Download - Survey results 1


90.0% The overall age that was most selected here was 16-19 so I will target my magazine specifically for this selected category. I will make sure the chosen colour theme and page layouts are correctly set for this age group as well.

60% of my results here came out for the male gender being more popular, so this is something I would have to think about when targeting the magazine to a specific audience to make sure it reaches the viewers standards.

75.0% of my responses say that the viewers do read music magazines, this is a good thing as I now know my magazine has a good chance of keeping an interest in some people.

The survey here shows a varies of results but the result that came out on top was 40.0% of people said they never buy music magazines this is not really a positive result in which I was looking for.

30.0% of people said that they enjoyed mix mag the most, I should have a look at this magazine and see what ideas I can find to base on my magazine. This should hopefully make it more interesting for my viewers.

22.2% came out top on three different sorts of music, so this is the sort of music I should base my magazine, and pick one I think will be the best.

30.0% of Topshop and H&M , say that these are the most favourite brands, so maybe include these at some point in my magazine.

From this question I learnt most people enjoying the music world go to gigs pretty much all year around, so I should put dates in and the latest gigs to hopefully increase the publicity of the magazine.

40.0% of viewers say that they prefer picture based magazines, so I will try to include many images to keep the readers happy.

70.0% of people say they prefer the paper copy magazine type this may be because its easier to access, so this is the type I will use for my magazine.