Download - Summer 2 cooke


Arbor Watch: A BACCThe Sixth Season: SummerCookeBy: CanImarryapony

Welcome back to Arbor Watch. I finally remembered where I saw the name. It's the name of a house in Oblivion. I knew I jacked it from somewhere. I should be playing Skyrim right now but my sims were calling to me.

As all good days begin, Day One for Julien Cooke begins with a dirty diaper from Jay.

So I'm bad. I got Julien the energizer. He needed in badly. And I wanted to send him off to More than Food without any delay.

Whoops, I keep forgetting to the silly plumbbob off. I'm still trying to get back in the habit of things. More than Food is booming. I can't wait to get the diner part up and running.

The hardest thing about the bakery is keeping the goods stocked. The birthday cakes are no moment, but Julien spends almost all his waking time baking.

Emmy gets a silver register badge and a raise. I should really get a less expensive cashier, but I like Emmy for being a vacation sim.

Back at the house, it's afternoon which means Fierce!

Fierce is finally here where he belongs, only took me a couple seasons to do it. Stupid Julien, but that doesn't matter now.

Fierce arrives just soon enough to greet Amanda and Julian coming off the bus.

The kids are less than excited about Fierce. Oh well they used the first day of Summer as a good excuse for a rousing water balloon fight.

Amanda rocked at water balloon fights, she only got pegged once. Julien's and Sandy's face blended together very well. The kids ended up looking very nice.

Day one is also Jay's birthday, woot no more babies for a bit.

Not too shabby, he looks very similar to Julian, but fortunately no First born effect.

Immediately after the cake toss, Jay is whisked off to the potty chair. It's never too early for potty training.

For some insane reason I thought Julien and Sandy needed a fourth child. Why stop at the three, even numbers are waay better. Nevermind their house is still pretty much in shambles.

Jay wakes Julien up at the crack of dawn for some food. I love smartmilk btw. It is my friend.

Julien isn't quite tired enough to go back to so I have him about a dog. Like Arbor Watch needs more dogs, but I Fierce babies.

Meet Belle, she's named after my dog Bella. Belle is a randomly spawned puppy from the animal shelter. So it's up in the air about what she looks like.

Julien use the early morning romp to finish teaching Jay how to use the potty. Yep I love Smartmilk.

Sandy's the next one up, Looks like we're have a baby soon. Sweet.

Another fire FINALLY!!! Only took until season sixth. A spot in law enforcement is officially open.

Julien's lucky he didn't catch himself on fire doing this.

Julien heads off to More than Food to earn a few bucks. I'm tempted to download a bunch of fake food so Julien doesn't constantly have to be baking.

Nikki Zhang has taken quite a liking to Julien, she always wants to network. I can't stay I mind, if only she'd give him more TVs to sell.

Julien closes up shop at six and heads home. For once he doesn't have to bake something.

Amanda and Julian play red hands to get their fun up enough to do their homework. Both the OTH is gaming so they would gladly spend most of their time play. Hmm.. this gives me ideas.

Despite nearly constant cooking, Julien doesn't let his relationship with the kids suffer. He spent the evening teach Julian and trying to teach Amanda how to do homework.

Day two becomes day three with a bit of puppy spam. Isn't she cute.

Shortly before dawn, Sandy's baby makes it's first appearance.

Poor Sandy's already having a hard pregnancy and has to clean up after her children and husband.

At More than Food, Julien chats up with more old people. I swear the elders of Arbor Watch love him. Love enough to bump More than Food to level 5. I'm not counting it for unlocking culinary until the diner half is ready which will probably be next rotation.

Back at home means more cooking to do, at least Fierce is helping out a bit.

I love this picture. It's not the best of shots, but it's sweet. Sandy and Julien taking time out of their days to spend time with Jay.

The kids are starting to spend more time with the dogs, it was just Julien playing with them. It just proves the point that puppies are irresistible.

All my families are addicted to red hands now. It's the quickest way to build up enough fun to do homework.

Julien is again the one to up in the middle of night with Jay. The little tyke is quickly becoming my favorite of the brood.

Puppy/toddler goodness.

Ladies and gentlemen belly bump two has arrived. Hmm... I wonder who first coined the term belly bump...sorry random moment.

Fierce also starts to take the time to love on Belle. Bane's sons ended up being so much like him. Always doing something interesting.

More toddler spam because it's good for the soul.

I never notice the gelatin had the little things floating inside cool. Julien runs into Ethan for the first extended chat. Happily enough, all my heads of families have gotten to know each other pretty well now. I just need to start getting the kids together but everybody's so far apart in ages.

Jay's birthday came quickly. I want to apologize I didn't take quite as many as pictures I a should have so things are jumping around a bit. But somewhere in there Jay learned to walk and talk.

Jay looks a lot like his brother the only real differences in the eyebrow. I should have rolled the dice in between pregnancies but I was lazy.

There's nothing jumping on your birthday bed. Jay's nursery get converted to his bedroom. I was going to make him and Julian share, but I couldn't separate the twins. Besides Julian and Jay didn't get along enough to share a bed.

No sooner than everyone is settled into bed then Sandy goes into labor.

Yet another boy, Thomas Cooke, he has black hair and blue eyes like all his other siblings. Drat I wanted Sandy to have another girl. Poor dear rolled the fear of having a baby just as Thomas was born.

Thomas is passed off to Julien and Sandy goes into aspiration failure on the other side on the bed.

I felt bad for forcing poor Sandy to have another kid when she did so well with the first three. Time to make it up to her. A quick call to the nanny takes care of the kids for a few hours.

Julien and Sandy head out to More than Food for a few hours for a nice refreshing date. And to get Sandy out of aspiration failure.

I tried to get them in a temporary phone booth together, but I guess Sandy was feeling a little paranoid and kept backing out saying she was too tired. Ah well at least she's platinum.

After a few happy hours they headed home and save Thomas from the nanny. Though she wasn't all that bad.

Day five was Saturday. Jay wanted to learn how to study so I took advantage of Amanda's piled up homework and made everybody happy.

Belle grew up in the bathroom. She definitely interesting, very bulky. I like her.

Late in the day Julien headed up to work and tried to make friends with people. His LTW is to have 20 besties and I've been neglecting him. Luckily for me family members count.

Anyways the Cookes had enough funds to scrape together a dining set for Reno day. This and some rearranging was all they were able to afford for Reno.

I also gave each of the older kids their very own gardening plot. Thought it'd be something cute for them to work on together.

The rest of the day was pretty relax. Sandy played with the kids and Julien cooked.

And started another fire >.>

And before he headed to bed, the rest of the house asleep, Julien asked Fierce to have puppies with Belle.

And that's where the Cooke's turn ends.

~Stats~Rotation: Summer 2Households: 2 of 3Playable Sims: 11# Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 10

Community Lots: 3Business Diststricts: 0Universites: 0Downtown: No

SM: 2

Population: 22

CAS Available: 1/3

University Funds: $1472

# of Fires: 4# of Burglaries: 0# of Electrocutions: 0# of Graves: 0

Businesses:Amber's Tales - Amber Vega - 10More than Food - Julien Cooke 5Komei's Klothes Komei Vega - 3Careers:Business 1/1Law Enforcement 1/1

*Stat sheet inspired by THEOlive211

Happy Simming!

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