Download - St. Antoninus Church 1500 Linneman Rd Cincinnati OH 45238 ... · across the archdiocese, thanks to benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. Saint Antoninus Parish pledges are

Page 1: St. Antoninus Church 1500 Linneman Rd Cincinnati OH 45238 ... · across the archdiocese, thanks to benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. Saint Antoninus Parish pledges are

S t . A n t o n i n u s C h u r c h 1 5 0 0 L i n n e m a n R d C i n c i n n a t i O H 4 5 2 3 8 A p r i l 2 , 2 0 1 7

S E R V E R S A p r i l 3 - 7 , 2 0 1 7 M o n d a y & F r i d a y , 8 A M M a s s

T u e s d a y & T h u r s d a y , 6 : 4 5 A M M a s s F e l i x W e l g e J u s t i n R e

W e d n e s d a y , 8 A M M a s s A d u l t S e r v e r s

S E R V E R S A p r i l 8 & 9 , 2017

4:30PM Lucy Guenther, Olivia Meyer, Grace Meyer 8:00AM Adult Server 9:30AM Hailey Willen, Natalie Fahner, Maria Holmes 11:30AM Austin & Andrew Ruwe, Mark Autenrieb


4:30PM Deacon, Grace Meyer, Vince & Bev Meyer, Molly Guenther 8:00AM Deacon, Don Jansen, Norb & Linda Guetle 9:30AM Deacon, Jacob Holmes, Doug & Mary Lee Jaeger, David & Janet Willig, Maddy & Bailey Venard, Julie Scott, Trishna Wissel, Chris Nolan 11:30AM Deacon, Barb Kitchen, Mary Beth Nolan, Harry Hughes, Laura Jetter, Chloe & Ella Klusman, Joan & Ray Loebker, Cathey McDonald, Patty Hetzer

L E C T O R S April 8 & 9, 2017 4:30PM K. O’Connor M. Guenther 8:00AM M. Braunstein M. Kiely 9:30AM T. Freudiger M. Freudiger 11:30AM P. Autenrieb J. Reinstatler THANK YOU to Nick Guetle at Boardwalk Realtors for advertising in our bulletin.


Monday thru Friday after the daily Mass. Saturdays after the 8 AM Communion Service. Mondays 7:00PM Fatima Prayer Group in the Chapel. Friday mornings at MaryAnn Baverman’s home for Moms and grandmoms and young children. We extend an invitation to join our group for prayer on Friday mornings from 10AM to 11:00AM. We will show you how to pray the rosary. Please call MaryAnn at 503-9537 for details.

St. Antoninus Prayer chain: To intercede for prayer requests, please go to , or pick up a list in the back of the greeting room on the right side of the counter. Requests for prayers may be left there, or emailed to: [email protected], or you may mail request to St. Antoninus Prayer Chain, 1500 Linneman Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45238.

MONDAY, APRIL 3 8:00AM MASS Deceased Members of Wempe Family– Family TUESDAY, APRIL 4 St. Isidore 6:45AM MASS Jim Ryan—Margie Christos

7:00PM Stations of the Cross

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 St. Vincent Ferrer 8:00AM MASS Jim Conroy—Clarice 12:45PM Stations of the Cross THURSDAY, APRIL 6 6:45AM MASS Deceased members of the Oldendick Family—Bollin Family FRIDAY, APRIL 7 St. John Baptist de la Salle 8:00 AM MASS John Kiely—Bd. Rem.—Marlene SATURDAY, APRIL 8 8:00AM Communion Service 4:00PM Rosary 4:30PM Scott Dannemiller—Bd. Rem.—Family


9:30AM MASS Joe Dwyer—Bd. Rem.– Dwyer Family 11:30AM MASS Shirley Niehaus—Ferd Niehaus


Thursday, April 6, 4:30-5:00 PM And 7:30-8PM

Saturday, April 8, 4:30-5PM

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION on Fridays following the 8AM Mass until 10:00PM. In Matthew 26:40, Jesus says to Peter [and to us], “Could you not, then, watch one hour with me?” Please consider joining your fellow parishioners for 30 minutes, or even one hour, at Eucharistic Adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Fridays from 9:00AM until the Adoration ends at 10:00PM. There will be no adoration on Good Friday, April 14th.

Page 2: St. Antoninus Church 1500 Linneman Rd Cincinnati OH 45238 ... · across the archdiocese, thanks to benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. Saint Antoninus Parish pledges are

The Trip of a Lifetime to the Holy Land and Rome

with Kathryn Raaker The Midwest Travel Liaison for the Of the Bible Comes to Life Program, Jerusalem

When people return from the Holy Land, most will say, it was “the trip of a life ‘time!" For

believers, this is more than a trip to a fascinating, foreign country - it's an opportunity to

experience the Holy Land that was the setting for the teaching, battles, and miracles of the Bible.

There is no better way to experience this amazing country, than to see it firsthand! Understanding

why our Bible is so important can be seen throughout Israel. The Bible truly does come to life, when

you walk where Jesus walked, visit the places where His ministry began and the place where His

earthly journey ended.

Join Father Andrew Umberg of St. Joseph Parish and Father Bryan Reif from St. Antoninus for a

Pilgrimage to Israel and Rome November 6th thru Nov 17th, 2017. For information, call Kathryn at


T h i n g s I ’ v e S e e n a n d H e a r d

Lent is beginning to draw to a close. Next weekend is the beginning of Holy Week. I

wanted to encourage the use of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation before we get to

the events of Holy Week. Confessions are available from 7:30-8 PM Thursday evenings (but not

on Holy Thursday) and from 3-4 PM on Saturdays (but not on Holy Saturday) or by

appointment, if those times are not convenient. Confession is a great blessing and gift from our

Merciful God. If you have not been able to go to confession yet this Lent, or if you might be

hedging, or if you haven’t gone for a long time, or even if you might be nervous about going at

all, please take the opportunity to go, and to receive from the Fountain of God’s Mercy.

Confession is about healing, not judgement; it is about mercy, and the recognition that there is

no sin that is bigger than God’s capacity to forgive.

This past week, while walking the grounds and praying the Rosary, I was walking through

the Rosary Garden. I noticed that there are still a lot of empty niches where we can place

stones in memory of someone, or in honor of someone. We haven’t talked about the Rosary

Garden for a while, and I just wanted to remind everyone that it is there, stones can still be

purchased, and it is a really nice place to spend some time on a nice spring day to pray. It is

here for you, so I encourage us all to use it.

Take Good Care,

Fr. Bryan

Page 3: St. Antoninus Church 1500 Linneman Rd Cincinnati OH 45238 ... · across the archdiocese, thanks to benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. Saint Antoninus Parish pledges are

P A R I S H C O N T R I B U T I O N S F o r w e e k e n d i n g M a r c h 2 6 , 2 0 1 7

S u n d a y C o n t r i b u t i o n s $18,203,53 S c h o o l P a r i s h S u p p o r t $ 515.00 M a i n t e n a n c e $ 110.00 H o l y d a y s / S p e c i a l $ 888.00 D o n a t i o n s $ 230.00 Thank you for your continuing support of the parish and school. Please remember Saint Antoninus in your will. Gifts of stock can also be made to St. Antoninus Church. If you currently work for, or are retired from, a company that has a Matching Gift program, you can make your contributions to Parish School Support and have those contributions matched by your company.

C A T H O L I C M I N I S T R I E S A P P E A L If you have not yet made your pledge, please consider doing so this week. These important local ministries depend on our help each year. To make a pledge securely online, please visit Thank you! As of March 24, 2017, the amount of pledges received is $20,685.17 which is 54.77% of our parish goal of $50,838.00. One Hope, One Love capital campaign has redeemed more than $68 million in donations to date. That represents about 41% of the nearly $166 million pledged so far. Your prayers and sacrifices for this historic initiative continue to make a huge difference! In the past few weeks alone: • Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio reported how “every program receiving funding from the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign showed significant service growth.” That includes what the agency calls “a dramatic increase” in meals served, as well as expansion of parish outreach services. • Just over 1,600 students have received tuition assistance offers for Catholic elementary schools across the archdiocese, thanks to benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. Saint Antoninus Parish pledges are $1,448,682.21 which is 102% over our goal. Thank you, yet again, for your continued help! May God richly bless you during this Lenten season.

Parishioners who use this service are pleased with how easy it is to set up and manage. By using online giving, you are helping the parish improve our operational efficiency. To start, go to the official Saint Antoninus Parish website at, click About Us, then click Giving, click on the Our Sunday Visitor button, then click the green Create New Account button. You must set yourself up with your information, including your envelope number. Look on your envelopes, or call the rectory office, for your number. You then have choices of recurring donations or one time donations. If you want this service but do not have a computer, or if you have any questions, please call Beth in the rectory at 922-5400 x 2. B I B L E S T U D Y W I T H M A R Y L Y N N E R A P I E N for adults on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00pm in the school library. We are off, if school is not in session. All are welcome on any Monday. If you have questions, you may phone Mary Lynne at 922-0902, or e-mail [email protected].


If you wish to dedicate the placing of flowers for one week at the altar in memory of a loved one, or to honor a person or special occasion, please send

$50 (check made out to Saint Antoninus Church, with Altar Flowers in the memo line) to the rectory office with your name, phone number and the week you would like to reserve. More than one family may reserve the same week. There will be no flower arrangements during the Advent and Lent seasons. If you have questions, call Steffany Reid, Business Manager, at 922-5400 x 3.


The Gospel today challenges us to see and believe the signs of grace in our lives: joy, peace, forgiveness, mercy and kindness. Your gifts to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul bring joy, peace, forgiveness, mercy and kindness to the hurting hearts of the poor. Please place your food gifts in the blue barrel in the greeting room and your monetary gifts in the poor boxes at each church entrance.

Page 4: St. Antoninus Church 1500 Linneman Rd Cincinnati OH 45238 ... · across the archdiocese, thanks to benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. Saint Antoninus Parish pledges are

Reading I: Ezekiel 37:12-14: Ezekiel was a priest of the Jerusalem Temple who also served as a prophet among

the earliest Judean captives taken to Babylon. The reading for Mass this weekend comes from part of the book

of Ezekiel, which seeks to console the exiles and raise their spirits through visions filled with joy. In this part of

the book, the author writes of hope and the restoration of Israel. In the verses immediately preceding our

passage for this weekend, Ezekiel addresses the exiles’ profound concern about their future: “our bones are

dried up, and our hope is lost”. Ezekiel explains this passage as having to do with the destruction-restoration of

Israel. The Church Fathers, notably St. Irenaeus and St. Jerome, saw this passage and verses 12-14 as

references to the resurrection of the dead. God tells Ezekiel to tell the exiles that He will open graves and

sepulchers, and raise them from the dead, after which the exiles will know that the Lord is their God. The Lord

also promises to restore Israel. This is an important key in this passage. According to St. Jerome, the image of

the resurrection would not have been used to describe the restoration of the people of Israel, if the future

resurrection of the dead had not been foreseen. God also promises to put His Spirit in the exiles. This promise

will find its complete fulfillment at Pentecost, when the Spirit descends on the apostles.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 130: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 (7): Our psalm for this weekend explains why God is so

good: because He is forgiving and full of steadfast love. The main theme of this psalm is hope in divine

forgiveness. The psalmist tells us to pray, not from our pride or will, but out of the depths of a contrite and

humble heart. We are further told that every human being is a sinner and God, by forgiving sin, reveals Himself

to be so much greater than man. God has promised forgiveness, and the psalmist is relying on that promise.

Reading II: Romans 8: 8-11: St. Paul tells us that once the Christian is justified, he/she lives in the grace of

God and confidently hopes in the future resurrection. Indeed, Christ himself lives in us. However, we are not

spared the experience of death, a consequence of original sin. Along with suffering, concupiscence, and other

limitations, death is still a factor after Baptism. We do not die because of our personal sins; we die as a

consequence of original sin. Knowing we face the experience of death can be something that motivates us to

work to be like Christ. St. John Chrysostom makes an interesting observation. If Christ is living in the Christian,

then the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, is also present in him/her. If the Holy Spirit is absent, then

death reigns supreme, and with it, the wrath of God, rejection of His laws, separation from Christ, and

consequently, the expulsion of the Holy Spirit from the soul. With the Spirit, one belongs to Christ, one strives

to keep His commandments and to grow in knowledge and love of Him. With the Spirit, St. John Chrysostom

writes, the lure of sin is rejected, one has a glimpse of an immortal life, and one has a pledge of future

resurrection and advances rapidly on the path of virtue. This is what St. Paul means by not belonging to the


Gospel: John 11: 1-45: The reading for Mass this weekend deals with one of Jesus’ most outstanding miracles

which demonstrates His power over death: the raising of Lazarus of Bethany from the dead. Lazarus was the

brother of Mary (of Bethany) and Martha. Scripture indicates that Jesus cared deeply for Lazarus and his

sisters, Mary and Martha. Scriptural Scholars write that in the days prior to His Passion, Jesus often visited this

family, to which He was very attached. By raising Lazarus, Jesus shows His divine power over death, and,

thereby, gives proof of His divinity in order to confirm His disciples’ faith and reveal Himself as the Resurrection

and the Life. Continued on the next page...


Page 5: St. Antoninus Church 1500 Linneman Rd Cincinnati OH 45238 ... · across the archdiocese, thanks to benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. Saint Antoninus Parish pledges are

Breaking Open the Word continued from the previous page.

Most Jews, but not the Sadducees, believed in the resurrection of the body. Martha believed in it. Apart from

being a real, historical event, Lazarus’ return to life is a sign of our future resurrection: we, too, will return to

life. Christ, by His glorious resurrection, is also the cause and model of our resurrection. However, Jesus’

resurrection is different from that of Lazarus, for Christ being raised from the dead will never die again (Rom

6:9), whereas Lazarus returned to earthly life, later to die again. In verses 24-26, we have one of the most

concise definitions Jesus gives of himself and which St. John faithfully passes on to us. Jesus is the Resurrection

and the Life. He is the Resurrection because, by His victory over death, He is the cause of the resurrection of all


The miracle He works in raising Lazarus is a sign of Jesus’ power to give life to people. By saying that He is Life,

Jesus is referring not only to that life which begins beyond the grave, but also to the supernatural life, which

grace brings to the soul of man when he is still a pilgrim on this earth. The miracle of raising Lazarus, which is

really quite an extraordinary miracle, is a proof that Jesus is the Son of God sent into the world by the Father.

And so it is, that when Lazarus is brought back to life, people’s faith in Jesus is increased: the disciples’ (verse

15), Martha and Mary’s (verses 26, 40), and that of the people at large (verses 36 & 45). In verse 43, we read

that Jesus calls Lazarus by name. Although Lazarus is really dead, he has not lost his personal identity: dead

people continue to exist, but they have a different mode of existence, because they have changed from mortal

life to eternal life. This is why Jesus states that God “is not God of the dead but of the living”, for to Him, all are

alive. St. Augustine sees in the raising of Lazarus a symbol of the sacrament of reconciliation. In the same way

as Lazarus comes out of the tomb, St. Augustine says that when the penitent confesses, it is a coming forth. He

believes that “coming forth” means emerging from what is hidden. Just as Lazarus came out of the tomb still

bound, the penitent goes to confession still guilty but comes out of confession unbound as a result of being

absolved of sin.

Reflection: The resurrection is a theme in the first reading and the Gospel. And if the resurrection is a theme,

the theme, is also one of hope and life. In important and significant ways, the Resurrection is the heart of our

faith. Father Patrick J. McHugh believes there are three reasons why this is so. We will explore the first of

these reasons this week. First of all, Jesus tells us that He is the life and the resurrection. Recall, in other

passages, Jesus says, “unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man you have no life in you”. Now, think about

Holy Communion in which we find hope, life, and resurrection. When we receive Holy Communion, we almost

automatically respond, “amen”, when the minister says, “The Body of Christ”. In a reflection on the Mass

readings from several years ago, Fr. McHugh invited us to focus more deeply on our “amen!” response. When

the minister proclaims, “The Body of Christ”, Fr. McHugh suggests that what is being proclaimed is the

following: “The Lord risen from the dead and filled with the glory of Resurrection now comes to you under, what

looks like, bread. He comes to draw you into union with Himself. He comes to breathe His life into you, to touch

you at the core of your being. He comes to make you ready for the glory that He means for you to have. Body of

Christ! Christ risen from the dead sends out a force that enters into the core of our being to make us the person

He means us to be. That force is the grace of God. By this grace, we pulsate in the life of Jesus Christ risen

from the dead and, by this grace, we are slowly transformed, so that, ideally, we become all that the Lord

means us to be. Fr. McHugh suggests that our “amen” could reflect the following: “I believe! Help me do your

will! Come into me as my Guest and Friend. Amen!” Perhaps in the remaining time of Lent, and especially in

the Easter season, we might reflect more deeply on the resurrection and at the same time, reflect more deeply

on the gift of Holy Communion, our encounter with the Risen Lord.

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Mike Davis

at our

Way of the Cross

last Tuesday.

Prayer Through Art

with Sarah Hellmann

last Thursday evening.

Page 7: St. Antoninus Church 1500 Linneman Rd Cincinnati OH 45238 ... · across the archdiocese, thanks to benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. Saint Antoninus Parish pledges are

2nd Sign Study Group Saturday April 8 th What message does Our Lady of Light have for us today? Come on a field trip to Her Farm in Falmouth, KY and see. On our way, we will visit St Joseph Church in Cold Spring, KY, where Our Lady’s messages started, then arrive at the farm for 11am rosary and 11:30am Mass. Meet at 8:45am in the parking lot at the priest’s garage to carpool. We will have lunch on the way home. ALL ARE WELCOME. SAINT ANTONINUS ADULT SOCIAL GROUP COMMUNION SERVICE AND LUNCHEON will be on Monday, April 10, starting at 12:30PM in the chapel, for the service. Lunch is $9 per person. Please send your check to the rectory office before April 5. RSVP by calling Bob Brown at 451-4842. SAINT ANTONINUS WIDOWS are welcome to attend a dinner at The Farm (239 Anderson Ferry Rd.) at 5:00PM on Tuesday, April 11. Meal is individual choice, individual payment. RSVP, before April 5, to Pat Frame at 922-8801.


Now, more than ever, PLEASE consider taking the Traveling Chalice into your home and pray, either as a family or alone, for the intentions of our Holy Church, for Vocations, Pope Francis, all Church leaders, our country, and for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. Call Debbie at 922-2414 to schedule the Traveling Chalice. Thank you to Mary Lynne Rapien for taking the Traveling Chalice into her home.

ST. ANTONINUS NETWORK OF CARE As we go through life’s stages, sometimes we are in a position to help others, while at other times, we are in need of help. A network of volunteers is prepared to serve the St. Antoninus Parish Family by providing a meal after hospitalization, surgery or medical treatments; transportation to medical treatments or to Mass; prayer for the intentions on the St. Antoninus Prayer Chain; and A Listening Ear to parishioners facing difficulties. For more information, please leave a message on the Network of Care Phone Line at 922-5400, ext. 8, and someone will return your call.

PLEASE SUPPORT THE ANNUAL BOY SCOUT FISH FRY each Friday during Lent from 5:00-7:00 in the Undercroft. Enjoy delicious fish sandwiches, grilled salmon, jumbo shrimp, grilled cheese or pizza. We have a variety of side dishes to complement your meal...french fries, onion rings, macaroni and cheese, green beans, cole slaw, baked potatoes, soup of the day and homemade desserts! You can call your order in, or text it, to our Fish Fry Hotline at 513-629-0850 for drive-thru pickup!

H O L Y S P I R I T P R A Y E R G R O U P The parish is offering an unusual evening presented by Susan Conroy on Praying with Mother Teresa on the coming Tuesday evening, April 4th. You don’t want to miss this presentation! The program starts at

7:00 PM in the undercroft. The Saint Antoninus Prayer Group will join the parish for this event.

St. Teresa of Calcutta To learn more of St. Teresa of Calcutta’s LOVE, MERCY, JOY, hear Susan Conroy, author, speak of their ten-year personal relationship. 7:00 PM Tuesday, April 4th in the St. Antoninus undercroft. Visit for more information. Dr. Kathy O’Connor will share with you how she prays through Lectio Divina (Latin for "Divine Reading"). Lectio Divina is a traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer. It does not treat Scripture as texts to be studied, but as the Living Word of God. Please join Kathy on Thursday, April 6th at 7:00pm. Come to the St. Antoninus Church Men's Holy Name Society Meeting on Saturday the 8th of April from 7:00 - 8:00 AM in the Church Undercroft to hear Judge Patrick Dinkelacker, from the Court of Common Pleas, talk about 'being a good Christian and Judge'. Please arrive early, at 6:30am, to enjoy meeting the men, and have some coffee and donuts.

Page 8: St. Antoninus Church 1500 Linneman Rd Cincinnati OH 45238 ... · across the archdiocese, thanks to benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. Saint Antoninus Parish pledges are

The St. Antoninus Athletic Club is looking for volunteers for two positions. The first is as a Sponsorship Coordinator, tasked with contacting local companies to sponsor athletic club events (basketball tournament, golf outing and Festival). The second position is in regards to the Festival (June 9, 10 & 11). We are looking for two individuals to co-chair, in signing up and assigning volunteers to work the booths at the festival. Please contact Jason Corcoran at 378-6644, or at [email protected], if interested in volunteering.

S T . A N T O N I N U S F O O T B A L L S I G N - U P S Football sign-ups have begun for the 2017 season for children in grades K thru 8th grade. Please go to the Blue Sombrero website to sign-up. The link to Blue Sombrero is . You do not have to be a current student at St. Antoninus to play football, but you do have to be a member of the Parish and the Athletic Club and attending PREP religious education classes in accordance with the Archdiocese Charter on Athletics and Youth. Any questions can be sent to [email protected], or 284-9295. The 20th Annual St. Antoninus Athletic Club Golf Outing will be played Friday April 28, 2017 at Pebble Creek Golf Club. It will begin with lunch at 11:00am, shotgun start at 12:00, then dinner and awards following golf. This is one of three fundraisers to help support our children’s athletic program. All skill levels are encouraged to attend, as this is meant to be a fun day with friends on the course. The cost is $120 per golfer which includes lunch, golf, all side games, dinner and prizes, and every golfer will receive a certificate for a FREE ROUND OF GOLF AT Pebble Creek G.C. Please contact Brian Downey to sign up, or if you are interested in donating prizes, hole sponsorship or being a corporate sponsor. If you do not have a completed foursome, we will find players for you. Please contact Brian with any questions, and come out to enjoy the day!



Volunteers (unless you coach high school students) are no longer required to get fingerprinted. Instead, volunteers are required to complete an on-line background check. If you wish to pay for the on-line background check yourself, you can complete it as a part of the VIRTUS registration. If you volunteer at St. Antoninus and would like a pre-paid code to pay for the background check, contact Deacon Bob Schroeder before you register for VIRTUS, or do not complete the background check when you register for VIRTUS. Contact Deacon Bob Schroeder at: [email protected]. He will send the pre-paid, one-time-use, code to you via e-mail. The code will work only for those who have St. Antoninus as their primary user location on their VIRTUS account. If you coach high school students, you are also required to complete fingerprinting. E-mail Deacon Bob at the address above, and he will send directions to you. The Athletic Club is hosting the Spring Bid N Buy Gift Gathering Party for the St. Antoninus Festival. The Athletic Club is looking for individual or group donations. This will take place on Friday May 19, 2017 from 6 – 9 PM at the Schott Field Memorial Patio. There will be a grill out with brats, metts and hot dogs provided. Bring your cooler with drinks for your family and a side or desert to share. We will also have spirit wear and forms available to purchase engraved patio bricks.

Page 9: St. Antoninus Church 1500 Linneman Rd Cincinnati OH 45238 ... · across the archdiocese, thanks to benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. Saint Antoninus Parish pledges are

MARRIED AND SINGLE MEN OF THE PARISH, have you ever wondered if you might be called to be a Permanent Deacon in the Catholic Church? Please attend a meeting at St. Ignatius Parish, 5222 North Bend Road, on Tuesday, April 4 at 7:00PM. For info and to register, please call Deacon Mark Mahuga, Director of the Office of the Diaconate, at 421-3131, ext. 2641, or [email protected].


MEXICO BALLOON FIESTA Join the fun and see Santa Fe, the famous Loretto Chapel with miraculous “staircase”, historic artist colony; Taos

Pueblo, Carlsbad Caverns National Park; Acoma, Sky City Pueblo; “old town” Albuquerque and the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. Call Norb Guetle (Elder “59”) for info at 451-1227. Deadline for RSVP is April 7, 2017. Spring Into Mercy Seventh graders are invited to “Spring into Mercy” on Friday, April 7 with a karaoke party in the gym from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Bring your friends... and make new ones at Mercy! Join us for an ice cream social and crazy karaoke party! What a great way to enjoy the end of your 7th grade year, and start looking forward to 8th grade and your journey toward high school! Admission $5. RSVP at Questions - contact Tricia Penderghast Reisman, ‘92, at [email protected]. Easter Egg Hunt at Mercy Every Spring, Mother of Mercy High School hosts an afternoon of egg-cellent activities just before Easter! This year, the egg hunt will be on Saturday, April 8 at 1:00 p.m. Children ages 1-10 are invited for an afternoon of crafts, activities and an Easter Egg hunt. Boys and girls are welcome, and no reservations are needed. Please bring your own Easter basket/bag. Go to CINCYMUSICSERIES.ORG to purchase tickets for the Mike Farris show on Saturday, April 8 at 7:30PM at the Princeton High School Matthews Auditorium, 100 Viking Way, Cincinnati, 45246. Tickets are $35 in advance, $40 reserved and on the day of the show. $10 of each ticket will be matched by ESAP.

Join St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati in their 4th annual Hope to Homes 5K presented by Protective Life Insurance on Saturday morning, April 8, at Sawyer Point. All proceeds from the 2017 Hope to Homes 5K support St. Vincent de Paul’s emergency assistance programs. Register at LIVE the FAITH Ladies Luncheon on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at the Western Hills Country Club. Father Alex McCullough, parochial vicar at St. Ignatius Loyola, will share his thoughts on how we can all actively live the faith in our daily lives. This is not a fundraiser, but rather an opportunity to learn more about the outstanding educational opportunities, speakers and resources available to you through the Athenaeum of Ohio. Cost is $30 per person. Online registration at , or call the Athenaeum Advancement Office: 513.233.6113. Please RSVP by April 10, 2017.

CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER is a wonderful marriage preparation weekend that fulfills your Pre-Cana requirements for getting married in the Catholic Church. 2017 dates are: Mar. 24-26, Apr. 21-23, May 19-21, Jun. 10-11, Sept. 16-17, & Oct. 6-8. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Altenau at 479-1700. To register, e-mail .


The St. Raphael Charismatic Prayer Group invites everyone to join them on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9PM through April 25 at the Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Room 116. For questions, or to register, e-mail [email protected]. Or, call Dave Noe at 315-0174, or Brad Shoemaker at 518-6472.

ARCHBISHOP SCHNURR TO CELEBRATE LIFE’S 5TH QUARTER PRO-LIFE MASS on Saturday, April 29th at 8 a.m. at Holy Name Catholic Church, 2422 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati. The American people continue to pray to end abortion, and shut down Planned Parenthood. Come be a part of this prayerful movement, and join others by attending Mass celebrated by Archbishop Dennis Schnurr and praying the Rosary in a peaceful and prayerful way in front of Planned Parenthood. The fifth Saturday Masses and Prayer Vigils for Life are sponsored by LIFE’S 5TH QUARTER (L5Q), a group whose purpose is to especially involve our youth more deeply in the growing movement against abortion. For more information, including upcoming Prayer Vigil dates and celebrants, please visit Also visit .