Download - Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.

Page 1: Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.

Start-up meetingStart-up meetingHotel Novotel Centre Tour NoireHotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire

23rd February 2009 - Brussels23rd February 2009 - Brussels

Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission

Under Construction IIUnder Construction IIImproving Health and Safety Improving Health and Safety

in Construction SMEsin Construction SMEs

Organising the twinning phaseOrganising the twinning phase

Page 2: Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.


Twinning seminars in partner countries

One day meetings

Division in 2 rounds:First round – from March to May 2009Second round – from June to September 2009

Page 3: Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.


FIRST ROUNDFIRST ROUND1. Rome – 20th March 20091. Rome – 20th March 2009ANAEPA - UNPRANAEPA - UNPR

2. Vilnius – 6th April 20092. Vilnius – 6th April 2009LBA / LCA / Lithuanian BA – BOUWUNIELBA / LCA / Lithuanian BA – BOUWUNIE

3. Prague – 28th April 20093. Prague – 28th April 2009SDMSZS - IPOSZ / CAPEBSDMSZS - IPOSZ / CAPEB

4. Ankara – 15th May 2009 (tbc)4. Ankara – 15th May 2009 (tbc)INTES – FOBC / FMBINTES – FOBC / FMB

Page 4: Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.


SECOND ROUNDSECOND ROUND5. Bucharest – 29th May 20095. Bucharest – 29th May 2009ANAEPA – UNPRANAEPA – UNPR

6. Riga – June 20096. Riga – June 2009LBA / LCA / Lithuanian BA – BOUWUNIELBA / LCA / Lithuanian BA – BOUWUNIE

7. Budapest – July 20097. Budapest – July 2009SDMSZS - IPOSZ / CAPEBSDMSZS - IPOSZ / CAPEB

8. Malta – September 20098. Malta – September 2009INTES – FOBC / FMBINTES – FOBC / FMB

Page 5: Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.

  Contents of seminarsContents of seminars

In each seminar:

Detailed description:• Structure• Representation• Role of social dialogue in addressing H & S

Exchange of best practices• What is done • Which impact• Potential for improvement

Contribution from the national entities involved in H & S• Invite to seminars the OSHA National Focal Points• Invite officials from national agencies or ministers for H & S • Invite social partners

Page 6: Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.

Division of responsibilitiesDivision of responsibilities

EBC as Coordinator:

Organising the travel and accommodation for the foreign guests

Drafting the seminar agenda

Collecting the working documents – to be translated

Arranging for video material to be included in the final project film

Hiring the interpreters

Page 7: Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.

Division of responsibilities / 2Division of responsibilities / 2

Seminar host:

Inviting the national delegation, including representatives of trade unions

Preparing the working documents

Hiring the conference room

Setting up the electronic equipment

Organising the practical aspects of the seminar for the foreign guests

Page 8: Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.

  Practical aspects - BudgetPractical aspects - Budget

Budget reimbursements

Expenses for each seminar will be covered by the project budget with the following maximum amounts:

- 1,400 Euros for Interpretation costs

- 500 Euros for room hire / including business lunch

- All travel and accommodation costs depending on the city

IBAN and BIC codes to be provided

All expenses must be justified and a receipt must be provided

Page 9: Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.

Conclusion and next stepsConclusion and next steps

Results of the twinning phase:

Preparation of an evaluation questionnaire

Submission of the questionnaire to all participants

Collecting the results

Drafting the conclusion publication

Translation of the publication

Organising the final conference in London (over 2 days)

Editing and translation of the dissemination film

Presentation of the results and of the multilingual publication

Page 10: Start-up meeting Hotel Novotel Centre Tour Noire 23rd February 2009 - Brussels Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission Under.







Thank you Thank you

for your attention!for your attention!

For more information:[email protected]