ent (ICE), Operation Cornerstone is ICE'spremier financial crime program that seeks to identify vulnerabilities in financial systemsthrough w hich criminals launder their illicit proceeds, bring the criminals to justice, eliminate thevulnerabilities, and develop a working partnership with industry representatives to shareinformation and close industry-wide security gaps that could be exploited by money launderersan d other criminal organizations."Safeguarding the integrity of America's financial systems is a key part of homelan d security,"said Secretary Ridge. "Criminal organizations are seeking new ways to finance their operations,an d the Department of Homeland Security is mov ing aggressively to identify vulnerabilitieswithin U.S. financial systems that could be exploited to those ends."DHS is also conducting joint outreach and training programs for m embers of the financial andtrade commun ities. As part of the Cornerstone Program , ICE has created a unit solely dedicatedto providing training to the private sector on how to identify an d prevent exploitation by criminalorganizations.Also, under the SH AR E (Systematic Homeland Approach to Reducing Exploitation) program,officials from the ICE will be joined by the Secret Service to jointly conduct semi-annualmeetings with executive members of the financial and trade com mun ities impacted by mo neylaundering, identity theft, an d other financial crimes, to share data on specific investigativeoutcomes from investigations into money laundering, identity theft, and other financial crimesCornerstone priorities:

    Identify and assess themeans and methods used by criminals to exploit financial systemsin order to transfer, launder and otherwise mask the true source of criminal proceeds. Work with specific private sector industries to gather new information and reducevulnerabilities found within existing financial systems. Assign a dedicated special agent to each of the 25 IC E field offices to liaison with theprivate sector. Investigate andprosecute criminal organizations exploiting emerging traditional and non-traditional financial systems. Work w ith financial institution security teams to help them un derstand how criminalorganizations exploited financial systems in their industry.

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    Task force on terror funding moved from Customs - TheWashington Times Page 1 of 2

    The W ashington

    Task force on terror funding m oved from CustomsBy Jerry SeperPubl i s hed September 16, 2003

    A White Hou se-backed decision to mo ve the nation's most suc cessful terrorist-relatedfinancial crimes task force from the Customs Service to the FBI has drawn criticism fromlaw enforcement authorities who say the bureau can't effectively conduct the complexfinancial investigations.Created in the w ake of the September 11 attacks, "Operation Green Quest" broughttogether the top financial investigators from the Treasury De partment, Internal Reven ueService, Secret Service an d Customs to target the systems, organizations an d people servingfunders of terrorist groups worldwide.Green Quest, which mad e 79 arrests and seized more than $33 million in a 19-monthperiod, was designed to harness the investigative financial expertise o f the TreasuryDepartment to freeze accounts, seize assets and bring criminal actions against those fundingterrorism."These are inc redibly confusing and com plex cases, and a succe ssful prosecution requiresinvestigators with years of experience and expertise," said a top Treasury official who askednot to be ide ntified. "Whatever the rationale to move Green Q uest to the FB I, it 's clearsomebody never heard the old adage: If it's not broken, don't fix it."Other veteran agents familiar with the task force said the FBI's grab of the programjeopardized several ongoing investigations.The task force's demise was authorized M ay 13 when Attorney General John Ashcroftan d Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge signed a "memorandum of agreement" givingGreen Quest's duties to the FBI. The memo , approved by President Bu sh, designated theFB I as the lead agency in the investigation of terrorist financing.The memo specifically barred further use o f the name "Green Quest."The new Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which had been toutedas the investigative arm of Hom eland Security, was removed entirely from terrorist-financing investigations. Instead, it was given "Operation Cornerstone," a program thatidentifies vulnerabilities in financial systems through which mo ney cou ld be laundered.Bu t, the memo says, when ICE agents discover terrorism-related ties, they must turn theprobe over to the FBI.Ironically, the decision to give the FB I control of Green Quest came at a time thatCustoms Commissioner Robert C. Bonner, who created the task force, was looking todouble the number of intelligence analysts assigned, expand the program throughout thecountry and open Green Q uest offices in the M iddle East and Eu rope.In January, Mr. Bonner, who now heads the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection(CBP), told The Washington Times the task force had "hit its stride" with more than 600active investigations and it was "time to expand" to c apitalize o n what he thoug ht wou ld bea successful effort to target secret financial organizations here and abroad on whichterrorists rely to raise funds to com mit new attacks. 9/29/03