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STAR 1-WorkshopJob Search Basic


Cover Letters


Job Search Basics

After viewing this workshop, you will need to complete and score at least 80% on the online Blackboard Quiz to receive credit toward STAR certification

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Does Your Resume Pass the 30 Second Test?

• They say that employers spend about 30 seconds scanning your resume to decide if it goes to the “yes” “maybe” or “no” pile.

• This is not the reaction you want your resume to get from an employer!

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The Purpose of a Resume

• This is your first formal introduction to an employer

• The employer uses the resume to evaluate your potential as an employee

• It helps the employer identify the best candidate out of a stack of candidates

• The bottom line: the purpose of a resume is to get an interview

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What Makes a Good Resume?

• Overall Appearance & Layout- your resume should be easy to read quickly. Use good highlights to make key points stand out

• It must be error free- typos and mistakes quickly send resumes to the wastebasket

• Targeted- your resume should be targeted toward the job you are applying for

• Use Effective Resume Language (action verbs) to highlight your skills and accomplishments

• Content-be sure to include all important items (i.e. Schools, employers, etc.

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Resume Writing Steps

1. Define career goals-what types of jobs are you applying for?

2. Gather information about your education and experience

3. Choose a layout and format that you like

4. Build your resume

5. Have someone critique and evaluate resume

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Resume Categories: There are a lot of categories that can be included on your


•Contact Information•Objective•Education•Work Experience•Internship•Skills•Honors & Awards•Languages•Professional


•Volunteer Activities•Memberships•Training•Community Activities•Leadership Activities•Class Projects•Study Abroad•Certifications•Licensure

Education and Experience are the two most important sections on a resume

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Use Action Verbs to highlight

your skills and accomplishments

Examples of action verbs• Conduct individual, small and large group counseling

sessions• Tested, tutored, and evaluated…• Developed software for emerging growth welding robotics

firm• Redesigned a cereal packaging line• Provided line sketches and equipment recommendations• Hired, trained, and supervised five employees• Developed and implemented a comprehensive

assessment and evaluation program• Prepared and presented daily lessons in science and


Verbs are more powerful than noun phrases like: “Responsible for……..”

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Action Verb Examples: remember “I” “me”, etc. are not needed on the resume- cut out

words that are not needed. Try to be specific when describing what you did.

WrongWhile working at Whataburger I supervised

five other workersRightSupervised five sales staff members while

monitoring efficiency

WrongAs a worker at ACME company I

programmed all computersRightProgrammed computers using Java script

and C

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Some students are too brief and don’t describe their accomplishments in enough


Too Brief:

Created database

More Detail:

Created sales database with ACCESS to keep track of inventory

Too Brief:

Supervised staff More Detail:Supervised five sales staff members while

monitoring efficiency

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The Chronological Resume: was the most commonly used resume format

years ago.

• It groups all experience in one category or section in reverse chronological order

• Oftentimes your most recent experience (i.e. Waitress, Waiter) might not be what you want an employer to see first

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Example of a chronological resume

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Experience in one category

Everything runs in reverse chronology on a resume

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The Targeted Resume

• Resume is “Targeted” to the job and employer

• It features multiple Experience categories on resume

• This is now the most effective resume style

To get a resume to fit on one page you need to reset all page setup margins to .5 (half inch) top, bottom, left and right.

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Here is the same candidate, William Hickok, now using a “Targeted” Resume

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Experience is “targeted” by dividing into multiple categories

It helps the employer to focus on the experience that is relevant or related to the job

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This resume is targeted for Computer and Information Sciences—computer programming jobs

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Skills support objective (skills section can be effective when you don’t have a lot of experience)

Experience that supports objective is highighted

Other non essential experience is placed farther down-takes emphasis off

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Resume that targets teaching jobs

Resume focuses on teaching—other experience placed in summary at bottom

For public school, certification is needed, therefore it is highlighted on resume

Other experience working with children is also highlighted

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A “skills” section can be used to highlight specific skills when you don’t have a lot of experience

Having related experience is better but when you don’t have experience this at least shows the employer your related skills

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Resume targeted to nursing

Experience gained from volunteer work can also be included on your resume

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Related coursework can also be highlighted when you don’t have a lot of experience

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There are different ways to layout your resume

Here main headings are listed to the left for emphasis

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Here headings are to the left with resume text indented 5-7 spaces

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Avoid using Resume Wizards

No control over format or layout

Key items end up in strange locations

Adds line spacing

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Extra spacing on bullets

Extra spacing pushes resume onto second page when it was not necessary

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Here is the Same Resume: Word Processed

Emphasis on key items

Resume is now on one page

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Evaluating Your Resume

• Have your resume critiqued by someone else at least once- you will not see typos or mistakes that you created. Someone else will see them right away

• Continually update your resume throughout your job search process

• Make sure that your resume is Targeted to your field

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Cover Letters

• Usually employer read the resume first, but cover letters are just as important and will be read for more information

• The cover letter Communicates your intentions

• It Highlights your Resume (your skills and accomplishments)

• It explains why you would be a good candidate to interview

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Cover letters are 3-4 Paragraphs Max—no longer. On one page!

1. First paragraph: Introduction-why you

are writing and source of referral

2. Second Paragraph: Summary of your qualifications for the position

3. Third Paragraph: A connection between you and the organization

4. Closing: mention any attachments, ask for an interview, and indicate you will call him/her.

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Final Tips• Use Business Format- either Block or

Semi Block style• Use Key Words & Phrases• Avoid Too Many Personal Pronouns• Reflect Company Knowledge• Be Clear and Concise• Mention Availability • Proofread!!!!!– No mistakes or typos

and watch your grammar, etc.

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Letter of application in Block Style

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With block style, all text and sections are “blocked” to the left margin

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Before we look at Semi Block format, let’s look at sections on the letter

Start with your address and today’s date- note that your name goes at bottom and not here

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Inside address: name, title, organization, address of person receiving the letter

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Greeting: Always Try to get the name of a person to send it to. If you can’t find a name, then “Dear Sir or Madam:” is ok to use here.

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1st Paragraph: Indicate why you are writing and source of referral

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2nd and 3rd paragraphs are used to highlight your skills and qualifications as they relate to the job you are applying for

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Closing paragraph- ask for an interview. Be proactive and tell them you will call them– or at least let them know how to contact you. Mention any enclosures here

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Finish with the “Sincerely” or “Yours Truly” put in 4 spaces, and then type your name-then sign in between

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Here is a Semi Block Style letter

“Enclosure” lets the reader know that other items are included with the cover letter such as your resume, references, transcripts, etc.

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Semi block- note that your address and the Sincerely and signature are now tabbed two thirds across the page

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Each of the Paragraphs is indented 5 spaces

Either style is acceptable—but choose one or the other and don’t mix the formats together

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Job Search Strategies: now that you have your job search tools (resume and

cover letter) ready, let’s take a quick look at how to look for a job

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First: Know Yourself: Be prepared to talk about the following

• Education• Experience

• Skills/abilities• Interests• Values• Goals

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Know the Job Market

• What Types of jobs are you looking for?

• What Types of employers?

• What Geographical location?

• What Type of setting?

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Job Search Strategies:How do Employers find New Hires?

Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)

Employers use a variety of resources and strategies to find candidates—you need to

utilize these as well












Career Expos


Job Fairs

Faculty Contacts

Company Job









Job Postings

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How UNF Grads Got Their JobsFrom the UNF Graduate Survey:

Class of 2007

• 25% Direct application• 22% Thru contact or

referral by someone they knew

• 14% Want Ads• 14% Continued in job held

before UNF• 12% Hired by company

where they did • co-op/internship• 3% Rehired by former

employer• 1% UNF On-campus

Recruiting Programs• 9% Other

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Employers Know What They Are Looking For From Candidates

“Top Personal Characteristics” Sought in a Candidate (Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)

1. Communication skills (verbal and written)

2. Work Experience

3. Motivation/initiative

4. Teamwork skills

5. Leadership abilities

6. Strong Academic Skills (3.0 GPA)

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Start By Keeping and Maintaining Records

• This helps to organize Your Search

• Record Keeping enables you to follow-up appropriately and in a timely fashion

• Establish your Job Search “Headquarters” to keep track of your contacts

• Manage your Time effectively and avoid duplication of effort

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Traditional Job Search These are methods most jobs seekers are

familiar with: Remember, only 14% of available

jobs are posted in want-ads • Want ads• Internet Job Posting

sites• Telephone Yellow

Pages• On-campus recruiting• Employment Agencies• Job Fairs• Internet and World

Wide Web• Chamber of Commerce• Newspapers • National

publications/journals• Directories • Job Vacancy Listings• Direct Application

A good job search campaign utilizes as many strategies, methods, and resources as possible

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Job Fairs/Career Expo

• Great way to gather info about companies/career opportunities about many companies/organizations at one event

• Your goal should be: – Give the employer a quick summary of your

qualifications– Drop off copies of your resumes– Collect business cards of employers and ask if

you can follow-up after the event

• Be sure to Follow-Up!!!! They talk to a lot of people at a job fair– remind them that you spoke with them at the fair.

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Remember to dress professionally

Even though the event seems less formal, it is important to dress professionally and make a great impression with the employers.

You want to be someone they remember and want to follow-up with after the fair

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Non-traditional Job Search:Building Your Network: Hidden Job Market

There are job search methods that many job seekers don’t utilize but are the best ways

to get a job:

• Applying Directly to hiring official at companies/organizations that interest you.

• Using your network to seek referrals to hiring officials– Family

– Friends

– Acquaintances

– Faculty/Administrators

– Staff

– Supervisors

– Co-workers

– Professional Associations

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Direct Approach• Direct Contact- send your

resume and cover letter directly to the hiring person

• Allow a week to 10 days and then follow-up with a phone call to see if an interview is possible

• Keep records—they might not be interested in you now– ask if you can call back in 6-8 weeks to see if there are any opportunities

• Follow up is the key to this approach.

• Nationally, over 33% of job seekers get their jobs through direct application

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Professional Associations: Are Ready-Made Networks of professionals in specific fields

• Associations host Annual Conferences-bringing its members together for workshops, seminars, etc.

• Local chapters host meetings and events for its members

• Associations publish newsletters and Publications (sometimes job vacancies)

• Associations have Membership Directories making it easier to identify contacts for your network

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Career Services: Website has great job search resources all in one


For job postings click here

Click on “Students” tab for resources

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Click on your College for job search help specific to your major

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Helpful Job Search Tips

• Deal with the hiring person

• Be prepared for rejection

• Be flexible

• Be patient

• Be persevering

• Develop a support network

• Be enthusiastic

• Have faith in yourself

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Follow-up, Follow-Up!

• Send Thank-you notes

• Call back in 6-8 weeks

• Maintain contacts

• Keep your contacts informed

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Pick up a copy of The EDGE-it has a lot of great articles to help with your job search

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If you have any questions about this workshop or need help with your job search, Call Career Services at 904-620-2955 and ask to make an appointment with a job search counselor

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STAR Program Requirement

• To receive credit for completing Workshop #1: Job Search Basic Training, click on the “Online Quizzes” tab on the Blackboard Menu

• Answer the questions and then submit

• You must score at least 16 out of 20 (80%) to “pass” the workshop

• If you pass, Career Services staff will check the Workshop #1 Requirement in Career Wings