Download - Steering System Report



    The main objectives of the steering system is to handle stress for safely directing the

    vehicle through any type of terrain and to provide the driver with an accurate, predictable, and

    reliable method of driving along with good ergonomics.


    In order to meet the objective we decided to attain

    100% Ackermann geometry for directional control and easy cornering of the wheels.

    Minimum turning radius to increase the chance of winning the maneuverability and endurance race.

    Minimum steering ratio to decrease drivers effort for maneuvering the vehicle.

    Over steer gradient (K

  • Outer Steering angle ( o) = 24.261 deg = 0.4234 rad

    Inner Steering angle ( i) = 34.177 deg = 0.5965 rad = ( o + i) / 2 = (24.261 + 34.177) / 2 = 29.219 deg = 0.5099 rad = 29.219 deg = L / R Radius of turn (R) = L / = 1625.6 / 0.5099 = 3187.668 mm R = 3.187 m.

    Thus targeted minimum turning radius was attained.

    In order to provide a better ergonomics to drive and minimize drivers effort for maneuvering, the steering turn was reduced to 1.2 turn and this was achieved by providing

    external steering lock-to-lock turn. Thus rack travel of 107.95mm was restricted to 86mm.

    1.5 turns (540 deg) of steering wheel = 4.25 inch (107.95 mm) of rack travel.

    Hence for 86 mm of rack travel = 1.2 turns (432 deg) of steering wheel.

    Steering Ratio = degrees of steering wheel angle : Front wheel angle = 432 : 58.438

    Steering Ratio = 7.39 : 1

    In order to reduce the slip of the rear wheels of a rear wheel drive vehicle which posses

    C.G nearer to the rear of the vehicle, it should possess over steer gradient (K Wf) and possess only over steer gradient (K) which

    has negative value. Hence the front slip angle (f) and rear slip angle (r) are given by

  • Mass of the Vehicle (M) = 330 Kg

    Lateral Force (Fy) = 0.49*g*M = 1586.27 N = 355.825 lb

    Vertical Load (Fz) = 0.4*g*M = 3237.3 N = 290.471 lb

    Weight on front axle (Wf) = 0.4*M*g = 1294.92 N = 290.47 lb

    Weight on rear axle (Wr) = 0.6*M*g = 1942.38 N = 435.71 lb

    f = 2 / 3 = (2*4.5) / 3 = 3 deg r = 4 / 3 = (4*4.5) / 3 = 6 deg Fyf = 250 lb ; Fyr = 500 lb

    Fy = C* Cf = Fyf / f = 83.33 lb/deg Cr = Fyr / r = 83.33 lb/deg K = {(Wf / Cf) (Wr / Cr)} = {(290.47 / 83.33) (435.71 / 83.33)} = - 1.74 deg/g K = - 1.74 deg/g.

    To prove the over steer gradient theoretically, the condition to be satisfied is f > f = (57.3 L / R) + {((Wr / Cr) (Wf / Cf))*V

    2 / (g*R)} = 29.2271 + 1.7209 = 30.948 deg

    f (30.948 deg) > (29.219 deg)