Download - St. Basil's Cathedral


6/30/15, 10:41 PMSchani Daniel

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Schani DanielWhere and when was this church built?

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Geographic coordinates

Red Square, Moscow, Russia, 109012 St. Basil's Cathedral, Address


It was built from 1555–61 on orders from Ivan the Terrible to (16th century) commemorate the capture of the Tatar strongholdof Kazan in 1552, which occured on the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin.

The site of the church had been, historically, a busy marketplace between the St. Frol's (later Saviour's) Gate of the MoscowKremlin and the outlying posad. The centre of the marketplace was marked by the Trinity Church. It is centrally located

The cathedral was built in the geographical centre of Moscow City – the city developed around this location since 14th century.Cathedral is located close to the Kremlin, but outside it.

What is a posad?

Posad = A posad (Russian: посад) was a settlement in the RussianEmpire, often surrounded by ramparts and a moat, adjoining atown or a kremlin, but outside of it, or adjoining a monastery in the 10th to 15th centuries. The posad was inhabited by craftsmen andmerchants and was its own distinct community, separate from the city it adjoined.

How the context, building period and evolution makes the building historically significant and meaningful?

St. Basil the Blessed (a.k.a. St. Basil Fool for Christ; 1468-1552), almost from the beginning. Basil impressed Ivan in 1547 when heforetold a fire that swept through Moscow that year. Upon his death, Basil was buried in the Trinity Cathedral that stood on this site atthe time.

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Ivan had the architect blinded in order to prevent him from building a more magnificent building for anyone else.

"The Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin by the Moat". The popular alternative refers to Basil the Blessed, a Muscovite'holy fool' who was buried on the site (in the Trinity Cathedral that once stood here) a few years before the present building waserected.The Cathedral was ordered by Ivan the Terrible to mark the 1552 capture of Kazan from Mongol forces. It was completed in1560.8 churches around a central ninthsignify the victory of ivan the greatIs a showcase of Renaissance Russian architecture built during the :Middle Muscovite period

The Siege of Kazan in 1552 was the final battle of Russo-Kazan Wars. It led to the fall of Khanate of Kazan. However, it was not thelast battle on the khanate's territory. After the fall of Kazan, rebel governments formed in Çalım and Mişätamaq, and a new khan wasinvited from the Nogais. This continuation guerrilla war was ended only in 1556.

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Eight towers to represent 8 stages of the siege of Kazan.

Made out almost entirely of brick and geometric in shape.

The original concept hidden from us beneath layers of stylistic additions and new churches added to the main building. In fact,when built, the Cathedral was all white to match the white-stone Kremlin, and the onion domes were gold rather than multi-colored and patterned as they are today. In the 17th century a hip-roofed bell tower was added, the gallery and staircases were covered with vaulted roofing, and thehelmeted domes were replaced with decorated ones. In 1860 during rebuilding, the Cathedral was painted with a morecomplex and integrated design, and has remained unchanged since.

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1580's the onion domes were addedHand painted metal sheet

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Elevation Plan

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Floor plan

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Section Plan

To conclude, the location of Saint Basil's Church, was entirely based upon the achievements of Ivan the terrible, thus the previouslocation site was intentionally made to be close to the Kremlin wall. Furthermore the space was unused for what was deemedinappropriate. In addition, the Cathedral is now a world wide tourists attraction due to its location, of being close to the central areas ofthe city, making it entirely assessable as a cathedral and museum. The heavy duty legends and myths that soak upon the tales of thecreation and alteration of this cathedral make it a super historical structure, mostly due to how little is known about it.

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