Download - Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide - The Eye · 2019. 1. 3. · Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide First off, you'd be a fool (and dead) if you don't see the immediate similarities between

Page 1: Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide - The Eye · 2019. 1. 3. · Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide First off, you'd be a fool (and dead) if you don't see the immediate similarities between

Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide The galaxy just got a little more personal. As Darth Vader's secret Sith apprentice -- Starkiller -- you will play out a previously unknown role that is critical to the New Republic.

You will find that killing angry Jedi and their sympathizers, psychopathic Imperials and berserk bandits without the benefit of a strategy a real test of Force skill, regardless if you serve the Light Side or the Dark Side.

Should you find the journey too difficult, IGN will be here to support your endeavors, be they against Jedi or Sith. Sit back and check out some of the most esoteric strategies this side of the Nekrit Expanse. You'll need them!

For you early readers, we've now verified all the holocron locations. And here's a free warning too - if you cheated and got one of the costumes you normally unlock with a holocron, you won't find that particular holocron. Now enjoy!

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Page 2: Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide - The Eye · 2019. 1. 3. · Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide First off, you'd be a fool (and dead) if you don't see the immediate similarities between

Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide First off, you'd be a fool (and dead) if you don't see the immediate similarities between Star Wars F. U. and this series:

About 90% of the lessons you gleaned from the Musou series will be applicable here, except the power-up/upgrade structure is based on the more Westernized "Baldur's Gate / Lord of the Rings" model. This means if you buy the wrong power-up early on, you're royally screwing yourself in the aft thermal port with a thick and knobby proton torpedo.

Luckily, the game allows for stupidity and novice-ness. Any "Force Points" (or experience points) you earn whilst playing are kept even after your character is killed, thrown off a cliff, stabbed, shot, devoured, incinerated, etc. This means eventually, you will be awarded level-up orbs after replaying a section about sixteen billion times because you keep dying over and over again (and wind up killing the same enemies ad nauseum).

However, this can get old, so focusing on a few valuable skills, powers, and talents early on will give Starkiller a greater rate of survivability. This also means playing through the game on a slightly easier setting until your character is fully developed (for Sith Lord, even that may not be enough if you adopt an approach consisting of all out attrition).

Difficulties A-Go-Go

Apprentice: This is the easiest difficulty, although being careless on middle and later stages will get your character killed. If you doubt IGN's word, decline to upgrade your character and fight your way through to the final stage on this mode. A pair of Imperial Purge Troopers and an Imperial Scout/Sniper (or a pair of Jump Troopers) will wipe that fat sneer off your face.

Only when you increase Starkiller's talents and proficiencies past the second level of mastery will you find this difficulty "far too easy". Remember the most important two lessons about a game's difficulty level: (1) it is there for a reason (for you to get accustomed to an unfamiliar or new game), and (2) it often serves as a method of character building early on, so you can face more deadly challenges of harder difficulties. Anyone who brags otherwise is a lying scumbag.

Sith Warrior: This is the default difficulty setting -- provided that your character has at least one level of mastery in all powers, combos, and talents (and in some cases, two levels of mastery). You can change the difficulty mid-way through the game by accessing the Options menu.

Sith Master: This is the equivalent of hard and is mainly for players who have a developed character (level 2 and level 3 masteries). Unless it is your second time through the game (when you have unlocked all of your chief Force Powers like Lightning, Repulse, Saber Throw, and Shock Shield). You are not expected to survive any encounter, no matter how minor.

Sith Lord: This is the most difficult setting, unlocked after you've beaten the game's story mode once. Even characters with maximum proficiency (all skills and stuff mastered at level 3) will have a challenge getting through. The key is to zip through the stage as quickly as possible -- avoid contact and preserve your character's life. Remember the goal is to reach the end (the stage boss) with as much life as possible, so your thinking should be akin to a speed run instead of a slow steady advance.

Note that for the Trophies and Achievements (clear game on Sith Master and Sith Lord), you cannot change the difficulty level once you start a new game.

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Force Powers

Starkiller starts initially with the powers of Force Push and Force Grip. As he progresses through new stages, he will learn Force Lightning, Force Repulse, Force Saber Throw, and (lastly) Force Lightning Shield (abbreviated as Shock Shield in this guide).

While you cannot increase the levels of powers you don't have, you can go overboard by squandering level orbs on powers you do have. Don't be stupid. Save your orbs for the following powers that let you kick ass and chew Bacta Gum™ (now in multiple flavors -- this has been a paid advertisement):

Force Push: Power it up!. The cheapest Force power to upgrade simply because it figures into your killer's aerial combos (air rave). You will want to increase the level of this power to its max, since it is the only way to pass the Force Push Challenge easily.

Force Grip: It's the third power (under Lightning) but available initially. Don't bother increasing its levels, since you seldom have the time to grip two or more enemies. The ones you do want to seize with the Force are generally Force-immune (a lucky yslamari keycard chain on their body or something) -- like those goddamned Purge Troopers.

Force Lightning: Power it up!. The most efficient way of dealing with three or more enemies (you will need to improve Force recovery and usage in the Force Talents window), Force Lightning allows you to hover in mid-air and fry little guys (or Purge Troopers, Rancors, Junk Titans, AT-STs, TIE Fighters, etc.) with ease. Once you deplete the Force bar, run around, wait for it to refill, and then repeat the frying process.

Force Repulse: A handy power to repel enemies when guarding, but that's all you really need it for, since charging the power will open your character to being damaged during the process. Naturally, once your crucial powers are maximized, you can start alloting level-up orbs to any other power you like. Force Repulse acts like Force Push. If you are uncertain of a direction to employ the DMM (metal warping) technology, try Repluse to investigate the environment or object in question.

Force Saber Throw: The fast version of the saber toss requires charging, something you cannot do on later levels of the game. Note that this power may look similar to the Impale move (in Combos) but is different, while functionally identical. The default (slow) saber throw is the fastest one to pull off without charging. Any amount of charging during a boss fight requires some mad timing and may not be worth the trouble. Keep in mind though, that at level 3, the saber throw (even when travelling slowly) does decent damage against bosses.

Force Lightning Shield: Power it up! This power is semi-useful once it is at maximum for purposes of defence. However, as a booster for your basic lightsaber attack, it is handy already at its default level 1 (electrifies all your saber strikes, not just some strikes via Force Lightning). At the maximum level, this power will reduce slightly the damage taken by Starkiller. The plus is that its effect will stack when you have more natural defence. Between this and Repulse, increase the potency of the Shock Shield first.

Essential Combos

At the beginning, the combo choices you have are few. While it's handy to think you can simply mash Blue / Square repeatedly to get all your stuff done, you will need to expand Starkiller's repertoire of Awesome Lightsaber Motions and Laughable Amputations and Decapitations in order to effectively shut down tougher enemies. Chances are you will have more Force Combo (red) orbs than other orbs since they are so easily acquired. Still, don't spend red orbs on moves you don't have immediate need for, otherwise you will find it very hard going.

Sith Slash and Sith Saber Slash: These two essential and mandatory moves are unlocked (but not usable until purchased) once you complete the first mission (TIE Fighter Factory) and begin your killer assignment in Raxus Prime (a.k.a., Ord Mantell #2 Electric Boo-ga-Loo). This is because both moves rely on Force Lightning, which is unlocked once you complete the TIE Factory. Both moves allow you to switch in electrical strikes with Yellow / Triangle and thus let you stun the very tough, very deadly, and very damnable Purge Troopers (and other crap that don't flinch when hit in the face with a lightsaber). Note that while the shock effect is cool, this attack set is not a guardbreaker -- there are in fact, no reliable guardbreakers in Star Wars F. U.

Saber Sling and Saber Slam: These two moves are available almost from the beginning, relying on a Red / Circle ender to push enemies up or away via Force Push. While not as powerful as the electrical attack set (see above), these moves let you add a little flourish when fighting Felucians or Imperial Guardsmen (Kir Kanos) who can block Starkiller's basic saber strikes. The ending push can leave them hovering in the air defenceless (enemies need to be standing on the ground to block) thus giving you the one extra second to dispatch them with another move. While these two moves are not real guardbreakers in the true sense, they do interrupt turtling enemies in certain instaces.

Dashing Push: You need this one move to get a little more lateral air time for two particular holocrons. It's otherwise worthless unless

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you're trying to assemble a Frenzy x12.

Other moves: There are other moves, but unless you're fatalistically fascinated with aerial combos, which only work against one enemy (bosses and giant enemies like AT-STs, Rancors, and Junk Titans), you'll be able to fry most of them from the safety of a perch (Force Lightning) or simply use the very simple Aerial Ambush (three hits, then Force Push in mid-air) to whack them easily. Aerials may work against Darth Vader in the bad (revenge) ending if you manage to catch him in a rave, but Vader tends to Force Grip your character each time you go airborne, rendering you helpless before the Dark Side.

Essential Force Talents

Force Talents, unlike powers, are innate skills that are always active (automatic on). Talents are akin to the stat boosts in pen and paper games, increasing attack strength, defensive measure, and vitality.

Properly assigned, talents will make your character far tougher than what the designers intended. Focus on the less important talents and you will have a tougher time than bulls-eyeing wamp rats on Tatooine.

Fortitude: This is a handy talent. It increases Starkiller's life bar measurably. It works best if you improve it with the recovery talent, so you will always get back a heckuva lotta life each time some wiener bad guy drops dead.

Vitality: This increases the life recovered from green orbs. This is naturally helpful (and on the harder difficulties mandatory) since your character wants to recover as much life as possible from each enemy killed. If you've increased the amount of vitality Starkiller can possess, this talent similarly allows you to recover the same ratio of life you're used to when the meter was shorter.

Resilience: This talent reduces the damage Starkiller takes from each enemy hit and bolt. You will see a substantial improvement in his survivability once you've increased this talent to its maximum potency.

Defense Mastery: Although it seems you won't need this skill early on, you will want to spare 6 yellow orbs to increase this ability to its maximum. When blaster bolts come in thick and fast from several directions, this is possibly the only ability you can rely on to survive to find cover. Note that the Purge Trooper's missiles, Jump Trooper's grenades, and Scout trooper's sniper rifles will not be affected by this talent.

Force Talents: Affinity, Focus and Battle Meditation should be increased slowly (although at rank 1 they are already pretty handy). Increase these three skills (Focus and Affinity first) to the maximum in order to let your Force Lightning do all the talking at those anti-Empire protests headed by those dastardly rebellious Republicans.

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Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide There are a wide variety of scum and villainy in the galaxy, and all of them want to kill Starkiller and then take his face (and wear it). Although some enemies are nothing, some are quite a nuisance. It is the danger of having those nuisances placed together that should worry you. A good combined arms team can take out any powerful Force user, Jedi or Sith. Keep an eye oout for the tough enemies on this list. You will learn to dislike them greatly.

Dangerous Enemies

Stormtrooper: These guys are no danger, but they do blend in with the upgraded troopers (EVO, commanders, and etc.). When the group together and fire, even the best blaster deflection may be problematic. Hence, take out these guys with a running Force Grip (the grip key and toss forward with the left joystick). Any power will be able to blow them over, letting you get to the tougher enemies.

Troop Commander: Dangerous. Dangerous not simply from their Force resistant shield, but also from their ability to summon / conjure Shadow Troopers to assist them. When you face these blue-paldroned commanders, be sure to crush the life out of them or you will have a platoon of Shadow Troopers frying Starkiller with tons of electro-flechettes.

EVO Trooper: These soldiers are tough only because of their Force resist shields and their ability to hose you down with blaster fire.

Incinerator Trooper: Similar to the EVO trooper but armed with flame throwers. Their ability to resist the Force is what trips up your attacks, not necessarily their variety of weapons. Note though, that fire damage in the game can kill Starkiller quickly on any setting higher than normal. Pop the shield with a saber throw, then proceed to use Push or Repulse to knock down the shielded soldiers.

Shadow Trooper: Dangerous. These soldiers are armed with electro-flechette guns. It will be akin to being on the receiving end of Force Lightning -- Starkiller won't be able to move and if several Shadow Troopers congregate and fire, you might as well die and restart. Shadow Troopers warp out of existence and teleport elsewhere, out-stripping the range of Maris Brood; luckily you only fight these enemies if you let enemy Stormtrooper commanders summon them.

Shadow EVO Trooper: Dangerous. Similar to Shadow Troopers but with the EVO Force resistant shields. They are dangerous, but are shut down easily by killing the commanders before Shadow EVO units are created.

Scout Trooper: Dangerous. A marksman armed with a high powered disruptor rifle. You can see the targeting laser go from gold to red when they are about to fire. Force Dash to avoid the shot, and try to kill them quickly. Scouts don't move much from the Euphoria A.I. when you are far away (so they can snipe you), but they tend to flee or try to club your character when you get close. Occasionally, you can goad one into running off a cliff. Such a kill though, will not benefit your experience meter.

Jump Trooper: Dangerous. A jet pack wearing soldier, similar to the Dark Trooper or the Old Republic Jump Trooper from Star Wars Battlefront. These guys hover and fire a shot that cannot be blocked by saber deflection. Sicne they can knock your character off precarious places, use a hovering Force Lightning, Push, Grip, or Saber Throw to dispatch them quickly.

Purge Trooper: Extremely Dangerous. These 12-feet tall, 3000 lbs. (and they make ice) "Dark" Troopers are actually battledroids. While they may not look as good, smell as good, and you probably won't step over your own mother to get one, they are dangerous because they are Force resistant to Push and Grip. They are only vulnerable to electricity and they can guard against that using their Force resistant shielding.

Although you think you can fight them far away, Purge Troopers can fire micro proton torpedos that track your face. The best way is to fight them one by one, using indestructable cover to force these slow robots to move around. Force Lighting is great to fry one (end the combo with a saber throw for more damage) if you are not pressed for time. One thing you never want to do is to engage in a long range slugging match with a Purge Trooper.

Royal Guard: Dangerous. But only in great numbers, One of them should be a push over. You won't fight these guys in large numbers until the very end of the game, so don't sweat that dangerous tag we put near the enemy name.

Senate Guard: Dangerous. Only in great numbers and with Scout Troopers and Jump Troopers blasting you ... which is exactly what happens in Cloud City Bespin. Since they are vulnerable to Force Repulse and objects, you can still clobber them quite handily without trouble. Outside of Cloud City, Kashyyyk, and the final stage, you will not fight these guys at all.

Shadow Guard: Extremely Dangerous. These guys would be less dangerous than the other Kir Kanos look-a-likes if they didn't guard so damn well. Regular saber strikes won't reach them unless you surprise them. On top of this, you have to deal with their ability to Force Grip your character. to defeat a Shadow Guard, you must always do a button finisher -- you cannot whack them until their life is zero and

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be done with it. Thankfully, you only need to do two different buttons. There are only three Shadow Guards in the entire game -- the boss on Bespin, mid-way through on Kashyyyk, and right before the Death Star observation tower.

Lightning works well on these guys, but only when channeled through the saber strikes (hence the recommendations in the basics section). The Push combos sometimes works, but if you can get in more licks (via Shock Shield) you should do so. The faster you kill this guy, the less chance you have of having Starkiller's ass kicked.

Imperial Probe (Assassin Droid): These droids are generally useless unless you let them touch you with the razor blades. Deflect and return the slash and they'll drop quick.

AT-ST: Dangerous. These armored war mecha won't topple, and they have some rapid fire weapons. Their toughness is primarily their strong point -- requiring your devoted attention while other Imperial soldiers peck at Starkiller's ass with their blaster rifles, chipping away at your life. Always try to opt to finish the AT-ST for more life, if you have the chance. Otherwise, you may wind up with less life after you defeat the machine.

AT-CT / Uggernaught: Dangerous. Both of these machines are dangerous when covered by snipers. Instead of firing weapons, they have a tractor beam to Force Grip/Throw objects at Starkiller to damage and topple you. Like the AT-ST, these machines are resistant to damage, so you need to spend some time in damaging it. This means other enemies are free to attack you. When you want extra wingmen (ala Battlefront), you're never given any. Sucks to you!

AT-KT (AT-ST/H): See the At-ST but not so dangerous as the few times you fight them, you have ample indestructable cover to hide behind. The weapons on this machine are slightly different, but won't matter much when you Lightning and Aerial Ambush it. The one that serves as a boss on Imperial Kashyyyk can be defeated easily by hiding behind one of the tractor supports and frying things with Lightning.

Rancor: Chain Lightning is best for the Rancor. Don't bother with anything else, as the regular rancors are weaker than the boss rancor you fight later. If you have a ledge off the ground, get on it, beat off any Felucians who jump aboard, and then use Force Lightning to fry the rancor -- they are too large to follow you on the platform, and too stupid to attack anything at their mouth level.

Scrap Drone: These flying drones drain Force power, but they do not appear after your first visit to Raxus Prime. Any attack should topple or destroy them.

Scrap Warrior: A nuisance only because they can teleport next to you. Like the Scrap Drone, once you're done with Kazdan Paratus on Raxus Prime, you never see these annoyances again.

Junk Titan: Dangerous. A dangerous mini-boss. The best way to deal with it is to use Aerial Ambush (Blue / Square three times then Red / Circle). Dash away after the attack and throw in Lightning if you have it. Don't miss the beat of the button finisher, as the Titan recovers a lot of life if you fail. Although the finishers are predictable, they are randomized each time. Don't assume you know each titan -- you might get a nasty surprise.

Felucian Shaman: Dangerous. Kill these fuggers quickly since they berserk their soldiers. A full dose of Lightning is generally enough to kill one. Getting close means the shaman will teleport away.

Felucian Chieftain: A tougher version of the warrior. Not much except real tough fodder.

Felucian Warrior: Dangerous if you use regular saber strikes against them. They are less guarded against Force Push, Grip and Lightning. If you mix your dashing with Lightning and Push, you should have an easy time of bowling them off cliffs and bridges.

Sarlaac Pustle: Immobile land mine that explodes if touched. Regenerates after the blister detonates, so you can lure enemies into walking into them.

Sarlaac Tentacle: Against Shaak Ti only. If one lands on Starkiller, you lose 80% of your life on normal. Expect one hit deaths on harder difficulties.

Sarlaac Orifice (Overmaw): Immobile trap. Avoid it by electrifying the generator nearby and then moving by when the orifice is closed.

Rahm Kota: A boss. This Jedi is fought in the TIE Factory. Even when blind at Bespin, he can kill most enemies with little trouble .... unless they block (Senatorial Guards) or shoot with deadly accuracy (Scout Trooper).

Kazdan Paratus: Dangerous. A boss on Raxus Prime. He is far more dangerous than Kota, due to him cheating with conjured junk droids and the occasional Titan. Lightning works more against Paratus due to his cyborg apparatus, but don't over-rely on it.

Shaak Ti: Boss on Felucia. Somewhat dangerous, and it's not because it's a woman. Her Force Push is visible and easily dodged. All her other attacks are easily seen and avoided since she telegraphs them like crazy. Her strength lies in using the Sarlaac to smash your

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face in. One touch of the tentacle will be a serious blow to your battle. However, the Felucians she summons assist you in dying -- dead enemies generate green orbs.

Bull Rancor / Maris Brood: Not so dangerous if you have patience and maximum Lightning, Saber Throw and Force recovery. Jump and dash past the Bull Rancor, then turn, jump and attack (lightning or saber).

End the Bull Rancor with a button finisher, then proceed to wail on Maris Brood with the Sith Saber Slash and Sith Slash (the electrical attacks). Since she tries to avoid Starkiller's blows by dodging, it means a follow-up blow after she exits her dodge will hit her (eventually). Dial-in your combos and you pretty much win without much trouble.

Proxy as Darth Maul: Extremely Dangerous. The holo-Maul is dangerous if you let him saber strike you up close. That will rip off about 50% of your life -- and this is on normal with maximum potency in life and defence. Although it is tempting to Sith Saber Slash him (electrifying Proxy), it is easier to bowl him over with Grip and Push, then follow it up with electric strikes. Once you have him stuck against the wall, you can keep up the attack and never allow a retaliatory strike. Note that playing the distance game will open you to sabers and objects being smashed into your face.

Darth Vader, Bald Geriatic Amputee Version: Extremely Dangerous. Vader is tough since he reacts so quickly to all that you do -- even faster than Proxy-as-Maul. Additionally, because there are no extra enemies during the fight, you cannot recover life. Any mistake will be magnified as Vader breaks you in half. Since this the final boss for this ending, expect to duke it out in D.C. -- and play hard for your bad-ass costume.

Emperor Palpatine: Dangerous. Palpatine is dangerous but since he summons Imperial Guards, you can be somewhat relieved that you can recapture some life if you defeat those peon enemies. The Emperor's electrified objects can be avoided if you stay close to the indestructable cover (dash at the last second for extra insurance); the boss itself is simply a task of the Sith Saber Slash. BAM! Dead again. How's that for an ending?

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Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide

TIE Factory

A quick note about Vader on Kashyyyk: If you want the trophies and achievements from the introductory Kashyyyk stage, kill your own Stormtroopers and Wookiees until you see the pop-up. For Wookiees, the best place seems to be the bridge just after the starfighter crashes (and destroys another bridge you could've crossed). Wookiees spawn infinitely on that bridge and quickly give you the needed quota. Beware that the boss (Master Kento) is just past this particular bridge, so don't wander too far.

Zone 1: Hangar

Consider the wide open space of the TIE hangar a training area for your character. Defeat the two groups of enemies -- the Stormtroopers and Rebel militia and note the various yellow glowing holocrons in the room. You can grab quit a few without even batting an eyelash.

The bonus objective to destroy five TIE fighters should be done here in the hangar instead of later. Simply Force Grip any of the TIE vessels hanging on the launch rails and pull down. Blow up five and you score yourself a level-up orb.

To leave the hangar, Force Grip the two switches on the doors and make like LEGO Star Wars with your control stick. Once both switches are moved, the door unlocks.

To get the holocrons on the very top catwalk, double jump onto the tail fin of the ddestroyed Lambda shuttle. Starkiller should be able to stand on the top. Double jump dash to the upper catwalk and enjoy changing the color of your lightsaber.

Zone 2: Flight Tower

Go along the gantry (check the mini-map for alcoves for holocrons) and cross the bridge to the flight tower. Go up the lift one level, then head back outside to the gantry again. The exit here is an inauspicious black door that you simply step through for the checkpoint.

Avoid the TIE fighters by jumping to the side (you have no method to destroy them until you have Force Lightning). Note that there are holocrons on the platforms around the flight tower; be sure to use Force Push on anything that looks metal and has a blue reticle on it. You will be surprised at what you can push.

Zone 3: Control Rooms

Go through the control rooms, and watch for the milita heavy gunners. You can use Force Push to destroy the windows to suck out enemies, but you will lose your Frenzy and Crush Bonuses if enemies die before you damage them. The laser gate lets you use Force Push to rack in the Destruction bonus to kill enemies from the laser field.

Pull the square (blue marked) generator to lower the laser field and move on. The jumping puzzle in the large maintenance shaft should be simple -- just remember you can pull/grip objects to kill enemies upstairs before you pull out the platforms. At the top, hop into the next zone.

Zone 4: Wing Assembly

Go through the TIE wing assembly by riding the wing/lift to the top. The AT-CT is not a problem if you leave the milita gunners to draw its attention. There are some holocrons you can fetch before leaving. In the strange case of you collapsing all the floors, there should be just enough catwalk left for an air-dash to the control room.

Head to the second wing lift and use the good TIE wings to build a platform to the saber power crystal (probably the only one you'll use) and some more Force Points. Exit the wing assembly zone to the next one via the lift.

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Zone 5: Cockpit Assembly

Check the lower levels of the assembly line for "monster closets" (enemy spawning rooms) that have holocrons. The laser field in the middle of the assembly area can be disabled as the first laser field (square generator -- grip it).

Be sure to check the glowing tubes for hard to see holocrons (all bloomified). Get to the end of this area and fight the area boss.

Boss: General Kota

This boss is easy if only because you can use your regular Sith Shien (four weak hits) to hit him. Kota blocks very little and is susceptible to Force Grip and Push, not to mention anything you throw at him. Beware of one thing however -- Kota's green forcefield means he's about to throw three sets of exploding junk at Starkiller.

Once the field goes up, Kota is invulnerable. Dash out of the way of the exploding junk and counter using Grip, Push and objects (or lightning, if you came back for more after clearing the stage once). At half life, Kota will wreck the room and send it into the atmosphere of Nar Shaada. During the second phase, the floor will glow red hot from re-entry -- you can use that to your advantage by keeping Kota down on the hot floor so he loses life instead of you.

Defeat Kota using the button finisher. You must defeat all boss-type enemies with button finishers instead of simply hacking their life to nothing. Apart from the regular stage bosses, only the Shadow Guard requires your button finishing skills.

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Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide

TIE Factory

Holocrons 1 and 2: Are in the TIE hangar. The one on the lower catwalk is easy to get (double jump), but you must get to the top catwalk using the Lambda shuttle's tail fin. From there, you can double jump to the catwalk and start changing the color of your lightsaber.

Holocron 3: Shortly after leaving the TIE hangar, you will come across two doors (see above illustration) that you can Force Push. Open both doors -- the one to the dead end has your prize.

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Holocrons 4 and 5: Are around the central flight tower. One is on the lower level of the flight tower. The second on the upper level. Check the platforms around the central flight tower for very large, luminescent, floating digital cubes in a dark and dim backdrop.

Holocron 6: Is past the upper broken bridge. Check out the small side rooms as you exit the flight tower zone for this holocron.

Holocrons 7 and 8: Are in the first Wing assembly room -- this is the room with the operating wing apparatus and the AT-CT that tries to crush you like a bug. Both holocrons are at the very top of the room, so if you get on top of the small control center in this zone, you'll see the cubes easily.

Holocrons 9 and 10: Are in the second Wing Assembly chamber, the broken one. One of the cubes is easily spotted. The other requires you to insert at least one undamaged TIE Wing panel into a slot so you can make your way up to the catwalk with the ever-important Rubat adegan crystal. Chances are you will probably not use any other saber crystal than the Rubat.

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Holocron 11: In the cockpit assembly zone, before you reach the laser field. Check out the small rooms on the lower level for this Holocron.

Holocrons 12 and 13: Are in the laser field generator room in Cockpit assembly. Check the glowing coils for one cube and a monster closet for the other cube.

Holocrons 14 and 15: Check out the second half of Cockpit assembly on ground level. A side room has the penultimate holocron and the ramp leading to the zone exit is near the other non-GameCube cube.

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Raxus Prime

Zone 1: The Hyperdrive Core

Get inside the core by electrifying the three jet engines scattered around the ground -- the path is quite linear, so chances are you will not get lost.

Use the chance now to replay the first stage (if this is your first time playing) so you can earn some more level-up orbs to acquire the Force Combos of Sith Saber Slash and Sith Slash. The electrical attacks are what will let you do the damage you need to survive. Don't forget to increase your defence as well. The longer you survive, the more damage you can mete out.

The bonus objective of destroying 10 skiffs can be done in part here and in the next part (after exiting the hyperdrive core). Simply use lightning and zap the skiffs as they drop off Rodian heavy gunners. When you get tired, go back to looking for thrusters in the junk pile. When all three engines are electrocuted, head into the core and ride the rotating floor to some holocrons. Otherwise, exit through the upper hole in the core.

Zone 2: Junk Valley to Corellian Frigate

Grip/Bend the sheet metal to shield you from the falling molten steel. Once you're past that, defeat the Junk Soldiers and Rodians so you can raise the large heap of metal. You can kill several more skiffs here -- if you stand atop the promontory where you enter the corvette's grave, you can cack a few skiffs as they shuttle in reinforcements to fight the junk droids.

After raising the large starship hulk to get your ledge, send an electrified turbine flying into the blaster turret (only that object -- and nothing else -- will work). Double jump and air dash into the hole. Now go jump in the hole in the palace if you go.

Head down and exit the corvette on the other side of its grave. Now look for a circular airlock on the corvette you can employ the DMM technology (metal bending/breaking) to go into the corvette again. Before leaving the corvette, check out the lower airlock below the exit hatch -- holocron time.

Zone 3: Rodian Scavenger Camp

Head across the chasm carefully -- the gunners will only be a danger if you let them rack up hits on Starkiller. Use grip and throw crap ahead. Once you're at the door Force Grip and head into the main camp.

Destroy the main camp's laser field by heading into the hole shown in the cut-scene. Ride the lift down to the generator vanes. Use Force grip to move the transformer from one vane to another and the shield will disappear. Head back up and out through the field. You will drop into a new zone.

Zone 4: River of HyperDrive Coolant

This mini-boss will prove the end of you if you haven't powered up much. Simply skip to the left side to the engine. Electrocute it to start it up. The Junk titan will appear in the arena.

If you're smart, you can head across the titan's pit and grab the Sith Holocron for extra damage before you head back and destroy the titan. The Aerial Ambush move is great, although you can also put in whatever you have left of your Force meter into the Lightning. Destroy the Junk boss and use Force Grip on the starship shard to form a make-shift bridge.

Zone 5: To the Junk Temple

Fight off the Junk droids as you hop across the coolant chasm. Note there are metal girders and bars that resemble jail bars that occasionally hide holocrons or paths to holocrons. Be on the look-out for places you can emplopy Force Push/DMM.

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The path ends at the entrance to the Junk Temple. A second Junk Titan will act as a mini-boss before the real boss, so don't lost too much life. You won't have a damage holocron here, so you need to be a little more conservative with an air combo and escape. The less life you lose, the better you'll be against Paratus.

The short causeway to the lift after the mini-boss has some holocrons. Move the AT-ST cockpits to get your footholds.

Boss: Kazdon Paratus

This guy is hardier than Kota, at least in defence. He blocks more saber attacks and you can use objects, Push, Grip, or Lightning to deal the damage. Lightning -- if you've powered up the Force recovery -- is handier than the objects or Push or saber. However, expect a longer than normal fight if you haven't ranked up your character appropriately.

Paratus will escape to the edge of the arena and throw junk at you if you let him. You must dash to avoid the junk since there is no safe obstacle to hide behind. Luckily, Paratus -- unlike Kota -- will create a Junk Titan to attack you. While this sounds like a bad deal, having peon enemies in a boss fight means you can kill them and recover lost life.

The Junk Titan generally appears twice in the boss fight. Note that the button finishers for both encounters are different each time. Take out the titans, avoid the flying junk, then continue on shock stabbing Paratus until the little space weasel is dead. Don't miss with the button finisher, and you won't have to worry about fighting the boss over again.

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Raxus Prime

Holocron 1: Is in plain sight near the first platform you can raise from the acidic coolant. Just air dash over the coolant to nab the cube without damage. No picture is needed for this thing.

Holocron 2: Inside the hyperdrive coil, go to the very top of the chamber using the revolving fan and the center tower structure. You should see the cube easily as you near the exit hole.

Holocron 3: After exiting the hyperdrive coil, but before hopping down to the Corellian Corvette, you should see a cube in plain sight.

Holocron 4: Before entering the Corellian Corvette from the top turret blister, look for the circular airlock near the chasm (and the skiff respawn approach). Crack open the airlock for a neat cube.

Holocron 5: After dropping out from the top part of the corvette, there is a brief outdoor foray before you head back into the wreck. There is a holocron in the open and by the cliff-side.

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Holocron 6: Inside the corvette wreckage, there is a small door you can break before you exit (and initiate a loading screen).

Holocrons 7 and 8: Are in the Scavenger camp's upper level (after the doors slam shut on you). One cube is on a stardock overhanging the chasm, the other is between the gravity-portal (where junk is constantly spewing out).

Holocrons 9 and 10: At the Scavenger camp's lower level, check near the gravity portal for a cube, and then under the generator you Force Grip for the second cube.

Holocron 11: Is in the room with the first Junk Titan. Since it's in plain sight, you can't miss it. Just grab it after you collapse the scrap bridge, or you may not be able to come back.

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Holocron 12: Is past the scrap bridge, but before you drop and fight the second Junk Titan. There are some vertical metal bars (see above illustration) you may not even know you can break and bend. There is a holocron on a pile of junk over the deadly coolant. Bend the metal sheets to get to the cube, and to go back on the main path.

Holocrons 13, 14, and 15: Are after you destroy the second Junk titan, but before you ascend the lift to meet the boss. All three are in plain sight, although for the two on the upper level, you can use any object to get the height needed to reach the upper walkway.

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Zone 1: Fungus Tower

Head through the forest -- taking care to look at your mini-map for extra space that can hold a holocron -- and enter the mushroom tower. There are a few holocrons in the tower itself, none of which are hard to locate. Ascend the fungus tower and exit through to the expanse above it.

Zone 2: Forest Expanse

The shamans here make the enemies tougher to kill. Ignore the regular enemies and go after the red-hazed shamans -- they are the enemies who teleport away when you get close. Lightning works wonders. As for some tricky holocrons, follow the left wall of the mini-map when exiting the fungus tower. There is an unmarked path that goes to a holocron, right before you exit the clearing.

In the tunnel, look carefully for a holocron in an area with sunlight. Start hating bloom on the Havoc engine now. Exit the tunnel, drop into the pit and kill the first of four Rancors for the bonus objective of rancor killin'.

Zone 3: Narrows and Rancor Pit

Head through the caves, taking care to avoid warriors who are berserked and to assassinate the shamans. Fall into the rancor pit and use lightning on the platforms to weaken the rancors, then do the button finishers.

Once you've got your rancor quota, explore the pit for holocrons before leaving. Despite the infinite number of respawning Felcuians, you can dodge their attacks to explore.

Boss: Shaak Ti

Shaak Tina is easy if you're able to see her moves coming, and she telegraphs all of them far in advance. Avoid her Force Push with a jump, double jump or dodge. Avoid her wind strike by air dodging. The constant stream of Felcuians are a boon rather than a bane if your powers are levelled (lightning), since you can roast them and get life back. If you manage to repel them into the Sarlaac pit, then you get the Long way Down bonus, the life, and kill the sucker. That's three points to her one.

The hard part now is to use lightning, grip, push or saber to weaken Shaak Ti and move the fight closer to the pit. If you feel daring, you can place a Sarlaac pustle between you and Shaak ti when she dashes you with her wind strike. If she hits the pustle, she takes the damage.

In the second phase of the fight, you need to watch Shaak Ti closely, despite the presence of Felucians. If she jumps off the screen, she will entince the Sarlaac to smash its tentacles to the ground. If you are caught, you will take massive damage (or die). The rule with the tentacles is to dash towards a tentacle that has slammed the ground. You will be safe as the other appendages hit the floor.

Waste Shaak Ti with the button finisher, and be wary. The sequence is longer and a little more unintuitve than the previous boss finishing moves.

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Holocron 1: After landing, there will be cut-scene of the Felucians coming down a large tree. Explore around the spot where that tree meets the ground for a cube hidden by the vegetation.

Holocrons 2, 3, 4, and 5: Inside the mushrooom ascent (fungus tower), there are four holocrons (three you can see from the cut-scene). For the first cube, drop below your starting postion in the tower and run around the lowest level. The second cube is on the tower's side, mid-way up. The final two are on the various perches in the middle of the tower. The hardest part is to avoid damage from the Felucians while you explore for the correct platform to double jump to (there are infinite enemies here).

Holocrons 6, 7 and 8: There are three cubes after leaving the mushroom tower. The first cube, you want to go right from the tower exit and get from the dead end. The second, you want to go left from the zone's exit and find a path that isn't displayed on the mini-map. The third cube is hidden inside one of the Sarlaac nails, a thick one, near the zone exit. Use Force Grip to tear off the nail to claim the holocron.

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Holocron 9: Check out this particular rock formation on your way to the first rancor. The sunlight will blot out the glow of the holocron (it's already gone in the illustration).

Holocron 10: In the battle with the first rancor, check out the junk in the middle for a handy foothold to your holocron (remember to air dash).

Holocron 11: After facing the first rancor, there is a short tunnel with a holocron inside. can't miss it unless you're not swinging the camera around (the cube is near ground level).

Holocron 12, 13, 14, and 15: There are four holocrons in the large rancor pit. Three are on the high platforms on the side, and one in the middle. Enemy spawns slow to a trickle after you kill enough of the bastards, so don't let up and enjoy the blood letting.

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I.S.S. Empirical

Zone 1: Containment

Get out of your non-Aperture Science test chamber by smashing the glass and then Froce Grip/raising the power core to the right of the laser guarded exit. Head out and smash through the containment tubes. There are holocrons on the bottom floor of the test tube chamber, if you care to explore.

The bonus objective to destroy all lifepods can be done in the escape pod bay. Electrocute all the pods and get the level-up orb. You don't want to miss it.

Zone 2: Rescue Juno Eclipse

Fight down the corridor and blow open the door to meet the always hated Purge Trooper. This thing is a mini-boss but the designers treat it like a tough enemy. Since it barely flinches from saber strikes, you need to electrocute it using Sith Slash or lightning. Kill the EVO troopers here (they are immune to lightning, use Push or Repel instead) and enter the bridge.

The laser field imprisoning Juno is deactivated by raising two power cores (same one that freed you earlier) under the bridge's catwalk. Unfortunately two Purge Troopers are below (and a holocron). You will need to defeat them or find a way to avoid them while using Grip (making you motionless) and raising the cores. You should be able to do that even from the upper level, if you have a feel for the targeting.

Once the field is down, touching Juno's prison will end the mission, so be sure you've explored before you explode ... outta your padawan pants.

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I.S.S. Empirical

Holocron 1: In plain sight as you leave your healing chamber.

Holocrons 2 and 3: Are in the large test tube chamber. One cube is below the entrance (check the spawning room) and the second inside one of the poison gas tubes.

Holocron 4: Is hidden in one of the escape pods. Ignite or Force Grip and shove the pods out of the way for this cube.

Holocron 5: Right before you meet the first Purge Trooper, there are some cargo boxes at the end of the hallway you should investigate.

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Cloud City Bespin

Zone 1: The Cantina

The bonus objective to freeze 10 Imperials in carbonite should be started here and immediately. There are two carbonite pits in the bar (why, that's a really good question about entertainment fetishes in the Star Wars galaxy). Use Force Grip to gently place Senatorial Guards (blue armor guys) in the pits without killing them by moving them down close to the ground, leaving the joysticks neutral and releasing the Grip button.

Once the imperial is frozen, you can go grab another enemy and do the same thing again (until they stop spawning). There are two holocrons in the cantina, if you are looking for them. Exit the cantina to the docks.

Zone 2: The Sky Docks

The sky docks are rife with holocrons, jump soldiers and snipers. You will start to learn how hard the game can be with snipers, harassers and a heavy AT-CT whacking you. Take out the snipers, as they are easiest to see. The carbonite tanks can still freeze your quota, if you need them.

Holocrons are floating above the wind vanes, on the sky tram rail, among other places. Take out both the Uggernaughts on the upper sky dock to spawn the Shadow Guard. Once he appears with his Imperial buddies, kill him by any means necessary and use the two button finisher on him to end the fight. Note that the sequence is randomized, so don't predict the second button until it's shown.

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Could City Bespin

Holocrons 1 and 2: Are in the cantina. One is in a carbonite pit, the second is above the bar. You will need to air dash over the pit from the second freezing center to get to it.

Holocrons 3 and 4: Are at the first landing pad. One cube is in the corner, behind a pillar. The other is in mid-air and is best fetched when you can double jump then air dash from a higher vantage point. Don't waste time electrifying the weather vanes / space windmills to generate an updraft. The paddle from the mechanism will interefere with your jumping.

Holocron 5: Between the first and second landing pad (before you encounter the Uggernaughts), there is a slow moving tram car moving back and forth along a railing. Check out the railing when the tram car moves away so you can double jump onto the track. You will be pleased to find a holocron.

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Imperial Kashyyyk

Zone 1: The Front Gate

Go left when you begin -- there is a holocron that you can only get before the cut-scene. Next, defeat the incinerator troopers (watch out as they explode) and then take out the AT-ST/H using lightning. Force Repulse is great for the catwalk area past the first gate.

The bonus objective of destroying the comms tower is done shortly after the first gate. Don't get too distracted looking for holocrons here (although there are a few to grab). Locate the tower, yank off the grills, and electrocute both generators to overload it. Once that's done, spend you level-up orb on something nice.

Head past the second gate into the private quarters. Dispatch the Royal Guard (dude in red armor), explore for holocrons, then touch the blue door for Princess "I Escaped Somehow - Let's Go!" Leia.

Zone 2: Hunting Grounds

The hunting grounds lead to the skyhook beam. Explore the sniper perches for holocrons and free Wookies by using the saber to hit their metal cages. You can take out most of the enemies here with unrestrained Force. If wookiees are killed in the process, don't sweat it. There're more where they came from. The guard to the Wookiee prison is a Shadow Guard. Kill his ass and head inside.

Zone 3: Wookiee Prison

get through the prison by pulling off the power cords holding up the laser barriers. If you aren't terribly into fighting Purge Troopers, don't get over-cocky about the laser fields. You can lure Purge Troopers into lunging into the field to kill themselves (they lunge when they try to punch or grab you). Get past the prison and you'll be in the clearing with the skyhook. Note that there are holocrons inside the prison cells, if you take the time to pull apart each one.

Zone 4: Skyhook

Tear out the seven tractor pylons to destroy the hook. You also need to kill the AT-ST/H to clear the stage (note that the finisher is special). Since there are so many Purge, Scout, and Jump troopers, you need to work off each sector clearly while looking for holocrons on the side.

Use the pylon supports to hide from enemy fire and to pop up with a lightning attack. Remember you can saber throw in mid-air -- perfect for expending the last of the Force meter after a lengthy lightning blast.

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Imperial Kashyyyk

Holocron 1: As soon as Starkiller can move in the stage, don't go forward. Instead pan the camera around and you should see the holocron to the left. If you move too far forward, you go to another part of the map and need to restart the mission to get this holocron.

Holocrons 2 and 3: After the cut-scene at the abandoned hut, there is a holocron immediately behind you (if you cheated and saved some costumes you weren't supposed to have, the holocron will not be there). The second holocron is

Holocrons 4 and 5: One holocron is visible on the left and at the same height as the Scout Trooper (sniper) past the first gate. The second holocron (#5) is near the comms tower's upper generator, floating over some thin support spars by the rock wall.

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Holocrons 6 and 7: There are two holocrons near the upper generator of the communications tower -- one is #5 (above) the other is behind a very large pipe. You will find it if you are actively searching for it.

The other holocron (#7) is best found by looking for the ramp leading to the second gate. Head back up the ramp and stop at the first energy barrier. You should discover a holocron floating in mid-air. If you check, it is directly over the lower generator of the comms tower.

Holocron 8: Inside the trophy gallery (and before meeting Leia), grab the holocron in the display case.

Holocrons 9, 10, and 11: At the Wookiee hunting grounds, there are three cubes. Two are in the observation posts (marksman stations) and a third inside one of the prisoner containers. The observation posts can be repulsed to wreck them; as for the prisoner container, open them by hitting the exterior once with a lightsaber.

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Holocrons 12 and 13: Two holocrons are in the prison. Both are inside cells you have to Force Grip to open.

Holocrons 14 and 15: Two holocrons are at the Skyhook's tractor station. One is in a tree on the perimeter of the zone. The second is above one of the many supports of the spire. You will have to remove the tractor beam pin to get to that holocron, so make sure you've left another tractor pin, or the moff's AT-ST/H around. If not, once you pull the last pin, the stage ends.

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Imperial Felucia

Zone 1: Field, Bridge and Canyon

Head to the end of the bridge and stop before going down. You should be able to stand between the bridge support and rocky wall and then double jump for one holocron. Head into the canyon when you are ready. Note that the majority of your enemies now are EVO Troopers and not your regular soldiers (those will be on the turrets).

If the Purge Troopers are too tough on the bridge, you should back off and come at them one at a time. You can waste a whole bar of Force to fry them, which makes them easier to take out.

When the AT-ST comes in, cross the canyon bottom to the other side (via ledge and double jump). You should be able to get to another holocron. Blast a hole in the rock wall to continue to a place with a lot of Sarlaac webbing.

Zone 2: Sarlaac Pit

At the top, there are three crawlers holding the Sarlaac prisoner. To get the bonus objective of freeing the Sarlaac, target the three chains (one on each crawler) holding one of its tentacles. Saber throw and cut the chain to set it free. Activate all three generators around the pit and descend into the Sarlaac (new map).

Inside the stomach, there are only Felucians and the tiny mouths that endanger you (unless you're dumb enough to set off explosives inside the monster). To get by the small mouths, just electrify the generators and move past the mouths when they are closed.

If you have the Force Combo level-up (red) orbs to spare, and you want the holocron in the Sarlaac's stomach, buy the Dashing Push move so you can double jump, then dash, then in the middle of the dashing motion hit Force Push for a little more distance. This is the only method to get this holocron, so make a mental note when you need the extra distance in the future.

To exit the wind chamber, hide behind the columns and repel the Felucians. Get to the end and exit the Sarlaac through its cloaca.

Zone 3: Boneyard

Exit the Sarlaac and head through the Imperial and Felucian battleground. Avoid or kill the rancor(s) and continue up the steps to the cave. Fight through the Felcuians with care here, as there is a boss at the end of the tunnel. Any life lost now may not be easily recovered.

Boss: Bull Rancor

The rancor here is resistant to lightning but still takes chip damage from it. The Saber Throw is far more effective, but slower. Avoid it by double jumping over and dashing away. Once that's done, turn and fire. There is little Maris can do when you are in mid-air and moving once the saber is thrown, so don't worry about it. If you do decide to stay and fry the rancor with lightning, Maris will saber throw her dual lightsabers and cut you down. Watch that damage on Hard -- it can be a killer.

Boss: Maris "I'm a Plett's Well Bratz" Brood

This should be easy if you don't let Maris attack. If you do, note that she will fall back to dodging if you try to connect saber strikes on her alien bad ass. Use the Sith Saber Slashes and Sith Slash to keep her electrocuted and in shock.

Once you can get her in a pattern of dodging and not attacking you, you can get Starkiller to keep up his attack and kick her ass. Remember Maris is invisible -- not invulnerable (like the Shadow Trooper) -- so your Repel can hit and stagger her even if it does no damage. Keep the fight close and use your lightsaber's power to cut her down.

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Imperial Felucia

Holocrons 1, 2, and 3: These three holocrons are between the Imperial encampment and the bridge. The first holocron is above the very large, immobile Sarlaac nail. You need to stack the cargo boxes at the camp to get the height for your double jump.

The second holocron is a path off your mini-map; from where you drop into the camp, follow the right wall until you see some dangling mushrooms partly obscuring a secret path. The third holocron is inside another thick Sarlaac nail. This particular nail is near the Imperial bridgehead.

Holocrons 4, 5, and 6: At the end of the Imperial bridge, before jumping down into the valley with EVO troopers, wedge the apprentice between the bridge supports and the rock wall. You can then double jump to get that holocron hovering over the mushroom.

For the next two holocrons, trigger the AT-ST (the first one), hop over the valley using an air dash and simply follow the tunnel as it leads back outside.

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Holocrons 7, 8, and 9: These three holocrons are located at the Felucian version of the Pit of Karkoon. One holocron is behind one of the Imperial contruction crawlers. You need to go up, over and around (back to the ground) to get this holocron.

The second holocron is atop one of the cranes; you can wire walk to get to the cube. The last holocron is atop one of the three skybridges to the Sarlaac's elevator. It should be an easy task to get if you're looking for glowing cubes hovering in mid-air.

Holocrons 10, 11, and 12: Are inside the Sarlaac itself. The first is next to the elevator you get off of. The second cube (in the large stomach of the monster) is difficult to get if you don't use the Dashing Push move.

Visit the Force Combo menu and purchase the Dashing Rush (or Push). Essentially, you double jump from the stomach's entrance, do an air-dash, and whilst the air-dash motion is still visible, press the Force Push button to get the crucial few seconds of flight-time to grab the cube.

The last cube inside the Sarlaac is in the wind chamber. It is on ground level and plainly visible.

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Holocrons 13 and 14: After being expelled from the Sarlaac, you will be in a clearing with a mother-sucking rancor. There is also a dangly mushroom you can use to get the height needed for the holocron (#13). Another holocron is above the gold-lit rocky stairs with all the E-Web turrets. Air dash and get that cube.

Holocron 15: The last cube in this stage is near the clearing where you fight the second rancor. Look for some ball-like vegetation that could be obscuring the glowing holocron.

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Imperial Raxus Prime

Zone 1: First and Second Clearings (before Corvette)

Pass through the clearings and don't feel like lingering until you've reached the second clearing. If you defeat enough Imperials and Rodians in the second clearing, a dropship, AT-ST, and an ambush tunnel will be created to deal with your success. You want to wipe out enemies in the second clearing, as the Rodian ambush tunnel has a holocron you can't normally reach.

Considering the thres Purge Troopers in the second clearing, you may want to let the Rodians weaken them first before you steal their kill (and add to your Force Points). Get out to the clearing next to the Imperial Drop Base next.

Zone 2: Imperial Drop Base

Kill everyone in the clearing to open the doors to the drop base. There are plenty of Sith holocrons to power-up Starkiller here, but don't use them all up until the base opens. There is an AT-ST and two Purge bastards inside that require your attention. Clear the base, but don't leave until you've explored for holocrons.

Zone 3: Ore Processing

Head up the lift, explore for holocrons, then head into the main facility. To get the bonus objective of destroying the tractor beam tower simply electrocute the five red panels on the center tower in the room. To get out, yank out the two generators past the laser fields. Note there is a holocron on the upper level (behind explosive walls).

Enter the lift, go down, and use the same trick from Imperial Felucia to get to the side walkway in the processing room. The Dashing Push (jump, jump, dash, dhas-push). This is the only method to get across the gap without dying, so live with it. Destroy the enemies in the large ring (circular) room and check both enemy side-rooms for holocrons.

Boss: Proxy

Proxy will take on the forms of Maris Brood, Shaak Ti, Shadow Guards, and other characters to try to defeat you. Simply wail on Proxy as you would, but keep your life as much as possible (meaning don't do stupid crap).

Proxy will take on the form of Darth Maul halfway through the fight, and Maul's lightstaff does twice the amount of damage because of its long, long combination. Maul is vulnerable to Grip (and being thrown), so consider using that instead of the too-much-fanciful lightning and less-than-reliable push. Bring down Maul and skip to the next zone.

Boss: Star Destroyer

Electrocute all four nodes on the rail cannon, defeat the remaining enemies and fight what's on the back cover of the game. Begin by using lightning on all the TIE fighers as they sweep in. You should gain health back for you to Force Grip the Star Destroyer. Kota will transmit on your radio when to do it (when no more TIEs are around), so you won't miss the window. You will need to match diagram of sticks on the screen to bring down the ship (while holding the Force Grip key), so don't let up.

Once you are pulling down on both joysticks to destroy the vessel, TIE fighters will spawn and attack you. Release the Force Grip key and get back behind cover once you've lost about 50% of your life. Repeat the process of destroying TIE fighters by any means (lightning or saber throw are best) and the Force Yank exercise until the destroyer is destroyed. Now that Starkiller is bad-ass, it makes Exar Kun, Ulric Qel-Droma, that weird dude from Dark Forces who was hitting on Luke Skywalker's wife, Sariss, and Jerec look like wimps.

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Star Wars Force Unleashed Guide

Imperial Raxus Prime

Holocrons 1 and 2: Are both near where you land initially. For the first cube, hop from your starting spot to a ledge of junk on the right. You should have the height needed to hop over the scrap valley below to another ledge that leads to the holocron. The second holocron is at the small appendix of road seen on your mini-map. Can't miss it since some Jawas are firing at you from within. Waste them and take their stuff. It's good to be Sith.

Holocron 3: Hop the broken metal bridge and move towards the blue gravity ring. Before you jump down, there is a rectilinear brown metal door you can smash or Push apart. There is a holocron inside.

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Holocrons 4, 5, 6, and 7: All of these holocrons are in the clearing where Rodians and Imperials are having a fire-fight. You get the first when you pass through the blue grav-ring to this zone. Two other cubes are in sight, although you have to make some double jumps to some. The last holocron here is inside the Rodian ambush tunnel. When enough Rodians are killed, new Rodians respawn (proof there're more where they come from). Check out the newly opened tunnel for your prize.

Holocrons 8, 9, and 10: You get #8 when you go into the tunnel to the Imperial Drop Base (and Juno radios you about Proxy leaving the ship). The other two holocrons are in the Imperial Drop Base zone. One is outside (on a junk spire) the other is on the upper level catwalk inside the base. It's important that you use double jumps on the boxes to get to the holocron in the drop base, since the lift will take you to the next map.

Holocrons 11 and 12: After arriving at Ore Processing, there is a holocron on the upper walkway at the center's entrance. Nab it (you can use the lift this time without fear of a one-way trip). The second holocron is in the room with the tractor beam tower. Go to the upper ramp (above the laser fields) and push/throw something against the cargo boxes. This blows open a hole that leads to a secret space.

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Holocrons 13, 14, and 15: The next three holocrons are fairly close by. The first is in the Y-shaped ore slag room. You can use the Aerial Strike or the Dashing Push/Rush to get across (with the former, you need to lock onto the Scout trooper on the bridge). In the large circular control room, there is a cube on each side of the ring. Take both before exiting the lift to the Ore Cannon array.

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Death Star

Zone 1: Hangar of Death

Unless you are playing on the easiest difficulty setting, there is little chance that you can step out into the open and fight against Purge Troopers, Snipers, Commanders, Shadow Troopers, AT-CTs, and EVO Troopers all at once. Explore if you like, but either take cover and chip away at the endless waves of enemies, or set the difficulty to easy for this single section if you want to explore. If you do intend to rush in, use Force Repel on the blue marked ground ahead of your starting position so you can drop down into the firing tubes.

Zone 2: Firing Tubes

You'll be in here for a while. Note that touching the beam is instant death, but you can walk along the side of the tube while the beam is active. You get plenty of warning when the beam is about to fire (and there is a count-down, unless you turned off the voices), so head down the tube towards the Emperor's observation chamber -- remember, it was on the top of the laser dish, according to the Star Wars Technical Manual.

Use the mini-map to find side rooms where you can duck out (and find holocrons). You have to break the green gems (Force Push is fastest) to get through the tubes, so don't be shy about wreaking havoc. Your goal is to reach a H-shaped room (a fire control center) locked down by a vertical piece of metal (Force Grip and lift to open). That room boots you to a new map, but continues the fire tube zone.

Continuing down the tube, you will fight off two Purge Troopers towards the two amplification chambers. The windows to the firing tube now will decompress and kill enemies if the glass is shattered. Since Purge Troopers are so heavy, they will not be affected -- but Starkiller will. Use caution. Reach the twirling rings and you'll be in the next zone.

Zone 3: Amplification Chambers

There are two amplification chambers to pass through. Basically the rings kill you if you pass through them while moving. The rings stay still when the death beam is firing -- or if you use Force Grip and force the three rings to stop. Use Force Grip immediately after the beam dies down and stop each of the three rings in quick succession. Once stopped, the bridge extends and you can cross. You have just enough time to make it to safety before you are incinerated. Note that there are holocrons on the bottom of some amplifcation chambers, so explore before moving on.

Zone 4: Convergence Array

This gi-normous chamber is where the death beam focuses into something awesome. There are several beams here that fire in unison, so falling onto a beam track means death. The first thing is to go to the bottom, fight two AT-STs, and then activate the graviton beam (elevator) by connecting the generator on the bottom floor. Now that you have two grav-lifts, you should explore each floor's sides for holocrons.

There are two holocrons that take trouble to get here -- one is in the middle of the room and another atop the highest death beam track. The one in the middle of the room is easy to get -- if you fall off and dash to get it (Starkiller does not take falling damage). The holocron atop the tallest death beam requires you to land on the metal archway and then walk up to get it.

Ultimately, your goal is to land on the observation platform, spawn the Royal Guard goon squadron and their Shadow Guard sergeant, kick their asses, and throw open the locked door to kill the bosses. The Sith holocron on the observation deck should let you wipe the floor with what skills you've developed. Just don't fall into a death beam, or you have to start over this whole zone.

Boss: Vader (normal)

Vader in a narrow hall means saber clashing and pushing. Don't bother with the windows, but push, repel, and grip Vader until he decides to move the fight to the next room.

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Vader in the hot room will auto-choke and slam Starkiller from the center platform, if you make it there. Instead, use Grip to throw objects onto Vader until he jumps to the outside of the room. This lets you attack him without him instantly gripping you to death. Do the button finisher and get ready to make a choice.

Zone 5: Choose Your Ending (and Costume)

If you decide to get the Jedi ending, cross the bridge to the top of the screen and kill Palpatine. If you decide for the Sith ending, hop over the side of the bridge and finish off Vader (that never happens in the movie by the way). Note that the fight with Vader is potentially more difficult, since you cannot recover life. And yes, you have to fight through this whole stage again to make the choice again (and get the other ending), although the cinematic you unlock will be available in the Extras menu.

Boss: Palpatine

The emperor likes throwing electrically charged junk at you, so take cover (and dash if need be). After throwing his junk, Palpatine will call in three or four Royal guards to attack you. Use this time to fry or smash them for life. After the guards are defeated, you have a few seconds to hit Palpatine with your saber or other tricks. He is vulnerable slightly before and after the junk throwing. Do the button finisher when prompted and you're done with this game.

Boss: Vader (freak mode)

Vader in this mode is limping but far more powerful. He will instantly grip and throw you if you jump, so learn to dash towards him and attack. He is vulnerable to Force Grip, but not very open to other attacks. Saber attacks should be done against Vader when he is down or you use that time to set up your next attack. Don't be fooled -- the Dark Side has it harder since there is no way to recover your life during this fight. Finish off Vader and get the Sith Stalker costume, which interestingly, looks like an unused version of Noob Smoke from Mortal Kombat.

If you are having trouble, there is a "DIY" (do it yourself) saber combo available if you have both the Sith Saber Slash and Saber Slam unlocked. Press attack - attack - Force lightning - Force push buttons. This will do a three hit saber combo followed by a lift to incapacitate Vader. Take note that only the third strike will be electrified (to shock Vader) but the fourth hit will generally disable him. Once he's airborne use Dashing Rush/Push, or Force Grip to quickly knock him to the ground. Once Vader is flailing on the ground, you can close in and rack up some impressive damage.

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Death Star

Holocrons 1 and 2: Are in the hangar. It will take a little while but you can chip away at all the Purge Troopers, AT-CT, AT-ST, Scout Troopers, Jump Troopers, and EVO troopers to get your quiet. Both cubes are on the upper walkway (one on each side). You need to use the cargo boxes to reach them.

Holocron 3: Break past the first set of green lenses in the firing tube and go into the next linear section of the beam array. There are two small enemy spawn rooms before you reach the fire control station. One has the holocron.

Holocrons 4 and 5: At the fire control station, use the lift to get the height you need to jump atop the death beam support. You should find two holocrons in close proximity.

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Holocrons 6 and 7: Once you load the map past the fire control station, you will be in a maintenance tunnel running along the side of the death beam. Two Purge Troopers will be here, as well as two small enemy spawning rooms. Check the spawn rooms for your cubes.

Holocrons 8, 9, and 10: The first holocron you get before reaching the amplification chambers is across the death beam, on ground level and in plain sight. The second cube is in the first amplification chamber - the ground level anyway. Detour downstairs to grab it, then head back up to stop the rings to move on.

The final holocron is in midair in the second amplification chamber. You get it when you air dash across the bridge. Naturally, you only want to do this once.

Holocrons 11, 12, and 13: In the convergence array, there are two holocrons in the sides of the large room (you cannot get to them until the gravitron lifts are activated). Check out the top-most and second top-most levels (both sides and their spawn rooms) for these two cubes.

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Cube #13 is actually in the path of the lowest death beam (above illustration). The fastest method is to fall then air dash to get it (if you miss, land on the beam's bottom strut so you can double jump, take the cube, and get off before it fires and kills you).

Holocrons 14 and 15: May probably be the last you'll grab. #14 is atop the convergence array's big focusing dish. Get to the top using the gravitron lift and double jump air dash to the gray metal support arch (the cube is gone in the illustration) to get it. The final holocron is on the platform to the Emperor's observation chamber - the one where you fight all the Royal Guards.