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Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2018;16:27–38


Magnitude and Kinetics of Decrease in Liver Stiffness AfterAntiviral Therapy in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C:A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Siddharth Singh,*,‡,a Antonio Facciorusso,§,a Rohit Loomba,*,k and Yngve T. Falck-Ytter¶

*Division of Gastroenterology, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California; ‡Division of Biomedical Informatics,University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California; §Gastroenterology Unit, Department of Medical Sciences, University ofFoggia, Foggia, Italy; kNAFLD Translational Research Unit, La Jolla, California; and ¶Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, Case and VA Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

This article has an accompanying continuing medical education activity, also eligible for MOC credit, on page e8. Learning Objective–Uponcompletion of this activity, successful learners will be able to estimate magnitude and kinetics of decline in liver stiffness, as well as factorsassociated with decline in liver stiffness after antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C.


aBoth authors contributed equa

Abbreviations used in this papbody mass index; CI, confideagents; EOT, end of treatmeimmunodeficiency virus; IQR,controlled trials; SVR, sustaincontrolled transient elastograp

We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to estimate the decrease in liver stiffness,measured by vibration-controlled transient elastrography (VCTE), in patients with hepatitisC virus infection who achieved a sustained virologic response (SVR).


We searched the literature through October 2016 for observational studies or randomizedcontrolled trials of adults with hepatitis C virus infection who received antiviral therapy (eitherdirect-acting antiviral agents or interferon-based therapies), underwent liver stiffness mea-surement using VCTE before starting therapy, and had at least 1 follow-up VCTE aftercompletion of therapy; studies also provided data on mean or median liver stiffness mea-surements for patients who did and did not achieve an SVR. We identified 24 studies, andestimated weighted mean difference (and 95% confidence interval) in liver stiffness in patientswith versus without SVR using random-effects meta-analysis.


In patients who achieved SVR, liver stiffness decreased by 2.4 kPa at the end of therapy (95%CI,L1.7 toL3.0), by 3.1 kPa 1–6 months after therapy (95% CI,L1.6 toL4.7), by 3.2 kPa 6–12months after therapy (90%CI,L2.6 toL3.9), and 4.1 kPa 12months ormore after therapy (95%CI, L3.3 to L4.9) (median decrease, 28.2%; interquartile range, 21.8–34.8). In contrast, therewas no significant change in liver stiffness in patientswhodid not achieve an SVR (at 6–12monthsafter therapy, decrease of 0.6 kPa; 95% CI, L1.7 to 0.5). Decreases in liver stiffness were signif-icantly greater in patients treated with direct-acting antiviral agents than with interferon-basedtherapy (decrease of 4.5 kPavs decrease of 2.6 kPa;P[ .03), cirrhosis at baseline (decrease of 5.1kPa vs decrease of 2.8 kPa in patients with no cirrhosis; P[ .02), or high pretreatment levels ofalanine aminotransferase (P < .01). Among patients with baseline liver stiffness >9.5 kPa, 47%(95% CI, 27%–68%) achieved posttreatment liver stiffness of <9.5 kPa.


In a systematic review and meta-analysis, we associated eradication of hepatitis C virus infection(SVR) with significant decreases in liver stiffness, particularly in patients with high baseline levelof inflammation or patients who received direct-acting antiviral agents. Almost half the patientsconsidered to have advanced fibrosis, based on VCTE, before therapy achieved posttreatmentliver stiffness levels <9.5 kPa. Clinical Trial Registration no: CRD42016051034.

Keywords: DAA; ALT; Cirrhosis; Treatment Success.

lly to the article.

er: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; BMI,nce interval; DAA, direct-acting antiviralnt; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIV, humaninterquartile range; RCT, randomized

ed virologic response; VCTE, vibration-hy; WMD, weighted mean difference.

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© 2018 by the AGA Institute1542-3565/$36.00

28 Singh et al Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 16, No. 1

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Hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) is one of theleading causes of liver cirrhosis and hepatocel-

lular carcinoma with approximately 170 million peopleinfected with the virus worldwide.1,2 Recently, the Cen-ters for Disease Control and Prevention, and later the USPreventive Services Task Force, recommended screeningall adults born between 1945 and 1965 for HCV.3

Fibrosis stage and/or liver stiffness are key predictorsof adverse outcomes, and in recent years, liverstiffness assessment using vibration-controlled transientelastography (VCTE) has superseded liver biopsy as afavored noninvasive modality.4,5 In fact, draft AmericanGastroenterological Association guidelines recommendusing VCTE to replace liver biopsy in adults with HCV.

Viral eradication (assessed as sustained virologicresponse [SVR] 12–24 weeks after completion of ther-apy) has been associated with decline in liver stiffness,caused by a combination of decrease in hepatic inflam-mation and possible fibrosis regression, but there hasbeen limited assessment of the magnitude of decline.With increasing numbers of patients being cured of HCV,this decline in liver stiffness may be an importantconsequence of antiviral therapy, translating into favor-able long-term clinically relevant outcomes, althoughdefinitive evidence in this regard is still lacking.

Hence, we conducted a systematic review of studieswith paired liver stiffness measurement using VCTE,before and after antiviral therapy. We estimated (1)magnitude of change in liver stiffness at different timepoints after antiviral therapy in patients achieving SVR(end of treatment [EOT], 1–6 months after EOT includingSVR12, 6–12 months after EOT including SVR24, and>12 months after EOT); (2) magnitude of change in liverstiffness among those who achieve SVR and those whodo not achieve SVR, to estimate net decline in liverstiffness after successful viral eradication; and (3) whatproportion of patients with baseline liver stiffness >9.5(corresponding to fibrosis stages, F3 or F4), achieve liverstiffness <9.5 kPa (corresponding to <F3) 6–12 monthsafter viral eradication.


This systematic review was conducted according tothe Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviewsand Meta-Analyses guidelines, and the process followedan a priori established protocol, registered on PROSPERO(CRD: CRD42016051034).6

Selection Criteria

We included observational studies or randomizedcontrolled trials (RCTs): (1) conducted in adults (>18years) with HCV who received antiviral therapy (witheither direct-acting antiviral agents [DAAs] or interferon-based therapies); (2) underwent liver stiffness mea-surement using VCTE before starting therapy; (3) at least1 follow-up VCTE performed after completion of therapy;and (4) provided data onmean/median liver stiffnesswithmeasure of variability, stratified by patients who achievedSVR and those who did not achieve SVR (ie, both baselineand follow-up liver stiffness reported separately inpatients who achieved SVR and those who did not).

We excluded the following studies: (1) cross-sectionalstudies with no posttreatment follow-up liver stiffnessassessment, (2) studies conducted in untreated patientswith HCV or with other etiologies of liver disease(without sufficient subgroup data on patients with HCV),(3) baseline fibrosis assessed only using liver biopsy(without liver stiffness assessment), (4) liver stiffnessassessed with noninvasive tools other than VCTE, (5)data were not stratified based on SVR status, or (6) if<80% of the study cohort underwent follow-up VCTEafter completion of therapy. In the case of duplicatestudies from the same cohort, we included data from themost recent comprehensive report.

Search Strategy

We conducted a systematic search of multiple elec-tronic databases (including Medline, EMBASE, Scopus,Web of Science, Cochrane Central Register of ControlledTrials, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews)from January 1, 2005, to October 31, 2016, with nolanguage restrictions. The search was designed andconducted by an experienced medical librarian withinput from the study investigators, using controlled vo-cabulary supplemented with keywords, for observationalstudies and RCTs of patients with HCV who underwentantiviral treatment. The details of the search strategy areincluded in the online supplement. The titles and ab-stract of studies identified in the search were reviewedby 2 investigators independently (S.S., A.F.) to excludestudies that did not address the research question of in-terest, based on the aforementioned prespecified inclu-sion and exclusion criteria; full text of the remainingarticles was examined to determine whether it containedrelevant and complete information. Additional studieswere searched from the bibliographies of the selected ar-ticles and review articles on the topic. We also manuallysearched conference proceedings of major gastroenter-ology and hepatology conferences (American Associationfor the Study of the Liver Meeting, European Associationfor the Study of the Liver International Liver Congress,and Digestive Diseases Week organized in conjunctionwith the American Gastroenterological Association)from 2013 to 2016 to identify additional studies

January 2018 Decline in Liver Stiffness With Antiviral Therapy 29

published only in abstract form. Figure 1 reports theschematic diagram of study selection. Chance-adjustedagreement between reviewers was high, but not formallycalculated.

Data Abstraction and Risk of Bias Assessment

Data on the following study- and patient-relatedcharacteristics were abstracted onto a standardizedform: (1) study characteristics (first author, time periodof study/year of publication, country of the populationstudied); (2) patient characteristics (mean age, sex, bodymass index [BMI], coinfection with human immunodefi-ciency virus [HIV] or hepatitis B virus, HCV viral geno-type and viral load, baseline aspartate aminotransferaseand alanine aminotransferase [ALT], baseline cirrhosis,type and duration of antiviral therapy, number of pa-tients who achieved and did not achieve SVR); and (3)liver stiffness assessment (number of patients who un-derwent baseline and follow-up VCTE, timing of VCTE inrelation to antiviral therapy and number of patientsstudied at each time point, mean/median liver stiffnessalong with measure of variability [standard deviation,

Figure 1. Study selection flowsheet. VCTE, v

range, or interquartile range (IQR) both before and aftertherapy, stratified by SVR status]).

The risk of bias in included studies was assessedusing a modified scale derived from the Newcastle–Ottawa scale,7 and included the following 6 items: (1)representative of the average adult in the community(1 point for unselected participants in population-based,multicenter studies or RCTs; 0.5 points for unselectedparticipants in single-center hospital-based study;0 points if nonconsecutive selected group of patients);(2) large cohort size (1 point if size >200 patients,0.5 points if size between 50 and 200 patients, 0 points ifsize <50 patients); (3) adequate follow-up length afterantiviral therapy (1 point if mean follow-up of cohort >2years, 0.5 points if 6 months to 2 years, 0 points if <6months); (4) adequate reporting of conditions in whichVCTE was performed both at baseline and follow-up,such as fasting status or transaminase level <2 timesthe upper limit of normal (1 point if adequatelydescribed both preantiviral and postantiviral therapy, 0.5points if described only at baseline, 0 points if notmentioned); (5) presence of confounders for liver stiff-ness assessment (which may independently modify

ibration-controlled transient elastography.

Table 1. Characteristics of Included Observational Studies Assessing Change in Liver Stiffness in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C

Study, yLocation; time

period; follow-upTreatment;duration; n

Biopsy (n);cirrhosis based

on biopsy SVR/nSVR

IntervalEOT-LSM (mo);n with multipleassessments

Baseline LSM(IQR)

Arima et al, 201012 Japan; 2005–2008; 2 y IFN � ribavirin; 24, 48, or72 wk according togenotype; 145

142; 23 93/52 0, 1, and 2 y; 142 SVR pts, 8 (5–11.9);relapsers, 10.6(7–16.6); nSVR pts,9.9 (5.7–15.7)

Bachofner et al, 201713 Switzerland;2013–2015; 40 wk

DAAs; 15.67 wk (mean); 392 222; 52 365/27 12 and 40 wk;392 at 12 wkand 143 at 40 wk

Overall, 12.65 (9.45–19.2);SVR pts, 12.5 (9.2–18.2);nSVR pts, 19.4 (10.8–32.5)

Bernuth et al, 201614 Germany; 2014; 12 wk DAAs � IFN; 12 wk; 32 NR; NR 30/2 0 and 12 wk; 29 8 (6.7–9.5)Bourliere et al, 2015a34 France; NR; 24 wk DAAs; 12 or 24 wk; 137 NR; NR 137/0 24 wk; 137 17.5 (14.3–26.3)Bruno et al, 2016a29 Italy; NR; 24 wk DAAs; NR; 84 NR; NR 84/0 24 wk; 84 15.5 (7–35)Carton et al, 201315 Spain; 2002–2010; 2 y IFN � ribavirin; NR;

210 (only 90 with LSM)141; 51 80 (39 with LSM)/130

(51 with LSM)0 and 2 y; 90 SVR pts,

10.2 (7.6–12.5); nSVR pts,10.2 (7.6–20.5)

Chekuri et al, 201616 USA; 2008–2016; 1.7 y IFN þ ribavirin (52 pts),DAAs (48 pts); NR; 100

None; 0 100/0 24 wk and 1.67 y(median); 100 at24 wk and 56 at >1 y

10.4 (7.25–18.6)

Crisan et al, 201217 Romania; 2008–2010; 24 wk IFN þ ribavirin; 48 wk; 179 179; 38 99/80 24 wk; 179 SVR pts, 7 (95% CI, 6–8.57);nSVR pts, 10 (8.56–12.53)

El Saadany et al, 201618 Egypt; 2012–2014; until EOT IFN þ ribavirin; 48 wk; 300 300; 0 167/133 0 wk; 300 F0/1 pts, 5.7 � 1.12(mean � SD); F2/3 pts,11.4 � 6.25

Fransen Van dePutte et al, 201235

Holland; 2005–2009; 2.5 y IFN þ ribavirin; NR; 17 None; 0 17/0 2.5 y (IQR, 1.8–2.8); 17 10.3

Gamal et al, 2015a32 Italy; 2015; 12 wk DAAs; NR; 50 None; 0 50/0 12 wk; 50 21.6 � 10Hezode et al, 201119 France; 2005–2007; 24 wk IFN þ ribavirin; 12 or 24 wk

according to genotype; 91None; 0 59/32 0, 12, and 24 wk; 91 11.1 (8.4–16.3)

Iacob et al, 2016a30 Romania; NR; until EOT DAAs; NR; 72 NR; NR 72/0 EOT; 72 11.9 � 1.8Lens et al, 2016a33 Spain; NR; 24 wk DAAs; NR; 82 NR; NR 82/0 24 wk; 82 31 � 15Knop et al, 201620 Germany; 2014–2015; 24 wk DAAs; 12 or 24 wk according

to genotype; 54None; 0 54/0 0 and 24 wk; 54 32.4 (range, 9.1–75)

Macias et al, 201021 Spain; 2006–2008; 24 wk IFN þ ribavirin; 24 or48 wk according togenotype; 143

None; 0 80/63 24 wk; 143 8.1 (6.2–11.4)

Mandorfer et al, 201622 Austria; NR; 42�2.8 wk DAAs; 12 or 24 wk accordingto genotype; 31

None; 0 31/0 32.7 � 1.2 wk; 31 11.8 (11.5)

Martinez et al, 201223 Spain/France/Italy;2008–2009; 72 wk

IFN þ ribavirin; 24 or 48 wkaccording to genotype; 323

189; 32 202/121 0 and 24 wk; 323 10.6 � 8.9

Ogawa et al, 200925 Japan; NR; 96 wk IFN þ ribavirin; 24 or 48 wkaccording to genotype; 126

118; 16 57/69 0, 48, and 96 wk; 126 SVR pts, 10.3 � 4.8;nonSVR pts, 10 � 5.5




































































































































































.a D





January 2018 Decline in Liver Stiffness With Antiviral Therapy 31

stiffness even after achieving SVR), such as acute hepatitis,HIV, or hepatitis B virus coinfection, or excessive alcoholconsumption (1 point if absence of all confounders, 0.5 ifpresence of 1 confounder in a subset of patients [<30% ofcohort], 0 points if >30% of cohort has confoundersor data not reported); and (6) other potential sources ofrisk of bias. Studies with score >4, 3–4, and <3 weresuggestive of low, moderate, or high risk of bias.

Outcomes Assessed

Primary outcome. Theprimary outcomeof interestwaschange in liver stiffness, 6–12 months after completion ofantiviral therapy in those who achieve viral eradication, ascompared with pretreatment liver stiffness.

Temporal evolution of liver stiffness after viraleradication. To assess temporal evolution of change inliver stiffness after completion of antiviral therapy, weperformed separate analyses based on timing of post-treatment liver stiffness assessment (EOT; within 1–6months after EOT, including patients with SVR12; 6–12months after EOT, including patients with SVR24; and>1year after EOT) in patients who achieved viral eradication.

Subgroup and sensitivity analyses. To understandstability of association and identify factors that may influ-ence magnitude of change in liver stiffness 6–12 monthsafter EOT (or heterogeneity in summary estimate), weperformed subgroup analyses based on type of antiviraltherapy (DAAs vs interferon-based therapies), baselinecirrhosis either based on author-defined VCTE cutoff(range, 12.5–14.6kPa)or liverbiopsy (>75%of cohortwithcirrhosis vs <75% with cirrhosis), coinfection with HIV(>30% with coinfection HIV vs 0%–30% of cohort),geographic location (Western vs Asian), and publicationtype (full-text vs conference proceedings). Additionally, tounderstand the impact of baseline factors that may influ-ence change in liver stiffness,weperformedmetaregressionbased onmean BMI of cohort, mean pretreatment ALT, andproportion of cirrhosis. We also performed sensitivityanalysis, restricting only to high-quality studies.

Secondary outcomes. To estimate net decline in liverstiffness after viral eradication, we compared the change inliver stiffness in those who achieved SVR with those whodid not achieve SVR. Finally, we estimatedwhat proportionof patients with pretreatment liver stiffness >9.5 kPaachieved posttreatment liver stiffness <9.5 kPa after SVR.

Statistical Analysis

We used the random-effects model of DerSimonianand Laird to calculate weighted mean difference (WMD)and 95% confidence intervals (CI) between pretreatmentand posttreatment liver stiffness in patients whoachieved SVR and those who did not achieve SVR.8 For allanalyses, median was consider equivalent to mean, andIQR was converted to standard deviation by dividing by1.35, and range was transformed to standard deviationby dividing by 4, in accordance with the Cochrane

Table 2. Baseline Characteristics of Patients Included in Observational Studies Assessing Liver Stiffness Change After Antiviral Therapy in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C

Study, y

Age (IQR) Sex male (%) BMI (IQR) HIV (%) Genotype (1/2/3/4) Viral load (IQR) AST/ALT baseline (IQR)


Arima et al,201012

55 (55.3–69.8) 56 (49.5–62.5) 61 (65.5) 18 (34.6) NR None 44/48/1/0 44/8/0/0 850 (158–2405)KIU/mL

1550 (645–2850)KIU/mL

48 (29–70.3)/65(43.8–97.5)

47.5 (31.5–64)/52 (31.5–75)

Bachofner et al,201713

55 (49–64) 57 (53–62) 229 (62.7) 21 (72.4) 24.9(22.5–28)

27.8 (25.4–30.9)

28 (7.7) 2 (7.4) 232/33/63/37

12/3/7/5 6.09 (6–6.54)log10IU/mL

6.63 (5.9–6.7)log10IU/mL


Bernuth et al,201614

54.5 (49–58) 18 (56.2) 23.5 (22.4–28.6) 1 (3.1) 22/6/3/1 1.7 � 106 IU/mL(1.2 � 106–1.8 � 106)

51 (44.5–63)/59 (50–80.5)

Bourliere et al,2015a34

56 (50–62) NR 26.4 (23.8–29) None NR NR NR

Bruno et al,2016a29

NR NR NR 31 (36.9) NR NR NR

Carton et al,201315

43.9 (40.3–47.8) 45.4(42.2–48.8)

60 (75) 102 (78.5) NR 80 (100) 130 (100) 1 + 4: 252 + 3: 55

1 + 4: 892 + 3: 41

5.84 (5.11–6.22)log10IU/mL

6.28 (5.8–6.65)log10IU/mL


Chekuri et al,201616

60 (54–64) 72 (72) 25.8 (23.3–28.6) None 85/10/5/0 NR 58 (38–94)/72 (46–125)

Crisan et al,201217

50.7 � 10.7 49.3 � 9.6 29 (29.3) 28 (35) 26.3 � 4.6 27.3 � 5.1 None 99/0/0/0 80/0/0/0 1.09 � 106 IU/mL(0.62–1.52)

1.28 � 106 IU/mL(1.06–1.78)

47.5 (37.4–59.5)/70 (53.6–86.4)

58.5 (51.6–66.3)/87 (72.3–105.7)

El Saadanyet al, 201618

1: 43.6 � 8.92: 46.6 � 8

1: 95 (63.3)2: 106 (70.6)


Fransen Vande Putteet al, 201235

39 (range, 20–58) 16 (94) 25 (22.4–26.6) None 12/0/4/1 NR NR

Gamal et al,2015a32

66.8 � 10.2 64% 54% with BMI >25 NR NR NR NR

Hezode et al,201119

52.4 � 11.6 63 (69.2) 24.9 � 3.5 None 1 + 4: 492 + 3: 42

5.8 log10IU/mL (5.2–6.2) NR/101 (63–153)

Iacob et al,2016a30

55.2 � 7 40 (55.5) NR NR NR NR NR

Lens et al,2016a33


Knop et al,201620

57 (range, 30–86) 37 (68.5) 26.1 (range, 19–44) 2 (3.7) 36/0/13/5 6.35 � 6.43 log10IU/mL 82 (range, 17–260)/71 (range, 17–254)

Macias et al,201021

42 (38–45) 114 (80) NR 97 (67.8) 82/3/45/15 6.52 log10IU/mL (5.83–6.96) NR/57 (36–84)

Mandorferet al, 201622

49.2 � 1.4 20 (64.5) NR 31 (100) 21/0/7/3 NR NR

Martinez et al,201223

48.5 � 11.2 214 (66.3) 24.6 � 3.4 None 186/41/76/17 5.8 log10IU/mL � 0.9 AST/ULN, 1.9 � 1.4ALT/ULN, 2.7 � 2.7

Ogawa et al,200925

52.7 � 13.2 60.3 � 9.3 30 (52.6) 25 (36.2) 23.1 � 3.1 22.8 � 3.1 None 34/23/0/0 65/4/0/0 1565 � 1645KIU/mL

2014 � 1455KIU/mL

65 � 39.2/88.3 � 73.7

65.8 � 42.4/72.7 � 53.2





























log 1





















6.4log 1




















6.3log 1












































































a Datareportedas




January 2018 Decline in Liver Stiffness With Antiviral Therapy 33

manual.9 Heterogeneity between study-specific estimateswas estimated using the inconsistency index (I2), andcutoffs of <30%, 30%–59%, 60%–75% and >75%suggested low, moderate, substantial, and considerableheterogeneity, respectively.10 Sources of heterogeneitywere investigated using subgroup analyses by stratifyingoriginal estimates according to study characteristicsasdescribed previously, or using metaregression (forcontinuous variables); P < .05 was suggestive of thegrouping variable being a significant source of hetero-geneity. Small study effects were assessed qualitativelyusing funnel plot asymmetry and quantitatively usingthe Egger regression test.11 All analysis was performedusing Comprehensive Meta-Analysis version 2 (Biostat,Englewood, NJ).


From a total of 2377 unique studies identified usingour search strategy, 23 observational studies and 1 posthoc analysis of an RCT were included in this ana-lysis.12–35 Fifteen studies were excluded because of lackof data stratified by SVR status, 22 were excludedbecause of lack of repeated paired Liver Stiffness Mea-surement, 15 because they were conducted on untreatedpatients (or merged data of treated and untreatedcohorts), and 4 because of high dropout rate (>20%).

Characteristics and Quality of Included Studies

Table 1 describes the characteristics of the includedstudies. We identified 24 observational studies including2934 patients with HCV with paired VCTE before andafter antiviral therapy (2214 patients achieved SVR). Atotal of 19 studies were conducted in Europe; 2 studiesin Japan; and 1 each in United States, China, and Egypt. Ofthe 24 studies, 15 reported the primary outcome ofchange in liver stiffness, 6–12 months after completion ofantiviral therapy, in 1548 patients who achievedSVR.12,13,16,17,19–25,27,29,33,34 All studies only reporteddata from reliable VCTE readings (at least 10 validatedmeasurements, and an IQR [reflects variations amongmeasurements] of <30% of the median value).

Table 2 describes the baseline characteristics of pa-tients in the included studies. The mean age of partici-pants at the time of initial biopsy ranged from 39 yearsto 67 years; most patients were males. The mean BMIranged from 22.8 kg/m2 to 27.8 kg/m2, and the meanALT ranged from 52 IU/L to 110 IU/L. In includedstudies, 0%–89% of patients had baseline cirrhosis; in 5studies, >75% of patients had cirrhosis. In 3 studies,>50% patients were coinfected with HIV. Concomitantdiabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, excessive alcoholuse, and hepatitis B virus was inconsistently reported, andwhen reported, was present in <10% of cohort. Patientswere treated with interferon-based therapy in 8 studies,and DAAs in 6 studies. Overall, 9 studies were deemed tobe at low risk of bias (Supplementary Table 1).

34 Singh et al Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 16, No. 1

Change in Liver Stiffness in Patients WithViral Eradication

At 6–12 months after end of therapy. On pooled anal-ysis of patients who achieved SVR, the mean liver stiffnessdeclined by 3.2 kPa (95% CI, 2.6–3.9), as comparedwith pretreatment liver stiffness, 6–12 months afterEOT, with substantial heterogeneity (I2 ¼ 65%)(Figure 2).12,13,16,17,19–25,27,29,33,34 The median relativedecline in liver stiffness was 28.2% (IQR, 21.8–34.8). Incontrast, mean liver stiffness remained fairly unchanged6–12months after EOT in patientswho did not achieve SVR(WMD, �0.6; 95% CI, �1.7 to 0.5; P ¼ .31; 7 studies).

In 4 studies, with 191 patients who achieved SVR andwere classified as having cirrhosis (based on investigator-defined liver stiffness>12.5–14.6 kPa or histology) beforetherapy, 26.6% (95% CI, 15.9%–40.9%; I2 ¼ 61%) ofpatients had decline in liver stiffness to<9.5 kPa.12,15,16,34

Similarly, from 261 patients who achieved SVR and wereclassified as having advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis (basedon liver stiffness >9.5 kPa), 47.1% (95% CI, 27.1–68.0;

Figure 2. Forest plot with individual studies showing magnitudewho achieve sustained virologic response, as compared with b

I2 ¼ 89%) of patients had posttreatment liver stiffness<9.5 kPa.12,15,16,22,34

Subgroup analysis and metaregression. On subgroupanalysis, the magnitude of decline in liver stiffness washigher in patients treatedwithDAAs (WMD,�4.6 kPa; 95%CI, �3.3 to �5.6) as compared with patients treated withinterferon-based therapies (WMD, �2.6; 95% CI, �1.9to �3.4; Pinteraction ¼ .03), and in cohorts where mostpatients had baseline cirrhosis (>75% cirrhosis vs <75%cirrhosis: WMD, �5.1 kPa vs �2.8 kPa; Pinteraction ¼ .02)(Table 3). Of note, although the absolute magnitude ofdecline was higher in patients with high baseline stiffness,the relative magnitude of decline was comparable. Nosignificant differences were observed based on presenceor absence of HIV coinfection or geographic location.

On metaregression, the magnitude of decline in liverstiffness was dependent on baseline ALT (ie, cohorts inwhich patients had highermean baseline ALT experienceda more significant decline in liver stiffness after SVR, ascompared with patients with lower mean ALT; P < .001)(Supplementary Figure 1A). Similarly, cohorts with higher

and kinetics of decline in liver stiffness in patients with HCVaseline, before antiviral therapy.

Table 3. Subgroup Analysis, Evaluating Sources of Heterogeneity in the Magnitude of Decline in Liver Stiffness 6–12 MonthsAfter Therapy in Patients Who Achieve SVR


(n)Change in liverstiffness (kPa)

Within-groupheterogeneity (%) (I2)


Antiviral therapyInterferon-based therapy 8 �2.63 (�1.91 to �3.36) 59 .03Direct-acting antivirals 6 �4.46 (�3.32 to �5.59) 45

Coinfection with HIV (>30% with HIV)Yes 3 �2.41 (�0.51 to �4.31) 20 .37No 12 �3.33 (�2.65 to �4.02) 63

Primarily patients with cirrhosis (>75%)Yes 5 �5.07 (�3.26 to �6.87) 40 .02No 10 �2.79 (�2.18 to �3.41) 56

LocationWestern 13 �3.30 (�2.52 to �4.08) 69 .52Asian 2 �2.88 (�1.88 to �3.88) 0

Publication typeFull text 12 �4.42 (�3.53 to �5.29) 60 .01Abstract 3 �2.90 (�2.23 to �3.57) 0

HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; SVR, sustained virologic response.

Figure 3. Comparison of change in liver stiffness over time, inpatients with HCV who achieve SVR versus patients who donot achieve SVR.

January 2018 Decline in Liver Stiffness With Antiviral Therapy 35

proportion of patients with baseline cirrhosis (or higherpretreatment liver stiffness) experienced greater absolutedecline in liver stiffness (P ¼ .006) (SupplementaryFigure 1B). No association was observed between base-line BMI and magnitude of decline in liver stiffness(P ¼ .34) (Supplementary Figure 1C).

Temporal Evolution of Change in Liver Stiffness

In assessing temporal evolution of decline in liverstiffness in patients who achieved SVR, liver stiffnessdeclined by 2.4 kPa (95% CI, 1.7–3.0) at EOT (9 stud-ies),12,15,18–20,23–25,28,30 3.1 kPa (95% CI, 1.6–4.6) 1–6months after EOT (5 studies, including patients withSVR12),13,14,19,31,32 and 4.1 kPa (95% CI, 3.3–4.9) >12months after completion of antiviral therapy (8 studies)(Figure 3).12,15–17,24–26,28,35 Overall, this change in stiff-ness over time was statistically significant (P ¼ .014). Incontrast, mean liver stiffness at EOT and >12 monthsafter completion of antiviral therapy in those withoutSVR was unchanged as compared with pretreatmentliver stiffness (EOT: WMD, �0.5 [95% CI, �1.5 to 0.5];>12 months after EOT: WMD, 0.9 [95% CI, �1.9 to 3.2]).In comparing patients who achieved SVR with no SVR,the overall difference in magnitude of decline in liverstiffness was �3.3 kPa (95% CI, �2.2 to �4.6) at 6–12months after completion of therapy. This magnitude ofdifference also increased with increasing time sinceantiviral therapy (P ¼ .003) (Supplementary Figure 2).

Sensitivity Analysis and Publication Bias

The primary results were unchanged on sensitivityanalysis restricted to high-quality studies (change in liverstiffness in patients with SVR, 6–12 months afterEOT: �3.0 [95% CI, �2.1 to �3.9]). There was no

evidence of small study effects quantitatively based onfunnel plot, or qualitatively based on Egger test (P ¼ .27).


Through a systematic review of 24 studies withpaired liver stiffness measurement using VCTE, beforeand after antiviral therapy, we made several key obser-vations. First, liver stiffness decreases significantly, byapproximately 3.1 kPa, in 6–12 months after achievingviral eradication; in contrast, liver stiffness remains un-changed in patients who do not achieve SVR. The median

36 Singh et al Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 16, No. 1

decline in liver stiffness was 28.2%, with an IQR of21.8%–34.8%. Approximately 47% of patients withbaseline liver stiffness in the advanced fibrosis orcirrhosis range (>9.5 kPa), have posttreatment liverstiffness<9.5 kPa. Second, in patientswho achieve SVR, themagnitude of decline in liver stiffness is incrementalover time after completion of therapy, increasing progres-sively from�2.4 kPa at EOT to�4.1 kPa at 12 months andbeyond. Third, the magnitude of decline in liver stiffness ishigher in patientswith high baseline liver stiffness, patientstreated with DAAs (vs patients treated with interferon-based therapies), and patients with high baseline amino-transferases (a marker of hepatic inflammation beforetherapy). These findings are directly applicable to patientcare and health policy. Because increasing numbers ofpatients are seeking care and are being cured of HCV,estimation of magnitude of decline in liver stiffness non-invasively after viral eradicationmay help identify patientslikely to be at low risk of liver-related complications(eg, patients without cirrhosis with posttreatment liverstiffness <9.5kPa), although robust evidence of howdecline in liver stiffness correlates with improvement inclinically relevant outcomes is very limited.

With increasing reliance on noninvasive modalitiesfor fibrosis assessment in patients with chronic liverdiseases, and ease of serial measurement, assessment ofchange in liver stiffness is perhaps more relevant thanchange in fibrosis stage. Decline in liver stiffnessfollowing viral eradication is probably a combination ofresolution of hepatic inflammation, and regression offibrosis; it is probable that early decline is largely relatedto resolution of inflammation, whereas continued declinebeyond 1 year after EOT may be related to fibrosisregression, as has been observed with paired liver biopsystudies with interferon-based therapy.36,37 However,detailed prospective studies are warranted to evaluateshort- and long-term implications of rapidity andmagnitude of decline in liver stiffness with antiviraltherapy. Although progressive increase in liver stiffnesshas been associated with worsening liver-related com-plications regardless of fibrosis stage, at this time, it isconjectural that decline in liver stiffness will likelytranslate into lower risk of liver-related complications.

We observed a greater magnitude of decline in liverstiffness in patients who achieved SVR with DAAs versusinterferon-based therapy. This may be related to morerapid clearance of viremia observed with DAAs, withassociated rapid decline in hepatic inflammation andfibrogenesis, or potentially higher baseline stiffness inDAA-treated patients resulting in greater magnitude ofdecline in stiffness. We also observed a greater magni-tude of decline in liver stiffness in patients with higherbaseline liver stiffness, as compared with those withlower baseline stiffness, and in those with higher base-line ALT. This may be a reflection of higher hepatic in-flammatory burden, which responds rapidly to effectiveantiviral therapy, causing a larger magnitude of changein stiffness, although its clinical significance in terms of

more favorable long-term outcomes is still unclear. It isimportant to note that in cohorts with higher medianbaseline stiffness, although the absolute decline in liverstiffness with SVR was higher (as compared with cohortswith lower median stiffness), the relative magnitude ofdecline in stiffness was more homogeneous (28.2%decline [IQR, 21.8–34.8]). We did not observe any signif-icant difference in change in stiffness based on BMI, onmetaregression. There was very limited data on coexistingdiabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or alcohol con-sumption, so the potential impact of these ongoing hepaticinsults on change in liver stiffness remains to be seen.

The strengths of our systematic review include a(1) comprehensive and systematic literature search withwell-defined and restrictive inclusion criteria (limitingto studies in which >80% patients underwent posttreat-ment VCTE); (2) stratification of analyses by SVR statusallowing for comparative assessment, although the numberof SVR patients was considerably higher because of theinclusion of several studies reporting only on patients withSVR; (3) recognizing temporal evolution of liver stiffnessfollowing SVR and a priori determining primary time pointof analysis; (4) rigorous evaluation of study quality,which has been used as the basis for sensitivity analysis;(5) assessment of multiple, clinically relevant end points;and (6) performing several preplanned subgroup andsensitivity analyses andmetaregression accounting for keydeterminants of change in liver stiffness.

There are several limitations in ourmeta-analysis. First,we did not have access to individual participant data,and hence all analyses were performed at study-level,using mean or median liver stiffness pretherapy andposttherapy to inform magnitude of change in stiffness.Moreover, patients recruited in the studies conducted withDAAs presented higher baseline liver stiffness, which mayplay a role in the greater magnitude in decline in liverstiffness observed in this subgroup. Second, timing ofVCTE post-SVR was also based on mean/median time, asopposed to a fixed time point at which all patients under-went assessment; hence, we used ranges of time of post-treatment VCTE assessment in reporting our analyses.Third, follow-up assessment after SVRwas relatively short,hence, long-term evolution of liver stiffness after antiviraltherapy and impact of decline in liver stiffness on patientclinical outcomes could not be ascertained. Fourth, studiesdid not consistently report potential confounders, such asnonalcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetes, and alcoholconsumption, which may influence liver stiffness. Whenvariables were available, such as coinfection with HIV ormean BMI, we performed subgroup analysis or metare-gression, and observed no significant impact onmagnitudeof decline in stiffness. Finally, our systematic reviewfocused only on VCTE and no other modalities of liverstiffness assessment, such as shear-wave elastography oracoustic radiation force impulse.38,39

In conclusion, liver stiffness measured using VCTEdeclines significantly after achieving SVR (median,28.2%), and the magnitude of decline is incremental with

January 2018 Decline in Liver Stiffness With Antiviral Therapy 37

time since antiviral therapy.Magnitude of decline is higherin patients treated with DAAs, and in patients with higherbaseline stiffness. Approximately 47% of patients withbaseline classification of having advanced fibrosis orcirrhosis range liver stiffness, may have decline of post-treatment liver stiffness to <9.5 kPa. With this decline inliver stiffness, it is conceivable that risk of liver-relatedcomplications would decrease, particularly in patientswithout cirrhosis. Future research is warranted on theimpact of magnitude and kinetics of decline in liver stiff-ness on improvement in liver-related outcomes.

Supplementary Material

Note: To access the supplementary material accom-panying this article, visit the online version of ClinicalGastroenterology and Hepatology at,and at


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Reprint requestsAddress requests for reprints to: Siddharth Singh, MD, MS, Division ofGastroenterology, University of California San Diego, 9452 Medical CenterDrive, ACTRI 1W 501, La Jolla, California 92093. e-mail: [email protected]; fax:858-657-7259.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Kellee Kaulback, Medical Information Officer, Health QualityOntario, for helping in the literature search for this systematic review. They alsothank Dr Andrew Muir, Chief, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Duke University for reviewing the manuscript and offering comments.

Conflicts of interestThe authors disclose no conflicts.

FundingSiddharth Singh is supported by the National Institutes of Health/NationalLibrary of Medicine training grant T15LM011271.

Details of Search Strategy (PubMed)

1 exp drug-induced liver injury/ or exp fattyliver/ or exp Hepatitis C/ or expHepatitis B/ or exp hypertension, portal/


2 exp Liver Diseases/ 463,8753 exp Methotrexate/ae, to, po [Adverse Effects,

Toxicity, Poisoning]7330

4 (hepatitis adj3 (b or c)).ti,ab. 105,9895 ((non?alcoholic adj5 (liver or hepatitis or

fatty or steato*)) or NAFLD or NASH).ti,ab.8811

6 (portal adj2 hypertension).ti,ab. 14,5547 2 and 3 5978 1 or (4 or 5 or 6 or 7) 195,2979 exp Elasticity Imaging Techniques/ 437510 (elastogra* or elastometr* or sono?

elastogra* or vibro?acoustogra* orfibroscan or fibro scan or TE or(elasticity adj3 imag*) or (measure* adj2(liver adj2 stiff*))).ti,ab.


11 9 or 10 17,81912 8 and 11 110313 limit 12 to (English language

and yr¼“2005 -Current”)977

14 animals/ not (humans/ and animals/) 4,138,87215 13 not 14 96316 limit 15 to (case reports or

comment or editorial or letter)104

17 15 not 16 859

January 2018 Decline in Liver Stiffness With Antiviral Therapy 38.e1

SupplementaryFigure 1.Metaregression showingmagnitude of change in liverstiffness by (A) baseline ALT, (B)proportion of patients withcirrhosis, and (C) baseline bodymass index.

38.e2 Singh et al Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 16, No. 1

Supplementary Figure 2. Difference in liver stiffness at different time points in patients who achieve SVR versus those who donot achieve SVR, demonstrating net decline in liver stiffness.

January 2018 Decline in Liver Stiffness With Antiviral Therapy 38.e3

Supplementary Table 1. Risk of Bias Assessment of Included Studies

Study, y

Representativeof theaverage

adult in thecommunity



Circumstancesfor TE performanceat baseline and

follow-up(fasting or

transaminaselevel <2 � ULN)

Presence ofconfounders forTE assessment(acute hepatitis,HIV, or HBV

coinfection; alcohol;NAFLD; BMI >30)

Otherrisk ofbias

Total score(maximum, 6)

Arima et al, 2010 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 4.5Bachofner et al, 2017 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 4Bernuth et al, 2016 0.5 0 0 1 1 1 3.5Bourliere et al, 2015a 0 0.5 0.5 0 1 0 2Bruno et al, 2016a 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 0 2Carton et al, 2013 1 0.5 1 0 0 1 3.5Chekuri et al, 2016 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 1 4Crisan et al, 2012 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 4.5El Saadany et al, 2016 0.5 1 0 0 1 1 3.5Fransen Van de

Putte et al, 20120.5 0 1 0 1 1 3.5

Gamal et al, 2015a 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 1Hezode et al, 2011 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 4.5Iacob et al, 2016a 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 1Lens et al, 2016a 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 2Knop et al, 2016 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 4.5Macias et al, 2010 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 1 3.5Mandorfer et al, 2016 0.5 0 0.5 1 0.5 1 3.5Martinez et al, 2012 1 1 0.5 0 1 1 4.5Ogawa et al, 2009 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 4.5Quing et al, 2015 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 4.5Martini et al, 2017 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 4.5Saez-Royuela et al, 2016 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 4.5Stasi et al, 2013 0.5 0.5 1 0 1 1 4Stradella et al, 2016a 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 0 0 1.5

NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; TE, transient elastography; ULN, upper limit of normal.Quality of included studies was assessed according to the following domains: (1) representative of the average adult in the community (1 point for unselectedparticipants in population-based, multicenter studies or RCTs; 0.5 points for unselected participants in single-center hospital-based study; 0 points ifnonconsecutive selected group of patients); (2) large cohort size (1 point if size >200 patients; 0.5 points if size between 50 and 200 patients; 0 points if size <50patients); (3) adequate follow-up length after antiviral therapy (1 point if mean follow-up of cohort >2 years; 0.5 points if 6 months to 2 years; 0 points if<6 months);(4) adequate reporting of conditions in which TE was performed both at baseline and follow-up, such as fasting status or transaminase level <2 times upper limit ofnormal (1 point if adequately described both preantiviral and postantiviral therapy; 0.5 points if described only at baseline; 0 points if not mentioned); (5) presenceof confounders for liver stiffness assessment (which may independently modify stiffness even after achieving SVR), such as acute hepatitis, HIV, or HBVcoinfection, excessive alcohol consumption (1 point if absence of all confounders; 0.5 if presence of 1 confounder in a subset of patients (<30% of cohort);0 points if >30% of cohort has confounders or data not reported); and (6) other potential sources of risk of bias. Studies with score >4, 3–4, and <3 weresuggestive of low, moderate, or high risk of bias.aData reported as congress abstracts.

38.e4 Singh et al Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Vol. 16, No. 1