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Spiritual EncyclopediaeBook

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This Spiritual Encyclopedia is an index of important spiritual words and expressions and their short description, meaning and definition

Only truly spiritual words or words in a direct relationship to spirituality will be listed and described in this Spiritual Encyclopedia.

The definitions and explanations of this Spiritual Encyclopedia are made with Divine Bliss from God and in harmony with the traditional sense these words once had. Even if they may differ from definitions previously used in scholar books, it is important to refresh the true original sense and energy such Divine words once had.

Use such words respectfully and avoid any abuse for business or other purposes. There are values far beyond the material and physical values of this World.

Protect these values to re-establish Divinity within mankind on this planet.

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CONTENTAshram - definition of Ashram Avatar - definition and meaning of Avatar Death - definition of death Divine Bliss - definition of divine bliss Ego - definition of ego Freedom - spiritual definition of freedom Guru - meaning of Guru - definition of Guru Incarnation and Reincarnation Kriya Yoga - Spiritual definition and meaning Kutashta - Kutashta is the spiritual center of soul within physical body - Anatomical location of kutashta Maha - spiritual definition Maha Samadhi - definition and meaning of Maha Samadhi Nirvikalpa Samadhi - Nirbikalpa Samadhi Pranayama - definition of pranayama, meaning and purpose of pranayama Soul mates - definition and spiritual meaning of soulmates Spirituality - definition of spirituality

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Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition of Ashram - meaning of Ashram - define Ashram

Ashrams are a many thousand year old tradition in India and nowadays spread all over the world. While most of the persons running an Ashram outside India are Gurus from India or their direct disciples - an Ashram can be conducted by any person of any gender and any race, religion and culture if that person is a true Guru serving but God.

The word Ashram describes a house where a true Guru is living and teaching God-seekers seeking spiritual advice and help. An Ashram always is free of any religion and open to absolutely ALL. Traditionally most Ashrams accommodate the Guru only, however some Ashrams also offer accommodation for visitors - even longtime visitors staying for months or years or permanently living in an Ashram similar to the tradition in Christian Monasteries. Some Ashrams consist but of a tiny small hut or cave of a few square meter - usually marked with a red flag to be recognized by God-seekers.

True traditional Ashram never charge for their services but always serve on a basis of free donations for any spiritual service to make spiritual services available to even the poorest of all children of God.

An Ashram can be as little as a small cave in the mountains, a bamboo hut in the tropics or as huge as a temple or monastery - Ashram is where Guru lives ! That is the key point when searching for Guru or an Ashram or visiting an Ashram. A house without Guru never can be called Ashram - even if that applies to many such modern houses nowadays. To be Guru and to have an Ashram is a divine activity beyond material world and material dependencies. Guru in an Ashram serves the purpose of God and no one else. God is Love - hence Guru and Ashram serve the purpose of love. The only goal of Guru in an Ashram is to provide the environment for a spiritual retreat to offer the best possible environment in preparation to achieve oneness with God or God-realization.

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Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition of Avatar - Spiritual meaning and purpose of avatar

The title Avatar describes a fully freed soul incarnating directly from God on this physical planet or elsewhere. An Avatar fulfills a highly spiritual task in the name of God and returns to God after accomplishing his task. His Love for God and his creation is beyond description and imagination, his faith in God absolute as there is no difference between an Avatar and God.

Avatars are rarely in populated areas and prefer to act in a quiet retreat to peacefully fulfill their task. One of their task often is to teach guru's or potential Gurus, to assure the continuity of God's Divine plan in his creation.

There are but a very few avatars at the same time incarnated - usually only one. There are no Avatar-courses or Avatar-workshops, these are inventions of mankind's fantasy and desire to abuse even the most sacred values for profit.

An Avatar always learns from God and never has any other Guru. Only God can be his Guru.

Purpose of an Avatar

By his nature an Avatar leads an entire culture home to God while a Guru leads a number of individual disciples to God.

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Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition of death

Loss of spiritual control over physical body. Always combined with a shift of awareness from the physical plane to a metaphysical - in most cases astral plane, sometimes higher dimension depending on spiritual awareness of "death" as a result of his spiritual development.

Each death is a possible step toward freedom in God - depending on remaining attachments and readiness to learn to love all in all situations.

Reason for death

different reasons depending on spiritual situation of each individual person:

1. as a result of accumulation of karma, mistakes or destructive action against creation the sum of vector forces cause loss of control over physical body. this type hence includes all accidents, illnesses and even suicide - last is just a total loss of control over the self-made karma.

2. as a result of accomplished spiritual lessons in a particular environment3. as a result of accomplished spiritual task or plan on earth. this type may occur at any age4. as a result of Maha Samadhi - only possible by free souls as a result of direct personal

spiritual efforts and progress. 5. as a result of God's graceful freeing of a soul in distress - may occur at any age in any

situation including illness, most often as as a result of detachment from all physical persons and inner peace with all - after intense preparatory prayers and after surrendering ALL to God !

Kinds of death

different ways to die depending on spiritual progress and achievement before death:

1. sudden death - any cause - without any prior preparation or warning2. more matured souls often "sleep away" peacefully after consciously having cleaned up

their life3. peacefully and consciously drifting away - out of physical body - into higher spheres - or

even home to God4. people with any missing TRUE spirituality developed may have a severe fight for death

after long lasting battle with pains and illnesses - finally losing control of physical body. this most of the time is caused by unsolved attachments to material world, material belongings, unsolved heritage, unsolved problems with others.

5. soul's loss of control over physical body while body remains alive but without soul living inside body - empty bodies

6. the ultimate way is a peaceful and fully conscious abandoning of physical body in full union and harmony with God as a result of most intense spiritual preparation and a life of love and services of love in the name of God.

Results of death

various results can be resulting from death - such as:

● freedom in God● freedom to move on toward home in God● freedom to restart same lessons in better or different situations / conditions● a chance for a total restart in life● an act of grace and mercy from God for all having lost control of life● a lesson for the left behind ones on earth to start their spiritual development and return or

to think about the purpose and meaning of God, life and death.● protection of creation if individual is damaging or endangering the healthy survival of


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Divine Bliss

Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition of Divine Bliss

The common expression "Divine Bliss" contains 2 sacred words:

● Divine● Bliss

Divine means:

● Made by God● God-like● With all attributes and characteristics from God● Pure in the highest absolute meaning of possible purity

Bliss - also used in variations: blessed, blessings - means well-wishes, inner support for something.

Divine Bliss - the combination of above - means:

Blessed by God, with God's blessings, with God's spiritual support.

More precisely - Divine Bliss means:

1. God is supporting what you do2. God is helping you in your work, action, contributions to mankind or creation3. God is supporting you in your creativity and in your productivity4. God will coordinate all your efforts toward your goal with other resources willing to support

your work and efforts5. God will arrange all outside help as much as possible6. God will coordinate all meetings other people as needed as far as possible7. God will inspire those willing to accept God's inspiration to create new ideas, new services,

new products, new inventions to support your own divine efforts in helping all creation.

A practical approach to explain Divine Bliss

A more practical definition and explanation of the true innermost meaning and effect of Divine Bliss or blessed by God may be a comparison with a cyclist. Normal cycling goes uphill, flat or downhill. Either way a strong wind from behind will push you and hence support your own efforts to achieve your goal. While a wind from side or front may act against your own efforts, destabilize you and may require additional efforts from you to achieve your goal.

With God's blessing all your work, life and efforts are easier and pleasant all the way. You feel God's blessings as a direct support to always be at the right time at the right place, to always meet the right persons at the right time, to find what you need to achieve your goals. God's bliss also can protects you, God's bliss keeps those away from you who want to make your life miserable or difficult.

God's bliss - Divine Bliss - makes sure you receive what you want and need as the most loving lessons of life, for a successful and pleasant completion of your work for God, for the most loving path home to God - our eternal home, for the most successful job you do for the benefit of all mankind and all creation.

Who receives Divine Bliss - how much Divine Bliss can you receive

How much Divine Bliss you can receive depends only on you. You are the one to decide what you do an dhow you do what you do. You are the one to decide whether you work for the benefit of all mankind and all creation or only for the benefit of a limited number of persons or a part of creation while excluding another part of creation for whatever reason and by whatever means.

You are the one to decide to learn to truly love or to practice selfish love. Your decide if and when you learn to understand the meaning of true love and how to truly love by means of really progressing spiritually or by delaying your progress while focusing on selfish goals like career, money making or even revenge or punishment toward others.

A life without God's bliss is like a life without sunshine - it is up to you to get yourself into the sunshine of God's divine bliss by adapting your own life style in harmony with God's love - to become God-like yourself first.

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Ego definition

Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition of ego - define ego

The Ego is that part of your present personality and your wholesome being including your astral body, Causal body and soul that is different from God and prevents you from becoming instantly one with God.

The ego is the sum of many spiritual blockages that you collected during your journey far away from God-Union. The ego also consists of all the wounds and psycho-traumatic adventures you experienced during the present childhood and incarnation as well as during all previous incarnation.

Experiences made during separation from God may lead to traumatic wounds and shocks received and accumulated, while being consciously separated from your Divine home.

Increasing devotion to God and spiritual progress replace the Ego with Divinity - leading to an permanently increasing enlightenment of your consciousness.

Dissolving the ego means replacing your present personality with a God-made personality of everlasting Love and Bliss. During the process of dissolving ones Ego in the fire of Divine Love, spiritual ignorance is replaced by wisdom and God-consciousness.

The Ego can fight, feel pain and suffer. A fully enlightened soul may be aware of suffering, however never can suffer or feel any pain on its own.

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Freedom Spiritual definition of freedom

Spiritual Encyclopedia: Spiritual definition of the word freedom

Absolute freedom is divine - God given to ALL mankind !!

Freedom means to be really free and able to do exactly:

● Whatever you want● When ever you want● How ever you want● With who ever you want

God given freedom - given to ALL mankind - means ZERO limits in anything you ever want to do or however you want to do it. Freedom means also to move freely around all planet, free of borders, free of administration, free of visa or other requirements.

Freedom is the result of God's infinite and eternal love - at home in God all will enjoy eternal freedom. Any restriction of freedom is the result of ego only and needs to be dissolved.

Any - even smallest restriction of God given freedom is always against God. All are free by divine birthright - all will be free when ever they decide to return home. At home in God no single person ever can restrict freedom of anyone as freedom is above human laws.

Divine freedom eternally and infinitely is always above all human laws - anyone to select his freedom and making use of his freedom always benefits form God's help, grace and mercy - provided he achieves his freedom with love and only love.

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Guru - meaning of Guru - definition of Guru

Spiritual Encyclopedia: Meaning of Guru - define Guru

Guru describes a spiritual teacher or master. A Guru has the power and wisdom to dissolve spiritual ignorance in a disciple. A true Guru has attained a extreme high degree of spiritual development before acting as a Guru. A traditional Guru has achieved God-realization before starting to teach. Exceptions are, when a Guru starts to teach while his Guru has still a physical body and spiritually supervises and guides him. In this case he often refers to his Guru when teaching to his disciples. A fully realized Guru having attained God-Union during the present incarnation has no need to refer to anyone else but God, as God is his true Guru and supervisor during his activities while teaching. He acts on behalf of God, never on behave of his personality.

Relationship Guru - disciple

The relationship between a Guru and his Chela is an Divine Love-romance lasting many incarnations. A Guru incarnating is looking for his previous Chelas to guide them home to God. His Love for his Chelas is infinite and during the course of his incarnation and by the end of his incarnation he is dissolving most or all of the Karma of his advanced Chelas. A Guru once selected is remaining the Guru for a particular Chela until his Chela has reached God-Realization and God-Union himself. But even after such freedom this love-affair continuous eternally. It is a true friendship that evolved during thousands or millions of years and last forever.

Selecting a Guru from the point of view of a God-seeker is a very delicate matter. A God-seeker must be willing to fully trust and follow any advise of his Guru. At the same time he is still required to use common sense and good judgment. He must learn to follow his guru's advice while learning at the same time to become free of any attachment and make wise use of his intuition and mind. The path to God may be long and "rocky" as it may appear sometimes to be hard work to dissolve all the ego of a new spiritual disciple. It usually is much easier to gain a victory over another country than it is to be victorious over his own ego. A Guru will know and realize all your problems and tricky behaviors you may have and help you to overcome your own ego on the most loving and most peaceful path suitable for you.

A Guru however may refuse to accept a particular God-seeker for spiritual reasons. He knows the Karma and spiritual blockages of a potential disciple and knows how serious a God-seeker is striving for his Divine home in God.

From the point of view of a spiritual disciple, the Guru of his Guru is called Paramguru.

Definition of the work of a Guru

A Guru teaches how to find the way home to God. Therefor he must have gone this path to truly know it before he can teach others how to achieve God-Union.

While some Gurus prefer to teach in one single spiritual tradition, a God-realized Guru actually can teach any spiritual tradition leading directly to God. He may prefer to teach individually each disciple on a path particularly suitable for an individual, taking into account all the spiritual experiences of a disciple from previous incarnations as well as taking into account the present spiritual blockages prevailing within a disciple.

A Guru in some spiritual traditions may be called master or teacher. The word Guru however is more precise as it traditionally refers to someone leading others to God and being able to act as a facilitator on this way. He is transferring his enlightenment to his Chelas, which in turn may feel it much easier to meditate or spiritually progress in the presence of their Guru.

Having a physical Guru is a very old tradition in many Asian countries and spiritual traditions, particularly in India. It certainly is of great benefit to each God-seeker to have a physical Guru, as it saves lot's of time and efforts, if you exactly follow his advice. In addition the Divine Love between a Guru and his Chela dissolves most of the Karma even during the learning process and makes spiritual progress much easier and faster than going your way home on your own.

However it is possible for any advanced Chela to realize the spiritual guidance of his beloved Guru. Hence the physical presence becomes obsolete. A true Guru can guide all of his disciples without being physically present. A Guru never dies, as he becomes one with God after his incarnation, all the Divine Bliss he receives from God is forwarded to his serious disciples until they have reached freedom in God themselves.

How do you recognize your Guru ? You may feel some emotional turmoil within or just fall in love with your Guru, as Love is the only energy he is radiating in his aura toward you at any time. You may feel the extraordinary energy-flow between you and your Guru when approaching him the first time. A true Guru never charges any money or material fees for his services rendered to you or others, as he receives his revenues from God. Gurus usually may accept donations because this may be the only income they have on earth as a Guru rarely follows a traditional work on earth to gain money. There are however some highly advanced Gurus who were leading a regular life including a full time job, besides teaching Chelas. Lahiri Mahasaya is one such example, working in daytime and teaching his Chelas in nighttime. He was teaching Kriya Yoga but at the same time guiding his disciples into any particular spiritual tradition beneficial and suitable for his Chelas such as Bhakti

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Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga and other traditions. Being one with God results being aware of all paths leading to God.

A Guru always is God realized

Without full oneness with God a person never qualifies for the spiritual function and work of Guru

The picture on the above shows Lahiri Mahasaya teaching many advanced souls and disciples from all religions and all Indian casts during his last incarnation, which he ended in Maha Samadhi 1895 in India. Many of his disciples were reaching God-realization during his physical incarnation. One of his main task was to refresh the ancient tradition of Kriya Yoga.

But no matter how much you love your Guru, always keep in mind that he is acting on behalf of God, and his only "job" is to guide you to God on the smoothest and most suitable path.

Always pray to God or ask your Guru to pray in your behalf to God. Never pray to your Guru, no matter how sacred he may be.

God is the only being you ever should pray to.

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Spiritual Encyclopedia: Meaning and definition of reincarnation

● Reincarnation is the repeated cycle of incarnation or rebirth and a new physical body. ● Incarnation is the present life in your present body.

Reason for reincarnation

Reincarnation is the cycle of death and rebirth after a while in spiritual spheres into a new physical body. Such a rebirth is called reincarnation. The soul - the true self - remains the same, while the "vehicle" of the soul to make the needed learning experience changes. Death means nothing else but the loss of ONE vehicle the soul was using during its many reincarnations in a physical body. Incarnation in a physical body is needed to go through certain spiritual lessons a soul may need on a particular planet. Reincarnations are controlled by the law of Karma. The family, time, place, social society and culture where a reincarnation takes place is decided by the individual Karma of a soul. It finally is a free choice of that soul because it may be necessary to become a free soul. However sometimes reincarnation is dependent on desires, fears and attachment only and rebirth or reincarnation takes places in accordance with these factors as a result of spiritual ignorance. Most of the time a reincarnation is caused by ignorance of spiritual truth and by Karma. All lessons to be learned could also be learned much easier and in a more loving atmosphere in spiritual universes. There are but a few lessons, like conducting war, abuse of might, violence of any kind including mental violence by thoughts that may require a physical incarnation because here on the physical plane the damage is relative to the physical plane and least compared to a possible damage in astral or causal spheres.

When death occurs, the soul - also called Atman - including all other bodies of lights, i.e. astral body, causal body is leaving the physical body and withdraws all connection to it. A human without physical body has the same consciousness and awareness as before in his physical body. In fact the consciousness normally is clearer and the perception of his surrounding is more accurate with the use of all metaphysical senses than in is previous physical body.

End of an incarnation by death

Death is the result of all Karma or attachment being expired. This desirable condition frees the soul to continue spiritual growth on a higher dimension of the Divine creation or even allows the soul to return to God. If a soul riches the latter state, it is called God-realization or God-union. Saints are sometimes capable of achieving this state of God-realization and God-union while still having a physical body. This usually is done during deep and highly advanced meditation. This level of meditation is called Nirbikalpa Samadhi, sometimes also written Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Once God-union is reached, there is no more need for a new reincarnation, however Saints sometimes do reincarnate voluntary to help mankind on a particular planet to find their way home to God or to disperse and dissolve the spiritual ignorance of a culture if needed for the spiritual benefit of mankind. Such a soul is called Avatar and an Avatar may act as a Guru while on earth or he may act in disguise to fulfill a certain spiritual task, to help to fulfill God's Divine plan or to prepare a planet or culture for the reincarnation of another Avatar.

How is this possible you may ask. First of all a human is a being of conscious light and is using a physical body only to go through experiences on a physical planet. The identification with his physical body leading to fear of death as most humans on this planet have, is caused only by spiritual ignorance in some cultures. The truth is that any human being and of course animals and plants have a consciousness that is free of the physical body. The consciousness is using the physical senses while being in a physical body, is using the sense organs of the astral body while being in the astral world and is using his causal senses while being in the causal worlds. It is like a good driver who may use a 4-wheel vehicle while driving off-road, a racing car while driving on highways and drive a truck for farming. A soul can change the vehicle it uses to adapt to the needs of spiritual development of the consciousness of mankind.

Continuity of consciousness during the entire cycle of reincarnation

Human consciousness is potentially the same independent of his dimension of manifestation. Since the vibration in spiritual spheres is much higher, the senses and mind of mankind works much faster and smoother than in a physical body. Life beyond the physical plane is much easier, more enjoyable, Love is becoming more important the higher the dimensions, the higher the vibrations of the spheres.

The state of awareness and consciousness during different phases of reincarnation cycles

An easy to understand example may be ice - water - vapor. It always is the same - chemically. But its state is changing. Ice may be compared to a physical body of a human, the state of liquid water to that of the astral body and vapor - the gaseous form of the original water may be compared to the causal of mankind. Vapor while invisible to humans, is still the same and has the same potential qualities as before in the state of ice. So does a human soul even without any form and shape have the same consciousness and awareness as before plus all the experiences from any previous incarnations that shall become part of the conscious mind. In addition the clarity of communication

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with the Divine gives a soul, freed of any body, the wisdom and knowledge of God-consciousness in the advanced state of spiritual development of a soul.

The end of an incarnation or the reincarnation cycle

A human in his advanced level of spiritual development may fully dematerialize his physical body by increasing his vibration including the vibration of his physical body until it riches the next higher level of manifestation in God's Divine creation. An incarnation may be ended by either dematerializing his physical body or dropping his physical body at will during Maha Samadhi, or by losing his physical body during death as it happens for the majority of mankind at this time on this planet.

The goal is to end the cycle of reincarnation

It is the spiritual goal of each soul to leave the cycle of reincarnation and become free souls beyond the physical, astral and causal universes of the Divine creation. The physical, astral and causal universes are but "spiritual school houses" for spiritual development and making some very basic experiences necessary to become God-realized and free souls for the remainder of eternity.

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Kriya Yoga

Spiritual Encyclopedia: Spiritual definition and meaning of Kriya Yoga

Two old traditional words combined:

Kriya in Sanskrit means action, deed, effort and includes personal work and spiritual efforts. True spiritual efforts always are efforts of selfless love.

Yoga to join, to unite, thus to reunite mankind with God.

Kriya Yoga as a combined word thus means to act with love and work in a loving way until all our karma is dissolved and we are reunited with God. The purpose of Kriya Yoga is to free souls entangled on earth by the power of divine love and to reunite souls with God. We human beings are spiritual souls trapped in our karma related body on our planet earth.

What kind of work or effort does Kriya mean and why? Here on earth mankind is far from our origin, our home in God. Mankind "fell" down step by step to this planet of dense material world as a result of our self-created karma. Karma resulting in:

● Attachment to belongings and property● Hatred● War● Revenge and retaliation● Punishment● Greed● Stinginess● Betrayal● Abuse of others● Abuse of own powers or positions for personal gain and profit or to manipulate others● Exploitation of others● ... and other variations of selfish ego-manifestation.

Our past actions have caused karma resulting in pain to others includes pain to all creation, nature, environment and God.

If you have the power to create troubles and pain to others, you also have the potential power to reverse past actions by starting actions of love, work with love until all past negative karma is dissolved in love. Miners buried under tons of rock and gravel have the choice to die, to hope for rescue and wait, to work toward freedom or to hope for rescue but at the same time work toward rescuer.

If we contribute our own and fullest possible efforts toward freedom in God, then we learn the potential results and danger of creating karma and learn to avoid future karma. Hence without our own conscious efforts toward union with God there can be no union with God. Union with God requires readiness to love and to solve all past and future situations by sole means and power of love only!

Kriya = Positive action and intense loving efforts to free ourselves

Hence if we got ourselves into troubles by means of our own efforts, we also have the power to free ourselves. Positive action = Kriya, is needed to get ourselves out of self-created troubles and messy life on earth. What kind of action got us here? Negative actions, selfish actions, painful actions, abusing others, cheating others, betraying others, etc.

What kind of actions can dissolve all past negative actions? Positive actions, clean up actions, inner and outer purification. Hate, selfishness and the like only can be healed by love and never by other violent or negative actions. Thus actions of love only have the power to free us and to reunite us with God. The actions of love = Kriya, needed to clean up our self created mess on earth include:

1. Sharing all with all2. Helping all3. Being useful to all others4. Healing others5. Giving freedom to others6. Protecting freedom of others7. Creating happiness and satisfaction in others8. To care for others and to care about the holistic wellbeing and happiness of others9. Healing "broken hearts"

10. Forgiving all others - to fully pardon all in all situations11. Asking for forgiveness and pardon from others for our own past12. Protecting God's creation, environment and all nature13. Acting as one family on earth - a family without color, without race, without borders of any

kind14. Being honest and sincere in all situations to all15. Treating all like family members of our own family16. Striving for the happiness and wellbeing of all others above all other goals

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17. Include God in all our lives and in all situations of life18. Be loyal and true to God and to our own God-made innermost divine nature19. To honor God's law of love above all other laws made by mankind

The ancient spiritual tradition of Kriya Yoga technique is a fundamental part of the teachings of love given by God to all mankind. The Kriya Yoga technique is a scientific creation of God. Kriya Yoga is precise applied love inside and outside. Applied love inside means to clean up our emotions, to heal our mind, to heal our wounds and broken heart. To heal painful memories from past. Thus the sacred teachings of Kriya Yoga follows the precise knowledge about our human body, mind and soul and includes our holistic being as spiritual beings inside a physical body. God as the origin of all creation also is the origin of all healing love. Thus Kriya Yoga proper includes God's love as primary "ingredient". Just exactly as you would apply a number of different specialized cleaning agents in a dirty household, you apply God's love at precise "locations" inside our human body, mind and soul.

The commonly known technique of Kriya Yoga has been known to a large number of cultures during the past several thousands of years on this very planet under different names. While from a purely technical point of view these various "techniques" may vary or emphasize on different main aspects depending on a particular problem within an individual culture, the key point of all such teachings of Kriya-Actions / Yoga-Union with God always focused on loving actions and God as the supreme source of all spiritual energy to succeed on our path of love to reunite with God.

Without our true opening for God can be no Kriya and without our love for all can be no Yoga. To clean up our inside we need love from God. To reunite with God we need to love all his children and his entire creation. Our true love for all others is reflected in our profession, in our daily work. The teachings of love include all aspects of cleaning efforts inside and outside to achieve oneness with God.

A complete initiation to the holy science of Kriya Yoga is given as a gift from God. Such a sacred gift of love always includes the complete teachings of love and all spiritual laws as well as meditation techniques needed to succeed on your own path of love home.

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Kutashta Kutashta is the location of spiritual center of soul within

physical body

Spiritual Encyclopedia: Anatomical location of kutashta

In deep meditation when arriving in nirbikalpa samadhi - all your awareness will be one in kutashta - the center of the soul within the human physical body. Focusing all your mind into kutashta during meditation helps to fully withdraw all lifeforce from distracting senses and direct your complete awareness toward God.

Concentrate on kutashta - the spiritual center of your soul in you physical body - as shown in the following graphic:

When 100% of your lifeforce is withdrawn from your physical body, astral body and causal body into kutashta - then a condition called nirbikalpa samadhi occurs. As proof of proper nirbikalpa samadhi we have complete cessation of breathing followed by a full stop of heart activity. To achieve complete withdrawal of all lifeforce into kutashta - all karma, attachments and fears first need to be dissolved in divine love - the holy science of Kriya Yoga is the complete set of method and techniques to achieve such divine goal on the path of love.

When all lifeforce is withdrawn in full to kutashta - the journey to oneness with God begins using the holy mantram God is Love.

An excellent method to focus on kutashta is the prayer of love

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Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition of maha

Maha means great - and in all spiritual literature it is used in terms of spiritually great, spiritually advanced and it is used in conjunction with other words - never on its own.

Some most common use is in combination with:

● Avatar - Mahavatar● Samadhi - Maha Samadhi● Mudra - Maha mudra

When the following word starts with a letter "a" as well, then only one single "a" is written and the other one omitted. Such as in above example of Mahavatar ( maha + avatar = mahavatar ).

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Maha Samadhi

Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition and meaning of Maha Samadhi

Maha Samadhi is the final conscious abandoning of physical body. To achieve Maha Samadhi all karma needs to be completely dissolved - requiring that that individual has at least achieved self realization or soul realization before being able to realize Maha Samadhi.

All - even smallest pieces of attachment or karma are surrendered to God and dissolved in divine love to merge with an ocean of love and be uplifted into worlds beyond karma or become one with God.

God is Love

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Nirvikalpa Samadhi

Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition of Nirbikalpa Samadhi

Nirvikalpa Samadhi is sometimes spelled Nirbikalpa Samadhi

Nirvikalpa Samadhi is achieved through the advanced and prolonged practice of Kriya Yoga and is the state of oneness with atman - the self or soul.

through the complete practice of Kriya Yoga and relevant teachings - all attachments to material world and all karma is dissolved. then in an advanced session of Kriya Yoga all awareness is withdrawn step by step from physical body, astral body, causal body until self realization or oneness with soul is achieved.

During the progress of above steps - breathing ceases, heart activity stops completely. Aware and fully conscious oneness with soul is then achieved in a most loving way and all cells of physical body are flooded with an ocean of divine love and divine bliss for any period of duration - hours, days, weeks until kriya yogi is shifting his awareness from soul back to physical body.

Nirvikalpa Samadhi is the preparatory step of Maha Samadhi and serves as extreme uplifting of all body vibration and leads to complete healing of karmic wounds to open doors to God and divine love for further progress on your way to God.

Once you reach Nirbikalpa Samadhi, you need to go directly into next level of Samadhi to achieve oneness with God = Maha Samadhi. God is Love - used as Mantram is the key to that final step!

God is Love

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Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition of pranayama and meaning and purpose of pranayama

Pranayama is the combination of the Sanskrit words prana = lifeforce and ayama = control or mastering.

Hence pranayama is the art of mastering lifeforce within your being and body. Since a human being has many different levels and different natures / aspects of prana - we know many different pranayama techniques. knowledge of pranayama may lead to mastering of lifeforce to control and guide the flow of prana into particular nadis - *channels* to achieve particular goals or actions. Mastering pranayama leads to "siddhis" = divine powers. The truly loving one will receive all siddhis at the right time for free from God as a gift of love.

We may safely compare this to electrical energy. Knowledge of electrical energy in combination with all relevant physical laws gives us the ability to make radio transceivers and cellphones, music amplifiers, electric fans, refrigerators, heaters, solar energy driven cars or satellites and electric chairs to kill people as well ...

Knowledge of pranayama has the same scope of potential but infinitely larger than simple electric energy !!!

Hence we immediately recognize why knowledge about ALL pranayamas for mortal human beings on earth remains an eternal secret to be given by God ONLY after developing divine love above all and in all situations.

Kriya Pranayama the first pranayama to learn and master before any other pranayama

For all humans on earth the first and only safe pranayama to learn, to know and to practice is Kriya Pranayama. A brief introduction of Kriya Pranayama is given in the chapter "The metaphysical physiology of Kriya Pranayama" and the full practice of Kriya Pranayama is explained in very detail including all prerequisites to successfully achieve mastering in this divine pranayama in the diksha section to the holy science of Kriya Yoga.

Kriya Pranayama is the absolutely ONLY pranayama needed to achieve ONENESS with God. All other pranayamas serve other purposes and are of highly dangerous and distractive nature to mortals who sincerely want to achieve oneness with God and thus God realization.

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Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition of soulmates - spiritual meaning of soul mates

The true innermost spiritual meaning of what people on earth call soulmate is the one eternal partner made and given by God. However humans on earth most of the time fail to recognize their soulmate and feel attracted by partners of previous incarnations or by close relatives from previous incarnations.

Any partner of a loving previous incarnation - specially from incarnations in ancient times before mankind descended to the physical plane - may be very attractive and "magic" when met again and therefore often are wrongly considered soulmates.

The one and only true eternal partner is given by God and remains your eternal partner - no matter who your present partner may be. A divine marriage is made by God and of eternal nature. Such eternal marriage is totally different from any physical marriage.

A soulmate can only be recognized with the help of God when having achieved a high level of spiritual development beyond nirbikalpa samadhi in your physical body or latest after God Union - i.e. after maha samadhi. to find each other again while living in a physical body - both partners need to be very spiritual and free of intense karma or strong attachments.

With divine guidance and when beneficial for creation soulmates can be brought together - however as physical humans have ego - their partnership is only little different from "normal" partnership while here on earth.

True soulmates can easily become one at any given time in their light body. Soulmates also can share one physical body for short periods of time and they are blessed with special gifts to support and maintain their divine relationship for the benefit of creation. such divine gifts include special telepathic communication, knowing at any given time the needs of the partner and being a living medicine for the partner.

Soulmates are protected by the omnipresence of God at any given time and all disputes that ever might arise are dissolved and cleared by God directly, instantly and eternally. reunited soul mates - even in their physical body - are permanently linked with their partner and God in a triangular way and have their eternal roots in God.

All divine details will automatically be revealed to both at the given time. When both are ready and spiritually mature to love all and behave in a divine way here on earth as a result of mutual spiritual progress.

Latest when you have achieved oneness with God you will find your soulmate again in God and remain together for the remainder of eternity. Here on earth ego and karma have separated most soul mates and most are separated since very long time and may remain separated until both find their way back to God. the only safe and guaranteed way to find your soul mate is to spiritually progress and return home to God. Kriya Yoga is the most powerful and also most efficient and most loving method to achieve this goal.

The divine teachings of love will guide you most directly toward finding your eternal soulmate.

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Spiritual Encyclopedia: Definition of "spirituality" and "spiritual"

Spirituality often abused as word - the true and strict definition is a directly God related spiritual being or development of spiritual being. Spiritual is who has developed his true divine being to the point that his spirit is equal to the holy spirit of God. The highest spiritual achievement ever.

Spirituality is the God related science of developing or freeing the God made innermost being - the core of all of us "made to the image of God".

True God related spirituality is achieved by means of scientifically applying spiritual teachings and spiritual techniques that allow ego to vanish in the fire of divine love and ego oriented spirit better called intellect to be replaced by the Holy Spirit. Such true spiritual teachings can only be given by either a Guru or an Avatar as only those having achieved either oneness with God such as every Avatar or a high degree of realized divine spirituality as every true Guru can enlighten and uplift the spirit of others by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Since all mankind is God made - every human has at one time or another the urge to develop the suppressed spirituality again. Spirituality is our true nature and spiritual development is the most direct way to solutions of love and peace in all creation.

All life on earth serves but the one and only purpose of developing our spirituality again to the point of being free of spiritual ignorance, free of selfish or destructive behavioral patterns, free to return to our eternal home in God. True spirituality always leads to freedom in God.

Anything else but God related development never should be called spiritual or spirituality. Many human developments lead in totally different directions - away from God !

The original intentions of religions or churches was ones to support and promote or teach true spirituality among all. This has failed in many religions. The development of true God related spirituality is now again under direct supervision of God and free from any religion or church. While some spiritual groups still may have true spiritual teachings - most have long time ago started ego oriented abuse of teachings. Development of true spirituality is free of any church or religion - God has no religion - God is Holy Spirit !

The ultimate healing of spirit is done when becoming one with God as a result of proper spiritual development. That means true spirituality is achieved after oneness with God - normally after "death" or after Maha Samadhi. Partially a higher true spirituality is achieved during extended or repeated Nirbikalpa Samadhi to prepare for the spiritual teaching work as Guru.