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Media CampaignDrew Christina


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Executive Summery

Short Term Goals:· Increase awareness, especially amongst our three target markets, Hays residents ages 25-35, Senior Citizens and College students.· Increase local sales by 15% in a six month time period

Long-Term Goals:· Increase brand loyalty among Hays residents ages 25-35, Senior Citizens and college students. · Increase business membership by 20% by the end of 2018

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PlanStrengths:· Small town bond· Partnerships within the Hays Area (Victoria, Schoenen, Ellis)· Variety of Serviceso Retailo Motoro Financialo Restaurantso Medicalo Professional

Weaknesses:· Small Town· Constant competition with corporate stores (i.e. Walmart and Dillons)· Lack of community involvement· Limited resources and involvement· Small budgets for promotions and budgets

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Opportunities:· Potential growth of among target market segments· Brand loyalty among target market segments· Chamber cheques to increase and encourage local shopping· Increase campaign awareness· Expanding local business services

Threats· Competition-Wal-Mart and Dillions· Pressure to compete at the expense of competition· National budget crisis· Public Perception-“Hays has nothing to do.”· Not a one stop shop

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Advertising ObjectivesThe objectives consist of customer loyalty and campaign awareness for our three target market segments. The advertising objectives will not only bring awareness to the Stop Shop Grow campaign but also help change the perception of the surrounding Hays area communities.

For our market segments consisting of the 25-35 year old residents and senior citizens living in the Hays area, we are promoting a call to action to utilize the local businesses. Supporting the area local businesses is vital to the economy of any small rural community. Without the support these businesses are not able to complete with big box stores such as Wal-Mart and Dillions. To target these specific target markets we will attract them by using traditional media types such as radio and newspaper advertisements and with a series of posters.

When targeting our younger target market, the college students, we chose to use all the media types listed above but we chose to add in a popular tool used by this generation, social media. With this media we will be able to post discounts and deals available for at live time for students to see.

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Media Objectives

• Radio Ads• Hays Daily News Ads• Redesigned poster campaign• Social media

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Messages Creativity STOP-SHOP-GROW stoplight from original campaign• RED: Stop spending money outside of the Hays area• YELLOW: Slow down and check out local businesses• GREEN: Put money back into the Hays area by

shopping in Hays Area Chamber of Commerce Businesses

Pictures taken in the Hays area Campus Downtown Old Fort Hays

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Media Tactics

Brand Associations:

“Hays has nothing to do besides partying.”“Hays doesn’t have “cool” stores.”“Hays needs more technology based businesses.”“The local Business are too expensive.”“I’d shop at local businesses more, if they’d give me a reason to.”

College Students

Social Media: (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)Duration: The entire Campaign.Goal: To engage with this demographic, and to help promote the tiger card sales promotion

Poster:Duration: 3 months (Aug.-Oct)Goal: To raise awareness of the shop local campaign, to show the connection between their education and the Hays Chamber of Commerce

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25-35 and Senior Groups

Brand Associations

“I Support Local Businesses.”“Shopping locally is convenient and quick, but I wish they would have a larger variety of business to choose from.”“ I like to shop locally, I feel like I’m helping my community and I’m making it a better place to live for my kids.”

• Social Media: (Twitter, Facebook)Duration: Entire CampaignGoal: To engage with the demographic and to provide promotional information.

Poster:Duration: 3 months (Aug.-Oct)Goal: To raise awareness of the shop local campaign, to show the connection between their education and the Hays Chamber of Commerce

Print/ Radio Duration: 3 months (July, Nov-Dec) Goal: To call to action to STOP, SHOP, GROW.

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July 2013

August 2013

September 2013

October 2013

November 2013

December 2013

Poster X X X

Radio X X X

Hays Daily X X X




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Posters: 3 (11” X 14”) posters at $9.99 per poster100 (8” X 11”) posters at $3.99 per poster

$430 total for 103 posters. Social Media: Twitter: Free Facebook: Free

Total costs: $2,807This leaves $193 for any other promotional needs. This also leaves additional funding if

complications arise with our proposed budget.

Radio:$300 per month for a set radio plan x 3 months


Newspaper:3”X 3” inch ad

$13.67 per column inch in the Hays Daily$1477 (at 1 ad per week/ per month)

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Radio Print Posters Social Media

CPM $97.51 $160.03 $30.97 $0

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Plan on evaluating 3 points during the campaign.1) July, how potential costumers have reacted to the advertisements,

Survey local business, survey the Chamber if there are new members.2) Second will be the same but in September.3) Same but in January, and also measure our social media.

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Sources "" City of Hays. Web. 12 May 2013.

"Eagle Radio of Hays Advertising." Eagle Radio of Hays Advertising. Eagle Radio. Web. 12 May 2013.

"Latest News." Hays Daily News. Web. 12 May 2013.

"Posters." Custom Photo. Walgreens. Web. 12 May 2013.