Download - t. Anne Holy Kyra Rahmlow & Kenny Jilek 10:00 Kevin & Steven Cisler MUSICIANS 4:00 Marie Steeber/Peter Klein ... can

Page 1: t. Anne Holy Kyra Rahmlow & Kenny Jilek 10:00 Kevin & Steven Cisler MUSICIANS 4:00 Marie Steeber/Peter Klein ... can

Parish Staff Pastor Reverend John Becker

Parish Secretary Amy Trost ……..…..755-2550 [email protected] Religious Education Holy Cross Coordinator Marie Steeber……….755-2487 St Anne Religious Education Center Office ……...………..682-1454 Sacramental Coordinator Corrine Duffek……....755-2487

Parish Web Site

Parish Office Hours Mon, Tues, Wed & Friday 8:30am - 2:30pm Thurs 8:30am-1pm

Masses Week-Ends Saturday 4:00pm Holy Cross 6:00pm St. Anne Sunday 8:00am Holy Cross 10:00am St. Anne 8:00am St. Augustine Week-Days No scheduled Mass - Mondays Tuesday & Friday - at Holy Cross at 8:00am Wednesday & Thursday at St. Anne at 8:00am Holy-Days See Schedule Inside Reconciliation Saturday 5:20-5:30 St. Anne Saturday 3:00-3:25 Holy Cross Anytime by appointment

Serving Holy Cross Mishicot, St. Anne Francis Creek & St Augustine Kossuth

Welcome to the Catholic Parishes of

S t. Anne & Holy Cross

January 20, 2013 · Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish website:

Page 2: t. Anne Holy Kyra Rahmlow & Kenny Jilek 10:00 Kevin & Steven Cisler MUSICIANS 4:00 Marie Steeber/Peter Klein ... can


LITURGICAL ROLES JANUARY 26-27 LECTORS 4:00 Mary Scheuer 6:00 Nicole Trost 8:00 Paige Owen 10:00 Karen Suggitt EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 4:00 Glenn Nelson, Lea Baranowski Kimberly Voelker 6:00 Tom Oswald, Al Seidl Karen Valenta 8:00 JoAnn Kliment, Carol Voelker 10:00 Barb Stoker, Bob Tuma Gene Svatek ALTAR SERVERS 4:00 Michaela Butler & Jonathan Butler 6:00 Bradley & Breanna Reinhart 8:00 Kyra Rahmlow & Kenny Jilek 10:00 Kevin & Steven Cisler MUSICIANS 4:00 Marie Steeber/Peter Klein 6:00 George Gosz 8:00 Molly Dewane/Carol Jilek 10:00 George Gosz USHERS 4:00 Robert Lundstrom, Diane Anderegg Dean LeCaptain, Judy Petska 6:00 John Hutterer, Tom Oswald Scott Witczak, Carl Pfefferkorn 8:00 Roger Karman, Harvey Dvorak Jr Donald Krajnik, Tony Bohman 10:00 Art Ewen, Steve Stransky Michael Lukasik, Mike Spevacek Sanctuary Cleaners Bonnie DeMeyer and Mardell Dvorak


MONDAY JANUARY 21 No Mass TUESDAY JANUARY 22 8am (Holy Cross) Harold & Forence Petri WEDNESDAY JANUARY 23 8am (St Anne) The Living & Deceased Members of Holy Cross, St Anne, & St Augustine Parishes THURSDAY JANUARY 24 8am (St Anne) The Living & Deceased Members of Holy Cross, St Anne, & St Augustine Parishes FRIDAY JANUARY 25 8am (Holy Cross) Eugene Kempen SATURDAY JANUARY 26 4pm (Holy Cross) John Ratajczak 6pm (St Anne) Blanche Kornely SUNDAY JANUARY 27 8am (Holy Cross) Living & Deceased Members of the Libby & Pascal Brouchoud Family 8am (St Augustine) Ray Kostechka 10am (St Anne) Elmer, Marie, & Bernard Reif

January 20, 2013 2

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

STEWARDSHIP JANUARY 5-6 Holy Cross Support ........................................................................ $4288.00 Offering .......................................................................... $302.02 Total……………………………………………………..…………………..$4590.02 St. Anne Support ........................................................................ $2737.00 Offering .......................................................................... $250.00 Total……………………………………………………..…………………..$2987.00

Christ made my soul beautiful with the jewels of faith and vir-tue. I belong to Him whom the angels serve. -Saint Agnes (291-304), Virgin, Martyr, Feast Day January 21

In today’s second reading, St Paul tells the Corinthians (and us) that all of our gifts are from God and that they are giv-en, not for ourselves alone, but for the common good. But the generosity of God knows no limits - the miracle at Cana reminds us that whenever we faithfully do as God asks, He can change our gifts of water into wine!

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We had a productive Finance Council meeting at Holy Cross. Our expenditures are on track with the projections for 2012-2013. Our in-come is a bit behind from last year.

We spent time discussing our school educational en-dowments whose income is ear-marked for subsidies to both Roncalli and St Peter the Fisherman Catholic Schools where students from our parish are attending. The Council approved moving money from a low bear-ing savings account to a higher bearing investment ac-count. With the recommendation of the Parish Pastoral Council and through the efforts of the Building and Maintenance Committee, the Finance Coundil ap-proved expenditures of money for the ringing of our two bells in the steeple and air conditioning church. We talked about on-line giving and also preliminary budget preparation for 2013-2014. There is always very helpful counsel given to contin-ue to move Holy Cross forward financially at our Fi-nance Council meetings. If there is an adult in our parishes who has not been confirmed and would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please call me at the Parish Office 920-755-2550. We will set up a preparation sessions plan for reception of the Sacrament by Bishop Ricken April 13 at St Anne’s.

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time 3

Sunday January 20 - First Communion Presentation at 8am mass at Holy Cross and 10am mass at St Anne. At least one parent must accompany their child. Tuesday January 29 - Mandatory parent program at 6:30pm in Holy Cross Faith Formation Center for all parents of a First Communicant. This is a mandatory program for parents. Therefore at least one parent must attend.

Hubby: “If I had it to do all over again, do you know whom I’d marry?” Wifey: “No, whom?” Hubby: “You.” Wifey: “That’s what you think.”

SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY In 1990, Rev Brad Smith presented a challenge to his Pres-byterian congregation in South Carolina. He called upon his parishioners to consider all the food and drink they con-sumed on Super Bowl Sunday and to think of those who didn’t even have a bowl of soup to eat. His challenge to them was to bring $1 to church and offer it to those who didn’t have enough to eat. In 2013, the Christian Services Committee invites you to do likewise. Even better, consider bringing a can of soup AND $1 (or more) with you and de-posit in the containers provided at the church entrances. All proceeds will go to TREP. Make Super Bowl Sunday more than a day of extravagance-make it a day of caring! Thank You!

The Knights of Columbus of the local district are planning to have a March for Life on Tuesday, January 22, at 7pm at the St Francis of Assisi Waldo Site in from of Mary’s shrine. You are invited to join in the march and pray with the Knights of Columbus in support of the life of the unborn. This event is being held outside so please come dressed appro-priately.

5th Annual Blood Drive in Honor of Christopher Sauer on Saturday, Feb 9th from 9am-2pm at LB Clarke Middle School Two Rivers. For an appointment or eligibility ques-tions call Michael Sauer at 920-794-7520 or visit