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Stellar Stars – Reflections of a Center CIO

Mike Bolger (KSC) and Kelly Carter (HQ) August 16, 2011

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• Trend to Data Center consolidation is industry-wide (Gartner)

• Data Center modernizations and consolidation are key initiatives for IT Infrastructure and Operations Managers (Gartner)

• Data Center Consolidation is the process of physically and logically co-locating computer systems

• Consolidation aims to reduce overall business costs by optimizing expenditures associated with:

Energy Consumption Operational Support

Facility Utilization Physical System Security

Hardware Utilization System Maintenance

Consolidation Basics


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It’s More Than Just a Good Idea!

Presidential Memorandum – June 2010“…in order to address the growth of data centers across the Federal Government, agencies shall immediately adopt a policy against expanding data centers beyond current levels, and shall develop plans to consolidate and significantly reduce data centers within 5 years.”

OMB Agency Consolidation Plan – Feb 2010“…Data Center Consolidation and the Cloud Computing Issue Areas will be government-wide priorities for all agencies (including the Intelligence Community) beginning in FY2010.”

NASA Lori Garver Memo – Aug 2010“…The objective of this initiative is to reduce the overall cost of data center services by leveraging newer and more efficient technologies, reducing power consumption and consolidating locations to increase space usage densities, and decreasing the real estate footprint of Federal data centers….Mission Directorate Associate Administrators and Center Directors shall direct their staff to cooperate fully and openly with these discussion initiatives.”

NASA OCIO Priorities Consolidation of Data Centers

– “NASA will be required to submit a plan to OMB outlining the approach to reduce IT energy consumption by a minimum 30% over a 3-year period (FY 2010-2012)”

Security & Efficiency of Data Centers– “By April 30, 2010, the Agency will provide OMB with the list of all data center construction, expansion

and/or consolidations activities currently planned or underway and by June 30, 2010, the Agency will integrate the approved data center consolidation plan into the FY 2012 budget.” 3

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NASA’s Data Center Strategy

Promote at least one healthy Data Center for each NASA Center

Focus on increasing IT efficiency: »Fully utilize existing Data Centers for initial

consolidation efforts» Implement strategic improvements to strengthen health

and availability of objective Data Centers»Employ best practices»Eliminate underutilized facilities, systems and

applications Aggressively work to eliminate “server rooms”

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Data Center Consolidation Management

• Established an Program Executive position within OCIO to lead Agency Data Center consolidation efforts

• Established the Agency Data Center Consolidation (ADCC) Project Office at KSC to:– Coordinate Data Center consolidation activities with local

Center reps– Deploy and manage an Agency-wide automated IT

discovery and application mapping capability– Implement a dashboard to monitor and track Agency Data

Center consolidation progress


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OCIO Initiatives to Address Current Deficiencies

• Conducted a manual inventory of server class assets Agency-wide using NPROP and mapped data onto Center GIS floor plans to identify rooms that could be potential Data Centers

• Deployment of an enterprise discovery tool to automate the collection of IT Inventory data and conduct application mapping


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• Implement real-time power monitoring of Data Centers with the assistance of Power Assure

• Application Rationalization Analysis to identify candidates for consolidation, virtualization and cloud potential, with focus on current inventory of applications






Consolidation PotentialCandidates for Consolidation that would require minimal work

Candidates for Consolidation that would require significant work

Probably cannot be consolidate

No Need to Consolidate

OCIO Initiatives to Address Deficiencies (cont.)

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Consolidation Results

• Initial consolidation activities – Eliminated 13 Data Centers and 19

rooms (Returned 22,289 sq ft of space)

– Estimated energy savings $337,210 per/year

• Established goals for the next 6 month period


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Consolidation Timeline


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016


54 Data Centers 22 Data Centers



79 Data Centers

Physical Servers Reduce



Virtualized Servers Increase

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Estimated Savings


Continue to work across the Agency to reduce Data Center facility space and IT power consumption



Per Year

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Virtualization Ratio

Current - 2011 Desired - 2015

Physical Servers

Virtual OS

Physical Servers


• Physical Servers Decrease• Virtual OS Increase 10% per year

10 %

50 %



Cloud Services

Cloud ServicesPhysical Servers


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• Continue to aggressively pursue Data Center Consolidation– Local Center participation and support of MDs is key to success

• Work with Centers to develop an Agency long-term consolidation plan (through FY2015), to outline how Data Center consolidation will be achieved and to identify any significant budget augmentation or construction of facilities efforts necessary


Next Steps

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Kennedy Data Center (KDC)

• 250 Servers• 10 TB distributed storage• No centralized power distribution / UPS• No centralized keyboard-video- mouse (KVM) capability

2006 2011

• 500 Servers (42% virtual)• 180 TB centralized storage• 40% of equipment receives

centralized power / UPS• Centralized KVM capability

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Inventory & Coordination

Schedule Development


- What are the systems/applications?- What are their consolidation requirements and constraints? Business Case justification? - Housing vs. HostingAnalysis

- Where are the systems/applications?- What is their impact on their current facility?

- What order should the systems move?- When?

KDC Consolidation Roadmap


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Strategic Schedule

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016




900 500 5001200


New FacilityShuttle T&R

4 Data Centers 3 Data Centers 1 Data CenterData



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HQs Work:



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Early Returns

Make the IT power consumption fall at KSC

Realize Real Savings (Per Year to Date)

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Start Count 1957

*Remaining 1426

Number of Servers

Still a Long Road Ahead

*A realistic number for servers remaining at KSC after consolidation would be 500. Thus our goal of remaining work is 1426.

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NASA Headquarters Data Center Consolidation

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Headquarters Data Center

Originally built housed an IBM mainframe• Under a consolidation initiative the

mainframe was relocated to MSFC

Common services were consolidated into HQ “Infrastructure” based services

• Former Office & “Code” specific servers/services were decommissioned

HQ server room (~25) consolidation initiative• All server room assets were moved to

the HQ Data Center

Established the HQ Server Operations Team

• Standardized configuration and security controls

• Standardized and Centralized O&M• Life Cycle management

Next Step• Consolidation into an Agency

Data Center(s)

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Headquarters Data Center

• 134 Hosting servers (0% virtual)• 12 Housed servers (Agency services)• 380 TB centralized storage• Enterprise backup and recovery• Automated monitoring and alerting• Centralized Operations &


• 2700 Square feet• Raised floor• Dedicated cooling• Facility UPS• Backup electrical generators• Automated power and

environmental conditions monitoring

Current State

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Headquarters Data Center

• ~17 Housed/Hosting servers (90% reduction)• Services limited to infrastructure and Agency

devices to support HQ workstations • Centralized storage re-scaled • Enterprise backup and recovery• Automated monitoring and alerting• Centralized Operations & Management

• 1200 Square feet (60% reduction)• Raised floor• Dedicated cooling• Facility UPS• Backup electrical generators• Automated power and environmental

conditions monitoring• Estimated power savings $127K

Target State

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Plan & Schedule Development


Application utilization & portfolio analysis Identification of opportunities for consolidation,

modernization, or elimination Service assessment to determine appropriate

hosting facility

Identified under-utilized assets Decommissioned/consolidated 24 servers Archived 21 applications and web sites

Agency Data Center(s) Architecture Migration plan

HQ Consolidation Roadmap


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Strategic Schedule


2011 2012 2013 2014




Virtualization and migration to Agency Data Center(s) Future State


Analysis & plan development

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