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The continuation of Breaking Dawn

By Giselle Soto

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Chapter 1

It has been ten years since our daughter was

born, and I still can believe how fast she has

grown. She doesn’t look like she’s 10, but rather

looks like she is 18 years young. And, wow, is she

beautiful. Her hair is still copper color and with

curled ends which is way past her lower back. She

still blushes here and there and she still has that

laugh that no matter how angry one is, you can’t

help but laugh with her. Rennesmee, my beautiful,

rare, talented daughter. Everyday that goes by she

looks more and more like her father Edward. And

everyday, somehow that I can’t explain, we love her

more and more. Even the pack loves her like a baby

sister. They can’t even believe that they wanted to

destroy Rennesmee when she was still in my womb.

Sam and Emily are much more protective of her then

the rest. Of course no one can pass Jake, who is

there 24/7. He never leaves her side and the

smallest sign of threat he always takes his guarded

position in front of Rennesmee to shield her from

whatever is or was about to come. Many times my new

family just laughs at how guarded and protected and

sometimes overly dramatic Jake is, but I don’t mind

because at least I know no harm will come to her. I

mean she doesn’t only have her family’s protection

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but she also has horse size wolves or shape

shifters like Aro would call them, and many other

vampires from the Denali clan to the Amazonian.

Every single vampire that stood beside us years ago

when the Volturi wanted to destroy Rennesmee has

grown to love her more then we expected. Amun, from

the Egyptian coven has never been too fond to grow

close to us, or Rennesmee for that matter but he is

still friends with Carlisle. Of course the rest of

his coven, Benjamin and Tia especially love

Rennesmee very much and visit her as often as they

can. I love my new family and my old family more

then I thought possible. How can someone like me

deserve so much? I have a loving and extremely

beautiful husband and daughter, new brothers and

sisters and many vampire covens that have accepted

me with arms wide open. I sill stay in touch with

my dad, but of course my family and I don’t live in

Forks, Washington anymore. A year after Rennesmee

was born we had to leave because of course, she was

growing so fast and none of us was aging. People

would suspect something sooner or later so we just

decided to move. We now live in Elma, Washington,

which is a little over 100 miles from Forks. At

first we were going to go to Alaska, but when I

told Charlie, I could see that he was absolutely

heart broken that I would take myself and his grand

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daughter Rennesmee so far from him, which is why

The Cullen’s decided to stay closer. They didn’t

like hurting Charlie now that Charlie has grown

much fonder to them then you could ever imagine.

Before we moved Charlie was over everyday watching

the game with Emmett. Sometimes he would even bring

Billy Black over and they would all sit on the

couch and cheer when their team scored, or grumble

and curse when they didn’t. It was one of the

funniest things you could ever see, especially when

Emmett would jump up in and scare the wits out of

Charlie and Billy.

“Hey Bella love, are you alright?” Edward asked

me. I never thought I could fall in love with his

voice all over again. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean

to worry you. You know how I am when I daze off”, I

told him. He smiled the most beautiful smile

imaginable and came to my side in a blink of an

eye, or so it would seem for human eyes. “It just

drives me insane when you do that because I can’t

read your mind”, he said, smiling at the same time.

I almost forgot he couldn’t read my mind, not

unless of course I would let him. I have been

practicing my mental exercises Kate thought me to

remove the shield from my mind and every time I

did, Edward would go insane because he could

finally read my mind. “Would you prefer if I do

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this?” I replied and quickly removed the shield. I

recapped everything I was just thinking about while

smiling as I saw the excitement in Edward’s eyes.

“Yes love, I must say I do”, he said happily. Then

he leaned in and kissed me passionately. I started

to take my hand and glide it down his back but

quickly stopped when I heard Rennesmee’s beautiful

laugh. I quickly opened my eyes to see Edward

looking at me with a smile on his face. It was

around 9:00am so I know that she must have just

woken up. “Come on Edward, I want to say good

morning to our baby”. As I walked down the stairs I

could see my entire family in the living room, with

Jacob of course. Jake decided to come and stay with

us for a while, because of course he can’t leave

Rennesmee’s side, or Nessie like he and the rest of

the family used to call her. “Hi Momma, good

morning. Hi Daddy!” she said, with the most

brilliant and happiest smiles I could ever see. She

was sitting on the floor by Rosalie’s legs, while

Rose played with her hair. Jake was opposite

Rennesmee on the floor as well. Rose grew to accept

Jake now that I guess she knew he was never going

to leave. Emmett was right next to Rose while

Alice, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme were sitting on

the white sectional just across from where Rose,

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Emmett and Rennesmee were. Jake was sitting right

by Carlisle’s legs.

“Hi baby, did you sleep well” I asked her,

while I went to sit right next to her. Edward was

right on my heels. “Yes Momma, I did” she replied.

I bent down and kissed her cheek while Edward

kissed her head. Rennesmee has the mental capacity

of an adult and was developed like one, but she

never stopped calling me Momma or Edward Daddy. I

have to admit, I absolutely loved it. So did Edward

for that matter. Right before I got up from the

floor, Rennesmee touched my cheek, letting me know

she was hungry. Rennesmee could tolerate human food

but for breakfast she always preferred the Cullen

way. Edward, reading her mind before she even

finished telling me quickly went to get her jacket

in the closet by the front door. Jake, guessing

what Rennesmee had told me, got up and stretched

his hand in front of Rennesmee so she could have

that support to get off of the floor, not that she

needed it. Rennesmee smiled at him and took his

hand. “Guys, we’re gonna go hunting this morning,

we’ll be right back ok? Unless if anyone is hungry”

I told my family. “No Bella, we are fine, thank

you” Carlisle answered. I smiled at them and headed

for the door with Rennesmee and Jacob. Edward was

already there holding out her jacket, now that it

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seemed somewhat cold and murky outside. There was

no way she was going to get sick but Edward was

just like that. Rennesmee smiled at him and put on

her jacket while Edward kissed her once more on the

head. Then he let her and Jacob walk ahead while he

grabbed my hand and we were off. A little into the

woods, I could already sense some Elk at the same

time that Rennesmee also spotted them. Jake quickly

turned into his wolf form so he could join

Rennesmee while me and Edward let them go ahead so

we didn’t disturb them. A little to the right of

where they had gone I smelled a delicious mountain

lion, which made my mouth water. Edward also

smelled it but his smile widened when we sensed

another mountain lion close to the first one. “One

for each” I told him while I started to get into my

defensive crouch. Edward smiled and also crouched,

not before winking at me. We headed off after them.

They were next to the river, drinking some water

right before we jumped on them. Sinking my teeth

into that mountain lion was the best thing I have

ever tasted. To me it felt like water for someone

who has been on a hot desert. It was amazing! I

finished quickly and so did Edward. “Great, no

scratches or stains this time, I’ve gotten really

good at this” I said looking at Edward. He smiled a

taunting smile and touched my cheek. “It has been

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10 years love, I would hope you would get better at

it” he replied with mockery in his voice. “Ha ha,

very funny”. Son after I heard Rennesmee call for

me so I knew she was done. I took Edward’s hand and

raced towards our daughter, who was sitting on a

fallen tree trunk. Jake had gone a little bit into

the woods to change back to his human form and put

his clothes back on, I would assume. “Are you still

hungry sweetheart?” Edward asked her. “No daddy,

I’m fine now, just waiting for Jake. Right before

she got up, Jake was back. So we all headed back to

the house.

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Chapter 2

“Bella, what are going to do today?” Alice

asked me, with a little bit of mystery in her

voice. I knew she has our day planned out was we

know it. “Ok Alice, what do you want?” I asked her,

with a lot of sarcasm in my voice. “Well, I can

already tell that you are in dire need of clothes

and I don’t mind shopping so what do you say? How

about all of the girls go out shopping while the

boys can either catch a game or do whatever boys

do, what do you say? Are you in?” she said. Esme,

Rose and Rennesmee all looked exited so why not.

“Sure Alice, that sounds like fun” I replied. Alice

beamed her most alluring smile but then looked at

me from head to toe and frowned. “What is it

Alice?”. “Well, Bella you look horrible, maybe you

should go change before leaving” she told me.

“Alice, do you honestly think I would go out of the

house like this? I mean don’t get me wrong I love

my sweatpants but I’m not that bad” I answered.

“Good, then you and Nessie go change and we will

leave in 15 minutes. Go, go” she said while almost

pushing us upstairs. I went to my room while

Rennesmee went to hers and we both finished

changing at the same time. I put on a T-shirt and a

pair of jeans with my favorite sneakers while

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Rennesmee put on a summer dress that complimented

her looks completely. While we headed downstairs

the guys were still there and Alice was by the

staircase. She looked disappointed as she saw what

I chose to put on. “Wow Bella, you are in dire need

of clothes, just look at yourself!” she yelled. I

smiled at her while Edward came to stand next to me

and Jake took Rennesmee’s hand. “Alice, stop

criticizing my wife” Edward told her while he

leaned in and kissed me. “So, what are you guys

going to do today?” I asked Edward, but also

looking at the rest of the males in the house. “We

might just go hunting or go play some tackle

football” Edward said, with a smile on his face.

“Hey, sounds like a plan bro” Emmett interjected.

“Daddy, just remember Jake is not a vampire and he

can break, so please be careful with him” Rennesmee

told Edward. “Aw don’t worry Ness, he heals fast!”

Emmett teased. Rennesmee looked scared for her love

while Jake smiled and mock punched Emmett on the

shoulder. Emmett then went by Rennesmee and hugged

her. “Don’t worry hun, we will be easy on him, I

promise” Rennesmee smiled at one of her favorite

uncle’s and then went to say goodbye to everyone

before heading by Jake and giving her special

goodbye. I said goodbye to Edward and waved to

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everyone else before heading out the door. So did

the rest of the females.

We arrived at the mall that Alice took us to.

This mall was scary now that it had a lot of

stores. But I was going to enjoy myself, I was with

half of my family.

Half an hour in and Alice already had spent

$1,000 dollars. She is dangerous when it comes to

shopping. But after a while we all had a few bags

in our hands. Rosalie always bought some of the

most extravagant clothes, while the rest of us

purchased not so extravagant clothes. Of course we

had a dress here in there because Alice would never

let us elude that, but I guess I would use it

sooner or later. A few hours in and we went to all

the stores so then it was time to go home. As we

arrived home, we caught the scent of the wolves, so

it must of meant that the pack was here. Rennesmee

caught the same scent. “Momma, the pack is here!”

she gushed from the back seat. “Yes hun, they are”.

Alice didn’t even park the car all the way

before Rennesmee was out of the car. I quickly

followed her. As soon as we walked into the door

Rennesmee was greeting and hugging all of the

wolves and they quickly embraced her and smiled. I

did the same thing to each and everyone, even Paul,

who in my human life almost attacked me if it

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wasn’t for Jake, but that’s water under the bridge.

“Hey guys! Long time no see. How are you” I asked

them, while hugging them at the same time. “Well

Bells, Forks is different with out you guys there

and we decided to surprise you!” Sam said. “Yeah,

we missed ya’ vampire girl” Embry answered, smiling

and putting his arm around my shoulders. “But we’re

not the only ones who decided to visit, we wanted

to surprise you and the only way we could do that

was to tell them to put some of our clothes on so

you couldn’t smell them, but here they are!”. Soon

after, Charlie, Billy, Emily, Kim, and everyone’s

wife and child came. Sam and Emily had one 4 year

old son named Samuel, Jared and Kim got married 2

years after dating and had one 1 year old daughter

named Kimberly. Paul and Rachel recently got

married and Rachel was 3 months pregnant. Embry

imprinted one year ago on a girl named Kailen, who

moved to La Push with her mom and Quil of course

was still with Claire although she was only 12

years old. Leah was still single, I guess still

heartbroken over Sam and Seth was still single as

well. The rest of the wolves, including Collin and

Brady were single as well. They all came in the

house right after another. We all got so happy and

started hugging and greeting everyone. “Oh wow

guys, this is so great! I missed you guys!” I said.

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After we all hugged we decided to have a BBQ party

for our human friends, although of course we

weren’t eating. We all sat out on the screened

patio and started to catch up. “I can’t believe how

big Samuel and Kimberly have gotten. Thanks for

coming guys, really” I told them while looking at

the children play. “Anytime Bella, you know we will

always be here for you guys” Sam said. A few hours

have passed and we were having a great time. “Dad,

I missed you so much! You look so good” I told

Charlie, who was sitting next to Billy. “I missed

you too Bells, how could I not want to come, you’re

my daughter and Nessie is my grand daughter. I

missed you like crazy!” he replied. Of course Sue

Clearwater was next to my dad. They got married

about 3 years ago and have been inseparable. Sue

didn’t feel as uncomfortable as she did at the

begging. Now she is just one of us, in her human

way of course.

A few hours passed and everyone started to say

goodbye. It was going to be a long ride home for

them. “Well Bells, now it’s time you came to visit

me” Charlie said, while hugging me goodbye. “I will

dad, I promise. I love you!” I told him. “Love you

too hun, always will”. “Wow, I forgot how much I

missed them” I told Edward as we were heading to

our room. Rennesmee already was asleep and so was

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Jake, of course in different rooms. You see this

house had 10 bedrooms, way more then needed but we

liked the extra rooms for whenever Jake stayed

(although he had his permanent room) or when

Charlie came or any of our vampire friends.

Rennesmee had her own room with a walk in closet,

compliments of Alice of course and Edward and I had

one room, Carlisle and Esme had one, Alice and

Jasper had one and Emmett and Rose had one. So

basically there were 3 rooms available now that one

of them was turned into Carlisle’s office. Having a

full house like this was great! I loved it.

“So love, when are you going to visit your

dad?” Edward asked me as he came to lie next to me

in the bed. “I don’t know, in a few weeks we could

go up there. It was great to have all of them here

wasn’t it?” I asked him. “Yes, it definitely was.

Do you think he ever knew that I spent most of the

nights in your bedroom?” Edward playfully asked me.

I smiled as I remembered those days. Edward took

his fingers and ran them down my back. “I wonder

what would have happened if we did anything, he

might have heard us” he laughed. I smiled and

leaned in closer to him to kiss him, and ultimately

ended that conversation.

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Chapter 3

We laid there for a few hours and watched how

the sun came up and the first rays of sun entered

our bedroom. Once it hit the bed we looked at each

other and the way our skin sparkled. I have seen

Edward sparkle in the sun many times, and every

time I do he is more and more beautiful. “I have

never seen someone so wonderful and beautiful as

you”, I told him while caressing his cheek. “I

have, I’m looking at her”, he said and placed his

hand under my chin to kiss me. We stayed in each

other’s arms for a while longer until we ultimately

decided it was time to get up now that our daughter

would be up any minute. It’s funny how no matter

how old, or should I say how grown up and

developed, Rennesmee will always be our baby. She

will always be seen in my eyes as the little girl

who would pout when we first stopped giving her the

donated blood and gave her animal blood or the

little girl who would hide in my hair whenever she

was scared or shy. Now she is grown up and does

things like a grownup should. I smiled at myself

about those thoughts. “What’s so funny love?”

Edward asked me. “Oh, nothing really, just thinking

about how fast Rennesmee has grown up”. “Yeah, time

does go by fast when you don’t age” he told me.

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We linked our hands as we were walking

downstairs. Everyone was already there, except for

Rennesmee and Jacob. They were probably still

sleeping, although I know for a fact Jake was now

that I could hear his snoring all the way on the

first floor. “I wonder how Nessie can sleep with

that chainsaw in the other room” Rose said,

whipping her hair back. “Oh Rose, you are so

judgmental sometimes, I bet you snored when you

were human too, and probably very loudly” Alice

interjected, winking at me. Rose laughed but said

nothing in return. Rose has changed during the past

10 years. For one thing, she doesn’t dislike me

anymore. In fact we have become really good

friends. And also she doesn’t say anything mean

when someone is joking with her, much less Jacob.

It was quiet for a few minutes until we heard

movement upstairs. The sound of someone getting out

of bed, walking to the mirror and opening the

closet door to probably get her robe. My baby was

awake. We all looked at the staircase at the same

time that she started to come down the stairs. She

was so beautiful. She smiled at all of us and her

dimples were very pronounced. “Good morning

everyone” she said. “Good morning, morning hun, hey

Ness, Hello sweetheart” was heard as a chorus by

every single person in the room. “She came to sit

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by me and Edward, as she always did every morning

we were downstairs before her and laid her head on

my shoulder. I quickly placed my hand on her head

and started to play with her hair. She hugged me

around my waist, just like Edward sometimes did.

She was so much like her father. “Sleep well

sweetheart?” Edward asked her. “Yes daddy I did,

thank you” she replied. After a few minutes she got

up at the same time the snoring stopped upstairs

and we heard heave footsteps. Now Jake was awake.

Rennesmee and I were looking at the staircase when

he came down and he smiled at me and at her. He

then came to where I was and kissed me and

Rennesmee on the head. “Hey Jake, have a nice

sleep?” I asked him. He stretched and nodded his

head. I smiled at his expression. “What’s for

breakfast?” he asked right away. He looked at me

just in time to see me roll my eyes and when I

looked at him again, he beamed. “You know this is

your house too Jacob, eat anything you like”,

Carlisle said while smiling up at him. Jake smiled

back and headed for the kitchen. We could hear the

refrigerator door open and close and the cabinet

doors open. Rennesmee giggled and got up. “I think

I might join him today, something different I

guess” she said while she was heading for the

kitchen as well. I then proceeded to get up and

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walk towards the door. The sun was absolutely

beautiful outside although the clouds were starting

to roam in. If I was human this would have bothered

me to no end, but now that I am a vampire, I like

it when it’s cloudy because then I can go outside

just like any other human. While I was standing

there I heard Edward get up as well and walk

towards where I was. I then heard Alice and Jasper

have one conversation, while Emmett and Rose

playfully fought over the remote and Carlisle and

Esme talked about Carlisle schedule this week. He

was working at Grays Harbor community hospital

located in Aberdeen, WA, just about 10 miles away.

He really liked it there. Edward came up behind me

and wrapped his arms around my waist. I then took

my hands and placed them on his and pulled him

closer. We didn’t say anything, we just stayed like

that for a little while. “Have I told you lately

that I love you Mrs. Cullen?” he whispered in my

ear. I smiled and turned my face a little so that I

could see him and gave him a small peck on the

lips. “Have I told you that I love you much more?”

I responded. He smiled and raised his right

eyebrow. “I doubt that is at al possible” he


“Oh how wonderful” Alice said aloud. We all

turned to look at her. “Zafrina, Senna and Kachiri

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are planning to come visit us in a few days. They

really miss seeing Nessie” she told us. That was

great news. We haven’t seen the Amazonian coven in

a little over a year, and although it might sound

like a lot of time, it really isn’t in vampire

eyes. “Great! I can’t wait to see them” Rennesmee

yelled from the kitchen. “Yes, it would be good to

see some of our old friends once more” Carlisle

said. I then sat down next to my adoptive mother

Esme and she turned to look at me, smile and give

me a one arm hug. I hugged her back tenderly. I

loved her very much, I love all of them more then I

thought possible. Just then the phone rang. Alice

went to answer it. “Hello? Oh hi Charlie it’s

Alice” she said. I obviously knew it was my dad on

the other end. “Yes she is right here, hold one

please” she said while stretching the receiver

towards me. I quickly got up and before taking the

phone Alice whispered in my ear that something

wasn’t right. “Your dad sounds different for some

reason Bella”. That worried me and made me quickly

place the receiver by my ear. “Hey dad, how are

you?” I asked him. He took in a deep breath before

talking. Something he didn’t usually do. “Hey

Bells, I’m afraid something happened” he said. At

that moment, since my new family has good hearing

they all turned to look at me while Edward came to

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stand by my side. “It’s your mom Bells, she was in

an accident” Charlie said. My entire body froze and

I knew Edward could feel it. Edward was rubbing my

back as if to sooth me but I couldn’t even think

about that. “But…is she ok?” I asked him with much

fright in my voice. “She is hospitalized and is on

some machines. Bells, Phil said that she keeps

calling for you. I’m so sorry hun. I know this must

be hard for you haven’t seen her in over 10 years.

I don’t know what to tell you” Charlie said. I

quickly looked at Edward who also had a sad look in

his eyes. “Whatever you decide love” he told me.

That was enough for me. “Dad, I’m going to see her.

She needs me and I can’t abandon her. She was there

for me when ever I needed her. I will figure

something out…I will call you later dad. I love

you” I said as I hung up the phone. Every single

member of my family has stood up and was looking at

me. Rennesmee came to my side as soon as I hung up

the phone and Jake was right behind her. “I’m so

sorry Momma” she whispered. I just wrapped my arms

around her and held her close. “Jeez Bells, I’m

really sorry, I hope she will be OK” Jake

interjected. I gave him a smile to at least thank

him. “Bella I can help you with some makeup to make

you look older” Alice said, also with sadness in

her voice. I just nodded and slowly let my daughter

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go. I had to start packing. I didn’t care what

would happen to me, but I needed to be with my

mother. She needed me. If it was me who needed

Rennesmee I knew she would be there with a blink of

an eye.

“Lets go pack love, I will go with you and be

by your side” Edward told me while taking my hand.

We headed to our room to pack. Almost halfway done

Alice knocked on the door. “You can come in Alice”

I spoke. She came in and told me that the next

flight leaving to Jacksonville was in 3 hours. She

had booked it for us. Soon after Rennesmee came

into the room and looked really sad. We had never

been apart for more then a few hours and now I was

going to be on the other side of the United States

for a few days. How could I leave my baby behind? I

could see that Rennesmee didn’t like the idea but

understood my position. “Momma, I will be OK, go to

grandma, she needs you”. I went to sit next to her

and give her a very tight hug. I didn’t want to let

her go. Right after I pulled away, a single tear

fell from her left eye. I wiped it off and caressed

her cheek. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I will be back

before you know it” I said while trying to comfort


We were all done packing and were heading

downstairs. Edward had both mine and his suitcase

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while I never let go of Rennesmee. I simply

couldn’t leave her behind. What was I going to do?

Edward then proceeded to put the luggage in his car

and came to say goodbye to everyone. I hugged and

kissed every one of my family members and left Jake

and Rennesmee for last. I hugged Jake as tightly as

was safe for him and he kissed the top of my head.

“Don’t worry Bells, I will take care of her. Please

tell your mom I wish her the best” he told me. I

softly pulled away and smiled at him. Then I went

to hug my daughter. I embraced her and still

couldn’t let her go. I could hear the soft sobs

from the inside of her chest. She tried not to cry

but was unsuccessful. That was like taking a knife

to my heart. It hurt so much. Jasper quickly felt

my pain and came to stand next to me and place his

hand on my back. I looked up at him with thankful

eyes and kissed my daughter on both sides of her

face and her forehead. Edward did the same thing.

Then we headed out the door followed by Alice and

Jasper, the ones who would drive us to the airport.

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Chapter 4

Our flights departed from the Seattle

international airport and we arrived in

Jacksonville in about 8 hours. We arrived around

7:30pm, which meant the sun wasn’t out so there was

no need to hide. We quickly got a rental car a

drove to the hospital my mother was located at. As

I entered the hospital I got somewhat nervous to

think about my mom lying in a hospital bed,

fighting for her life. I squeezed Edward’s hand and

he looked at me and smiled as if to comfort me. I

found my mother’s hospital room right away. She had

her eyes closed and was completely bruised up. I

gasped from seeing her like this. Phil hadn’t

notice me standing there until I did that. He then

stood up and came to hug me. He flinched when he

felt how cold my skin was. “The air conditioning is

really high on the first floor, sorry” I tried to

tell him. He just nodded and then went to shake

Edward’s hand. He flinched once more and then

proceeded to tell me about what the doctor has

said. “The doctor was here just a few minutes

before you arrived. He said that she isn’t really

improving and that if she doesn’t get any better,

they might have to put her on some oxygen machines

now that her breathing has slowed down” Phil tried

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to tell me in his most soothing voice. I froze once

more but Edward tried to loosen me so I didn’t look

to strange to Phil. I quickly did so and went

straight over to my mom. “Mom, can you hear me?

It’s me Bella. I’m here” I whispered. I knew she

probably wouldn’t recognize me with my new voice.

Phil’s small wind intake confirmed that. My mom

didn’t open her eyes but I felt how her fingers

softly moved inside mine. That made me smile to see

that she at least knew I was there.

We spent all day in there with her. Phil would

leave and get something to eat or just get some

fresh air. I then convinced him to go home and get

some rest, now that me and Edward would stay there

with her. He agreed and asked us if we needed or

wanted anything before he left. We both said no.

Edward was always at my side no matter what. How

could I deserve someone like him? He was just too

good to me. Every now and then a nurse would come

in and check her vitals. She would then smile at me

and stumble when she saw Edward, not that he was

too beautiful, and walk back out. I couldn’t help

but smile at that. A few minutes after that I hear

my mom. “Bell…a…are you th…ere?” she tried to say.

“I’m here mom, I’m right here”. She tried to open

her eyes but failed. “No mom, don’t open your eyes

just relax. I won’t leave you” I told her while

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trying to comfort her. She half smiled and went

back to sleep. An hour later a doctor came in and

went over her file again. “You must be Isabella, am

I right?” he asked. I read his name tag which said

DR.Lunsten PhD. “Yes doctor, I am her daughter. How

is she doing?”. He went to the machine my mom was

strapped to and then took some notes. “Well, I have

to admit, she has improved a little since you came

in, but her vitals are still a little bit low. I’m

going to keep an eye on that for a while, to see if

she improves. You see Isabella…your mom suffered

internal injuries when the car impacted her, so she

is going to be down for a while”. My body shook a

little and Edward, as quickly as was human-like,

came to stand next to me and place his arm around

my waist. “Don’t worry Isabella, like I said, she

has improved”, DR. Lunsten told me. “Excuse me DR.

can you please tell me how bad her injuries are and

what was injured?” Edward politely asked him. “Oh,

well I don’t know if you will understand, it’s

somewhat scientific” he replied. “You see, I am in

medical school so I might be able to understand

you” Edward quickly interjected. “Oh…well ok”. The

DR. stumbled and I could imagine why. How could

someone who is as young as Edward be in medical

school? Of course he was lying but Edward did know

a thing or two about medicine, thanks to his

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adoptive father Carlisle. “Well you see, she

suffered from damage to her kidney associated by…”

the doctor went on. I tried to block out all of

that medical talk now that I didn’t understand a

single word of it. After a few minutes the doctor

left and Edward quickly grabbed his cell phone.

“Who are you calling?” I asked him. “Carlisle, he

might know what to do to help your mom” he replied.

I quickly stood up next to Edward and was relieved

that he thought of it. I mean, Carlisle has had

centuries of medicine practice so if anyone knew,

it would be him. Edward then was rambling on about

what the doctor had told him to Carlisle. After a

few minutes he hung up the phone. “Well what did he

say”? I eagerly asked him. He smiled at me and I

knew that there was a solution. “He said there is a

medicine that can help your mother but for some

reason it is extremely rare to find. Luckily we

have our own supply at home, for when you were

still human and he said he can send it to me. He is

going to Fed Ex it to us over night and we should

receive it tomorrow morning. I beamed at that.

Thanks to my husband quick thinking and to my

talented medical father in- law, my mom was going

to be OK. “Oh Edward, thank you so much! How could

I ever repay you?” I asked him. He laughed a soft

laugh and placed his finger under my chin to lift

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my face. “Love, you are my wife, you don’t need to

do absolutely anything to repay me. Renee is also

like my mother, just like Esme is to you and it

pains me to see her like this” he said. I lifted my

head up so that I could kiss him.

It was night time when Phil returned, and he

looked much better then he did this morning. “You

looked refreshed Phil” I told him. He half smiled

at me. “Yes I feel much better, thank you Bella. So

what did the doctor say”? I didn’t know if I should

tell him the truth and then let him be shocked

after my mother completely healed or what. Before I

could think of something it was Edward who replied.

“He said she has improved immensely and should be

fully awake by tomorrow” he said. Phil smiled and

went to sit next to Renee and grabbed her hand.

Edward turned to look at me and winked. I smiled in


The next morning the package Carlisle sent us

arrived at out hotel room. He also sent a needle

now that he might have guessed it would be hard for

us to get one. He also sent Edward a letter with

the instructions as to how many cc’s he had to give

my mom. “How will you do it without having Phil

freak out?” I asked him. “Well, you can ask him to

get you a drink or something or I can simply ask

him to walk with me downstairs and you can give it

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to her” he told me with somewhat of a mockery in

his voice. “No thank you DR. Cullen, you do it, I

will figure something out”. He smiled at me and

took the medicine and the needle and hid it in his

pocket. We then arrived at the hospital and quickly

went up to my mother’s room. Phi was still there,

of course. I went by my mother and kissed her

forehead while Edward stood next to Phil. A few

minutes later I looked at Edward and he gave me a

nod as if to signal me to start our plan. “Oh,

Edward, I am feeling thirsty, do you think you can

get me something to drink please?” I said. “Of

course love, but where is the cafeteria?” he asked,

as if he really didn’t see it every time we came

into the hospital doors. “Oh don’t worry Bella,

I’ll go, I need to stretch my legs anyway” Phil

said. I smiled at him and at Edward, now that the

plan worked. Phil then asked me what I wanted and I

told him a coke, the first thing that came to mind.

He then exited the door. As soon as we heard him

get on the elevator, Edward went to work. He took

the needle and filled it until it had 5 ccs of the

liquid Carlisle had sent us. He then took it and

stuck in into my mom’s right arm.

A few minutes later he heart beats started

increasing and so did her breathing. I looked at

Edward with happiness in my eyes while he was

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getting rid of the needle. As soon as he did, my

mom called for me. “Bella, is that you?” she asked.

I happily laughed and replied. “Yes mom, it’s me,

it’s me”. She then proceeded to open her eyes. The

last time I was this happy was when I saw our

daughter Rennesmee for the first time. Right then,

the doctor came into the room. He froze when he saw

my mom’s eyes open. “Wow this is amazing! How are

you feeling Mrs. Dwyer?” DR. Lunsten asked her,

obviously perplexed. “I feel good actually, a

little bruised up is all” my mom replied. Just then

Phil came in and was absolutely shocked to see my

mom like that. He quickly went to her side and took

her hand. It was amazing to see my mom alive and

well, thanks to my talented family.

The next morning, my mom was released from the

hospital now that the only thing wrong with her was

the small bruises on her body. The hospital was

stunned and couldn’t explain it. Edward and I

checked out of the hotel we were staying at and

decided to stay with my mom for the remaining day

of our stay here, after she begged over and over.

We stayed in the room that was meant for me. My mom

could do everything herself, which shocked Phil

even more. The rest of the say she would ask me

questions about my marriage and how dad was. “I

have to say Bella, hunny, you do look different,

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but that’s good” she told me. Thank God Alice gave

me some makeup that in fact made me look older. Of

course my body still looked some what toned but I

couldn’t hide that. “I’m just glad your OK mom, I

have missed you so much!” I told her. “Well then,

why didn’t you stay in touch with me Bella, it’s

been years since I have seen you”. I didn’t know

what to tell her. Edward and Phil were on the couch

watching the last few minutes of a baseball game.

“I know mom and I’m so sorry, I promise to keep in

touch with you from now on” I told her. She smiled

and came to hug me. I guess she didn’t notice my

cold skin, or she didn’t say anyway.

Around 8:00am the following day, Phil and my

mom drove us to the airport. “Are you sure you

can’t stay any longer Bells?” my mom asked me. I

felt horrible that I was only here for three days

and out of those, only spent half with my mom being

conscious. “I’m sorry mom, but I need to get back

to work before I’m fired, besides the hospital

already informed my boss that you were released so

they expect me back to work on Monday”. Of course

the fax number I gave the hospital was to our house

but they didn’t need to know that. And to be

honest, I missed Rennesmee and the rest of the

family very much. “I promise I will visit you

really soon mom, you can count on it” I told her.

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She hugged me and Edward goodbye and then we got on

the plane and headed home.

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Chapter 5

Alice and Jasper were waiting for us at the

airport. Alice came to me and hugged me and did the

same with Edward. Jasper simply smiled his kindest

smile. I knew Jasper well enough and when he smiled

like that, I already knew that was his ‘welcome

home’ gesture.

As we approached our home I could already hear

Rennesmee’s heart beat. That sound was the most

beautiful sound on this planet. A big smile grew on

my face and when Edward saw me, he knew why. “I

know, I can’t wait to see her either. You would

have thought we were away from her for a year” he

said. “Yea, it’s amazing how much I can miss her in

such a little time” I answered. When we got to the

front of the house, Rennesmee was waiting for us

with Jake at her side, of course. She quickly ran

to me and I waited with my arms wide open, even

though it took her less then 5 seconds. At that

moment it was like nothing could hurt this perfect

place for me. I had my daughter in my arms and that

was all that mattered. She then let me go and

quickly went to Edward. He smiled and wrapped his

arms around her neck and just held her there. Then

Jake came up to me and gave me a quick hug and his

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usual forehead kiss and mock punched Edward in the

arm. “Welcome back guys” he said.

When we walked in the door there was rose

bouquets everywhere arranged in every order and a

huge banner by the entrance of the kitchen which

read “Welcome home Edward and Bella”. I knew right

off the bat who was to blame. I turned to give

Alice my attempt at a mean glare but once I saw her

expression, I simply couldn’t. The girl knew how to

make me not hate her. “Oh Bella, it’s just that we

missed you so much! I just had to show you” she

said. “Yes Alice, but did you have to make an

occasion out of it?” I answered very dryly. She

just rolled her eyes at me while everyone smiled. I

guess I had to suck it up. Alice was going to be

Alice no matter what I did. Before the party began

I wanted to make sure Carlisle knew how grateful I

was for him saving my mom’s life. “Carlisle, thank

you so much for what you did, I don’t know if I

could ever repay you but someday I will, I promise”

I told him. “Bella, you know you are like a

daughter to me and when you were in pain, so was I,

all of us. There is nothing you have to repay and I

will do that anytime for you” he said. I went up to

him and gave him one of the biggest hugs I have

ever given to him in a long time. He responded, of

course while smiling. He was a true savior.

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It felt good being home. I mean, I missed

my mom terribly but now that I was a mom myself, I

missed my daughter a little more. Seeing her smile,

her dimples that formed on each side of her face,

her chocolate colored eyes, and then I looked all

around me and saw Jake, Carlisle, Esme, Rose,

Emmett, Alice, Jasper and Edward and realized that

I am the luckiest girl on this Earth. How could I

ask for more then this? About 3 hours into the

conversations, Rennesmee started to lean her head

on my shoulder, a good indication that she was

tired. “Do you want to go lay down hunny?” I asked

her. “No momma, I wanna stay here a little while

longer. I will let you know when I want to go to

bed”, she replied. I simply smiled and leaned back

into the couch I was sitting at, gently pulling

Rennesmee along so she would be more comfortable.

“So Bella, you never did tell me how was

Jacksonville” Alice giggled. I looked at her and

rolled my eyes. “Well it was very sunny and bright,

something I haven’t seen in heaven knows how long,

but now that I’m a true Cullen, I missed the clouds

and rain”. Everyone around us laughed. “Oh Bella,

at the beginning you couldn’t stand the rain, and

now you miss it? You’re very difficult to

understand you know” she replied. I smiled at

myself because she was right, I did like the sun at

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first. But I guess that’s what being a vampire does

to you.

“Um, Bella love, I think we should take

Rennesmee to bed” Edward told me. I turned to see

my daughter dead asleep. I caressed her face and

hair. “I can take her if you want Edward” Jake

said, who was standing right behind me. Edward

looked at me and I nodded in agreement. Jake

giggled and came to lift Rennesmee. He lifted her

with such ease. He took her and hugged her closer

while walking her upstairs. I obviously followed

him. He placed her on her bed and threw her blanket

over her. Jake was so gentle and sweet to her, I

knew, without a doubt he was perfect for her in

every way. He leaned in to kiss her cheek and after

he stepped back, I came and did the same. Even

though she looked like, acted and carried herself

like a grown up, she was still my baby. We quietly

walked out of her room and closed the door behind


“So, what have you guys been up to when we were

gone?” I asked Jake as we descended the stairs?

“Well, Nessie and I ran off to Vegas and we got

married…mom” he teased. I playfully slapped his

arm. “Very funny Jacob Black” I snapped. “Hey, that

hurts you know” he said. I keep forgetting how

strong I actually am, but he deserved it. “Well

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Mrs. Isabella Cullen, we just relaxed around the

house, because Nessie didn’t feel like much when

you and Edward weren’t around” he answered. He was

still rubbing his arm when we got outside, which

made me feel bad, a little it anyway. Once we

reached everybody they were all surrounding Alice,

which made me realize that she had a vision while

we were gone. “What happened, what did you see

Alice?” I quickly asked her. She was getting off of

the couch and approaching me. Jasper was right on

her heel. “I don’t know, it was very blurry. I just

saw Rennesmee and she looked…sad” she responded. I

looked at Edward, who quickly came to stand next to

me and wrap his arms around me. “Don’t worry love,

we won’t let her be sad. How could she with all of

us who love her and care for her” he said. I looked

up at him and smiled, but I was still worried.

“Hey, maybe we need to take her out, take a

vacation with her” Jake said. To be honest, that

didn’t sound half bad. I turned to look at Jake at

the same time that Edward said “That’s a good idea

Jacob. Let’s take a vacation. All of us”. “I know

where we can go, and she is sure to love it” I

said. Everyone looked at me. “Where is that?” Alice

said. I raised my eyebrow because I knew that if I

was right, Alice would foresee it. She smiled in

agreement, and that confirmed that I was right. “Of

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course” Edward said, reading his favorite sister’s

mind. “She would absolutely love to see the

Amazonians. They were going to visit us, but why

not us visit them first?” Edward asked. Everyone

agreed while I turned to look at Alice. “Alice, do

you see any problems at all about our visit?” I

asked her. She smiled and nodded, knowing there

would be no problem at all.

If this was a few years back I would of told

Jake to stay, but ever since our last encounter

with the Volturies, our vampire friends have grown

to accept the wolves, most of them anyway. So I

knew the Amazonians would have no problem having

Jake there too. I mean how on Earth would Jake

every let Rennesmee go to South America with out

him? That would be like asking me to divorce

Edward, a simple waste of time and energy. So now

we had to plan a visit to our friends. That would

definitely cheer Rennesmee right up, after all she

adored them.

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Chapter 6

The next morning we told Rennesmee the good

news while she came down the stairs. She got really

excited, and even more so when we told her that

Jake would come along. So while I went to hunt with

Rennesmee and Jake, Edward would call the airlines

and purchase some tickets for all of us. We walked

quietly in the woods, contemplating the trees and

the small animals that, like always, would run away

when we approached. We were almost at the end of

October, which meant snow. Rennesmee loved when it

was snowing outside. Every time it did, she would

hold her hand out to catch a single snow flake

before it melted in her hand. The trees were

absolutely beautiful, covered in snow. It was

amazing how something so wet and cold can make

anything look so amazing and enchanting. “So Jake,

when are you going to go back to La Push and visit

your dad, sister and brothers again” I asked him

while walking along the small snowy track. We

always referred to the pack as Jake’s brothers

every time we spoke directly to him. He just

shrugged. “I don’t know, I will soon though, I’m

starting to miss them” he said. I could see in his

eyes that he did miss them, somewhat anyway but

nothing could pull him away from Rennesmee. “Jake,

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you know she will be well taken care of if you

decide to stay there for a while. She will

understand you know” I said while looking at

Rennesmee, who was a few feet ahead of us. His head

snapped in my direction and that was a confirmation

of what I thought earlier, no one could pull him

away from her, no one and nothing. I just nodded,

to let him know that I understood him. After that

we spotted some deer up ahead and that made

Rennesmee and me crouch into our usual positions

ready to attack. Jake went behind a tree, took off

his pants and phased. He always his behind the

trees before he phased not that he would be naked

and wasn’t going to disrespect us that way. Behind

his macho attitude, he was still a gentleman.

We spotted the deer nestled together under a

tree. There were three of them to the right and

about 2 more to the left. Rennesmee and I headed to

the right while Jake headed to the two located

towards the left. We quickly took them down and

snapped there neck so they wouldn’t suffer while

our teeth dug into them. I was the first one done,

followed by Rennesmee and then Jake, who stopped

right after he saw her drop the deer’s carcass. He

then headed to a small water creek to wash off his

mussel and then, once, more went behind the tree to

phase and put his clothes back on. “Man, that water

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is cold” he said from behind the tree. Rennesmee

and I just giggled. He then came out and smiled at

us while he ran his fingers through his hair. He

then stretched his hand out for Rennesmee and we

headed back home.

Everything was set for our trip to see our

Amazonian friends. We were leaving in 2 weeks. I

have to admit I was very excited to see them again,

and so was everyone else. Right after that, I went

to call my dad and see how he was doing. He

answered right away. “Hello?” he said in his husky

voice. “Hey dad it’s me” I answered. “Oh, hey

Bells, how are you hun?”. I didn’t have to be in

front on him to know that a simple phone call

changed him completely. “I’m great dad, just

calling to see how you’ve been? I miss you”. He

softly giggled, which made me realize that he must

have been blushing. You see, ever since the

beginning me and my dad haven’t been open to

express our feelings like a normal person, but ever

since I became what I am now, and my dad accepted

me, it made me open up. “I’m doing good Bells, just

hanging around the house with Sue, you know how I

am. A homebody” he laughed. I laughed with him

because boy, did I know him. “Dad, you should go

out, have fun” I told him. “Yeah Bells, I know,

it’s just I still haven’t adjusted not having you

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around like before, even though it’s been ten

years” he responded. That made me feel a little bit

sad to hear, now that I thought he would have

gotten used to it by now. “Aw dad, don’t say that.

You know I’m not that far away and I will be there

whenever you need me” I told him. “I know Bells,

hey just ignore me, you know it’s the old age

speaking” he laughed, but I knew different.

We continued talking for about 30 minutes more

until he told me he had to go to work. “Ok dad, I

love you and I will call you later all right?” I

told him. “Sure Bells, no problem, love you too

hun”. Right after I hung up I came up with a great

idea that would make me and Jake very happy. Before

we headed south, we could go to Forks and La Push

to visit out family. But of course Alice foresaw it

and knew what I was going to do. “That’s a great

idea Bella” she yelled from the second floor.

Sometimes that frustrated me that she could see my

plans before I could even tell anyone, but if I

wasn’t used to it by now, I never will be. I huffed

and walked towards where Jake was with the rest of

the family. Alice came down the stares, giggling

when she saw my expression. “Hey Jake, I have an

idea” I told him while I sat next to him and

Rennesmee. “Oh yeah, what’s that Bells” he asked,

curiosity in his voice. “Well, I just got off the

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phone with my dad and he sounded really sad because

he misses all of us like crazy, so I was thinking

that we should surprise him and the rest of the

guys in La Push. What do you think, are you in?” I

asked him. His eyes lit up like a starry night,

which confirmed that he was more excited then I

was. “Sure Bells, that would be great… but hey,

what about our trip to the Amazon?” he said. “Jake,

of course we are still gonna go, we can just spend

a few days over in Forks, and then we can come back

in time for us to visit out friends. What do you

say, are you in?” I curiously asked. “Hell yeah I’m

in, as long as Rennesmee comes along” he said with

a huge grin on his face. “Jake, sometimes I wonder

about you. What makes you think we are going

without any of them?” I snapped. He furrowed his

eyebrows in confusion. “Them? Who do you want to

take over there? Everybody?” he asked me. I grinned

and smiled. “That’s the idea” I told him. I looked

around to see all of my family members. “We can

stay at the white house and the cottage we still

have. I miss it so much!” I said, looking at Esme.

She smiled and came to sit next to me. “I am still

really happy you like it Bella, I was hoping you

would” she said. “How could I not Esme, it’s my own

little fairy tale world, you made it so perfect for

me…it’s amazing!” I told her. “That’s right, it’s

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still standing…forgot it was you and Edward and not

me and Rose in it…HA!” Emmett laughed. I gave him a

mean glare. “Emmett, do you want to arm wrestle

again, so I have to remind you to shut it?” I

snapped. He laughed his booming laugh and just


After that, we all agreed to go back. We all

packed out suitcases for a few days and got in our

cars and headed to Forks. Edward, Rennesmee, Jake

and I went in our new Volvo XC90 SUV, our family

vehicle we purchased right after Rennesmee was

born. Emmett and Rose went in their BMW M6 coupe,

while Alice and Jasper went with Carlisle and Esme

in Carlisle’s Mercedes Benz CLC 350. We were really

going to stand out in these cars, but I didn’t

care, I wanted to see my dad again. The trip took

us about one hour, although to a normal human it

would take about two and a half hours. We just like

to drive fast, as usual. The first thing we did was

head to our big white house, now that my dad was

still working.

As we pulled up, I remembered all the good

times I had in this house, human and vampire

experiences. I remembered when Edward brought me

here the first time to meet his vampire family, and

then I remembered my horrible 18th birthday party,

although that memory I tried to shield. I

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remembered all the nights I spent here before my

wedding day and all our vampire friends gathered

here to confront the Volturi. When we pulled up

into the garage, I remembered having my Porsche

that Edward gave me for my 19th birthday, and that I

still have, even though Edward said we should sell

it now that it was 10 years old, and also learning

to use my ability that Kate thought me in the

backyard. So many memories in this house. As I got

out of the car I could see on Rennesmee’s face how

much she missed this house as well. We all did,

really. “Edward, I want to go to the cottage. I

want to see our house again” I told him. He smiled

and caressed my face while nodding. We took our and

Rennesmee’s bags and headed towards the cottage.

She decided to stay in the white house for a while

to remember all the good times she had. While we

were approaching the cottage, I looked all around

me to see all the woods would see everyday ten

years ago. I smiled at every tree I saw, and every

bird I heard. I missed this place more then I led

on to believe. The cottage was already coming into

view, and this made me grin. Edward looked at me

and smiled as well. We stopped right in front of

the door, looking all around. Everything was

exactly the same it was ten years ago. From the

flower bed to the entrance. Everything perfectly

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the same. “Wow, it’s more beautiful then I

imagined” I said. Edward smiled and took my hand.

“You’re right love, its amazing isn’t it?” he told

me. I went to reach for the door knob but Edward

swept me off my feet once again. Before I could say

anything he spoke. “Remember love, threshold is my

job, especially this one” he said. I smiled at him

and giggled when that memory came back to me. The

memory of our first night together as vampire

husband and wife. As I entered the house the first

place I looked at was the fireplace. Amazing as

always. Then Edward proceeded to put me down, but

not before kissing me. I ran my fingers through

every wall I could touch. From the small kitchen to

the living room, the hallway, Rennesmee’s bedroom

and finally our bedroom. The big iron bed was still

there. Everything was so perfect. I walked into the

walk in closet Alice had for Edward and me and

smiled while shaking my head when I remembered that

horrible closet filled with garments. Edward was

always behind me. Then I went to sit on the bed and

pulled Edward closer. He turned to look at me and

kiss me. Sparks flew like crazy. I felt the shocks

I felt every time he kissed me, but more so in this

bedroom, where it all began. He then picked me up

and placed me in the middle of the bed and started

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kissing me with much more urgency. Of course, that

ended all conversations at the moment.

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Chapter 7

A few hours later we started to return

back to the white house when we heard heavy paws

approaching from the woods. We knew it couldn’t

have been Jake now that he would never lease

Rennesmee alone, ever. So Edward and I both stopped

to see I we could pick up the scent, even though

who ever it was, was still very far away. We both

turned and smiled at each other because we

recognized the scent immediately. I was Seth

Clearwater coming to greet us. “Hey Seth”, I said,

even before he came into view. I then heard him

phase into his human form. He came out of the woods

with a huge smile on his face. He came up to me

first and gave me a very strong embrace and then

went to Edward and hugged him as well. “Hey guys! I

knew you would come back” he said. “Seth, we are

not staying, we are just here for a few days so

that Bella can spend time with Charlie and Jacob

with his father and you guys” Edward replied.

Seth’s expression became sad and my heart, even

though it’s not a beating one, broke. “Aw Seth,

don’t be sad, you know we can’t stay here” I told

him. He gave me a one sided smile and shrugged. I

didn’t know Seth had missed us so much. This was

going to feel so bad, especially when it was time

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for us to leave. I went up to Seth and gave him

another hug, he looked like he needed it. “Don’t

worry Seth, you know we will visit a lot and you

can come visit us is Elma anytime you want” I told

him. He smiled his happy smile and I knew that he

liked that idea. So, have you seen Jake yet?” I

asked him while we headed back to the house. “Nope,

I know he’s here too but since I was coming from

the woods, I caught your guy’s scent first” he

said. We didn’t even make it to the steps when Jake

must have sensed Seth here and came outside. As

soon as he saw Seth, he grinned and came to where

we were. “Hey man! How did you know we were here?”

Jake asked Seth. “Jake, we are from the same pack,

so obviously I’m going to sense your presence no

matter where you are” he answered. Jake smiled and

mock punched Seth’s shoulder. “What, no hug for

your brother?” Seth teased. Jake rolled his eyes

and hugged him. “What about the other guys, do they

know I’m here?” Jake asked. “Na, well, I don’t

think so. You see as soon as I sensed you here, I

came with out telling anyone. Wait until Quil and

Embry find out. They are gonna flip! They miss you

like crazy man, especially when we are in our wolf

form, you know how we can sense each other. Well,

they aren’t themselves with you not around. It gets

annoying after a while. You would have thought it

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was their girlfriends or something…I think they got

a crush on you…Ha!” Seth teased. Jake playfully

slapped Seth in the back. “Don’t be jealous Seth,

you know you love me too” he mocked. Seth just

rolled his eyes. “Hey I want to see the other guys,

are they inside?” Seth asked. “Of course, come in

Seth” we heard Carlisle say from inside the house.

We all laughed while he entered the house,

following after him.

Ten minutes later, after Seth was with my new

family I decided to go surprise Charlie. He should

be home by now. “Edward, let’s go see Charlie, I

can’t wait to see his expression” I said. Edward

smiled, now that he knew how excited I was.

Rennesmee, Jake, Edward and I hopped into our car

and headed to Charlie’s. Charlie’s new police

cruise was parked outside so I knew for a fact that

he was already home. I had Edward park a little bit

up the street to he couldn’t see us. We all got out

of the house and walked quietly to the front door.

I could hear the game on TV so I knew he was in the

living room. I could also hear the water running in

the kitchen which meant Sue was probably cleaning

up after making him dinner. I smiled as I

approached walked up the steps, remembering so

much. I turned to see everyone with huge smiles on

their face, we were all excited. I lifted my hand

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and knocked three times on the door. I heard my dad

huff while getting up off the couch and come to

answer the door. As soon as he saw us his eyes lit

up. “Bells, hun, what a surprise!” he said while

reaching out to hug me. I hugged him like never

before. I missed him so much. Our difference in

skin temperatures didn’t even bother him anymore.

He held me for a while and then held his arms open

for Rennesmee to run into them. That embrace was

worth the trip alone. To see them both smile like

that was the greatest feeling ever. Charlie then

went to give Edward and Jake a somewhat quick hug.

“Come in guys, come in” he after letting Jake go.

“Hey Sue, look who came to visit!”. Sue came out

from the kitchen and smiled when she saw us. She

came and, just like my dad, hugged all of us. Then

we all headed to the living room to sit. “So Bells,

to what do I owe this big surprise hun?” Charlie

asked me. “Well dad, this morning when we hung up

the phone, you sounded really depressed because I

was far away and well…I missed you so much so I

decided to surprise you” I answered. He blushed at

my answer and playfully bumped his shoulder into


“So Bells, how was your mom doing?” he asked

me. There was no need to hide what Carlisle did for

her, now that he knew everything. “She was doing so

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great dad. If it wasn’t for Carlisle and Edward I

don’t know what would have happened” I told him. He

turned to look and smile at Edward. “So Nessie, has

your parents been taking care of you?” he playfully

asked. I simply smiled and rolled my eyes. “Of

course grandpa, they are the best parents. You

don’t have to worry about me. Momma and daddy will

always take care of me. And Jake too” she said

while smiling at Jake. Sometimes the way they

looked at each other seemed so private that even

looking at them seemed as an interruption. At first

it bothered Edward and me to no end, but of course

we got over it.

We stayed there for two hours until we decided

it was time to go visit our friends and family in

La Push. Dad, not wanting one second away from us,

decided to come along, and so did Sue. We all

hopped into our car and headed to the rez. Jake was

as happy as a 5 year old locked in a candy store.

He really missed the rez, more then he lead on to

believe. As soon as we pulled up to the Black’s

house, Billy came out onto the porch in his

wheelchair. As soon as he saw me and Edward in the

front seat, he knew Jake was there too. “Hey guys,

look whose here!” he yelled. As soon as he said

that, Rachel and Paul came out of the house. As

soon as Edward shut off the car Jake grabbed

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Rennesmee’s hand and was out of the car. He quickly

went up to Billy and gave him a big bear hug while

Rennesmee hugged Rachel and Paul. It was great to

see that Paul no longer had any grudges against any

of us and he loved Rennesmee very much. Then they

switched, Jake hugged Rachel and Paul while

Rennesmee hugged Billy. This was picture perfect.

Then Edward and I came up the ramp with Charlie and

Sue on our heels. “Look who decided to visit us old

folks Billy” my dad said. “Bella! Hi, how you

been?” Billy said while we hugged. Edward went to

say hi to Paul, giving and gratefully getting a one

armed hug and then hugging Rachel. Sue said hi to

everyone and then went inside to, my guess, call

Sam and Emily and inform them. I must have been

right because no less then 5 minutes later, the

entire pack showed up. We all hugged and said our

hello’s and how are you’s. I never thought seeing

Jake reunite with Quil and Embry was going to be so

touching. As soon as they saw each other, they

hugged, with no shame at all. What surprised me the

most was that Quil actually shed a tear. Jake mock

punched his shoulder. “Well bro, I’m not made of

stone you know…I really missed you” Quil said. Jake

hugged him again. As we were about to go inside the

house, a new scent approached. I turned to look at

Edward who smiled as he recognized the scent at the

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same time that I did. As soon as we turned around

Carlisle and Rose’s car was approaching. We also

caught the scent of Seth, so we knew he was with

them. “Hey, you don’t think you are gonna have a

reunion with out us do you?” Seth yelled from the

back seat of Carlisle’s car. I smiled as I saw his

head pop out of the passenger window. They all came

out and, just like us, they all hugged one another.

Rose even came up to say hi to everyone. Amazing

how much she has changed.

“So, are you guys back in the house for

now?” Billy asked us while we were all hanging

outside. “Yes, we are here for a few days and then

we will head to the Amazon to visit some old

friends” Carlisle answered. It was moments like

this, looking all around and seeing everyone smile

and having a good time that made me, once again

realize how lucky I really was. For one quick

moment I was thinking about how my old high school

friends were, Angela, Jessica, Mike, Ben, Tyler and

Eric. I knew that Angela and Ben were married and,

after an ending number of break-ups and make-ups,

Jessica and Mike were engaged. I still wondered how

they were doing but knew, right off the bat that I

could not contact them at all. I was not going to

involve any more humans into my world and endanger

them. The last time I spoke to any of them was at

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Edward and my wedding. That was when I saw them

last. It made me really sad, since Angela was a

really good friend to me. But I knew she was happy

with Ben.

It was around 11:30pm when we finally decided

it was time to head back home and let our human

family and friends sleep. We said our goodbyes and

planned to meet up again tomorrow at our home. On

the way home, Rennesmee had fallen asleep on Jake’s

shoulder. I was so happy that we got to spend time

with our family again. It felt so great. We asked

Jake if he wanted to stay over his dad’s house but

of course he denied. He said that he was gonna stay

there one night before we left, but just not

tonight. As we pulled up into the huge garage we

decided to lay Rennesmee on the bed in what used to

be Edward’s bed now that we didn’t want to wake

her. We were going back to the cottage, since we

missed it so much. Edward took hold of my hand and

we headed back to our magical place. “It makes me

so happy to see you like this love” Edward told me

as we approached the door. “I knew that you missed

your dad so much, and these few days will make you

and him really happy, not to mention Jake and

Nessie as well” he laughed. “Yes you are right,

they are really happy that we are here” I replied.

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We shut the door and headed straight to our

bedroom when, all of a sudden we heard Rennesmee

scream. We were out of the cottage in 3 seconds

flat and were back in the white house in 5. We went

straight up the stairs and directly into her room,

where everyone was. Alice was sitting on the bed,

hugging Rennesmee. She was crying, something she

hasn’t done in years. “I went straight to her and

hugged her fiercely. “Sweetheart, what happened?” I

asked her, with much fear in my voice. “Momma, I…

had the worst…dream” she cried. I hugged her even

closer. “It’s ok hunny, we’re here, your safe” I

said, trying to sooth her. “What was your dream

about?” Edward asked her, while sitting on the

other side of her. “I dreamed that…they were coming

for me again” she said. “Who was Ness?” Jake asked.

“The Volturi” she replied. A growling sound erupted

from Jake’s chest and his hand started to softly

shake while Rose started to take a defensive

position in front of Rennesmee. I touched Jake,

signaling him to calm down. He closed his eyes and

refocused on us. “Sweetheart, they aren’t coming

for you…its over, don’t be afraid” I told her. “It

was just a bad dream. “Yes momma I know, but it

felt so real” she said. I softly rocked her back

and forth while Edward softly caressed her hair. It

was just a dream, because we haven’t heard from

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them in years and they had no reason at all to come

after her. None of us would allow it. Edward and I

decided to stay in the white house tonight, so that

Rennesmee would feel better that we were there. I

lay down next to her until she was sound asleep.

Jake sat on the floor by my feet as well. She fell

asleep right away. Jake and I then got up, very

quietly and let her sleep. We headed down the

stairs where everyone was sitting in the living

room. “Edward, it was just a dream right?” I asked

him as I came down the stairs. He turned to look at

me. “Of course love, they have no need to come” he

answered. I turned to look at Alice, to see if she

had “seen” anything or anyone heading our way. She

sensed I was looking at her because after about 3

seconds she turned to look at me. “Don’t worry

Bella, I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary.

If the Volturi were planning something, I would

have seen it. You know that”. “But Alice, Aro knows

how your visions work, maybe he is working around

them so you don’t see them coming and they can

surprise us and kill us all now that they failed

the last time. It was Carlisle who spoke for

everyone. “Bella, Aro has no need to come, we

parted on good terms last time. I know him well

enough and believe me, he or any of the Volturi

will not come. Don’t worry yourself now that if

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Nessie sees you like this, you might frighten her

as well” he said. “He’s right sweetheart, don’t

worry, they have no need or desire to come” Esme

replied, coming to give me a hug to try and make me

relax. It was quiet for a few minutes until Jake

spoke. “But even if it was, why would she dream

about them? She has never had a dream like that,

ever!” he yelled. “Jake calm down, it was just a

dream, like everyone said. And even if they did

decide to come, do you honestly think any of us

would let them just take her?” I asked him. He

nodded stiffly. “Jake, look at me…relax, they

aren’t coming”. After a few minutes Jake finally


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Chapter 8

The next morning everything was going great.

Rennesmee woke up around 9:00am and it was as if

nothing happened. Just like every morning she came

to sit by me and I hugged her fiercely, now that

she was in my arms and I knew she was safe. Once

Jake saw her, he started to get into his protective

mode, but I gave him a mean glare and shook my head

for him to stop, now that if she saw him like that,

she would get worried just like Carlisle commented.

He took in a deep breath and relaxed. “At what time

is everyone coming momma?” Rennesmee asked me. “I

think around 11:00am or so sweetheart” I answered.

She nodded and smiled, now that she was excited to

be back with her old friends and family, even

though it was for a few days.

It was around 10:30am when I caught Seth

Clearwater’s scent approaching. I have to admit,

that put a smile not only on mine, but on

everybody’s faces. He came right in, after all, he

knew that our house was also his house. “Hey guys”

he said as he came in. “Everyone is on their way, I

just beat them to the punch. Hey, where’s Jake

at?”. I smiled and rolled my eyes at him as if he

didn’t already know. “In here man!” Jake yelled

from the kitchen. “You hungry?” I asked Seth. He

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looked down at me and smiled, which meant he was.

“Go help yourself, you know we always keep the

house packed with food for our human or close o

human friends” I said, winking at him. He grinned

as he headed to the kitchen. I could smell them

making eggs, bacon and toast, a big meal for big

boys, after all they were wolves and they can eat

like cows. Five minutes later I caught my dad’s

scent which made me grin. Rennesmee also caught his

scent and got up and headed to the door even before

he was coming into the driveway. As soon as he got

out of the car she ran up to him and gave him a big

hug. “Hey Nessie, how are you hun?” Charlie asked

her. “I’m great Grandpa, I just missed you” she

said. “You know I miss you too, even though your

mom took you almost 3 hours away from me” he said

while turning to wink at me. “Hey dad” I smiled.

“Hey Bells, how you been?” he asked. “Great, just

like Rennesmee I missed you guys too…a lot” I

answered. Right after my dad was everybody else

from La Push. After we all hugged and said hi, as

if we haven’t seen each other in years, we went to

the backyard to sit and relax. Before anything,

Jasper was feeling a little hungry so he decided to

go hunting with Alice, Emmett and Rose. “Hey, bring

me back a grizzly would ya’? I’m kinda’ hungry!”

Paul teased with Emmett. “Sure no problem, how do

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you like em’ though?” Emmett said. “Rare is good”

Paul answered. They both smiled and then my family

was off. Absolutely amazing that 10 years ago, Paul

and Emmett almost fought each other. Seeing them

like this made me more and more happy.

They came back about 30 minutes after they

left, which was a sign that they hunted the nearest

deer’s and elk’s. After that, Jasper was much more

relaxed. Everyone was sitting in a huge circle,

talking about everything and nothing, about what

everyone has been up to. I felt so comfortable

here, I didn’t want to leave at all. One thing that

absolutely shocked me was Leah. She was there,

playing with Sam and Emily’s and Jared and Kim’s

children. They would run around acting all silly.

Leah would even come and sit next to me and just

talk like we were good friends. I really liked the

new Leah, and I guess, somehow she must have

finally gotten over Sam. It was about time,

although I could understand her pain. So maybe she

could finally imprint on someone new and then she

could have her fairy tale ending just like I had

with Edward and Emily had with Sam. About 2 hours

into the conversation Emily was talking with Esme

about the decorations and the remodeling Esme loved

to do. “You have such a talent for that Esme, I saw

Edward and Bella’s cottage and it is so beautiful”

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Emily said. “Thank you Emily, I just love

decorating, it is part of who I am” Esme replied. I

soon remembered that Emily’s birthday was

approaching and I had a great idea for a present

that she will never forget. I was going to, with

the help of Esme of course, decorate Emily and

Sam’s house just like she loved it. I was sure to

mention it to Esme after they left, so that Emily

couldn’t hear or suspect anything. I smiled at the

idea that I had and Edward turned to look at me.

“What is so funny love?” he asked me. “Tell you

later” I whispered. After a few minutes, the women

had gone inside and the men were still outside. We

were all in the living room having a great time.

Alice, being herself, planned a make-over day for

everyone. Emily, Kim, Leah, Rachel, Kailen, Claire,

Sue, Rennesmee and Rosalie absolutely loved the

idea now that they love make-over’s. They must be

crazy, but I guess it was a good idea to have a

girl’s day out, or in I should say. At that same

time the men started to come in. “So what are you

ladies doing?” Jake asked. “Just planning a make-

over day for the girl’s” Alice said. Jake rolled

his eyes and came to sit by Rennesmee. “What’s the

matter Jacob, are you upset your hair and long

enough for us girls to put curlers in your hair?”

Rachel said. “Har har, very funny sis” Jake

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responded. “Well, now that the ladies have a day

planned, we should do something to entertain

ourselves” Emmett said. “You could paint our toe

nails” Rosalie laughed. We all laughed with her.

“Humm, as tempting as that might sound, I’m gonna

pass babe” he snickered. After a while, the guys

decided to go play some baseball. Billy was going

to be the empire while Charlie was gonna play as

the catcher, and the rest was just gonna play like

they are used to. “Umm, I hate to break your fun

plan guys, but don’t you sort of need thunder to

play?” I asked. Edward smiled and turned to his

favorite sister. “They are well prepared Bella,

right before Edward suggested baseball he asked me

about the weather and of course, there will be come

thunder in the mountains. If I must say its perfect

timing” she answered. I smiled because at least

they could have fun being boys.

So after we all discussed and made our plans,

everyone started heading home. It was great to

spend our days like this, as a huge

vampire/werewolves/human family. After they all

left I told everyone, especially Esme, about how I

wanted to surprise Emily by redecorating her house,

Esme’s style. “Bella, that is a wonderful idea, I

would love to” Esme said. Everything was going

absolutely perfect after that… what could go wrong?

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Chapter 9

“Momma” Rennesmee screamed from her bedroom. I

quickly went to see what was wrong, and just like

the night before, she had the same dream about the

Volturi coming for her. This worried me now that it

was the second night in a row that this happened.

Edward and I decided to go talk to Carlisle and

Alice about this so we, along with Rennesmee went

to the big white house. Jake was right next to

Rennesmee and he was in his wolf form, now that he

was pissed and worried that she had the same dream

again which wasn’t a very good sign. “Carlisle, she

dreamed it again, so this must mean something”

Edward said as he entered the house. Rennesmee went

to sit next to Esme, who wrapped her arms around

her from one side and Rosalie from the other. “I

don’t know son, but this can’t be a premonition now

that Nessie doesn’t have that ability” Carlisle

replied. “But she can be developing it, something

is not right!” Edward yelled. It has been very few

times that I have seen Edward like this, which

worried me even more. “Edward, I haven’t seen

anything, you know I would see it, you know I

would” Alice said. “Maybe Bella was right the other

night when she said that maybe Aro is working

around your vision or who knows, maybe they simply

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have a new addition to their family, someone who

can block people like Alice from seeing their

plans” Emmett said. That did make sense. It was

quiet for a while, which made me nervous. “Somebody

say something before I go crazy” I yelled. Edward

came to hug me and try to calm me down. “Bella,

love, you know we won’t let anything happen to her”

he whispered in my ear. Of course I knew that but I

was still worried. “I say we should beat them to

the punch and just go to Italy and kill them all”

Jake screamed. I turned to look at Jake while

Rennesmee scolded him. “Jake, don’t say that. You

better not do anything like that…maybe it is just a

dream since they made a big impact in my childhood

life” she said. “Humm, she could be on to

something” Carlisle said. Everyone turned to look

at him while Jake rolled his eyes. “Maybe she is

having nightmares because she is remembering her

childhood and since the few memories she has is of

them trying to eliminate us, maybe she is dreaming

it after all”. “Even though this might make sense,

we should keep a good eye out and Alice should

constantly try to keep a watch on them” Rosalie

interjected. “Yes, that does sound like a fair

suggestion” Jasper agreed. Then after everyone

calmed down, including myself, Rennesmee went back

to sleep. She decided she wanted to sleep on the

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sofa, where we all were. Edward, being a gentleman

that he is, brought down a bed from upstairs and

placed it the living room so she would be more

comfortable. Rennesmee was like me in the sense

that she rolled her eyes when she saw her dad

carrying the huge bed downstairs. “Daddy, I can

sleep on the couch, you don’t have to do that” she

said. “Sweetheart I want you to feel comfortable, I

don’t mind at all” he said as he placed the bed

down. Edward then went back up the stairs and

brought back down a second bed, for Jake. That was

so sweet and nice of him. I smiled and caressed his

face after he put the bed down, letting him know

that I appreciated this gesture. “Aw thanks man!”

Jake said. “You are welcome” Edward replied. Jake

and Rennesmee fell asleep 5 minutes after they lay

down. “Carlisle, please be honest with me. Do you

think that you’re theory of her dreaming it is at

all possible? I asked, with much worry in my voice.

“Of course Bella, I would not lie to any of you. I

am not saying that is the conclusion, but it could

be a possibility” he said. I looked down at the

floor to contemplate if it was at all possible.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t who knew…but what I

did know is that I wasn’t going to let her out of

my site for one moment, not even when she is


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The next morning Rennesmee woke up before Jake

and she was, just like the morning after she dreamt

it, normal. She was hungry and decided that she

wanted to eat our way this morning so Edward,

Emmett, Jasper and I went hunting with her. Emmett

and Jasper weren’t hungry at all, but they were

very protective of their niece so, just like me,

they weren’t going to let her out of their site. We

hunted some deer we found a little out from the

cottage. As we were heading back we caught Jake’s

scent, which meant he was heading our way. I guess

he was worried that Rennesmee wasn’t there when he

woke up. He calmed down when he saw us coming,

having Jasper and Emmett on the left of Rennesmee

and Edward and I on the right. We kept her in the

middle just in case something was to happen. This

reminded me for a moment about the time Jane came

with Felix and Demetri to destroy the newborns

Victoria had created to kill me. While we were

waiting in the clearing, my family placed me in the

center of the group, the safest place. It still

shocked me that I remembered my human experiences

with my family. “Hey Nessie, you kind of worried me

there for a moment when you weren’t there, although

they told me you were hunting” Jake said as he

approached, breaking my reverie. “Sorry Jake, I was

hungry” Rennesmee guiltily smiled. “Its ok, you

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don’t have to be ashamed, cause I know your mom

ain’t gonna let you out of her site now” he said

while winking at me. Amazing how my best friend

still knew me well. I smiled and then headed back

to the house with everyone else. As we got there

everything seemed normal, Alice was dancing around

the house arranging flowers, Rosalie was flipping

through channels and Esme was humming to herself

while looking at an interior decorator’s book. As

soon as we walked in they all turned to smile at us

and continue with their activities. Rennesmee

decided to take a shower while the rest of us went

to the backyard. After a few minutes the pack was

coming, by themselves and in their wolf form. That

wasn’t very normal of them, lately anyway. “Hey

guys’ what’s up?” I asked them. Sam looked at me

and huffed while looking towards the trees, an

indication that they were going to phase back to

their human form. A few seconds later they came

back to where we were. “Jake said that Nessie was

in some sort of danger?” Sam asked me. I turned to

give Jake a very mean glare, now that he was told

not to make a huge thing out of this. “No Sam, you

were miss-informed. There is no immediate danger to

Nessie” Edward said. “But what about this nightmare

she keeps having about the Volturies”? Seth

interjected. That made me really upset because I

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never though Jake was going to go and tell his

pack. “Jake why did you tell them? You know what

Carlisle said last night, it was just a dream!” I

yelled at him. Jake’s face fell a little, which

made me feel horrible but I guess he sort of

deserved it. If something or someone was coming for

Rennesmee I didn’t want to have the wolves involved

and risk any of them getting hurt, although now

since she is connected to Jake and he is connected

to the pack, they feel an obligation to protect

her. “I know Bells, but something just doesn’t add

up. Why would she dream that for two nights in a

row?” Jake asked me. I didn’t have an answer to

that. “Well what is she dreaming about exactly?”

Sam asked. “She is dreaming that the Volturies are

coming for her, but she doesn’t see a reason why or

which one is coming” Jake answered. The wolves went

into their thinking mode for a few seconds. “Maybe

they are…Alice have you seen anything?” Paul asked.

“No, nothing out of the ordinary, just like I tell

them over and over” she said. “Well, Jake is right

Bella, something is not right, because Nessie

wouldn’t dream something like that for nothing.

Besides, you know her dreams are always colorful,

happy and what not. We are gonna keep a good watch,

just in case” Sam declared.

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After a few minutes, Rennesmee came outside and

was happy to see the pack, once again. They tried

to act as if they were just visiting but every

single noise they would hear, they would go into

almost-phasing mode. To be honest, this drove me

crazy. “Guys, calm down…nothing is going to happen”

I tried to convince them. “So, maybe we should

cancel our plans for today so we can keep an eye

out” Quil suggested. “No! we are not canceling

anything because everyone is very excited about our

girl’s day…even Claire!” Alice yelled. “She’s right

guys, besides, Rennesmee is going to be with Alice,

Rosalie, Esme and me who can protect her if

something was to happen, which you guys know it

won’t” I said. They knew I was right, I mean I am

still the strongest in this house yet, and I do

know how to fight since Jasper taught me a few

moves about 5 years ago, and after I begged Edward

to let him teach me. We were all prepared for

whatever was to come, if anything. “Ok so Sam, call

Emily and tell him that she can start coming over

with the rest of the girls while you guys get ready

for your baseball game. Charlie is going to be here

soon” Alice said. They all agreed and went back to

La Push to put on some descent clothes, like a T-

shirt and then came back with their wives and

girlfriends while Charlie showed up with Sue.

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“Bella love, I will have my phone on me at all

times. If anything, and I mean anything goes wrong

call me please” Edward said. “Yeah Bells, call him

and we will be here in 1 minute flat” Jake

interjected. “Yes guys, I will call you if anything

goes wrong, which it won’t…you guys are driving me

crazy!” I laughed. They all smiled and as soon as

all the girls were inside, Charlie and Billy went

in their car while the pack and the Cullen’s went

by foot, my guess to have a look in the woods just

in case anything or anyone was there. I could see

it now, as soon as they got as close as it was

drivable to the clearing, Jake or Sam would carry

Billy in. I laughed to myself, imagining Billy’s

face as he is being carried into the woods.

Everyone was having a good time. Emily and Kim

decided to leave their children with Embry’s mom,

who didn’t mind at all since she adored them. Alice

had everyone with different colored toe nails while

Rosalie was doing their hair just like Alice

ordered. I didn’t want to have anything done to me

but Alice and Rennesmee insisted so I let them do

whatever they wanted. After about an hour, all the

girls had manicures and pedicures and their hair

was looking great. Alice gave everyone some hair

treatment that made everybody’s hair shine like the

sun. I have to say, having their hair like that,

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with their copper colored skin made the girls look

like models. I know the guys were going to flips

once they saw their new ladies. I didn’t get away

from the hair treatments either and I have to

admit, it did feel very good on my hair. After that

we all sat in the living room talking about boys

like we were 15 years old again. It felt so nice to

just relax and have a great time. I decided that,

since I haven’t cooked for my dad in 10 years I was

going to make one of my famous Italian dishes for

everyone. So I had Emily, who loves cooking, help

me out while the rest stayed in the living room. I

could hear Alice’s wind chime laughter and

Rennesmee’s giggle from the kitchen and every time

I did, I would grin. I liked it when they were

having a good time. I decided to make 4, very large

lasagnas for everyone. Emily said it smelled great

but to me, it kind of made my stomach turn, now

that human food had no effect on me anymore. I also

made a large salad and garlic bread to go along

with it. I laid everything out in the formal dining

room table. I must admit, it looked beautiful.

About 10 minutes after everything was arranged,

they boys walked into the house. It was funny to

see Paul, Quil and Jared covered in mud. “What

happened to you guys?” I laughed as I saw them.

“Well, I must say Bells, Edward has a good arm and

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we would run after the ball and fall in the mud.

But hey, we caught it!” Quil said. We all laughed,

but before anyone ate, we decided to wait until

they took a quick rinse off. Thank heaven for the 4

showers this house had since they all jumped into

the showers and were done quickly. Alice, being

Alice, had a stash of brand new clothes that she

kept for the wolves in case they phased out of the

blue, and handed a set to each. Alice always

thought ahead, which in a time like this was great.

“Wow Bells, it smells great!” Embry said. There

were 2 dining rooms so Edward and Emmett grabbed

the table from the second dining room and put it in

the first dining room so there would be enough room

for everyone. The rooms were huge so both tables

fit great. Everyone loved the lasagna, especially

Charlie now that after every bite he would make his

normal ‘umm’ sound. Even Rennesmee ate one piece of

it, while Paul joked and told her not to eat the

garlic bread because vampires are allergic to

garlic. Rachel playfully slapped him on the arm

while we all laughed. I loved every moment of it.

The wolves were so full that after a while, they

didn’t want to move from their chairs. We all

laughed hysterically at that.

But, just like every day, the sun was setting

and everyone was starting to go back home, now that

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they haven’t seen their kids in a while. I could

understand them because if I don’t see my daughter

every day, I will go crazy. We all said our

goodbyes and then they left. “Nessie sweetheart, do

you want to sleep in the living room again?” Edward

asked her. “No daddy, its ok, I can sleep in the

cottage with you, momma and Jake. “Are you sure

hunny?” I asked yes. “Yes momma, I’m fine” she

confirmed. Emmett and Jasper wanted to come with us

as well, but we told them it wasn’t necessary. Jake

would be there anyway and if something happened

they were a few feet away, in vampire eyes anyway.

So we all headed back to the cottage. We let Jake

sleep in our room, even though he offered to sleep

in his wolf form outside. I couldn’t do that to my

best friend. So after insisting for him to sleep in

our room, Edward and I went to sit right next to

the little pond Esme made for us in the backyard,

contemplating the stars. The sky was absolutely

breath taking, no clouds what so ever, just stars

and the moon. “Wow, this is beautiful” I said as I

was looking up. Edward took my hand and kissed it.

“Yes, it is beautiful, but you are much more so” he

said. If I could have blushed, I would have been as

red as a tomato, but since I couldn’t I just leaned

in and kissed him. Then I laid my head on his chest

and we stood there for a few minutes. “I wonder is

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Rennesmee is having that horrible dream again” I

said after a while. “I don’t think so love, she

would have called for you or done something to

alert us” he responded. I was so worried about her

dreams, worried that they were a sign, worried that

something was going to happen, worried that the

Volturi was coming for my baby. Edward sensed my

mood, and placed one finger under my chin so I can

look at him in the eyes. “Bella, love, nothing is

going to happen to her, please don’t worry

yourself” he said. I took a deep breath and started

to walk back to the house. “Where are you going

love?” he asked me. I turned to look at him and

smile. “I am going to check on her and see if I can

see what she is dreaming about, if anything”. He

smiled and decided to come with me. We quietly

entered Rennesmee’s room, who was sound asleep. She

looked so peaceful and absolutely beautiful with

the light of the moon entering from her window. I

softly took her hand and placed it on my face, so

that I can ‘read her mind’. As I did she was

dreaming about all of her family and friends,

having a good time. She was there with Jake and

they were holding hands and smiling at one another.

Then she was next to Edward and me and we were all

happy. Her dream remained this way for a long time,

so I knew she wasn’t dreaming about the Volturi

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tonight. I stayed in her bedroom until the sun came

up and was thankful that she didn’t dream the same

dream again. When she woke up and saw Edward and me

in her room she smiled. “Good morning sweetheart,

did you sleep well?” Edward asked her. She softly

stretched and nodded, confirming that she did. I

smiled and touched her face. After a few seconds

she got up and headed towards the backyard. The sun

was absolutely beautiful today, shining right in

back of our cottage. We all sat there, enjoying the

sun, even though we couldn’t tan until we heard

Jake wake up. He stretched, went to the mirror to

see himself I guessed, and then came to where we

were. Rennesmee grinned when she saw him and he,

just like every morning kissed her and my forehead.

“Hey Jake, sleep good?” I asked. He simply nodded

and turned to Rennesmee. “How about you? Any bad

dreams?” he asked her. She grinned and nodded,

letting him know that she slept well. He grinned

back and softly touched her cheek. Edward, after

all of this time was still somewhat jealous of his

daughter’s relationship with Jake because he gave a

very soft huff. I turned to look at him, now that

he was closer to me and I was the only one who

heard him, thank heaven. He looked at me and I

raised one eyebrow, letting him know to calm down.

He gave me my favorite half smile and nodded.

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After that we all headed back to the big white

house. Carlisle and Esme had gone hunting. Alice

and Jasper were sitting under the staircase, Jasper

with his head on Alice’s lap and Emmett and Rosalie

were lying on the couch. As soon as we walked in

Jasper and Emmett got up and looked at their niece.

“Hey Ness, sleep good hun?” Emmett asked her. “Yes

uncle Em, I did”. “No dreams?” Jasper asked. “Nope”

she answered, grinning. They both grinned back, and

just like Edward and me, were relieved. Maybe this

was a childhood memory of hers. We hoped for it

anyway. Jake went to have breakfast, and Rennesmee

decided to, once again, have breakfast with him.

“Humm, I’m in the mood for pancakes” Jake said,

turning to look at Edward. When it came to making

breakfasts, Edward made them really good, as far as

I can remember and according to Jake. Edward smiled

and followed them to the kitchen. He made them huge

pancakes and then came back to the living room. I

was sitting on the couch next to Rosalie. “Momma,

can we go see Grandpa Charlie and Grandma Sue

today?” Rennesmee asked me from the kitchen. I

thought it was a good idea, since we were leaving

in a few days, sadly enough. “Sure sweetie, we can

go after you eat” I told her. But then I asked

myself if Charlie would be working today so I

decided to give him a call. He answered so I knew

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he was there. “Hello?” he said. “Hey dad, it’s me!”

I replied. “Hey Bells, what’s up?”. Everyday I

spoke to Charlie he sounded happier and happier.

“Dad do you work today? Because Rennesmee wants to

go visit you guys today, she misses you already” I

told him. He laughed as he said “I only work for

about 5 hours today so if you want come over around

4:00pm”. “Ok dad, so what we will do is, we will

swing by La Push and stay there until you get home

alright?” I asked him. “Sure Bells, sounds like a

plan sweetie. I will see you guys later, love you

hunny”. “I love you too dad, bye” I said as I hung

up the phone. “Sweetie, grandpa has to work until

4:00pm so we are going to hang out in La Push ok?”

I told her. She grinned because she liked that idea


A few minutes later Carlisle and Esme returned

from their hunting. “Good morning” Esme said as she

came into the house. “Did you sleep well

sweetheart?” she asked Rennesmee while coming over

to hug her. “Yes Grandma, I did” she replied. We

told them all about our plans for today. Everyone

had plans of their own so we simply got into our

car and headed to La Push.

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Chapter 10

As we entered La Push, it gave all of us a

really good feeling. We loved being once more with

our friends, human and werewolf alike. We were

greeted by Seth, who must have ‘smelled’ us

approaching. “Hey guys! What a surprise…I didn’t

expect to see you today” Seth said while grinning.

“Oh yeah? Then why were you waiting for us kid?”

Jake asked as he got out of the car and went to

open Rennesmee’s. Seth just kept on grinning and

came over to where I was to give me his usual

salutation hugs. I hugged him back as strong as was

safe for him. He then went to Edward and they shook

hands followed by a one sided hug. Finally he went

to Rennesmee and Jacob and kissed her cheek while

giving her a hug and hugged Jake. “Come on guys” he

said while walking back towards Billy Black’s

house. “Hey Billy look who’s here!” Seth yelled

from the porch. “Hey guys, how’s everything?” Billy

asked us. “Just great Billy, how are you?” I asked

him. “Everything’s great Bella, thanks for asking”.

“Dad, where is everyone?” Jake asked him? “Well I

think that they’re at the beach. Seth was there too

but he knew you guys were coming so he just came up

here without telling anyone” Billy answered. I

haven’t been to first beach in years…10 to be exact

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so why not stop there? “Edward, do you want to go

surprise them too? Although they might smell us,

just like Seth did” I said, looking at Edward. He

smiled while Rennesmee was already out the door

with Jake. “See you later Billy” she said as she

headed down the porch. I smiled while waving

goodbye to Billy and then followed by daughter and

Jake to the beach. Edward held my hand, like he

always did when we were walking, and it felt

amazing…I loved him so much. We tried our best to

sneak in on the guys but honestly, who can sneak on

a pack of wolves that are trained to sniff out

vampires? “Hey guys!” Quil screamed from where he

was sitting on the sand. He wasn’t even looking in

our direction which was an automatic sign that our

sent reached them. Rennesmee stood there, looking

at him until, as if it was choreographed, the

entire pack turned to look at us and smile. We all

smiled back and proceeded to walk to where they

were. “Hey guys…surprise!” I said as I was in front

of them. “Oh wow Bells, you got us…we never

expected to see you here…HA!” Embry jokingly said.

I just rolled my eyes at him and smiled. Hey,

Bells, Nessie come sit here” Sam said as he got up

from the sheet that was laid out on the sand so

that Rennesmee and me could sit down. “Aw Sam, you

don’t have to get up…were fine!” I told him. “Na, I

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don’t mind, besides, I think it’s time I start

enjoying the water” he said as he winked at us. I

smiled and sat next to Emily. “Humm, sounds like

fun” Edward said while looking at Sam. Of course he

read Sam’s mind and whatever Sam had planned,

Edward was in. “What is it?” I asked Edward, as

curiosity got the best of me. He grinned and arched

his eyebrow. “Remember how you were into

recreational sports when you were human love?” he

asked me. My mouth popped open, unexpectedly since

I remember my ill fated day that Edward thought I

was committing suicide over 10 years ago and the

Alice and I had to go all the way to Italy to stop

him from exposing the truth about the existence of

vampires. “Are you serious?” I asked him,

perplexed. “Sure love, why not?”. Maybe he didn’t

remember what I went through, which must be

impossible since us vampires have a perfect memory

and can remember anything forever. “Edward, do you

happen to remember what happened the last time

cliff diving was done? And what needed to be fixed

before…” I stopped right there since the memories

where still very shocking and frightening just to

think that I could have lost Edward if I didn’t

make it in time. He must have seen my expression

because he quickly came to me and hugged me. “Love

I will never forget what happened, but I am a

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vampire, you know nothing will happen to me. I am

just enjoying the time with our friends” he said.

He was right, of course nothing would happen to

him. I smiled and nodded, letting him know that I

trusted him. He kissed me and went with the boys.

All of them left, leaving us girls on the sand. We

all turned to look towards the cliff they would be

jumping off of. On the sand there was Emily,

Kailen, Rachel, Kim, Rennesmee and me. Claire was

at school and wouldn’t be out for another 3 hours.

I know how Quil must feel being away from her but

at least he would see her soon. He would be the one

who walked her to school and picked her up


“So Bella, how is life back in Elma?” Emily

asked me. I didn’t want to lie to her and tell her

that everything was great, I mean it was but it

wasn’t the same without our friends and family.

“Its…good Emily, just fine” I said. She knew

something was up from the way I quickly paused on

the sentence. “Bella, what’s wrong, come on you

can’t lie to me, you never were a good liar” Emily

smiled. All the girls turned to look at me which

felt somewhat awkward. “Well, Elma is great, but…I…

I mean we miss you guys so much!” I finally said. I

had to correct my statement after Rennesmee huffed

when I only talked about myself missing them. “Aw

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Bella, we really miss you guys too…more then you

know, but we understand that you had to leave, I

mean how much more makeup could you guys put on to

look older” Kim said. I laughed at that, since she

was right, having to put makeup on for a while when

we were here was really annoying. But Emily was

right, we couldn’t stay here with out people

suspecting anything. “Hey ladies!” we heard Quil

scream from the cliff. We all turned once again to

look at them and as we did, Seth waved to us. We

laughed and waved back. Right after that, he jumped

off the cliff. The jump went so quickly but yet, I

vaguely remembered that when I jumped, the trip

seemed much longer then what it looked like. I

guess it feels like that since you feel like flying

and the exhilaration is intense. After Quil, then

jumped Jake, Embry, Paul and Jared. Right after

them was Edward.

It was obvious that it was him since he was the

palest one there. From where I was I saw him close

his eyes, stretch out his arms and leap off the

cliff. His jump was so graceful yet masculine,

completely amazing. I know that I never looked like

that when I was human, although that’s probably

why, because I was human. A few seconds later, even

before Sam jumped, Edward was coming towards us. He

was very fast, no matter if he was on land or sea.

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“Now I know why you liked it so much love, that was

a great experience, even for me” he said as he was

drying off his hair with a towel Emily gave him.

“Momma, you did that before?” Rennesmee asked me.

Edward and I both turned to look at her, but said

nothing. “Momma did you?” she asked me again. I

didn’t mind telling her the truth but after that,

wouldn’t I have to tell her about the whole thing,

including me having to rescue her father? Before I

could answer he knew Sam was about to jump so we

turned to look at him. He looked very experienced

doing it even more so then the rest of the wolves.

“Yes Nessie, your mom did jump, but she was still

human so she didn’t enjoy it so much…maybe she

should jump again, as a vampire this time!” Jake

said. I glared at him while Edward softly growled.

“Wow, ain’t we touchy!” Jake said, looking at my

expression. After a few seconds I though that maybe

he was right, this time I could finally enjoy it

now that there was no chance that I would drown. As

soon as Edward saw my expression he knew that I was

going to do it and quickly disapproved. “Edward,

its not like I’m going to drown or anything,

besides if you did it, why can’t I?” I asked him,

caressing his face. He knew I was right, and even

though I am a vampire now, he still felt the need

to protect me. “I will be fine, trust me” I told

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him. “Then let us do it together love” he said.

That was an even better idea. “Great, but wait…what

about Rennesmee?” I asked. I still didn’t want to

leave her without Edward and me, as crazy as it

might sound. “Uhh, hello Bells, I’m not useless you

know” Jake said. I smiled and winked at him. He

just rolled his eyes at me, somewhat annoyed. “Aw

Jake I know, but you know how I am” I told him.

“Yeah, yeah I know” he smiled. Edward and I then

proceeded to walk toward the cliff hand in hand. As

I approached the cliff, all of the human memories

came back to me. All the happiness, sadness,

exhilaration, anger, frustration, everything as if

I was watching it on a screen. I froze for one

quick moment, and Edward sensing my emotion turned

to look at me. “Love, what’s wrong?” he asked me.

Somehow I couldn’t find the right words so I just

looked at him. Something he saw must have worried

him because he wrapped his arms around me and held

me close. “Bella, you are worrying me, what is the

matter, why do you look so frightened? We don’t

have to jump love really. Come let’s go back to

Nessie” he said after letting me go. “No, no Edward

I’m fine. It’s just that…I was remembering

everything from my last jump, that’s all” I said,

trying to smile at him. He took his hand and

caressed my cheek. That always, somehow made me

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feel better. “Love, nothing wrong is going to

happen this time. I am here, we are together and

nothing and nobody is going to get hurt” he

comforted me. He was right. We were together and

nothing was going to separate us. I smiled at the

idea and he knew I was going to do it. “Ready?” he

asked me, taking my hand again. I nodded and walked

towards the edge of the cliff, never letting his


As we stood on the edge I looked out at the

beach. Everything looked absolutely amazing with my

vampire eyes. I could see the world from up here. I

looked to where my daughter was sitting with our

friends and saw her smile as she saw me looking at

her. She waved and we waved back. “Don’t tell me

you’re afraid Bells!” Seth yelled from the shore. I

knew he was just doing it to tease me but that made

me want to jump off and playfully smack him. But I

simply just turned to Edward, smiled and we jumped


The feeling was much more liberating then the

first time I leaped off the cliff ten years ago.

Not only was I holding Edward’s hand as I dropped,

but this time I didn’t have to worry about

drowning. It was the best thing I had ever

experienced. As we hit the water and went under

Edward smiled, his teeth glistening and then he

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pulled me close. We kissed quite passionately under

the water, which to me was a new addition to my

fairytale world. We were under for a few minutes

but then decided it was time to come back up, we

didn’t want to worry anybody…well Rennesmee anyway.

As we emerged we saw her standing close to the

shore looking at where we had fallen, as if she was

indeed frightened that we didn’t resurface right

away. Edward and I started swimming back to the

shore. “Momma, what happened?” Rennesmee asked me,

with much worry in her voice. “You and daddy stayed

down there for a long time. I was worried something

happened to you”. “Don’t worry sweetie, nothing

happened, we were just enjoying the water” I told

her. Then Edward came to us and smiled at Rennesmee

while running his fingers through his wet hair.

They both laughed when he playfully shuffled his

wet hair toward her, getting her face wet. Then he

gave her his sly smile and ran up to her, picked

her up the floor and got her clothes all wet.

“Daddy! Haha” she laughed as he put her down.

Everyone started laughing, including Jake who was

bursting into laughter when Rennesmee turned around

and she had wet patched everywhere. “This is not

funny Jake” she said as she wrapped a towel around

herself. “You’re right, you’re right, I’ll stop” he

said, but he couldn’t help it and burst into

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laughter again. Rennesmee gave him her serious

look, the one she inherited from Edward but this

time, she couldn’t contain it either and started

laughing too.

While Jake was lying on the floor, laughing

until he was tearing, Rennesmee ran to the water

with little Kimberly’s bucket, filled it with water

and splashed it all over Jake. Jake stopped

laughing immediately but stood up and looked

straight at her. “Oh yeah, you think that is

funny?” he asked as he scooped her up and started

walking towards the water. “Jake, put me down!” she

said. “Ok Nessie, I’ll put you down” he said,

playfully dropping her in the water. She was

drenched from head to toe. We all couldn’t help it

but laugh with them. We all stopped as we saw the

face she put on. She looked like she was about to

cry. Jake got worried and bent down with his arms

stretched out. “Aw, Nessie, I was only playing

babe, I’m sorry if I upset you” he said as he

started to lean closer. But Edward read her mind

and laughed making Jake and me look at him. It was

too late for Jake to realize what was happening

because by then, Rennesmee pulled his outstretched

hand and made him fall in the water with her. This

time we all burst into laughter so hard, that our

human friends had to wipe the tears coming down

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their faces. Jake saw us laughing and got up and

headed to where I was. “Excuse me Mrs. Cullen, but

who do you think you are laughing at?” he asked me.

“I’m laughing at my talented daughter who fooled

you…HA it was hilarious…nice one hunny” I said

while I winked at her. She giggled at the same time

that Jake looked at Edward in a mysterious way.

“Sure, go ahead” Edward said. This seemed very

awkward to me since it hardly ever happened. Jake

and Edward were having a private conversation.

Before I even realized what was going in Jake

scooped me up, just like he did with Rennesmee and

ran towards the water. I could have easily stopped

him but why spoil the fun. A few seconds later I

was under water. I popped up just in time to see

Paul and Sam drag Edward into the water. Soon after

we were all in, splashing some and dunking others.

It was a lot of fun just being able to have a good

time like this.

We stayed in for a while until little Samuel

and Kimberly were getting cold. Then we all got out

and headed towards La Push. Sam was holding little

Samuel and Jared were holding little Kimberly,

since their skin is much warmer then a normal

human, they could easily keep their children warm.

We all split us as we got the reservation, having

each go into their house to change while Edward,

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Rennesmee and I went to Jake’s house. There Jake

lend some clothes to Edward while Rachel lend some

to Rennesmee and me. We changed very fast and then

came back out. A few minutes later, everyone had

come back to Billy’s house and a few minutes after

that, my family started showing up. Thank heaven

Billy had his house extended because if the house

was the same size it was a few years ago, we would

have never fit. “Hey guys, it’s great to see you

again” Billy said as the Cullen’s started walking

up the stairs. “Hello Billy, may we come in?”

Carlisle asked. “Of course, you know you don’t have

to ask…this is your house too” he said. “Thank you

Billy” Carlisle replied. “Hey guys” I said as they

all started coming in. The part that was extended

in Billy’s house was a very large, screened in

patio. It was built by all the Cullen boys and the

wolf pack. They all worked together and had it done

in a few hours, which shocked Billy. So we all

decided to head back there. We all sat down on the

great comfortable patio chairs that Esme had given

to Billy as a present. Alice sat next to me on one

side and Edward on the other. Alice then wrapped

her arms around my right arm and laid her head on

my shoulder. I turned to look at her who smiled

back. “I missed you Bella” she said, grinning. Our

relationship has grown much closer since she came

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back from South America with Nahuel. The thought

that she had abandoned us was one that I never

wanted to feel again. So I simply leaned back into

the chair and gave her a one sided hug. She stayed

like that, which didn’t bother me. “What did you

guys do today?” Emmett asked us, eyeing our wet

hair. Edward smiled as I answered his question. “We

spent the day at the beach, cliff diving. Jasper’s

eyes opened wide while Rosalie’s mouth popped open.

I didn’t need Edward’s power to know what they were

thinking. After what happened on my last jump, why

would I want to relive that memory again? Before I

could answer, Edward was answering an unspoken

question. “Why not? It is not as if something bad

will happen to her. Besides, we jumped together. It

was quite exhilarating” he said, looking at Jasper.

“What about you guys? What have you been doing

today?” I asked them, to somewhat change the

subject. “We went hunting a little out of Forks”

Alice said. And I could tell, since their eyes well

all a warm honey color. Edward and mine must have

been a dark honey or light brown, since we haven’t

hunted in days. Jasper sensed my emotion and looked

towards me. “You are right Bella, you, Edward and

Nessie should hunt soon. You don’t want to let it

go too far” he said. He didn’t mean it as if I

couldn’t control myself, it was just that when a

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vampire was hungry, they could get cranky and I

didn’t want to get like that with my dad or friends

here, since I wasn’t going to be here for long.

“Don’t worry love, we can go before the sun sets”

Edward said, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “Aw, how

cute are you too” Emmett teased. I turned to stick

my tongue out at Emmett who laughed.

“Bella dear, can you walk with me to the car?

I forgot to get something” Esme said. I nodded and

got up, having Alice get up with me and walk

towards the door following Esme. I knew something

was up since Esme never forgot anything at all,

especially in the car. “What’s going on Esme?” I

asked as soon as we were outside. “Do you remember

how you wanted to surprise Emily by redecorating?

Well, let’s go have a look at what can be done t

her house before they suspect anything. I smiled at

them while we were off. All three of us made it to

Emily and Sam’s home in less than 10 seconds. While

we were there, we looked all around the house,

picturing different things we could do to it. Esme

smiled to herself and then shared her ideas with

Alice and me. We loved everything she planned.

“Sounds wonderful Esme” Alice said. I second that.

After we were done, we headed back to Billy’s

house, before anything didn’t seem right to them.

We were back in 2 minutes flat. It was great being

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as fast as we were. Edward was the only one who

suspected anything, but he knew I would tell him

when we got home.