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October 2005


DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCEMcDermott LibraryDean of the Faculty



This bibliography is a supplement to the Special Bibfiography Series, Number 80,compiled in 1990 to support the 14"' Military History Symposium. It is primarily intended asa listing of scholarly works completed since 1990 on the Vietnam War, although some worksprior to that date are included. The bibliography is selected from the holdings on that warhoused in the McDermott Library, United States Air Force Academy, and includes books,journal articles, government publications, and technical reports. Newspaper articles, worksof fiction, collections of poetry, and most personal narratives are not included.

The Clark Special Collections Branch of the library has extensive primary sourcematerials and artifacts focused on American POW experiences in Southeast Asia. Thoseitems are also excluded from this bibliography since they are limited to in-house use only.Individuals wanting information about that collection should contact the Special CollectionsCurator and Academy Archivist.

This bibliography, Number 103 in the McDermott Library's SpedalBibbofrapby Series,was compiled by Mr. Elwood L. White, Social Sciences and Humanities Librarian.Questions and comments about this addition to the SpedalBib#ography Series may beaddressed to Mr. White at:


2354 Fairchild Drive, Suite 3C9USAF Academy CO 80840-6214

For those libraries receiving this bibliography as a complimentary part of theMcDermott Library's Gifts and Exchange Program, we hope this publication will bebeneficial to you and your patrons. Libraries wishing to be added to the McDermottLibrary's Gifts and Exchange Program may write to: Library Gifts and Exchange Program atthe address shown above. Individuals wishing to see any of the academy library's SpecialBibiograpoy Series may view them on the academy library's intemet web site at


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Director, McDermott LibraryAugust 2005


I. REFERENCE WORKS .............................................. I

II. BIBLIOGRAPHIES .............................................. 3

III. OVERALL ACCOUNTS AND ASSESSMENTS ........................... 4

IV. BACKGROUND AND CAUSES ........................................ 13

V. CIVILIAN LEADERSHIP AND THE HOME FRONT ........................ 16

VI. THE WAR ON THE GROUND ....................................... 25

VII. AERIAL OPERATIONS .......................................... 33

VIII. NAVAL OPERATIONS .......................................... 40


X. ALLIED PARTICIPATION ......................................... 45

XI. GLOBAL CONTEXT OF THE WAR ................................... 47

XII. PRISONERS OF WAR ........................................... 52

XIII. ATROCITIES ................................................ 56


XV. LESSONS OF THE WAR .......................................... 59

XVI. PROTEST MOVEMENTS .......................................... 61

XVII. VETERANS AND THE MEMORIAL WALL ............................ 68

XVIII. EFFECTS OF THE WAR ......................................... 72

XIX. THE VIETNAMESE ............................................... 76

XX. WOMEN IN THE WAR .............................................. 80



XXIII. MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS OF THE WAR ........................... 91


Arnoldt, Robert P., Jacqueline A Marx, and Robert S, Carpenter. Vietnam Insights: AGuide to the American Experience in Vietnam, 1940 to present.W Dundee, IL: Visions Unlimited, 1991.(Ref DS 558 .A77 1991)

Baughman, Ronald, ed. American Writers of the Vietnam War: W. D. Ehrhart,Larry Heinemann, Tim O'Brien, Walter McDonald, John M. Del Vecchio.Detroit: Gale Research, 1991.(Ref PN 41 .D52 v. 9; Dictionary of Literary Biography. Documentary Series)

Clark, Gregory R., comp. Quotations on the Vietnam War. Jefferson, NC:McFarland, 2001.(Ref DS 558 .Q67 2001)

-..... Words of the Vietnam War: The Slang, Jargon, Abbreviations, Acronyms,Nomenclature, Nicknames, Pseudonyms, Slogans, Specs, Euphemisms,Doubletalk, Chants, and Names and Places of the Era of United StatesInvolvement in Vietnam. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1990.(Ref PE 3727 .S7 C57 1990)

Clodfelter, Michael. Vietnam in Military Statistics: A History of the IndochinaWars, 1772-1991. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1995.(Ref DS 556.54 .C57 1995)

Dunnigan, James F. and Albert A. Nofi. Dirty Little Secrets of the Vietnam War.New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 1999.(Ref DS 57.7 .D85 1999; library also has a circulating copy)

Emering, Edward J. Weapons & Field Gear of the North Vietnamese Army andViet Cong. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Pub, 1998.(Ref UF 505 .V5 E45 1998)

Gutzman, Philip C. Vietnam: A Visual Encyclopedia. London: PRC Pub, 2002.(Ref DS 557.7 .G88 2002)

Hillstrom, Kevin and Laurie C. Hillstrom. The Vietnam Experience: A ConciseEncyclopedia of American Literature, Songs, and Filmi. Westport, CT:Greenwood Pr, 1998.(Ref DS 557.73 .H55 1998)

-..... Vietnam War. Edited by Diane Sawinski. 4 vols. Detroit: U.X.L., 2001.(Ref DS 557.7 .H556 2001)


Hobson, Chris. Vietnam Air Losses: United States Air Force, Navy, and MarineCorps Fixed-Wing Aircraft Losses in Southeast Asia 1961-1973.Hinckley, England: Midland Publishing, 2001.(Ref DS 559 .H37 2001)

Kelley, Michael P. Where We Were in Vietnam: A Comprehensive Guide to theFirebases, Military Installations, and Naval Vessels of the Vietnam War.Central Point, OR: Hellgate Pr, 2002.(Ref DS 557.7 .K45 2002)

Last Firebase Veterans Archive Project. Directory of United States Prisoners of War andMissing in Action as a Result of the Vietnam War. Kinston, NC: The Project,[1993?](RefDS 559.4 .D55 1993)

Leepson, Marc and Helen Hannaford. Webster's New World Dictionary of the VietnamWar. New York: Macmillan, 1999.(Ref DS 557.7 .W38 1999)

Lesinski, Jeanne M. MJAs: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO,1998.(Ref UB 03 .L47 1998)

Library of Congress. Photoduplication Service. Guide to the Vietnam-EraDocumentation Collection in Microform. 17 vols in 1. Washington:The Service, 1992-1993.(Refdesk DS 559.4 .L52 1992)

Malo, Jean-Jacques and Tony Williams, eds. Vietnam War Films: Over 600 Feature,Made-for-TV, Pilot and Short Movies, 1939-1992, from the United States,Vietnam, France, Belgium, Australia, Hong Kong. South Africa, GreatBritain and Other Countries. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1994.(RefDS 557.73 .V53 1994)

Marshall, Donald S. "Vietnam and Indochina Wars." In Brassey's Encyclopedia ofMilitary History and Biography, ed. Franklin D. Margiotta. Washington:Brassey's, 1994. 1025-1039.

Reinberg, Linda. In the Field: The Language of the Vietnam War. New York:Facts on File, 1991.(Ref PE 3727 .7 R4 1991)


Strait, Jerry L. and Sandra S. Strait. Vietnam War Memorials: An IllustratedReference to Veterans' Tributes throughout the United States.Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1988.(Ref DS 559.825 .S86 1988)

Summers, Harry G. Historical Atlas of the Vietnam War. Boston: HoughtonMifflin, 1995.(Ref DS 557.7 .S93 1995; library also has circulating copy)

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Directory of Names. Washington: VietnamVeterans Memorial Fund, [1986].(Ref DS 559 .V537 1986)

Wyatt, Barbara P., ed. We Came Home. Toluca Lake, CA: P. 0. W. Pubs, 1977.(Ref DS 559.4 .W4; library also has circulating copy)


"A Bibliography of Unusual Sources on Women and the War." VietnamGeneration 1 (Summer-Fall 1989): 274-277.

Butler, Deborah A. American Women Writers on Vietnam: Unheard Voices:A Selected Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1990.(Z 1227 .B88 1990)

Brune, Lester H. and Richard Dean Bums. America and the Indochina War, 1945-1990:A Bibliographical Guide. Claremont, CA: Regina Books, 1992.(Z 3226 .B89 1992)

Camp, Norman M., Robert H. Stretch, and William C. Marshall. Stress, Strain, andVietnam: An Annotated Bibliography of Two Decades of Psychiatric and SocialSciences Literature Reflectine the Effect of the War on the American Soldier.New York: Greenwood Pr, 1988.(Z 3226 .C35 1988)


Gettleman, Marvin E. "Against Cartesianism: Three Generations of VietnamScholarship." In Coming to Terms: Indochina, the United States, and theWar edited by Douglas Allen and Ng6 Vinh Long. Boulder: WestviewPr, 1991. 289-302(DS 549 .C66 1991)

Hamly, Caroline D. Agent Orange and Vietnam: An Annotated Bibliography.Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Pr, 1988.(Z 6724.C5 H38 1988)

Hidalgo, Stephen P. "A Selected Bibliography of Vietnam War Poetry."Bulletin of Bibliography 48 (Mar. 1991): 12-24.

Jason, Philip K. The Vietnam War in Literature: An Annotated Bibliography ofCriticism. Pasadena, CA: Salem Pr, 1992.(Z 1227 .J37 1992)

Marolda, Edward J. and James Lesher, comps. A Bibliography of the United StatesNavy and the conflict in Southeast Asia, 1950-1975. Washington: ContemporaryHistory Branch, Naval Historical Ctr, 1991.(Z 3226 .M372 1991)

Newman, John et al. Vietnam War Literature: An Annotated Bibliographv ofImaginative Works About Americans Fighting in Vietnam. 3 ed.Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Pr, 1996.(Z 1227 .N49 1996)



Adas, Michael. "A Colonial War in a Postcolonial Era: The United States'Occupation of Vietnam." In America, the Vietnam War, and the World:Comparative and International Perspectives. Ed. Andreas W. Daum,Lloyd C. Gardner, and Wilfried Mausbach. Washington; Cambridge,England: German Historical Inst; Cambridge UP, 2003. 27-42.(DS 557.7 .A47 2003)


Addington, Larry H. America's War in Vietnam: A Short Narrative History.Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2000.(DS 558 .A33 2000)

Appy, Christian G. Patriots: The Vietnam War Remembered from All Sides. New York:Viking, 2003.(DS 559.5 .A66 2003)

Arnold, James R. The First Domino: Eisenhower, the Military, and America'sIntervention in Vietnam. New York: Morrow, 1991.(E 183.8 .V5 A93 1991)

Borer, Douglas. SueMrpowers Defeated: Vietnam and Afghanistan Compared.London; Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 1999.(DS 558 .B67 1999)

Bunker, Ellsworth. The Bunker Papers: Reports to the President from Vietnam,1967-1973. Edited by Douglas Pike. 3 vols. [San Francisco]: Asian Foundation;Berkeley: Inst of East Asian Studies, U of California, 1990.(DS 557.4 .B86 1990)

Cable, Larry. Unholy Grail: The US and the Wars in Vietnam, 1965-8. London;New York: Routledge, 1991.(DS 558 .C35 1991)

Chomsky, Noam. "The United States and Indochina: Far from an Aberration." InComin to Terms: Indochina, the United States, and the War, edited by DouglasAllen and Ng3 Vinh Long. Boulder: Westview Pr, 1991. 161-188.(DS 549 .C66 1991)

Cobb, William W. Jr. The American Foundation Myth in Vietnam: ReigningParadigms and Raining Bombs. Lanham, MD: UP of America, 1998.(E 175.9 .C58 1998)

Daugherty, Leo J. and Gregory L. Mattson. Nam: A Photographic History.New York: Metro Books, 2001.(DS 557.7 .D375 2001)

Divine, Robert A. "Vietnam: An Episode in the Cold War." In Vietnam: The EarlyDecisions. Ed. Lloyd C. Gardner and Ted Gittinger. Austin: U of Texas Pr,1997. 11-23.(DS 558 .V55 1997)


Dorland, Gilbert N. Legacy of Discord: Voices of the Vietnam Era. Washington:Brassey's, 2001.(DS 558 .D63 2001)

Dougan, Clark, et al. The American Experience in Vietnam. New York: Norton;Boston: Boston Pub Co, [1988].(DS 558 .D66 1988)

Edmonds, Anthony 0. The War in Vietnam. Westport, CT: Greenwood Pr, 1998.(DS 558 .E29 1998)

Edwards, Charlene. Voices from Vietnam: The Tragedies and Triumphs of Americansand Vietnamese- Two People Forever Entwined by the Legacy of War.Bayside, NY: Journeys, 2002.(DS 559.5 .E399 2002)

Elliott, David W. P. "Hanoi's Strategy in the Second Indochina War." In TheVietnam War: Vietnamese and American Perspectives. Ed. Jayne S.Weiner and Luu Doan Huynh. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1993. 66-94.(DS 557.7 .V5662 1993)

Franklin, H. Bruce. Vietnam and Other American Fantasies. Amherst, MA:U of Massachusetts Pr, 2000.(DS 559.62 .U6 F73 2000)

Gardner, Lloyd C. "Vietnam: Many Wars?" In America, the Vietnam War, and theWorld: Comparative and International Perspectives. Ed. Andreas W. Daum,Lloyd C. Gardner, and Wilfried Mausbach. Washington; Cambridge, England:German Historical Inst; Cambridge UP, 2003. 341-356.(DS 557.7 .A47 2003)

Gates, John M. "If at First You Don't Succeed, Try to Rewrite History: Revisionism andthe Vietnam War." In Looking Back on the Vietnam War: A 1990s Perspectiveon the Decisions, Combat, and Legacies. Ed. William Head and Lawrence E.Grinter. Westport, CT: Greenwood Pr, 1993. 177-189.(DS 558 .L66 1993)

Gibson, James W. The Perfect War: Technowar in Vietnam. Boston: AtlanticMonthly Pr, 1986.(DS 558 .G53 1986)

Gilbert, Marc J., ed. Why the North Won the Vietnam War. New York: Palgrave, 2002.(DS 557.7 .W49 2002)


Grant, Zalin. Facing the Phoenix. New York: W. W. Norton, 1991.(DS 557.7 .G72 1991)

Guilmartin, John. America in Vietnam: The Fifteen-Year War. New York:Military Pr, 1991.(DS 558 .G85 1991)

Head, William. "Vietnam and Its Wars: A Historical Overview of U. S. Involvement."In Looking Back on the Vietnam War: A 1990s Perspective on the Decisions,Combat, and Legacies. Ed. William Head and Lawrence E. Grinter.Westport, Ct; London: Greenwood Pr, 1993. 15-49.(DS 558 .L66 19930

Hearden, Patrick J. The Tragedy of Vietnam. New York: HarperCollins, 1991.(DS 558 .H42 1991)

Herring, George C. America's Longest War: The United States and Vietnam,1950-1975. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.(DS 558. H45 2002; library also has earlier editions)

------. "History and Historiography of the Vietnam War." In The Vietnam War:Its History, Literature, and Music. Ed. Kenton J. Clymer. El Paso:Texas Western Pr, 1998. 22-37.(DS 557.3 .V54 1998)

"- "What Kind of War Was the Vietnam War?" In Facing My Lai: MovingBeyond the Massacre. Ed. David L. Anderson. Lawrence: UP of Kansas,1998. 95-105.(DS 557.8 .M92 F33 1998)

Hunt, Michael H. Lyndon Johnson's War: America's Cold War Crusade in Vietnam,1945-1968. New York: Hill and Wang, 1996.(DS 558 .H85 1996)

Isserman, Maurice. Witness to War: Vietnam. New York: Berkley Pub Group, 1995.(DS 558.187 1995)

Jackman, Galen B. Through the Eyes of the Dragon: Vietnamese Communist GrandStrategy during the Second Indochina War. Washington: Industrial College ofthe Armed Forces, 1992.(Report lit MF ADA 262 167)

Joes, Anthony J. The War for South Viet Nam, 1954-1975. Rev ed. Westport, CT:Praeger, 2001.(DS 557.7 .J63 2001)


Katsiaficas, George, ed. Vietnam Documents: American and Vietnamese Views of theWar. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1992.(DS 557.4 .V55 1992)

Kinnard, Douglas. The Certain Trumpet: Maxwell Taylor & the American Experience inVietnam. Washington: Brassey's, 1991.(DS 558 .K56 1991)

Langguth, A. J. Our Vietnam: The War, 1954-1975. New York: Simon &Schuster, 2000.(DS 558 .L36 2000)

Levy, Debbie. The Vietnam War. Minneapolis: Lemer Pub Co, 2004.(DS 558 .L475 2004)

Lewy, Guenter. "The Role of Deception in the Vietnam War." In Deception andDeterrence in "Wars of National Liberation," State-Sponsored Terrorismand Other Forms of Secret Warfare. Ed. John Norton Moore. Durham:Carolina Academic Pr, 1997. 43-49.(U 240 .D295 1997)

Lind, Michael. Vietnam, the Necessary War: A Reinterpretation of America's MostDisastrous Military Conflict. New York: Free Pr, 1999.(DS 558 .L565 1999)

Lomperis, Timothy J. From People's War to People's Rule: Insurgency, Intervention,and the Lessons of Vietnam. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina Pr, 1996.(DS 558 .L64 1996)

-....- The War Everyone Lost- and Won: America's Intervention in Viet Nam'sTwin Struggles. Rev ed. Washington: CQ Pr, 1993.(DS 558 .L65 1993)

McCloud, Bill. What Should We Tell Our Children about Vietnam? Norman:University of Oklahoma Pr, 1989.(DS 557.7 .M4 1989)

McNamara, Robert S., James G. Blight, and Robert K. Brigham. Argument WithoutEnd: In Search of Answers to the Vietnam Tragedy.New York: Public Affairs, 1999.(DS 558 .M439 1999)


----- and Brian VanDeMark. In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam.New York: Times Books, 1995.(DS 558 .M44 1995)

Maurer, Harry. Strange Ground: Americans in Vietnam, 1945-1975, an Oral History.New York: H. Holt, 1989.(DS 559.5 .M38 1989)

Morrison, Wilbur H. The Elephant and the Tiger: The Full Story of the Vietnam War.New York: Hippocrene Books, 1990.(DS 557.7 .M65 1990)

Moss, George D. Vietnam, an American Ordeal. 4 ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall, 2002.(DS 557.7 .M66 2002)

Nalty, Bernard C., ed. The Vietnam War: The History of America's Conflict inSoutheast Asia. New York: Smithmark, 1996.(DS 557.7 .V5668 1996)

Neale, Jonathan. A People's History of the Vietnam War. New York: New Pr, 2003.(DS 557.7 .N373 2003)

Ng6, Vinh Long. "Vietnam." In Coming to Terms: Indochina, the United States, and theWar. Ed. Douglas Allen and Ng6 VTnh Long. Boulder: Westview Pr, 1991. 9-64(DS 549 .C66 1991)

Olson, James S. Where the Domino Fell: America and Vietnam, 1945 to 1990.New York: St Martin's, 1991.(DS 558.045 1991)

Page, Tim, and John Pimlott, eds. Nam: Vietnam, 1965-75. New York: Barnes &Noble, 1995.(Oversize DS 558 .N35 1995)

Palmer, Dave R. Summons of the Trumpet: A History of the Vietnam War from aMilitary Man's Viewpoint. New York: Ballantine Books, 1984, c1978.(DS 558 .P34 1984; library also has 1978 printing)

Parker, F. Charles IV. Vietnam: Strategy for a Stalemate. New York:Paragon House, 1989.(DS 557.7 .P35 1989)


Prados, John. The Blood Road: The Ho Chi Minh Trail and the VietnamWar.New York: Wiley, 1999.(DS 558 .P74 1999)

-.... The Hidden History of the Vietnam War. Chicago: I. R. Dee, 1995.(DS 558 .P73 1995)

-. "Peripheral War: A Recipe for Disaster? The United States in Vietnam andJapan in China." In America, the Vietnam War, and the World: Comparativeand International Perspectives. Ed. Andreas W. Daum, Lloyd C. Gardner, andWilfried Mausbach. Washington; Cambridge, England: German HistoricalInst; Cambridge UP, 2003. 89-103.(DS 557.7 .A47 2003)

Record, Jeffrey. The Wrong War: Why We Lost in Vietnam. Annapolis, MD:Naval Inst Pr, 1998.(DS 558 .R43 1998)

-----.and W. Andrew Terrill. Iraq and Vietnam: Differences, Similarities and Insights.[Carlisle Barracks, PA]: Strategic Studies Inst, U. S. Army War College, 2004.(Report Lit ADA 423 779)

Robinson, Norbome T. N. M, The Vietnam Victory Option. Middleburg, VA:Guam Pr, [1993].(DS 558.2 .R52 1993)

Roleff, Tamara L., ed. The Vietnam War. San Diego: Greenhaven Pr, 2002.(DS 558 .V46 2002)

Schulzinger, Robert D. A Time for War: The United States and Vietnam. 1941-1975.(New York: Oxford UP, 1997).(E 183.8 .V5 S36 1997)

Sheehan, Neil. A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam.New York: Random House, 1988.(DS 558 .S47 1988)

Showalter, Dennis E. and John G. Albert, eds. An American Dilemma: Vietnam, 1964-1973. Chicago: Imprint Pubs, 1993.(UGB 789 1990)

Simpson, Howard R. Tiger in the Wire: An American in Vietnam, 1952-1991.Washington: Brassey's, 1992.(DS 553.5 .S56 1992)


Sorley, Lewis. A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy ofAmerica's Last Years in Vietnam. New York: Harcourt Brace & Co, 1999.(DS 558 .S65 1999)

------ Vietnam Chronicles: The Abrams Tapes 1968-1972. Lubbock: Texas TechUP, 2004.(DS 558 .V478 2004)

Tran, Van Tra. "The War That Should Not Have Been." In The Vietnam War:Vietnamese and American Perspectives. Ed. Jayne S. Werner and Luu DoanHuynh. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1993. 233-242.(DS 557.7 .V5662 1993)

Vickers, George R. "U. S. Military Strategy and the Vietnam War." In The VietnamWar: Vietnamese and American Perspectives. Ed. Jayne S. Werner and LuuDoan Huynh. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1993. 113-129.(DS 557.7 .V5662 1993)

Walton, C. Dale. The Myth of Inevitable US Defeat in Vietnam. London; Portland, OR:Frank Cass, 2002.(DS 558 .W34 2002)

Webb, Willard J. History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and theWar in Vietnam, 1969-1970. Washington: Office of the Chairman of the JointChiefs of Staff, 2002.(DS 558 .W4 2002; Gov Doc D 5.2: H62/969-70))

Williams, William A. et al, eds. America in Vietnam: A Documentary History.Garden City, NY: Anchor Pr/Doubleday, 1985.(DS 558 .A44 1985)

Young, Marilyn B. The Vietnam Wars 1945-1990. New York: Harpercollins, 1991.(DS 557.7 .Y678 1991)

- and Robert Buzzanco. A Companion to the Vietnam War. Maiden, MA:Blackwell Pub, 2002.(DS 558 .C66 2002)


Buzzanco, Bob. "The American Military's Rationale Against the Vietnam War."Political Science Quarterly 101 (Winter 1986): 559-576.

-.... "Division, Dilemma, and Dissent: Military Recognition of the Peril of War in

Viet Nam." Vietnam Generation 3 issue 4 (1991): 9-37.

Colby, William E. "A Participant's Commentary on Vietnam." Proloeu 23(Spring 1991): 58-67.

Correll, John T. "The Vietnam War Almanac." Air Force Magazine 87(Sept 2004): 42-64.

Gray, W. Russel. "In Dubious Battle: Vietnam's 'Infectious Phantasmagoria'."Journal of Popular Culture 37 (Fall 2003): 202-219.

Guan, Ang Cheng. "The Domino Theory Revisited: The Southeast Asia Perspective."War & Society 19 (May 2001): 109-130.

Lacouture, Jean. "From the Vietnam War to an Indochina War." Foreign Affairs48 (July 1970): 617-628.

Lockard, Craig A. "Meeting Yesterday Head-On: The Vietnam War in Vietnamese,American, and World History." Journal of World History 5 (Fall 1994): 227-270.

Marquis, Jefferson P. "The Other Warriors: American Social Science and NationBuilding in Vietnam." Diplomatic History 24 (Winter 2000): 79-105.

McCloud, Bill. "What Should We Tell Our Children About Vietnam?" AmericanHeritage 38 (May-June 1988): 55-77.

Pickett, William B. 'Vietnam, 1964-1973: An American Dilemma." Journal ofMilitary History 56 (Jan 1992): 113-118.

Prados, John, "Letter from Hanoi: Old Adversaries Met to DebateOpportunities." MHO: The Quarterly Journal of Military History 11(Autumn 1998): 40-45.

Record, Jeffrey. "The Critics Were Right." Proceedings of the U. S. NavalInstitute 122 (Nov 1996): 64-68.


"Vietnam in Retrospect: Could We Have Won?" Parameters 26(Winter 1996-97): 51-65.

Rostow, W. W. "McNamara's War Reconsidered." Society 35 (Sept/Oct 1998):78-83. Reprinted in Current Issue 410 (Feb 1999): 24-30.



Anderson, David L. Trapped by Success: The Eisenhower Administration andVietnam, 1953-1961. New York: Columbia UP, 1991.(E 835 .A72 1991)

Baritz, Loren. Backfire: A History of How American Culture Led Us into Vietnam andMade Us Fight the Way We Did. New York: Morrow, 1985.(DS 558 .B37 1985)

Bradley, Mark. "An Improbable Opportunity: America and the DemocraticRepublic of Vietnam's 1947 Initiative." In The Vietnam War: Vietnameseand American Perspectives. Ed. Jayne S. Werner and Luu Doan Huynh.Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1993. 3-23.(DS 557.7 .V5662 1993)

Cable, James. The Geneva Conference of 1954 on Indochina. New York:St Martin's Pr, 1986.(DS 553.6 .C33 1986)

Catton, Philip E. Diem's Final Failure: Prelude to America's War in Vietnam.Lawrence: UP of Kansas, 2002.(DS 556.9 .C37 2002)

Chenn, Jian, et al. The Cold War in Asia. Washington: Woodrow Wilson IntlCtr for Scholars, [1996?].(DS 518.1 .C64 1996)


Chomsky, Noam. American Power and the New Mandarins. New York: PantheonBooks [1969].(E 744 .C54)

Coffey, Joan L. "The First Indochina War: Perceptions and Realities of French andAmerican Policy." In The Vietnam War: Handbook of the Literature andResearch. Ed. James S. Olson. Westport, CT: Greenwood Pr, 1993. 73-90.(DS 558 .V58 1993)

Dalloz, Jacques. The War in Indo-China, 1945-54. Trans. Josephine Bacon.Dublin: Gill & Macmillan; Savage, MD: Barnes & Noble, 1990.(DS 553.1 .D35 1990)

Fall, Bernard B. Street Without Joy. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole, 1994.(DS 553.1 .F35 1994; library also has earlier printings)

Herring, George C. "Conspiracy of Silence: LBJ, the Joint Chiefs, andEscalation of the War in Vietnam." In Vietnam: The Early Decisions.Ed. Lloyd C. Gardner and Ted Gittinger. Austin: U of Texas Pr, 1997.100-116.(DS 558 .V55 1997)

Irving, Robert E. M. The First Indochina War: French and American Policy,1945-54. London: Helm, 1975.(DS 553.1 .178)

Kaiser, David E. American Tragedy: Kennedy, Johnson, and the Origins of theVietnam War. Cambridge: Belknap Pr of Harvard UP, 2000.(DS 558 .K35 2000)

Logevall, Fredrik. Choosing War: The Lost Chance for Peace and the Escalation ofWar in Vietnam. Berkeley: U of California Pr, 1999.(Ds 558 .L6 1999)

-....- The Origins of the Vietnam War. Harlow, England; New York:Longman, 2001.(DS 557.6 .L64 2001)

Mann, Robert. A Grand Delusion: America's Descent into Vietnam.New York: Basic Books, 2001.(DS 558 .M34 2001)

Moise, Edwin E. Tonkin Gulf and the Escalation of the Vietnam War.Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina Pr, 1996.(DS 557.8 .T6 M65 1996)


Neese, Harvey and John O'Donnell, eds. Prelude to Tragedy: Vietnam,1961-1965. Annapolis: Naval Inst Pr, 2001.(DS 556.9 .P74 2001)

Rice-Maximin, Edward F. Accommodation and Resistance: The FrenchLeft, Indochina. and the Cold War, 1944-1954. New York:Greenwood Pr, 1986.(DS 553.1 .R53 1986)

Short, Anthony. The Origins of the Vietnam War. London; New York:Longman, 1989.(DS 557.6 .S53 1989)

Siff, Ezra Y. Why the Senate Slept?: The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and theBeginning of America's Vietnam War. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999.(DS 557.8 .T6 S54 1999)

United States. Dept of State. Foreign Relations of the United States. Washington:GPO, 1932-(Gov Doc S 1.1:See volumes for 1961-1968

Windrow, Martin. The Last Valley: Dien Bien Phu and the French Defeat in Vietnam.Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Pr, 2004.(DS 553.3 .D5 W56 2004)


Anderson, David L. "Eisenhower, Dienbienphu, and the Origins of UnitedStates Military Intervention in Vietnam." Mid-America 71(April-July 1989): 101-117.

Asad, Ismi. "United States Policy Towards Vietnam, 1954-1955: TheStabilization of the Diem Government." Vietnam Generation3 no. 4 (1991): 39-58.

Bundy, William P. "The Path to Vietnam: Ten Decisions." Orbis 11(Fall 1967): 647-663.


Chen, King C. "Hanoi's Three Decisions and the Escalation of the VietnamWar." Political Science Quarterly 90 (Summer 1975): 239-259.

Combs, Arthur. "The Path Not Taken: The British Alternative to U. S. Policyin Vietnam, 1954-1956." Diplomatic History 19 (Winter 1995): 33-57.

Ford, Ronnie E. "Secret Army, Secret War, Recent Disclosures and the VietnamWar: The Significance of American 34 Alpha and Desoto Operations withRegard to the Tonkin Gulf Resolution." Intelligence and National Security11 (April 1996): 364-373.

Freedman, Lawrence. "Vietnam and the Disillusioned Strategist." InternationalAffairs 72 (Jan. 1996): 133-151.

Johns, Andrew L. "Opening Pandora's Box: The Genesis and Evolution of the 1964Congressional Resolution on Vietnam." Journal of American-East AsianRelations 6 (Summer-Fall 1997): 175-206.

Showalter, Dennis E. "Dien Bien Phu in Three Cultures." War & Society 16(Oct. 1998): 93-108.



Allen, Douglas. "Scholars of Asia and the War." In Coming to Terms: Indochina, theUnited States, and the War. Ed. Douglas Allen and Ng8 Vunh Long.Boulder, CO: Westview Pr, 1991. 211-249.(DS 549 .C66 1991)

Anderson, David L., ed. Shadow on the White House: Presidents and the VietnamWar, 1945-1973. Lawrence: UP of Kansas, 1993.(DS 558 .S43 1993)

Averch, Harvey A. The Rhetoric of War: Language, Argument, and Policy Duringthe Vietnam War. Lanham, MD: University Pr of America, 2002.(DS 558 .A94 2002)


Ball, Moya A. Vietnam-on-the-Potomac. New York: Praeger, 1992.(DS 558 .B35 1992)

Barrett, David M. Uncertain Warriors: Lyndon Johnson and His Vietnam Advisers.Lawrence: UP of Kansas, 1993.(DS 558 .S88 1993)

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Bowen, Kevin. "U. S. Veterans: The War and the Long Road Home." InComing to Terms: Indochina, the United States, and the War.Ed. Douglas Allen and Ng6 Vinh Long. Boulder: Westview Pr,1991. 250-264.(DS 549 .C66 1991)

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