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Page 1: Stimulus Variation

Stimulus variation

The third micro teaching skill we will learn is stimulus variation. As the name suggests, stimulus variation is concerned with the ability to introduce variety into lesson so that your students will be attentive, interested and thus learn better.

Why do we train you, the learner, in the skills of stimulus variation? It is to help you to avoid teaching styles which are likely to induce boredom in your students. Some of the things you will learn are the use of movement in a systematic way and the avoidance of teaching from one spot, the use of gestures, the development of verbal and non-verbal methods of focusing students’ attention, change in speed pattern, change of sensory focus, student talk, and student movement.

Page 2: Stimulus Variation

Table 4.4 Stimulus Variation Appraisal Guide ( at the relevant column)

Components30 seconds for each column

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Teacher movementEye contact and movementTeacher voiceTeacher-group interactionTeacher-pupil-teacher interactionPupil-pupil interactionTeacher-object interactionPupil-object interactionPupil verbal and physical activity