Download - Sungate Temples of the Nile Sacred Journey€¦ · Star system of Andromeda. ... Center, Solar Resonance and crystalline healing frequencies. ... walk the energetic Leylines going

Page 1: Sungate Temples of the Nile Sacred Journey€¦ · Star system of Andromeda. ... Center, Solar Resonance and crystalline healing frequencies. ... walk the energetic Leylines going

Sungate Temples of the Nile Sacred Journey With Andromedan Healing Templates (Sacred Geometry Fulcrum Point Program)

November 9th-22nd, 2018

Join us on this sacred journey to all the major temples of Ancient Egypt along the lush Nile Valley to experience the resonance of this sacred land and receive the wisdom codes from its living temples, activating your genetic memory and inherent knowing. This is an opportunity for the embodiment of divine love and remembrance of the sacred keys of divinity within you. Accessing Ancient Egyptian Wisdom through direct experience and transmissions, while working with the Divine frequencies of the Neteru. In times of great awakening we journey to places of heightened spiritual energies because contact with such energy is a catalyst to our own awakening. Here is where the resonance is most felt and energetic signatures directly accessed and received.

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Ancient sacred sites were created with divine awareness with an impeccable precision of mathematical and sacred geometrical architecture combined with a specific combination of natural elements over the earth’s most powerful leylines to create harmonic resonance with archetypal energies, frequencies, and Creative Divine Principles expressed in Nature as a living conscious energy, bridged and interacting through humanity. The Purpose of the Temple is to elevate Human Consciousness to the Divine Realms and invite the Divine Power of the Neteru to inhabit the Temples and unify with Humanity. Our journey will take us through the temples of Egypt to experience consciously these energies and creative principles within oneself, which the Egyptians identified as the Neteru. In 2001 Humanity received the Sacred Geometry Fulcrum Point Program from The Master Alchemists of Andromeda. The Program has 3 Levels. In Level one you build a trusting relationship with your Higher Self, which is the base to work with your Shadow aspects in Level 2. With this course you start to heal your Akashic records. With releasing old pain you are able to birth the God/Goddess within you in harmony with your Divine Will. Level 3 is ideal for those of you, who feel deeply connected to the Earth and have a desire to create wellbeing in the home, workplace and your community. This level also supports Humanities divine plan and is developed by the Master Alchemists of Andromeda and The Inner Earth Council of Elders. The Program is not only supported by the Master Alchemists of Andromeda, but also by other Star systems like Sirius, Arcturus, Pleiades and all Ascended Masters.

We will use this powerful tool, Templates from all levels, in group sessions and during our trip to the ancient sites in Egypt under the theme: DIVINE ALCHEMY. Working with the Master Alchemists of Andromeda gives you the opportunity to heal the feminine and masculine shadow aspects from their past wounds, so that your masculine and your feminine within can fall in love again, which allows you to merge with your own Divinity. Working with this tool and entering the wonderful temples, where you are able to connect to the Divine masculine/feminine archetypes will support your process within yourself.

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This journey is facilitated by Egyptian Adept, Ahmed el Feqy, founder of Sungate and Stargate Tours, Ellen Wiedenhoeft, founder of Trias Earth and facilitator of the Sacred Geometry Fulcrum Point Program, and Gudrun Meincke, our Yoga & Meditation instructor. Together setting the container with high frequencies to assist you on this journey through the mystical land of Egypt to experience her living temples and Divine Wisdom codes. On our first day Ellen will use a Template and a mediation, in which we create a field to connect you to your 6th dimensional Self. On this day we will visit Saqqara. The step pyramid here is an ancient Healing place of Light and Sound. The whole layout of Saqqara is in correlation with the Star system of Andromeda. So this day is a perfect preparation for our visit of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Giza on 11.11.2018 (numerically 11.11.11) at 11am. From the energy center of the Great Giza Pyramids and Sphinx to the mystical village of Abydos, and Jolie Ville King’s Island resort in Luxor, to Aswan Isis island retreat at Philae, via 5 stars Nile Cruise Ship with special visits to all the major Temples of Egypt. With group circles, meditations, facilitation and dance. We are honored to receive you.

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Day 1 Arrival in Giza Arrival into Cairo International Airport. Obtaining the entrance visa at the airport. Transfer by airport limousine to the Mercure Cairo Le Sphinx Hotel in Giza, located at the Giza Plateau right by the pyramids. Check in. Relax and unwind from the journey. Meet for group dinner and introduction.

Day 2 Visit Sakkara & Abo Ghorab Temples Sakkara is the healing temple of sound and light, through harmonic resonance from the architecture itself, where ancient techniques of healing were practiced. We will arrive early in the day to enter the Pyramid of Unas and see the pyramids’ text, the Book of Going Forth By Day (otherwise known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead) and be immersed into this presence within the pyramid. This is the only pyramid with written text inside, representing the mystical journey of the soul through the gates of the afterlife and back through the cycle of resurrection.

After our day visit we will have an outdoors lunch by the pool at the Sakkara Country Club followed by a visit to the Hotep Temple of the Sun at Abo Ghorab, one of the oldest sites in the area. Hotep is an ancient crystalline altar in a sacred geometrical formation aligned with the four directions and known to be the landing pad of the Neteru (Gods). Neteru are the Divine creative principles of Nature represented as Cosmic Forces or Archetypes of Source.

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We will witness the sunset on top of the collapsed pyramid at Abo Ghorab with a panoramic view of the Giza, Abu Sir, Sakkara and Dahshur pyramids. And return in the early evening to relax at the hotel.

Day 3 Giza Pyramids & Sphinx After breakfast we will visit the Giza Pyramids & the Sphinx. Transport by private bus. Entrance into the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, toning activation, connecting to the Galactic Center, Solar Resonance and crystalline healing frequencies. Then walk the Sphinx causeway from the second pyramid leading to the Sphinx Temple. We will spend about 3 hours at the Giza Plateau, the throat chakra of the planet, then return for lunch & a free afternoon. Constellations: Sirius, Orion, Leo, Pleiades.

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Day 4 Fly to Luxor After enjoying an early breakfast we will check out of the hotel and transfer by private bus to the Cairo airport for an early flight to Luxor. Upon arrival in Luxor a private bus will transport us to our luxury resort, situated on its own private island growing its own organic fruit and vegetables. We will check in the Jolie Ville King’s Island Resort and have a relaxed day by the Nile and the beautiful pools surrounded by lush green areas. Then visit Luxor Temple in the evening with our Egyptologist guide and return for group dinner. The main deity in Luxor is Amun Ra. The primordial deity symbolized by wind, the unseen realm. The invisible aspect of the Sun. Chief Deity and Supreme Creator God.

Day 5 Karnak After breakfast we will have a guided visit to Karnak with our local Egyptologist. Karnak is the main Temple in Luxor, a conglomerate of temples representing the various Egyptian Dynasties. It is a journey through time experiencing the passage through the Dynastic Egyptian lineages as we walk the energetic Leylines going through the center all the way to the holy of the hollies. Walking through harmonic pillars and obelisks built to create a resonance housing the Neteru. Ultimately this is the purpose of the temple, to connect humanity to the Divine realm of the Neteru. We will visit the famous shrine of Sekhmet, the Solar Lioness Goddess, and her male consort Ptah, the Architect Creator. Khnum the Moon God. The sacred lake and seven dimensional gateway of Ausir (Osiris). After our day visit we will return to our island resort to relax, eat and have a break then gather again for group session. Followed by dinner & overnight on King’s Island Resort.

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Day 6 Hapu Today we will visit the Hapu temple located on the Western Bank of the Nile. We will have a relaxed schedule with free evening for group sessions and personal work.

Day 7 Dendarah After breakfast we will store our luggage at the resort and check out in the morning, to take an early private bus ride to Abydos (3hrs) and visit the Dendarah temple along the way, located halfway between Luxor and Abydos. We will pack light for this two day trip. Upon arrival we will check in the Flower of Life Guest House, a village house run by local family of wisdom keepers, situated at the edge of the village by the Ramses Temple.

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We will visit the Hathor Temple in Dendarah for the day. Hathor is the Birthing principle of Nature, the archetype of the Divine Nourisher. As the nourishing mother aspect, her symbol is the cow and her tools are music, sound, healing, dance and all the gentle nourishing qualities of the mother. She is the birthing principle. The Lady of Love, Venus, the Healer, and the heavenly seven maidens / heavenly realms. The female consort of Heru (Horus), his wife, that’s why her name is Hat-Heru. Hat is the house or womb of nature and Heru is the realized Divine Principle. She is an aspect of Auset (Isis), for all women are of Auset, she of the ten thousand names, who holds the throne.

The temple stands alone surrounded by an ancient wall, giving the captivating sense of timelessness. With magnificent pillars with Hathor’s face and Nut the Sky Goddess on the ceiling as the overarching principle of the Divine Primordial Mother.

For the Egyptians all these principles are linked as a sequence in nature from the Macrocosm into the Microcosm. The idea is for the human to relate to such principles in a personal manner in daily life, thus transcending mundane life into the heavenly, cosmic and celestial / spiritual reality. There is no separation, for the Divine qualities must be present through our actions,

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thoughts, feelings and deeds. It is therefore a matter of purification, to raise our consciousness and vibrations to the heavenly realm and invite them into our material physical daily life. This is the Union of Heaven & Earth. God and Human. Spirit and Matter. Male and Female. Consciousness and Body. The principle of Embodiment. The experience of birth, rebirth, nourishment and healing is the highlight of this temple as we walk through the gates of time experiencing long forgotten unknown and untold mysteries that remain resonant within the walls and harmonic pillars of the temple, into the hidden underground secrets watched over by the celestial heavenly realms of Nut the Sky Goddess, mother of all.

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Day 8 Abydos After breakfast we will visit the Temple of Seti & the Osirion. These are very significant temples due to the spiritual resonance of this land, which was a pilgrimage site and spiritual center in Ancient Egypt.

Abydos indigenous name is Ta Wer, meaning the abode of the Ancient Ones. This is where the first Egyptian Kings were found and it dates all the way back into prehistory. The temple is dedicated to Ausir (Osiris / Ausar), the archetype of the Divine Primordial Father. Symbolically represented by the Djed Pillar of light, which correspond to the spine and lingam in the human body. Representing the principle of Resurrection, Renewal, and Regeneration through the journey of the Soul into the afterlife going through the cycle of Rebirth. This is why Ausir represents the Lord of the Underworld, for it is the stage in the Sun’s cycle as it journeys through the night to be reborn again at dawn. The temples are linked to Sirius and known to be the location of an ancient stargate. There is a lot of activity in the spiritual realm at this site, which can be sensed and witnessed in silence on the inner planes.

According to researcher William Henry, the ancient Egyptian object named Ta-Wer aka “Osiris” device, was a stargate machine capable to open wormholes or dimensional openings used by Seth and Osiris to “travel across the underworld.”

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After our day visit to the temples we will return to our guest house to relax, refresh and have traditional homemade Egyptian food for lunch prepared by the local family then drive back to Luxor. Upon arrival we will embark on our Nile Cruise Ship to unwind from the journey and share a group dinner by the Nile. With an overnight on the cruise ship.

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Day 9 Edfu & Komombo Sailing up the Nile we will visit the Edfu (Horus) Temple early in the morning & Komombo (Sobek) Temple around sunset. The cruise ship will be sailing up the Nile all day making our way to Aswan, the Nubian land. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and overnight on the cruise ship.

Heru (Horus) is the Sun King, symbolized by the Falcon with the Crown and the Eye of Horus which represents the Pineal Gland. This is the Divine Masculine energy representing the Pharaoh King of Egypt, who is the spiritual leader of the people, the realized Divine Principle. The one who mediates between the people and the Neteru (Gods/Angelic Realm / Cosmic Archetypes). There are five aspects of Horus representing his development from birth to maturity to finally unify with Ra, the Sun God, also symbolized by the Falcon with the Sun Disk, in the form of Rahorakty, Horus of the Two Horizons. This is the principle of attainment of Divine Perfection. The completion of the spiritual journey reaching maturity, unifying both horizons of the dual nature of creation as night and day, light and dark, male and female, spirit and matter, life and the afterlife. RA (Sun) - Akhet (Horizon) - Heru (Horus). A winged Lion.

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The energy of Horus relates to the Pineal Gland and Third Eye. The Seer and Guardian of the Spiritual Realm. Sobek is the crocodile Neteru, representing fertility and power. Integrating the reptilian aspect of human DNA and the base chakra, overcoming fear with the right use of power and healthy sexuality, the potency of the fertile principle in Nature. In Egyptian mythology, Sobek guards Ra through the journey into the underworld and helps him devour the enemy represented by the three headed serpent, Apep. The dual aspect of Sobek and Heru present at the Komombo Temple is an affirmation of that Union between the spiritual leader / King of Egypt and the principle of Fertility and Power. The Realized Divine Presence.

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Day 10 Aswan Today we arrive with our cruise ship in Aswan and have a free flowing day. We will take an afternoon felucca sail boat to Elephantine Island and visit the Khnum temple. Elephantine Island

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was a major port on the Nile in ancient times. It has a Nilometer, Khnum temple and the remains of the old town and Jewish temple that was once located there. There are some stories that the Ark of the Covenant was once kept secretly on the island. Today there is an ongoing excavation on the island and a local Nubian village.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner and overnight on the cruise ship.

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Day 11 Philae Island 3 Day Retreat After breakfast we will check out of the cruise ship and transfer by a short bus ride then motor boat to Philae Island, where the Isis Temple is located and our island retreat at the Nubian Camp, strategically located adjacent to the Temple of Isis, the Divine Mother and Creative Principle. We will check in the Nubian camp which we will have for ourselves for the following three nights. Relax & enjoy nature all day. Have free time and group sessions.

This is a place of magic, mystery and power. A place of going inwards, tuning into the stillness, elements of nature and the active spiritual planes. We are located right next to the Horus (Falcon) Island and the original location of the Isis Temple, which we will visit on the following day.

The Nubian tribe is in the southernmost part of Egypt, they are dark skinned and more African looking. They have their own language, art, music and traditions. They are people of heart, extremely gentle, sensitive, pure and high spirited. The word Nebu in Ancient Egypt means Gold, for there is gold in this land and definitely the vibration of gold itself is accessed in the atmosphere, which has a mystical nature. There is a feeling of communion with the Divine Mother and the nurturing element of Water.

The staff prepares delicious vegetarian Nubian food on the island, which we will enjoy every day with breakfast, lunch, dinner and our overnight stay in beautiful domed rooms that are built into

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the rock formations on the island. There is opportunity to stargaze, dance by the fire, sing, laugh, and cry, make music and henna tattoos.

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Day 12 Isis Temple Today we will have our special visit to the Temple of Isis. The concluding temple on our journey. Auset (Isis) is the Divine Cosmic Mother, the principle of the Feminine Creative Power, she encompasses all the feminine attributes for she is the Divine Feminine Principle herself, the creative power that conceived, both physically and metaphysically, all living creatures. Her native Egyptian name is Auset, “Aus” represents the Source, the power and “et” is the feminine quality added to the name. Auset also means The Lady, for she is the Lady of Heaven and Earth. Representing both the Universal Womb and Earth. Her symbol is the Throne as she is the Crown of Creation and her star is Sirius (Sothis), the blue star. Auset is the Feminine Principle of Nature, receptive of every form and of generation, she has countless attributes and names as she manifests in all her qualities. That’s why she’s also known as She of the 10,000 names. We will immerse ourselves in this feminine quality of the Cosmic Divine Mother and attune to this nature within ourselves. Understanding the mysteries of the virgin birth, the Madonna, chastity, purity and the creative feminine that births the perfect divine human from within.

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Day 13 Integration & Closing A day of stillness and silence. Taking in all the magic. This is our closing circle day as we relax deeper and deeper into this sacred Presence, finding the space of anchored stillness within ourselves, supported and nourished by the Neteru and elements of Nature, balanced with the flow of life within us, through us and all around us. We will have our celebration expressing gratitude and joy for the completion of this journey. Perhaps a Nubian Dance Party?

Day 14 Fly to Cairo Closing the journey and saying goodbyes. Leaving the island and catching an early flight

from Aswan to Cairo. Then taking the international flight back home on the same day from Cairo airport. For those staying an extra night or two, we will transfer to Giza to check in the Mercure Cairo Le Sphinx Hotel back where we started. Relax and have an open day. Due to special requests a 5 day extension trip will be added for visiting Mt. Sinai and the Red Sea from Nov 23-27th, for those interested in joining please let us know.

With love and gratitude.

The journey continues back home…. Until we meet again.

In the Heart of Mystery. Thank you <3

Organized & facilitated by Ahmed El Feqy (Stargate Tours)

Ellen Wiedenhoeft (Trias Earth) Price: 4,000 USD double room occupancy

Single room supplement: 500 USD Payment: Paypal (friends and family) to [email protected] or wire transfer

For additional info please email: [email protected]

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