Download - Study the Motivation of Managerial Employees in Relation

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³Treat people as you

wouldlike to be treated.´

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³Treat each person as

he/she would like to betreated, bearing in

mind who he/she is.´

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yMotivate ± To provide with

an incentive; move to


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y Establish consistent standards &expectations.


Provide Information.y Expose employees to new


y Involve them in problem-solvingy Match the challenge to the worker.

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y Treat employees as professionals.

y Get to know employees as individuals.


Show respect and appreciation for theirwork.

y Provide feedback.


Monetary reward based onperformance.

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³Help people reach their full potential.³Help people reach their full potential.

Catch them doing something right.´Catch them doing something right.´

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HR policies are rules and proceduresdesigned to provide a clear structure forHuman Resource Management.

7th Annual Conference of

Microfinance Institutions, Warsaw,Poland; 27-29 May 2004

Human Resource Policies

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y Consistency

y Fairness

y Efficiency

y Establishes rights/responsibilities of bothemployees and the employer


Documents these rights/responsibilitiesy Legal compliance

Human Resource Policies

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yTime/money to create and administer

y Impersonal, regimented

yFocus on rights/entitlements

yCan·t cover every situation

7th Annual Conference of

Microfinance Institutions, Warsaw,Poland; 27-29 May 2004

Human Resource Policies

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Respect and Recognition:Respect and Recognition:

Every employee is consistently treated with dignity andrespect. All employees are valued and recognized fortheir contribution to the organization.

ValuesValues and Leadership Behaviors:and Leadership Behaviors:Every employee is a leader who listens andcommunicates openly and honestly and every employeeacts in the interest of all other people who contribute tothe success of the business, including customers, owner,

and suppliers.

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Resources to Get the Job Done:Resources to Get the Job Done:It is ensured that a comfortable place to work withaccess to the materials, equipment and information has

been provided to do the job.

Learning, Development and PersonalLearning, Development and Personal

Growth:Growth:Employees has the opportunity to advance in skill,contribution and career level through high-qualitytraining, coaching and feedback.

Tota Compensation:Tota Compensation:To recognize people part in business success, Pay andRewards program follows a Pay for performance

philosophy, the better results produced by employees,the greater pay opportunities.

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The MACDONALDS welfare schemes include the

following provisions:

Drinking Water: At all the working places safe hygienic drinking

water is provided.

Facilities for sitting: suitable seating arrangements are provided.

First aid appliances: First aid appliances are provided and readily

assessable so that in case of any minor accident initial medication can

be provided to the needed employee.

Wash Room: A sufficient number of ladies and gents washrooms are

provided in the port area in the vicinity of the work place of the office

premises and maintained by an outsourced agency.


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Pantry facilities: Cafeteria is provided so as to provide

hygienic and nutritious food to the employees.

Lighting: Proper and sufficient lights are provided for

employees so that they can work safely during the night


Changing rooms: Adequate changing rooms are to be

provided for staff to change their cloth if required. Adequate

lockers are also provided to the staff to keep their clothes and


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Medi-claim Insurance Scheme: This insurance scheme provides

adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to

hospitalization due to illness, disease or injury or pregnancy.

Employee Referral Scheme: The employee referral scheme is

implemented to encourage employees to refer friends and relatives for

employment in the organization.

Loans and Advance on Salary : We provides loan facility on three

different occasions: Employees are provided with financial assistance in

case of a medical emergency. Employees are also provided with financial

assistance at the time of their wedding. Thirdly for any educational

purpose. Employee can alos avail a slary advance upto 50% of his salary

before the salary due date.

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Harassment Policy: To protect an employee from harassments of 

any kind, guidelines are provided for proper action and also forprotecting the aggrieved employee.

Transportation: The organizations provides transportation facility to

all night shift and evening shift employees from home till office .

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In any organization employee relation plays a key role. If theemployees of an organization are satisfied it means that the

organization could touch to the heights of success because asatisfied employee will work more passionately.

Collective bargaining is a process in which employee·s unionand the management negotiates with each other and signs an

agreement on the labor issues such as pays, benefits, working orother facilities. There is no such collective bargaining system inMcDonalds because McDonalds don·t have a predefined laboror crew unions. McDonald·s culture supports anti-unionconcept.

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When a crew member or any lower level employee joins theMcDonalds he/she have no basic knowledge of Unions, butafter working for a period of time, when they get familiar withthe culture of McDonalds they become more firm at anti-unionconcept.

The former CEO and Chairman of McDonalds Peter Ritchiesays ´Unions stifle Creativityµ; ´there is no place for unions at

McDonaldsµ; ´ I have spent my entire life opposing unionsµ; ´Ihave had some horrible and stressful fights with union leaders,it·s often very difficult keeping them outµ McDonalds has awell systematic pay rates, benefits and employee needs

program so when a new employee comes to join McDonaldsthey define every single policy, values, culture and employeebenefits or compensation programs.

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More precisely, when McDonalds hire an employee they makeevery thing clear and if the employee agrees to work in suchenvironment than they allow him to work. Unions play animportant role in pay-related issues. Most of the time employeesare not satisfied with their pays. So they create problems,although many different agreements are signed betweenemployees and management. But as in McDonald·s there are no

such unions so the problem related to pay to employees would bthat if a crew member do wage bargaining with employerindividually.In McDonalds most of the employees don·t favor for thismethod because they typically believe that such strategieswould be:Bad for moraleDifficult to administerMore time consuming

Encourage discrimination or favoritism