Download - Summer 2018 Newsletter of the Second …...The Second Congregational Church of Cohasset had its origin by ecclesiastical dissension. The trouble was not merely a local one, but extended



Summer 2018

Newsletter of the Second Congregational Church of Cohasset

Our Church Leadership

Staff: Minister Rev. Dr. Karen Bailey-Francois Music Director Jin Kim Office Administrator Cindy Courtney Custodian Tony Emanuello & Bob Tuscher Christian Education & Youth Director William Ketchum Church Officers: Moderator George Baumgarten Treasurer Kim Maynard Assistant Treasurer Ruth Nedrow Financial Secretary Wilma Vanderlugt Assistant Financial Secretary Charlene Jackson Clerk Jennifer Geoghegan Historian Ann Pompeo Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs: Deacons Susi Coley David Young Finance Paul Carlson Christian Education Kristin Voldan Trustees Phil Lehr Outreach Connie Afshar Music Linda Indek Steve Parnell Flowers Beth Corry Nominating *TBD Search Team Susi Coley Delegates: Open

Newsletter of the Second Congregational Church

Cohasset, Massachusetts June 7, 2018 Vol. 31, No. 6

In this issue…

FROM THE MINISTER’S STUDY ....................................................... 1 LET US PRAY ................................................................................... 3 FLOWER DONATIONS …………………………………………………………….…..4 TREASURER'S REPORT ……………………………..…………………………………5 TONY EMANUELLO'S RETIRING……………………………………………………5 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ….………………………………………………………….6 A GLIMPSE INTO OUR CHURCH HISTORY…………………………………….7 CRAFTY ELVES……………………………………………………………………………..8 TRUSTEE CORNER………………………………………………………………..………8 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS………………………..……………..……..….. 9 OUR GRADUATES………………………………………………………………………10 OUTREACH NEWS…………………………………………………………..…..…….13 A BIT OF BIBLE FUN……………………………………………………………………16 MUSIC NOTES…………………………………………………………………………….17 SUMMER WORSHIP SERVIECS……………………………………………………17 NOTES FROM OUT SCC FAMILY………………………………………………….18 BIT OF FUN ANSWERS………………………………………………………………..19 SCC CALENDAR …………………………………….……………………………………20


When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them – yet you have made them a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. (Psalm 8:4-5)

What are we, O God, that you are mindful of us: of our

comings, our goings, our minor disasters and our major life events… Who are we, O God, that you care for us: our joys and our sorrows, our courage and our fears, our whole-hearted endeavors and our rapid retreats… Yet you made us just a little less than divine – kindred to you in the incarnate Christ, saved by your unfailing faith in us, forgiven, redeemed and renewed.

What is it like to wake up every day and know that you are deeply and completely loved?

How does it feel to be so important to the world that Jesus gave his whole self for your sake?

More often than not, we look past those simple truths as we race from feeling empty to completely overwhelmed. As we juggle the “too much” and “too little” in our lives, we lose sight of the stable center. But it is there. The solid ground on which we stand. The wind beneath our wings.

We live in a very big world these days – connected in unprecedented ways across time and space, economies, cultures and experience. We are pummeled with pictures of things we cannot fix and brokenness we can only hope to help heal.

For some it feels selfish to focus on the pressures that push in on our lives and can’t help but compress our perspective. For others, it is easier to turn away. It is hard to establish priorities in the midst of so much need.

The good news for us – yesterday, tomorrow and today – is that God’s care and God’s call are completely compatible. Both are real. Both bind us to God and each other. We are individually important AND communally responsible beyond ourselves.

Who are we, O God? We are Yours!

See you in church.

Pastor Karen

If you want to talk more or if you or another church member needs a call or a visit, please let me know.

[email protected] 781-383-7005 (church) 781-923-0486 (mobile / messages)

PLEASE NOTE: Monday is my Sabbath Day so I generally will not answer phone calls or emails until Tuesday except for immediate pastoral concerns – which I absolutely want to know about promptly! Call for text me for those. And thank you for your understanding.


Camden Albanese Barbara Hoyler Karen Bailey-Francois Janet Hoyler George Baumgarten Caroline Hulverson Jack Dane Bill Ketchum Ava Doherty Joanne Lehr Pam Delorenzo Phil Lehr Abby Greer Rob Lehr Molly Greer Sammy Lehr Jay Nothnagle Rick Kirkendall

Let Us Pray For:

Tom Horsefield Dick Faust

Steve Parnell Tom Carroll

Linda Indek Dan Evans

Joe Sandblom Baby Isadora

Caregivers among us

ASP participants to have a safe and productive trip

Those recovering from surgery

Those afflicted by war or natural disaster

Those serving our Country both home and Abroad

Loving God, please hold our friends and family in

your compassionate embrace and grant them

peace in troubled times, health in times of illness

and strength in times of weakness, in Jesus name,


Congratulations to Allie and Matt Mitchel on the June 2nd birth

of their daughter Isabella Mitchel. Isabella weighed 8’ 3 oz!

Congratulations too to the proud grandparents… Judy and Gary


We also celebrate with the Thompson family on the birth of Isadora. She was born on April 26 (a little early) to Doug’s daughter Ilea. We keep her and her family in our prayers as she receives care in the NICU.


If there is a week with no donor, we will open it up for a donation from an attendant’s garden.

June 10 Given by Helen Thayer Chapell & Millie Thayer in memory of their sister, Carol Draper Thayer

June 17 The Howorth Family; Remembering Bud Howorth , Jr and all fathers on this Father’s Day

June 24 OPEN

July 1 OPEN

July 8 Wilma Vanderlugt in loving memory of Hubert VanderLugt

July 15 The Goodwin Family in loving memory of Harry and Ruth Goodwin

July 22 Karen and Rick Kirkendall celebrating summer anniversaries and graduations

July 29 OPEN

August 5 Marcia Carthaus, in memory of her parents Robert and Hazel James and her brother Phil

August 12 Bucher Family honoring August birthdays

August 19 OPEN

August 26 Helen Thayer Chapell and Millie Thayer In loving memory of their mother Caroline Blanton Thayer

*Just a friendly reminder, if you have donated flowers, don’t forget to send a check to the office.

We Build Sacred Community

Treasurer’s Report - May 2018 Income May 13,424 Income Year to Date 105,133 Expenses May 22,927 Expenses Year to Date 124,802 Operating Fund 8,844

Restricted Funds: Regular reserve 10,833 Memorial Fund 8,515 Money Market reserve 30,083 Fund Raising to Date 2,002 Total Portfolio 424,034

As we approach the summer….. don’t let your offerings take

a summer vacation! It costs approximately $6,000 weekly to

keep our “faith FULL home” running smoothly. Electronic

giving forms are available in the office, pledges can be made

year-round automatically using a credit card or a checking

account!! Give Cindy or Kim Maynard a call to make


Tony Emanuello is Retiring

After 15 years as SCC’s dedicated custodian, Tony has decided to retire at the end of June. The Deacons are hosting a “Celebrating Tony” potluck with an Italian food theme immediately following worship on Sunday June 10th. Anyone wishing to contribute to a group thank you gift may send in their donation by mail or bring it to the office Monday - Friday from 9 am - 2 pm. Deadline for contributions will be Wednesday June 6th. Come help us say thank you to a very special, hardworking friend who has been so very generous with his time in support of the many activities at Second Congregational Church.

A -M Italian Main Dish N -Z Salad

30th Annual Strawberry Festival SCC Celebrates with Shortcakes

and Grill Tent As the annual South Shore Arts Festival approaches, Second Congregational Church members begin anticipating the official beginning of summer with the arrival of 500 quarts of fresh strawberries as well as dozens of delicious hot dogs and Kinnealey Meats’ hamburgers. The berries and grilled items are part of the SCC Strawberry Festival and Grill Tent that runs in conjunction with the Arts Festival on the Cohasset Common, Friday June 15th through Sunday June 17th. SCC offers one stop shopping for a full meal when you order from the grill tent and the shortcake kitchen, so come on down and enjoy the arts fair and a great meal! In order to make this event as successful as it has been, we are in need of helping hands. Please see the sign-up board in Bates Hall.

Help us make this a huge success!

Another Glimpse of Second Congregational

Church’s Past, by Ann Pompeo Church Historian

The Second Congregational Church of Cohasset had its origin by ecclesiastical dissension. The trouble was not merely a local one, but extended to hundreds of communities throughout the eastern part of New England an even to more distant places. It has been known as the “Unitarian movement” and it bisected the Congregational body of New England into the so-called “Orthodox” and “Unitarian” churches. As early as the year 1750 a number of ministers and many laymen about Boston were Unitarians in belief through not in name. In 1801 the first open rupture that permanently divided a congregational church occurred at Plymouth. The old Pilgrim Church had ordained a pastor who soon showed himself to be so unevangelical that bout fifty members deemed it impossible to remain in our forefathers’ church. They established in 1801 a new church, now known as the “Church of the Pilgrimage”. Many other ecclesiastical societies of New England followed this example of schism, and it became our turn to suffer the same disruption within a quarter of a century from the break at Plymouth Rock. The Cohasset pastor in the year 1824 was Jacob Flint, D.D., whose settlement had then continued for twenty-six years. He was a man of intellectual vigor and of strong determination. His sympathies were pronounced in favor of the Unitarian movement and he found occasion more or less frequently to assail the doctrine of “The Trinity” and other evangelical tenets. The antagonism aroused by his doctrinal attitude was still further increased by personal resentments; until, in the summer of the year 1824, there was an irreconcilable breach in the church. More than a score of disaffected members of the parish were unwilling to worship any longer in “Rev. Dr. Flint’s meetinghouse,” “on account” as the records say, “of his heretical Unitarian sentiments.”

Calling all SCC Elves,

There is one remaining workshop for the Village Fair before Santa flies to the South Pole for the summer. Come join the fun on June 6 at 1:30 in the green chair room. We have projects for people to do or if you are working on your own project bring it. We would love to see new faces. In the fall we will resume the Wednesday's workshops so if you can't come to the one in June there will be other opportunities to have fun with us. See you soon.....

Linda Campbell [email protected]

Trustee Corner

A big thank you to Tony for his many years of caring for the church and congregation!!

The Trustees at SCC are responsible for the care and maintenance of SCC’s beautiful church and newly refreshed parsonage. This team works together to assess and prioritize the many needs of our properties. Next up: replacing the side door at the top of the access ramp and getting bids to renovate the portico. Read more about current and recent projects and see what’s on the horizon on the Trustee page of our website:

Christian Education and Youth Corner

The Christian Education classes,

with adult helpers, had a very

successful bake sale on Sunday

May 13th! The $89 collected was

donated to Cradles for Crayons.

We heard about Cradles for

Crayons from Maggie Young and

the support Cradles for Crayons gives to struggling families in the

greater Boston Area. Thank you to all who supported the Bake Sale.

The Sunday School planted flowers in the circle outside the side

kitchen door. We mostly planted marigolds but a few unnamed

flowers arrived and joined the circle. It was fun clearing the soil and

getting our hands dirty for the beautification of the church

grounds. We also want to thank Mr. Emanuello for suggesting the

project and all the help he has given us.

We will be having our final Sunday School events on June 10th with

an inter-generational worship service in the sanctuary. All are

welcome. We will be starting back up on Sunday September 9th

with our Rally Day Sunday.

“Hats off” to our High School Graduating Seniors!

Tommy Carrabes

Zoe Doherty

Brooke Driscoll

Jay Frederick

Leanne Hayden

Halle Pratt

Cameron Ritz

Joseph Wellman

Bennet Hulverson

Betsy Hillier

Caroline Hillier

It’s College Graduation Time! Congratulations to all our friends and family who have reached

these milestones!! We are very proud of you all!

Clarke Indek

graduated Magna Cum laude, from George Washington University, in May. He has a double major in Economics and Finance. As an NCAA Division I student-athlete, I spent 4 years on the men’s swim and dive team at GW. I will be starting as an analyst on the middle market underwriting team at Capital One Financial in Washington, DC this July.

Madison Sullivan graduated from High Point in North Carolina with a degree in Strategic Communication and a minor in Marketing. After graduation, she will move to Boston to begin a career at Wayfair headquarters as a Category Associate. During her time at High Point, she was a member of the Kappa Delta Sorority.

Emily Zimmermann graduated from Isenberg School of Management as a Scholar-Athlete with a Bachelors of Business Administration in Marketing and a Secondary Major in Sport Management.

Jack Conte.

University of Massachusetts Boston. He is currently a

manager at Good Sports in Cohasset

Lexi Ritz

graduated cum laude, from the University of Massachusetts,

Amherst with a degree in Communication. She will be

working at Boston based, Critieo in digital advertising!

Christina Tedeschi graduated from Boston College on May 21st with a major in Economics and a minor in Faith, Peace & Justice. She was active in BC's Pulse Program and served as a mentor to an at-risk middle school student in Boston. She accepted a position at

General Electric and will be moving to Cincinnati, Ohio in early July to begin the 2-year Financial Management Program within GE’s Aviation division.


Mother’s Day Walk for Peace: A huge “Thank You” to our amazing congregation for your very generous support of the 22nd Annual Mother’s Day Walk for Peace! Our ‘Compassionate Cohasset’ team was one of the largest fundraisers - raising an incredible $13, 500 - in support of the good works of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute! Thank you for believing that Peace is Possible and that all families who are survivors of violence, regardless of race or class, deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and compassion.

The Peace Wall: Please visit the new ‘Peace Wall’ or ‘Wall for All’ in Bates Hall to share your feelings about events in the world or in your own lives, large or small. Messages can convey expressions of hope, harmony, solidarity, sorrow and above all, peace. The ‘Peace Wall’ is a place where members of our congregation can share thoughts and prayers anonymously and free of judgment. A big thank to Abby Greer for providing the concept and materials for the ‘Peace Wall’!


As you organize your spring and summer business clothing, please bring any gently used, clean, in season items, for both men and women, that you no longer need to the church for Outreach to distribute. You may leave them on the coat rack beyond the church office. Outreach will bring the clothing to the Interfaith Social Service Agency in Quincy which operates a Career Closet, providing free access to appropriate business clothing to their clients seeking employment or newly employed through the agency’s career counseling programs. Please do not donate winter clothing right now as they do not have space to store it (nor does the church).

The Interfaith Social Service Agency is one of the organizations which SCC supports with quarterly donations of $250. ISSA operates a food pantry, a thrift shop, and family counseling, and helps to provide rent and heat support to needy families in the Quincy Area, along with its jobs placement service.

If you let the church office know that you have left some clothing, you will be provided with a -tax deduction form from the agency. Questions? Call Taffy Nothnagle 383-0895.

Outreach is hoping to begin supporting the "Possibilities Ministries", an organization based in Rockland which helps people transition from homeless shelters to independent housing. They provide basic needs for setting up an apartment and are seeking donations of kitchen equipment - pots & pans, dishes, glassware, utensils, and small furniture - tables, lamps, chairs - all clean and in good condition. If you have a few small items, these can be left in the hallway beyond the office, or if you have a larger quantity or furniture, please call Taffy Nothnagle 781-383-0895.

Possibilities Ministries will pick-up upon request.

The Longest Day (Alzheimer’s Association): On June 21, 2018, the longest day of the year and summer solstice, thousands of people will join together to show their love for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease. In honor of their mother, Margie Steele who passed away from the effects of Early Onset Alzheimer’s, her daughters and their families Longest Day team will hike the Blue Hills on June 21. The girls’, Cali and Grace, team is ‘Minds Over Matter’. The Outreach Committee will be making a donation to the Alzheimer’s Association in support of the Steele family’s hike in honor of Margie Steele. If members of the congregation would like to support this endeavor please make your checks payable to the Alzheimer’s Association with the notation ‘Longest Day-Team Minds Over Matter’. Checks can be dropped off or mailed to the church.

Cohasset Food Pantry: The CFP remains open and active all summer so please continue to support this important organization serving Cohasset citizens in need of a helping hand.

Father Bill’s Place: Our church will be serving a traditional 4th of July picnic on Saturday, July 7. We’re asking members of the congregation to make a favorite summer picnic dish to contribute to the meal. Favorites include potato salad, macaroni salad, coleslaw, deviled eggs, baked beans, watermelon, brownies, cookies, etc. The dishes can be dropped off at Connie Afshar’s house (141 South Main St.) by 1 p.m. Saturday afternoon on July 7.

Just a bit of Bible fun…… answers on page 19

Women of the Bible….. hidden words There are 35 names, they run up & down, left and right, forward

and backward and diagonally

Abigail Aholah Aholibah Anna Bashemath Deborah Esther Eve Gomer Hagar Hannah Herodias Jael Jezebel Jochebed Judith Keturah Leah Martha Mary Merab Michal Miriam Naomi Orpah Peninnah Rachel Rebeka Ruth Sarah Shuah Tabitha Tamar Vashti Zilpah

Bible fun from “The Complete Bible Quiz Book,” Dan Carlinsky,1976


We thank our Music Director, and our Sanctuary Choir for all the time and talent that they lovingly share with

us each Sunday! June 17th will be the Choir’s last Sunday with us as they break for the summer months! We look forward to their shared talent among us again in the fall……

Summer Worship

Remember June 24 is a lay-led hymn sing in the chapel at 11!

Beginning July 1 through September 2, Sunday morning Worship Service will again take place, rain or shine, at the Cohasset Sailing Club located at 19 Lighthouse Ln, Cohasset, MA 02025.

Summer services at the Sailing Club begin at 9:00 AM.

We will return to Worship in our Sanctuary on

September 9 at 10:00!

Notes from our SCC Family….

Just a bit of Bible fun Answer:

*Tai Chi meets every Monday, Wednesday Friday morning 8 AM in Bates Hall or on the Common as weather permits

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Church Committee

7:30 Choir

17 18 19 20 21 22 23



24 25 26 27 28 29 30

11:00 Hymn Sing in Chapel

7:30 Deacons

Staff Mtg 4

CE Com 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sailing Club Service begins


Happy 4th

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sailing Club

SCC CALENDAR June - July 2018






















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A 0





: 7












