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Steroids in Sports and Teens

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Steroids, what are they?

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS)

Synthetic substances similar to the male sex hormone testosterone

They’re usually used illegally to build muscle

They are also sometimes prescribed by doctors for medical uses

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What gains can you achieve from using steroids?

You can gain massive amount of muscle in a short period of time

Sometimes doctors prescribe them to help people with certain kinds of anemia and men who don't produce enough testosterone on their own

Doctors also prescribe patients steroids to preserve lean body tissue in patients with immune system and muscle wasting diseases

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What are some common names for steroids?



“Gym Candy”



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How to take steroids?

Some steroid users pop pills

Others use hypodermic needles to inject steroids directly into muscles

Steroid abusers have been known to take doses 10 to 100 times higher than the amount prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons

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There are many risks that involve using steroids.

Effects vary from men to women, but the negative effects outweigh the positive.

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Risks that occur in men


Breast delevoplement

Shrinking of the testicles


Severe acne

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Risks that occur in women

Deeper voice

Enlargement of the clitoris

Excessive growth of body hair


Severe acne

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Other risks…..

Delayed growth in teensTendon rupture Increased LDL cholesterol (Bad cholesterol)Decreased HDL cholesterol (Good

cholesterol)High blood pressureHeart attacksCancer“Roid Rage” –Extreme aggressionDelusions

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Other effects from using steroids?

Effects from steroids aren’t just physical. There are many mental side effects of using steroids such as, roid rage, and delusions.

Steroid users fear of losing their gains and they may become steroid abusers.

Abuser can become severely depressed and may also commit suicide.

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Teens and Steroids

Teens may feel pressured into using steroids by their parents and coaches to perform better on the field or court.

Some use steroids to try and make it to the next level whether that be college or professional sports.

Teenage girls may use steroids for purposes other than sports. They may use them to look thinner and lose weight.

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Teens and Steroids

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Teens and Steroids

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Famous Athletes that have used steroids

Barry Bonds, the homerun king.Was just found guilty on a count of

obstruction of justice and will be facing jail time.

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Famous Athletes that have used steroids

Marion Jones, Olympic track star.Tested positive for steroids and was striped of

her gold medals.

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Famous Athletes that have used steroids

Rafael Palmeiro, all-star first baseman.Lied to congress about using steroids.Probably will never become a hall of famer.

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Famous Athletes that have used steroids

Mark McGwire, all-star first baseman.Sammy Sosa, all-star outfield.

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Famous Athletes that have been accused of using steroids

Lance Armstrong, 7 time Tour De France winner.

Accused of using steroids.

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Videos about steroids

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The End



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