Download - Springside Bitzn'Bytes Winter/Christmas Issue 2012


Springside Bitz nBytesMerry Christmas Happy New Year!

Springside Christmas Services 2012Springside Baptist Church Christmas Eve Service 7:00 p.m. Springside United Church Christmas Service Sunday December 23 - 11:00 a.m. St. Pauls Lutheran Church Christmas Eve Service 7:30 p.m.

Springside BitznBytes Box 388 Springside, SK. S0A 3V0 Email; [email protected] Phone; (306) 792-2104 Fax; (306)792-4770

Winter Edition 2012 Deadline for spring issue March 7 2013

Merry Christmas from the volunteers who bring you Springside Bitz n Bytes

As 2012 draws to a close, we at BitznBytes would like to thank our neighbours and friends for their support and encouragement over the past year. Your continuous support through sub-missions and monetary contributions has made us able to continue with this labour of love and we are very grateful to all who have helped us with this endeavour. We hope that you will enjoy this issue and we look forward to many more issues as we go forward. We wish you, our readers and friends, a blessed and joyous Christmas and a happy and Prosperous New Year. Deb Keyowski Cristal Ockochinski Regina Melnyk Marion Ockochinski Rhonda Eastcott

Springside Baptist ChurchAnd He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6cChristmas 2012Pastor Richard Kauenhofen - 792-2190 Pastor Mike Anderson - 792-2290

Sunday Services: Sunday School @ 9:45 am, Morning Worship Service @ 10:50 am, Evening Service @ 6:30 pm The Wonder of Christmas When we speak of the God, who created this universe that we are a part of and who created every human being that exists on this planet we call earth, we speak of the One, who works wonders. During the season of Christmas we celebrate the greatest wonder He has ever worked and that is the delivery of His one and only Son, Jesus, to earth. Jesus came to this world as a newborn baby. He came as the Saviour of the world. That means He came to be the personal Saviour of every man, woman and child, who will receive Him into their hearts by faith. This wonder of all wonders came to save each one from their sin. He took the punishment for each ones sin on himself. By doing this He makes it possible for everyone to be freed from the bondage of that sin. He makes it possible for everyone to experience peace. The wonder-working God shows His love for us through this greatest gift that was ever given. As you go through the preparations and celebrations of Christmas once again, let me encourage you to pause for a while to consider the true meaning of it all. Jesus really is the reason for this time of celebration. Embracing Him as your personal Saviour will fill you with peace beyond human understanding. My prayer for you is that the wonder of who Jesus is will capture your heart and mind this season and that you will be filled with the true joy that comes from knowing Him. Merry Christmas!Upcoming EventsDec. 14 Youth Christmas Banquet, 6:00 pm at SBC Dec. 15 Young Adults/Marrieds Christmas Potluck, 6:00 pm Dec. 16 Sunday School Christmas Program, 7:00 pm Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Service, 7:00 pm Moms Morning Out: the Moms Group meets Tuesday mornings from 9:3011:00 am. Child care is provided. Mens Group meets biweekly on Tuesday nights at 7:30 pm. Child care is provided during the Sunday Morning Worship Service for toddlers to age 4. The AWANA program is for all children in the community, ages 3 to grade 6. It runs on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm.

Sunday Sermons are now available online!

The Watoto Childrens Choir will be at SBC on Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 7:00 pm. Watch for posters around town as the date gets closer!

Please contact the church oce for more informa on on any of our programs or Sunday Services! Phone: 306-792-2102 Fax: 306-792-2024 email: oce@springsidebap website: www.springsidebap

A Dog-Gone Christmas I Remember-Marion OckochinskiIn 1962 our family was living in a little-little house in Whitecourt, Alberta. There were six little Campbells at the time, the last one not coming along until 1964. My mother was teaching at the newly built St. Josephs School and my dad was doing janitor work there along with taking care of the two younger children during the day. It was a busy, but happy time and I felt that the only thing missing was a dog. We always had two cats, but a dog would be a special friend for me and I made all the usual deals; I would walk it and care for it and clean up after it (we all know those promises!) I spent a great deal of time mentioning the wonders of puppies and all the benefits of adding just one more member to our little house which really was quite a bit bigger than the house we had left on the farm, and I felt sure that Christmas would see my hopes and wishes fulfilled. On Christmas morning when I was checking all the packages for one that showed signs of life and not finding any that fit that bill, I was not the happiest girl in the world when I opened the package from Santa and found a pajama bag dog with a zipper in its tummy to put pajamas in and then to sit it up on the pillows of my bed. IT WAS NOT A REAL DOG!!!!! Later that evening, when we were just about ready for bed there was a yipping and scratching noise at the back door and when we checked there was a small dog asking to be let in. At last! Here was my dog! I was overjoyed! For some reason my parents didnt quite share in my happiness as it wasnt quite in their plans at the time. The next few days they had my older brothers and sister asking all their friends if they knew anyone who was missing a dog. No one had heard of anyone in that predicament and I was quite happy to keep it that way. Though I was finding it a little less thrilling to have to actually walk the dog, feed him, clean up his messes and

have him come first instead of just running off and doing as I pleased during the school holiday. The day before school started we had a phone call from someone who had heard that we were looking for owners of a lost dog. It turned out that my little dog was being taken care of by friends of a family who had gone on a Christmas trip and the dog didnt like the care taker and had come to visit us instead. My Christmas dog didnt last all that long, but it gave me a taste of pet care responsibility and at that time a week was pretty much all I wanted. My mother did take me to one side after my dog was gone and my tears were dried. Next year. She said, Please dont ask for an elephant for Christmas!

Christmas Humour from Norms Collection-Norman LiebrechtA man in Winnipeg calls his son in Calgary two days before Christmas and says, "I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough!" "Pop, what are you talking about?" the son screams. "We can't stand the sight of each other any longer," the father says. "We're sick of each other, and Im sick of talking about this, so call your sister in Vancouver and tell her." The father then hangs up. Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. "No way they're getting divorced!" she barks, "I'll take care of this." She calls Winnipeg immediately and screams at her father, "You are not getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there by tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?" and hangs up. The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. "Okay," he says, "...they're coming for Christmas...and paying their own way."

The Tale of Three Trees-Submitted by Terry PopoffOnce upon a mountain top, three little trees stood and dreamed of what they wanted to become when they grew up. The first little tree looked up at the stars and said: "I want to hold treasure. I want to be covered with gold and filled with precious stones. I'll be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world!" The second little tree looked out at the small stream trickling by on its way to the ocean. "I want to be traveling mighty waters and carrying powerful kings. I'll be the strongest ship in the world!" The third little tree looked down into the valley below where busy men and women worked in a busy town. "I don't want to leave the mountain top at all. I want to grow so tall that when people stop to look at me, they'll raise their eyes to heaven and think of God. I will be the tallest tree in the world." Years passed and the little trees grew tall. One day three woodcutters climbed the mountain. The first woodcutter looked at the first tree and said, "This tree is beautiful. It is perfect for me." With a swoop of his shining ax, the first tree fell. "Now I shall be made into a beautiful chest, I shall hold wonderful treasure!" the first tree said. The second woodcutter looked at the second tree and said, "This tree is strong. It is perfect for me." With a swoop of his shining ax, the second tree fell. "Now I shall sail mighty waters!" thought the second tree. "I shall be a strong ship for mighty kings!" The third tree felt her heart sink when the last woodcutter looked her way. She stood straight and tall and pointed bravely to heaven. But the woodcutter never even looked up. "Any kind of tree will do for me." He muttered. With a swoop of his shining ax the third tree fell. The first tree rejoiced when the woodcutter brought her to a carpenter's shop. But the carpenter fashioned the tree into a feed box for animals. The once beautiful tree was not covered with gold, nor with treasure. She was coated with sawdust and filled with hay for hungry farm animals. The second tree smiled when the woodcutter took her to a shipyard, but no mighty ship was made that day. Instead, the once strong tree was hammered and sawed into a simple fishing boat. She was too small

and too weak to sail to an ocean, or even a river. Instead she was taken to a little lake. The third tree was confused when the woodcutter cut her into strong beams and left her in a lumberyard. "What happened?" The once tall tree wondered. "All I ever wanted was to stay on the mountain top and point to God..." Many, many days and nights passed. The three trees nearly forgot their dreams. But one night, golden starlight poured over the first tree as a young woman placed her newborn baby in the feed box. "I wish I could make a cradle for him," her husband whispered. The mother squeezed his hand and smiled as the starlight shone on the smooth and the sturdy wood. "This manger is beautiful," she said. And suddenly the first tree knew he was holding the greatest treasure in the world. One evening a tired traveler and his friends crowded into the old fishing boat. The traveler fell asleep as the second tree quietly sailed out into the lake. Soon a thundering and thrashing storm arose. The little tree shuddered. She knew she did not have the strength to carry so many passengers safely through the wind and the rain. The tired man awakened. He stood up, stretched out his hand and said, "Peace." The storm stopped as quickly as it had begun. And suddenly the second tree knew he was carrying the King of heaven and earth. One Friday morning, the third tree was startled when her beams were yanked from the forgotten woodpile. She flinched as she was carried through an angry jeering crowd. She shuddered when soldiers nailed a man's hands to her. She felt ugly and harsh and cruel. But on Sunday morning, when the sun rose and the earth trembled with joy beneath her, the third tree knew that God's love had changed everything. It had made the third tree strong. And every time people thought of the third tree, they would think of God. That was better than being the tallest tree in the world. So the next time you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy because God is thinking of something better to give you. author unknown

My Christmas Memories-Joyce CockleNow Christmas is not the same as family has spread to all parts of Canada and doing the one year at one parents home and the other at their home. Last Christmas was special as our Great grandson Gabriel was here but this year he will be with his family at his home. Our second great grandson Brayden will be down hopefully and he will make it a special day. Now you can drive to the front door but in my time ( younger years) it was a voyage going to Granny and Grandpas. No matter how cold, you were bundled into the sleigh box and drove the team to the front door. There were no snow plows to clear the roads just a horse driven path with lots of snow banks to glide over. But it was fun. My Uncle Fred always had the honors to come and get us. We had Christmas concerts in the old town hall just across from the school ,with lots of practicing to get ready for the big night. All the excitement of the stage prepping, costumes made (with crepe paper), lines to memorize and forget and have your teacher on the side line prompting you. There was the excitement to look out in the fully packed hall and see your parents, grandparents Uncles and Aunts. At the end you would have Santa visit and hand out presents and each child was given a bag with candies, peanuts and an orange in it. There was even a huge Christmas tree brought in from way up North. My Grandparents and Uncle Fred came in with the horse and cutter tying them up to the hitching poles and putting horse blankets on to keep them warm (horses). The same blankets then were used to keep the humans warm, no wonder you smelled like horses. We had the luxury of climbing into the back seat of the car and riding the few blocks home. As the vehicles became more used roads were cleared to a point. We did have some milder winters with less snow and were able to drive to the farm (grandparents place) and park the car in the garage

to keep the radiator from freezing (no electricity to plug it into). Food was abundant and we always played games after supper. If it was a Sunday games were played but cards werent used as Grandpa did not allow cards on Sunday. Monopoly, Rumoli, croconole , snakes and ladders, the kids got to play as well when they grew older otherwise it was dolls, spinning tops, dishes, trucks to name a few. The only heat in the house was a wood cook stove, heaters and if it got too hot we would open the doors. My favorite was the turkey wings and the plum pudding with a caramel sauce. The candy came out at Christmas time lots and lots along with the oranges. One year we went into the city (Yorkton) to my Aunt Agnes and Uncle Melvin. Three cousins lived there but it wasnt the same as my grandparents didnt come and it seemed they helped make the Christmas. When we were younger we could snuggle up on Grannys lap and she would brush our hair but no one wanted to sit on grandpas knee as he had his thumb tip cut off and it left the nail to grow thick and he would always pinch you with it. Then ask whats the matter, very innocently. Christmas was a time to enjoy everyone around you, open presents, eat lots of food, play games, and to enjoy your relatives. As time went on and progress was made we motored to Yorkton to do Christmas shopping but for many years it was still the Eatons and Simpsons catalogue that you ordered from . I can remember pouring over those catalogues and making my list to Santa, wondering if he got it, and waiting for that glorious day.

Merry Christmas

A Christmas Blast From the Past At Sharp Automotive Repair Ltd we employ todays latest automotive technology and are equipped to handle all major and minor auto repair services on foreign and domestic vehicles. Below are some of the many auto repair services that we offer:x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

A/C service Alignment service Brake service Clutch service Computer diagnostics and repair Cooling systems Electrical systems Engine rebuild Fuel systems Shocks and struts Suspension service Transmission service Tune-ups and maintenance SGI Inspection station NAPA Auto Care Center

Christmas parties at the Rink were a special part of Christmas festivities in Springside. A visit from Santa brought smiles to all. Pictured above is former mayor Martin Arndt with Santa. Kitty Arndt supplied the accompaniment for the young carolers at their first Christmas party at the newly renovated rink.

We would like to wish our customers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for your patronage.

This is your invitation to join in the fun at the S.R.A.

New Years Eve Family SkateMonday Dec. 31st at 7:30 pm.

Everyone is Welcome

Thank you to our loyal customers for your continued support since we opened our cafe in Springside. Although there have been many trials and tribulations, we have stood strong and will continue to do so knowing that we have you supporting us. As we enter a new year, it is our aim to continue and improve the service we offer and we very much value your constructive comments that assist us as managers to continue to give quality service. Best of the Holiday Season to you and yours from the Management of Scoops Nicole, Pat and Don Roy

Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

As the Holiday Season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped to shape our business in a most significant way. We value our relationship with you and look forward to working with you in the year to come. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with peace and prosperity.

Dan and Christel Derow Springside Plumbing & Heating Ltd.

Sunday School Christmas ConcertSpringside Baptist Church Sunday, Dec. 16th 7:00 pm.

Springside School Annual Christmas ConcertThursday, December 20th1:00 pm. And 7:00 pm. At the Springside School Auditorium Your donation of a non -perishable food item would be appreciated. Everyone is welcome

Happy Holidays from the students and staff of Springside SchoolThe last day of school is Dec. 21st with classes resuming Jan.3rd

Everyone is welcome

Christmas Crafts-Janine Graves

Unbaked Cake-Lovey Liebreich1 egg cup butter 1 tbsp. cocoa 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 tsp. Vanilla 30 graham wafers cup crushed nuts Butter cream icing Combine first five ingredients. Heat but do not boil. Add graham wafers crushed fine. Mix well. Spread in square pan. Make chocolate butter icing. Add nuts if desired. Spread on cake. Put in fridge for two hours. Also freezes well.

Help paint your childs feet with the toes being red and the rest being green. Carefully place the childs feet on a plain white paper to form an upside down V. slowly remove feet add the childs name and year. Makes great gifts for parents and grandparents

Christmas Cherry Loaf-Deb Keyowski( in memory of my Mom, Marie Keyowski)Christmas (fruit) cake was never very popular with my family members so Mom would make this loaf instead. It looked very festive as she would bake it in a large tomato juice can for the round shape. 1- 6 oz. jar red cherries 1 beaten egg 1 1/4 tsps. baking powder 2 cups flour 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup melted butter 1/4 tsp. salt milk Drain the cherries, saving the juice. Cut cherries in half. Add enough milk to cherry juice to make one cup. Combine sugar, butter, egg and milk juice mixture. Beat well. Add sifted dry ingredients and stir only until mixed. Add nuts. Fold in cherries last. Bake in greased loaf pan 350 degree oven for 1 hour

Create your own unique ornament for your Christmas Tree. Dip thumb into brown finger paint Place in the middle of ornament When paint is completely dry add the reindeer antlers, eyes, and nose using red and black paint or marker You can add additional reindeer all around the ornament if you like This is a great keepsake to hang on the tree each year!

Snicker Apple Salad-Grace Goltz1-4 oz box instant vanilla pudding 1/2 c. milk 1-16 oz tub Cool Whip, softened 3 Snicker candy bars, cut into bite-sized pieces 3 Granny Smith or Gala apples, diced 1 can crushed pineapple, drained Mix pudding and milk together until blended; add Cool Whip. fold in apples, chopped bars and pineapple. Refrigerate overnight so the bar softens. Enjoy

Sweet Potato Casserole- Diane Jones4 large yams, boiled, mashed 1/2 cup sugar 3/4 cup butter 2 eggs, beaten 2 Tbsp cornstarch 1 cup milk Topping: 1 cup Corn Flakes, crushed 1 cup coconut 1/2 cup pecans 3/4 cup butter 1/2 cup brown sugar Mix the first ingredients and place in a 9X13 pan. Bake uncovered at 400 for 30 minutes. To prepare topping, melt butter and brown sugar together and combine ingredients. Add topping and bake 15 minutes more. (Do not cover).

Orzo Salad-Grace Goltz2 c. orzo pasta, cooked, drained and cooled 2 cans mandarin oranges, drained 1 can pineapple tidbits or 1 can fruit cocktail 2 c. juice (from the canned fruit) 3 eggs, beaten 2 Tbsp. flour 1 c. sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 c. miniature marshmallows 8 oz. Cool Whip Cook pasta, according to directions, for 8-10 minutes and drain. Drain oranges and pineapple, reserving juices. Drain juice from the fruits: add water to make 2 cups. Heat juice/water mixture and thicken with sugar, flour, and beaten eggs. Mix with orzo and let set overnight. Next day, fold in fruit, marshmallows and Cool Whip. Enjoy!!!!!!!

Christmas greetings in other languagesChinese - [Mandarin] - "Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan" Chinese - [Catonese] - "Saint Dan Fai Lok" Czech - "Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok" Danish - "Gldelig Jul" Dutch - "Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar" French - "Joyeux Nol" German - "Froehliche Weihnachten" Hungarian - "Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket" Icelandic - "Gledileg Jol" Norwegian - "God Jul" Polish - "Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia" Russian - "Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva s Novim Godom" Ukrainian - "Z Rizdvom Khrystovym !" - "Merry Christmas" Yugoslavian - "Cestitamo Bozic"

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!

Pampushky-Deb KeyowskiPampushky were always a special treat at our house, only made at Christmas time. Mom would fry them in lard, rather than in oil, as oil seemed to penetrate through the doughnuts and leave a heavy taste, while lard somehow did not. They are a lot of work but well worth the effort. cup warm water 2 pkg. yeast cup sugar 1 tsp. salt 2 tsp. baking powder 3 to 4 cups flour 1 Tsp. sugar 4 cups milk cup oil 6 cups flour 6 eggs, beaten Poppy Seed Filling 2 cups poppy seeds Boiling water Brown sugar or honey Pinch of salt, to taste Prune Filling Prunes Brown sugar Bit of lemon and cinnamon Stir warm water and one tsp. sugar. Add yeast. Let rise. Scald milk. Add cup sugar, oil and salt; cool. In a deep bowl, sift six cups flour and baking powder. Add beaten eggs, yeast and milk mixture; stir together with a wooden spoon. Add another three to four cups flour to make a soft dough. Cover. Let rise in warm oven for one hour or until double in size. Punch down once. Let rise again. It is ready to roll (not too thinly). Cut into squares or rounds, like for perogies.

Filling; The night before, cover poppy seeds with boiling water and let them soak until the following morning. Drain thoroughly and put through the finest blade of a food chopper or use a coffee grinder. Add brown sugar or honey, pinch of salt to taste and more boiling water so that the seeds will hold together. On each round {or square) of dough, put tsp. filling or more. Seal. Let rise. Deep fry as doughnuts. Prune Filling; Boil prunes. Remove pits if not pitted. Discard juice. Chop and add brown sugar and a bit of lemon and cinnamon to taste.

Blueberry Dessert-Lovey Liebreich1 large container of Cool Whip 2 boxes vanilla instant pudding 3 cups milk Unsalted soda crackers Mix pudding and milk together. Pour the pudding on the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Put a layer of crackers on top. Cover with of the Cool Whip. Put another layer of crackers on top. Put the remaining pudding on top. Layer with more crackers. Top with the rest of the Cool Whip. Top it all with blueberry pie filling (cherry could be used). Let it set up for 24 hrs. covered with foil in the fridge.

Christmas Punch-Lovey Liebreich1- 48 oz. can pineapple juice 1-6 oz. Can frozen orange juice 1-6 oz. can frozen lemonade 2 pkg. cherry Kool-aid 2-750 ml. bottles of ginger ale 1-750 ml. bottle of club soda 1 cup sugar Ice cubes, lemon and orange slices Combine all ingredients other than the ginger ale and club soda. Add these just before serving. Makes a large punch bowl.

HEY MEN !Are you looking for a new barber? SPRINGSIDE HAIR SHOPPE WELCOMES YOU! Call 792-2281 Tues. thru Fri. at 1 pm. You'll be glad you did ! Christmas is around the corner so remember to book early so you won't be disappointed ! As we celebrate our Saviors Birth Season Greetings to all my PRESENT AND FUTURE CUSTOMERS from my Wishing you a joyous Christmas season with all the best in the coming year. Debbie Banks -Sunset Gourmet home to yours ! Adrienne and family

Christmas TriviaThe Christmas abbreviation-Xmas-is thought by some to be sacreligious, but in fact the first letter of the Greek word for Christ is chi, which is X. Before the invention of the printing press, Xmas was often used, in print, to save time and ink.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Yearfrom Janine GravesYour Independent Latisha consultant

Good King Wenceslas phonedDomino's for a pizza. The salesgirl asked him:'Do you want your usual? Deep pan, crisp and even?'


Nicolas Kevin JanettBorn Sept. 20, 2012 1:48 pm. 7 lbs. 5 oz. You have to hold me up to see The angel on the Christmas tree. And even though Im still too small To know the meaning of it all You watch my eyes reflect the glow Of colored lights that come and go And feel me quiver with delight At every new and wondrous sight.

Winston Douglas BaileyBorn Sept. 29, 2012 7 lbs. 14 oz.Winstons proud parents are Curtis Bailey and Jennifer Schappert. Proud grandparents are Doug and Betty Bailey and Ken and Heidi Schappert. Super proud Great Grandma is Erna Tillman.

Lee and Brenna (Byblow) Janett are so happy to announce the safe arrival of their new son. Proud grandparents are Stephen and Jacquie Byblow of Yorkton, and Perry and Elaine Janett of Bredenbury. Proud greatgrandparents are Paul and Helen Byblow of Springside.

Braylon Alexander Betz Jasmine Lynn RitchieBorn July 30, 2012 8 lbs. 9 oz. 22 long Jasmines proud parents are Elizabeth and Rory Ritchie of North Vancouver, B.C. Proud grandparents are Glen and Wendy Merkley and Great Grandmother, Clara Merkley.

Born Sept 22, 2012 at 9:53 pm. 7lbs. 13 oz. 22 long

Mikayla Kate PullmanCongratulations to proud parents, Brandon Betz of Langenburg and Dana Banks , and to Braylons big sister Paige Lynn. Proud grandparents are Debbie and Collin Banks of Springside, and Brad Betz of Oregon, U.S.A.

Born Sept. 22, 2012 8 lbs. 3 oz.Congratulations to proud parents, Joel and Krista Pullman and grandparents, Aaron and Ruth Pullman.

In Loving MemoryMerry Christmas From HeavenI still hear the songs I still see the lights I still feel your love On cold wintery nights. I still share your hopes And all of your cares Ill even remind you To say all your prayers I just want to tell you You still make me proud You stand head and shoulders Above all the crowds Keep trying each moment To stay in his grace I came here before you To help set your place You dont have to be perfect All of the time He forgives you the slip If you continue the climb To my family and friends Please be Thankful today Im still right beside you In a new special way I love you all dearly Now dont shed a tear Cause Im spending Christmas With Jesus this year-By John Wm Monney Jr

Pauline (Derow) Hnidey May 30,1921 Nov. 7, 2012

Albert Eckhart Sept. 1, 1921 Aug. 29, 2012

Hazel (Anderson) Sharp Jan. 13, 1921-Sept. 19, 2012

Phyllis (Jeanroy) Langley June 29, 1933-Nov. 10,2012

Rose Efrosina Byblow Aug. 27, 1926 Sept. 8, 2012

John Wasylowich Jan. 7, 1918-Nov. 4, 2012

Springside School Community Council-Michelle EckhartSpringside School has been a flurry of activity the past few months! The annual Open house was held on October 16th. We had a wonderful turn out to unveil the Divisions new strategic plan and for parents and community members to see what is going on in the school. They were able to see all of the work being done in the art room, the new musical instruments that are being used in art class. At the open house the Student of Distinction award was presented by Superintendent of Education Juanita Brown. This years recipient was Cassie Jones. Cassie is a grade eight student at Springside School who is involved in sports, music, and her community. Cassie exemplifies this award. Regardless of grade level or age, all students within the division are eligible to be nominated for this very special annual award. The student of distinction award is awarded to one student in each school in Good Spirit School division for commitment to community tries their best at school, and contributes to school and community spirit. CONGRATULATIONS CASSIE!!! The SCC would like to thank the community for supporting its latest fundraising endeavour- DFS Fundraising products. We were able to raise over $3000.00 with the communitys support. With the proceeds of the fundraiser we were able to buy 4 IPads and accessories to be used by students in the classroom. This will enable students to keep current with technology in the classroom and further develop their skills. The students were also able to raise $1486.00 for the Terry Fox Run this fall. Thank you again to our wonderful, supporting community!

regional, provincial, and maybe even national competitions. Parent Teacher Interviews and a Book fair were held on November 28th and November 29th. The annual Christmas Concert will be held on Thursday, December 20th. There will be a 1:00pm afternoon dress rehearsal and a 7:00 pm evening show. We welcome all to attend. The SCC will have a 50/50 draw and a door prize raffle. We ask that everyone please a non-perishable food item for donation to the Soup Haven. There will be a Ski and Tubing Trip on Friday, January 25th at Assesippi for all students. Further details will follow in the New Year. On behalf of the Springside School Community Council we would like to wish you and your family a Healthy, Happy Holiday Season and a Prosperous 2013!

Keeping Pets Safe Over the HolidaysPets go through a lot of changes during the holidays. They can have a safe environment changed drastically when all of the decorations come out. You can help keep pets safe during the holiday season by following the tips below. x Many holiday plants can lead to health problems in dogs and cats. Among the plants to keep out of reach are holly, mistletoe, poinsettias and lilies. Pine needles, when ingested, can puncture holes in a pet's intestine. So keep pet areas clear of pine needles. Do not let pets drink the holiday tree water. Do not put aspirin in the water (some folks do this thinking it will keep the tree or plant more vigorous). If a pet ingests aspirin-laced water, his health or even his life can be at risk. Pets, particularly cats, can be tempted to eat tinsel, which can block the intestines. Hang tinsel high and securely to keep it out of reach of pets. Chocolate, especially unsweetened baking chocolate and dark chocolate, contains a substance called theobromine that is dangerous to your pets.




The Springside School would like to thank the Springside Legion for their special participation in our Remembrance Day service this year. We would also like to congratulate all of the winners of the poster and poetry contest. These entries will go on to compete in


Municipal Elections 2012

Election Results from the Rural MunicipalitiesR.M. of Garry - Reeve Gary Dubiel R.M. of Orkney - Reeve Dale Rhinas R.M. of Wallace - Reeve Irvin Stricker


Springsides newly elected council1st Row; Kelly Popowich, Elmer Tetz, Joan Kelbaugh, Barry Merriman Back Row; Dan Derow, Mayor Al Langley, Alvin Breitkreuz

As 2012 draws to a close, we would like to extend our sincere wishes for peace, hope and love during this blessed Christmas season and throughout the coming year.

Council DepartmentsDepartment Committee MemberDan Derow Barry Merriman Elmer Tetz Alvin Breitkreuz Kelly Popowich Barry Merriman Alvin Breitkreuz Elmer Tetz Joan Kelbaugh Dan Derow Alvin Breitkreuz Kelly Popowich Barry Merriman Barry Merrman Kelly Popowich Joan Kelbaugh

ATTENTION NEW AND EXISTING BUSINESS OWNERSSPRINGSIDE LOANS ASSOC.Is offering loans for business up to $15,000.00 at 4% interest. For more information contact Joan at the town office at 792-2022

Water, Sewer & Landfill

Streets, Machinery & Buildings

Occupation Health & Safety & Community Development Park, Hall & Cemetary

Attention SnowmobilersThe following is the town bylaw with regard to the usage of snowmobiles in the town of Springside: Bylaw #6-1995 Section 28

Springside Fire Dept.

Springside Rec Assoc.

It shall be lawful to operate a snowmobile on all streets and lanes within the town of Springside for the purpose of leaving and returning to the town only and this shall be done between the hours of 7:30 am. and 11:00 pm.

Sports, Recreation & Culture

Springside Recreation Association-Deb KeyowskiThe Springside Recreation Association held their annual general meeting on Monday, Nov. 12th. Executive positions are as follows; President - Trevor Shindle Vice President Jeremy Flett Secretary Sherry Kaban Shindle Treasurer Michelle Weston An important fundraiser for the S.R.A. was the monthly barbeque bingos which were held over the summer. We would like to thank the following for their generous donation of prizes; May/June- Planters Paradise and Scoops July Sharps Automotive and Tom Gall August The Craftshack and Springside Family Foods Sept. Bernie Draper-Avon Rep and Springside Hair Shop Oct. - Omars Welding and Ridge Runner Construction We would also like to thank Drake Meats, our major sponsor and to all the Bingo players who came out to support us. In addition, thank you to the Springside Snowmobile Club for their generous monetary donation and to Omars Welding for sponsorship of general skating.

Some of the expenditures of the S.R.A. include the purchase of ten tables for the hall, a cooler for summer use in the arena and a floor scrubber. We would like to invite families to our annual New Years Eve skate, which will be held Dec. 31st at 7:30 p.m. This is a great way to spend some quality family time and ring in the New Year! We, at the S.R.A. would like to wish everyone a joyous Christmas and the very best in the coming year.

Boston Pizza Supports Springside

Did you know that whenever you eat at Boston Pizza, they will contribute 10% of your total bill to the Springside Recreation Association (S.R.A) for sports, recreation and culture in the community of Springside? All you need to do is have your server stamp your receipt and deposit the receipt at Scoops at the rink. Thanks to Boston Pizza for this great initiative and for supporting our community.

Interested in Walking?This year, the rink played host to many activities. The functions that were held were the annual New Years Eve Skate, Slushorama, GX94 Star Search, Summer Fun Spot, the Shamrock Kennel and Obedience Dog show, a family reunion, Tam and Sams Walk against Violence and a Roller Derby. The S.R.A. also hosted two pancake breakfasts that were held at the town hall. A major improvement to the rink came in the form of a concrete pad which was laid for accessibility to the ice surface. This pad protects the ice surface from the tracking in of dirt and mud and also provides wheel chair accessibility. We would like to thank Rick Chartier, Dan Derow and Tim Werner for constructing the pad. In addition to the concrete pad, we have installed a power supply at the west side of the bleachers. This will provide a much needed resource of additional power for events in the future. Come join us at the Springside Town Hall Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 a.m. Bring your walking shoes, so you can change your footwear at the door. For more information you can contact Clara Merkley at 792-2066 See you there!

Springside Seniors-Audrey Badke

Helping seniors stay safe

Seniors Home Security ProgramA new safety program for Saskatchewans seniors has been announced by the Govt of Saskatchewan to assist low income seniors and seniors who have been affected by a break and enter or home invasion. Under the new program, seniors will benefit from increased security through targeted home safety assessments and installation of home safety equipment at no charge to them. A home safety assessment and home safety equipment and installation are provided to seniors at no cost to them. Eligible home safety equipment includes deadbolts, door viewers, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms and smoke alarm batteries. To be eligible for the program, seniors must be 65 or older and either have an annual household net income of $35.000.00 or less; or have been the victim of a break and enter or a home invasion. More information can be found at or from the Springside Town Office.

2012 is coming to an end. We have had a very active year with so many special events. Our theme for October was Oktoberfest. Everyone brought German dishes for potluck. Len Gadica entertained us to toe tapping music which was enjoyed by all. November was a busy month. We held a cribbage tournament on the 13th. First place was taken by Erna Tillman and Sonya Effa. The shuffleboard tournament was on the 19th. First place was taken by Mabel Sharp and Peter Chuchak. On the 28 , we had our potluck supper. Everything was delicious as usual. Ed Sak entertained us with his d.v.d. on Mexico. December is our Christmas supper on the 11th. Members if you need your tickets, call 792-2144 or drop into the centre in the mornings and ask for Peter. There is no cribbage or shuffleboard in December, the tournaments will continue in January. Call the centre at 792-2144 for dates and times. Leave your name to play. Wellness is on December 12th from 9:00a.m. to noon. Anyone who is travelling to family or friends have a safe

Springside Volunteer Fire Department-Rhonda EastcottThe Springside Volunteer Fire Department would like to invite everyone to their annual Firemen's Dinner which will be held on Feb 9, 2013 at the Springside town hall. Tickets will be available in January. Please come out and support the department. There are awards being presented and it is also the retirement of two of our members. The Springside Fire Department would like to send warm wishes to everyone for a very Merry Christmas and may your dreams come true in 2013. Please have a safe and wonderful holiday season.

Wishing all a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year from the Springside Seniors.

Get your Vehicle Ready for WinterSchedule a maintenance check-up for the vehicles tires and tire pressure, battery, belts and hoses, radiator, oil, lights, brakes, exhaust system, heater/defroster, wipers and ignition system. Keep your gas tank sufficiently full at least half a tank is recommended.

Saluting Success

Springsides Chad NehringChad Nehring, son of Morlie and Irene Nehring is making his mark in the hockey world. Chads skating career began when he was four years of age with the Springside figure Skating Club. He played his minor hockey in Springside, and then played in Melville for four years. Chads hockey rights belonged to the Yorkton Terrier Hockey Club, so he played with the AA and AAA Terriers before joining the Yorkton Terrier Junior Hockey team when he was sixteen. While playing with the Terriers they won back to back championships from 2004 to 2006. In May of 2006, the team won silver at the Royal Bank Cup in Brampton, Ontario. The highlight of these years for Chad was playing together with his brother, Dustin. Chad won the most valuable player Award in 2007. This earned him a scholarship at Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan from 2007 to 2011. On April 30, 2011, he graduated, receiving a Bachelor of Science in exercise science and an associate in health/fitness specialist degree with honors. Chad joined the Idaho Steelheads of the East Coast hockey league in Boise, Idaho for the playoffs in the spring of 2011. He returned to play with the Steelheads for the 2011-2012 season. He recorded thirty two points, with seventeen goals, and fifteen assists. The Steelheads are affiliated with the Texas Stars (A.H.L.) and the Dallas Stars (N.H.L.). This season, Chad is playing in the Central Hockey League. He plays with the Arizona Sundogs in Prescott Valley, Arizona. He currently leads his team with eight goals and six assists for fourteen points. He also received the League Oakley Second Star award for the month of October. Congratulations Chad on your accomplishments. We love you and are very proud of you -Mom, Dad, Jana, Dustin and Baba

SPRINGSIDE LIONS CLUB-Judy BerrnsA BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came out to enjoy our Community Fall Supper on Saturday, November 17th. Lions Club members together with many volunteers from our community got together to make perogies, cabbage rolls and meatballs, help with the cooking, serving, setup and cleanup and generally pitched in to make the supper a success. From all reports, this was also a time of fun and fellowship. Thank you also to those who donated food: Springside Fine Foods for the buns, Evan Werner for the potatoes and all those who generously donated salads and desserts. Net proceeds from the supper will be donated to the Town of Springside Rink Fund. Winner of the raffle was our new mayor, Al Langley. It was nice to see the younger generation get involved with this project and we hope that this will be an annual event. Upcoming events: Saturday, December 8th we will be having our annual Community Calendar pickup day together with a pancake breakfast at the Centennial Hall. Breakfast will be served from 8:00 11:00 a.m. and calendars can be picked up until noon. We will be selling tickets for our Christmas Raffle at that time. Everyone is welcome for breakfast even if you do not have a calendar to pick up! We appreciate everyones efforts to pick up their calendars and support our event. Lions members together with Santa will be handing out candy bags at the Springside School on the last day of classes before Christmas. Ukrainian New Years Eve Dance will be held on Saturday, January 12, 2013 at the Centennial Hall with music provided by Len Gadica. Advance tickets $15.00 per person. Dance from 7:00-11:00 p.m. with lunch being served after the dance. Tickets available from any Lions member or at Springside Fine Foods. Our Club has recently made donations to the Springside School for their new Musicplay program, the Springside Skating Club for their Motivate to Skate Project and sponsored an ad in the Saskatchewan Legion magazine. A reminder that we will be hosting bingos the first Monday of the month from now until April doors open at 6:30 and bingo at 7:30. Hope to see you there!


Springside Legion News-Barry MerrimanThere was a good turnout for the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Springside Centennial Hall on Sunday, November 11, 2012 given the snowy conditions and heavy roads .

Tam and Sams Walk Against Violence 2012This event was a huge success, with funds of over $2,500.00 raised through the sale of raffle tickets and donations towards Guardian Angel Animal Rescue. Without your kindness and generosity, this would have never been able to happen. The financial assistance will provide security and help for GAAR as they are a non-profit organization, in which every dollar raised counts. GAAR was a passion and was very close to Tammys heart and being able to carry on what she felt so strongly about, no words can describe. It is amazing that in a tragic loss, people come together to provide support and strength to carry on remembrance of someone special, and to make a difference to those she loved. We may not be able to change the world but with your help we can Create Light in Someones Darkness! We would like to say a special thanks to the Town of Springside for supporting the event and allowing us to hold it each year at Tammys home. Thank you to Trevor Shindle for giving us access to the rink, to Springside Family Foods for baking the delicious donuts. Maria Stott... words cannot express how much you have helped us with this event. You were a special friend to Tam as you now are to us. We appreciate your fantastic ideas that helped us so greatly. Thank you to Richelle Mydonick who for the second year captured our memories of the day to enjoy for years to come. To all who came out, participated and donated through a prize or pledge ... THANK YOU Tammy was always so proud to call Springside her home and with people like this in the community, there is no doubt as to why. Again thank you to all for sharing and supporting us in this event. See you September 2013 Blessings, The Kulaway Family

Ceremonies were led by Legion President Barry Merriman with the Ministers Address by Richard Kauenhofen of the Springside Baptist Church. Thanks to Richard Kauenhofen for his thoughtful readings and sermon, to the legion members who saw to the ordering, collecting and delivering of the wreaths and crosses laid in honor of those who gave their lives in service of our country in wars of the past. Thanks as well to the honor guard including R.C.M.P. Corporal (Rtd.) Kristina Just and Constable Joanie Snowdy and members of the Springside Legion. Kitty Arndt, trumpeters Leah Fleger and Julie Breitkreuz and Taylor and Shelby Gibson with guitar and violin performances provided music and Dan Derow supplied the sound system expertise. Poems were read by Rayne Soanes, Taylor and Shelby Gibson. Prize winners of the poster contest submitted by Springside School children were announced. Following the ceremonies a lunch and time of fellowship with donations of sandwiches, baked goods and pickles by many members of the community was held. Thanks to Marjorie Langley for overseeing the donations and to all who attended, served or donated items and a huge thanks to the Springside 4-H for the clean-up help. Included in the event was 80th birthday celebrations for long time legion member Doug Merriman. The members of the Springside Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 71 would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a joyful Christmas and all the best in the coming year.

"There are only two ways of spreading light to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." Edith Wharton

Notes from Here and There-Marion OckochinskiOctober was a great month for company at Lloyd and Marions place with all the family being home for the week after Thanksgiving. Erin from Edmonton and Jared from Calgary were home for a week and Lisa, Lar, Mackenzie and Ffion from Dublin, Ireland were here for almost three weeks. Lots of fun for Grandad and Nana having the little ones around and a special birthday treat for Marion to have the whole family together. On November 8th, Trent Liebreich of Radville stopped in to visit with his parents, Norman and Lovey Liebreich and Warren. He was in Yorkton to judge the Heartland Livestock Commercial Cattle Futurity show at Harvest showdown. Warren Liebreich, along with his parents, would like to thank everyone who came out on Saturday, November 3rd, to help celebrate his special birthday. Thank you!

Farmers Almanac Winter Weather PredictionsDecember, 20128th-11th. Wet snow and/or rain showers for Rockies and Prairies. 12th-15th. Clearing skies. 16th-19th. Mostly fair, then light snow from the Rockies east. 20th-23rd. Fair and very cold. 24th-27th. If you're dreaming of a White Christmas, you might get your wish: heavy snows over the Rockies and Prairies. 28th-31st. Mostly fair.

January 20131st-3rd. Some snow, clear Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, then fair. 4th-7th. Heavy snow up to 30 centimeters from the Rockies up through the Prairies. 8th-11th. Turning much colder; temperatures may drop to -20 to -30C. 12th-15th. Snow across the Prairies. 16th-19th. Cold, with stormy weather spreading east from the Rockies. 20th-23rd. Stormy. 24th-27th. Cold, with snow for Alberta. 28th-31st. Flurries over Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

What Name for the Missing Plate?In 1967, Gordon Berrns, R. Benjamin and J. Sharp donated to the Springside 4H Beef Club the Grand Aggregate trophy. The first name to appear on that trophy was that of Shirley Benjamin. Each year, a new plate has been added to the trophy with the name of the recipient and the year. Like the Stanley Cup, the base of the trophy has been extended so that more plates with more names and dates can be added to it. All the names of the recipients are on the trophy except that of the person who received it in 1996. Marla Sharp won the trophy in 1995 and Julie Effa was the recipient in 1997. Can you help us solve the mystery about whose name belongs on the 1996 plate? If you know, please call Juanita or Allan Polegi (647-2753). Your help will be greatly appreciated.

February 20131st-3rd. Heavy snow up to 30 centimetres for the Prairies. 4th-7th. Cold and dry. 8th-11th. Fair, then flurries over Saskatchewan and Manitoba east. 12th-15th. Fair and cold becoming stormy for Alberta and Saskatchewan. 16th-19th. Stormy for Family Day in Alberta and Saskatchewan and Louis Riel Day in Manitoba. 20th-23rd. Fair, with brisk and cold winds. 24th-28th. Light snow from the Rockies across the Prairies east.

Community means strength to do the work that needs to be done...arms to hold us when we falter, a circle of healing, a circle of friends, someplace where we can be free. -- Starhawk

From this day forward

Mr. & Mrs. Jesse YouzwaKelly Langley, daughter of Al and Val Langley and Jesse Youzwa, son of Kevin and Shannon Youzwa of White Fox, Sk. were united in marriage on Sept. 1st , 2012 in Sylvan Lake. Congratulations to the happy couple. We wish you many years of health and happiness.

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan ShindleNathan Shindle, son of Trevor and Anne Shindle was united in marriage with Chantell Chypyha on Sept. 22, 2012.

Mr. & Mrs. Garth BreitkreuzGarth Breitkreuz, son of Royal and Sharon Breitkreuz and Jenna Steppan , daughter of Brad and Carol Steppan of Rockford, Sk. were married at Jennas parents farm home in Rockford on June 30, 2012.

Best wishes to Nathan and Chantell Congratulations!

Congratulations Jenna and Garth.

Traditional Wedding Anniversary Presents1st yearPaper & Plastic, 2nd yearCotton, 3rd year--Leather, 4th yearBooks, Fruit & Flowers, Silk, 5th year Wooden & Clocks, 6th yearIron, 7th yearCopper, Bronze or Brass, 8th year--Electrical Appliances, 9th year Willow or Pottery, 10th yearTin, Aluminum, 15th year--Crystal, 20th yearChina, 25th yearSilver, 30th year pearl, 35th yearCoral or Jade,40th yearRuby, 45th yearSapphire, 50th yearGold, 55th yearEmerald, 60th75th yearsDiamond.

Springside Student receives Student of Distinction Award

CONGRATULATIONS BRODY POPOWICHon winning the Pee Wee Football Yorkton Gridder OFFENSIVE PLAYER of the YEAR Award. Recently Brody also was chosen to play on the 14 & under South Saskatchewan Select Football Team originating out of Regina. He was the only one in this area that was picked to play. During the winter he will be playing football in Dallas, Louisiana or San Antonio, Texas.

-Superintendent of the Good Spirit School Division Juanita Brown with Student of Distinction award winner, Cassie Jones.

Congratulations to Cassie Jones for receiving the Student of Distinction award during Education Week which was held in October. . The award is presented by the Good Spirit School Division to a student who shows dedication and commitment in shaping positive communities by demonstrating the values of belonging, respect, responsibility, nurturing and learning. Cassie, who is a grade eight student at Springside School received the honor at the schools Open House from superintendent Juanita Brown. Way to go Cassie! Your family and the community of Springside are very proud of you. GREAT JOB & GOOD LUCK !!

Music Makers at Baptist ChurchMusic Makers is a music and movement program for young children. All children love and learn through music! A new session of Music Makers will begin in January on Thursday mornings at Springside Baptist Church for ages 18 months through 3 years as well as for ages 3 and 4. Come check out a class for free! For more information, contact Diane Jones at 641-9887.


You are invited to attend a come and go tea in honor of Donn Laubes eightieth birthday on Saturday, Feb. 16th from two until four p.m. at the Springside Hall.

We are in community each time we find a place where we belong -Peter F. Block

Happy Birthday Warren Liebrecht

Krigers Celebrate 50 Years

Happy 50th Warren. Wishing you 50 more! -from your family and friends.

Cockle Family Welcomes New Addition!

Bob and Jeanette Kriger recently celebrated their golden Wedding Anniversay Their close family and friends celebrated with them at the McDonald Hotel in Edmonton on Oct. 6, 2012. Congratulations Bob and Jeanette from your friends in Springside. God bless you with many more long and happy years.

This is our 4 generations Jim and Joyce Cockle, Grandson Brian Lauridsen, Daughter Donna Cockle and Great grandson Brayden James born Oct.20 10 lbs. 3 oz.23" long.-Submitted by Joyce Cockle

Congratulations Mom & Dad on your 50th Wedding Anniversary!!! You deserve all the best things life has to offer!!! We wish you Gods continued blessings of health, happiness and love in your marriage. Love your children Rock, Cory & Jen, Jodi & Jeff and your grandkids.. Gray, Ty, Emily, Mackenna, Ridge and Jace !!! We love you

Whitesand Wildlife Federation

Horn MeasuringWednesday December 12, 2012 7:30 pm

Become a MemberMembership Deadline: May 31/2013The Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation has 122 branches across the province with over 30,000 members representing every walk of life. Branch memberships are available through any SWF branch and are classified as follows: Regular: Anyone who subscribes to the objectives of the SWF and joins an affiliated branch, or club, may become a Regular member with the right to vote at annual and regional meetings and be elected as a director of the provincial board. Affiliate: A current Regular member may purchase an Affiliate membership for their spouse (or equivalent) at a reduced rate prescribed by the branches with the right to vote at annual and regional meetings and be elected as a director of the provincial board. An Affiliate membership for children eighteen and under may be purchased at a reduced rate prescribed by the branches, with ages 12 - 18 given the right to vote at annual and regional meetings, but cannot be elected as a director of the provincial board. Family: A Family membership may be purchased by a current Regular member at the prescribed rate, which would include two or more Affiliate members within the regular members immediate family (spouse, children within the regular members household). Benefits of a Branch Membership include: x Comprehensive insurance package including: x Low rate $10, 000 life insurance policy x Every 2 months members receive the Outdoor Edge magazine delivered to their door ($6 of the membership fee is allocated for your subscription) x Members save $10 at x Members save 10% at Mark's Work Wearhouse. x Eligible to enter provincial fish and big game (Henry Kelsey) competitions. x Eligible to enter all local branch trophy competitions. x Eligible to attend and vote at all branch meetings. x Eligible to attend banquets and special events of your branch as well as participate in local projects. x Eligible to attend and vote at regional meetings and the annual convention. x Satisfaction of supporting conservation and good resource management.

Springside Legion Hall

Annual Wildlife Banquet & Awards Night

March 16, 2013 Watch for Posters

For any further Club information contactCall: Ed (306)792-4752 Email: [email protected] Or any Whitesand Wildlife Member

Meetings are held at 7:30pm on the Second Tuesday of Every month At the Springside Legion Hall.

Another 4-H Springside Beef Club Year Begins-Jillian Just Club ReporterOur first meeting was on Tuesday, October 30, 2012. The Springside 4-H Beef Club has 12 new and returning members this year. The club conducted their club elections. The 2012-2013 executives are: President: Laura Weinbender Vice President: Dale Weinbender Secretary: Madison Shearer Treasurer: Kaitlyn Polegi Reporter: Jillian Just Club Delegates: Jace Hansen, Mathew ZalysSmeretsky General Leader: LeeAnn Weinbender Project Leaders: Kristina Just, Jodi Hansen, and LeeAnn Weinbender Six members attended the Springside Remembrance Day ceremony on Sunday, November 11, 2012. The club wreath was laid by Kaitlyn Polegi and Thea Valstar. Jodi Hansen laid the wreath on behalf of the provincial government. Emma Just and I laid the wreath on behalf of the RCMP. There was a delicious lunch after the ceremony. Our club members washed dishes and helped clean up the hall after the lunch. Thea Valstar and Jace Hansen recently showed pens of cattle at the Yorkton Grain Millers Harvest Showdown Commercial Cattle Show. Some of our club members are participating in events at Agribition. Kaitlyn Polegi is showing cattle on behalf of a speckle park breeder and will be showing her most recent purchase a Hereford heifer in junior showmanship. Laura and Dale Weinbender will be assisting their parents in the Charolais barn and show area. My sister Emma and I will be participating in the 4-H seminar on EPDs, ultra-sounding, genetic marker selections and physical attribution selections.

We are looking forward to another busy year of project meetings, 4-H curling and public speaking. This years crop of calves are being thoroughly assessed and our calf projects are just beginning as we pick out the animal(s) we want to show. We will be working with our calves to prepare for the 21st Annual Spring Steer and Heifer Show, our club achievement day and of course the Regional Show and Sale to cap of our year next July. We would like to thank the Springside Legion for the use of their building for our meetings.

Springside United ChurchVi RodgersonThe congregation would like to express our sincere thank you to Laurie Howard, who has been our intern Minister over the past several months. Following her last service on Dec. 23rd, she will be moving to Jamaica. We wish her Gods blessings and all the best in her future endeavours. During the month of December, church will be held every Sunday at 11:00 December 2nd Advent Service and Communion December 9th Regular Service December 16th Regular Service December 23rd Christmas Service and Communion Our annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 12th at the Springside Seniors Center. Everyone is welcome. We would like to wish all a very blessed Christmas season and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Congratulations to the following Springside athletes who received awards at the Minor Football Awards banquet held in Yorkton recently; Grey McKen Dalton Fichtner Brody Popowich Jonathan Muir Lucas Muir

Christmas Candle Lamp CraftThis Christmas candle lamp craft is a fun way for kids to quickly recycle an old jar into a pretty candle lamp for the holiday! The photo above doesn't do justice to how pretty the "lamp" looks with a burning votive candle or nightlight candle inside. What You Will Need: Small jar Tracing paper Metallic pens Candle Double sided tape What We Did: Cut a piece of tracing paper to fit around the jar. Decorate the paper using your metallic pens, with a pretty Christmas design. Stick the tracing paper to the jar using the double-sided tape. Pop a candle inside. When the candle is lit it will shine through the picture and make it glow.

Q. What kind of bird can write A. A pen-guinQ. What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective ? A. Santa Clues! Q. What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? A. It's Christmas, Eve. Q. Why does Santa Claus like to work in the garden? A. Because he like to hoe, hoe, hoe! Q. What happened when the snowwoman got angry at the snowman? A. She gave him the cold shoulder Q. What do you when if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree? A. A pineapple Q. What does Santa like to eat? A. A jolly roll.

Bitz nBytes would like to thank the following for their generous donations;Sharp Automotive Gill & Donna Turcotte Erna Tillman Russell & Gwen Willson Joy Clayton Evan & Barb Werner Bernie & Shelley Grunert Joe & Phyllis Pelechaty Dan & Christel Derow Ernie & Eileen Stefanyshyn Melford & Ada Milbrandt Stan Rankel Bill & Arlene Ward Don & Elaine Low Sylvia Jewhurst George & Joan Sanderson Pam & Raymond Wrishko Norman & Lovey Liebreich W & K Crossman Springside Snowmobile Club Adrienne Popowich & The Springside Hair Shoppe

Our most sincere gratitude is extended to Mr. Ray Kerr and Toshiba in Yorkton without whom this paper would not be a reality . Bitz n Bytes Contacts;Deb Keyowski 792-2104 Cristal Ockochinski - 792-4752 Marion Ockochinski 792-2107 Regina Melnyk 792-2247 Rhonda Eastcott 792-2231

& to all who contribute annonymously through our donation boxes located at various businesses in Springside. It is only through your generosity that we can make this paper happen.

The deadline for the spring issue is March 7, 2012. To avoid disappointment in order to have your submission included, please adhere to the deadline.

Bitzn Bytes is a community newspaper, created by non -paid volunteers and not affiliated with or funded by any club or organization. Canada Post rates are applicable to all mail outs as well as insertion into the mailboxes. Any donations are gratefully accepted and appreciated. If you wish to contribute to the paper, please make your cheque payable to BitznBytes, Box 388, Springside, SK. S0A 3V0. Donation cans are also located at Springside Fine Foods, Cornerstone Credit Union-Springside Branch, and the town office. Money raised will be used for the creation and distribution of the paper. Receipts are available

upon request.