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FS 2015 34



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Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti PutraMalaysia, in Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree of Doctor of


October 2015

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Walillahi hamd

In loving memory of my late Son, Father and Grandfather. I pray Allah Subahana-

Wata-Allah (S.W.T) grant them mercy and a place in Aljannatu – Firdausi, Amen.

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Abstract of thesis presented to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia infulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy





October 2015

Chairperson : Zulkifly Abbas, PhDFaculty : Science

A growing number of demanding applications in high frequency electronics andtelecommunications depends on the absorbing properties of materials. Theelectromagnetic properties of microwave absorbers and radar-absorbingmaterials are critical issues that need to be resolved in many military applicationsdealing with reduction of radar signature of aircraft and ships. For industrialequipment and home appliance applications, the Electromagnetic CompatibilityCompliance Directive (ECCD), demands electromagnetic interference sideeffects be eliminated or marginally minimised. The equipment must not disturbradio and telecommunication as well as other appliances. Additionally, theECCD also governs the immunity of such equipment to interference and seeksto ensure that this equipment is not disturbed by radio emissions when used asintended. Many type of absorbing materials are commercially available.However, many are expensive and not environmentally friendly.

This thesis describes the synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide (ZnO)nanoparticles and ZnO-PCL nanocomposites using the microwave irradiationand melt blend techniques respectively. Two types of pellets with dimension of6.0 cm X 3.6 cm and 0.11 cm X 0.22 cm were prepared for the measurement ofcomplex permittivity of the different % of the composites using open endedcoaxial probe (OEC), while the latter dimension were used in a rectangularwaveguide (RWG) in measuring both the permittivity and permeability of thedifferent % composites.

Comparison of permittivity between OEC and RWG results were carried out forall materials used in this study (PTFE, PCL and composites with differentpercentages of ZnO nanofillers). The effect of the different % ZnO nanofiller onthe permittivity of the composites were also investigated. Attenuation, powerloss and absorption due to sample thickness and ZnO nanofiller inclusion in thecomposites were investigated using finite element method (FEM) and RWGmethods, whilst transmission and reflection coefficient were measured,simulated and calculated using RWG, FEM, and Nicholson Ross Weir (NRW)methods respectively.

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Microstrip and FEM techniques were used to determine both the transmissionand reflection coefficients and electric field distribution for the different % ZnO-PCL nanocomposites pellets when placed on top a microstrip. Comparison ofthe measured and calculated scattering parameters were also investigated.Furthermore, the results obtained from the scattering parameters were used todetermine the attenuation of the different % of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites pellets.Finally, the effect of the different % ZnO nanofiller on electric field wasinvestigated by visualizing the electric field distribution of the ZnO-PCLnanocomposites pellets placed on top a microstrip using finite element method.Findings from investigations showed that the complex permittivity valuesobtained using the OEC method were in good agreement with the RWGtechnique, whilst increase of ZnO nanofiller percentage into the polymer matrixincreased the dielectric constant, loss factor, attenuation, absorption, realpermeability, imaginary permeability and reflection coefficient of the composites.The attenuation obtained for the 70 % filler composition was -18 dB which isgood for microwave absorption whilst the microwave irradiation technique wasable to synthesize ZnO nanoparticles with an average particle size of 57.5 nm.

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Abstrak tesis yang dikemukakan kepada Senat Universiti Putra Malaysiasebagai memenuhi keperluan untuk ijazah Doktor Falsafah





Oktober 2015

Pengerusi : Professor Madya Zulkifly Abbas, PhDFakulti : Sains

Semakin banyak aplikasi dalam elektronik frekuensi tinggi dan telekomunikasiyang dikehendaki bergantung kepada sifat-penyerapan bahan. Sifatelektromagnet penyerap gelombang mikro dan bahan penyerap radar adalah isukritikal yang perlu diselesaikan dalam banyak aplikasi ketenteraan berurusandengan pengurangan isyarat radar pesawat dan kapal. Untuk aplikasi peralatanindustri dan perkakas rumah, Arahan Pematuhan Keserasian Elektromagnet(ECCD), menuntut agar kesan sampingan gangguan elektromagnet dihapuskanatau dikurangkan sedikit. Alat ini tidak boleh mengganggu radio dantelekomunikasi serta peralatan lain. Tambahan pula ECCD juga mengawalketahanan peralatan untuk turut serta dan berusaha untuk memastikan bahawaalat ini tidak diganggu oleh pancaran radio apabila digunakan seperti yangsepatutnya. Banyak jenis bahan penyerapan boleh didapati secara komersial.Walau bagaimanapun, kebanyakannya adalah mahal dan tidak mesra alam.

Tesis ini menerangkan sintesis dan pencirian zink oksida (ZnO) zarah nanomenggunakan penyinaran gelombang mikro dan ZnO-PCL nanokompositmenggunakan teknik cair dan gabung. Dua jenis pelet dengan dimensi 6.0 cm X3.6 cm dan 0.11 cm X 0.22 cm disediakan untuk mengukur ketelusan kompleksyang berbeza peratusan komposit dengan menggunakan prob sepaksi hujungterbuka (OEC), manakala dimensi yang kedua digunakan dalam pandugelombang segi empat tepat (RWG) untuk mengukur ketelusan dankebolehtelapan yang mempunyai peratusan komposit yang berbeza.

Perbandingan ketelusan antara keputusan OEC dan RWG telah dijalankan bagisemua bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini (PTFE, PCL dan kompositdengan peratusan yang berbeza ZnO nanopengisi). Kesan perbezaanperatusan ZnO nanopengisi ke atas ketelusan bagi komposit juga disiasat.Pengecilan, kehilangan kuasa dan penyerapan kerana ketebalan sampel danZnO nanopengisi dimasukkan dalam komposit telah dikaji menggunakan kaedahunsur terhinnga (FEM) dan kaedah RWG, manakala pekali penghantaran danpantulan diukur, disimulasi dan dikira menggunakan kaedah RWG, FEM, danNicholson Ross Weir (NRW).

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Teknik mikrostrip dan FEM telah digunakan untuk menentukan pekali pantulandan penghantaran dan taburan medan elektrik untuk peratusan ZnO-PCLnanokomposit pelet yang berbeza apabila diletakkan di atas mikrostrip.Perbandingan parameter penyerakan yang diukur dan dikira juga dikaji.Tambahan pula, keputusan yang diperolehi daripada parameter penyerakantelah digunakan untuk menentukan pengecilan peratusan ZnO-PCLnanokomposit pelet yang berbeza. Akhir sekali, kesan peratusan ZnOnanopengisi yang berbeza pada medan elektrik telah dikaji denganmenggambarkan corak taburan medan elektrik pada ZnO-PCL nanokompositpelet yang diletakkan di atas mikrostrip dengan menggunakan kaedah unsurterhinnga. Penemuan daripada penyiasatan menunjukkan nilai-nilai ketelusankompleks diperolehi dengan menggunakan kaedah OEC yang diperolehibersetuju dengan teknik RWG, manakala kenaikan dalam peratusan ZnOnanaopengisi dalam matriks polimer meningkatkan pemalar dielektrik, faktorkehilangan, pengecilan, penyerapan, kebolehtelapan nyata, kebolehtelapanbayangan dan pekali pantulan komposit tersebut. Pengecilan yang diperolehbagi 70% komposit nanopengisi iaitu -18 dB adalah bagus untuk penyerapanmikrogelombang manakala teknik penyinaran mikrogelombang mampumensintesis zarah nano ZnO dengan saiz purata sebesar 57.5 nm.

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With absolute submission to the will of Allah (SWT), I want to thank the mostgracious, and most merciful for the uncountable blessings and guidancethroughout this period.

My sincerest gratitude to my able Supervisor and Chairman, Professor MadyaZulkifly Abbas (PhD) for his advice, expertise, patience and continuing positivecriticism during my study period. My gratitude also goes to my respected co-supervisors, Professor Madya Mansor Hashim (PhD) and Professor Madya NorAzowa Ibrahim (PhD), for their vast knowledge and skill in areas of polymerscience and nanoscience. Their support during the course of this research isappreciated.

I wish to further express my warmest salutations and heart felt gratitude to ourresearch group members who have toiled day and night, through thick and thin,to excel in our educational struggle thus far. You were all awesome! May I alsouse this opportunity to express my gratitude to staff and postgraduate studentsof Institute of Advanced Technology (ITMA), Universiti Putra Malaysia, for theircandid support, I love you all.

Special thanks to Fadzidah, Izzat, Ethar, Fahmi, Mardiah, Sakinah, Amizadilah,Ahmad, Omar, Faiz, Idza, and Parnia for their unflinching support throughout theperiod of my research. For the numerous colleagues and friends, I have failed tomention, I have you in my mind and I also thank you all for your support.

Finally, I thank my wife, daughters, (Anisa, Amrah, and Aisha) brothers, sistersand my sweet happy mother for their continuing prayer, love and supportthroughout this period.

Thank you very much.

Assalamu - alaikum.

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I certify that a Thesis Examination Committee has met on the 12/10/2015 toconduct the final examination of Abubakar Yakubu on his thesis entitled“Synthesis and Characterisation of Zinc-Oxide PolycaprolactoneNanocomposites using Rectangular Waveguide and Microstrip Techniques” inaccordance with the Universities and University Colleges Act 1971 and theConstitution of the Universiti Putra Malaysia [P.U.(A) 106] 15 March 1998. Thecommittee recommends that the student be awarded the Doctor of Philosophy.

Members of the Thesis Examination Committee were as follows;

Azmi b Zakaria (Prof.)Faculty of ScienceUniversiti Putra Malaysia(Chairman)

Abdul Halim b Shaari (Prof.)Faculty of ScienceUniversiti Putra MalaysiaInternal Examiner

Hishamuddin b Zainuddin (Asso. Prof.)Faculty of ScienceUniversiti Putra MalaysiaInternal Examiner

Achmad Munir (Asso. Prof.)Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan InformatikaInstitut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia(External Examiner)

ZULKARNAIN ZAINAL, PhDProfessor and Deputy DeanSchool of Graduate StudiesUniversiti Putra Malaysia

Date: 17 December 2015

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This thesis was submitted to the Senate of Universiti Putra Malaysia and hasbeen accepted as fulfilment of the requirement for the Degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy. Members of the Supervisory committee were as follows;

Zulkifly Abbas, PhDAssociate ProfessorFaculty of ScienceUniversiti Putra Malaysia(Chairman)

Mansor Hashim, PhDAssociate ProfessorInstitute of Material ScienceUniversiti Putra Malaysia(Member)

Nor Azowa Ibrahim, PhDAssociate ProfessorFaculty of ScienceUniversiti Putra Malaysia(Member)

BUJANG KIM HUAT, PhDProfessor and DeanSchool of Graduate StudiesUniversiti Putra Malaysia


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Declaration by graduate student

I hereby confirm that: this thesis is my original work; quotations, illustrations and citations have been duly acknowledged; this thesis has not been submitted previously or concurrently for any other

degree at any other institutions; intellectual property from the thesis and copyright of thesis are fully owned

by Universiti Putra Malaysia, as according to the Universiti Putra Malaysia(Research) Rules 2012;

written permission must be obtained from the supervisor and the office ofDeputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) before thesis ispublished (in the form of written, printed or in electronic form) includingbooks, journals, modules, proceedings, popular writings, seminar papers,manuscript, posters, reports, lecture notes, learning modules or any othermaterials as stated in the Universiti Putra Malaysia (Research) Rules 2012;

there is no plagiarism or data falsification/fabrication in the thesis, andscholarly integrity is upheld as according to the Universiti Putra Malaysia(Graduate Studies) Rules 2003 (Revision 2012-2013) and the UniversitiPutra Malaysia (Research) Rules 2012. The thesis has undergoneplagiarism detection software test;

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Declaration by Members of Supervisory Committee

This is to confirm that: The research conducted and the writing of this thesis was under our

supervision; Supervision responsibilities as stated in the Universiti Putra Malaysia

(Graduate Studies) Rules 2003 (Revision 2012-2013) are adhered to.

Signature:Name of Chairman ofSupervisoryCommittee:

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1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Nanocomposites 31.2 Properties of Polymer Nanocomposite 4

1.2.1 Polymer-Semiconductor Nanocomposites 51.2.2 Polymer-Metal Nanocomposites 5

1.3 Characterization Techniques 61.3.1 Permittivity and Permeability 61.3.2 Morphological Properties 7

1.4 Problem Statement and Hypothesis 81.5 Specific Objectives 91.6 Scope and Relevance of Study 91.7 Thesis layout 10

2 LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Polymer Properties 122.2 Polymer Settings 132.3 Types of Filler 142.4 ZnO Properties 15

2.4.1 Composites Preparation Method 162.5 Dielectric Measurement Techniques 19

2.5.1 Close Waveguide and Coaxial Line Technique Completely Filled Waveguide or Coaxial

Line Partially Filled Dielectric Waveguide 22

2.5.2 Free Space Method Open Ended Transmission Line Open Resonator Technique Far Field and Near Field Technique Dielectric Waveguide Technique 27

2.5.3 Microstrip and FEM Formulation 282.6 Numerical Solutions 30

2.6.1 Finite Element Method (FEM) 312.6.2 Finite Difference Method (FDM) 312.6.3 Method of Moment (MOM) 32

2.7 Comparison of Methods 32

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3 THEORY3.1 Dielectric Properties and Polarization 343.2 Bragg’s Law and Lattice Parameters 363.3 Basic Electromagnetic Wave Equations 39

3.3.1 Maxwell’s Equation 393.3.2 Boundary Conditions 403.3.3 Wave Equation 40

3.4 Rectangular Waveguide 413.4.1 Transverse Electric (TE) Modes 42

3.5 Transmission and Reflection Coefficients Calculation 453.6 Signal Flow Analysis of a Two Port Waveguide 493.7 FEM Algorithm for S11 and S21 Calculation 52

3.7.1 Element Discretization 533.7.2 Element Governing Equation 543.7.3 Element Assembly 563.7.4 Solving the Resulting Equations 57

3.8 Calculation of Complex Permittivity Using NicholsonRoss Weir Method 57

4 METHODOLOGY4.1 Sample Preparation 604.2 Electrical Characterisation 66

4.2.1 Permittivity Measurement (Open ended Technique)664.2.2 Permittivity Measurement (Rectangular Waveguide

Technique) 684.3 Scattering-Parameters Measurements 68

4.3.1 Rectangular Waveguide Method 684.3.2 Microstrip Technique 69

4.4 FEM Simulation of Wave Propagation in RectangularWaveguide 71

4.5 FEM Algorithm 724.6 Comparison between FEM and Measurement Using

Standard Materials 774.7 Calculated Transmission and Reflection Coefficients

Using NRW and FEM 824.8 Morphological Characterisation 85

4.8.1 XRD Analysis 854.8.2 SEM, EDX, TEM and FTIR for Microstructural

Observations 864.8.3 Surface Roughness Using AFM 86

5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION5.1 Morphological and Structural Characterization of

ZnO-PCL Nanocomposite 885.1.1 XRD Profiles 885.1.2 Crystallite Size 915.1.3 FTIR Analysis 925.1.4 SEM and EDX Spectrums 955.1.5 TEM Micrograph 1005.1.6 AFM Surface Topography 101

5.2 Permittivity Measurement using Open Ended Coaxial

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Probe Technique 1025.2.1 Effect of ZnO Nanofiller on Permittivity 1045.2.2 Permittivity and Permeability of ZnO-PCL

Nanocomposites Using RWG 1105.2.3 Permittivity Results 1105.2.4 Permeability Results 1135.2.5 Comparison of Permittivity from RWG and OEC 116

5.3 Effect of ZnO-PCL Nanocomposite Thickness on S21and S11 Magnitudes 1185.3.1 Rectangular Waveguide Method 1185.3.2 Absorption and Power Loss 1215.3.3 Convergent Test for FEM 1235.3.4 Comparison of Measured, Simulated and

Calculated Scattering Parameters 1255.4 Attenuation of ZnO-PCL Nanocomposite 129

5.4.1 Sample Placed in a Rectangular Waveguide 1295.4.2 Sample Placed on Top a Microstrip 1315.4.3 Comparison of Measured and Calculated

Attenuation (RWG) 1355.4.4 Comparison of Measured and Calculated

Attenuation (Microstrip) 1375.4.5 Electric Field Distribution and Intensity Using FEM 139

5.5 Scattering Parameter S11 and S21 of the Open andCovered Microstrip 1455.5.1 Open Microstrip 1455.5.2 Microstrip Covered with ZnO-PCL Nanocomposite

Pellets 1465.5.3 Variation of Measured |S21| and |S11| Magnitudes 1495.5.4 Electric Field Distribution of ZnO-PCL

Nanocomposites Pellets 152

6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS 1556.1 Conclusion of the Study 1556.2 Main Contributions 1566.3 Recommendations for Future Works 156


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Figure Page

1.1 Schematic representation of application of ZnO-PCLnanocomposites 2

1.2 Worldwide consumption of ZnO 3

2.1 Crystal structure of hexagonal wurtzite ZnO 21

2.2 Chemical structure of polycaprolactone (PCL) 22

2.3 Slotted line technique of measuring complex permittivity ofmaterials 27

2.4 Completely filled dielectric waveguide. (a) Reflection only(b) Both transmission and reflection 29

2.5 Schematic representation of free space antenna connectedto VNA 31

2.6 Diagrammatic expression of OEC 32

2.7 (a) transmission-reflection method (b) Resonance method 37

2.8 Complex meshes of (a) rectangular waveguide (b) microstrip 40

2.9 Finite difference solution pattern with division of the solutioninto grids 43

3.1 Frequency dependence of permittivity for a hypotheticaldielectric material 35

3.2 Wave scattering at the surface of a crystal plane 37

3.3 Wave guide filled with a material 42

3.4 Reflection and transmission for a dielectric slab 46

3.5 Signal flow graph representation of a three-layer dielectricMedium 50

3.6 First reduction of the signal flow graph 51

3.7 Final reduction of a two port signal flow graph 52

3.8 Typical finite element subdivision of an irregular domain 54

3.9 Three elements assembly i, j, k corresponding to localnumbering 1-2-3 56

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4.1 Thesis methodology flow diagram 61

4.2 Prepared (a) ZnO powder (b) ZnO-PCL nanocomposites 64

4.3 ZnO nanocomposites pellets (a) 0.228 by 0.114 cm (b) 6.0by 3.6 cm 64

4.4 Flow diagram of sample preparation 65

4.5 Agilent 85070B dielectric probe sensor (right) and the shortingblock (left) 67

4.6 Set-up of permittivity measurement using OEC 67

4.7 (a) T/R measurement using a PNA set-up (b) Sample fitting inRWG 69

4.8 Fabricated microstrip with dimension of 6.0 cm by 3.6 cm 70

4.9 Microstrip technique measurement set up 71

4.10 Flow diagram of finite element method design procedure 73

4.11 Z component of electric field of 30 mm thick PTFE sample 76

4.12 S magnitude for 30.0 mm thick PTFE sample 77

4.13 S21 and S11 magnitude for an empty RWG 79

4.14 Variation in simulated |S21| with different mesh types (emptyRWG) 79

4.15 Variation in simulated |S11| with different mesh types (emptyRWG) 80

4.16 |S11| and |S21| magnitude of 30 mm thick PTFE using normalmesh type 80

4.17 |S11| and |S21| magnitude of 30 mm thick PTFE using coarsermesh type 81

4.18 |S11| and |S21| magnitude of 30 mm thick PTFE usingextra-coarser mesh 81

4.19 |S11| and |S21| magnitude of 30 mm thick PTFE usingextremely coarse 81

4.20 |S11| and |S21| magnitude of 30 mm thick PTFE using finemesh type 82

4.21 FEM calculated (x) Reflection and (y) Transmission coefficient

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for 30 mm thick PTFE 83

4.22 Measured, simulated and calculated magnitude of S21 and S11for 30 mm thick PTFE 84

4.23 FEM calculated transmission and reflection coefficient for (a)15 mm thick PTFE (b) 15 mm thick bulk ZnO sample 85

4.24 Typical AFM set-up 87

5.1 XRD patterns for the pure PCL, ZnO nanoparticles andComposites 90

5.2 FTIR spectrum for different (%) of ZnO nano fillers, ZnO andPCL 93

5.3 Sequential increase in absorption of ZnO-PCL nanocompositesas filler 94

5.4 Schematic representation of the interaction of ZnOnanoparticles with PCL 95

5.5 SEM Micrographs of ZnO nano particles prepared viamicrowave irrad. 95

5.6 SEM Micrographs of pure PCL prepared via melt blending 96

5.7 SEM Micrographs of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites prepared viamelt blend 97

5.8 EDX spectrum of ZnO nanoparticle 98

5.9 EDX spectrum of pure PCL 98

5.10 EDX spectrums of ZnO-PCL nanocomposite 99

5.11 Dispersion of ZnO (yellow colour) in the ZnO-PCLnanocomposite 99

5.12 TEM micrograph of ZnO nanoparticles and particles distribution 100

5.13 Variation in surface topology of the ZnO-PCL nanocompositespellets 102

5.14 Relative permittivity of PTFE using OEC 103

5.15 Variation in permittivity of (a) pure ZnO and (b) ZnOnanoparticles 104

5.16 Relative permittivity for different (%) ZnO-PCL nanocomposites 105

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5.17 Variation in dielectric constant of samples 107

5.18 Variation in loss factor of samples 107

5.19 Variation in loss tangent of samples 108

5.20 Variation in dielectric constant with respect to nano filler content 109

5.21 Variation of loss factor with respect to nano filler content 110

5.22 Variation in dielectric constant of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites 111

5.23 Variation in loss factor of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites 112

5.24 Variation in loss tangent of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites 112

5.25 Variation in real permeability of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites 114

5.26 Variation in imaginary permeability of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites 114

5.27 Variation of loss of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites 115

5.28 Comparison of permittivity measured with RWG and OEC 117

5.29 S11 and S21 for an unloaded waveguide 118

5.30 Variation in |S21| for ZnO-PCL nanocomposite pellets 119

5.31 Variation in |S11| for ZnO-PCL nanocomposite pellets 120

5.32 Variation in Ploss of ZnO-PCL nanocomposite 122

5.33 Variation in absorption of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites 122

5.34 Absorption vs sample thickness at selected frequencies 123

5.35 Convergence test for empty RWG 124

5.36 Measured, Calculated and Simulated |S21| for ZnO-PCLnanocomposites 136

5.37 Measured, Calculated and Simulated |S11| for ZnO-PCLnanocomposites 127

5.38 |S21| and |S11| for 30 mm thick PTFE sample 130

5.39 Attenuation for different ZnO-PCL nanocomposites pellets 130

5.40 Attenuation vs sample thickness at selected frequency 131

5.41 Attenuation for different ZnO-PCL nanocomposites 132

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5.42 Attenuation vs ZnO nanofiller at selected frequency 133

5.43 FEM calculated |S21| for ZnO-PCL nanocomposite pellets 134

5.44 FEM calculated attenuation for ZnO-PCL nanocompositespellets 134

5.45 FEM calculated attenuation vs sample thickness at selectedfrequencies 135

5.46 Variation in FEM and measurement attenuation for ZnO-PCLpellets 136

5.47 Variation in FEM and measured attenuation for ZnO-PCLnanocomposite 138

5.48 Electric Field distribution for the different ZnO-PCLnanocomposites pellet 140

5.49 Electric Field intensity for the different ZnO-PCLnanocomposites 141

5.50 Electric field amplitude for region I, II and III for a 4.3 mm thickpellet 142

5.51 Electric field amplitude regions I, II and III for a 4.8 mm thickpellet 143

5.52 Electric field amplitude for regions I, II and III for a 6.0 mm thickpellet 143

5.53 Electric field amplitude for regions I, II and III for a 6.8 mm thickpellet 144

5.54 S21 and S11 for an open microstrip 146

5.55 S21 and S11 magnitudes for the different (%) ZnO nanofillers 147

5.56 S21 magnitude vs ZnO nanofiller at selected frequencies 148

5.57 Variation in |S21| magnitude using microstrip 150

5.58 Variation in |S11| magnitude using microstrip 150

5.59 S21 magnitude vs ZnO nanofiller at selected frequencies 151

5.60 Electric field distribution of microstrip covered with various %composites 154

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Table Page

2.1 Different types of fillers and their chemical family 14

2.2 Summary of polymer nanocomposites processing methods 19

2.3 Summary of measuring methods and dielectric propertiesmeasured 28

4.1 Raw materials used in ZnO nanoparticles preparation 62

4.2 Composition of raw materials used in composite preparation 62

4.3 Empty rectangular waveguide 78

4.4 Filled rectangular waveguide 78

4.5 Mean S magnitude for the empty waveguide 78

4.6 Mean relative error for FEM for the filled waveguide 79

5.1 Average crystallite size of ZnO powder prepared via microwave 91

5.2 Quantitative analysis of ZnO, PCL and ZnO-PCL Composites 99

5.3 Summary of surface roughness for all the composites 102

5.4 Summary of dielectric constant at 8 GHz and 12 GHz 106

5.5 Empirical equations, regression coefficients for dielectricconstant 108

5.6 Empirical equations, regression coefficients for loss factor 110

5.7 Mean complex Permittivity and Permeability for all samples 115

5.8 Effect of filler composition on change in dielectric constant (∆ε') 116

5.9 Relative error of OEC with respect to RWG (Dielectric constant) 118

5.10 Magnitudes of S21 and S11 at 10 GHz 120

5.11 The mean values of S21 and S11 for all pellets 121

5.12 Power loss values for ZnO-PCL pellet 123

5.13 Variation of Absorption for ZnO-PCL pellet 123

5.14 The Runtime, |S21| of empty RWG at different frequencies 125

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5.15 Calculated mean S21 and relative error for all methods 128

5.16 Summary of mean attenuation 131

5.17 Attenuation of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites (microstrip) 133

5.18 Attenuation for ZnO-PCL nanocomposite pellets (RWG) 135

5.19 Relative error of attenuation for FEM (RWG) 137

5.20 Summary of measured and simulated attenuation (microstrip) 139

5.21 Relative error of attenuation for FEM (microstrip) 139

5.22 Summary of maximum transmitted intensities 145

5.23 Relative error with respect to filler contents for |S21| 149

5.24 Amplitude change with respect to S11 magnitude 150

5.25 Values of S21 and S11 for different % of composite at 10 GHz 151

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EMI Electromagnetic interference

PCL Poly-caprolactone

ZnO Zinc-Oxide

EM Electromagnetic

CNT Carbon nanotube

OEC Open ended coaxial probe

RWG Rectangular waveguide

EF Electric field

HE Magnetic field

CVD Chemical vapour deposition

XRD X-ray diffraction

AFM Atomic force microscope

SEM Scanning electron microscope

EDX Energy dispersive X-ray

TEM Transmission electron microscope

FTIR Fourier transform infraredspectroscopy

SEI Secondary electron imaging

BEI Back scattered electron imaging

FEM Finite element method

NRW Nicholson Ross Weir

FDM Finite difference method

MOM Method of moment

FDTD Finite difference time domain

MWO Microwave office

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HFSS High frequency structural simulation

CEM Computational electromagnetic

PNA-L Professional network analyser

VNA Vector network analyser

TRL Thru, Reflect, Line

RF Radio frequency

FWHM Full wave half maximum

MUT Material under test

ECAL Electronic calibration

SMA Sub-miniature

TE10 Transvers electric mode

TM Transverse magnetic mode

TEM Transverse electromagnetic mode

TR Transmission/Reflection

S11 Reflection coefficient

S21 Transmission coefficient

Complex permittivity

µr Complex permeability

PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)

EDTA Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid

DIW De-ionized water

JCPDS Joint committee on powderdiffraction standard

ECCD Electromagnetic CompatibilityCompliance Directive

MTI Maximum transmitted intensity

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The need for microwave absorbers and radar-absorbing materials is on the risein military applications dealing with reduction of radar signature of aircraft andships, whilst in civilian applications dealing with reduction of electromagneticinterference among electronic and telecommunication components.Nanocomposite absorber that uses zinc oxide nanoparticles in conjunction witha polymer matrix produces flexibility for fabrication and properties control, as thecomposite can be manipulated through changes in both the nanoparticle fillerand the host matrix. Depending on the application for which the absorber isintended, the percentage of filler and the host matrix are two important factors tobe understood. In addition, microwave absorption properties are determined bythe complex permittivity and permeability, sample thickness, microstructure ofthe absorber, and class of material. The suppression of eddy current due toelectromagnetic interference are enhanced by sizes of particles in the absorbermaterial. In this regard, metal type nanocomposites were widely used for EMwave absorption. Magnetic particles encapsulated in carbon nanotube (CNT)composites and magnetic particles coated with carbon have been the focus forEM wave absorbers (Tang et al, 2014; Wen et al, 2011). However, the processinvolved in the fabrication of magnetic particles doped (CNT) is unfavourable forthe application of absorbing nanocomposites. This condition has led to the pushin looking for new absorbing nanocomposites materials. This search has ledscientists to ZnO nanoparticles which can be used as high efficiency microwaveabsorbing materials due to its high complex permittivity and complexpermeability (Tan et al, 2014; Cao, et al, 2007).

Shown in Figure 1.1 and 1.2 are areas in telecommunication where zinc-oxide -polycaprolactone (ZnO-PCL) nanocomposites can be applied intelecommunication as absorbing material (Wahab, et al, 2013; Liu, et al, 2008),with worldwide consumption of ZnO in a wide range of applications, ranging fromtyres to ceramics, from pharmaceuticals to agriculture, and from chemicals toelectronics (Kołodziejczak-Radzimska & Jesionowski, 2014).

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Figure 1.1: Schematic representation of application of ZnO-PCLnanocomposites

The advantages of using ZnO-PCL nanocomposites is the ease in realizing largescale synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles which is cost effective. Due to ZnO uniquegeometrical morphology, cage like ZnO/SiO2 nanocomposites exhibited a strongattenuation of microwave at X band frequency (Cao et al, 2007).

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Figure 1.2: Worldwide consumption of ZnO

Su et al, (2014), reported that ZnO nanowire polyester composites are strongabsorption materials for microwave at X band frequency which is due to itsinterfacial multi-polarization at the interface between the polyester and the ZnOnanowires with a high surface to volume ratio. The anisotropic energy of nanosized particles might be increased due to the surface anisotropic field affectedby very small size effect. This phenomenon causes a shift in the resonance peakto higher frequency value which is important for EM wave absorption at higherfrequency.

Detailed studies in measurement of permittivity of solid materials using openended coaxial probe (OEC) has not been carried out. In the light of the above,measurement of complex permittivity using OEC technique will be investigatedand the results will be compared with standard recommended technique like therectangular waveguide method (RWG). Other investigations will involve theeffect of different (%) ZnO nanofiller inclusion in the host matrix on materialscomplex permittivity, complex permeability, scattering parameters, absorption,attenuation, power-loss, and electric field distribution. Further understanding inthe applications of dielectric materials can be found in (Pozar, 2009; Pozar, 2012;Laverghetta, 2005).

1.1 Nanocomposites

The term nanocomposites materials could be explained in different waysdepending on the perspective with which it is viewed. Simply put,

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nanocomposites are compounds which encompasses two or more unlikecomponents mixed together at a nano-meter scale. The composites materialscould either be organic or inorganic in nature. In the inorganic state, thecomposite could be three dimensional, two dimensional, one dimensional andeven zero dimensional. In nanocomposites there is a tendency of mixing differentproperties together that are so far impossible within a single material (Zhao, etal, 2008). Within the class of nanocomposites, the polymeric nanocompositeshave a promising future because of its high performance properties. The fourtypes of polymeric nanocomposites are the clay-polymer nanocomposites, themetal-polymer nanocomposites, the oxides-polymer nanocomposites, and thecarbon nanotubes nanocomposites. The two main methods employed inobtaining oxide-polymer nanocomposites are the ex-situ synthesis and in-situsynthesis method. The changes in properties of nanocomposites are mainlycaused by phenomena such as size confinement, predominance of interfacialphenomena and quantum mechanisms (Liang, 2007). The dependence of bulkproperties of nanocomposites is mainly due to (Kochetov, 2012);

properties of the filler filler size, filler type, host matrix: crystallinity, nature (thermoplastic or thermosetting), degree of dispersion and of agglomeration, Synthesis methods.

1.2 Properties of Polymer Nanocomposite

The dielectric properties of polymer composite are mainly controlled by theconductive fillers. Consequently, the nature or type of fillers determines thedielectric characterisation of polymer composites. Examples of conductive fillersare semiconductors, metals, carbonic materials and intrinsic conductivepolymers (Saini and Arora, 2012; Xu et al, 1999). Polymer that are conductivehave attracted a lot of interest in the recent due to their excellent flexibility andeasy preparation procedures as against conventional inorganic semiconductors.They are applied in areas of electronics as flexibility conductors and shieldingdevices especially with regards to electromagnetic radiation (Saini and Arora,2012; Ma, et al, 2005). In conventional conductive composites, carbon blackparticles of micro-meter sizes are used to achieve desired electricalcharacteristics. Researches have shown that large filler contents lead to a poorcomposite (He and Tjong, 2014; Liang, 2007). The use of nano sized reinforcedpolymers has led to the production of nanocomposites with unique dielectric andmechanical properties. Nanofiller material comes in different forms, these formscould be in metals, semiconducting oxides, dielectric ceramics and carbonmaterials (Liang, 2007).

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1.2.1 Polymer-Semiconductor Nanocomposites

Nanofillers with unique chemical, physical and mechanical properties that areintermixed with polymers comprises of composite materials with great advantagefor technological breakthrough. Conventional metal oxides such as bariumtitanate (BaTiO3), titania (TiO2), alumina (Al2O3) and silica (SiO2) are widelyknown as effective reinforcement materials to enhance the dielectric andmechanical properties of polymers. In the last decade, semiconducting oxides(ZnO, NiO, and MgO) have attracted much interest due to their potential fordiverse electronic and photonic device applications (Murugadoss, 2012; Heo etal, 2004).

Recent research has demonstrated that the polymer-oxides nanocompositesexhibit excellent luminescent, optical, dielectric and bio-sensitivity properties.Studies have been conducted on the electrical properties of polymer-oxidesnanocomposites prepared by in-situ polymerization and melt blending (Milani etal, 2013; Tripathi et al, 2013).

Hong, et al (2003), investigated the electrical properties of low densitypolyethylene-ZnO composites prepared by melt compounding. They reportedthat the nanocomposites exhibited a lower percolation limit and a slowerdecrease in resistivity with filler content when compared to conventional micro-composites. The dielectric breakdown strength was also found to be higher forthe nanocomposites for all filler concentration.

Kango et al, (2013) reported that addition of inorganic nanoparticles into apolymer host material will definitely change the properties of the host matrix.They added that the resulting composite might show enhanced mechanical,thermal, electrical, and optical properties. They concluded that properties ofpolymer composites largely depend on type of nano filler, sizes and shape,concentration and their interactions with the polymer matrix.

1.2.2 Polymer-Metal Nanocomposites

Metals exhibit the most excellent electrical conductance among materials known.Metal nanoparticles, e.g. Ag, Cu, Al, Fe and Ni have been introduced intopolymers to enhance the electrical, mechanical and dielectric properties ofcomposite materials. Electrical conductivity of polymer nanocomposite can begreatly enhanced by metal nanoparticles at very low loading levels as a result oflarge surface area. Gonon and Boudefel (2006), investigated the electricalbehavior of nanocomposites made of epoxy resin and Ag nanoparticles withparticle size of 70 nm. Their result showed a very low percolation threshold as aresult of filler segregation in the epoxy matrix.

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Nanocomposites filled with metal nanoparticles can be synthesized via in-situ,polymerization and ex-situ processing routes. In-situ, vapor depositionpolymerization of monomers with organometallic compounds and metal-monomer co-condensates has been reported (Kharissova et al, 2013; Sakai andAlexandridis, 2006). The method involves a gradual layer-by-layer deposition ofmetal and monomer vapors on substrate plates at a low temperature of about 77K. The layer to layer deposition produces composites with very low concentrationof about 0.01-1.0 wt % of metal particles in sub-micrometer dimension (Nicolaisand Carotenuto, 2005). Current advances in the preparation of metalnanoparticles via chemical vapor deposition (CVD), laser induced gas phase andspray conversion procedure techniques have changed the way researchersunderstand polymer reinforcement (Bahlawane et al, 2012; Schubert andHusing, 2012). Ex situ polymerization of nanocomposite is the direct combinationof nanoparticles into polymers via melt-compounding method.

1.3 Characterization Techniques

When discussing propagation of waves, the characteristics of microwaves andlight waves are typically the same since both waves travel in a straight line. Thecharacteristics of travelling in a straight line enable them reflect, refract, diffract,scatter, and interfere at boundary points with interacting media. Their mode ofinteraction at the interface of these media varies due to their differentwavelength. Microwave wavelengths range from 1 m to 1 mm corresponding tofrequency range of 0.3 GHz to 30 GHz. This singular characteristic allowsmicrowaves to interact with materials and structures on a macroscopic scale. Forexample, microwaves are capable of penetrating most non-metallic materials,reflecting and scattering from internal boundaries and interacting with molecules(Bahr, 1982) as cited by (Soleiman 2009).

1.3.1 Permittivity and Permeability

Measurements of complex permittivity and complex permeability are required notonly for scientific but also for industrial applications. Example of areas in whichknowledge of the properties of materials at microwave frequencies aremicrowave heating, biological effects of microwaves, and nondestructive testing(Weir, 1974).

Dielectric properties measurement is an important factor in defining the physicaland chemical properties related to storage and energy loss in various kind ofmaterials (Wee, et al, 2009).

The term dielectric constant is some time misleading, the dependence onfrequency of dielectric materials causes it to have two parts, that is the real andimaginary permittivity. The ratio of the imaginary part to the real part ofpermittivity is called loss tangent (Kittel, 1996).

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Permittivity and permeability are complex numbers of which the imaginary partis associated with losses.

Scattering parameter, permittivity, permeability of materials measured usingmicrowaves components are controlled by the basic properties of microwaves.In good conducting materials, microwave has low penetrating depth. For thisreason, they are usually used to test non- conducting materials which includelow-loss and lossy dielectric materials. To investigate the interaction betweenmicrowaves and materials, Maxwell’s equation is often employed. Properties likepropagation mode, reflection, refraction, transmission and impedance aredefined from the equation. The broad nature of material properties allows theuse of different techniques for measurement at microwave frequency range. Anumber of methods have been used in the measurements of electromagneticproperties at microwave frequencies. Amongst these methods are thetransmission and reflection line technique, free space measurement technique,open ended coaxial probe technique, and resonant method (Agilent Tech, 2011).Details of these techniques would be discussed in the ensuing chapters.

1.3.2 Morphological Properties

X ray diffraction (XRD) is a non-destructive technique for the characterization ofsemi crystalline and crystalline materials. XRD investigates crystalline materialsstructure, phases, atomic orientations, and other structural parameters, such asaverage crystallite size, crystallinity, strain, and imperfections. X ray diffractionpeaks are produced by constructive interferences of monochromatic beam of xrays scattered at specific angles from each set of lattice planes in a sample. TheXRD technique is based on observing the scattered intensity of an X-ray beamstriking a sample as a function of incident and scattered angle, polarization, andwavelength or energy.

Atomic force microscope (AFM) studies can be divided into topographicalapplications and force curves in which forces are measured as a function ofdistance. Topographical applications involve getting an image of the samplesurface to observe its structural or dynamic features. The method has beenapplied to a different types of surfaces including semiconductors, biologicalsystems, nanostructures and polymers with imaging reaching the nanometerrange and the atomic scale in some cases. For the force curves approach, thestudy allows the understanding of inter and intramolecular forces, andmanipulate samples following dissection, dragging and cut. The method has alsobeen used to study polymers systems and interfacial phenomena in varioussystems (Leite et al, 2007).

The Scanning electron microscope (SEM) is the most widely used analyticaltools due to the detailed images it provides within a short time. It provides highresolution and thick depth of images of samples surface and near surfaces withwide magnification range. Application of SEM includes failure analysis,

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dimensional analysis, process characterization etc. SEM comprises of other subfunction like the secondary electron imaging (SEI) signal, the backscatteredelectron imaging (BEI) signal. These signals provide “near surface” interpretationof sample morphology and information regarding sample composition, densityand surface geometry respectively. To determine the elements and compoundsof the sample, Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) is applied.

In Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) focused beam of electrons is usedinstead of light to see through the sample. TEM is a type of electron microscopydeveloped and programmed on light transmission microscopy. TEM is used toascertain the followings (Ismayadi et al, 2009);

The size, shape and arrangement of the particles which make up thesample as well as their relationship to each other on the scale of atomicdiameters.

The arrangement of atoms in the sample and their degree of order,detection of atomic-scale defects in areas with a few nanometers indiameter.

The elements and compounds of the sample are composed of theirrelative ratios, in areas that a few nanometers in diameter exist.

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses, and uses spectrumof molecular vibration in sample in order to identify or characterize organicmaterials such as polymers, lubricants, adhesives and cleaning agents. Forsemiconductor, FTIR is used to make quantitative measurement of hydrogenbonds and to measure the interstitial oxygen content in bulk.

1.4 Problem Statement and Hypothesis

The addition of ZnO nanoparticles into the polycaprolactone matrix is expectedto enhance the dielectric properties, attenuation, absorption, and power-loss aswell as decrease the prepared composites transmission coefficient making it abetter microwave absorbing material. ZnO-PCL nanocomposites have beenused extensively in many microwave applications. However, its potential has notbeen exploited fully due to lack of detailed information on the relationshipbetween the filler composition and electromagnetic properties. The dielectricproperties, transmission and reflection coefficients of ZnO-PCL nanocompositesof various filler content and types, host matrix and material properties were notanalyzed in detailed both theoretically and experimentally. The conventionalmethod to determine the complex permittivity of the ZnO-PCL nanocompositesmaterials is to place the sample in a closed waveguide. The technique is difficultas the sample must be inserted tightly into the waveguide without any air gaps.In this work, both the open ended coaxial probe (OEC) and waveguidetechniques were investigated.

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Dielectric measurement in a waveguide is usually calculated using the NicholsonRoss analysis. However, the technique does not offer an insight on theelectromagnetic field distribution in the sample. Additionally, Nicholson RossWeir method was originally designed for thick samples where the effect ofmultiple reflection is assumed to be negligible. In this work, the Finite ElementMethod (FEM) was used to discretize the sample into small meshes allowingaccurate calculation of the scattering parameters and eventual visualization ofthe electromagnetic fields.

The microwave attenuation due to sample does not only depend on the complexpermittivity but also the sample thickness. Thick sample measurements arealways problematic when using waveguide technique due to air gap problems.In this work, the attenuation of the samples was also analyzed using themicrostrip technique by placing a 6cm long ZnO-PCL nanocomposites on top ofthe open microstrip. Visualization of the effect of nanocomposites on themicrostrip overlays is also carried out using FEM.

1.5 Specific Objectives

The objectives of this study are enumerated below;

To synthesize ZnO nano particle and ZnO-PCL nano-composites usingmicrowave irradiation and melt blend method so as to study the effect of ZnOnanofillers on the complex permittivity and permeability of ZnO-PCLnanocomposites.

To measure the dielectric constant and loss factor of ZnO-PCLnanocomposites using open ended coaxial probe and rectangularwaveguide techniques. The latter technique is also used to measure thepermeability of the nanocomposites.

To study the effect ZnO-PCL nanocomposites thickness on scatteringparameters, absorption, power loss using rectangular waveguide technique.The scattering parameters results are compared theoretically using Finiteelement method (FEM) and Nicholson Ross Weir (NRW) methods.

To determine the attenuation of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites pellets usingrectangular waveguide and microstrip methods and compare with calculatedFEM results.

To study the effect of ZnO nanofillers on both transmission and reflectioncoefficients of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites using microstrip technique andFEM and to visualize their electric field distribution using FEM.

1.6 Scope and Relevance of Study

In this study, an easy and lesser time consuming technique for preparing ZnOnanoparticle and ZnO-PCL nanocomposites using the microwave irradiation and

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melt blending technique via Thermo Haake melt blending machine were carriedout.

The effect of the different % ZnO nanofiller on the dielectric properties weremeasured using open ended coaxial probe and rectangular waveguidetechniques. The effect of ZnO nanofiller on the transmission and reflectioncoefficient of the ZnO-PCL nanocomposite pellets were also studied. It alsoproposes to use FEM COMSOL software in calculating scattering parametersand for simulating electromagnetic wave excited through ZnO-PCLnanocomposites samples when placed inside a rectangular wave guide and ontop a microstrip. The result obtained for scattering parameter throughmeasurement, simulation and calculation were also compared. Error analysis forthe comparison is determined for both FEM and NRW techniques. Thevisualization of electric field of ZnO-PCL nanocomposites when placed on top amicrostrip is pioneered in this study using finite element method. The micro-structural characteristics of materials with respect to sample size, bonding,surface roughness and filler dispersion were also studied for the pure PCL,prepared ZnO nanoparticles and ZnO-PCL nanocomposites.

1.7 Thesis layout

There are five chapters in this thesis with appendices attached at the end of thechapters. Chapter 1 briefly outlines generally on polymer nanocomposites,morphological and dielectric characterization, problem statements, andobjectives of study, the scope of the study and finally, the thesis layout.

Chapter 2 presents reviews on ZnO-polymer nanocomposites, electromagneticradiation (EM) measurement technique and limitations of some measurementtechniques. Numerical methods associated with rectangular waveguide werealso discussed.

In chapter 3, theories used in the research work are briefly outlined. Bragg’s law,Maxwell equations, wave equation and FEM theory were all discussed. FEMformulation techniques on transmission and reflection coefficients calculationwas also discussed.

Chapter 4 encompasses the entire method used in this study. The preparationof ZnO nanoparticle and ZnO-PCL nanocomposites were explicitly discussed.The use of FEM, PNA-L, NRW, OEC, RWG and microstrip methods are fullydiscussed in relation to microwave characterization. The morphologicalcharacterization using components like the XRD, TEM, SEM, EDX, AFM andFTIR were all discussed in details.

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Chapter 5 is divided into five subsections. Section 5.1 deals with the morphologyand characterization of all the samples used in this work. Section 5.2 deals withthe dielectric characterization of the all the samples used in this research workusing the open ended coaxial probe and rectangular wave guide methods. Theeffect of the ZnO nano inclusion on the permittivity of the composites was alsoinvestigated. Comparison between dielectric constant obtained using the twomethods are shown. Section 5.3 details on the effect of sample thickness on thescattering parameters using rectangular waveguide and FEM. Absorption of theelectromagnetic waves based on the scattering parameters was also discussed.Finally, the scattering parameters obtained from theory, calculation andmeasurement were compared.

Section 5.4 deals with the attenuation of the ZnO-PCL nanocomposites pelletsusing rectangular waveguide and microstrip methods. FEM was used tocalculate the field intensity of samples when placed inside a rectangularwaveguide and simulation of their field distribution. Finally, the attenuation fromboth methods were compared with their respective FEM calculated attenuations.

Section 5.5 deals with the measurement of scattering-parameters of ZnO-PCLnanocomposites pellets placed on top a microstrip. Comparisons betweenmeasured and calculated S11 and S21 magnitudes using microstrip and FEMwere presented.

Visualization of electric field of the different percentages of the ZnO-PCLnanocomposites were simulated using Finite Element Method.

Finally, chapter 6 will draw conclusions based on findings and give suggestionsfor future studies.

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