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Tis the Season

Tis the SeasonTo give!

For most of us, this image bring a smile to our faces, fills our minds with happy memories of our childhood, and anticipation of the holiday this year. However for many, these thoughts and feelings do not exist. Whether it be due to poverty, distance between friends and family, or simply neglect, many of the people in our community will not have a present under the tree this year. I would like to share a few ways you can help make someones Christmas a little bit merrier.1

So first, lets check your Christmas spirit. Are you Santas little helper or maybe a little bit like Ebenezer Scrooge?? Im going to think happy thoughts and assume you are Santas little helper like me!2

If you love to shop, then its easy to pick up an extra item to give to your favorite local charity. There are many food pantries around NWA. One of my favorites is the St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at my church. Many of the local churches offer food pantries. If you love the feeling of picking out the perfect gift, there are many gift trees in local businesses, shopping malls, churches, and hospitals. Even if you dont have time to hunt down the perfect gift, there is always a need for warm coats, gloves, scarves and hats during the winter months as well. 3

Does the thought of crowded stores and long checkout lines send chills down your spine? No worries. If you do not like to shop. There are more ways to give during the holidays.4

Cash is the perfect gift! Its the right size, the right color, the right fit. You can donate to your favorite charity in person, by phone, and online. What could be easier?5

Some local charities include Toys for Tots which collects toys for children. Donations can be dropped off at Toys R Us in Fayetteville. If you prefer, there are also Motorcycle rides to raise money and collect toys. This year, its on Saturday Dec 13th at the Harley Davidson store in rogers. The United Way of NWA is offer several opportunities as well. They are collecting gifts for Teen Action and Support Centers Christmas Teen initiative and also for the Women and children who live at Restoration Village. Many of our local employers work with United Way to offer payroll deduction of your donations year round as well. Or for a little holiday cheer, purchase a ticket for the Nutcracker presented by The Northwest Ar Arts Foundation. No time, then just make a donation online to fund scholarships for local youth to learn the Arts. And for those of you who are unable to give from your wallet, give of your time. All of these charities are always looking for volunteers. The last opportunuity Ill offer is as easy as the click of a button Walmart is sponsoring a Food Pantry Holiday Makeover. Whats better than helping those who are already helping our community all year? And its super easy. Go to to cast a vote for the local food pantry at St Vincent De Paul. 6

Just remember to give this holiday season. a gift of time, a gift of money, no matter the size. The gift of prayer, the gift of food, as long as its from the heart. Together, we can add all of our gifts together to make a difference in the lives of those around us. What you may think of as small, can mean the world to another person.7

To give!

Tis the Season

I want to leave you with a quote from Winston Churchill--We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give