Download - SPRINGFIELD, MO, JUNE Pria $1 - Holiness Preaching publications/1923_06... · NUMBER 501 SPRINGFIELD, MO, JUNE 16, 1923 Subscription Pria $1.0 Canada and Forelp $15 HE Lord's arm


NUMBER 501 SPRINGFIELD, MO, JUNE 16, 1923 Subscription Pria $1.0 Canada and Forelp $15

H E Lord's a r m is not shortened. H e is not willing that any should perish. Get that fundamental t ru th in your heart. H e can save and H e wan t s t o save. W h a t is the hindrance? I t is not on God's s$ l e Sometimes it is on man's side. But there is an intervening power; a withstander, a contender, a hinderer in the way. Daniel prayed him out of the w a y ; he prayed so that Michael came and dealt with him (Dan. 10:13). Daniel did his part , confessed his sins and the sins of his people. Bu t tha t was not sufficient. H i s prayer brought support , and

Michael was dispatched to deal with the Prince of Persia.

You say sometimes you have prayed through. 13ut you need t o pray forth. Prayer brings fo r th the \varrior, the divinely appointed v.arrior t o deal with spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.

Prayer is needful t o clear away the hindrance in the heavenly places for the divine blessing t o come down. God is not unwilling to p i i r out His Spirit. H e says. "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh." There must be a \villingness in God's people to pray and t o desire, and a faith that receives the blessing that God is lvilling to pour out.

Daniel was told that , from the first day he prayed, his prayer was heard. But the three \reeks of intercession were not In vain. They caused a defeat of t he enemy in the spiritual realm. Paul says, "IVe wrestle no+ against flesh and blood, but against princi- palities, against powers, a ~ a i n s t t he rulers o r the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

The great difficulty of men being saved is not in tlie men themselves. T h e enemy t akes . anay the seed that has been sown or causes tlie plant t o lvitlier up. o r be choked up with o ther things. So we have t o fight first in the spiritual realms, spiritual lvicked- nesses, spiritual powers.

IYhy are our prayers not answered, you <a?? They a re being ans\\-ered. I ~ u t you don't know the extent of the answer. They 111ust I)e anslvered first of all in heavenly regions before they can be answered here. Pray to the Fa the r in heaven and H e will deal w i th the enemy under His footstool s:) He can make the place of His feet on earth glorious.

P r a y on. Believe on. Hope on. thou$^ the vision t a r ry , though the blessing tar ry , though H e tar ry , H e shall surely come, and come lvith s l~o\vers of blessing.


The Gifts of the Spirit Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth

The most important thing, the one th ing that counts, is t o see that \ve are filled with the Holy Spirit, filled t o overflowing. Anything less than this is disl~leasing t o God. W e are commanded by God t o 1)e filled with the Spirit, and in the measure you fail of this you are that far short of the plan of God. T h e Lord \vould have us moving on f rom faith t o faith, f rom glory to glory, from fulness t o ' overflowing. I t is not good for us to be ever thinking of the past tense, but \ve should be moving on to the lace where \ve dare believe God. H e has declared that a f t e r the Holy Ghost is come upon us w e shall have power. I I~elieve there is an avalanche of power f rom God to be apprehended if we will hut catch the vision.

Paul wrote a t one time, "I ~vi l l now come to vi- sions and revelations." God has put us in a place where H e expects us t o have His latest revelation, the revelation of that n~arvelous fact, CHRIST I N US, and what this really means. W e can apprehend Christ fully only a s we are filled and overflowing with the Spirit of God. Our only safeguard from dropping back into our natural mind from which we can never get anything, is to be filled and yet filled again \vith the Spirit of God and to be taken on t o visions and revelations on a new line. T h e reason 1vhy I emphasize t l ~ e importance of the fulness of the Holy Ghost is tha t I want to get you beyond all human plans and thoughts into the fulness of vision, into the full revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do yo11 want rest 'l I t is in Jesus. D o you want t o be saved from everything the devil is bringing up in these last t imes? Receive and continue in the ful- ness of the Holy Ghost, and H e will be ever reveal- i ng to 1.011 that all you need for all t imes is in Christ Jesus >-our Lord.

I desire to emphasize the importance of the Spir- it's ministration and of the manifestation of the Spirit \vhic11 is given to every man to profit \vithal. .As you yield to the Spirit of the Lord H e has power o\.er your intellect, over your heart , and over your \mice. The Holy Spirit has po\ver to unvail Christ ant1 to l~roiect the viaion of Christ upon the canvas of your mind, anti then He uses your tongue to glo- rify and magnify Him in a \\-a!- that you could never do apart from the Spirit's po\ver.

Ne\.er say that \vhen you are filled with the Holy Ghost y13u are "o1)liged" t o do this or that. W'hen people 4ay that they are "ol~ligcd" to do this or that I know i t is not the Spirit of God. 1,111 their own spir- it moving thcm on t o do tliat which is unseemly and unlmfi ta lde . Tmts of people spoil meetings because thvy scrcnni. i i >-ou want t o tlo tha t kind of thing you h:~d lwtter get into somc cellar. Tha t is not t o edification. I 1)elieve that. \\hen the Spirit of God is upon yott and n ~ o \ , i n g you to spcak as H e gives u t - terance, it \\-ill al\va>-s he l o edification. But don't spoil the prayer meeting I~ rcaus r when you ollght t o s top you go on . \Vho spoils the prayer meeting? The man \vho s tar ts in the Spirit and fin- i51ies in the flesh. Nothing is more lovely than pray- vr. Imt a 111-ayer 111ccting is killed if yo11 \ \ d l g o on an(] on in your o\vn spirit \vhen the Spirit of God is 111ro11gl1 with yori. Yo11 sa!. a s you come f rom somc meetings. "That was a Iovrly mess;cge if the preacher

only had stopped half an hour before he did." Learn t o cease immediately the unction of the Spirit lifts. T h e Holy Ghost is jealous. Your body is the temple, the office of the Holy Ghost, but H e does not fill the t eml~ le fo r human glorification, but only for t he glory of God. You have no license t o continue be- yond a "Thus saith the Lord."

The re is another side to this. God would have the assembly a s free a s and you must not put your hand upon the working of the Spirit or it will surely bring trouble. You must be prepared t o allow a certain amount of extravagance in young and new- ly baptized souls. You must remember that when you were brought into this life of the Spirit you had a s many extravagances a s anybody, but you have now become somewhat sobered do\vn. I t is a pity that some do get sobered do\vn, for they a re not \\'here they \\ere in the early days. IVe have t o look to God for n.isdom that we do not interfere or dampen the Spirit or quench the power of God \\hen H e is mani- fested in our meetings. If you want t o have an as- sembly full of life you must have an assembly full of manifestation. Nobody will come if there is no mani- festation. W e need t o look toyGod for special grace that we do not move back to looking a t things from a natural viewpoint.

The preacher, after he loses his unction, should in- wardly repent and ge t r ight with God and ge t the unction I~ack . W e are no good without the unction of the Spirit of God. If you are filled with the grace of God you \\;ill not be judging everybody in the as- seml~ly , you will rather be t rus t ing everybody, you will not be frightened a t what is being done, you will have a heart t o believe all things, and t o believe that though there may be some extravagances, the Spirit of God will take control of things and will see that t he Lord Jesus Christ Himself is exalted, glorified, and re\-ealed t o hungry hearts that desire to know Him. T h e Lord would have us wise unto that which is good and simple concerning evil, free from distrust , enter- ing into a divine likeness t o Jesus, tha t dares believe that God Almighty \\'ill surely watch over all. Hal- lelujah !

T h e Holy Ghost is the One who magnifies the Lord Jesus Christ. the One \\rho gives illumination of Him. If you a re filled with the Holy Ghost, it is impossible to keep your tongue still. Talk about a dumb bap- tized s o ~ ~ l ! I t is not t o be found in the Scriptures o r outside of the Scriptures. W e a re filled wit11 the Spir- it in order that we may magnify the Lord, and there shoultl be no meeting in which the saints do not glo- rify, magnify, praise, and worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.

I ~vould like to give one word of caution, for failure often comes t l~ rough our not recognizing the fact that \ve are always in the 11ody. \ire \\.ill need our I~odies a s l o i ~ g a s we live. But our bod>- is t o be used and controlled I)y the Spirit of God. W e are t o present our bodies, holy and acceptable unto God, \vhich is our reasonable service. Every member of our body must be so sanctified that it 11-orks in harmony \\it11 the Spirit of Gotl. Onr very eyes must be sanctified. God hates the \\inking of the eye. F rom the day that I rcatl in the P rove r l~s \vhat God hat1 to say ahout the winking of the e ~ - e (Pro\-. 6:l.l ant1 10:10) I have never \vinkctl. I desire that ml- eyes may be so sanc- tifictl that they can always be used for the Lord. T h e Sl'irit of Got1 n-ill Iuing ,I \- i t l~in us a compassion fo r souls tliat \\.ill l x x e n in our \.cry eyes.

June 16, 1923 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL Page Three

God has never changed the order of things that, first, there comes the natural, and then the spiritual. Fo r instance, when it is on your heai t t o pray, you begin in t h e natural and your second ~ v o r d will prob- ably be under the power of the Spirit. You begin and God will end. I t is the same in giving forth utter- ances under the Spirit 's power. You feel the moving of the Spirit within and you begin to speak and the Spirit of God will give fo r th utterance. Thousands have missed v.onderfu1 blessings because they have not had faith t o move out and begin in the natural, in faith that ' the Lord would take them into the realm of the supernatural. \!'hen you receive the Holy Ghost you receive God's gift, in whom are all the gifts of the Spirit. Paul counsels Timothy to st ir up the gift tha t \vas within. Yo11 have polver t o st ir up God's execu- tive within you. The \\.a>- you stir up the gift \\-ithin you is by beginning in faith, and then H e gives for th \\-hat is needed for the occasion. You would never begin iinless you Lvere full of God. \Vhe~r we yield t o timidity and fear \ve simply yield t o Satan. Satan \vhispers, "It is all self." H e is a liar. I have learned this, If the Spirit of God is st irring me up, I have no hesitation in beginning to speak in tongues, and the Spirit of God gives me utterance and gives me the in- terpretation. I find tha t every time I yield to the Lord on this line I get a divine touch, I ge t a leading thought from the Spirit of God, and the meeting is moved up on the line of faith.

You attend a meeting in faith. I~elieving that the Lord is going t o meet you there. But perhaps the evangelist is not in harmony with God. The people in the assembly a re not get t ing what God wants. The Lord knows it. H e knows His people are hungry. \Vhat happens? H e \\rill t ake perhaps the smallest \vessel and put H i s power upon them. As they yield to the Spirit they break for th in a tongue. Another yields t o the Spirit and there comes forth the inter- pretation. The Lord's church has to be fed, and the Lord will t ake this means of speaking to Hi s people. Pentecostal people cannot be satisfied with the natural message. They are in touch with heavenly things and cannot be satisfied with anything less. T h e y feel \\hen there is something lacking in a ~neet ing, and they look t o God and H e supplies that which is lacking.

When a man is filled with the Spirit he has no con- ception of \\.hat he has. W e are so limited in our conception of \\hat \ve have received. The only way \ve can kno\v the po\ver that has been given is through the ministration antl manifestation of the Spirit of God. D o you think that Peter and John knew \\-hat they had when they went up to the tem- ple to pra?-? They \\ere limited in thought, and lim- ited in their expression. The nearer \ve get t o God the more conscious we a]-e of the povcrty of the hu- man. antl we cry with Isaiah. "I a m undone, I a m un- clean." Rut the Lord \\,ill bring the precious blood antl the flaming coals for cleansing aiid refining and send us out t o labor for Him cmpo\vered by His Spirit.

God has sent forth this outpouring that we may all I)e I~roug-ht into a revelation of onr sonship - tha t we are sons of God, men of power, tha t \ve are t o be like the I ~ I - ( 1 Jesus Christ, tha t lye are to have the po\v- e r s of sonship, the power to lay hold of that whic11 is \vc,al; antl to quicken it. The Baptism of the Spirit is t o malie us sons of God \\it11 po\ver. \\'c \\.ill 11e

cor~scious of our human limits, but we will not limit the Holy One who has come t o dwell within. W e must believe that since the Holy Ghost has come upon us we are indeed sons of God with power. Never say tha t "you can't." All things a re possible to them that believe. Launch out into the deep and believe that God has I l i s all for you, and that you can do all things through Him who strengthens you.

Pe te r and John knew that they had been in the up- per room, they had felt t h e glory, they had been given divine utterances. They had seen conviction on the pcoplc. They knew tha t they had come into a won- derful thing. They knew tha t what they had would be ever increasing and tha t it would be ever needful t o cry, "Enlarge the vessel that the Holy Ghost may have more room \vithin." They knew that all the old things were moved away and they had entered into an increasing and ever increasing knowledge of God, and that it was their Master's wish that they should be filled with the Spirit of God and with power every day and every hour. The secret of power is the un- \.ailing of Christ, t he all-PO\\-erful One within, t he re\-- elation of God who comes t o abide within us. As they looked upon the crippled man a t t he beautiful gate they were filled with compassion. They were prompt- ed hy the Spirit t o stop and speak with him. They said t o the lame man, "Look on us." I t was God's plan that the man should open his eyes with eupectation. Peter said, "Of silver and gold w e have none. Bu t w e have something and we will give it t o you. W e don't know what i t is, bu t \ve give i t t o you. I t is all in the name of Jesus." And then began the ministry of God. You begin in faith and you see wha t will hap- pen. I t is hidden f rom us a t the beginning, bu t a s we have faith in God H e will come forth. The coming forth of the power is not of us but of God. There is no limit t o what H e will do. I t is all in a nutshell a s you Ijelieve God. And so Peter said, "Such a s I have I give to thee : in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." And the man \vho had been in tha t way for for ty years stood up, and began to leap, and entered into the temple walking and leaping and praising God.

"For t o one is given by t h e Spirit the word of wis- dom." I wan t you t o keep in mind the importance of never expecting the gifts of the Spirit apar t from the power of t he Spirit. In coveting the best gifts, covet t o he s o full of God and H i s glory tha t the gifts in manifestation will always glorify Him. W e do not know all and w e cannot knoxv all tha t can I>e brought for th in the manifestation of the word of wisdom. One word of wisdom from God, one flashlight on the Word of God, is sufficient t o sa\-e us f rom a thousand pitfalls. People have built vrithout a word f rom God, they have bought things \vithout a lvord f rom God, and they have been ensnarcd. They have lacked that xvortl of wisdom wljich \\sill bring them into God's plan for their lives. I have been in many places where I have needed a word of ui5dom from God and this has Ixen vouchsafed.

I will gi\.e you one instancc. There is one thing I am vely grateful t o thc 1,ortl for, antl that is that I-le has given me grace not t o have a desire for money. The love of money is a great hindrance to many ; and Inany a man iq cripplctl in his m i n i ~ t r y 1,rcause he lets his heart run a f t e r financial m:~tters. I \vas \valliing

(Continuctl 011 Page Kine)


The Pentecostal Evangel Pabli~hed Weekly (SO issues a year).

Stanley H, Fradsham, Editor.

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Springfield. Missouri, U. S. A. E. N. Bell. Ckairnun J. W. Welsh Secretary


In tlie 53d chapter of Isaiah w e have tlie gospel in the Old Testament, the vision of the coming Redeem- er. I t would seem from the statements of Hebrew scholars, tha t our English Authorized Version does imperiect justice t o this wonderful Word a s it appears in the original, or rather, t o portions of it.

In view of tliis fact i t may be profitable t o read par t of the chapter a s it is given in the translation of the Old Testament made by Jewish Rabbis in 1916 and issued by the Jewish Publication Society of America. Fo r this Version a large group of men rep- resentative of Jewish learning among English- speaking Je\\-s a re responsible, and it is claimed by them that every possible effort was made to secure the most perfect accuracy in the text.

"\Zr1io would have believed our repor t? And t o \vliom hath the a rm of the Lord been revealed? F o r he shot up right forth a s a sapling, and a s a root out of a d ry g r o l ~ n d ; he had no form nor comeliness, tha t we s l~ould look upon him, nor beauty that we should delight in l i in~. H e was despised, and forsaken of ~ i i cn , a man of pains, and acquainted with disease, and a s one f rom whom men hide their face: he was despised, and we estee111cd him not. Surely our dis- eases he did hear, and our pains he carried; whereas we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and af- flicted. But he was wounded because of our trans- gressions, lie was crushed because of our iniquities: the chastisement of our welfare was upon him, and \\.it11 his s t r i l~es \ve were healed. All we like sheep did go as t ray . we turned every one t o his own 'way ; ant1 the Lord hat11 made t o light on him tlie iniquity oC us all. H e was oppressed, though he humbled him- seli and o l~ened not his 1nout11; a s a lamb that is led to the . s lnu~hter . and a s a sheep that before her shear- ers is t lu tn l~: yea, he opened not his mouth." And a t the 13th verse, "He I x m d his soul unto death, and \\.as n u ~ i ~ l w r e d with the transgressors; yet he bore tllc i n n i many, and ~ n a d e intercession for t he trans- ~,rl-cssol-s."

I!!. I-eferring to almost any familiar conlmentary on I ~,11,lli. . '. xve find that the words translated in the A~~thor i zc t l Version of Tsaiah 53 :3,4 as "griefs" and "so~-~-o\vs" should I x rendered "sickness" and "pain" rehl)ccti\-ely. and it is \\.ell t o point tliis out when tcnching from this chapter. The translation in Mat- t l ~ c ~ v S:17 is mud^ better, "Himself took our infirmi- tics and Ixa r our sickncsses." Dr. A. B. Simpson says that it nlicht Ile translatctl. "Surcly he hat11 borne a\vay oul- sicknesses ant1 cal-rictl axyay our pains."

7'hc ~ o r d s which are trxnslatctl "l)ear" and "carry" tlcnotr, not mcre syml)a thy, 1mt actual substitution

and the removal of the th ing borne. Note tha t the ancient prophet, speaking a s he was moved by the Holy Ghost, about 700 years before the coming of tlie Messiah, saw Him first as the Great Physician, and second, dying on the cross a s the all-sufficient Sacrifice, which was literally fulfilled. Note that we a re told in the eighth chapter of Mat thew tha t H e healed all tha t came to Him in order tha t it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, not that H e might prove His deity to His enemies, not primarily f o r this purpose a t least, bu t in order that H e might be absolutely t rue to the Word of God con- cerning I-lim. Had H e failed t o do so, H e would have been untrue to His own character a s depicted by the pen of divine inspiration.

If He 'did not heal just the same today, He would not be "Jesus Christ, the same, ester day, today, and forever." His coming had to be in all respects ac- cording t o the Scriptures. H i s work today has t o be "according t o the Scriptures," for tlie Scriptures can- not be broken. H e did not heal occasionally, but con- stantly. H e did not select special persons a s recipi- ents of H i s bounty in this respect, bu t healed all tha t came unto Him - tha t is, all who came the way laid down in God's \!lord, the way of faith in the Lamb of God -"According to your faith be it unto you."

In the eighth chapter of Mat thew w e have first the healing of the leper, who followed Hi11 when H e came down from the mount af ter laying down the consti- tution and laws of the kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount. H e was dealt with a s one under the law o f Moses and \!.as told t o show himself t o the priests for esamination, and to offer t he accustomed sacrifice.

Second, t he centurion, a Gentile, who was given no such instructions, but \\.as granted healing in answer t o his implicit reliance on the \\'ORTI ONI,Y. Third. Peter 's xvife's mother, quite a different case from both of the preceding, and, lest it should be thought tha t these were special cases, we have in the 16th. 17th. and 18th verses, the healing of the "many." and the "all" that were sick. They waited till t l ~ e even t o bring- their sick.

You will note ftom the account in &lark's gospel. tha t this was tlie sabbath day (Mark 1 :21-34) : and that was the reason why the people waited until six o'clock. \\-hen the sabbath \vas over. The devil had succeeded in 1,ersuading them that healing was a sec- ular matter, tha t their 1,odies were t o be handed over t o secular treatment. tha t i t was not right t o I,e healed on the s a l h t l i . Xotice hen., later. Jesus made a point of healin,y on the s a l h x t l ~ day. I n tlie third d lapter of Mark , verses 1 t o 5, in the case of the lieal- i ng of the man with the \vithered hand. the gentle Tesus looked round about on them with xnzer. he- ing grieved for the hardness of their hearts. Ixcause they were prepared to accuse Tlim for healing the sick on the sa lha th day. You notice, too , in the ac- count of the lvoman \vlio was delivered from the spirit of infirmity on the sa l~ha th da)- (Luke 13:lO-17'). Je- SIIS asks. "Ouglit not this woman . . . 11e loosed from this Imnd on the sal)lnth d a y ? Ts not this a part of the great redemptive work I came t o do, sacred, holy.


as is all God's work?" Xotice, tha t the only time the word "surel!~." tlie

rea at I-Seln-ew \word "AMEN." a no st solemn af t i r~na- tion. occurs in the 53d chapter of Tsaiah it precedes this promise of healing, "Surely, our diseases he did bear, and our pains he carried" (Isaiah 53 :4 ) .



2103. If the anti-christ beast shall rise from the dead, is Judas that beast?

It is not absolutely certain that the antichrist will be one raised from the dead. I f he is one raised from the dead, t l ~ e n Judas Iscariot might be that person. The main thing about the antichrist is that he will be actually possessed with the spirit o f Satan, no mat- ter \vhether he is one raised from the dead, or whether he is born and reared like any other child. It seems t o me that the antichrist will not likely be fully pos- sessed o f Satan at the first, but that later on about the middle o f the week (Daniel's seventieth week, the last seven years o f this age), Satan will give the anti- christ his power, and then actually live in and work through the antichrist, and through the false prophet the remaining three and one-half years. Those days

,will be the most terrible that ever have been or ever shall be on earth. It is the desire o f every earnest child o f God t o be caught up with Jesus before that time comes.

2104. Is it right for us to go to hear a reacher who fails to raise his children as Paul commanded in I Tim. 3:I-8? Is he a fit subject to preach the Gospel?

Some men in their days o f sin haye iailed to bring up their families in the rigllt way, and then when they themselves have turned t o God the children are be- yond control. Where such is the case it would not necessarily reflect upon the father's good standing at the present time. But he should raise up the little ones as the Scriptures direct, and i f he can do so, and will not do so, then his preaching and teaching that others should do so will be greatly discounwa. Just t o the extent that a minister who has a chance t o do so, fails t o raise up the small ones as the Scriptures direct, he is unfit t o preach the Gospel. ';lome reach- ers are away from home so much o f the t m e that the children get out from under the mother a.ld go t o the bad while the father is absent. \Vhere such is the case the father is not so much t o blame. It may be largely the mother's fault.

Some o f the best Christians, both fathers and moth- ers, do not know how to raise their children, and are poor disciplinarians. Of ten when they know the prop- er thing t o be done, they do not know how to train the children so as t o produce the right results. Such parents are in 3 measure unfit t o have children. But i f they will take the time necessary they can get books that will teach them all about child-training, and can first train themselves, and then train the children. No- body will ever be able t o control children who cannot control themselves. Even though such Christians may be good people, and may get t o heaven all right, they will lose some o f their reward for not training up t h j r children so that they also will be Christians.

2105. Is it right for a preacher to come to an as- sembly and join in with that part of the assembly that has split off from the regular work and gone into New lssue teachings, and should we go to hear a preacher who sides in with those who are thus identified with the New lssue teaching?

All o f our preachers should help the assemblies in

any trouble, not make it worse, and should teach the truth. They should not be partisans and should not encourage New Issue teaching. Any preacher who really backs up the New Issue teaching should send in his credentials t o the regular body o f Christians from which he got them. He is also unworthy o f be- ing allowed to teach in our regular assemblies, and I could not advise the saints to go to hear him.

2106. What is meant in Matt. 5:37,38 about an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? If a man strikes me on my right cheek, must I literally turn to him my other cheek, or should I strike him in return?

The eye for an e>-e, and tooth for tooth, and l i fe for life was the standard o f the Old Testament, and is done away by the higher spirit o f love t o be rnani- fested by Nelv Testament Christians. The Old Testa- ment teaching is t o be done away with by the teaching o f Christ that under such circumstances we as Chris- tians should alIo\v ourselves t o be struck on both cheeks, and not t o fight back. There is absolutely no question about the general meaning o f non-resistance as here taught by Christ. Some think that we do not literally have t o turn the other cheek t o him, as i f we wanted him to strike that also, but that we are merely t o manifest a spirit o f meekness and non-resistance which would allow ourselves t o be struck both on the right and the le f t cheek, and still not fight back. This may be right. The essential thing is t o keep sweet and not fight in return. I have heard o f some who said that after we allow ourselves t o be struck on both cheeks, then we would be free t o jump on the fellow and give him a good licking. But this is wide o f the mark. Christ never meant anything of the kind. He does not want a Christian man t o fight at all.

2107. In 1 Cor. 5:11 does the not eating &th sin- ners mean not to eat the Lord's supper with them or a common meal?

T ~ S advice very likely refers t o the eating o f the Lord's Supper, and not merely a common meal, for the same apostle tells us i f a heathen invites us t o dine with him and sets before us flesh offered t o idols and says nothing about i t , that we are t o go ahead and eat with him. Here is direct permission t o eat a conl- mon meal with sinners when invited i f we see fit t o do so; and i f we make his prohibition above refer t o a common meal, we make him contradict himself.

2108. If any commit sin after receiving the Holy Ghost, wilt the Lord forgive them if they repent, ask for it, and believe God's promise of forgiveness?

Yes. The promises concerning Christians in the New Testament normally apply t o Holy Ghost Chris- tians, and God certainly promises t o forgive His chil- dren i f they repent and turn t o Him. But God does not want us t o sin and has provided a touch o f power and closeness to Jesus that will give us constant vic- tory i f we keep in touch with Him. It hurts us and God for us t o sin.

2109. What will become of the fallen angels spoken of in Jude 6 after the day of judgment?

These fallen angels are a part o f the Satanic host, and as Satan himself, the archangel at the head o f them, is t o be judged at the close o f the millennium, after his final insurrection, and just before the great white throne judgment, it is reasonable t o suppose that the rest o f the Satanic host will Ile judged at the same time Satan their chief is judged, and that they will receive the same fate that he receives; namely 1)e cast into the lake o f fire wl~ich is "reserved for the devil and his angels."


11 The Ark IS Coming up the Road I( U Elizabeth Sisson

When David saw it, he had to jutnp for joy; and \\.hen we see it we also have to jump for joy! "But \\.here do you see it?" says the objector. Well, I see some of it in the Pentecostal movement, and I see some of it in the beginning of other movements too nune rous to mention. But I see more in the Word of God.

For that tells us there should not only be a "for- mer rain," glorious but still comparatively moderate (Joel 2:23), but that the same God wlio caused it, ~vould also "cause to come down" more rain, same quality but much greater quantity, even former and latter ra in! Doubled together ra in! "In the first" ( that is, the first month), the Passover month, the beginning of things with the Jews.

Well, have things begun again with the Jews? H a s God put His hand again the second time into the affairs of t h e Jews? L e t all t ha t is transpiring all over t h e ear th with the Jews, all the political posi- tion tha t has come t o the Jews, all the agricultural prosperity in connection with rainfalls upon the ground in Palestine - withheld for nearly 1900 years -and now bestowed, all the commercial growth a s a nation, all the schools and books and return t o the Hebrew language; let all this and many other things which cannot be detailed in so brief a paper a s this, ~ x o c l a i n ~ that the Jewish fig t r ee 1 S budding and that it is t he "first" month.

Bu t where is the sound of this abundance of ra in? Pe te r said on the day of Pentecost that "this was that" rain spoken of by the prophet Joel. But we know it \vas only the "fprmer" of it, since this par- able of t he Palestine climate, f rom the mouth of God 11y the prophet, had t w o par ts -a rain that germinated the seed and a rain' in the close of the I~arves t that fructified and matured the crop. Peter lived in the beginning of the Gentile harvest, saw the seed germinate, the Gentile church come to the birth in the house of Cornelius. But we are ill the end of the Gentile harvest.

I s there any sound of rain no\\.? Any "this is that" in connection with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit n o w ? W e kno\v that the outpouring of the Spirit is the rain, for we are told, "He shall come do\vn like showers upon the mon-11 grass." I s there now in this I~eginning of God's second deal with the Je\vs any sound of R A I K ? If so, ncliere? "All over the world," you say. Iwes, in the heart of Africa, in the intcrior of India, in China, north, south. \s7est, in Rus- sia, Siberia, Poland, in islands of t he sea, in Den- mark, Norway, Slveden. Canada, United States, South America, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. E\.ery\vhere, sure enough! Everywhere. I A e n !

"Falliric, falli~ig, '(is the latter rain Coming. coini~~g. OII the earth again."

\Yhat says i t ? Or \vliat says I-Tc \vho sends i t ? "It shall not be like the ' former rain' that I have givcn noderate ly , but it shall be former and latter rain dnul~led together in that first tnonth." 011, what a mighty and rapid work God ~)roplicsies. And it has l x g u n ! Even a s 1Te prophe\ietl, not ~noderately

in one city of little Palestine, but the world over it is pattering down. Hallelujah !

Take that word "moderately," Ivhich is God's de- scription of holv it should come dolvn in the i o r n ~ e r rain, and explore with it e\.ery chapter in Acts of the Apostles-which is the record of the coming of t h e former rain. When you have come to the end of the 11ook look up and shout, "Tlie a rk is coming up the road." For the mouth of God has declared tha t for generosity of giving, for haying all things conl- mon, for great grace upon them all, for discerning of spirits, for casting out devils, for healing the sick, for raising the dead,'for the developtne~lt of the nine- fold fruit of the Spirit, for depth of lioliness, and for brotherly kindness and unity - this doubled together former and latter rain shall not be moderate like that. Glory !

"Tlie a rk is coming up the road!" -And they who in the light of God catch the t rue vision, must 'leap for joy, cven though in every twelve of chosen ones \ve see a traitor Judas, a coward Peter, and a dense Thomas. God's plan will ripen to God's success.

If Pentecost is unfaithful t o Him, H e may reshape and gi\.e another name. If Elizabeth is unfa i thful o r slow t o n o v e on with Him, H e will leave all t h a t behind, and by others who let H im make them more \\.orthy of it, H e W I L L establish His program. Hal- lelujah !

"The a r k is coming up the road." T h e mind of God has determined it. Happy they who catch Hi s vis-ion and g o on leaping and dancing David-likc, and le t God swallow up the delinquents and the delinquen- cies.

H e has given us bu t one att i tude in this t ime of the la t ter rain "Ask ye of the Lord rain in the t ime of the la t ter rain; so the Lord shall make lightnings" (see margin), "and give showers of rain, t o every one grass in the field" (Zech. 10:l). This showers upon showers is what is going t o correct errors. Iveed out the false, mature the feeble, and every way develop the work. Do not let us in word or deed steady the ark, but low a t His ' fee t , yea, our head UNDER His blessed, blessed feet, shout the victory. \Ve have not a thing to do with the battle-"The battle is not yours, but God'su-but we have been anointed with an oil of gladness above our fellows to shout the victory. F rom t h e high court of heaven \Ye have been appointed praisers. A high govern- ment appointment with a fat salary.

GOD hat11 said, "In the last days I will pour ou t of h r l ' S P I R I T upon all flesh" ! ! ! Grass in the field io r EVERY one. E ~ e r y means all, and all means every. And if el-ery and all do not mean world- e\.angclization, what do they mean? Not all who a re evangelized will be saved, but vast numbers who hear. trill. Glory! "Tlie a rk is coming up the road." Get into that prayer-appointtiie~it, and ge t into that ['raise-al)l)ointrnent, and share the glory. "This gos- pel of the kingdom shall 1)e preached in all the \vorld for a witness unto all ~ i a t i o n s ; and then shall the end come."

A WORD OF COMFORT TO ALL The Lord is more collcerned wit11 you and your

spiritual growth than j,ou yourself a r e concerned. D o not 11c ronccrned about your perfection. "The Lord \\.ill perfect that \\ hich concerneth me." I l o w can l l e ? 13ecau5e the price of your perfection lvas paid

June 16, 1923 T H E P E N T E C O S T A L E V A N G E L Page Seven

f o r on Calvary. The blood purchased freedom f rom sin, also cleansing, and the filling of the Holy Ghost.

Did you have any trouble o r worry about coming into the lvorld, your natural b i r th? Wi th the Psalm- ist you can say, "Thine eyes did see nly substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members \\ere writ ten . . . when a s yet there was none of them." Ho\v much more glorious and more precious is the spiritual compared \vith the natural. If H e can

~ G l i 1llltU- give you a s t rong frame and a good constitut' rally, how much more does H e provide a s t rong spir- itual f rame and constitution.

Say t o Him, "I will t rus t in the Lord with all my heart and \\.ill not lean t o my o\\m understanding." Surrender your understanding for His. Do not doubt His understanding. H e loves you more than anyone else ever has. H e loved you before the foundation of the world, and a f t e r the world has lost its foundation, when the heavens are rolled away a s a scroll, His love ~vi l l be on you forever. H e says t o His o\\.n, "I have loved you with an everlasting love to a n everlasting eternity."

If you are in doubt a s t o His love, consult His Word. T h e Wnrd is an outward expression of a n inward love. Moses wrote the commandments of the Lord on stone. God n o w writes them -His words of love - in the hearts of His people, yea, on the fleshy tables of the heart . H e says, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will t ake away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh." The conlmand~nents were writ ten in stone because the Israelites' hearts were as stone. But H e declares, "A ne\v heart also will I give you," and "I will put my law in their inward par ts and write it in their hearts."

A mot to on the wall may only bring despair in the heart. I t may contain instructions tha t are hard for you t o enter into, but the Lord says a s H e puts His laws into our minds and writes them on our hearts, "I will put My Spirit within you and cause you t c walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." Holv? Wha t is the process? Christ is the Word of God. H e declared that .He always did those things tha t pleased the Father. Christ is the New Testament, the New Covenant, the New Com- mandment, and if you have Christ in you then you have the fulfilled comn~andment . H e fulfilled the com- mandments. More than tha t H e pleased His Fa the r in all things. Then, if you have the One who pleased the Father in all things living, abiding, tabernacling, lvalking in you, then of necessity you can abide in Him and please the Father and walk well pleasing in His sight. Then you can say, "His commandments are not grievous."

David said, "I delight t o d o t h ~ - \\-ill, oh, my G o d : yea. t hy law is ~vi th in my heart" (Psa. 40:s). H e only had the nrritten word, but a r e have the living Word, Jesus. Then David said again, "I will run the way of thy comniandme~lts, when thou shalt enlarge my heart" (Psa. 11932) . David never suffered \x,ith en- larged heart. I t was for this dis1)ensation. At1 en- lal.ged lieart is when Christ conles in and dwells and tahcrnacles with you. H e snj.s, "Behold, I stand a t the door, and knock: if ally man hear my voice, and open the door, I will rotlie in t o l l in~, and \\.ill sul) with him, and H e with me." He \\.ill conle into the hcart and dwell in the heart .

"Out of the heart are the issues of life," and if tllc

Author of life is in the heart the issues from the , heart will be life which is life indeed.

W e walk by faith, \ve are living in faith, Christ dwells in our hear ts by faith, and what you are get- t ing now is greater by f a r than you have any concep- tion of. Hereaf ter you will be overwhelmed with joy to think tha t wha t you a re doing now by faith in the [Vord of God was according to God's will and accord- ing to His own good pleasure.

"It dot11 not yet appear"-but we are being built up, \ re a r e being changed, we a re being transformed. The process is going on a s surely and a s effectively a s the g rowth of tha t seed tha t you planted in the dark earth, hidden a\vay, and forgot ten; but it germinated, developed and grew. You had little idea wlieu you put t ha t acorn in the ground that your grandchildren would see a mighty oak. "It doth not yet appear what \ve shall b e : but we know that, when he shall appear, \ve shall be like h i m ; for we shall see him a s he is."

T h e unconscious development of your spiritual life and the unconscious progress is far more than the conscious, t h e perceived, the understood.

Paul, >-ou knolr a lot, you have had a revelation, you were caught up to the third heaven. Wha t can you say about it a l l ? H e says, "I don't know. I do know this. I \\rant t o apprehend that for which I have been apprehendcd. I have not attained yet, but 5 press for- ward for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." But, Paul, have you not a high calling now? Have you not had mysteries unveiled? Have you not seen the L o r d ? Are you not a n apostle? "The things I have seen and known ar6 not worthy t o be compared t o tha t which is reserved, not only for me, but for all who love His appearing."

T h e Spiri t within P a d told him of the inexpressible glories laid up, and the number who were t o share these was correspondingly g rea t and glorious as the glories themsclvcs. They a re more sure and more real than the rising morning sun that shone upon Abraham, tha t shone upon Moses, tha t shone upon Isaiah, t ha t shone upon Daniel, that shone upon John the Baptist , and tha t set upon Jesus on Calvary, and shone on the resurrection morning and all down the ages since. Heaven and ear th will pass away but these realities, based upon, upheld by, the Word of God, abide forever and ever. Amen.

The Experience of Pentecost IS IT FOR TODAY?

B y L. M. Mackinby

A rcccnt volume* has unfolded Luke's ~ l a n of writing- in both Gosocl and Acts he lays don-n a ground work of a Sircciold repetition of his main thcmc. Into this structure many othcr triplets arc incorporatcd, which attract attention t c the chicf suhject, and enhance its importance. The ol~jcct ot Act? is to reveal the operation of theHoly Spirit in this dispcnsation.

I n a prcrious articlc t thc Occasions related of thc Baptism in thc Holv Ghost-that grcat work upon believers which, l ~ k c the New Birth, occurs but once to nn individual-were shown to IK six in number, the sixth bcing Apollos. "All the Baptism he knew \vas that of John" (Acts 18:25. Moffat), until "Aqnila and P:.iscilla cxplaincd morc . . . to him," i. c., they told him how hc n~izl l t rrccivc the rrrcntcr Baptism. foretold by John. ~ ., and no\v the privilege o f cvcry bclicvcr. Those who read thc prcvious artirlc will rcmcmhcr that tllc point \\.as made that Apollos must h a r e been highly cndowcd mith spiritnal gifts . - - -

"'llecent T)isrovrrirs in St. Luke's \Yrilings." Ily Lt.-GI. C . hlackilh?. T'rirr $LOO. M n r s l ~ n l l I3rn.i .

t l'cnrercmtal Evangel. August 6. 1922.

Page Eight THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL June 16, 1923

when he went to Cbrinth and “helped them much,” and that The details connected with the six Occasions of the ful- the receiving of the outpouring of the Spirit must have been fhnent of the Promise are not fully given in every case, but the first step in the way of Gdd that Priscilla and Aquila ex- each important word or act is repeated in three of them (ex- pounded and led him into (Acts. 18:27; 1 Cor. 3:4,6). cept certain ones peculiar to the day of Pentecost)-exact!y

The six recorded Occasions are typical ones, and arrange three; no more and no less. The following Table shows that themselves into a pair of symmetrical triplets: the combinations vary, but the triad form persists.

OCCa- sion Triplet No. 1

I A Multitude, at Pente- cost (ch. Z), who re- ceived the Holy Spirit immediatelv He was given. -

OCCa- sion Triplet No. 2 IV A Multitude. in Samaria

(ch. 8). who received af- ter an interval.

Remembering that this is Luke’s number for giving em- phasis, do we not here find an answer to the objection that tecausc a certain detail is only reported as having occurred three times, it is therefore not of great importance? The fact that it is mentioned three times by him infers that (unless other- wise stated) it was a normal occurrence.

We know that the introductory act of laying on of hands (No. 13) was omitted in I and II. This was a necessity in the initial case, and the first group of Gentile converts had to receive in the same way as those on the day of Pentecost (“no distinction,” Acts 15:9). But judging from Heb. 6:2, it was the usual procedure, so although not expressly mentioned in VI, it was probably done then as well as in III, IV and V.

There being no given reason why Nos. 14, 15 and 16 should not be the usual accompaniments of the Baptism, we conclude that their mention in only three cases is to preserve the sym- metry of the prevailing rule of triplets.

The impartiality of the combinations seems to bind to- gether the whole six incidents, and to allow of the unim- portance of no detail.

II A Group, Cornelius (ch. V A Group, in Ephesus 10). immediately after Conversion.

(ch. 19), ditto.

III An Individual, Saul (ch. 9), ditto.

VI An Individual, Apollos (ch. 18), ditto.

Let us now test the principle of threefold repetition for emphasis, and see if, in detail. these two triplets are supported by many others. If so, we may conclude that although the ex- perience of Pentecost is only mentioned as having occurred on a few occasions, Luke has, according to his own method, laid great stress upon its importance.

During the ministries of John the Baptist and our Lord, all who received God’s message of repentance and of forgive- ness of sins demonstrated it by immersion in water; signify- ing, by the figure of death and burial, the Corruption of the flesh; also the washing away of their sins. The Pharisees and lawyers who refused baptism are said to have “rejected for themselves the counsel of God” (Luke 7:30), “frustrated God’s purpose for themselves” (Moffat).

John declared that in the new dispensation his immersion would be followed by immersion in the Spirit. “I baptize you with water unto repentance, but HE shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire” (Matt. 3:lI). Thus, converts after Pentecost signified by their immersion in water not only that they had chacged their attitude towards Christ, and that their sins were cleansed, but that they by faith also accepted the added blessing which He obtained for them on His ascen- sion-the pouring out up& them of His Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38, 39).

Is this often included in Gospel preaching today?-that just as every one who accepted God’s message through John received xater baptism, so now e*wy one who receives for- giveness of sins from Christ shoul ( also expect Baptism from Him?

The connection between the immersions of the two dispen- bations is emphasized by the repetition of the statement six times in the Gospels and Acts, “John indeed baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.” In Acts it is expressed in connection with the Outpouring on the 120 disciples (1:s) on the day of Pentecost, and again with the first company of Roman converts in the house of Cor- nelius (11:16), showing that the Promise is for Jew and Gen- tile alike. Not only so. but comparison is also made in Acts by means of two triplets denoting great emphasis.

In Connection Triplet The Expression with Occasions

3 “John baptized” (1:5; 11:16; 19:4). I, II, v 4 “John . . . baptism” (10:37: 19:4). II, v, VI 4 “John’s baptism” (19:3;18:251. II, v, VI

Occasions I and II, being the first instances among Jews and Geotiles respectively, are given greater prominence in the I-ccord than any other. The former is referred to in six chap- ,crs of Acts,* and the latter in three (forming triplets 5, 6 and 7).

~:,~rthcr examination shows us that as in nature the lily ~rclcr is marked by the number three in petals, pistils, carp& ko tl,iS rlllmination of Christ’s atoning work is marked by II,VXS in manv details. May WC compare it to the lily-work !Ipo,n tt,c top of the pillars in Solomon’s Temple? (1 Kings 7:I9). ___---

* c,,. 1 :‘.8: 2; 5:32: 10:47; 11:15, 17; 15%.

It will be noticed that in the following table ,the triplets are composed of Occasions, and not of textual occurrences.

The three sets of texts under each word or act are given in order corresponding to the Occasions,

25’ Words and Acts i * On

g’s 1Yhich Repeated 1-z Occasionr

The Gift, i. e.. the Bapi t i s m (2:38; - lo:45 with 11:17;-8:20).

Given (11:17 with 5:32; --11:17 with 15:8;- 8:18).

Received (10:47;-8:15, 17,19;-19:2).

Fell on (11:15;--10:44; --8:16).

Sat on (2:3); Poured out (lr.AS,: Came on (19:6).

Hands laid (9:17;--8:17; --19:6).

Manifestation heard -Tongues (2:4, 11, 33; --10:46;-19:6).

Manifestations seen (2: 3, 33;-9:18;-8:16),

Power in witnessing (2: 37, 41;-9:22;--18:28).

Onlookers showed as- tonishment.-A Multi- tude (2:6. 7. 12); A Group (10:45): An In- diYidm1 (8:18).

Thr Outpouring imme- diatcly preceded by pravrr (1:14;-9:11:- 8:lS).

I 3’ II, IV, v

3 i I, II, IV

3’ I II, IV I ’

3; I, JII, VI I

“i I, II. I”



The word does not occur again_ in Acts.

The same verb throughout b u t different tenses.

The same verb throughout, an d also same as No. 20. IO:47 also re- fers to I thus d o u b 1 y linking this triplet with No. 20.

-4 triplet of similar words, each occurring but once.


The word "filled (2:4; 9:17), unlike t h e descriptivc words i n Nos. 1 1 and 12, is not resekved for the Baptismal Outpour- ing, but is also used for subsequent experiences, (4:31), and to describe the constant condition of some disciples (6:6; 11:24). 1 1 is therefore designedly not used in threefold repetition, and cnly appcars in Occasions I and I1 out of the six.

In addition to the above list there are three more triplets of important words in connection with our suhject, which all occur at the beginning of Acts, and are of continued application.

The ~romis-madC-(l: 4) ; obtained (2:33); offered (2:39).

Receive, coupled each time with "The Prom- ise" ( 1 :8; 2:33,38).

Poured forth (2:17, 18, 33, R. V.).


3 1 I , and a continued applica-

tion. 3 ditto


3 ditto


Same .word i n each, but differ- ent to "poured out" No. 12).

Surely there is intention in this large number of triplets. Does not a comparison of the six Occasions (Triplets 1 and 2) exhibit the periection of t h e whole design? Are we not im- pressed by the completeness of the picture, the chosen words being always fiited to three of the occasions, and three only? For example, prayer, given great prominence in Acts, was doubtless made with ivgency whcnevcr Christians sought the Raptism, but the mention of it on only three occasions harmon- izes with Luke's plan of emphasis.

What, then, is to be the practical result of seeing the stress which is laid upon the wonderful Gift to which all believers are enti t led? Let us heed the Apostle's questibn, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed!"

You may have proved much of His sanctifying grace and pLwer in service, but, failing to experience this glorious Prom- Ise, you will miss much of the present and future inheritance obtained for you. Pray God you may not be like t h e Phar- isees, and through traditional teaching reject the foretold Bap- tism of this dispensation and thus "frustrate the purpose oi God for" yourself.

Praise God, thousands of His people the world over have proved that "Jesus Christ is the same" today as yesterday, and that He has give11 thcm the experience according to the pat- tern in the Acts.

Do not say you have clairncd the Gift by faith, and have therefore received, although no manifestation like thc given pattern followed your action. The early disciples did -more than accept by faith, they waited according to command unti l the Outpouring came (1:4, 14). They were as literally con- scious, in their scnses of vision, feeling and hearing, of being baptized in the Holy Spirit as when, in their baptismal plunge, they had seen, felt and heard the water. We are not to bc ~eekinr: for the maniiestations, but for the Lord Himself. If our eyes are set on Him, and we seek His glory alone, He will not fail to accomplish His desire for His own.

"For to you is the Promise." (Miss Mackinlay has had this and t h c previous message

put into a panlphlet, and the same can be obtained from the Gospcl Publishing House, Springfield, Mo. Price 4 cents).

"Out of the hottest c r ~ ~ c i h l e comes the purest gold. Out of the dal-kcst night shine the brightest stars. Out of t h e sorest strnggle comes the grea tes t victory. Out oi the grave wherein \ve bury deep the old man of sin there comes the new life, bright with t he vir- tues of the Christian character."-Fenelon.

The tenth General Council will be held in St. Louis, Mo., D. V., f rom September 13 t o 20. Full announce- ment later. P lan t o attend.

Page Nine

THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT (Continued f rom P a g e Three)

out one day when I met a godly man who lived op- posite m e a n d he said, "My wife and I have been talk- ing together about selling our house and we feel con- strained t o sell it t o you." As w e talked together he persuaded me t o buy his place, and before me said good-by I told him t h a t I would take it. We always make big mistakes when w e a re in a hurry. I told m y wife \\.hat I had promised, and she said, "How will you manage i t?" I told her tha t I had managed things so far, but I did not know how 1 mas going t o g e t through this. I s o n ~ e h o w knew that I was ou t of divine order. Bu t when a fellow gets out of divine order i t seems t h a t t h e last person he goes t o is God. I lvas relying on a n architect t o help me, but t h a t scheme fell through. I turned t o my relations and I certainly had a w e t shirt a s one af ter another turned me down. I tr ied m y friends and managed n o better. M y wife said t o me, "Thou has t never been t o God yet." W h a t could I d o ?

I have a certain place in our house where I g o t o pray. I have been there very often. As I went I said, "Lord, if You will ge t me out of this scrape, I will never trouble Thee on this line again." As I wait- ed on t h e Lord H e just gave me one word. It seemed a ridiculous thing, but it mas the wisest counsel. There is divine wisdom in every word H e speaks. I came down t o m y wife, saying, "What d o you th ink? T h e Lord has told me t o g o t o Brother Webster." I said, "It seems very ridiculous, for he is one of t h e poorest men I know." H e was the poorest man I knew, but he was a lso the richest man I knew, for he knew God. M y wife said, "Do what God says, and it will be right."

I went off a t once t o see him, and Ire said a s he gree ted me, "Smith, what brings you so early?" I anslvered, "The word of God." I said t o him, "About three n e e k s a g o I promised t o buy a house of a man, and I a m shor t 100 pounds ($500). I have tried t o g e t th is money, but somehow I seem t o have missed God" "How is it," h e asked, "that you have come t o me only now?" I answered, "Because I went t o t h e Lord about it only last night." "Well," he said, "it is a s t range th ing ; three weeks ago I had 100 pounds. F o r years I have been putt ing money in to a co-opera- tive sys tem and three weeks a g o I had t o g o and d r a w 100 pounds out. I hid it under t he mattress. Come with me and you shall have it. Take it. I hope it will b r ing a s g rea t a blessing t o you a s it has been a troulde t o me." I had had a word from God. and all my trouhles were ended. Th i s has been multiplied in a hundred ways since tha t t ime. If I had been walking a long filled wi th the Holy Ghost, I would not have - I ~ o u g h t t h a t house and would not have had all t ha t strain. I believe the Lord wants t o loose us f rom things of ear th . Bu t I am ever grateful f o r t ha t word f rom God. The re have been t imes in my life when I have heen in a g rea t crisis and under a g rea t weight of intercession. I have gone to t he meeting \vithout t h e knowledge of what I would say, but somehow o r o ther God would vouchsafe t he coming fo r th under the power of t he Spirit of some word o f lr isdom, just w h a t some souls in tha t meeting needed. As \ve look t o God His mind will l ~ e made known, and His revelation and His word of wisdom will he for th- coming.

A chain is not s t ronger than i ts weakest link. Je- sus can 1)ut in a new link.

Page Ten T H E P E N T E C O S T A L E V A N G E L


11 REPORTS FROM THE FIELD 1 ' CHICAGO, ILL.-Meetings good at Humboldt Park. Greatest stir in years. God is moving in our midst. Altar filled, some coming through. Will leave to- morrow for Eatcn, Ohio camp.-Watt Walker.

MYSTIC, IOWA.-Wife and I held a two-week revival there. The Lord cer- tainly did bless and the folks are bun- gry ior some good Pentecostal literature. -Evans. O t to J . Klink, Promise City. Iowa.

MARTINSBURG, W. VA.-We have just closcd a two-week meeting in which several received the Baptism according to &ts 2:4, and several ne re saved. O n M a y 30 saints gathered together from various assemblies for an all-day meeting. 'The tide began to rise in the morning -meeting, and continued to rise higher and higher until the night meeting. The power fell in wares of glory. Truly it

K N O X V I L L E , IOWA-We stari-d meetings here in the Assembly of God Hall about a ucck ago. God has been pouring out HIS Spir~t . Thrce n e r e a t the altar last n ~ g h t . Pray that God may have Hi s way.-Mr & Mrs. James Cox and Charles Cox.

- . Ivas a refreshing time to all.-Pastor Stanley Cooke.

O P P , ALA.-We began a meeting un- der a tent here about the middle of April. God wonderfully blessrd in giving out H i s Word. Many \vcrc convinced and convicted of their sins. Six rcccivcd sal- vation; among them was a woman 84

.years of age. She seemcd possessed oi an evil sp~r i t . She was delivered and arose praising God for deliverance. Brothcr J. D. Courtney and wife assist- cd. W e have just pitched a tent in Laurel Hill, Fla. Pray for a revival here. Those desiring tent meetings in Georgia write nie a t Glenwood, Ala. Box 42.-S. W. Noels and wife.

W O O D R I V E R , ILL.-Our revi\.al meeting closed May 5. Perhaps it was the greatest visitation of God's power we havc had here. Evangelist Zelma Argue had charge of the campaign. Her simple spiritual talks secmed to grip the hearts of the people. God baptized 29 in the Holy Spirit, healed some, and 35 professed conversion; for all of which we praise the Lord. Pray for this place.- J. E. Perrin.

T O L U , KY.--We ' have moved to a nelV place called Millford. A dear broth- e r who received the Baptism about a year ago, has let us havc the use, rent free. of a large store bouse in which to hold incetings, and a place to live in. Praise the dcar Lord. W e are having four scrvices a week. The crowd is incrcas- ing and thc interest is good. Any broth- cr passing this way is \velcome. Pray for this locality and for us.-T. R. 0'- Eryan and wife.

K I N G S P O R T . TENN.-We closed our spccial meetinjis at this place last night \Ve art: truly grateful for cvery prayer offered in our I,chalf in these services, and want to be still rcmen~bcrcd a3 n.c move on to new fields of labor. I I x - licve there wcw l;et\vecn 20 and 30 souls truly ronvrrtvd; sonic I,zckslidcrs \vcre rccl;timrd, and 4 received the Baptism in tlir Holy Spirit. Dccp conviction was on the people in oilr closing scrvicc. I har: resigned the pastorate at hfcmphis, Tenn. and will 11: doing cvangclistic work, for a whilc a t leaqt. Pray [or Rrothcr Rrooks hcrc and this precious band of young sainls. Thr re arc quitc a numlxr of young pcoplt in the asscml)ly. I t docs one good to lirar tlicin get down to pray- er. Thcv surcly do take hold.-Esan~. H. J. Galliraitli. .

BUCKHOLTS, TEXAS-We are in the midst of a blessed revival. Souls are being saved; some are receiving the Bap- tism; the altar is full every night. I t is blessed to see these dear people weep their way into the ark of safety. Pray for us and for the coming revival this summer to be led by Sister F. L. Lewis of Houston. Our present meeting is bcing conduct?d by W. R. Brock of hfus- kogee, Okla. This work stands 100 per cent for Council teaching.-Will Cunning- ham.

MASSILLON. OHIO-My dear wife and I havc just returned froin work in W. Va. W e expect to start tent work thcrc the first week in July. There are about 30 precious souls that have been gathered together a t two different points. Nine, ranging in azes from 8 years to 45, have received the Baptism according to Acts 2:J. Praise H i s holy name. One dear man that has b x n Sunday school supcr i~~tcndcnt in the hf. E. church for many ycars has found God in a new light. No\\. hc is 100 per cent Pentecost>ut and out for God. God has wonde;fully blessed our work there. Families have l ~ c n swept into the kingdom, when some of then1 were healed. Cancers disappear- ed, the paralytic were healed. Some that had suffered for many years with rhcu- matism havc had complete dclirerance. Praisc God. Last Sunday night \ re staid over night at a home where the daughter had snffcrcd for ycars with neuralgia and neuritis. This dcar woman \vas prayed for and Jcsus did the rcst. She \vas liealcd. Praise thc Lord. Ouc younz man that had suffered from cpilcpsl- for niany ycars was miraculously healed. By this healing the wholc family was brousht t o Jesus. Praise H i s holy n:rme. W e cx- ~ i c c t to start some good strong asscni1,li:s t l~c re this summer with God's help. Pray for this new f i c ldyDav id D. Lewis and wife, hlassillon, Ohio.

A L T O N , ILL..-Praise the Lord ior he blessings we got last Sunday night. Six were saved. One was saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit aud healed-three doses a t once. Praise God for His sav- ing potvcr, the Baptism and the healing power.-C. M. Hoffman.

SULLIGENT. ALA.-This is a ne\v field. \Vc came here in hlarch. Since that time 3 have been saved and 2 have received the Holy Spirit a s in Acts 2 4 . Please pray that the Lord \\.ill provide a place t o worship, as the people are stirred and are reading the Bible as thcy never have 11cfore.-L. M. Vaugn and wife.

R A I S I N CITY, CALIF.-God has bccu very blessed to us and has blessed 11s in c w r y way, healing, saving souls and baptizing in the Holj, Spirit. Our ~nisbion has heen running about a year. and God has baptized forty in the Holy Spirit, and saved as any. W e arc praying that we may have a I d d i n g of our own, as the place in which we meet is not as suitable as it might be. Pray for us that x e may ever be in the cen- ter of H i s will.-R. 0 . Price, pastor.

O L I V E BRANCH, ILL.-We are glad to report victory in this place. Th- Holy S p i ~ i t is finding His way into the hearts of the people. Scveral souls have been brovght to Christ during the last few me:ks, in our regular meetings. T h e hi. E. Purday school superintendent and wife received the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4 in our r.ecting>. W e have our new building nearly com?leted, and we are holding services in *it now. The church we have will not hold the crowds that conie. There has been some praying and, reading and searching out done in this p!ace, and God is blessins thc peo- ple. Pray for us that God will keep us hcmble.--Pastor Ear l Harp.

C I N C I N N A T I , OHIO-Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Ettcr and her co-workers Brother Robert Benjamin and Brother Thomas Paino have just closed a most succ~ssful campaign at the Pentecostal Assembly. 9th and Plumb Sts. I t was a remarkable meetins-an old-time re- \+a1 full of the Holy Spirit and of power. T h e interest deepened as the mecting progressed. the crowd increased, and the title rose higllcr and hightr up to the very last meeting. Hundreds of sick peo- ple were prayed for and there were niany remarkable cascs of healing. Miraclcs of healing were wrought before rhe eves of the people. somt of whom no doubt came to scoff hut went away convinced. as tlicy could not deny what they saw with their o w l cycs. I will mention just one of the.;c. Nrs . John Tlicis, 700 Carli.;lc St.. Cincinnati, Ohio, had becn in a u-lieel-chair for tlirce ycars and was brought to the mccting in a \vl~cel-chair. Sister Et tcr prayed for l ~ c r , and sllc ;toad up and walked across the platfor~n bark and forth. A few nights ago s l ~ c canl? back witl~out any c l~a i r and is now doinji hcr work \vitl~out its assistance. Tllc I.ord willinc., wc arc t o havc another can1paifi.n in a fc\r v:ccks.-J. \Y. T l ~ o m p - son, pastor.


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June 16, 1923

NEW HAVEN, CONN.-\Ve have had Brother A. Watson Argue with us aver Sunday with precious results. The hall was well filled with a hungry audi- ence and everyone was blessed with the messages in preaching and in song. The work of th: Lord is going on and we are looking forward with joyful expectation to the work which shall be accomplished along Pentecostal lines during the com- ing summer.-Clarence Jensen.

PUEBLO, COLO.-After a tour of the Colorado district, during which I con- .ducted meetings at Superior, Mona, War- emart, Rock\- Ford. and Holly, I came here at the jnstance of Pastor J. Logan Stuart and the saints to put on a revival meeting and act as pastor till a permanent pastor can he secured, as Brother Stuart feels led of the Lord to take up evan- gelistic work. Evangelist Stuart took over the Pueblo work late last summer, .and has done creditable service. Re- cently the assembly leased a hall in the .down-town section, one-half block north of the Union Station. There is a good prospect of a splendid work at Pueblo. Praise the Lord. -Max A. X. Clark, pas- tor, 317 S. Victoria Ave., Pueblo, Cola.

LONG BEACH, CALIF.-I am send- ing more subscriptions to the Evangel. I am praising God for what He is doing in our midst. People are going through to the blessed Baptism every week. And we praise God for it; but we are still look- ing for the floods and expecting them to come, Sunday, May 20. was a very bless- ,ed day. God gave us a real heart-search- ing message on fruit-bearing and the hindrances to it (John 15:1-8). Then, at 2:30, we repaired to the water where nine followed our precious Lord in bap- tism. A mother and her married daughter and grandson were among those baptiz- ed; also a woman and her granddaughter. A large croxvd gathered to witness the baptizing; and as the saints would r&e a shout of praise as the candidates came up with shining faces, the crowd would look amazed. WC had a good opportun- ity to present Jesus to them, and we did it, praise the Lord. We then returned to the hall, where a goodly number spent the time waiting on th: Lord. One brother lay under the power for a$ least four hours. and, just before the close of the evening xr\ice came through to the Bap- tism, for which we cive God the glory. Prav that God wilt stir this coast country. --\c. R Potter.

TAMPA, FLA.-Since WC last reported to the Evangel. God has blessed us in letting 11s see many souls saved and fill- ed with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4. We came to Jacksonville, Fla. in November and held a six-weeks meeting, in which about SO professed to bc saved and 3 received the Baptism in the Spirit. Atso had a water-baptismal scrvicc. From there we answered a call to Orlando. God met us in such a way there that the church got too small. \Vc had to enlarge it so that it scats over a hundred more -pcopIe. WC stayed there four months. God worked in a mich!y way. Man) souls Were saved and filled with the Spir- it; also SOIII~ ble.;sed healings took place;


among them was a Baptist minister whom five doctors had given up and said that he was dead. His wife came into the meeting and told us what had happened; and, bless God, as the saints got down in prayer, God touched his body and brought back life, and in a few days he was home from.the hospital and came to our meeting and testified to what God had done. IIe had grown cold and iii- different in the work of God, but he has got close to God again and is seeking the Baptism. She got a double cure-healed and filled with the Spirit at the same time. Next we came to Tampa, and gave them a two-week meeting at Oak Park, where God blessed wonderfully. Brothel and Sister Ashcroft came along and help- ed. Seven received the Baptism in the Spirit, and 17 were baptized in water. The saints there have recently built a new church. Pray that the Lord will con- tinue to bless us and use us in the sal- vation of many precious souls. --I. J. Bolton and wife. Home address, 332-1 N. Palethorp St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Page Eleven

ARD&lOR%, OKiA-I read of the Council work and compared it wit11 the Word, and it seemed to me to be oo Bible lines. Then I began to talk it to our little unidentified assembly. Then lvitb three other members of the assembly, I attended the mxting oi the ,District Council held in .Tulsa. last Decembrr. \l’hat I saw and felt there was so swtl‘t and convincing that I said, “I know now that I am for Council.” I applied for li- cense and asked to have some one come and set us in order. Brother Oscar Jones came, and on May 1, set uz in order, witb ninet.en names on the roster. Now we have twenty-four. Brother Jones’ stay \~as food to our souls, and we are planning for him to come back xvben he has longer time to stay. Also we invite the Council brethren to come this way and stop off with us whenever it is possible. And we earnestly covet your prayers-W. T. Bartley, pastor. East Ardmore Pentecostal Assembly of God, about ST/z miles cast of Ardmore, near Province, a Frisco station.

LONDON, ENGLAND-A meeting was held by Mrs. Dunham at Memorial Hall, February 12 to March 3. Special prayer was offered the first evening for a young man who had undergone several operations and was in a very critical con- dition. In seven or eight days news was received that he was recovering and was able to take solid food. Testimony was given of one who was healed of car-ache; and at the same time another in the con- gregation, who was looking around to se: what was happening, was stricken very severely with the same complaint. This was a lesson to us all to keep our eyes up unto Jesus while prayer is being of- fered. Prayer was made for a Roman who was in an asylum; and before the mission closed word was received that she was healed, and was quite sane. She has since returned to her home. A lady came from Nottingham to attend the meetings and was healed of six diseases, the chief being asthma, bronchitis and heart trouble. A young woman with a consumptive throat was healed. Many were prayed for who wer: unable to at- tend; and they received healing for soul as well as for body. The poxvcr of God n2.S Pr3Cnt in the rnectinjis to convict, convert and to heal; for which wc praise God. The hymns, “0 Love that \j’ill not Let Me Go,” and “Oh, for a Heart to Praise My God” ,vere r:pcate<!ly made a blessing to our souls.-A JVorker.


This i.; to notify th: Oklahoma minis- ters and assemblies that Oscar Jonch, Chairman of the Oklahoma District Coun- cil has informA the head off~ccrs that Bruce David has rtrxned his credentials and is no longer one of the Council minir-tcrs of Oklahoma. His name has bcrn dropprd from the list hcrc in the &ice. I<rother David anuoun~es thn: Ilc is no longer in the mini.;trv.

MADERA, CALIF.-We have had a continual revival since we started here. The Lord is saving, baptizing, healins as on the day of Pentecost. We just closed a ten-days meeting with Brother Owen Lee, better known as “Irish” Lee, the evangelist. I thank God ior such a man. He is one among many, filled with the Holy Spirit and preaches the Word without gloves. He won the hearts of all the people, both saints and sinners. The Lord seems to have given him a special ministry to the saints. He leaves a praying band behind. When you pray remember Madera. We expect to have our assembl? one hundred per cent Evangel readers this month.-Mabel and Gertrude Stake, in charge.

SOUTH A,?ItICA--I have just come from an eracgelistic tour in Bechuannland. l+leet- fngs w?re held in my large tent in the town of Kuruman. the Old SUtlorl of the. Maffats and David LLvingstone. I secured some tine SIIRPS of the Mission House, cem- etery, etc. Barring none. this is the mast historical spot in South Africa. The Lard was truly In our midst. The saints went down before the Lord, some traveled 48. 65, i5 miles through the sand by donkey 115~0” and cart to be there. We are about to b,llld a 11:,11 for the Pentecostal testimony in that dark region. Several were haptlzed. I nm inclosing a new sub- srnption to the Rvnngel.-Brotl~er George aement. In c3re nf the S. A. Police, ICuru- ma”. Bechuxnalnnd, ,S. Africa.

BROTHER COOK TO COME HOME Brother Robert F. Cook informs us

that very little progress has been made to- wards the fares for himself and family to the homeland. The family consists of six members. Rrothcr Cook aud wife, Blossom age 17, and IIorotlly age 11. There are also t\vo small boys. The,, need for fares to bring them from South India to California about $1700.01). \Yc are trusting the Lord to supply this need, for Brother and Sister Cook should come home goon. Sister Cook has been in India for the last nine years u?tbout a furlouph, and the nerves of both Brother CIIKI Sister Cook are in bad condition.

“AS for God IIis way is I’CRI~ECT.”

Pace Twelve T H E P E N T E C O S T A L E V A N G E L

II MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT ,/I All offerings for Forcim. Missions and for a p e m e of conducting the Missionary Department.

.bould be sen1 by Check. Draft, Express or Postal Mones Order. made payable to J. RasweU Flower, Treasurer, 336 West Pacific Street, Springfield, Mo., U. S. A.


An all-day Missionary Prayer Mcrt- ing has been started in the assembly in Springfield, Mo. It is planned to hold such meetings the fourth Wcdncsday of e a c l ~ month. T h r first day o i prayer was a great success. A large map of the world had been obtained and hung upon the wall back of the pulpit. The scrvicc started about ten o'clock in the morning and as each country was reached, there was much prayer for the needs of the individual missionary, the work a t large, and the needs of the country for the Gospel. Some photos and pictures wcre also passed around among the saints and much interest was aroused. Therc was no stop for lunch, but the service broke up about Rve o'clock in the evening.

Miss Mildred L. Borom of Louisville, Ky. has also inaugurated a missionary day in the Louisville Assembly. For the encouragement of others who may want to start similar meetings. we publish a part of her letter.

"I prais: the Lord for the blessed meet- -ing that we had. I t was a great success, to H im be the honor and glory. I went to the Library here and got quite a bit of general information. Also wcnt back over some of the back numbers of the Exyangel, searching out more informa- tion in the reports. Beside that I had access to some books. magazines and per- sonal letters.

"Our first field was China. Unfortun- ately, I was unable t o procure a large map of China (if I had had the time I might have tried to enlarge one myself), but I got a pretty good map of the world. which we placed in the center a t thc back of the platform. O n each side of the map I h u n ~ strips of unbleached muslin upon which we eould pin the pictures which I had cut out of the "National Geographic" and a book on China. ( I feel that I have found a continual sollrca of help-I ha re an aunt who takes the "Geographic".) Then in front of the pulpit on two large sheets of white hrij- to1 I arranged displays of personal pic- tures and snapshots of various mission- aries. I also had some curios such as a piccc of Chinese embroidery. hundreds of years old, specinrns of the stationery tl'at my fricnd in Japan writes t o me on. etc. Then I had two pieces of Japanese towelinp.. one on piano and the othrr over platform railing. At the last min- rttr, a dear old hrother. \vho had foi~nrl out what was on loot. I ) r o l ~ ~ h t me what he said was a Chinesc idol th i t ,his son I m x ~ d i t from China. At any rate it was u ~ l y enough to p o . ~ as such, and j t ~ r t Icnt the finish in^ toucll to my clis- plays.

"In sprnliing of thc mattcrs of drco- ration and display Idorcliancl. somronr asked. 'What is the idea of all that?'

T h c object was not only to create a set- t ing ior the lesson, but to make the mis- sionarics somethin3 more than printers ink and paper, and to make more vivid and real and bring closer to us in a per- sonal way our substitutes on the firing line o f the Kingdom. From some re- marks that wcre made afterward I hope that the objcct was' accomplished to a c e r t a i ~ ~ degree. B ~ f o r e and after serr- ice I cncouragcd the folks to come up and look closely a t the display.

"We had about the usual Sunday night attendance. Thz service was opened with appropriate songs, followed by prayer, especially remembering the missionaries and people of Japan, China, Korea and Tibet. I believe that a missionary meet- ing ought to be considered an evangel- istic meeting, our prayers and giving being used of the Lord to bring souls in- to the Kingdom. After prayer, we took our regular Sunday collection, and the missionary offering was taken a t the close of t he service. We a re delighted to be a b k to send in $20.00, which I really consider t o be very good, as we a re only a little band and have heavy obligations.

"The Lord just let the words flow from my lips. I was full of my subject and there was scarcely a hesitation. I scarcely referred to my notes. and after passing quickly from onc point t o an- other for about forty-five minutes I could have told about as much again and th tn not nearly have exhausted the subject, I believe. The interest held up fine, and I tried to bring it t o a close before the pzople would get too tired. I don't know when I felt jo happy in anything. I just seemed carried along. The Lord was surely in that service.

"I had thought of taking Africa for the nzxt meeting. I have a pretty good map of Africa right no\\-."

The suggestion made by Miss Eorom should find ready response by all our Asseml)lics. Many havc hesitated to start something on missionary lines, but Sis- ter Borom has gone right after her ob- .icctivc and you see how the Lord blcsscd In ncarly all our public li l~rarics you will find information conccrning all the coun- tries in which wc havc missionary work, and you will find missionary pl~blications containing much information of a F n - era1 missionary character which \\-ould be I~elpful. The Evangel furnishes many lcttcrs which may be your store of information and if you have a map of the world, or :om? maps of India, China o r Africa and a heart of inspiration and enthwiasm, thcrc. is no reason why you could not have a wontlcrful niission- arv mecting every month.

100 pcr ccnt of all missionary offerings sc11t t o tI1c Mis~ iona ry Trcasurcr find tlicir way to the field.

T H E N E E D A T S I S W A BAZAAR Brother J. H. Boyce writes conccrning

the need in Siswa Bazaar as follows: "The little native bungalow which wc have in Siswa Bazaar and for which we pay b e t w e n $6.50 and $7.00 a month rent, a t the present time is in a condi- tion unfit to live in, and has been so since last September. Broth-r Jacobs persuad- ed the landlord to put up another room to make it more convenient, but they put it up with sundried brick. Thc result was that when the rain came last year it all fell in, roof and all, which damaged the good room so that it is now unfit for hahitation. U p to date Brother Jacobs has not been able to prevail upon the landlord to repair the place although he continues to pay the rent regularly ac- cording to the lease. W e arc trusting the Lord to k t us go back to India this fall 'and the building described above is the only dwelling place we have to look forward to.

"Probably there are some of the Lord's people if they but knew the need for a house out there to live in, which build- ing would be properly deeded to the Assemblies of God and not to be h d d in my own name, may be led of the Lord by their gifts to deliver us out of our present difficulty. Before Brother Har- vey died he wrote t o us saying. 'If there is on: plaee that missionaries need a proper house to live in it is a t Sisxva Bazaar.' I estimate that five or six acres of land and a mission house, including houses for native preachers, would cost about five thousand dollars. The Lord is able for this need."

Brother P. Bristow who is at present home on furlough in England writes. ,

"The Lord has kept our work going in China and \\-e have been delighted to hear that our Chinese evangelist had received the Baptism and others are hungerinp- for His fulness. Should we not b+ a happy people."

Miss Gerda M. Adolfson writes from Sainam, South China. "The present need for laborers is very grkat. Come over and help us! There are so many open dchr- but so fcw that st:p in and fill the gap. The l a r d is calling me to Fat Shan to help Miss Anderson who is left alone, her co-workcr having gone home on fur- lough so please address me there in the futnre."

R. F. Baker writes from Dallas. Texas. "Our work is going forward. W e opened up a new Mcxican Mission last week in Corsicans. Texas. W e have a Mcxican prcachcr and his wife there.

"Scveral young mrn have bcen saved of late here in Dallas and two havc ohcy- cd the Lord in water haptism. Others will ohey nrxt Sundav. W e spent several days last week visitinn mis3ions in. the Dallas district and tllr Lord blessed in a wonderful way. At Frost. Texas there are thirty or forty hclicvers. W e need Inl,orcri very hxdlv and I trust the Coun- cil will soon pnt forth a special effort t o rtablisll a training school lor our young hlcxiran men. Mav th r Lord help us to do what we do quickly. Pray for the Mexican work."

June 16, 1923


q r s . Lillian- B. Mars ton is working all by hcrself, far from civilization in Yun- nan Province, South W e s t China. In a recent letter she tells of some of her living conditions, which we publ is l~ ' so that you may knonp how to pray for our faithful missionaries. Sister Marston writcs:

"I have only becn a t home at Ching tong hsien for a l ~ t t l e over a month since last June. Have been living in all kinds of places and under all sorts of condi- tions. Sometimes a bench and no table, o r a table and no bench; or low bench and high table o r vice versa. At present niy table is a rice chest. No modern improvements such as chairs with backs, cook stores, plates, knives, forks, etc. I haven't seen a rocking chair for six years, nor cven a keroscne lamp. P c a ~ ~ u t oil lamps (very tiny), chopsticks, rice bowls, stools or very narrow benchcs with no backs, a little mud fire pot to cook on, and many other inconveniences. Fo r in- stance, I an1 using the lid of my rice kettle to fry vegetables in and must do so until, s q n e one brings iron pots t o town to sell-no telling when. There arc no department stores to which we can go to buy what we need but must wait un- til wc 'ping cho' ( run on -to) them, as they say.

"I-Icre, I have been living under all sorts of tumult, noise and confusion of Chinese new year. A little loft, windows could not be opened, smoke pouring in from cooking below most all day; ham- n ~ e r i n g and pounding of the carpenter tvork in loft above; sawdust, etc. shifting down; people on all sides, above and,be- low, some shout ing and rejoicing, some quarreling and reviling, some gambling; children crying; geese and ducks squawk- ing; shooting of fire crackers, etc. until alter midnight, sometimes.

"Such is touring in these regions; to say nothing of trials and dangers of the road. W a s dropped in the river on the \\-a? here. As I went into the water, I found myself saying 'Praise Jesus' in Chinese. and I realized Hi s care and pro- tection. Though H e tested nie, H e was careful t o not let it be in thc middle, \\.liere the .water was deep. b ~ i t in the edge wherq I could get out without fur- ther injury. than a soaking on the right side from head to foot. I spcnt the e\,ening drying my clothes and bed clothes.

"This is all pioneer work and these smaller places are niostly old China. anti-foreignism and all. S o it is sow in tcars and hope for the reaping. Have sold Gospels and preached on the streets. Ha\.e an opportunity t o open a small chapel and a m waiting to know if it is God's \\.ill. You may not be interested in all this. but I write it t o show conili- tion5 in China."

Nie!s P. Thomsen \rrices from Cnxvn- porr. India. "Toniorro\v morning we arc cuing to Inptize a young man, xnot l ix fruit from our outstation. ITc is of a good eastc, and has h-en intcrrstcd for sonic time now. Please pray that several others who are near tlie kinfi-ilo~n may


soon be ready to step out wholly for Je- sus. One young man cspccially who has been dedicated to a Hindu monastery for the rest of his life, through the la- bors of our evangelist on the outs tgion, has become interested in Christianity. H e cannot leave the precincts of this place on the pcnalty of losing his rank, but hc has made two secret visits already to the liousc of the evangelist. Pray that he may 1~ won for Jrsus.

"The heat has arrived, and during tli: middle of the day it is impossible to do any outside work, especially for n.liite folks. W e shut all our doors about nine o'clock in an effort to kc:p the heat out. W e hope to be ablc t o go to the hills in a couplc of \reeks."


Brother Harland Lawler and wife \vho are working in and near Shanghai, China tell o f the gr:at dearth in that nciglilior- hood although th: Gospcl has beeti preached in Shanghai for many years. They write, "There is surely much to be done in this city and in the villages a- round Shanghai. Thre is a group oT villages north and northwest of this city which are in need of the Gospel light, there being not a single Protestant mis- sion in any of thrm the last tlmc we were there.. Rcccntly Mrs. Mader and my wife accompanied Brotlicr Mader and me to a village whcre there is no mission. Six of the villages we visited were \vitIiout Protestant mission so far as we know. Join ug in prayer that the IIoly Spirit may draw many of those precious souls in those villages to Jesus. Brethren pray for us that we be burning and shining lights, and that we he faithful to God. W e know that it is not by might nor, by power, but things are accomplished for God by Hi s Spirit."

Brother Lawler has scnt us a photo of a baptismal scenc a t Shanghai which is reproducd in this' paper. The mrn stand- ing in the water are Mr. Wei, the native worker, Mr. Herman J. Mader, and Mr. Harland Larvlcr. Th: group on the bank were all candidates for haptism, a number of whom came out of the \rater praising the Lord.

Page Thirteen

THE P L A G U E R A G I N G O N , T H E B O R D E R S O F N d P A L ' '

Brother L. M: Jacobs writes from In- dia, "The plaguc is all around us here. The people are leaving their home taking with them all they possess in little bun- dles on their head, and arc gomg right out into the fields t o livc hoping to es- cape the awful plague which has fastened itself upon Gorakhpur. The plaguz is ' taki11g.a heavy toll evcry day, dozens of lives going down into an endless gravc. The bazaars or markets are a ln~os t de- serted, and it is with great difficulty we are ablc to buy grain and necessary food. But our God is victor, and our safe hid- ing place in Psa. 91-"No plagnz shall conic nigh thy dwelling." W e have prov- en Him true thus far, bless His pr:cious Ilanie forever. \Ye have a wonderful God. and the heathen as well as the Christians are beginning to realizk it. But we do need your prayers for tlie days ahead.

"[Ve know that tlie writtcn Word has gone out from Gorakhpur into Nepal, Assam and Burma, and to many other places in India through the colportzur and personal work. Even though the governor of hTepal has closed hrr doors to the Gospel and missionaries, still God's \Vord is going in. Some day Nepal shall awak,-r to find the Gospel has a claim in- side her very doors that shall not be ea;ily uprooted. Hallelujah! Won't you pray with us that God will enable us to put on a new Nepalesc preacher to work a- mong hundreds of Ncpalese who live per- manently her- in Gorakhpur, and among the thousands who come and go. I t will cost about $10 a month to support this man. Won't you pray?"

Forrest G. Barker writes from Peru, South America. "We still have the 1-ic- tory, and the Lord has given us a fe\v mar- souls since I last wrote. W e bap- tized two more ?70ung men, and two more will likely be baptized soon. W e ha re sonic real bright converts, and they a re sceking the Baptism in the blcssed Holy Spirit. D o pray with us that t h e y may so011 recei\c"

Lore IS hoth tlie source and the channel and the cnd of the divine acting.

Candidates lor Baptism at Shanghai. China. Standing in the water lrom left to right: Mr. Wei, native evangelist; Brother Mader and Bmther L w b r .



July I5 to A u p s t 5. Evangelist A. McPhsil, of Oswego Kans. has bee" en a g e f t o come with a large t i n t for 'an o l d - t m c f'entecostal +val. H c is used in praying the prayer of fa~th . If you want salratlon healing the Baptism in the Holy Ghost accord& to A& 2:4, come. Comc and help givc Fayettcvillc an old-time camp n~ccting. A good place to cam Fine water. The assembly will take a r c o r workcrr.-Bcrl Uodd, pastor; R. I. Dixlcr, elder.

BYESVILLE. OHIO. CAMPMEETING T h c Third Annual Camp Meeting of the Bycs-

villc Assembly will commencc August 17 and con- tinue ovcr threc Suudays. W c have secured thc same beautiful grounds this ycar. Thc evangel- istic services and music will be in 'charge of thc Canadla" Evangelistic Trlo. A. H. Arguc son Watson, and daughter Zelma. Brother and Sis- ter Wilbcrt R. Williamson returned missionaries from South China, will brink news from that field. Three services daily. W e will havc about sev- rnty-five tents on the rounds besides thc bi top. For information adj ress th; pastor, J. ~ l a r & Soules, 101 S. Seventh St., Bycsvillc, Ohio.

REVIVAL CAMPAIGN A T PETOSKEY. MICH. Thc Lord williug, a revival campaign will be-

gin July 22. 1 9 3 for thrce weeks or longer, a t the .orner of ~ a k & a o & Michigan Streets. Evan- relist William L m b e r t Drant from Chicago. will tuc in charge. Should an of thc brethren who are m fellowship with the & n e r d Council pass this r a y , we invile them to s tay ovcr with u s on faith Imnes.-John C. Roberts, pastor of the assembly, 410 {Vest Lake St.



July I to 15 T h e Canadian Evangelistic trio from Winnipeg.

Manitoba - A. H. Arrruc and his son Watson and daughter Zelma - w i f condu& a revival campaign in the large new tabernacle of the Full Gaspel Assembly (formerly the Korth Avenue Mission). a t 1665 N. Mozart Street. corner of Wauhansia. one block north of the old mission. T h e d c d i u - tion will takc place, the Lord willing, Sunday. July 8. Many ministers will takc wart.-Adatoh Petersen, Pastor.

T E X A S CAMP M E E T I N G Second Annual Camp Meeting, Whitt . Parker

Co., Texas, beginning August 18, 1923, and con- tinuing until Septcmbtr 9 inclustve. Come pre- pared to camp in the open or bring your own toilet articles and camv with the warkcrs a t a place prepared especialiy far them; or you may get a home assigned with the people if you notif u s in time. For fur thcr informatton wrttc or ca6 Lonnie \\-hitworth, Pastor, or either of thc fal- lowing: J. H. Daldwin, Secretary,

J. L. Martin. Trustee.


The District camp meetmg far the northwest y t i o n of the District will be held a t Wichita

ails Texas Jul 27 ta August 5. ~ h ; b r c t h r k o? the narthwcst part of the dis-

trict bcina assembled in eonventton a t Elcctra. T u a s , voied to make this cam a district camp, so come on brethren of tbe Bst r ic t with your advance off&ings toward getting the d m p strrtcd. Lct each pastor take up a spec~al offering as soon as eonventcnt a f ter reading this announcement and send to the treasurer of the committee. Be surc tu bring your toilet articles and bcdding. We will try to arrange for dormitories on thc grounds. T h e table will be furnished on the free-wtll offer- ing plan. Please pray tha t these offerings may be forthcoming for "Except th.e Card build the house, they lab& in vain tha t build tt." Scnd your offerings and address all commun~cations to Wm. Burton McCafferty Treasurer of Camp .Mcetmg Committee and presbyter of N. W. Distnct.

1400 Fifth St., Wichita Falls. Tuas.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN PENTECOSTAL C A M P M E E T I N G D E N V E R COLO. AUG. 1 to 12 The Sixth ' ~ n n u a l ~ a l & a d o ~ i i t r i c t Council will

be-h;ld-ii~~con&clio< with our camp meeting a t the beautiful and well-equipped Rock? Mountain Lake Park a t Denver Colo.. commenctng August 1 and continuing till 'the 12th, i?clusive. Facili- ties in this park will make camptng out very en- joyable. Uring your awn bedding and. tpilet a r t i - cles. Tents can be rented a t cast. M m s t c r s and workers will be entertained free. Meals will be served an the free-will-afferina olan: also a cafe- .- ~-

teria will be provided. Eratlaeiist A. H. Argue and son and daughter. of Winuipeg. Canada, havc been secured a s the swecial evangelists. Otber &k&s will he in atteidance. Spend your vaca- tiou in beautiful Denver. Ministers and special workers esveriallv rhottld write the committee far reserration;. Allyone having offerings toward the


1'hc northrrn rxrnt, n t r e t i n ~ ol the Assenll>lies tion at this r; t~np in this beautiful park o n tlie ! G r ~ l I\',rthcrn hliswuri a!:d Iowa district slurre of ~ l l c IJ i l : Ikikr. Imlk for further :nl-

be 11c1,I :,I Storm Lake, lows. Atwtxst 24 to wmucenxntn I:ctrr. I'my for his camp nxeting.- ~ , ~ l r t n l r c r I . rhu Imrd wtllnnl:. Spend yuur vaca- F.ldcr J. Chris )ensen, AIIA, 1cm:t.

exwenses of the camo and convention should send th; same to the D k t r ~ c t Secretary Max A. X. Clark. 1900 Lawrence St.. Denver. c h o who will acknowledae recciot of same.-W. d. Bovlcs. Chairman.-33 Chcrokce St.. Denver, Cob. - -'

OKLAHOMA STATE CAMP MEETING The State Camp hleeting of Oklahoma will be

held a t the City Park of Anadarko A u p s t I t o 12: Our brother. Jacob Nillar of ~ o ; t Smlth. Ark.. wdl be in charge of the mght services. e u t h c r E. N. Dell, of Springfield, hfo., will be ~ 8 t h us also to give us some Bible lessons. Let all thc ministers in the s ta te t ry to be resent to help us make this the best camp we Rave evcr held in the statc. Don't forget, brethren, takc u p a s many a s thrce or four offerings for this c a m k ,a: i t is a new field, and send them in to the c atr man, Oscar Jones, h'innekah. Okla. Thosc who can, bring their bedding and toilet articlcr. Come prepared to stay all through. For any informa- tion write J. F Chamless Gracemont 0kla.- C. E. Shields, 5;s N. 8th St&, ~ h i c k a r h a , OkIa. (M7)


SACRED SONGS SUITABLE FOR SOLOS "I Fell in Lorc with the, Nararene." No-

where to Lay My Head." He Is,,My Hiding- Place." "Daughter of Jerusalem." car Heart, Take Heart." "The Son of the Bri c a Little While.' "The flridal Song? "'B$%: I Qmc Quickly." '5 irituxl Israel." "Commgl P m m g Com~ng." .'&at Haat Thou Clcanedl

The kity of Our God." "God's Triumphant Army." "Calva:r. Lone Calvary." "Keep Step. My Drother." Sharon's Rase." "144,OW." Each of the above songs 25 cents. Order from Sarah H. Payne. Box 44. 'ocean Park, Calif.

WESTERN CANADA CAMP M E E T I N G A T SASKATOON. SASK.. J U L Y I T O 15 Special Gnvent ion Days, Ju ly 2 md 6

Brother D. W. Kerr. Presbyter General Council will be present. whose in!piring Bible lessons will bc of benefit to all. Begm praying now lor these meetings. Advertise it fa r and wide throu h d l the Pentccastal friends and assemblies. &.'rite us far bills for distribution. Send u s a list of names and addresses of friends tha t wc may +end to them a personal invi ta tkn to this meer- mg. All things in common, free tents for all a s the Lord provides. I f you havc a tent bring or send it. as tents arc scarce. Bring your o m bed- ding and toilet articles. Meals on freewill offering plan. All offerings inquiries corres ndence. etc. will he sent to H.' I f . Cad&ldcr &era1 ~ e l i v : cry. Saakatoon. Saqk., a s rathe her' Schneider, Sco- retary a f the Distnct rs m thc U. S. a t present.. -Chairman. H. XI. dadvalder.

Winsett's Song Books

Songs of Revival Power and Glory, each ............................ $ .35 per doz., $3.75; 100 copies .... 27.50

Jehovah's Praise, each ............ .35 per doz., $3.75; 100 copies .... 27.50

His Voice in Song, each ........ 2.5 per doz.. $3.75; 100 copies .... 27.50

Pentecostal Power, each .......... .35 per doz., $3.75; 100 copies .... 27.50

Songs of Perennial Glory, each ......................................... .35 per doz., $3.75; 100 copies .... 27.50

Songs of the Kingdom, each .35 per doz., 53.75; 100 copies .... 27.50

Gospel Song Messenger, each .35 per doz., $3.75; 100 copies .... 27.50

Songs of the Coming King, paper bound, each ................ .25 pcr doz., $2.75; 100 copies 20.00

Songs of the Coming King, cloth bound. each ................ .40 per doz., $4.50; 100 copies 35.00

Benson's Song Books Hallelujah Songs, each ............ .30

per doz., $3.00; 100 col~irs 24.00 Joyful Songs, cach .................. .25

per doz.. $2.50; 100 copics 20.00 Soul Stirring Songs, each ...... .20

per doz.. 52.00; 100 copies .... 16.00 Glory Songs, each .................. .35

per doz., $3.50; 100 copics 27.50

Order from G O S P E L PUB. H O U S E

Springfield, Mo.

June 16, 1923

PASTOR WANTED a t hlawer Saskatchewan, C'anada. Smgle man preferred. f o r further par- ticulars write to 1. A. Peterman. Box 86. hiawer. ,,*an.

1NF.ORMATlON WANTED conce~ning Charles Downlug. He was last heard from nme years a o and a t that time was in evangelistic work. f!; usrote last Irorn Oakland Eastern Oaks Caht. Inuise S. Bruerc. 332 S. ' ~ o r k t o w n . Tulsa). Okla. -~ ~

An opening for. one who wants l o I s m and preach.-A IO-acre farm, 7 or so cleared 1W fruit trees, mainly apples, gpod 8-rwm house.' E x - cellent climate. Also 5 m ~ l e s away, comfortable house o n lake shore, 14 acres of land suitable lor summer bungalows. Boat calling twice daily. Write Mrs. A. Clibhorn, Crawford Bay. Kootenay Lake, U. C., Canada.

SINGER WANTED -To lead singing in big rnertmgs; orlr wlm can lead and touch and In- fluence the people with song. Technical knowledge is not 50 inlportant 'as a clear strong, pleasing voice, and humble, .Christlike s p i k A single man preferred, who is In fellowship with the Geueral Council.-Evan~. Frank E. Baumgartnrr, 1311 As>lum Are.. Knonrdle, Tenn.

REVIVAL MEETING AT ABILENE TEXAS To begin June 10 a n d to run as long a; the Lord

leads: Brother B. L. h'ewby is to cdnduct the meetmg. Come prepared to take. care OF your- sclres. For inlormation concernmg thc meet. ing write W. E. Kimbell Route 4 Abilene Texas. The tabernacle is a t N- j t h and d1osquite '~treets.

WRIGHT COUNTY CAMP-MEETING- he fifth annual \Ijrisht County Camp Meeting r i l l be held, Go? willmg, July 26 to August 5, ~nclurive. Bring toilet articles. Tents may be rented a t a reasonable price. B r i n ~ your own tents if no--

~ .- slble. Also- b r i w musical- instruments. ~ h ; r & & lndian Evangelist '\Vat1 IValker in charge. For further itlfurmation write N. A. Graves or IIarve Graves, Jlacomb, 1\Iiswuri.


From May 25 to May 31, Inclusive (This does not include offerings for expenses of

the Foreign Missions Dept.) s46i.55: The Pent'l Church, Cleveland, Ohio.

* 450.00: Bethel Church Fresno, Calif. 204.86: Assembly 8. S. S. Springfield 110. 170.00: The AId. 8. W. ~ a . ' ~ i s t . ~ u m b h a n d , Md. 120.00: E. S.. h'ew ~ o u d o n , cdnn. i5.00: Assembly Warren Ohm. 65.00: H. & G. j.. ~ ' a s h & t o n , D. C.: Y. E. B.,

Pontiac hlich. 63.00: s. 'S. 8. Assembly, St. Louis Mo. 60.03: Bethany Pent'l A..sembly, ~pr ibgf ie ld , Mass. 48.06: Assembly Lancaster Pa . 48.00: S. S. & ' ~ s s e m b l y , ' Gmding, Idaho. 42.50: Assembly hliamt Fla. 40.81: S. S., E.' ~ i l d a n a n , Man. 40.00: Bethel Gospel Assembly. 30.00: C. C.. Riverside Calii. ZJ.00: Arsemblr. ~craAton. Kans. 25.00: 3Irs. A. I. G. Glendale Calif.; AL B.,

Creston, Iowa; hlr. & I I rs . 1%. 6. H., Earle, Ark. 24.75: Assemhls. Huntington. I.. I. 2254: Glad Tidings Mission Yonkers N. Y. 2Q.W: S. S., Martinsville, I&.; S. P.,'hlilwaukce,

\\'is.; 11. L. U., l a u l s v ~ l l e Ky. 18.68: llehida Pent'l ~ s s e m l ; l y , Canaan, N. H. 17.50: F. 1%. Beggs Okla. li.40: ~ s s e k h l y , E. ' s t . Louis, Ill. 16.00: Assembly Puxico, 110.; Pent'l Prayer

Band. ~ l l e n s t d w n , Pa . 15.67: S. S. Gary Ind. 15.50: \Ir. H. & s R. E., IIalvern, Ark. 15.00: C. U. IT., Sahranpur, India; R. E. V.,Ozark,

b l.

T H E P E N T E C O S T A L E V A N G E L Page Fifteen

.82: AmoiAts less than $1.00. Total, less $155.03, amounts glmn direct

to missionaries by assemblies .......... $2,517.66 ....... Minus check returned from bank 3.00

$2,514.66 A~nount previously reparted ................ 6,559.99

Total far month of May $9,074.65 --

ETERNAL REVENUE STAMPS One hundred a ~ ? d twenty stamps in each booklet.

Suitable for envelopes, etc. Price I5 cents. Cospl Publishing House. Springfielb Mo.

CAHADIb10 PEBTEC08Tbl; TE-Om The Canndlan Pentecostal Tesllmony, tho

omclal organ of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, I s now enlarged to 8 pages, and each nu.mber contains many good articles. Encourage our Canadlan Pentecostal breth- ren by subscrlblng for thelr paper. It 18 published monthly and costs only 60 cents per year. T h e edltor Is Brother R. E. McAllBter, 740 Queen's Ave. London. Ont.. Cnnada.

~ ~ ..~


Rcvivd services will be held m the tent a t Fourth & S a n Antonio streets during May, June. July August, and Se tember. Look far the tent appdsita the Normal &hml grounds as you m m e hv trsm {mm +he moth.-M. Freimark. Pastor. <-id ............

BROTHER WIGGLESWORTH'S ADDRESS Brother W i glesworth's present address i s 70

Victor Road. Sradford . England He u p e c t s to be in this country in August.

Pentecostal Sunday School Literature FOR THIRD QUARTER NOW READY

T h e InternationalmSunday School Lessons Dealt With Prom the Pentecostal Viewpoint

Little Picture Lesson Cards, per set per year . $ .16 O r per quarter - .M

Large Picture Roll, pcr quaraer .. 1.00 (This is for the same class a s the cards)

. Junior Quarterly, per year 20 O r per quarter .. .03

Intermediate Quarterly, per year - 2 0 O r per quarter - .05

Adult Quarterly, per year - 20 O r per quarter ........................................... ..... .BS

Lesson Leaves (the same a s Adult), per year .16 O r per quarter .M

(Canadian friends please add postage, l c for every 3 Quarterlies, l c for every 5 sets of Cards, and 6c for Picture Roll.)

Our Sunday School Papers ---11*nnmnnrmo--nn--nnnn~mm Y I Y ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I W ~ ~ ~ I I I H M I . I I I I Y I I I I I ~ Y ~ ~ ~ Y I ~ ~



I s a four-page weekly paper, gotten out with the .purpose of bringing the full gospel to our boys and girls. Each num- ber is well illustrated. Biographies of noted Christians, missionary letters, the S. S. lesson, testimonies of healing, and helpful stories by Pentecostal writers, are special features of this paper. Price 60 cents per year. In lots of 5 o r more. 50 cents per year or 12% cents per copy per quarter (Gt. Britain, 31- per year). .,"*-I,--- u y I Y ( w w I w u I u I U w l l t l m m m u




A 4 page weekly paper for Reginners. Contains the S. S. lesson, and helpful stories for the little folks. Well illustrated. Price 30 cents per year. Canada, 40 cents pcr ycar. In lots of 5 or more, 25 cents per year, or 6% cents per copy per quarter. (Gt. Britain, 21.; 5 copies, 616.) -- - - - -. - -- -. - - -

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Yo. 5 3 1 6 1 Am the l a r d That Healeth Thee. Panel-shaped picture a i Christ and the Rich Price 35c. Young Ruler. .4 spray 01 lilies-of-the-valley Z

completes the decorations oi this wall card. $ RULES FOR TODAY Sire. 6% x 12 inches. 35 cents. Corded. 4

Yo. 5402-.4 striking motto for the home. Gives :xcellent advice lor everybody Ivory-white lei- .ers on art-velvet cardboard.

I A motto tha t appeals to everyone r h o see it. ! Text No. 5320 has a panel showing Christ the

Consoler. T h e panel is ornamented with sp;aya I oi lily-of-the-valley,

Size, 6% x 12 inches. 35 cents.

Tart. qo. b t t 4 - I A T ED l o r v o u r s e l v e a r r e a s u r a s

Texl No. 5320- I l t not your hear t be troubled. I Size. 10 x U inches. Corded: I No. 6 s l i - W h e r e

w i l l y o u r h e a r t be s l s o . Price. 40 cents. Postpaid.