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Page 1: Summer 2015: Decoding the Next Steps

Packards’ Progress Summer 2015

Decoding the Next Steps YYC → YYZ → IEV→ ? → TPE → YYC!

For the last several months, Michael and I have been in the process of discerning what's next for us as we move forward with the Titus Project. Our goal is to bring the Titus Project to YWAM Turner Valley, but before we can do that, we have to staff an already existing Titus Project elsewhere in the world. Titus is an outreach program for graduates of the School of Biblical Studies (SBS), which teaches participants how to teach the Bible, Inductive Bible Study, and Bible overview, as well as how to preach. The first three weeks of the three month program are intensive training weeks filled with lectures and practice teachings. The following two months are spent on outreach, using what has been learned in the classroom to reach real people how to study the Bible for themselves. This is tremendously important, as so many people throughout the world are hungry for the Word, but do not have the tools to study the Bible, or understand the big picture of God's redemptive history.!!Michael and I had several different options for where we could staff Titus, but after praying and hearing from others who had been praying for us, we felt God was calling us to staff Titus in the winter of 2016, narrowing our options down to Taiwan and Kiev, Ukraine. There were major advantages to both options. The founder of Titus, Amy, lives and serves in Taiwan, and we felt it would be important to have her guidance as we look to pioneering Titus at our own location. She is not, however, directly involved with the Titus Project at present, but is filling another, very busy role with YWAM in Taiwan. We felt if we were to be in Taiwan for the three week lecture phase, and then go on outreach for two months, it could be challenging to meet with her while juggling her busy schedule and our own busy schedule of teaching in the Titus Project and preparing for outreach.!!While we were in Mexico this Fall, we spoke with the Titus leader there (Kerry) about possible locations to staff Titus. We were advised that Kiev would be an optimal place to go, as the leaders there are excellent mentors. This advice was corroborated by a couple we met in early 2015, who had worked directly with the leaders in Kiev. !!As you can imagine, we faced quite a conundrum! There were excellent reasons to go to both locations, and both were willing to take us on as staff for Titus Project. As we prayed about this, a somewhat

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Packards’ Progress Summer 2015

"outrageous" idea came to mind. What if there's a way to do both? Obviously, with both programs running at the same time, we couldn't staff both, but the thought came that perhaps we could staff Titus in Kiev, and then fly to Taiwan "on the way home," to meet with Amy. Spending a week in Taiwan with the sole purpose of meeting with Amy and discussing the heart of Titus Project, and having her commission us, would create a more intentional space for us to have time with the founder of Titus, and would involve less schedule-juggling. It seemed like a very practical idea from many angles, and the more we prayed about it, the more we felt it was a "God idea," and that He was leading us in exploring this.We spoke with our campus director about this idea, and he was supportive. We emailed Amy and the leader of Titus in Kiev (Angela), and both were receptive to this idea. Green lights all around! We have applied to staff Titus in Kiev in January 2016, and have been encouraged by Angela to pray about where God is calling us to go on outreach from Kiev. So here's the big plan, as it stands: we hope to fly from Calgary (YYC) to Toronto (YYZ) in late December/early January, to spend a couple of weeks with Michael's family, friends, and supporters, before flying to Kiev (IEV) in mid January. We'll be there for staff training and the lecture phase, before we lead an outreach with a small group of Titus participants (this is the "?" as we don't know where this outreach will be - likely Eastern Europe/Central Asia). We'll return to Kiev for a week for debriefing, and then fly to Taiwan (TPE), where we'll meet with the founder of the Titus Project. From there, we'll return to Calgary (YYC), and ultimately Turner Valley, where we'll be able to put some wheels in motion for planting Titus at our location. On this schedule, it looks as though YWAM Turner Valley's first Titus program could be in early 2017.A newer development in addition to this initial plan, is an invitation to consider helping to plant a Titus Project in connection with a ministry in northern Thailand that trains and equips YWAM Turner Valley's target people group, the Shan. From what we've heard about this Titus Project in the works, the start date will likely be July 2016...only a couple of months after we will return from Taiwan. This is an exciting possibility, as it is a way to be part of equipping our target people group with the tools to teach the Bible, in Thailand and beyond. Obviously, this is all a tremendous undertaking - we are literally flying around the world within the next year, and then possibly heading to Thailand a few months later! There are many details to sort out - flights, outreach location, when exactly we need to be where, and how much this is all going to cost, to name a few - but as these things come together, we're asking that you'd pray for us. Pray God will be preparing our hearts to be Titus staff in Kiev, that He would direct us to where He wants us to go on outreach, that we would learn the things He has for us as we prepare to plant Titus in Turner Valley (not to mention, the possibility of being involved in a Titus plant in northern Thailand!), and that we trust in Him in the midst of the craziness that are these amazing possibilities and plans!!

In the meantime…

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Packards’ Progress Summer 2015

Michael's Progress Michael is leading the Facilities department, managing Accounts, and co-leading the Ministry Team at YWAM TV. He also recently taught Isaiah for the School of Biblical Studies.!!Michael and Helen taught an Inductive Bible Study seminar at our church here in Alberta, and we've already been approached about repeating the seminar! Michael also works with the youth of Okotoks Alliance Church each week.!!Prayer Requests:!! 1.! Pray I would make time for intimacy with

God a greater priority.!! 2.! Please pray for wisdom in how to best

balance the variety of demands on my time at work each week.!

! 3.! Pray my passion for the Titus Project will grow as we move into the next steps of bringing the program to YWAM Turner Valley.!

Helen's Progress Helen is continuing to work as Food Services coordinator at YWAM Turner Valley. Helen is also acting as co-leader of the Ministry Team at our campus.!!Helen just taught Jeremiah for YWAM Turner Valley's SBS, and continues to write material for an SBS Correspondence Course for pastors in Southeast Asia. Helen will be preaching at our church in July.!

!Prayer Requests:!! 1.! Pray I would have an increased closeness

to Jesus. I want everything I do to be rooted in relationship with Him.!

! 2.! Pray for me as I serve in the kitchen! Pray I can be a blessing to others and serve with an attitude of kindness.!

! 3.! Pray I will have a humble and teachable heart as Michael and I continue to step into leadership at YWAM Turner Valley.

“And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.!

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.!

Glory to God in the church!Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus!Glory down all the generations!Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes!”(Ephesians 3:17-21, The Message).