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Page 1: Spelling Lists

1. hiking2. school newspaper3. tae kwon do4. baseball team5. jogging6. martial arts7. after-school activity8. championship9. classmates10. competition11. left brain12. right brain13. personality 14. hot air ballooning 15. ski-driving16. snow17. pull18. award19. school news20. science club21. bulletin board22. team player23. great-grandchildren 24. get married25. cruise ship26. part-time job27. neighborhood28. toad29. healthy30. offspring31. South America32. leaves33. branches34. dangerous35. alligator36. predators37. cupcakes38. riding40. artfair41. performance42. raise money43. T-shirts44. brownies45. stuff46. raffle tickets47. weddings48. community49. homeless

50. advertisement51. layout52. blankets53. trash cans54. path55. sponsor56. together57. silver58. bracelet59. jewelry store60. craft fair61. department store62. clothing store63. flower shop64. earphones65. shape66. camouflage67. worth the money69. expensive70. review71. gift card72. enough73. spicy74. baggy75. livestock76. shells77. paper money78. Thailand80. coins 81. bronze 82. gold83. silver84. island85. weekend 86. sellers87. animations88. blown glass89. gadgets90. windbreaker91. bug repellent92. sunscreen93. sunglasses94. helmet95. water bottle96. kayaking97. peanut butter98. thunder99. peanut butter100. sunburn

101. postcard102. overnight103. igloo104. thousands105. frozen lands106. Amusement Park107. the Himalayas108. fashion trend109. wireless 110. keyboard111. smartphone112. creature113. charity114. sporting goods store115. mall116. powerful117. disappointed118. rope119. snorkeling120. souvenirs121. earrings122. wonderful123. French holidays124. Highways125. boot up126. firefighter127. handheld game128. hands-free ear129. broom130. foot warmer131. iron132. tooth puller133. candle 134. plumbing135. screw136. cloudy137. came out138. rafting139. characters140. bargain141. square142. wonderful143. electronic devices144. bowl145. switch on146. boot up147. spaceships 148. Everybody

149. birthday card150. rooftops151. ladders152. traditions 153. endangered 154. headband155. research

5th gradeName:


Page 2: Spelling Lists

1. glasses2. straight3. blond hair4. curly5. shy6. friendly7. cousin8. twins9. identical10. common11. together12. usually13. drums14. serious15. wavy16. jokes17. walk the dog18. set the table19. stay up late20. do chores21. wash the dishes22. twice a day23. teeth24. every summer25. weddings26. famous27. handsome28. advertisement29. bad habits30. vegetables31. play outside32. go on vacations33. chicken curry34. grilled cheese sandwich35. rice and beans36. noodle soup37. oatmeal38. breakfast39. lemonade40. salty41. sour42. spicy43. sweet44. pepper45. spinach46. carrots47. broccoli

48. beef49. Protein50. Dairy51. dinner52. cold53. coughing54. fever55. sneezing56. stay at home57. sneezing58. allergies59. scrape60. sore throat61. headache62. stomachache63. painkiller64. bandage65. toothache66. take some medicine67. do exercise68. eat healthy food69. potato chips70. take care of71. germs72. sink73. toothbrush74. computer keyboard75. bathtub76. keep the house clean77. bacteria78. protozoa79. sickness80. floor81. stay in bed and rest82. drink tea83. coconut crab84. Angora rabbit85. wild animals86. sharp87. weigh88. intelligent89. sing language90. Bumblebee91. Himalayas92. cut down the trees93. Where

94. Who

95. What96. Which97. endanger 98. domestic animals99. smart100. beautiful101. question mark102. oil lamp103. fresh water104. microwave105. washing machine106. buggy107. electric lights108. entertainment109. slow110. anniversary111. give presents112. make a cake113. sweets114. trash115. kilograms 116. Egyptian tortoise117. friendly118. lizards119. outdoors 120. buggy121. average122. speed123. review124. own125. paragraph126. fireworks127. parades128. midnight129. middle130. cousins131. parents132. Lap Year133. Earth134. glacier135. each other

4th grade



Page 3: Spelling Lists

1. save money2. run my own business3. live abroad4. careful5. hand in6. someone7. field trip8. free time9. embarrassed10. research11. pyramid12. science13. half-hour14. daily15. schedule16. period17. countries18. amazing19. assignments20. suggestions21. farm22. diseases23. photography blog24. achieve25. tournament 26. publish 27. athlete28. climb a mountain29. co-wrote30. on the other hand31. ceremony32. wonderful33. accomplishment34. just kidding35. volunteer36. homeless37. shelter38. bungee jumping39. symphony40. gymnastics41. proud of42. friendship43. without44. environmental problems45. peaceful

46. wrong47.chess player

48. trouble49. guilty50. worried51. upset52. cheat on a test53. fight with a friend53. feel guilty54. be upset with55. tell the truth56. borrow57. reward58. toward59. whisper60. apologize61. chores62. hallway63. Ethics64. character65. respectfully66. hang out67. lazy68. feelings69. diseases70. together71. cartoonist72. anyone73. earning a good salary74. raising a family75. live in another country76. Germany77. college78. awesome79. journalist80. adventurous trip81. music industry82. foreign language83. graduate84. successful85. virtual medicine86. real-life experiences87. inventions88. message89. businessman90. intelligent

91. superpowers 92. building93. travel through time

94. disappears 95. improve96. wind97. invisible98. pick up99. summer vacations100. read minds101. unique102. go back in time103. shoemaker104. China105. smart animals106. climb walls107. flashlight 108. treat109. punishment110. home schooling111. punishment112. walk the dog113. unknown114. flag-raising ceremony115. workshops116. playgrounds117. schoolmates118. Braille119. website120. teenagers121. summer cap122. skills123. magazines124. drawings125. qualities126. behaviour127. Greek128. afterward129. unacceptable130. respectful131. pillow132. proverbs133. handbook134. details135. wallet136. photographs137. blackberries139. newspaper

140. cooked meals141. inches

142. retirement143. view144. spaceships145. environment146. Entertain147. harmoniously148. brain149. invisible150.deadline151. essay152. household chores153. technology154. cloak155. someday156. fold up157. wings158. tie up159. birthday cake160. Meteorite161. hot-air balloons162. democracy 163. playwright164. judge165. knowledge166. myth167. rainfall168. ice-free region169. Meat-Eating Plant170. slippery171. herbivore172. nutrients173. chemical174. legacies175. civilizations

6th gradeName:
