Download - Sunday Service - · ~ 2 ~ Sunday Service - 10.30 a.m weekly. Communion Service 1st Sunday of each month except July & August Monthly Informal Evening Service,

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Sunday Service - 10.30 a.m weekly. Communion Service 1st Sunday of each month except July & August

Monthly Informal Evening Service, 1st Sunday of each month 6.30pm, The Pathway Centre

Summerhill House Service 6 p.m.

3rd Sunday of each month.

Cool Club and Cooler Stuff meet in the Pathway Centre after the Children’s Address.

Crèche facilities are available during all morning services.

Refreshments are served in the fellowship area of the church at the close of worship.


There is a Prayer Meeting on Tuesday evenings from 7.00 -

8.00 p.m. in the Crèche or Fellowship Area. All welcome.

For pastoral needs or questions regarding baptisms or marriage, or for more information on our church, Rev Douglas McNab can be

contacted on 01651 862278

Email: [email protected]

A full list of Church contacts can be found on page 27

More details on these events and more can be found on our website

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October 27th Movie Night, 7pm, see page 28th Harvest Thanksgiving Service, 10.30am Deadline for Christmas Shoe box Appeal November 10th Coffee Morning, 9.45 am 11th Remembrance Service, 10.30 am 30th Games Night, 6.30 - 9pm December 1st Advent Supper, 7pm, Pathway Centre

1st Creche & Cool Club Christmas Party 2pm-4pm 3rd Cooler Stuff Christmas Outing 8th Coffee Morning, 9.45am 8th Café Church, 6pm, Pathway Centre 9th Nativity Service, Summerhill House, 2pm 16th Carols, Candles & Communion Service, 6.30pm 21st School Christmas Service 23rd Nativity Service 24th Christingle Service, 6.30pm Community Carols, 11pm Watchnight Service, 11.30pm 25th Christmas Day Service, 10.00am (Christmas Services/events to be confirmed)

What’s On

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The New Manse, NEWMACHAR, AB21 0RD

Dear All,

‘On Christ, the solid rock, I stand’

At a recent meeting a discussion concerning

current issues took place. Many changes in society were raised,

virtually all causing concern and some alarm to the participants.

Through it all the one constant that could be relied upon was God

and his Word. Neither he, nor his Word, ever changes.

The Psalmist stated:

‘Your word, O LORD, is eternal;

it stands firm in the heavens.’

[Psalm 119:89]

The Writer to the Hebrews records God’s O.T. promise:

“Never will I leave you;

never will I forsake you.

[Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5b)]

and then quotes the Psalmist:

“The Lord is my helper; I will not be


What can man do to me?”

[Psalm 118:6 - 7]

Jesus the Christ assured the disciples that he would not leave

them alone like orphans. He and the Father would send the Holy

Spirit to be within them, teaching and guiding them as Jesus

himself had taught them. [see John 14:18; 16:12 - 16]

Yet at times Christians have a habit of acting like Jonah.

They hear God’s Word, don’t like what they hear and so they

attempt to run from God and his Word, rather than obeying him

and his Word.

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If, or when, we are tempted to act like that the outcome will

be a further uncertainty and more insecurity in our lives. Hopefully

when we return to God and his Word our attitude will be more

faithful, trusting and loving than Jonah’s attitude when he returned

to God.

The Writer to the Hebrews urges us to:

‘not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of

doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more

as you see the Day approaching.’ [Hebrews 10:25]

As Edward Mote wrote:

‘On Christ, the solid, rock, I stand - all other ground is sinking sand.’

[CMP 473, chorus]

May God strengthen you in the faith.

Yours in Christ,


Advent Supper 1st December 7pm, Pathway Centre

Advent touches the season beautifully for it celebrates the birth of God’s Son, the word made flesh. Come join the celebration over Supper – all welcome. Sign-up sheet nearer the time. “When Mary brought forth her son, there was no royal fanfare, no 21-gun salute, no balcony announcement to the waiting throng, no flash bulbs or TV cameramen. Outside the stable the crowds in Bethlehem went about their business, but heaven was celebrating the birthday of life. Life for all mankind.”

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The Harvest Thanksgiving Service this year will take place on Sunday 28th October. Donations of Flowers, fruit, vegetables and tinned goods can be brought to the church on Friday 26th from 9.30 - 12.30pm, during Games night, 6.30 - 9pm and Saturday 27th 9.30 - 11am. This year we are supporting the Aberdeen Cyrenians Harvest Appeal. You can read more about it here and all food donations will be given to them. There will also be a Harvest Buffet Lunch following the service on 28th. Please come along and join us.

The Rabbits Grace

We’ve hid rabbits het, we’ve hid rabbits caul

We’ve hid rabbits young and we’ve hid rabbits aul

We’ve hid rabbits tender, we’ve hid rabbits teuch

But thank the Lord we’ve aye hid enough

A doric Grace

Anna McDonough

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Café Church what is it all about ? Well Café Church is church with a difference, we meet at the Pathway Centre.

Seated round tables instead of sat in rows we drink coffee, tea, eat food, watch inspirational videos. It’s still a service, we sing a few songs, say some prayers, but we’re relaxed about it all. If your kids are running around grabbing another muffin that’s fine. If you don’t believe in God and want to come and see what’s going on, that’s fine too.

Come along to our new Café Church and see for yourself.

Next Café Church

is Saturday 8th December 2018 at 7pm.

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Cool Club and Cooler Stuff have been meeting together in the Pathway Centre this term, We have had lots of fun and games and have looked at The Ten commandments, Creation,

Jonah & Ruth. We have learned about God’s wonderful creation and that God wants us to keep his commandments

and that our God Loves us so much. We have learned that God will always look after us, God hears us when we pray and lifts us out of the pit. We are looking forward to sharing

with the congregation at our Family Harvest Service things that we are thankful for. The Youth Fellowship recently had

a trip to Balmedie Beach, where we had lots of fun sledging down the sand dunes and toasted some marshmallows.

Children & Youth Ministry

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Well another Holiday Club has finished for the summer, what a fantastic week we had at our new Pathway Centre. The kids had lots of fun with craft, games, bible teaching, songs, drama, memory verses, challenges and yummy snacks. Throughout the week we learned to love our neighbours, we learned that God loves us even though sometimes we make the wrong choices, we learned that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but most of all, we learned about a God who loves us all sooo much.

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A BIG thanks to all our kids for coming along and a

HUGE thanks to all the leaders and helpers.

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Games Night has been going from strength to strength, with over 570 kids turning up for some fun on the last

Friday of every month ! We now meet in our new Pathway Centre with the

same selection of games and crafts.

Why not come along to the next session and bring a friend ! Thanks as ever to all our volunteer helpers, without whom the

games night could not operate. We are so grateful to you all for your help throughout the year.

If you would like to volunteer to help please contact the below. For more info please contact:

Karen Creswell 862477 Or visit our website

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A message from Elsie and her time in Malawi It was so unreal to finish my time in Newmachar on Sunday and my flight to Malawi was on Wednesday 30th May, talk about no rest. We were looking forward to the warm weather and by the

time we arrived in Ethiopia, it was indeed looking promising. It was great arriving in Blantyre but was shocked at how cold it was and everyone kept saying how this year’s winter is the coldest since '64. Anyway, all was still great and we enjoyed our visit to the national park and slept in a tree house (scary as I started wondering what type of animals actually climb trees), it was one of the sleepless nights for sure.

Church was a buzz, I especially enjoyed the different choirs available on a Sunday. One Sunday there was a total of 10 choirs. That was one of the longest services, imagine a whole hour just listening to uplifting music. During one of my pastoral visitations I received a live chicken from this couple, another household gave me a whole bag of maize. It was such a humbling experience as I visited these homes to discuss our mutual love of Christ and to encourage the Elders to be the light in their communities and yet I went away with gifts as they were honoured to have me in their home.

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One time I was challenged when we visited a prison. While there the prisoners performed different acts, some played homemade instruments, other sung, but one particularly shocked me as he recited and summarised all the 50 verses of Genesis, the chaplain of the prison then said, "indeed under the government law these men had committed a crime, but under the sky of Heaven we are all God’s Children". As we sang Amazing grace I had tears running down my face, we humans are quick to judge and yet we fail to truly forgive. Lastly, I was moved as I took part in well dedication services, a Church in America had sent some money and now all the 10 villages in the rural Parish I was in had a water well. To see the people, celebrate access to water nearby was indeed a touching moment and that night as I reflected with some of my American friends that were present too, we questioned each other how many sources of water we each have in our homes. Here was a village, it did not matter which religion you belonged, and they were honoured and humbled to get this free gift of water and that Sunday as the minister preached on the story of the Samaritan woman and how Jesus Christ could be the source of water for life. So much to share but so little space, Malawi challenged a lot of this I took for granted and I grew more in faith.

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Aberdeen School Pastors

Aberdeen School Pastors work in a local school to build and develop relationships with the pupils and staff to encourage the pupils to positively relate to peers, teachers and the wider community. The ethos is the same as that of Street Pastors and this is to listen care and help young people who on occasions may be vulnerable and require support.

The work of a School Pastor will vary depending on the needs of the school. Our initiative provides the school with a regular lunch-time presence where volunteers spend time engaging with pupils in the dinning hall, social areas and playground. Our volunteers also take part in lunch-time clubs, P.S.E. input in the classroom, Prayer Spaces and assemblies.

Working in partnership with the school a classroom has been provided, which is used for our XLR8 life coaching initiative where qualified School Pastors mentor individuals and groups of pupils. Pupils come with their own agenda and the initiative is designed to…

To offer a listening ear and support

To build self-esteem and confidence

To help the pupil make informed choices

To draw on the Life Coaches experience

To help enable thinking about future hopes and aspirations

To create achievable goals

To volunteer as an Aberdeen School Pastor you’re asked to commit to giving two to three hours a week.

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A word now from our own School Pastor...

It is hard to believe a new term has started. Some of my 1st year pupils are now in 4th year and we have seen some dramatic changes. Some are involved in local churches such as The Mission church, the Lighthouse church and others.

One of my children passed all of his exams and wants to be a lawyer. He is now in 5th year, is a house captain and his younger brother a prefect.

We ended last term with the school prizegiving which is always a great event. Several of our children received awards and I was so proud. We had a lovely buffet afterwards and met the parents. the art department had a display of the pupils artwork.

We have just finished last week doing projects with the 1st years and guidance department which was challenging but rewarding. Some of us went to landmark with the 1st years.

We are so pleased to be able to have this ministry in St Machar Academy and be so supported in it by the school.

Anna, School Pastor

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From Life & Work Submitted by Anna McDonough

A word from Hilary about the recycling boxes in the church.. Spectacle Re-cycling

I thought you might like to know what happens to the spectacles you kindly put into the church re-cycling box. I take them to a local opticians and from there they go to a prison. Whilst there they are individually checked, calibrated and labelled. They are then sent to third world countries to be matched

with people who otherwise would not be able to afford glasses of their own. Other re-cycling I continue to re-cycle batteries and light bulbs at local re-cycling centres. Stamps I have sent two large packets of stamps to World Mission this year. About 2Kg in total. Please continue to place them in the church box and maybe as it comes nearer to Christmas collect from friends and neighbours too. The money raised from them this year is going to support young people with learning difficulties and disabilities in the Ukraine.

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BLYTHSWOOD SHOE BOX APPEAL Leaflets for the Blytheswood Shoe Box Appeal are now available. Collect one from the church or you can download from their website

Sunday 28th October is the last Sunday for boxes to be handed in to allow time for transportation.

As well as filled shoe boxes, Blytheswood would be delighted to receive individual items as detailed on the leaflet. Also hand knitted hats, scarves, gloves and children’s jumpers can be donated.

Please place these individual items in the cardboard box in the Fellowship Area – Thank you.

Like A Pumpkin

A lady had recently become a Christian. Curious, one of her colleagues at work asked her what it was like to be a Christian.

The lady was caught off guard and didn't know how to answer. Then she saw the office 'jack-o'-lantern' on a nearby desk and blurted: "Well, it's like being a pumpkin."

Her colleague asked her to explain that one. And so she said: “Well, God picks you from the patch and brings you in and washes off all the dirt on the outside that you got from being around all the other pumpkins.

“Then he cuts off the top and takes all the yucky stuff out from inside you. He removes all those seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc.

“Then he carves you a new smiling face and puts his light inside of you to shine for all to see.

“It is our choice to either stay outside and rot on the vine or come inside and be something new and bright."

Are you something new and bright? Will you be smiling today, and shining with his light?

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Calling all men

in the Parish of Newmachar. Come and join us on the first

Saturday of each month in the Upper Room of the Church. Meetings start at 8.30am with coffee and bacon rolls followed by a talk and discussion from either one of the group or an invited guest. All meetings are informal, relaxed and are finished by 10AM. All men are welcome and we would be delighted to see you at our next meeting.

(Don’t want to run out of bacon rolls so give us a call and let us know you are coming).

Ian A W Urquhart Tel: 01651 862428 John Mackay Tel: 01651 869468 John Gordon Tel: 01651 862025


A one hour meeting held in the Fellow-ship Area. A time for our Church family to come together to sit in silent prayer or join others in prayers for our Church, community and events worldwide. Cards for confidential prayer requests at the end of the pews. Bring everything to the Lord in prayer……

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TRANSPORT TO CHURCH If you would like transport to church on a Sunday morning we have several volunteer drivers who would pick you up, and take you home again after the service. More volunteer drivers would also be very welcome. Please contact the Church office to arrange for transport Tel 869375.

LIFE & WORK The official magazine of the Church of Scotland offers good value at £2.80 per month. It is full of interesting articles, debates and book reviews as well as news from around the world. If you would like to subscribe or try a free sample please see Christine MacLeod.

Giving Grapevine to friends and neighbours

The grapevine is delivered by the Elders to all members and adherents of the church in their districts.

If anyone wants more grapevines to give to friends or neighbours there are extra printed for this purpose or just let your Elder know.

Flower Ministry Every week flowers brighten up our church because we have a flower ministry. Some people new to our church,

and also not so new, may not know how it operates. Briefly here is how it works, there’s a Flower Rota in the Fellowship Area, (that’s the name for the area between the sanctuary and the church door), simply write your name beside the date on which you want to donate the church flowers. Most people donate church flowers to commemorate dates special to them, such as a birthday, anniversary or the passing of a loved one. One bunch of flowers is enough but if you want to donate more that is fine. For more information on this please speak to Judith MacSween. After the service, these flowers are distributed to people, mainly within our parish but this is not a prerequisite, who are ill, house-bound or just in need of encouragement. If you know of anyone, a family member, friend or neighbour who would benefit, please speak to May Anne Taylor or Christine in the Church Office. Hospital Visiting Please continue to let us know if anyone is ill at home or in hospital, so that one of our visitors could visit them, or just to let them know we are thinking and praying for them. We are no longer informed by the hospital automatically. May Anne Taylor 862882

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Do you shop online? Do it through and raise a free donation for New Machar Church every time you shop! Pay for your holiday, car insurance or Christmas shopping and we will receive a donation. All money raised from this point onwards will be put towards building our new Pathway Centre.

TUESDAY DISCUSSION GROUP Join us for tea or coffee at our informal time of discussion whilst looking and learning more of God’s word through the Bible or a chosen book. This session we are looking at the Parables of Jesus. We meet in the Pathway Centre from 10 – 11.30am for an approximate 6 week session with no commitment to attend every week. For more information contact Linda Urquhart (862428) or Sheila Main (862935). All welcome.

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In the Pathway Centre, 2nd Saturday of each month, 10 –11.30am. Come along for a chat and fine piece. You will be made more than welcome.

Weddings Claire Smith & Darren Redford


David Edwards

Colin Campbell

Elisabeth Johnston

Philip Mackie

Baptisms, Weddings & Deaths

ENJOY READING ? There is a free LENDING LIBRARY situated in the Fellowship Area. The shelves contain a selection of Christian Books for adults and children. Please ‘sign out’ the books you wish to borrow and return them in your own time, remembering to sign them back in.


All prayer requests and prayers of thanksgiving are in strict confidence. Please call Douglas McNab (862778), Bill Campbell (862816); or, complete the Prayer Request Cards at the end of

the pews – Cards can then be placed into the wooden box in the Fellowship Area.

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Charity number SC024017

Articles for inclusion in the Spring/ Summer edition of grapevine should be sent to Christine MacLeod by 10th March

[email protected]

Hearing Aid loop available

Useful Contact Numbers

Minister Rev. Douglas McNab 862278

Session Clerk Bill Campbell 862816

Treasurer John Blanksby (07557) 740087

Church Officer Lewis Taylor 862882

Grapevine Christine MacLeod 862635

Youth Ministry & Crèche

Karen Creswell 862477

Gift Aid/Freewill Offering Bill Fraser 862501

Fabric Convenor Ian Urquhart 862428

Safeguarding Contact Karen Creswell 862477

Church Office 869375

The church office is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9.30 - 12.30 pm, and our church administrator Christine is available to answer any queries you may have. You can also contact the office on 01651 869375

during the above hours.