Download - Swiss Standards submission boards


Max Gregory


Level 6


Range of posters exploring the term

‘standards’ within Swiss design typographi-

cally, bound to make a publication.

Create a series of posters exploring the term

‘standards’ within Swiss design. This should be in

both the content and the process by which they

are produced. Making use specifically of the grid

and standard formats throughout. The challenge

here will be to keep the series interesting and

original whilst working to set formats.


A specific theme for each poster in the series

will come from research into Swiss design. This

should also inform & be informed by my disserta-

tion research based upon standardisation within

Swiss modernist graphic design. The posters should

be informative and act as an exercise in layout of

information informed by Swiss design.

Mandatory requirements

Posters need to be interesting and ideally will act

as an exercise in improving my ability to present &

layout information in a manner that will inform

my practice.


Series of posters (weekly)

Bound to make publication

Swiss Design Standards Brief

Swiss GraphicDesign



Max Gregory


Level 6


10 double-sided posters

3 x A2

5 x A3

2 x A4

Series of ten posters based on standard practice

of Swiss modernist designers. These are intended

as an exercise in layout and presentation of

information aswell as informing my own knowledge

on the practice of Swiss designers for my


Posters are designed as double sided documents,

with one side acting as an informational page that

reads like the pages of a book. When the poster is

flipped there is a poster based on the theme of the

previous page.

The majority of the information is set in Univers,

a typeface that was designed as a result of Swiss

modernist design. Some sections are set in

Akzidenz-Grotesk, Futura, and Helvetica, where

relevant. All typefaces synonymous with Swiss

graphic design.

Body Copy

7 / 11pt leading

8 / 12pt

(format dependant)


14 / 20pt

20 / 24pt

Swiss Design Standards Posters

Max Gregory


Level 6


10 Posters

Stitch Bound

A5 format Book

Pages vary in format

Black and white

& Full colour digital print

(dependant on stock choice)

The ten posters are then loosely stitch bound so as

to be seen as a coherent whole with the possibility

of being sold as a book rather than as ten separate

posters. The double sided nature of the posters

means that it will read like a book on one side then

act as posters when unbound.

The pictures above show the book being unbound,

it allows the book to be very simply taken apart by

cutting one of the bindings revealing the posters

inside the pages.

Swiss Design Standards Book