Download - SUNSHINE COAST POLICING COMMITTEE Monday March 2, 2015 · 4. Sunshine Coast Youth Awareness and Action Committee minutes of October 31, 2014 and November 28, 2014

Page 1: SUNSHINE COAST POLICING COMMITTEE Monday March 2, 2015 · 4. Sunshine Coast Youth Awareness and Action Committee minutes of October 31, 2014 and November 28, 2014



Monday March 2, 2015 Sunshine Coast Regional District Offices - Cedar Meeting Room

1975 Field Road, Sechelt, BC VON 3A1 AGENDA

CALL TO ORDER 9:00 a.m. AGENDA 1. Adoption of the Agenda PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS MINUTES 2. Sunshine Coast Policing Committee Minutes of November 3, 2014 ANNEX A

pp 1-4 COMMUNICATIONS 3. Ocean Beach Esplanade - regarding blocked public parking spaces

- Director Lewis

Verbal Director Lewis

4. Sunshine Coast Youth Awareness and Action Committee minutes of October 31, 2014 and November 28, 2014

ANNEX B pp 5-18

REPORTS 5. RCMP Monthly Crime Statistics – October , November, December 2014 and

January 2015 ANNEX C pp 19-22

6. RCMP Monthly Report

available at

meeting NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETINGS - May 4, June 29, September 24, November 2, 2015

Page 2: SUNSHINE COAST POLICING COMMITTEE Monday March 2, 2015 · 4. Sunshine Coast Youth Awareness and Action Committee minutes of October 31, 2014 and November 28, 2014


November 3, 2014

MINUTES OF THE SUNSHINE COAST POLICING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD IN THE CEDAR ROOM OF THE SUNSHINE COAST REGIONAL DISTRICT OFFICES, 1975 FIELD ROAD, SECHELT, BC. PRESENT: Director, Electoral Area E, Chair Lorne Lewis (Voting Members) Director, Electoral Area A Frank Mauro Director, Electoral Area B Garry Nohr Alternate Director, Electoral Area D Dave Ryan Director Area E Lee Turnbull Director, Town of Gibsons Gerry Tretick SD 46 Greg Russell ALSO PRESENT: (Non-Voting) Alternate Director, Area F Joyce Clegg COPS Cavin Crawford RCMP Sgt Mike McCarthy SD46 Greg Kitchen Sunshine Coast Speed Watch Jon Hird SCRD, CAO John France SCRD, Emergency Program Coordinator Bill Elsner SCRD, A/GM Community Services Bruce Bauman SCRD, Admin. Assist. Community Services Lynda Edstrom CALL TO ORDER 9:00 am Introductions were made. AGENDA The Agenda was adopted as amended. MINUTES Recommendation No. 1 Minutes The Sunshine Coast Policing Committee recommended that the minutes of September 8, 2014 be adopted as amended to note that:



Page 3: SUNSHINE COAST POLICING COMMITTEE Monday March 2, 2015 · 4. Sunshine Coast Youth Awareness and Action Committee minutes of October 31, 2014 and November 28, 2014

S u n s h i n e C o a s t P o l i c i n g C o m m i t t e e M i n u t e s N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 4 P a g e | 2 “ Sea Cavalcade “No Parking” signs on Gower Point Road remained in effect until after the fireworks and the signs were removed the next morning.” REPORTS Recommendation No. 2 Monthly Crime Statistics The Sunshine Coast Policing Committee recommended that the Monthly Crime Statistics for August and September 2012, 2013 and 2014 be received. Recommendation No. 3 RCMP Monthly Report The Sunshine Coast Policing Committee recommended that the RCMP Monthly Report be received. Note: The report highlighted a recent serious single vehicle motor accident at Hill Road and Highway 101. It was noted there has been several accidents over the years at this location. Discussion - Gerry Tretick asked if MOTI responded to the RCMP regarding the dangerous intersection of Hill Road and Highway 101? The RCMP stated they met with MOTI at the scene of the recent accident. The RCMP is awaiting a response to their letter to MOTI. - Joyce Clegg noted there was a large RCMP presence at the BC Ferry Terminal recently. The RCMP said they were likely looking for a particular vehicle and that this is not a usual occurrence. - Greg Russell welcomed the presence of the RCMP at the BC Ferry Terminal. - Garry Nohr asked that the Regional Manager of MOTI be invited to speak to the SCRD Board regarding dangerous intersections on the Sunshine Coast. - The RCMP noted that tests were done on the road surface of Hwy 101 and Hill Road and that the intersection surface was more slick than other areas of the highway and that cement barriers and removal of the two cedar trees at the intersection would improve safety. Recommendation No. 4 Invitation to Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure The Sunshine Coast Policing Committee recommended that Highway 101 safety concerns noted by the Sunshine Coast Policing Committee and the Transportation Advisory Committee be forwarded to the SCRD Board for discussion with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; AND THAT the Regional Manager of Transportation and Infrastructure be invited to speak with the SCRD Board regarding the high accident intersection at Hwy 101 and Hill Road in Sechelt,


Page 4: SUNSHINE COAST POLICING COMMITTEE Monday March 2, 2015 · 4. Sunshine Coast Youth Awareness and Action Committee minutes of October 31, 2014 and November 28, 2014

S u n s h i n e C o a s t P o l i c i n g C o m m i t t e e M i n u t e s N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 4 P a g e | 3 noting that cement barriers and removal of the two cedar trees at the intersection would improve safety. - The RCMP noted that in the Monthly Crime Statistics that Federal and Provincial Statute figure increases are likely boating infractions during the summer months. - Greg Russell commented that the BCAA Crossing Guard Program has been implemented in other School Districts. Roberts Creek School PAC has expressed interest in this program. He asked if this training would be available from the RCMP? He noted that in the past West Vancouver Police have trained students. The RCMP noted they have not done this training and suggested the School District contact other districts regarding procedures to implement training. He noted that the School District has adult staff at Hwy 101 and School Road due to safety concerns at this busy intersection. Greg Russell noted there is a need for responsibly training crossing guards in the School District and he will contact other jurisdictions to enquire about their program and who did the training. - John Hird noted he had observed parents taking children across School Road outside of the crosswalks and enforcement is needed as this does not set a good example for the children to not use cross walks. Greg Kitchen noted he will send a recommendation to the Gibsons Elementary Principal to communicate to parents to use crosswalks and that area construction is dangerous. - John Hird stated that the drop off in front of the school has created traffic congestion. Round Table - Frank Mauro thanked Sgt. McCarthy for his work with speeding motorboat offenders in Pender Harbour. The Community Association is arranging a Town Hall Meeting soon and would like to invite the RCMP to attend and provide information on what can be done to control speeding motorboats in their area. - Greg Kitchen stated that in light of incidents in Seattle and Ottawa, the School District is fortunate to have a Protocol Agreement with the RCMP and the Ministry of Children and Families to identify potential behavior problems in the schools. Each situation is looked at to determine and minimize risk. They work closely with the RCMP regarding lockdown procedures in the schools. - Bill Elsner thanked Sgt. McCarthy for his support over the years to the Policing Committee, SCEP, Search and Rescue and the Fire Departments, noting he has been very approachable and easy to work with. - Garry Nohr thanked Sgt. McCarthy for his work over the years on the Sunshine Coast. - Bruce Bauman also thanked Sgt. McCarthy for his work over the years. - Lee Turnbull stated this was her last Policing Committee meeting and she is not running in the upcoming election. She especially thanked Sergeant McCarthy, the RCMP, Search and Rescue, and the Fire Departments for their work. She also noted that with respect to emerging issues in


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S u n s h i n e C o a s t P o l i c i n g C o m m i t t e e M i n u t e s N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 4 P a g e | 4 schools, prevention is less expensive as a society and that we all need to work together on prevention regarding violence in schools. - Lorne Lewis noted Halloween was very noisy in his area with fireworks. NEXT MEETINGS - The 2015 schedule will be emailed when announced.

ADJOURNMENT 9: 40 a.m.


Page 6: SUNSHINE COAST POLICING COMMITTEE Monday March 2, 2015 · 4. Sunshine Coast Youth Awareness and Action Committee minutes of October 31, 2014 and November 28, 2014

Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness CommitteeMinutes of the meeting held in the Board Room at Sunshine Coast Community Services, Sechelt, BC

October 31, 2014

Present: Greg Russell, Chair Board of Trustees, SD #46/ Gibsons & Elphinstone Community School BoardAdrianne Gadd SCRD RecreationAlice Lutes District of Sechelt CouncilDarren DeRoon Ministry of Children and Family DevelopmentCharlene Schafer Yew Transition HouseFrances Ardron Youth Clinician & Prevention Worker, Mental Health and Addictions ServicesFrancine Clohosey Pender Harbour Community SchoolJohanna Marion Youth Outreach Program CoordinatorKevin Shepherd RCMP Youth Intervention OfficerLee Ann Johnson Town of Gibsons CouncilMeghan Molnar Community Dietician, Vancouver Coastal HealthRon .Depner Family & Youth Counselling, Sunshine Coast Community ServicesStacia Leech Roberts Creek Community SchoolSuzanna Lodewijk Sechelt Youth CentreTed Chisholm Sechelt Community SchoolsTiffany Vellios SCRD RecreationDiane Corbett Recorder

Regrets: Darnelda Siegers District of Sechelt CouncilDonna Shugar Sunshine Coast Regional District BoardLee Turnbull Sunshine Coast Regional District Board

1. Call to Order 9:08 a.m.

2. Roundtable Introductions

3. Chair’s Report — Greg Russell

The Chair commented on a recent article on the front page of the Vancouver Sun regarding theincorporation of “Social Emotional Learning” (SEL) in the school curriculum.

4. Youth Outreach Worker Program Update —Johanna Marion

• Youth Outreach had a busy summer. There was a lot of beach patrol; staff made sure youthhad water and a safe ride home. 74 safe rides were done over the summer.

• Statistics show that Youth Outreach Workers (YOWs) made contact with almost 1300 youthfrom January to September. One of the questions asked of youth are whether they have heardof Youth Outreach; only 11.9% of youth had not heard about the program.

• Sea Cavalcade — Youth Outreach had a booth at the event. Touched base with over 200 youth.Gave over 150 bottles water to youth. Parents visited and received helpful information. Thebooth focused a lot on promotion of the program. Had an article in the Coast Reporter, and gota lot of feedback.

• Johanna spoke to Gibsons Rotary Club about the Youth Outreach Worker Program for 45minutes, and received a $500 donation for the program.

• Promotion continues through using the poster campaign anywhere youth hang out. Handflyers got a lot of response, also key lights — youth workers have given out over 1000 key lightsthis year. Car magnets on staff vehicles have been a good promotional tool.

• On Facebook: SunshineCoast YouthOutreach



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Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Meeting Minutes, October 31, 2014

• Youth Outreach will be putting on a dance on December 19 for ages 13-18 at the Gibsons and

Area Community Centre. A lot of people want to be involved with that.

• Johanna will be going on maternity leave for a year; last day will be February 13.The Glbsons &

Elphinstone Community School is looking for someone to fill the position.

5. Youth Centres Update

Gibsons Youth Centre —Johanna Marion

• Since taking over for the Youth Supervisor in April, Johanna has been doing a lot of work on

promotion. In late spring she spoke in grades 5-7 Gibsons classrooms. There was a major spike

in Tween program attendance after that. She plans to do this again, and also go into

Elphinstone to increase awareness of the Youth Centre.

• Changed Youth Centre hours in response to a survey. The Centre is now open until 9:00 pm on

Fridays, and there is an extra hour for Tweens on Saturdays. Also added an extra Tween day,

open Tuesday and Saturdays. There is really good attendance Fridays and Saturdays.

• Let the Youth Centre know if you want to be added to its email list.

• This summer one major focus was resume building. Kids brought in application forms for jobs

they wanted; staff helped with resumes and cover letters. 100% of the (7) kids that came got

jobs.• The Youth Centre is having a full kitchen installed in November. This will enhance the

opportunity to do cooking, baking, and teaching about healthy habits and nutrition. Currently

there is a toaster oven, microwave, and hotplate.

Sechelt Youth Centre — Suzanna Lodewijk & Ted Chishoim

• Suzanna has been back since September. Charlene Blais has left the coast and will be missed.

Natasha Joe is newly hired and a great addition to the team. Suzanna and Tash are learning

how they will work together.• Tween program is busy. Youth program is quiet. Youth Centre staff will start to go into schools

every Thursdays starting in November to promote the Centre, to connect with youth, and

especially with grade 8’s. Will spend November trying to figure out where youth are at.

• Tweens program is going well. There will be Halloween events with horror movies, pizzas, and

chili. Staff are gearing up for Christmas; will look at doing 12 days of homemade gifts.

• The Youth Centre received a grant from the Sunshine Coast Community Foundation to run a

Tweens program over the summer. Tweens spent time cooking, gardening, and volunteering at

community events in town.

6. Roundtable Agency Update

a. Sechelt Community Schools — Have partnered with YMCA to provide space at the Sechelt Youth

Centre. The Youth Leadership Development Program starts on Tuesday November 4 (4:00-6:00

pm), with ongoing intake. The program involves leadership, personal awareness, social emotional

learning, volunteer opportunities, and brings in guest speakers. A Youth leadership conference in

May is included, with kids from all over the Lower Mainland attending. Cost: $150 for the year,

with financial assistance from YMCA for those who need it. Transportation from Langdale to

Sechelt and back is included. A Middle Years Action Committee is starting. There will be a

Transitions Forum at Chatelech on November 5 from 3:30-5:30 pm, for anyone working with kids

in transition ages, to talk about what needs to happen and how to facilitate this in the schools and

community. David Barnham is the School District No. 46 Transitions Coordinator.2/6


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Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Meeting Minutes, October 31, 2014

b. District of Sechelt — Alice Lutes — Election time is an opportunity to make changes in localgovernment; Sechelt has seen a lot of candidates. At the recent UBCM convention, there was not alot of talk about youth and youth programs; we need to have that voice heard at those levels.

c. Community Dietician, VCH — Meghan Molnar — Is working with some school counselors, includingVanessa White and Emily Davies, co-teaching around healthy eating and body image. Will do aparent workshop on November 3 with Pender Harbour Community School regarding child andyouth mental health and nutrition. Cooked with the Sechelt Youth Centre’s Tween group insummer. There is a grant through the food bank for teaching programs and food literacy(shopping, cooking etc); Meghan can send information upon request.

d. Pender Harbour Community School — Francine Clohosey — Darcie Murray, Youth OutreachWorker, indicated there was an increase in the need for safe rides home. With the teacher strike,kids had more free time, and with the change in weather, Youth Outreach in Pender has provided4-6 rides each week, with 2-4 kids per car. There will be fireworks hosted by fire fighters, Oct 31 at7pm. Pender Harbour Community Club is hosting Friday night youth nights at the community hall;a community person has stepped forward to help stage this. There is also a film night happening; aprojector was donated. On the third Friday, PHCS is running family music night at the MusicSchool. New: Darcie Murray also provides youth and family support in the schools, Thursdays1:00-3:00, drop-in; youth and families are encouraged to come by. She is also working with acounselor at the high school, planning a Sunshine Coast youth resource panel for next year.

e. SCRD Recreation — Adrianne Gadd & Tiffany Vellios — Tiffany is new program coordinator. Tiffany isdoing age 0-18 programs and special events and Adrianne is doing fitness, arena, court, and fieldprograms. Learn To Skate program: SCRD Recreation received a $5000 grant to offer programs forschools to learn how to skate. Other programs running include squash program, HEROS program,public swim and skates. There has been increased attendance with the introduction of the MyPass.For youth it costs $99 per year; if a parent has the MyPass, then youth costs $39 per year, makingit attainable for families to recreate in facilities. Sports Week is at the end of November, “RBCCanada Sports Day”, November 22-29. On Nov 22, there will be a free ‘Do Sports’ Fair to let peopleknow about sport. Staff is trying to reach out to sports groups to come. There will be free “try-itprograms” at recreation centres during that week. The Leisure Access Program has been renamedLeisure Inclusion For Everyone (LIFE); it is for people in need of financial assistance to attendrecreational activities. It includes $200 in program credits. Tiffany receives all the referral forms.Agency referral programs have been extended to include Habitat for Humanity and YMCA. Tiffanyhas been working with Halfmoon Bay Community School to get a Halfmoon Bay teen night runningon Fridays once a month, likely starting January. Looking at offering teen dance at Sechelt Arena inFebruary in partnership with the Community School. Starting a Friday girls night, a Sechelt andGibsons registered program, with one session in the new year. SCRD Rec is looking for volunteersfor ProD day camps, which have active, creative and educational components. Are starting a HomeSense Program, on what to do if you are home alone. Also starting a mixed martial arts program atGACC. Coordinators are trying to offer programs in both locations.

f. Mental Health and Addictions Services — Frances Ardron — July was quiet, August busy for youthat the hospital. The Psych Unit is taking youth, and can hold them there. In August, there weremore youth than adults in the Psych Ward. There is a good process for youth if they need to besecure somewhere. In early September, Frances saw lots of crisis, suicide attempts, overdosingkids — with nothing to do, or anxious about school. New Mental Health and Addictions Servicesmanager Suzanne Richter is awesome. There are changes at Mental Health and Addictions,amalgamating two teams into one, and with a new focus on families, incorporating families more



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Sunshine Coast Youth otco\uon!!wPVVN

into the work, and trying to do meetings with families. Drug wise, there seems to be a spike in theuse of MDMA (Ecstacy), especially in Sechelt and Halfmoon Bay. Did a music night last week withteens performing, in partnership with Sechelt Festival of Arts, that was well attended. A November14 event will be geared to LGBTQ and will be a party/movie night. Kids have to come up with filmson a “Trans” theme. It is an awareness night, and held at the Mental Health building by St. Mary’sHospital around 7pm. There are two local kids off coast in treatment. One is doing fantastic, has anew look on life, has really changed their life around, and wants to work with Frances doing drugeducation. Frances will be away December 8 to January 5. Referrals for her are going to TimHayward at 604-885-6101 (Mental Health line). Frances has a lot of clients from the Alt Schoolsand in Pender Harbour.

g. Town of Gibsons — Lee Ann Johnson — Has been making a push to try to encourage young voters.Lee Ann discussed the importance of voting in a democracy, and urged those present to encourageyoung people to vote. People do not have to be registered; two pieces of ID are required.Councilor Johnson spoke about the “remarkable,” “compassionate” individual who headed theTruth and Reconciliation Commission and his inspiring message at a UBCM workshop.

h. Roberts Creek Community School — Stacia Leech — Nights Alive Friday has not started up yet. Thetwo staff people are unable to do it this year; RCCS may have found a replacement. It will be everyFriday night in the gym in Roberts Creek. Social emotional learning (SEL) is RCCS’s focus. It is in thestrategic plan, and a direction for all programs. Roots of Empathy is an SEL evidence-basedprogram that brings a baby into the program; kids learn about emotions and feelings. RCCS hascoordinated this regionally for the School District. Will try this in the Alt School this year for grade9. Sunshine Coast Social Emotional Learning Planning Table meets once a month. Social emotionallearning includes five domains: self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making,social awareness, and relationship skills. The Planning Table looks at what we are doing in theSchool District and community around SEL programming. RCCS has funding from Health Canadafor a “mindfulness in education” project, and is starting the second year of a 3-year project. Theproject takes an environmental approach to SEL, and involves students, parents and teachers.Starting for grade 7’s the following week at RCCS: Mind Up, a 15-week mindfulness educationprogram. A Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course for teachers started the previous January, there will be a 7 week training in Mindfulness-Enhanced Strengthening FamiliesProgram for parents and kids. The project is gearing up in the planning for a teen residentialmindfulness retreat for next summer. The project received approval from the UBC Board of Ethicsfor baseline surveys around stress, anxiety and resilience. RCCS will see if it can liaise with the newSD 46 Transition Coordinator, David Barnham. The Association for Community Education BC(ACEBC): in 2015 the conference will be on the Sunshine Coast at the auditorium at Chatelech. Thetheme will be social emotional learning. On April 8 there will be a coordinators retreat; April 9,keynote speaker; April 10 conference, including a panel discussion on social emotional learning.There will be tables in the foyer for organizations that want to distribute information. Registrationis open to anyone.

School District No. 46 — Greg Russell — Will be running again for school trustee. Received an emailfrom VOICE with a questionnaire to candidates. Attended an all candidates event sponsored byVOICE at Roberts Creek Hall. Greg commented on the lack of participation at the event by peopleunder 40, and on the need for more involvement of that demographic in voting. He perceivedthere could be more happening at the secondary level, and that there should be more peoplecoming out of school with a sense of civic responsibility and involvement.



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Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Meeting Minutes, October 31, 2014

j. RCMP — Kevin Shepherd — Is back to patrol. Cops for Cancer raised (a lot of money). It was 840 kmover 8.5 days. Kevin had to do a Violent Risk Threat Assessment and went into the schools rightafterwards, and did debrief after at the Alt School. Is back with HEROS Hockey program for grades5-7, and grades 8-12 for All Stars (mentorship), every Friday at Sechelt Arena, with over 30 kidsthis year. Ben Stewart is helping out. This is Kevin’s fourth year with HEROS. There has been a lotof movement at the office, with about four or five transfers. Kevin intends to stay for another five.New staff sergeant will be here in two weeks, from Calgary. Operations: Mike McCarthy will beretiring in December. There are lots of new constables coming in. Kevin remarked it was good thatthe Psych Ward is starting to take youth, and that there needs to be some education around that.Kevin spoke highly of Sumac Place. (Frances noted Sumac Place is still in its early stages, and willnot take referrals for two years.) Kevin has three trainers now for Violent Risk Threat Assessmenttraining, and would like to do the training monthly.

Action: Kevin will send information to Ted for distribution regarding Violent Risk ThreatAssessment training.

Greg commented on the School District partnering in recent years around emergencypreparedness protocols with the RCMP and Ministry of Children and Family Development. Therehas been a lot done in procedures related to threatening situations.

k. Ministry of Children and Family Development — Darren DeRoon — There are lots of staffingchanges at MCFD. Alick Troup is retiring November 21; there will be a new team leader. KimSullivan is the new team leader for Child and Youth Mental Health. Other new staff: Shelly Letraveand Sara Oliver. Family Support Services have a few more openings for clients if youth or familiesneed extra help. It is open access service. MCFD is looking at having kids on rather than off coast ifthey have mental health or psychological issues. There is a push to get a Youth Psych Unit on thecoast in the long run. The Psych Unit will move to the new tower; it is hoped to have a few roomsfor youth separated from the other psych ward. They are doing a lot of work at the hospital onhow they interact and on how it is received when kids present to the ER. They have changed thefocus: when the youth arrives, they have to be seen very soon by a doctor for an initialassessment. There is openness at the hospital to make changes. Dr. Borelli and Dr. Altman wereleaders. It is under Shared Care Initiative, also the Family Doctors. A number of individuals from arange of agencies are looking at the whole system.

Ted mentioned that Vanessa White will be taking the Mental Health First Aid Trainer training inNovember. It is designed for teachers, youth workers, counselors and people working in thecommunity with youth. The 14-hour 2-day first aid course trains people to recognize the signs ofyouth in crisis and make sure they are stable until first response help arrives.

I. Yew Transition House — Charlene Schaffer — Had a busy summer. Have had feedback from youthon the good service of youth outreach workers. Charlene said she appreciates this committee interms of connecting and knowing what is going on the community — thanks for the opportunity.

m. Sunshine Coast Community Services — Ron Depner — Remarked on changes in his organization,noting it is a credit to the programs and how they are set up that, even though there is change atthe top, people are still able to provide service and do their jobs. It has made it busier for thoseunderneath. Community Services is in the process of hiring a new Executive Director. A programdirector is on leave, leaving those filling in with long hours. Youth in Transitions received a $40,000grant from Telus, with funds used to support youth getting set up to live on their own. YIT programis up and running. The Aboriginal Families Pulling Together is open to youth, but really is mostlyaccessed by families with younger kids and tweens. It is word of mouth; SCCS provides space for



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Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Meeting Minutes, October 31, 2014

them for free. They often have 40-60 people there a few times per month. The focus is primarilyon Aboriginal culture and activities. A new facilitator was hired part time into that position.

Ron mentioned a presentation he heard recently on the importance of partnerships. It is the wayof the future, especially for small communities, and may be the only way organizations will surviveover the next ten years. We could be competing for work, but there are smarter and wiser ways ofdoing things by working together.

Alice Lutes noted that, regarding partnerships, within the past two weeks there was an act ofrecognition between the Sechelt Indian Government and the District of Sechelt. This past weekPublic Health and the District of Sechelt signed an agreement that will enable them to worktogether on bylaws and issues that came out in the Vital Signs report.

Ron proposed there is an opportunity to develop a brochure for emergency situations thatpresents who is who in community services! resources on the Sunshine Coast, and what to do inan emergency or different kinds of crisis. It was noted that there is a list of community resourcesrelated to crisis, geared to suicide prevention, which is available; Ron and Ted will discuss further.

- Put on next meeting agenda.

Action: Greg will take this idea to the Healthy Schools Committee.

n. Gibsons and Elphinstone Community School — Greg Russell —Telus made a donation to supportthe Elphinstone afterschool program of $34,875.

The Chair thanked and extended his appreciation to local elected officials Alice Lutes,Lee Ann Johnson and Donna Shugarfor their participation on this committee.

7. Next Meeting Friday, November 28, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. at School Board Office, Gibsons

8. Adjournment 10: 52 a.m.



Page 12: SUNSHINE COAST POLICING COMMITTEE Monday March 2, 2015 · 4. Sunshine Coast Youth Awareness and Action Committee minutes of October 31, 2014 and November 28, 2014

Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness CommitteeMinutes of the meeting held in the Board Room at School District No. 46 Main Office, Gibsons, BC

November 28, 2014

Present: Greg Russell, Chair SD #46 Board of Education! Gibsons & Elphinstone Comm. School BoardAlice Lutes District of Sechelt CouncilBonnie Vankoughnett Tobacco Reduction, Vancouver Coastal HealthDave Mewhort School District No. 46 Board of EducationFrances Ardron Youth Clinician & Prevention Worker, Mental Health & Addictions ServicesGreg Kitchen School District No. 46 Assistant SuperintendentJohanna Rzepa Public Health and Prevention, Vancouver Coastal HealthKevin Shepherd RCMP Youth Intervention OfficerTed Chishoim Sechelt Community SchoolsTiffany Vellios SCRD RecreationVictoria Kedd is FORCE Societyfor Kids Mental HealthDiane Corbett Recorder

Regrets: Christina Donahue Gibsons & Elphinstone Community SchoolDarren DeRoon Ministry of Children and Family DevelopmentJohanna Marion Youth Outreach Program CoordinatorRon Depner Family & Youth Counselling, Sunshine Coast Community ServicesStacia Leech Roberts Creek Community School

1. Call to Order 9:09 a.m.

2. Roundtable Introductions

3. Minutes of Friday, October 31, 2014

The October 31, 2014 meeting minutes were adopted as circulated.

4. Chair’s Report — Greg Russell

Greg remarked he had hoped Lee Ann Johnson would be present at this meeting, as he wanted to

honor her for her participation on this committee over the last several years as counselor from the

Town of Gibsons.

5. Youth Outreach Worker Program Update

Ted Chishoim reported on behalf of Johanna Marion that things are quiet and working well with

the Youth Outreach Program. Johanna’s replacement for the Youth Outreach team and at the

Gibsons Youth Centre has been hired, and is starting to undergo training. Johanna’s last day before

maternity leave is February 13.

6. Youth Centres Update — Ted Chishoim

6.1 Gibsons Youth Centre

Operations are running smoothly. The teen dance, originally planned for December 19, has been

postponed to the spring.


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Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Meeting Minutes, November 28, 2014

6.2 Sechelt Youth Centre

Numbers are up at the Youth Centre. Suzanna Lodewidjk has been going to Chatelech Secondary,where she got feedback that kids are not interested in being at the centre on Friday nights. Thecentre now is open Wednesday afternoons, and after school on Friday; numbers have increasedwith this change. On Friday nights, staff will stay on if kids are there and want to stay later. YouthCentre staff collaborated with Janet Mulligan, Aboriginal Child & Youth Mental Health & WellnessLiaison, who brought in a number of kids she works with, to have pizza and lots of goodconversation. The kids are interested in coming back and using the gym. Tweens program onMondays and Thursdays: kids are doing lots of crafts, cooking, and outdoor play on Rockwoodgrounds. It is a healthy program, with kids feeling really connected with staff. SYC is starting 12Days of Christmas, making homemade gifts every day. Tweens are eager to have a tween danceand want to participate to help make it happen.

7. Roundtable Agency Update

a. Sechelt Community Schools — Ted Chisholm — SCS have partnered with YMCA on the YouthLeadership Development program that has started Tuesday nights at the Sechelt Youth Centre. SCShas applied for gaming grants to be able to increase programming and put the youth centre on amore stable footing. Ted is doing circles in the schools with grade 7 students, preteen age, lookingat a focus on transition to high school and developing a circle of trusted peers. He is doing this atDavis Bay with grades 6 and 7 boys and girls, and at Kinnikinnick with grade 7 boys.

b. SCRD Recreation — Tiffany Vellios — Are in the process of rolling out the Recreation Guidesupplement. Had successful Pro-D camp on Nov 21, ages 6-12. Is working on providing a pre teendance Feb 21, 7-9 called “Neon Lights”. Adrianne Gadd is working on “Sports Day in Canada”, withfree try-it programs, and a sports day. It has been confirmed that Halfmoon Bay teen night will runfrom January to March, the last Friday of each month. Have increased numbers in public skates.

c. Mental Health & Addictions — Frances Ardron — Regarding increase in Ecstacy use (pills or powderform), Frances has been doing in-service in schools talking about risks. Frances has been workingwith lots of high-risk kids. Drug education has started; it will go to end of school year. LGBTQ nighthad a good turnout for a movie night, pizza, and discussion.

d. Public Health, VCH — Johanna Rzepa — Introduced new Tobacco Reduction Coordinator, BonnieVankoughnett. Public Health has just finished a busy fall immunizing youth. Pharmacists areimmunizing for flu; the vaccine is free. Nurses are encouraged to participate in any Public Healthprograms or talks between January and March; Public Health staff is available to do presentations.

e. RCMP — Kevin Shepherd — In the last few weeks, Kevin was involved with social media issuescentred around the grade nines. Had some discussions at Chatelech related to transitions. Kevin isworking with kids as they transition from grade 7 to 8; he noted that is when a lot of drug usestarts. RCMP Youth Academy: there are now 3 applicants; 3 more applications will be coming fromPender = 6 applying. The number selected to attend Youth Academy depends on total numbers ofapplicants. Further information will be available just before Christmas break.



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Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Meeting Minutes, November 28, 2014

f. District of Sechelt — Alice Lutes — Alice remarked that she was not sure who would get appointedto this table; it would be determined within 7-10 days. The budget will be coming forward. Alicewas sure there would be support for youth activities as in past.

g. Board of Education, School District No. 46 — Dave Mewhort — This is the year when schools arerolling out the new BC curriculum. It is still in draft but part is being implemented this year forgrades 10 to 12. Right now the School District trustees are focused on the budget; there has beenone community consultation, and one DPAC consultation. Greg Russell has been working withcommunity agencies on developing plans for emergency preparedness.

h. School District No. 46 — Greg Kitchen — There was a delayed school start up this year that wasdisruptive. Students have expressed concern about achieving their grades. The District StudentLeadership Team is up and running, with reps from all the high schools, typically grade 11 and 12students with a strong degree of connectedness to the schools who see the big picture and haveempathy and understanding for kids less connected to school. The School District is seeing a spikein cyber issues, social media, and risky behavior — consistent with what is happening in BC — and ispurchasing materials to be more proactive, and educating educators to be able to address this.High schools have put information on websites. Concern about grads: there are often activitiesthat come up that are not sanctioned by the school. “S Trips” is an example that is well knownacross North America; it involves risky behavior and lack of chaperones. If you hear of an event oractivity, call the school to see if it is a school event. At Chatelech, a new section of the library willopen, with new Gay Strait Alliance (GSA) sanctioned books and material. GSA Clubs last year werealive and well in the school, and are now getting rolling. Last year the SD46 Board passed aregulation regarding sexual orientation. In the very near future, the School District will publish abrochure on this. (If you want some brochures at your site, email Greg Kitchen.) There are alsoplans to bring in a variety of guest speakers. Over the last 3 years the School District has workedwith SCRD on the emergency preparedness plan and worked with RMCP over safe schools andlockdown procedures. Hopefully by January information will be posted to the SD46 websiteregarding what to do in emergencies such as lockdowns, etc. A teacher, David Barnum, isresponsible for looking at the grade 7 to 8 transition, and is working with other teachers aiming tobuild confidence for youth in that transition.

A discussion ensued on youth involvement in elections, and increasing youth awareness of andinvolvement in the local political process.

i. FORCE Society for Kids Mental Health — Victoria Keddis — Recently gave a presentation at GibsonsElementary on building resiliency and helping children manage anxiety.

8. Next Meeting Friday, January 30, 2015 9:00 a.m. at Community Services, Sechelt

9. Adjournment 9:50 a.m.



Page 15: SUNSHINE COAST POLICING COMMITTEE Monday March 2, 2015 · 4. Sunshine Coast Youth Awareness and Action Committee minutes of October 31, 2014 and November 28, 2014

Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Minutes of the meeting held at Sunshine Coast Community Services, 5638 Inlet Avenue, Sechelt, BC

January 30, 2015

Present: Greg Russell, Chair Board of Trustees, School District #46

Alice Lutes District of Sechelt Council

Carol McGuire Public Health, Vancouver Coastal Health

Doug Wright District of Sechelt Council

Frances Ardron Youth Clinician & Prevention Worker, Mental Health & Addictions

Johanna Marion Youth Outreach Worker Program Team Leader

Kevin Shepherd RCMP Youth Intervention Officer

Meghan Molnar Community Dietician, Sunshine Coast & Powell River, VCH

Ron Depner Family & Youth Services, Sunshine Coast Community Services

Sue Wilson Gibsons Area Community Schools

Suzanna Lodewijk Sechelt Youth Centre

Ted Chisholm Sechelt Community Schools

Tiffany Vellios SCRD Recreation

Val MacLean Executive Director, Sunshine Coast Community Services

Diane Corbett Recorder

Regrets: Adrianne Gadd SCRD Recreation

Christina Donahue Gibsons Area Community Schools

Lisa Stiver YMCA of Greater Vancouver / Camp Elphinstone

Victoria Keddis FORCE Society for Kids Mental Health

1. Call to Order 9:05 a.m.

2. Roundtable Introductions

3. Motion to adopt the minutes of Friday, November 28, 2014

The November 28, 2014 meeting minutes were adopted as circulated.

4. Chair’s Report – Greg Russell

Greg commented on the poor turnout for the November meeting, and indicated he wished to

confirm that there is still interest in continuing these meetings. He remarked that it would be nice

to see more faces at the meetings, and asked that members let their associates know about them.

This committee started many years ago when the superintendent of schools and RCMP had an

idea of sharing information to address youth issues.

The Youth Outreach Worker Program was a result of action of this committee, and will be

celebrating its tenth anniversary soon. A subcommittee of the SCYAAC formed in 2005 to develop

a youth outreach program; various people in local government stepped up to fund the program. It

is one of the few in the province that is funded locally, with no provincial government support –

something we can take great pride in as a community.

Alice Lutes commented on the value of this committee for elected officials in accessing

information about youth/youth services in the community; the information also helps support

youth funding.


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Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Meeting Minutes, January 30, 2015


Action: Ted will contact people on the email list to inquire if they wish to receive the minutes and

stay on the list; and barriers to meeting attendance, and report back at the next meeting.

5. Youth Outreach Worker Program Update – Johanna Marion

Have been having a team of two out until 11 pm Friday nights; have noticed a lot going on around

10 or 11 pm. There have been lots of youth in parks, beaches, at Tim Horton’s, McDonald’s, where

YOW staff has been promoting the program and doing referrals. Youth have been coming to Youth

Outreach Workers, inquiring about when the youth centre is open. Youth Outreach phone line is

available 24/7: 604-741-1129. The Team Leader has been getting a lot of calls from parents. Youth

Outreach has a flyer and key lights. They continue to run the safe ride program; however it is not a

taxi service but the last option. Johanna will be going on maternity leave in two weeks and has

really enjoyed her year as Team Leader. Interviews for a replacement are being conducted.

6. Youth Centres Update

Gibsons Youth Centre – Johanna Marion

February 13 is Johanna’s last day, her incoming replacement is a woman named Sam Talbot.

Tween program is going well, numbers keep increasing; Tuesday & Saturday, around 10-20 kids,

age 10-13 attend each time and are very keen and eager. A group is turning 13 this spring, and

Johanna hopes they will step up as leaders at the Youth Centre. Teen days are Thursday and

Friday. There is a dinner program Friday, with 12-13 having dinner. It is completely youth-run for

dinner; usually a youth worker buys groceries with them. Wednesday is really slow, max 5 kids,

usually closer to 2. Staff have conducted an information survey, trying to find some options for

that night, and are receiving a lot of positive parent feedback from Tween parents. A proper stove

is being installed; allowing more baking, teaching nutrition and cooking. More promotion will be

happening in the schools, including the elementary schools. Johanna will be back at the Youth

Centre February 15, 2016.

Sechelt Youth Centre – Suzanna Lodewijk

Suzanna has been back since beginning of January, after closing for the Christmas holidays. Staff

are putting a focus on working on boundaries and responsibilities with the tweens, e.g. having the

kids do inventory and label all of the new sports equipment, and having them look after it. Gym

time is very popular with this group. There are bullying issues among the tween group coming

from the school and bussing; staff will focus on the issue through February. A monthly schedule is

available for distribution, Suzanna passed around a sign up list for those interested in receiving it

electronically. Tweens free drop-in takes place Monday & Thursday, 2:30-5:00pm, and Friday

night is teen drop-in from 3:00-6:00pm. Teen numbers are down so staff will go to Chatelech or

the Alternate Schools to find out what they are looking for/needs are, as well as doing outreach at

different elementary schools each week to spend lunch hour with kids. There is lots of relationship

building going on. SYC will be doing the concession and will help supervise the SCRD pre-teen

dance on February 21. Staff are looking to do a heart to heart talk with teens on the last Friday of

every month, with the possibility of having a panel of community members there; contact Suzanna

if you have anything you would like to offer.


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Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Meeting Minutes, January 30, 2015


7. Roundtable Agency Update

a. District of Sechelt – Alice Lutes and Doug Wright – A new council was sworn in in December;

committees have been sorted. Alice is the representative on this committee, and Doug Wright,

who has a background in the school system, is the alternate.

b. Sechelt Community Schools – Ted Chisholm – Starting to put a focus on transitions with grade 7s

to help prepare for high school. Helped coordinate a Safe Online Education Society presentation

for gr. 6’s and 7’s, and parents; had about 40 parents show up. The presenter focused on kids and

adults being responsible citizens online, and that with focus, people can create a caring online

environment. Ted is working with grades 6 and 7 at Davis Bay and grade 7 at Kinnikinnick doing

team building, working on social emotional learning and transition to high school.

c. Sunshine Coast Regional District Recreation – Tiffany Vellios – Halfmoon Bay teen night @ HMB

Elementary for grades 6-8 will run to end of March, with two staff on site. HMB elementary

student council is running the concession; have access to gym and library, $5 drop-in. Neon Lights

pre-teen dance, grades 5-7, Feb 21 at the Sunshine Coast Arena community room; are working

with Sechelt Community Schools, $7. New program: Friday night Girls Night at SAC and GACC, age

9-12 (five sessions are scheduled for the next season). Tonight is the first one in Sechelt, 6:00-8:30.

When at the pool, will go swimming; when at arena will go skating. Have contracted staff for the

program. Will also have volunteers there. High Five training is includes Principles of Healthy

Childhood Development for front line workers, and evaluation tools for Supervisors; SCRD is an

accredited High Five organization. Ted and Tiffany are in the process of becoming certified trainers

to train staff, and volunteers. Family Day is coming February 9 and includes free skating and

swimming (see details on SCRD website). All of the Pro-D Day camps have been filling. Junior

squash in Gibsons is running for beginners and intermediate levels, and registration is ongoing.

Adrianne Gadd is working on youth orientations for fitness room for youth aged 13-18. Youth

working out on their own need an orientation with one of SCRD Rec’s personal trainers. Youth

involvement has dramatically increased with the implementation of My Pass. If a parent in the

household has a My Pass, the youth My Pass costs $39 per year (otherwise youth costs $99/year).

Through a RBC Learn to Play grant, the SCRD is offering free lessons to School District #46 grade 9s

to learn to skate.

d. Gibsons Area Community Schools – Sue Wilson – The name of Gibsons and Elphinstone

Community School has been changed to Gibsons Area Community Schools. Circle training has been

done with staff; there has been ongoing training to raise effectiveness. Community garden is

getting on its way at Gibsons Elementary; not sure if it will happen before end of year, as right now

it is a parking lot for staff. A local garden committee has shown interest in being involved.

e. Community Dietician, VCH – Meghan Molnar – Has been working with school counselors

especially elementary, and offering body image and healthy eating workshops for parents. Hope to

get girls groups working on self-esteem. Next week is provincial Eating Disorders Awareness Week.

Meghan is working with Emily Davies to do presentations or information displays about eating

disorders. A lot of teens get concerned about what they look like; it has a huge impact on how

they live, eat, exercise. She will be doing a display at Gibsons Public Library: “Love our bodies, Love

ourselves”. Will do talk for parents at Davis Bay on February 4: “Fueling your mind and body”

about what parents can do to encourage healthy body and self-image. Meghan is available to

come into youth centres, talk about nutrition, do shopping tours, etc.

f. Public Health, VCH – Carol McGuire – Public Health received McCreary Survey local results with

2014 data recently. The survey is done in schools, administered by public health; can be grade 7-


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Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Meeting Minutes, January 30, 2015


12. The results include School Districts 46-49 (West Vancouver, North Vancouver, Sea to Sky,

Central Coast). McCreary would like to do Next Steps project again, have two facilitators come,

meet with students, present data, and have students come up with a project. Carol will continue

to be the main contact support for students, and is open to ideas, feedback. Central Coast was not

in the last data, which will shift the results a bit from previous surveys. There were lots of positives

and strengths, including connectedness with schools and community. Contact Carol McGuire if you

have any questions: phone 604-885-8702, fax 604-885-9725, or [email protected].

g. Mental Health and Addictions Services – Frances Ardron – Recently MH&A decided it will no

longer accept youth admissions in psychiatric unit at St. Mary’s, and Frances has been called to the

emergency room to see youth/do crisis counselling. There is nowhere on the coast to put kids with

psychiatric issues. Frances has been trying to mediate that. Often issues relate to overdoses or

attempted suicides. Have to send kids to Vancouver; if after hours, kids are placed in a safe room

(cell-like room with no windows) overnight. Issue with morphine recently, kids stealing it from

their parent’s prescription. Kids have been snorting and selling it, and mixing it with alcohol.

Frances has been trying to enhance awareness about that. There is some concern in Pender

Harbour with 13 year olds hanging out with 20 year olds, drinking, smoking, and partying. There is

pressure for grade 8s to take part in that culture. Online issues between communities, including

sexting and sending of nude pictures have been occurring, and Frances has urged girls not to send

naked pictures of themselves, nor feel pressure to be sexy and attractive. In Pender Harbour,

Frances is a doing monthly LGBTQ get together, and a weekly Gay Strait Alliance (GSA) meeting in

Gibsons. There are a lot more people coming out, girls especially. At Chatelech a teacher does the

GSA. In Gibsons there is more of an accepting atmosphere around it; kids know there is a safe

place to hang out. Will do a session in Alt Schools focusing on wellness, drug use, anxiety,

depression, resilience; they are getting class credit for it. Will do a walking tour of Sechelt looking

at different agencies/resources. A practicum student at the hospital is doing a degree in Social

Work and is interested in shadowing Frances, and may be here at the next meeting.

h. School District No. 46 – Greg Russell – The School District is about to engage on redevelopment of

its strategic plan. Will have a community forum at Chatelech on March 9, 4:30pm to 6:30pm,

which will include presentations, and information tables. Greg hopes to have the student

leadership team help host. People in the community, local government, and ministries will be

invited. The Board wants community input on what the School District should do over the next

four years. More information at next meeting.

i. Sunshine Coast Community Services – Valerie MacLean – Is thrilled to be in the community and to

be working for SCCS. She is in awe at how engaged this community is, and is loving learning about

the community and the organization itself.

j. Sunshine Coast Community Services – Ron Depner – Message from Roberts Creek Community

School: Nights Alive is back on Friday nights; hired two staff this week. Ron acknowledged the

incredible work of Johanna Marion as Coordinator of the Youth Outreach Worker program this

year, who has done an “outstanding” and “spectacular job”. (There was a round of applause for

Johanna and her contributions from those present.) Now organizers are trying to figure out what is

next. Noting it is the last year of the Memorandum of Understanding in funding the YOW program,

Ron suggested this might be the time to have an organization review of what we’d like to see,

receive input, what works, ask bigger questions about where we want to go. The competition

closing date has closed for the YOW Team Leader; there are a few potential candidates. More

information at next meeting.


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Sunshine Coast Youth Action and Awareness Committee Meeting Minutes, January 30, 2015


k. RCMP – Kevin Shepherd – Regarding youth with social media sending out images: Safe Online

presentation was amazing. Most kids in grades 6 and 7 have hand held devices. Kevin has talked to

SD 46 Assistant Superintendent Greg Kitchen about banning the cell phone in schools. Things

exploded in November in social media. Kevin has done a lot of violent risk threat assessments over

past few months related to safety and security of the students in the school or community. Some

of the students have been under care of psychiatrists from these issues. In March, four RCMP staff

will go to Oshawa for the Violent Risk Threat Assessment train the trainer. They want to run the

training monthly. Youth Academy: two from the coast are going to Chilliwack for 8 days over

spring break. HEROS Hockey every Friday 2:00-5:30pm is a lot of fun (for grades 5-7; grade 8-9

mentors; no upper age limit). HEROS: Hockey Education Reaching Out Society is in every NHL city

and the Sunshine Coast. Is on the coast because TELUS has provided $1 million. Principals make

referrals to the program. Kids can join; don’t turn any one away. Contact Kevin or school principal.

Kids were taken to SportChek in West Vancouver and were completely outfitted (spent $25,000).

Youth probation stats on the coast are really down; there is currently one on youth probation.

Previously this has been up around 30. Restorative Justice Board referrals are way down. Kevin

discussed the background of the new RCMP bosses on the coast. Since the shootings at Ottawa

cenotaph and in Moncton, RCMP have had changes in gear. In February, Kevin will go for a week of

Immediate Action Rapid Deployment training in Chilliwack where he will be an instructor.

There was discussion about the issue of a lack of accommodation at the hospital for youth with

psychiatric issues and the care for youth with mental health issues on the Sunshine Coast.

8. Next Meeting Friday, February 27, 2015 at 9:00 a.m., SD46 Board Office, Gibsons

9. Adjournment 10:40 am


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TOTAL CALLS FOR SERVICE October 2012 October 2013 October 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 210 238 260

District of Sechelt 291 284 258

Sechelt Indian Band 51 65 78

Town of Gibsons 92 148 139

CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS October 2012 October 2013 October 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 19 13 18

District of Sechelt 15 22 22

Sechelt Indian Band 3 5 6

Town of Gibsons 4 8 6

PROPERTY CRIMES October 2012 October 2013 October 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 27 26 41

District of Sechelt 31 37 25

Sechelt Indian Band 9 10 12

Town of Gibsons 16 24 15

OTHER CRIMINAL CODE October 2012 October 2013 October 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 16 17 18

District of Sechelt 18 27 27

Sechelt Indian Band 5 14 9

Town of Gibsons 4 10 20

CDSA October 2012 October 2013 October 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 2 6 8

District of Sechelt 2 5 9

Sechelt Indian Band 3 3 2

Town of Gibsons 1 5 3

OTHER FEDERAL STATUTES October 2012 October 2013 October 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 8 8 6

District of Sechelt 7 4 4

Sechelt Indian Band 2 1 0

Town of Gibsons 3 1 4

PROVINCIAL STATUTES October2012 October 2013 October 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 23 16 38

District of Sechelt 37 25 30

Sechelt Indian Band 6 7 15

Town of Gibsons 8 22 16

BY-LAW INFRACTIONS October 2012 October 2013 October 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 13 12 9

District of Sechelt 13 9 16

Sechelt Indian Band 0 0 0

Town of Gibsons 10 6 7

TRAFFIC INVESTIGATIONS October 2012 October 2013 October 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 39 66 53

District of Sechelt 35 48 38

Sechelt Indian Band 8 12 11

Town of Gibsons 5 21 19




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TOTAL CALLS FOR SERVICE November 2012 November 2013 November 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 232 211 209

District of Sechelt 270 254 237

Sechelt Indian Band 34 52 59

Town of Gibsons 103 120 108

CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS November 2012 November 2013 November 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 7 10 10

District of Sechelt 18 12 19

Sechelt Indian Band 3 3 5

Town of Gibsons 8 9 6

PROPERTY CRIMES November 2012 November 2013 November 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 17 27 22

District of Sechelt 32 37 42

Sechelt Indian Band 3 7 5

Town of Gibsons 25 22 23

OTHER CRIMINAL CODE November 2012 November 2013 November 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 11 9 8

District of Sechelt 27 21 20

Sechelt Indian Band 2 6 7

Town of Gibsons 8 5 6

CDSA November 2011 November 2013 November 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 3 6 4

District of Sechelt 8 12 7

Sechelt Indian Band 2 1 4

Town of Gibsons 2 2 3

OTHER FEDERAL STATUTES November 2012 November 2013 November 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 6 2 11

District of Sechelt 4 5 4

Sechelt Indian Band 0 1 2

Town of Gibsons 1 0 0

PROVINCIAL STATUTES November 2012 November 2013 November 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 18 16 17

District of Sechelt 24 25 27

Sechelt Indian Band 6 8 12

Town of Gibsons 7 17 8

BY-LAW INFRACTIONS November 2012 November 2013 November 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 8 2 3

District of Sechelt 9 5 9

Sechelt Indian Band 1 2 1

Town of Gibsons 4 3 9

TRAFFIC INVESTIGATIONS November 2012 November 2013 November 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 45 71 56

District of Sechelt 43 56 33

Sechelt Indian Band 10 11 12

Town of Gibsons 11 19 22



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TOTAL CALLS FOR SERVICE December 2012 December 2013 December 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 255 209 182

District of Sechelt 311 260 254

Sechelt Indian Band 61 62 58

Town of Gibsons 119 115 122

CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS December 2012 December 2013 December 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 16 9 15

District of Sechelt 25 16 17

Sechelt Indian Band 11 7 5

Town of Gibsons 10 6 7

PROPERTY CRIMES December 2012 December 2013 December 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 28 24 26

District of Sechelt 45 38 36

Sechelt Indian Band 5 8 14

Town of Gibsons 20 11 30

OTHER CRIMINAL CODE December 2012 December 2013 December 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 8 12 7

District of Sechelt 36 23 24

Sechelt Indian Band 7 6 7

Town of Gibsons 11 11 6

CDSA December 2012 December 2013 December 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 4 4 7

District of Sechelt 6 6 5

Sechelt Indian Band 2 0 3

Town of Gibsons 5 4 3

OTHER FEDERAL STATUTES December 2012 December 2013 December 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 7 9 5

District of Sechelt 4 1 6

Sechelt Indian Band 1 0 0

Town of Gibsons 4 0 0

PROVINCIAL STATUTES December 2012 December 2013 December 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 19 15 18

District of Sechelt 38 33 28

Sechelt Indian Band 1 15 6

Town of Gibsons 4 15 19

BY-LAW INFRACTIONS December 2012 December 2013 December 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 10 6 1

District of Sechelt 13 3 3

Sechelt Indian Band 1 0 0

Town of Gibsons 8 3 5

TRAFFIC INVESTIGATIONS December 2012 December 2013 December 2014

Sunshine Coast Regional District 70 54 49

District of Sechelt 38 40 51

Sechelt Indian Band 5 8 10

Town of Gibsons 7 14 20



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Sunshine Coast Regional District 207 210 180

District of Sechelt 239 279 264

Sechelt Indian Band 53 59 51

Town of Gibsons 110 140 98


Sunshine Coast Regional District 16 12 16

District of Sechelt 9 14 24

Sechelt Indian Band 8 9 4

Town of Gibsons 9 10 9


Sunshine Coast Regional District 32 27 20

District of Sechelt 48 35 45

Sechelt Indian Band 5 9 14

Town of Gibsons 16 30 19


Sunshine Coast Regional District 8 8 11

District of Sechelt 21 34 22

Sechelt Indian Band 2 12 4

Town of Gibsons 11 16 12


Sunshine Coast Regional District 9 9 5

District of Sechelt 9 4 4

Sechelt Indian Band 1 1 2

Town of Gibsons 3 2 5


Sunshine Coast Regional District 4 3 9

District of Sechelt 1 11 9

Sechelt Indian Band 1 0 0

Town of Gibsons 3 0 1


Sunshine Coast Regional District 18 16 9

District of Sechelt 25 29 36

Sechelt Indian Band 9 6 8

Town of Gibsons 10 18 9


Sunshine Coast Regional District 2 6 6

District of Sechelt 3 6 6

Sechelt Indian Band 0 0 1

Town of Gibsons 3 5 2


Sunshine Coast Regional District 54 48 48

District of Sechelt 41 44 28

Sechelt Indian Band 9 8 8

Town of Gibsons 8 12 8