Download - Super Powerful Questions



Look at the list of questions on your table

Consider how you would answer them for a particular situation

Rank the questions by how much they make you think


Powerful Questions

Generate new ideas

Make you pause

Are for the listener

Probe beyond the surface



Create new ideas...

“What is another way?”

Resolve conflict...

“ Why is that important to you?”

Help reflection...

“ How could you make this more fun?”

Surface assumptions...

“What would happen if you did nothing?”



Think of a situation you are involved in

Pick a card from the table

See if the question helps you

If not, try a different question


Pair up

Have one person explain a situation they are involved in, as if they are talking to a friend or coach.

The listener picks one of the powerful question cards

and asks that question at an appropriate time.

Observe what happens



Keep a few questions on you at all times

Practice, practice, practice

Pause after asking a powerful question

Don't worry if they feel uncomfortable at first

Use the questions for self reflection

Download the cards:



Take a powerful question card with you

See how many times you can use it at SGZA

Tweet about your experience
